What to do if there are whiteflies on indoor plants

Whitefly - everything you need to know

The whitefly is an insect from the aphid family. Causes serious damage to plants by sucking sap. It is not difficult to discover that the whitefly has settled on indoor plants (the photo will simplify the task) by itself and is actively laying eggs. To do this, just touch the infected crop - white small midges will surround it with a dense cloud.

Female whiteflies reproduce by laying eggs away from direct sunlight, preferably on the underside of leaves. The larvae cannot fly, so they spend most of their time motionless, gradually becoming covered with a white coating. Under the influence of the pest, parts of the plant change shape, lose color and fall off over time.

In addition, the insect is a carrier of infections.

The most vulnerable to whitefly are delicate indoor plants:

In indoor conditions, the insect is capable of infecting these plants throughout the year, flying from one to another around the apartment or house.

White midges on geraniums. A whitefly has appeared on the geranium.

About two months ago I noticed white spots on the leaves of the geranium, I thought something was missing, so I fed it. But after a while I noticed white flying midges on the leaves. At first I didn’t think anything of it, it was the first time I’d seen something like this. I read on the Internet that this is a whitefly. And she has already become a real nuisance. There is more and more of it. I followed advice from the Internet, but so far there is no result. Maybe someone has encountered this. I'd be glad for your advice.

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Hacienda.ru → A whitefly appeared on the geranium.

Whitefly at home - reasons for its appearance

To understand how to get rid of whiteflies on indoor flowers, you should study the characteristics of the pests and start with the reasons for their appearance in the house. Understanding what prompted them to settle on flowers will help prevent future infestations.

As a rule, the main reasons for the appearance of dangerous white midges in an apartment are:

  1. Failure to comply with temperature and humidity conditions.
  2. Inability to ventilate the room.
  3. High plant density.
  4. Infection through newly acquired plants.

High plant density provokes the appearance of pests.
The dangerous whitefly, paradoxically, is also very gentle. It dies if the temperature drops below 15 degrees, and its subsequent appearance becomes impossible.

Signs of indoor plant infection

Whitefly infestation is visually detected by the following manifestations:

  • the presence of larvae and laid eggs of the parasite on the underside of the leaves;
  • a swarm of small butterflies that appear if you shake the flower a little;
  • shiny sticky (waxy) coating on the leaves;
  • spots of yellow, gray and black color, which indicate infection by pest eggs, and later by fungi;
  • general deterioration in the appearance of the flora - yellowing of leaves, their curling, poor crop growth, signs of wilting.

If the listed symptoms appear, you should not only immediately isolate the affected plant, but also check the condition of neighboring bushes.

Creating optimal conditions for pest control

When deciding to fight whitefly on indoor flowers, you need to be prepared for the fact that the process will not be quick and simple. Insects can be removed in several stages, observing certain conditions to prepare for the “war”.

They start with quarantine for infected plants. To prevent the spread of the insect, infected plants are separated from healthy ones and placed in a room with the lowest possible temperature.

If we are talking about flowers that are unpretentious to the cold, such as fuchsia, then the most suitable place for it would be a window sill on an open balcony in late autumn or early winter, when the temperature reaches the desired level. A week will be enough for the white butterflies to die completely.

After the mass extermination of the pest by temperatures, the remains of eggs and traces of adult individuals are washed off with water, and the soil in the pot is replaced with new one. Damaged parts of the plant are removed in order to prevent the formation of putrefactive cells.

Below are several ways to combat whiteflies if the freezing method is not suitable for some reason. For greater efficiency and taking into account the latest generation of larvae covered with a wax shell, several methods will need to be combined to achieve results.

Preventing the appearance of whiteflies

Like any living organism, the whitefly prefers comfortable living conditions (high air humidity and temperatures above 10C). Preventive measures to combat whiteflies are aimed at creating conditions under which the pest will die, leave your garden bed, greenhouse, room, or will not be able to reproduce and develop. It should be taken into account that the adult and its larvae die at temperatures close to zero degrees, but the laid eggs feel comfortable at much lower temperatures.

  • Remove fallen leaves and stems in a timely manner - they contain the largest number of insect larvae and eggs;
  • Regularly disinfect the soil under the plant. As a rule, whitefly offspring are found in the upper balls of soil;
  • Monitor the air humidity in the house; do not water the plants before the top layer of soil dries out;
  • Do not allow your pets' plantings to become thicker. Your flowers and ornamental plants should be well ventilated; open the windows from time to time or take them outside;
  • Apply fertilizers in a timely manner, special attention should be paid to a sufficient amount of minerals such as potassium and phosphorus;
  • Disinfect the equipment you use to work with your green spaces, keep your gloves clean;
  • When planting plants of roses, fuchsias, violets and other flowers in tubs, check them for the presence of whitefly larvae and eggs and destroy them if found;
  • For prevention purposes, place whitefly traps. They can be made from colored paper or polycarbonate (preferably yellow or blue) and coated with an adhesive substance; some gardeners use petroleum jelly (Photo). Also, similar traps can be purchased in specialized stores. In their reviews, gardeners and gardeners recommend hanging glue traps Pheromone, Bona Forte, ARGUS.

Physical impact on whiteflies - what does it come down to?

A proven remedy for whiteflies is mechanical traps. With their help, you can get rid of adult individuals capable of flying. You can make a trap with your own hands from scrap materials.

For a simple sample you will need small plywood sheets or sheets of cardboard. They must be painted in a color that attracts insects (white or yellow), lubricated with castor oil and a mixture of honey and rosin. Baits are placed near the insect habitat. For example, if they settled on fuchsia, then the bait is placed right there - on the windowsill.

As an option for a whitefly trap, simple fly tapes, fixed near the infected plants, are also suitable.

Harm from whiteflies

The white-winged borer harms more than 200 plant species. It likes to breed and feed in warm places with high humidity. The pest's favorite habitat is considered to be greenhouses, greenhouses and remote abandoned places in gardens, which receive the least attention.

The whitefly loves to feed on agricultural plants. You can expect it to appear in fields and gardens where potatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, legumes and pumpkins grow. The insect pays special attention to delicate plants, such as flowers of geraniums, orchids and violets.

Chemicals against pests - which ones to choose?

If white midges on geraniums or fuchsias have proliferated so much that traps do not save the situation, it is worth moving on to more radical methods of control - using chemicals.

As mentioned above, a proven remedy against whiteflies is Aktara. It is used to treat the soil of plants infected with insects with accompanying spraying. You can increase the effectiveness of the drug by using it together with Actellik. Following the instructions, Actellik solution is used to spray indoor flowers.

A noticeable effect can be achieved by using Tanrek against the white pest. The result obtained in this case will last for at least three weeks, even at high temperatures.

Fitoverm has also proven itself well as a biological insecticide that is not capable of harming plants or humans. Along with it, benzyl benzoate emulsion, Fury, Mospilan, Intavir, Thiazipir and other drugs can be used.

For those who are going to use the drug Actellik or any of the above, the recommendation of adding shampoo or laundry soap to the solution may seem useful. In this case, the effect of the substances will be longer due to adhesion to the surface of the plants.

Methods and means of controlling whitefly on indoor plants

There are several common ways to combat this insect.


In flower or garden stores you can find many chemicals to combat whiteflies. You can use drugs such as:

  • Aktara is a long-acting drug. Protects plants for up to 5 weeks. This drug destroys not only moths, but also larvae. For the best effect, it is recommended to dilute the contents of the package into 2-3 liters. water and water the plants. The concentrated solution will not harm the plant, but will cope with the pest 100%;
  • Confidor - after watering and spraying with this preparation, the whitefly begins to die within an hour. One treatment is enough. Prepare the solution according to the instructions;
  • Admiral is one of the most effective remedies that affects the nervous system of the pest. Spray the plants with a solution in the proportion of 0.2-0.3 mg per 1 liter. water;
  • Bankol is a contact-intestinal drug. Plants should be sprayed with a solution in a proportion of 0.5 g. drug per 1 liter. water;
  • Actellik is an effective remedy against whiteflies and other insects. It is worth noting that this drug has a second degree of toxicity, as well as an unpleasant odor. 2 ampoules of Actellica are diluted in 2 liters. water. Spray the plants once;
  • Spark – destroys the pest in one treatment. The drug exists in the form of tablets, powder or ampoules. Dilute according to instructions. You can both water and spray the plants;
  • Akarin - affects the intestinal-digestive system of insects. This product should be sprayed directly onto the insects by spraying the plants. Dilute the drug according to the instructions.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies may be less effective, but safer for health.

Causes of whitefly:

Mechanical method

This method involves wiping the leaves of the plant by hand. In this case, special attention should be paid to the reverse side of the sheet. This can be done using cotton swabs, a soft cloth, or a kitchen sponge.

How to fight a pest using traditional methods?

Homemade decoctions and infusions also give a certain effect when you need to get rid of whiteflies on indoor plants. Compared to chemical drugs, such products are considered safer and more affordable. You can prepare the following types of drugs at home to fight with folk remedies:

  • Tincture of yarrow herb (pour boiling water for a day, cool and use for spraying).
  • Tincture of wormwood (dry herb is poured with boiling water for several hours, cooled and the plant is treated).
  • A solution of laundry soap diluted in water for treating infected indoor flowers.
  • A tincture of dandelion roots and leaves for spraying at intervals of several weeks.
  • A tincture of dry citrus peels with a small addition of laundry soap.
  • Garlic tincture for spraying.

All of the above remedies will help if white midges on fuchsia have not yet reached the scale where it is impossible to cope without chemicals.

Whitefly on fuchsia

Harmful butterflies are very fond of delicate fuchsia. To avoid losing the plant, measures should be taken immediately. First of all, you need to take the flower to a cool room where the temperature does not rise above 14-16° . Fuchsia can easily withstand regime changes, unlike heat-loving whiteflies.

To consolidate the result and finally survive the pests, place a trap next to the pot and treat the flower with insecticides.

Whiteflies are flying pests that can cause serious damage to plants. However, they can be dealt with quite well. And the sooner you start the fight, the greater the chances of a good result.

And if you have whiteflies on your indoor plants, the video will tell you how to fight them. Enjoy watching!

Biological methods - what are they?

If actara (you can read how to plant on the packaging) seems too risky, it’s worth trying a biological effect that is more friendly to plant health. For domestic plants, this method of control will be justified only if the flowers are grown in large quantities.

We are talking about the resettlement of a small rider. It is called encarsia and is released into crops at the beginning of the breeding season of the whitefly pest.

This is a predator that pierces the pest larva in order to suck out the lymph and gain vitality.

Packages of ready-made encarsia eggs can be easily purchased at specialized sales points. It is worth remembering that the predator attacks only the greenhouse whitefly and is powerless against tobacco and citrus fruits.

Harm from parasites

Adult insects are dangerous for plants because they serve as carriers of many diseases, including viral ones (leaf curl, chlorosis, jaundice, necrosis, genesis, yellow mosaic).

The greatest damage to plants is caused by the larvae. Insects reproduce very quickly: the female lays eggs, and after 7-10 days the larvae appear. In a month, this pest lays from 150 to 300 eggs. Whitefly larvae are very voracious and feed on plant sap, which can lead to its death. They have four instar periods. The first period of the larva's age is mobile, and in subsequent periods, it digs into the plant and remains motionless until it becomes a moth. During this period, the leaves of the plant may wither, become covered with various spots, curl and fall off.

What kind of midges live in indoor flowers?

Various insects can live in pots with plants. If you understand what pest you are facing, the fight will be more effective.

Black midges

These are sciarids, which are also called fungus gnats. They are very small in size, literally a few millimeters. The body is elongated, gray-black, the wings are transparent.

Adult insects are not at all dangerous. Plants are threatened by eggs that sciarids lay in moist soil.

The hatched larvae are approximately 3–5 mm long. They have a black head and a white body. They feed on organic matter rotting in the ground, but can also gnaw thin young roots of plants.

White midges

They are also called whiteflies or aleurods. Adults are approximately 2–3 mm long. Outwardly, they resemble a moth. They have two pairs of milky white wings covered with a flour-like coating.

Gary Chang

Insects lay light-colored and clearly visible eggs on the underside of leaves. With special pleasure - on the juicy ones. These are found, for example, in fuchsias, primroses, pelargoniums, poinsettias, hibiscus, and abutilons.

Hatched larvae, like adult whiteflies, suck juices from stems and leaves. Damaged areas are deformed, curled, and sticky dew appears on them. If measures are not taken, the plant will die.


These are fruit flies 2–3 mm long. Outwardly, they resemble ordinary flies, only very miniature.

Katja Schulz

Drosophila are not dangerous to the plant. They are more likely to annoy people, as they quickly multiply and scatter around the apartment.

What does a whitefly look like?

The whitefly is a small parasitic insect that survives by feeding on plant sap from punctures in the leaves. The activity of parasites leads to drying out of flowers and even to their death.

More than 200 species of insects are capable of harming various crops, but greenhouse parasites are the most dangerous for ornamental crops. They usually move to indoor flora from vegetables (for example, from dwarf tomatoes).

The insect development cycle takes place in the following stages:

  1. Adults lay ring-shaped eggs on the leaves of domestic plants.
  2. The eggs hatch into larvae that are mobile and secrete a dense substance to protect them from external influences and secure them in their habitat.
  3. The larvae form cocoons in which the organs of future adult insects are laid.
  4. Individuals emerge from cocoons, attach to the leaves of the plant and begin to actively feed.

Important! After emerging from the cocoons, the whiteflies are covered with a waxy coating, which protects the parasites from all drugs and means of influence. That is why it is necessary to repeat treatment with insecticides or folk remedies every 5-7 days.


Externally, the whitefly looks like a small moth with the following characteristics:

  • body length – about 0.9 mm;
  • The body color of an adult is yellow, the wings are white, without spots or inclusions;
  • the head is equipped with thin light yellow antennae.

The larva goes through 4 stages of development, each of which looks different:

  • at the first stage the larva has no wings, the body length is 0.3 mm, there are antennae and legs; after the start of feeding, the body becomes covered with a waxy coating;
  • at the second stage, the parasite acquires small shiny scales, antennae and legs are rudimentary;
  • at the third stage, the larvae are covered with a waxy coating, the bodies are colored green, and red eyes stand out on the front parts of the body;
  • at the final stage, the larva grows to 0.75-0.8 mm, its body swells, and its shape changes.

Peculiarity! At the last stage of development, the larvae are openly located on the underside of the leaf. Here they are clearly visible, as a result of which the infection of the plant becomes obvious.


Of the 200 species of whiteflies that harm ornamental flora:

  • greenhouse (greenhouse) - a heat-loving variety whose usual habitat is greenhouses and houses;
  • cotton (tobacco) - a parasite that actively reproduces in conditions of high heat and humidity;
  • giant - the most dangerous species for ornamental plants; externally, its larvae differ from other varieties by long waxy stripes;
  • citrus - prefers gardenias, hibiscus and ficus among decorative flowers.

The main danger to house flowers is the greenhouse whitefly, which actively reproduces in a favorable (warm and humid) atmosphere.


In the photo you can clearly see the plants on which whiteflies have settled:

  • small punctures of leaf blades in places where parasites sucked out plant sap;
  • yellowish dots on the leaves, gradually increasing in diameter and in number;
  • sooty coating on the back surface of the leaves, on the outer surface there are clutches of eggs (yellowish, small, laid out in circles);
  • a coating of so-called honeydew on the surface - traces of excrement of parasite larvae, which become a breeding ground for fungal infections.

Adult whiteflies are small, but you can see them, especially when the insects gather in swarms. The larvae are noticeable by traces of their vital activity, which remain on the leaves.

How to get rid of black midges using improvised means

Start fighting black midges as soon as possible. And with both adults and larvae.

Carefully inspect the soil in the pot. If there are a lot of larvae in it, do not take risks and simply replant the plant in new soil.

Cluster of black midge larvae

If there are few larvae, treat the soil using one of the methods listed above.

Potassium permangantsovka

Instead of regular water, water the plant 1-2 times with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.


Take a few matches and insert their heads into the ground near the edge of the pot, away from the flower itself.

After the second watering, the matches can be removed: all the sulfur has been washed away from them. If the larvae survive, repeat the procedure.

Repellent scents

Place a piece of orange peel or a clove of garlic on the soil in the pot. Just remember to replace the scent after a couple of days to prevent rotting.

Ways to get rid of midges in flower pots

To choose the most effective ways to get rid of midges in flower pots at home, you need to understand the mechanisms by which pests appear.
Flower soil in pots is used by midges to lay their larvae in it. The larvae feed on the roots, and then midges appear, which are annoying and interfere with enjoying the beauty of the plant. Most often, midges appear in winter and in those plants that are watered excessively. Although, this is not the only reason why these parasites settle on indoor flowers.

  • Overmoistening of the soil. If the water begins to stagnate in the pot, but excess moisture appears. This is the most favorable environment for the development of the described pests.
  • Open windows. Fungus gnats, which fly into the house through open windows, can bring midge larvae into flower pots.
  • Soil untreated from pests. Often, if the decay processes in the soil have not yet completed, and it was used for growing indoor plants, the pest larvae lay their eggs in such a substrate that is suitable in all respects.
  • A colony of aphids on a flower can be settled by ants that feed on honeydew and spread these insects throughout the plants. This often happens in greenhouses, and also when plants are taken out onto the veranda or balcony.
  • With a new plant that had aphids.

On the topic of how to get rid of midges in flower pots at home, reviews can be very different. Many home remedies have proven themselves, and their proper use will ultimately allow you to avoid resorting to strong chemicals.

Important! Traditional methods for getting rid of midges in flower pots at home are safer for the plant itself, humans and pets. In most cases, they help quickly and effectively get rid of midges in flower pots.

  • Water the soil with a weak pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. It is important here that the color of the solution is pale, otherwise it will be possible to burn the root system of the flower.
  • Cut the peel from a ripe and juicy orange and place it in the soil. This is a trap for midges: they will gather for sweet nectar.
  • First, stick four matches into the soil, heads down, then water the soil. You need to periodically check the matches and make sure that the sulfur does not completely leave them. If this happens, the match needs to be replaced. As a rule, within a week this method helps to get rid of not only adult midges, but also their larvae that are in the soil.
  • You can take garlic and cut it lengthwise. Place thin plates throughout the flowerpot. The method is effective, but you should prepare for the fact that the garlic will emit strong aromas.
  • From time to time, water the plant with a weak solution of laundry or baby soap.
  • You can chop a few heads of garlic and add a liter of water to them. Leave for four days, then strain the mixture. You will get a garlic solution, which will need to be sprayed on the plant itself and the soil in the pot.
  • Tree resin sprinkled onto the soil in the pot will also help. This, by the way, is not only a quick way to get rid of midges in flower pots at home, reviews, but also an excellent additional fertilizer.
  • You can hang Velcro near the flower pot. Then adult midges will gather on it.
  • You can also use cockroach chalk to get rid of midges. If you should chop it and then scatter it over the surface of the pot.

It happens that several folk methods have been tried at once, but the annoying midges still do not disappear. Then there is nothing left to do but turn to the means of the modern chemical industry.

  • "Dichlorvos". Many skeptics relate to this poison, but it is a universal remedy for combating various kinds of parasites. There was a time when this product had an unpleasant and pungent odor, but modern analogues have been improved and this drawback has disappeared.
  • "Raptor", "Raid", "Neo".
  • Solutions: “Karbofos”, “Aktara”, “Fitoverm”, “Grom-2” and others.

Important! Before using a purchased drug, you should carefully read the instructions. If solutions are taken for control, they must be diluted in clearly indicated proportions, watered the soil, and then refrain from watering the flower for three days.

These are the basic methods for getting rid of midges in flower pots at home or using chemicals. By the way, there are certain groups of indoor plants that are most vulnerable to midges. We are talking about ficus, begonia, azalea and violet. Although, not a single plant is immune from its soil becoming a source of midges.


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How to get rid of white midges using improvised means

Before starting treatment, inspect the plant. Immediately remove leaves that are heavily damaged and almost completely occupied by insects and their larvae.

If there are not very many insects, eggs and larvae, you can destroy them in the following ways:

Garlic infusion

Grind 2-3 cloves of garlic using a grater or knife. Fill with a liter of water at room temperature. Leave for a day in a dark place, and then strain and spray the plant.

Signs of plant damage by whitefly

It is very easy to spot a plant affected by the pest. Stopping receiving the required amount of nutrients, the plant begins to dry out. It weakens, the leaves begin to curl, and the stem withers. Leaves may also lose their usual color and turn light green or yellow. Larvae live on the underside of the leaf and spread the bacteria in their feces.

The appearance of sooty fungi on the plant further worsens the situation. A plant affected by butterflies becomes covered with a sticky dark coating, which prevents it from receiving enough sun and sprouting new shoots. All this prevents the plant from going through all stages of development, from youth to aging, and leads to loss of yield and early death.

How to get rid of fruit flies using improvised means


Take a plastic glass, deep bowl or jar. Place pieces of any ripe fruit at the bottom or pour in apple cider vinegar, compote or sweet wine. Add a couple of drops of liquid dishwashing detergent.

Cover the top with cling film and make holes in it with a large needle or toothpick.

Place the trap next to the pot in which the fruit flies have settled.

Strong odors

Light an aroma lamp with lemon and lime, patchouli and ylang-ylang oils next to the plants.

And if you are not afraid of the garlic aroma, put one clove in the pot.

Mites are not just a problem for fuchsias and roses. Mites also settle on pelargonium!

Mites sucking juices from plants are very small! They cannot be seen with the naked eye! These are not spider mites, which entangle the plant in such a web that you can’t even see the leaves. These are not red mites that crawl along the trunk of a plant and you can make a movie about their life and migration. These microscopic mites, 0.2-0.5 mm in size, do not detect their presence in any way. But you will see their “work” in all its glory.

Like all ticks, (not blood-sucking) they prefer dry air and heat. With the start of the heating season, our apartments are a real paradise for them! Dry, warm, there is no rain, and air movement is reduced to a minimum.

It is they who, sucking the juices from the leaves, leave behind a picture like after a fungal disease. Dry brown-gray leaf, slow growth and development of the plant. When the mites get to the most tender upper leaves, they turn black, droop, and hang on the stems.

Take a healthy-looking leaf from a diseased plant and look through it into the sunlight. If you see lighter tiny dots on a leaf, there is likely a mite on the plant.

It all starts with yellowish specks, then large discolored and dried out areas grow in this place, the leaves fall off, and the plant dies.

if the tick is not detected and neutralized in time, the picture will look something like this

How to get rid of midges using special means

You can buy them in hardware stores or departments with indoor flowers.

Sticky traps

Take fly tape or a sticky insect trap and place it near the affected plant. It will help get rid of flying individuals. This method is good if there are few insects.


Aerosols from flying insects will help destroy adult individuals that have just appeared on plants. When spraying, pay special attention to shelves, racks and window sills where potted plants stand.

After treatment, carry out wet cleaning.

Mosquito fumigators

Every day, plug the device into an outlet that is located near plants affected by pests. This will repel flying midges.

Systemic insecticides

Treat the plant with an insecticide containing thiamethoxam or imidacloprid. Strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. This will help in the fight against white and black midges, but it will not save you from fruit flies.

Remember: insects can develop immunity to a certain drug. So it is better to alternate insecticides.

How to recognize a whitefly?

Recognizing a whitefly is not at all difficult. This insect looks like a small butterfly, a few millimeters in size. The pest looks like a moth, has elongated white wings that resemble flower petals.

If you notice small butterflies flying near plants in your garden or greenhouse, you should definitely inspect the bushes in the area.

When exploring the area, pay attention to the following signs:

  • is there a flock of moths when shaking the plants;
  • the plants are healthy or their stems begin to dry out and the leaves lag behind in development;
  • are there any white new growths (moth larvae) on the outside of the leaf?
  • whether honeydew (liquid secreted by the whitefly during feeding) has appeared on the leaves of the plants.

Since the butterfly is very tiny in size, many older gardeners do not notice it at first. This insect reproduces quickly and produces up to 15 generations during the year, so the fight against the problem most often begins only when the summer resident notices huge swarms of pests when moving the plant.

The whitefly butterfly is considered a harmful insect

Why do midges appear in flowers?

To avoid the reappearance of insects, try to figure out where they came from.

Improper watering

Constantly waterlogged soil creates ideal conditions for insects. Drosophila can even settle in a swampy pan.

Stagnant air

Pests feel best and actively reproduce in rarely ventilated rooms without ventilation systems.

Uncultivated land

Midges can be brought in along with the soil. Moreover, both store-bought and collected at the dacha or in the forest.

External factors

Midges may well fly into an open window or window and enter an apartment along with bouquets or potted flowers.

Fungus gnats often enter rooms through hoods and ventilation shafts from warm and humid basements.

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