Why are there flies on the balcony?
What to do if the flies on the balcony really bother you
Suddenly appearing flies on the balcony can ruin the existence of any person. Pesky insects may “attack”
winter soup dressing
Winter preparations for soups. Recipes for soups in jars for the winter. Soup dressing for the winter, in jars, without cooking, with cooking, from vegetables, from tomatoes, recipes.
In any season, pre-prepared soup dressing for the winter is like a godsend. She always
Life cycle of the silkworm butterfly
History of domestication Silkworm eggs and their incubation Caterpillars, molting Living in a cocoon Butterfly, clutch
Owl butterfly
Podalirium butterfly insect. Description, features, types and lifestyle of the podalirium butterfly
Description of the cutworm butterfly Types of cutworms and how to distinguish them Winter cutworm Exclamation cutworm Garden moth
Mosquito fumigator
How harmful are fumigators to humans: by poisoning mosquitoes, are we poisoning ourselves?
The mosquito threat exists for a significant part of the year. The only respite is the late autumn and winter seasons.
Mosquito larvae: how do they turn into pupae and what happens next, where does development take place?
Mosquitoes are considered common blood-sucking insects that are known for their annoying squeaks and painful bites. Creatures
order Diptera
Fighting flies and mosquitoes: basic methods and means
02/26/2020 Flies and mosquitoes are very annoying insects that bother everyone. A particularly pressing issue
autumn work on pasik
About assembling a bee nest for the winter, wintering outside, is it necessary to assemble a nest in the winter?
The main task of the beekeeper in the cold season is to ensure that the bees overwinter with
How to remove (make invisible) mosquito bite marks?
Summer is a wonderful time of year, but the mood is darkened by blood-sucking insects. The mosquito lives almost everywhere.
What is the name of a small, unusually slender striped fly? Types of flies. What are blowflies?
People are familiar with flies firsthand. These annoying creatures cause them a lot of inconvenience. IN
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