A cat was bitten by a wasp or a bee: what to do at home

Symptoms of bites

If a bee stings, the animal’s reaction is the same as a person’s. When poison enters the bloodstream, swelling, swelling, redness, pain, burning, and eventually itching appear at the site of the bite. In some cases, symptoms disappear on their own within a few days, without special treatment. In another situation, an urgent visit to a specialist is required. The photo is presented below.

If a cat is bitten by a bee, a severe allergic reaction may occur, which is manifested by a general deterioration in the animal’s well-being.

  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • convulsions;
  • lacrimation;
  • increased salivation;
  • trembling throughout the body;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hard breath;
  • swelling of the larynx.

The allergy appears within the first 20 minutes after a bee stings. But complications may occur the next day. If after first aid the cat’s condition does not improve, you should take the pet to the veterinarian or consult by phone.

Bee sting on cats

Folk remedies for bites

Given the poor infrastructure in many remote areas, the above services and medications may not be available to many owners. Indeed, not every city has a veterinary clinic, and interruptions in the supply of medicines can also be seasonal.

As usual, traditional medicine comes to the rescue in such situations. It must be remembered that this is the most extreme measure when it is not possible to carry out normal treatment, because the effectiveness of the action and the recovery period for the pet will be completely different.

So, the main thing in this matter is to start stopping the bite from the very first minutes. You need to find the swelling/site of the lesion, take a lemon, orange or any other citrus fruit and apply it to the bite site.

Next, an infusion of chamomile or calendula is brewed and compresses are given to the animal throughout the day. This will partially help relieve inflammation. Turmeric powder, which needs to be diluted with water, will help cope with subsequent itching.

Important! Traditional medicine can only help if the animal does not have an allergic reaction.

First aid

What to do if a cat is bitten by a bee, there is a certain mechanism of action. The insect leaves a sting in the pet's body, which continues to secrete, it needs to be removed. If, upon careful examination of the affected area, no bee sting is found, it means that the cat was bitten by a wasp.

  1. The sting should be removed carefully using tweezers. Using nails can damage the structure and leave part of an organ in the body, which is highly undesirable. Surgery will be required to remove it.
  2. Next, you should treat the sore spot with any antiseptic to neutralize the effect of the poison. For these purposes, medications and folk remedies are used.
  3. After disinfection, you need to relieve swelling and reduce pain. In this case, use a cold compress or ice cubes wrapped in a towel. The swelling will finally go away in a few days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times a day.


If there are signs of a severe allergic reaction, before being examined by a specialist, it is allowed to give the cat an antihistamine or activated charcoal to remove toxins.

First aid for a bee sting

Wasp or bee sting: what to do at home

If you are stung by a bee, the first step is to remove the sting. For this purpose, use tweezers or a sterile needle (you can calcinate a regular sewing needle over a fire). The bite site is treated with any antiseptic, and ice is applied to reduce the absorption of the poison into the narrowed blood vessels. Some mothers are interested in how to relieve swelling in a child after a wasp sting. Ice will help reduce its severity.

It is advisable to apply any hormonal ointment locally - hydrocortisone, prednisolone. If the victim is prone to allergies or the sting occurs in a dangerous place (oral cavity, neck, face), he needs to take a tablet of one of the antihistamines - Tavegil, Suprastin. Loratadine and cetirizine are not very suitable due to their rather slow onset effect.

Severe allergies require administration of medications in the form of injections. Most often, this is available only to specialists who administer adrenaline, prednisolone and suprastin intramuscularly, and in critical cases, intravenously. In case of anaphylactic shock, drip infusions of various solutions may be required, without which it is impossible to raise the decreased blood pressure. In addition, the victim is placed on his back, with his legs raised above head level. In case of vomiting and loss of consciousness, the patient is placed on his side.

For angioedema, accompanied by swelling of the larynx, a mini-surgery may be required, which can only be performed by a qualified doctor. In this case, the soft tissues of the neck are cut in a certain place so as to open the lumen of the larynx. A tube is inserted into it through which the victim will breathe. This operation is called cricoconicotomy and sometimes it is the only way to save a person’s life.

A wasp or bee sting is usually not dangerous, however, it always requires attention. No one knows how the human body will react to this type of injury. Therefore, at the slightest sign of trouble in the body, you should immediately call an ambulance and follow all the recommendations of doctors.

Disinfestation products

You can treat the wound if a bee has stung a cat with medical alcohol, ammonia, any alcohol tincture, or hydrogen peroxide.

  • Tincture of valerian, motherwort, and calendula soothes pain and relieves swelling. A small amount is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the sore spot.
  • If there is no alcohol, prepare a paste from soda. Mix kitchen salt and baking soda in equal proportions, dilute with a little water to form a paste. Apply to the skin. Baking soda helps relieve swelling, pain, burning, itching.
  • You can disinfect the wound with juice from orange, lemon, onion, and potato. Another effective remedy is laundry soap or an acidic solution. Table vinegar and citric acid are added to the water. They make lotions, apply a compress, wipe the skin.

In the future, to eliminate swelling, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used - chamomile, mint, lemon balm, calendula. The potion is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. Sore spots need to be treated several times a day. The swelling goes away completely within 3 days.


The cat actively licks the bitten area with its tongue. Not only because the animal is in pain or unpleasant, but to disinfect the wound. Saliva is a natural antiseptic. Wild, stray cats treat themselves. The sting falls out over time without outside help.

Why is a hornet sting so painful?

The hymenoptera insect has two types of “weapons” with which it attacks and destroys the enemy, and also obtains food. On the one hand, this is a sting. The poison released through it, entering the body, causes painful sensations. The degree of pain is directly related to the amount of toxic substance introduced into the body: it is almost 2 times more than when stung by a bee. On the other hand, these are powerful jaws with which the hornet chews its food and grinds it. A person suffers precisely from poisoning. Moreover, unlike a bee, the “big wasp” can use its “weapon” many times.

The characteristics of the bite are complemented by the composition of the venom. Here is histamine, phospholipase A2, proteases, catecholamines, toxic polypeptides, etc. It is the explosive mixture of acetylcholine with histamine that makes the bite painful. The severity of the hornet lesion not only makes the wound itself painful, but also causes an inflammatory process throughout the body.


After a bee sting on a cat's nose or other place on the face, an antihistamine should be given to avoid severe allergies. There is no special cat drug. Experts advise:

  • Prednisolone. At home, give 0.5 tablets. Turn it into powder, dilute it with water, and pour it into the cat’s mouth. If immediate relief of an allergic reaction is required, an injection is given intramuscularly and 0.5 ml of solution is injected.
  • Dexamethasone. More suitable for obvious signs of allergies - vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing. An injection is given with a solution of 0.2 ml.
  • Diazolin. It is recommended if a bee has bitten a kitten, an adult cat, or a cat. Dose – 0.5 tablets at a time. On the first day, an antihistamine is given three times.
  • L-cet. A modern antihistamine is produced in the form of a suspension or tablets. In the first case, give 0.5 teaspoon per day, in the second - ¼ of the tablet.

To save a cat’s life after a bee sting, you can give any antihistamine that is in your home medicine cabinet, but then you should show your pet to a specialist. Carry out further therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian.


If a bee bites a cat on the paw, there is no particular cause for concern. But an animal may have an individual intolerance to bee venom. In this case, the consequences are unpredictable, the paw noticeably swells. To avoid complications, you need to give an antihistamine immediately after discovering a bite.

Can cats have allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings?

Cats stung by bees or wasps can develop severe and life-threatening reactions if they are allergic to the insect venom. This reaction is most often seen in cats that have been stung previously. This is the result of the cat becoming “sensitized” to the bite and the immune system overreacting the second time around. Anaphylaxis is an emergency and can be fatal if your cat does not receive prompt veterinary treatment, which usually includes supplemental oxygen, an IV, and medications such as epinephrine, steroids, and antihistamines.

Cat treatment

The bite goes away completely within a week. Pain and swelling are gradually replaced by itching. There is a risk of secondary infection if the pet begins to scratch the itchy wounds. To avoid suppuration and the development of ulcers, wounds after a bite should be treated daily to reduce itching.

It is allowed to use topical creams and ointments: Zvezdochka balm, Fenistil Gel, Beinval. Or use folk remedies:

  • juice of fresh parsley leaves;
  • leaf of plantain, yarrow;
  • dandelion roots;
  • lemon slice;
  • a piece of raw potato;
  • tansy decoction;
  • aloe juice;
  • chopped onion, garlic;
  • salty water.

Medicines are applied to the skin, lotions and compresses are made. If the situation does not improve within 3 days, you should seek help from a specialist. In most cases, to alleviate the suffering of a pet, it is enough to provide first aid and monitor the cat’s well-being for several days.

Signs of anaphylactic shock

  • weakness, unnatural behavior: the animal is lethargic or overly excited;
  • vomit;
  • mucous membranes are pale or bluish;
  • breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard;
  • the pulse quickens and becomes weak;
  • cramps, involuntary urination.

Anaphylactic shock occurs in one animal in a thousand, but it can cause death. If a cat shows signs of anaphylactic shock after an insect bite, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible. A cat can die within an hour if you don't give it help.

Why do bumblebees bite people?

Bumblebees, compared to bees, are more peaceful in nature and bite only in rare cases, for the purpose of self-defense or to protect an entire colony.

The insect can attack a person in other cases. For example:

  • In the presence of a strong aroma of perfume, the smell of alcohol (fumes), or oxidizing metal.
  • In the case of a predominance of blue clothing, as well as in the case of sudden movements, which clearly provokes aggression of the insect.

Important to remember! The more insect bites, the more dangerous they are for humans, since a high level of toxins in the body can lead to disruptions in the functioning of many organs, including the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the respiratory system. In this case, death is possible as a result of cardiac arrest or paralysis of the respiratory system.

How to prevent bumblebee bites

If bumblebees have settled near a person, then it is better to get rid of them and the sooner the better. To prevent bumblebees from biting, you should take precautions, which include a number of important rules, such as:

  1. It is not advisable to try to catch an insect, and also do not wave your hands or other objects near these insects.
  2. You should not be near a place where bumblebees gather or try to penetrate their nest.
  3. It is better to install mosquito nets in the house.
  4. It is better not to eat sweet food on the street, which immediately attracts bees, wasps and bumblebees.
  5. When on vacation (in nature), you do not need to wear bright clothes, which attract insects, and also do not use perfumes, which have sharp, pronounced aromas.

By following these simple recommendations, you will always be able to avoid the unpleasant consequences of insect bites. In any case, it is important to know what to do if it was not possible to avoid the bite.


Types of bumblebees and their bites

Bumblebees number at least 300 species and represent the bee family. Like bees, bumblebees are social insects and therefore live in colonies. They are engaged in collecting nectar from flowers, actively pollinating plants.

The most common species found on our territory include:

  • Purple bumblebee , also called "carpenter". The body of this insect is black, and the wings have a violet-blue tint. The wingspan reaches 3 cm. The species is non-aggressive, but its bite is quite unpleasant.
  • Stone bumblebees , growing in length to almost 30 mm. The body of the insect is covered with black bristles. It differs in that it has a red belly. They prefer to live in numerous colonies. The bite of this insect can cause an allergic reaction, although it is quite rare.
  • The ground bumblebee , which prefers to live in the ground. To do this, he uses empty mouse holes. They grow up to 27 mm in length. The body of the ground bumblebee is black with yellow bristles, as well as yellow stripes on the chest. Females are somewhat larger in size compared to males, and they are armed with a sting. They bite on rare occasions.
  • Garden bumblebee , which is not large (only 15-23 mm) in size. The abdomen is yellow, and in the middle between the wings there are black bristles. Garden bumblebees live in the hollows of various trees, in rotten stumps, and also in the ground, looking for cracks.

It should also be noted that there are field and urban bumblebees.

Important point! Each bumblebee colony has an average of up to 150 individuals. Discovering a colony is not so easy, since the nest is guarded and carefully camouflaged.

Bumblebee's sting

As mentioned above, the sting is present exclusively in females, as well as in the uterus. Compared to a bee's sting, a bumblebee's sting does not have barbs, so after a bite the sting does not remain in the victim's body.

The design of the sting is such that it has a channel formed inside it, through which, during a bite, the insect injects poison, which consists of fats and proteins, peptides, amino acids, as well as aliphatic compounds.

Interesting to know! Compared to a bee, which dies after being bitten, a bumblebee, having bitten once, is able to bite again, since it does not leave a sting, which means it does not die.

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