Scoter bird. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of the scoter

Many of us are not even aware of the existence of such a duck as the scoter. Sometimes even the hunters don’t know her. Birds live in places where people are not frequent visitors. Even in Aksakov’s notes this breed is not mentioned. This species belongs to the order Lamelidae. And its individuals are considered the largest among ducks.

Many of us are not even aware of the existence of such a duck as the scoter.

Description and features

Of the waterfowl living on the planet, the most numerous is considered to be the duck family. This group of birds is also ancient. And there is indisputable evidence of this fact - the fossil remains of prehistoric ancestors.

Among the earliest finds is, perhaps, the North American one, the approximate age of which is estimated at 50 million years. Modern species, the number of which is about one and a half hundred, are united in forty (and according to some estimates even more) genera. Since ancient times, many of them have been tamed by people and were successfully bred to produce eggs, tasty meat, and soft, high-quality fluff.

But our story is not at all about domestic ones, but about wild representatives of the family, or rather about the rare bird scoter , found in Eurasia, as well as in the northern regions of Africa and the American continent.

From their relatives, ducks, such creatures stand out for their considerable size; They are famous for their special, though with some fishy taste, meat, rich in orange healing fat, and also have good quality, long-lasting fluff.

But all this is nothing compared to the uniqueness of such creatures of nature as representatives of an endangered species of winged fauna. The world population of them numbered, according to estimates ten years ago, no more than 4.5 thousand specimens, but these days it tends to decline.

Hunting for the described birds, in addition to the accidental death of careless individuals in fishermen's nets, became the determining reason for the decrease in their numbers. And therefore, in our country, shooting and catching this type of wild ducks is considered a prohibited activity. And the name of this species of the feathered kingdom has long been inscribed in the pages of the Red Book as endangered and rarely found in nature.

The common scoter reaches a size of up to 58 cm. Large-headed, massively built drakes (males), painted jet black with a subtle bluish tint, weigh about one and a half kilograms. But the “ladies”, that is, the ducks, are somewhat more elegant, and have a mass of three hundred grams less.

The feather outfit of females is dark brown or brown. The head of such birds is decorated with white spots above the beak and in the area of ​​the ears; often similar markings border the eyes. In summer, representatives of both sexes have approximately the same shade of plumage; in other periods, ducks are lighter than black males, while they have dark brown eyes, but in contrast to them, the irises of drakes are light blue.

Due to the mournful tones with which nature spoiled them, such birds received the nickname “sad ducks.” This impression of gloominess is enhanced by the white edging of the eyes, which makes the gaze of such birds seem glassy, ​​icy.

The characteristic features of these creatures are:

  • a noticeable white mark on the wings on both sides, often called a “mirror” and formed due to the snow-white color of the flight feathers;
  • the special structure of the wide beak, which has a pineal-shaped bulge at the base;
  • The limbs are positioned strongly shifted back and practically growing near the tail.

By the color of the legs, among other obvious signs, it is easy to determine the sex of the bird. Females have orange-yellow paws, and their cavaliers have bright red paws, also equipped with well-developed swimming membranes.

The scoter's voice is not very melodic. Such winged creatures mostly produce quacks with squeaks, hoarse or hissing sounds, sometimes reminiscent of the cawing of crows. The drakes seem to sigh for a long time with a clicking accompaniment.

The ducks scream loudly and sharply, mostly while in the air. Such birds nest mainly in northern Europe, where they settle in many of its regions, from Scandinavia to Siberia.

Often, from unfavorable places in cold times, they strive to move somewhere where it is warmer, for example, they winter on the waters of the Caspian, Black and other seas of the continent. These representatives of the fauna live year-round in the mountain lakes of Armenia and Georgia, as well as in some other places.

Male and female auks: main differences

Sexual dimorphism in the plumage of the great auk is not pronounced. Typically, females are smaller in size compared to males, and they also have shorter wings.




The genus of scoters is divided into several species. The birds classified in this group are largely similar in structure and behavior, in general terms corresponding to the description given above, but they differ only in some details of their appearance, as well as in their habitat. Let's look at some of them.

1. The humpbacked scoter, in terms of the color of its plumage, quite fits the description of the common scoter given above. True, in some individuals the feather outfit may have purple or greenish tints. And the white spots on the head often become very “blurry” and spread to the back of the head.

But the most important feature is the large nostrils, which makes the swelling on the nose, which is significant for all scoters, acquire even larger dimensions. That is why this variety is called hook-nosed.

As a rule, the nesting place of these birds is the taiga regions of Russia, and if they go on winter trips in search of warm places, they do not go very far. The Yakut lakes are considered the original homeland of such birds.

2. The spotted scoter is small in size compared to previous species, and such birds weigh on average about a kilogram. The color is similar to the outfit of its relatives described above. But, as the name suggests, the coloring of the nose is very interesting, made up of white areas on a black background with the addition of red, which sometimes creates funny patterns.

Such birds are quite quiet, making quacks and whistling sounds. They live in Alaska, inhabiting coniferous taiga forests, as well as large lakes in the United States and Canada. And their population there is relatively large.

It happens that feathered travelers fly to European countries in winter: to the seas of Norway and Scotland. How they overcome such vast distances, and how they manage to survive during storms and hurricanes in the ocean, is not yet known for certain.

3. The black scoter (singa) in behavior and external features is in many ways similar to an ordinary scoter, but the size is a little smaller (weight about 1300 g), and the color is slightly different, in particular the location and shade of the spots.

Among the distinctive features: a yellow spot in the area of ​​​​the flat wide beak, as well as the absence of a white area on the wings, the so-called “white mirror”. In winter, representatives of both sexes are dark brown with the addition of gray tones in the head area and gray-white in the front part.

By spring, the drakes darken noticeably and dress in black breeding plumage with slightly noticeable white splashes. The bird's tail is pointed and long. The female's beak does not have a characteristic tubercle.

Such birds are found in many regions of Eurasia. In the west, their range begins in Britain, and passing through Russia, stretches to Japan. In the north it goes from Scandinavia south to Morocco.

Where do they live and spend the winter?

The northern expanses are home to loon ducks. This is mainly North Africa and the territory of Eurasia with a cold climate: mountains, tundra, forests, etc. But there should always be bodies of water nearby, large and cold, with rocky shores, and the territory itself should be clean.

During the period when the water freezes, the ducks cannot hunt, and therefore live, so they go in search of another place. Wintering for ducks takes place on the coasts near the Pacific Ocean and on the seas: White, Baltic, Black. Then they like to return to their, so to speak, familiar places.

Lifestyle and habitat

Among the representatives of their family, scoters are rightfully considered the largest ducks in size. But in terms of body weight, they cannot compare with their lazy and well-fed domestic counterparts. Life in the wild made them more mobile, active, and therefore graceful.

Initially, these are residents of the north: the rocky islands of this part of the world, alpine meadows and arctic tundra. The scoter lives near bodies of water, mostly with fresh, but often with salt water. It tends to settle near deep mountain lakes, overgrown with sedge and dense reeds, in small, quiet bays warmed by the sun, as well as in coastal marine areas.

Such birds usually leave their northern nesting sites late, at the beginning of November, or, in extreme cases, at the end of October. They tend to move for the winter to areas with a more comfortable climate and usually fly to the southern coasts later than their neighbors, that is, other representatives of the winged fauna. And they return back around May, when the northern lakes are completely free of ice.

The scoter is a calm creature by nature, but it avoids people and not without reason. Since these birds, like all ducks, are waterfowl, it is natural that they hold and move through the water perfectly, while sticking out their chests, stretching their necks and raising their heads high.

Living in the seas, they are able to move away from the coast to considerable distances. Pursued by predators, they deftly dive and instantly disappear, hiding in the depths, as if falling down. But they cannot be called virtuoso flyers. They rise into the air heavily, slowly, and in normal flights they try to stay low enough.

Turpan - “sad” duck

Turpan is an unusual creature.
The first thing that strikes the eye of someone who sees her for the first time is her “mourning” appearance. Its impressive features are its almost charcoal black plumage , on which the white feathers stand out brightly. The duck also has very large nostrils and a humped beak with a bump.


But the main distinguishing feature, which is why most people nicknamed her the “sad duck ,” are her icy white eyes.
They give the bird a bleak and mournful appearance. However, such external data does not at all affect her character. This is a completely calm and, so to speak, “harmless” feathered individual. The scoter is one of the largest ducks. Males reach a weight of up to one and a half kilograms, and the wingspan reaches 90 cm. Females are smaller in size. They weigh up to 1.2 kg.

If the males of the humpbacked scoter are black in color , then the females have motley-brown plumage, and their beak is slightly longer, without a hump. Their paws, like those of males, are the same orange, only not as bright.

By the way, the scoter has a lot in common with such a species of birds as the loon. Both the scoter and the loon have feet located close to the tail.

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Gallery: duck scoter (25 photos)


The main habitat of scoters is the north of America and Eurasia.
The loon can also be frequently spotted in these areas. The duck mainly settles where there are large bodies of water or on islands where there is very lush and dense vegetation. The bird also feels good in places such as:

  • coniferous forests;
  • forest-tundra;
  • arctic tundra.

But the scoter duck prefers to winter in the warmer environs of Russia, more precisely, on the Black or Caspian Seas. The loon often spends its winters in these same places.

In preparation for a long and cold winter, humpbacked scoters gather in flocks in advance. Most often these are small groups, but often ducks dare to travel long distances and in single pairs . When flying to warm regions, they often make short stops at fresh lakes.

Feeding birds

Due to the fact that the humpbacked scoter mainly lives where there is a lot of water, it mainly feeds on:

  • small fish;
  • shellfish;
  • insect larvae.

However, they do not refuse plant foods, and this is:

  • grain crops;
  • grass;
  • roots;
  • many types of plants.

For the most part, these species of birds love a mixed type of food. Their basic diet is very similar to what loons like to eat.


The scoter duck begins to swim almost from birth, moving perfectly in the water element off the coast in shallow water. Water is not only the most important part of her life, but also her breadwinner. And such birds feed on aquatic plants, small fish, shellfish, as well as small midges and other insects hanging around lakes and bays. And this means that these feathered creatures are able to consume and assimilate both plant and animal, albeit small, food without problems.

Most often, in order to successfully feed on such a bird, it has to dive ten meters under water. But this is not a problem for excellent divers, which are what scoters are. At the same time, they can remain under water for several minutes without any difficulty or harm to the body.

They feel great and move in the underwater elements, rowing their wings and moving their webbed feet. True, there is not always enough food in the chosen place, then in search of it the birds have to wander, dreaming of finding areas rich in food.

Reproduction and lifespan

The nests of such birds can be found not far from bodies of water: on the coasts, near rivers and lakes in thick grass, sometimes among colonies of gulls. In some cases, pairs are formed in late autumn or during winter migrations.

And therefore, birds often return from trips to their native lands, each having their own partner. But sometimes this process stretches until spring. And then, upon arrival at home after a forced seasonal movement, a considerable number of applicants can gather around a female, persistently seeking her favor.

The mating rituals of drakes courting their mates take place on the water. And they consist of flirtations, water dives and unexpected appearances from the depths. All this is accompanied by impatient, loud, inviting exclamations.

Ducks also scream, but only after mating. With these sounds, they make low circles above the ground, and then fly to the nesting sites, where they set up neat round baskets-houses for the chicks, decorating the walls and bottom with their down.

They soon lay a clutch of up to ten creamy white oval eggs. And having fulfilled their duty to nature and protected the nesting areas, the drakes fly away, leaving their friends alone to care for their offspring. And only single males huddle nearby in hopes of finding a mate.

Plucking feathers from themselves throughout the incubation period, which lasts about a month, as a result, the “ladies” take on a very shabby appearance, but soft, comfortable bedding appears in the nests.

In addition to arranging the laying site, the ducks are also busy protecting the occupied area from encroachment. Soon, tiny chicks are born, weighing no more than 60 g. They are covered with gray-brown down, although it is white on the cheeks and tummy.

Not all female ducks of this breed are responsible. Many people leave their cubs forever a few days after birth, no longer wanting to care for them. This is why the mortality rate among chicks is huge.

Trying to survive, they learn to swim and find food in the water from the very first days. But more often than not, babies die from the cold, trying in vain to stay warm, huddled together. But some people are lucky.

They find adoptive mothers, because not all scoters are careless as women. There are those who try not only for themselves, but also for their frivolous friends, and therefore up to hundreds of children of various ages follow them in the hope of receiving parental care.

By the end of warm days, the young animals grow up and soon become mature enough for independent winter flights. Young people cannot hope for help from the older generation.

By this time, parents and guardians have completely forgotten about their existence, and therefore, as a rule, they fly away before the young ones, not wanting to be a burden on the way. And the poor things have to save themselves, because whoever of them does not get to warm, food-rich places will die.

Up to a year old, young drakes have a color almost like that of females, that is, dark brownish, marked by dull white spots at the base of the beak. But everything changes when they grow up and become fully adults.

You can see what these winged creatures look like in the photo of a scoter . If they manage to withstand a difficult struggle for existence with a cruel world and successfully reach adulthood, then such birds can live for about 13 years.

Hunting for scoter

Such representatives of aquatic fauna are largely mysterious and little studied. In the Russian expanses, it is believed that only two species of these birds are found. In addition, representatives of another species, according to some information, wander and find temporary shelter on our territory.

This type of wild duck has been well known to the peoples of the north since ancient times. And ever since then, hunting for scoter has been considered an honorable occupation, and those who reach certain heights in it were declared self-sufficient and successful people.

The season began in those parts around June, when the birds, having returned from overseas countries, settled in their native places. Such birds tend to fly in flocks, moving high above the ground synchronously and amicably, often “talking” to each other.

These creatures are not famous for their intelligence, and hunters of all times sought to use this quality, because given the stupidity and gullibility of such winged klutzes, they are easy to lure. To do this, northern hunters, for example, imitated the bleating of a lamb, which attracted birds.

Some of the birds willingly attach themselves to specially made stuffed scoters , mistaking this artificial craft for their relatives. The carcasses of killed birds in the regions of eternal frost are usually placed directly on the icy surfaces of reservoirs and covered with turf or moss. They become suitable for carrying and storage when they freeze completely.

Nowadays, hunting for these representatives of winged fauna is punishable by law. And such a measure bore fruit, since the population size, although perhaps temporarily, stabilized.

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