How to get rid of ants using folk remedies in the garden - 14 proven methods

Fighting ants is a very troublesome task and requires considerable time and effort. I talked about the behavior of ants and the danger they pose when they settle in a summer cottage in a previous article. In order to get rid of ants, chemical insecticidal preparations (powders, granules, liquid concentrates, gels) are most often used. Yes, it is fast, does not require special knowledge and is effective, but...... it is not always safe. In this material we will look at how to get rid of ants using folk remedies.

How does an insect get into the house?

Ants got into the house: what folk remedies should I use?

Sometimes the pest can appear in completely clean, well-kept apartments, which are located at high altitudes. The problem is that this insect migrates, moving over vast distances in search of food, and the relocation to a new territory occurs quite abruptly. This is justified by the fact that the colony first sends a scout ant, which is extremely difficult to notice.

A human home is an ideal place to create an anthill. Insects are not picky about food and living conditions; all they need is warmth and the presence of at least some food. They especially love sweets and meat.

Most often, ants enter the house in the following ways:

  • Migration. Pests that live with neighbors can easily move into a neighboring apartment or house. This often happens when a new queen appears (formation of a new colony), or when repellents are used.
  • Products and things. This could be garden fruits and vegetables, furniture or even shoes. Having accidentally entered a human home, ants usually stay and build a new “home”.
  • A large amount of garbage, dirty dishes, food crumbs. Food and strong smell attract insects. The effect is enhanced by the presence of cracks, peeling wallpaper and crevices.

House ants prefer to settle on the first floors, but if necessary they can climb higher. It should be borne in mind that not all varieties live in the house on a permanent basis. Many colonies settle near or inside human habitation on a temporary basis.

Sweet baits

Ants have a sweet tooth, especially domestic ones - they are often found near sugar bowls and jam. Taking into account these weaknesses, baits were invented.

First method:

  1. Add 2 tbsp to 200 ml of water. l. sugar or 1 tbsp. l. honey/jam.
  2. Pour the mixture into a shallow vessel and place it on the floor. Insects, wanting to try the “treat”, will simply drown in the liquid.

Second method:

  1. Spread stationery glue on the cardboard.
  2. Place a treat (honey, sugar, sweets, jam) in the center.
  3. Place the trap in an area where many insects gather.

In more frequent cases, ants gather at night, so you need to take into account the fact that the glue dries very quickly, you will have to set a trap every evening.

Varieties of house ants

To determine the degree of threat, it is necessary to consider the most common types of this pest. Despite the fact that they are all social insects and live in large groups, their lifestyle can vary markedly. Among domestic ants, there are several varieties:

  • Pharaonic red ant. It is considered the most common. The length of its body is 2-2.5 mm. The color is most often bright red, but an admixture of brown and yellow is also acceptable. The house ant lives exclusively inside heated rooms, which is justified by their tropical origin. They are the most dangerous pests among domestic ants. Despite the presence of wings on the queen and males, they cannot fly.
  • Thief ant. Usually it settles next to larger brothers, stealing their food, as well as larvae. But this insect is able to replace ants with humans, safely picking up leftover food and garbage. The body length of individuals belonging to this species is only 1.5-2 mm. The color of the shell is predominantly bright yellow. Red or brown insects are less common. These ants are especially fond of rotting wood, in which they most often settle.
  • Turf ant. It stands out as the most harmless of all house ants. This is justified by the fact that he rarely sets up an anthill in a human home. For the same reason, it is easy to get rid of: you just need to seal the cracks and cracks through which the ant enters the house. Their body size is 2-4 mm. The color is dark red or dark brown to black.

It should be noted that domestic ants do not have a developed sting. Their jaws are also too weak to harm humans. Therefore, they do not tend to attack people or animals, unlike many species of wood ants.


There are several types of ants in nature. All of them are parasites and cause harm to humans. Red insects spread diseases. They carry aphids on their backs into the garden.

Does vinegar help in the fight against red ants?

Table, apple cider vinegar and essence help fight red ant invasion. With the addition of soda, the violent reaction of vinegar drives away the insects forever.

Treatment with an oil-vinegar compound protects the garden from the invasion of redheads.

Also, a homemade mosquito repellent with vinegar works well in the summer.

Are these methods suitable for controlling aphids?

Aphids and ants are partners. The ants will disappear, and there will be no one to spread and eat the sticky secretion of the aphids. The aphid will die.

What kills ants faster: vinegar or boiling water

It is more difficult to use boiling water in the house. You may damage the floor covering.

The length of underground communications reaches 3 m. By the time the boiling water reaches the end of the passage, the underground will turn into cold water.

Vinegar works outdoors and indoors. Ants are led astray by the smell. The acidic solution destroys their mother. When interacting with a preservative, you should be extremely careful. If it comes into contact with the skin, the product causes unpleasant consequences, so find out what to do if you are burned by acetic acid.

Video instruction:

Can it be used in a greenhouse?

Boiling water cannot be used in a greenhouse; plant roots will die.

Non-concentrated vinegar will not harm vegetable crops. Processing in a greenhouse, provided the correct proportions are observed, is safe.

Greenhouse proportion table

Vinegar solution for antsWater in litasVinegar ml.Sodaunrefined oilDetergent
Oily - acidic50,52 l
Soda - acidic10,7500 gr
Vinegar essence 70%0,60,2 — 0,3
Apple vinegar1100
Soapy - vinegar1010050

Folk remedies for ants: pros and cons

There are many drugs that can effectively get rid of this pest. However, their use is prohibited in some cases. This is justified by the fact that insecticides include aggressive substances in their composition. It can be extremely difficult to choose a product that is suitable in terms of cost and type of impact. Due to all the difficulties and restrictions, people often prefer folk remedies. They have a list of advantages:

  • just choose the desired consistency of the product, as well as the type of effect;
  • traditional methods are less likely to cause allergies, so they can be used in children's rooms;
  • minimal cash costs;
  • it is possible to accurately determine the substances that are part of the product, replacing them if necessary.

However, traditional methods are less effective. Insecticides can help get rid of ants even without eliminating the cracks and crevices through which insects enter the home. Popular analogues cannot boast of this. Many of them have a strong unpleasant odor, which creates discomfort not only for the pest, but also for humans.

Food products

There are some foods with odors that are absolutely unacceptable to insects. Ants don't like coffee the most. To scare them away, burnt natural grains are used, which are placed randomly around the room.

Other repellent foods:

  • Place orange/grapefruit peels throughout the house;
  • leave lard and smoked sausage in the kitchen;
  • Soak the sawdust in liquid intended for smoking, put it in open containers, and leave it indoors.

The main reason for insects entering a home is the search for food, drink, and warmth. Ants are mainly found in the kitchen, making nests that are inaccessible to humans, for example, behind baseboards.

The first thing to do when fighting is to find an anthill. And for this you need to obtain information about their life activities.

The most effective folk remedies against ants

Traditional methods of fighting ants

Traditional methods of fighting ants most often have a repellent effect, so it is extremely important to accurately determine which odors insects cannot tolerate. Less common are methods that allow you to destroy a colony of insects.


The method is very effective and at the same time completely safe for children and animals. To attract pests, you need to mix yeast with something sweet. Most often, regular sugar or jam is used. For maximum effectiveness, yeast should be kept in warm water.

Ants actively eat such delicacies. At the same time, yeast poses a mortal threat to their body: during digestion, they swell from gastric juice, which leads to the death of the insect.


The method is similar to the previous one, but there is no need to mix cereals with water or sweets. Millet is one of the most favorite foods of ants, but, like yeast, it swells in the stomach.

It is recommended to sprinkle cereal not only near places where ants constantly run, but also directly on the anthill itself. This is justified by the fact that insects are less likely to bring millet grains inside their home, due to which the queen survives and continues to bear numerous offspring.

Essential oil

The aroma of such a product is pleasant to humans, and therefore does not cause discomfort. Despite this, it is recommended to avoid the use of essential oils if there are children under 2 years old in the house. When choosing, you should stick to orange, eucalyptus, fir and juniper oils.

The advantage of the method is that it is possible to use different methods of control. By mixing the oil with water, you can wash the floor with the resulting solution or pour it into an anthill. In addition, this product is also used as a spray.

Strong-smelling herbs

The cheapest method, because plants can be easily collected right on the street. On the other hand, this option is unacceptable for people prone to allergies or children. If you overdo it, the strong smell can cause dizziness, weakness and nausea even in a healthy person. The best methods for eliminating insects are:

  • sagebrush;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • tansy.

The collected branches and leaves must be cut and placed in places where clusters of ants have been noticed. After the grass dries out, it should be replaced with a new one. You can prolong the effect if you occasionally spray the plants with water.


It's best to use whole seasoning. It must be crushed with a mortar, leaving it near cracks, crevices and other possible hiding places. Cloves do not cause as much discomfort in people as wormwood or tansy. However, it also often causes an allergic reaction, so it must be used with caution. If you have pets, it is better to avoid this method, since cloves negatively affect their sense of smell.

Ground black pepper

This option is similar to the method using cloves. Black pepper is less likely to cause allergies and does not emit such a strong odor. It is highly not recommended to use it in a child's room, as there is a high risk of contact with the eyes and nose. The product should not be used if there are pets in the room.

Homemade trap

Stands out as one of the most effective methods. It is also completely safe for children, animals and people prone to allergies. You can easily make a trap yourself in just a few steps:

  1. Choose a suitable surface. Most often, ordinary cardboard is used. Paper and fabrics will not work.
  2. Treat the trap area with glue. Its smell will not repel insects, so they will try to move on the treated surface. The glue should be placed in a layer of approximately 3 mm so that it does not dry out. With a larger amount of glue, ants will avoid it in every possible way, which will reduce its effectiveness.
  3. Place a treat in the center and set a trap where pests are concentrated. Sweet water is most often used. This remedy is most effective at night.

It is necessary to understand that, despite all the advantages of this method, it also has a significant disadvantage. Ants are smart enough to understand that getting to the treat is impossible. Thus, after a relatively short period of time, they will stop responding to the trap.

Garlic or orange peel

This method allows you to quickly repel insects. In the absence of allergic reactions to garlic or orange, the product is completely safe. However, they must be placed in places that are difficult for children and animals to reach. The method requires long-term use to achieve full results.

Garlic must be peeled. Next, it is divided into slices or tinder on a grater. It is also permissible to use solutions based on this vegetable. Orange peels can be added whole. However, they dry out much faster than garlic, so they definitely need to be changed.

Chamomile powder or decoction

Infusions that are sold in pharmacies are suitable. You can also make the product yourself. The method is less effective, but completely safe. The smell of the plant does not cause discomfort in people and animals.

When using powder, treat all corners, cracks and crevices with it. It is recommended to leave the product near the trash can. You can simply wash the floor with a strong decoction or solution.

Boiling water

An extremely effective and completely safe method that is difficult to use. This is justified by the fact that it is the anthill that must be processed. It must be poured with boiling water several times, then destroyed and the procedure repeated.


This plant, standing on the window, protects the house from many pests. Ants are no exception. The fact is that geranium produces an odorous oil that repels insects. It is especially effective in warm and sunny weather.

Natural coffe

It is recommended to hide other food sources as thoroughly as possible, otherwise the ants may ignore such treats. Coffee grounds must be mixed with honey or jam. If caffeine enters the insect's body, it can be fatal. Therefore, the method can be called similar to the method with yeast or millet. However, its efficiency is somewhat lower. The smell of burnt coffee can repel insects.

Baking soda

The anthill must be treated with a thick layer of soda. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 3-7 days. You can also use soda-based solutions. Simply washing the floor will effectively repel house ants. You should be aware that such solutions can leave marks, especially on laminate flooring.


This method cannot be used if you have children or pets. Borax has a detrimental effect on pests. It must be mixed with honey and glycerin. It is advisable to add a little water. In addition, borax can be added to minced meat, which is even more effective. It is important to understand that meat spoils quickly, causing an unpleasant odor. Sometimes borax is mixed with puree and yolk, adding a little sugar. Regardless of the option chosen, respiratory protection must be provided. Otherwise, borax can harm not only ants, but also people.

How dangerous are ants and what harm do they cause to humans?

Some ants bite painfully, but this does not apply to the domestic variety - their tiny jaws are incapable of damaging human skin. But ants brought in from the street or breeding in the garden can cause serious pain and even cause anaphylactic shock.

However, house ants are not at all harmless. They are distributors of pathogenic microbes because they enter the apartment from toilets and clogged rooms. Ants carry food scraps around the house, delivering them to hard-to-reach crevices, where they deteriorate, causing rot and mold to appear.

Ants can cause especially big trouble if one of the family members has allergies - insect waste products are strong allergens.

Ants can bring aphids into garden plots – they are in symbiosis with this insect, licking nutrients from the surface of the aphid’s body. Aphids are a well-known pest of cultivated plants. It sucks juices from leaves, which is why trees and shrubs grow more slowly and produce less fruit. A symptom of the appearance of this pest on plants is curled dry leaves.

Carpenter ants brought from the forest pose a serious threat to dilapidated buildings because they eat wood.


Traditional methods do not allow you to get rid of house ants on a permanent basis. The insects are likely to return when conditions become favorable again. Therefore, after eliminating the ants, preventive measures should be taken:

  • carry out a complete cleaning of all premises;
  • put food in cabinets or the refrigerator (it is better to avoid using bread bins);
  • pack food in containers, plastic bags;
  • The sugar bowl should always be kept closed;
  • Do not leave leftover pet food out overnight.

It is imperative to seal all cracks and cracks through which insects could enter the house. It is necessary to get rid of rotten wood and peeling wallpaper. The ventilation grille should be treated with any repellent.

What to do if the ants don't leave

To prevent the reappearance of red ants, you should maintain order and remove food from the table. Regularly take out the trash and carry out wet cleaning with the addition of ammonia or vinegar.

If after treatment the insects do not go away, or return after some time, it is worth carrying out additional disinfection using various pesticides based on diethyltoluamide and dimethyl phthalate, or calling a disinfection service for professional chemical treatment.

Pepper, ash, mustard powder for garden ants

Using ash is a very useful method, because this substance is a natural fertilizer. The ash solution completely destroys ants and aphids. To carry out prevention, ash is scattered throughout the garden or poured into holes with seedlings.

You need to make an infusion, there are two recipes:

  1. Add 3 kg of ash to 10 liters of water, leave for two days, strain, add 100 g of laundry soap and pour into the anthill.
  2. Pour 150 g of ash into boiling water (500 ml), cook over low heat for about 30–40 minutes. Dilute with water until the volume reaches 5 liters, add 50 g of laundry soap and pour into the anthill.

Ants are afraid of hot pepper; you can use ground red and black pepper. To treat well, it will be enough to sprinkle it on the anthill and paths.

Next option:

  1. Buy a tincture of capsicum in alcohol at a pharmacy.
  2. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:7.
  3. Pour into the nest.

There will be no ants in the garden area if you sprinkle it with mustard powder. If there are a lot of them, you won’t be able to get rid of them with mustard. You need to do the following:

  1. Make a solution: 10 liters of warm water plus 100 g of mustard powder.
  2. Pour into the anthill, and as a supplement, spray nearby plants.

Which method to choose

So which method should you choose? There are different reviews. But most opinions agree on the need for hygiene as a preventive measure. Do not leave dirty dishes or leftover food, wipe the dining table, store food so that insects do not have access to it, place garbage in plastic bags, and do not forget about wet cleaning of the room. Look, the ants won’t come to you at all.

Ants have no place in our home (apartment, cottage, greenhouse, garden, vegetable garden), and their colonies must be decisively disposed of. Choose one of the methods suggested above. And if it doesn’t seem very effective, try something else. Don't forget about prevention. And don’t put off the fight until later: ants, like many other insects, multiply exponentially, and the sooner you start fighting them, the faster you will achieve success. Good luck to you!

Treatment with tar and lime

In frequent cases, lime is used by gardeners to normalize soil acidity (lower pH).
At the same time, the lime composition kills pests. You can pour dry lime into the nest or make a solution by pouring it into the nest. In addition to lime, birch tar and tar soap are used to combat ants, mole crickets, and aphids.


  1. Dilute 100 g of soap in 10 liters of warm water, plus 5 tbsp. l. tar.
  2. Mix the components in equal proportions, add sawdust, pour boiling water to obtain a steamed, not very liquid mass.

Pour the resulting mixtures and place them on ant hills. This procedure should be repeated three to four times.

General information

The ants themselves in the garden are, to a certain extent, beneficial insects. In particular, they destroy beetles and caterpillars in areas. But at the same time, ants bring one big problem to summer residents in the form of aphids. And it, in turn, causes enormous harm to the crop. By multiplying on the stems and leaves of plants, aphids interfere with their normal development. As a result, crops begin to wither and die. Aphids do not appear by themselves. It starts where there are ants. It should be taken into account that a garden plot is a non-residential premises where you can poison insects once, and they will not appear again. In addition to harming plants, ants destroy wooden buildings if they settle inside logs. As a result, significant damage is caused to buildings. An anthill located in the open air can move from a greenhouse to strawberry beds, from a garden to a nearby barn.

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