Can a mouse chew through a suspended ceiling and how to prevent it?

Hearing the grinding of claws above your head, at first it’s hard to believe that it’s mice running around on a brand new stretch ceiling. This version may seem incredible, since it is not clear how the animal could get there. However, rodents are sneaky and crawl into the smallest cracks through the roof from the technical floor. Then they enthusiastically build nests in any empty space and actively reproduce. Let's take a closer look at why rodents are dangerous for decoration and how to quickly get rid of them.

Where did the mice on the ceiling come from?

Who would like it when mice run around on a stretch ceiling?
What to do if at first glance their elimination can be considered impossible. Everything can be solved; there are several methods for safely eliminating rodents. But before we talk about the methods, it’s worth asking where they came from. It is easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a number of measures before installing a stretch ceiling. Mice are small enough animals that they don't need large holes to get anywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to seal all holes at the distance of mounting the canvas using plaster, gypsum, cement. The best solution would be if these materials are mixed with glass, there is a greater chance of protection. You should also firmly seal the hole in the old ceiling where the former chandelier was attached, because mice can easily walk in the cavities of the floor slabs. It is easier to protect an apartment in a brick or panel house from a rodent invasion than, for example, a wooden country house. Wood attracts mice, and in private areas there are many more of these animals. Therefore, to prevent them from penetrating under the ceiling, additional measures should be taken. Use protective material, treat wood with special means, etc.

If preventive measures are not taken, then it is not difficult to answer the question of why mice get under the suspended ceiling. Another thing is what to do when there is a mouse on the suspended ceiling. There is not much time to think, because there is a high probability of them damaging the canvas. There are several basic methods for dealing with mice on the ceiling that actually work in practice.

The fabric has come apart at the seams

What to do when, due to the fault of the manufacturer (poor quality) or the installer (carelessness of the craftsmen), the material bursts at the seam? In this case, nothing can be done; replacement is required. If the warranty has not expired, file a claim with the culprits.

The damage caused by the profile coming off can be repaired. The material is removed, secured in a new way and reinserted in its original place. Due to the heating and elastic properties of the material, it is easily stretched and secured into a baguette.

If the work was performed by professionals, then under no circumstances do it yourself. This will void the warranty and make the problem worse. First, cover the hole with tape to prevent expansion and call a suspended ceiling installation company.

The fabric has come apart at the seam

Why do rodents appear in the house?

The main reason for the appearance of mice in the house is the search for food and a warm place to organize housing. Not only private homes are susceptible to rodent attacks. There are cases when mice start up in an ordinary apartment in a multi-story building. Their appearance usually occurs in the fall, when the first frosts begin. In a person's house there is always something for them to profit from. Mice eat almost everything that is stored in the kitchen: cereals, pasta, fruits and vegetables, nuts. Easily accessible food for rodents is leftover food that is in the trash can. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of pests in the house, it is very important to maintain proper cleanliness. The trash can should be emptied once a day, do not wait until it is full. It must be equipped with a tight-fitting lid. Immediately put leftover food in the refrigerator, do not leave it open on the table. Store cereals in special glass containers with a tight-fitting lid.

What danger do they pose?

A mouse infestation in itself is a nuisance. These are small, dirty, unpleasant creatures that brazenly invade pantries and nightstands for food. Rodents cause harm not only to food, furniture and the integrity of walls, they pose a danger to human health:

  • In some people, products used by mice cause an allergic reaction.
  • Close proximity to pests carries the risk of infection with infectious diseases. Mice are carriers of bacteria and germs.
  • Gray rodents damage wiring and cable communications, resulting in a short circuit in the network.
  • Causative agents of dangerous infections live in the saliva and droppings of pests. With the appearance of mice, fleas enter the room, living in the short fur of basement rodents.
  • Mice spoil food products: they “drill” holes in bags of flour and cereals, eat through packages of pasta, grind seeds, crackers, and bread. Rodents do not disdain vegetables, leaving teeth marks on potatoes, carrots, and cabbage.

After death, the corpses of mice must be removed as quickly as possible, since the cadaverous smell of rodents is toxic to people and can cause severe headaches or poisoning.

When uninvited guests enter residential premises, they damage furniture, books and other products. They make nests in the far corners of pantries, dragging small wardrobe items. Rodents damage shoes, clothes, wallpaper and, among other things, spread a disgusting smell.

Luring rodents out of the ceiling

If one individual gets into the opening, you can get rid of it by luring it out. To do this, you need to find the gap through which it entered the tension structure. As a rule, these are small holes between the circuits and pipes of the heating system. If the mouse gets into the opening from inside the structure, then you need to make the hole yourself. To do this, remove the decorative cap from the chandelier, disconnect the wires and fasteners.

Then the following steps are performed:

  1. You need to find a batten, plinth or other product of suitable length. It is fixed so that one end rests on the floor, and the other is adjacent directly to the hole. The rail should be at an acute angle to the floor.
  2. Place bait on the surface that the mouse cannot refuse. It is best to use soft cheese or cottage cheese for this purpose. These products have a taste and smell that attracts rodents. In addition, they are quite easy to fix on a surface of any material.
  3. Wait until the mouse goes down the guide. You can catch it during the descent or already at the bottom. It is advisable to install a mousetrap next to the rail to complete the luring process in one step.

After this, you must immediately seal the cracks. For this, decorative overlays or transparent silicone are used. It is recommended to first treat the space between the canvas and the floor slab with any disinfestation agent in order to destroy fleas that may have been left behind by the mouse.

Getting rid of a rodent

Holes and crevices through which mice penetrate onto the ceiling

Ways to get rid of a rodent:

  • the loyal method is luring. If a gap through which the mouse penetrates under the covering is found, then in this place you can lean a piece of plinth or board all the way to the floor with an inclination angle of 45 degrees. Place the bait on this board or plinth along its entire length. The mouse will instinctively run down. When the rodent is lured out, the gap should be sealed immediately. It is easier to catch a mouse on the floor. You can place a mousetrap on an inclined board with bait below, which will snap when a rodent gets into it;
  • the disloyal method is the use of poison. You can pour poison onto the canvas through the holes for the lamps. But one serious problem will arise: the mouse can die anywhere, and this will complicate the removal of the rodent from under the canvas;
  • The most common method is to use a mousetrap. You will find different sizes of mousetraps on the market and some of them will fit under the canvas without any difficulty. Place the mousetrap through the holes for the lamps or by removing the chandelier.

All these methods are applicable to get rid of the mouse, but the problem of its appearance remains. This is due to the fact that if one of them found a hole, then the others will be able to do it too. In such a situation, call a specialist to dismantle the ceiling covering.

When the master has completed the work, you need to carefully inspect the ceiling to identify holes and cracks in the ceilings. Fill any defects with cement mixed with glass. This method will ensure that the mouse will not gnaw holes again.

Important! Polyurethane foam should not be used when sealing, since the mouse will deal with it without problems and again there will be a need to catch the rodent. You should not do only partial dismantling of the ceiling surface, since it will be impossible to immediately identify all defects in the floor slab; some of them may be hidden under the canvas

You shouldn’t take risks and hope for chance; it’s better to do everything at once, rather than increase costs by calling specialists again

You should not do only partial dismantling of the ceiling surface, since it will be impossible to immediately identify all the defects of the floor slab; some of them may be hidden under the canvas. You shouldn’t take risks and hope for chance; it’s better to do everything at once, rather than increase costs by repeatedly calling specialists.

Dismantling the canvas and performing a full repair of the concrete floor - protection from mice

Rodents are a real problem for home owners. They ruin everything, and suspended ceilings are no exception. If they are detected, you should immediately take action as described above. And you can’t do without calling specialists in the installation and dismantling of tension fabric.

This video tip will help you get rid of mice and demonstrate how easier it is to do it:

How does a mouse get under a suspended ceiling?

Having found a mouse under a suspended ceiling, you need to understand how it could get there. If you find and seal the gap in a timely manner, then its relatives will no longer be able to penetrate this structure. It is worth remembering that small rodents do not need large loopholes.

When it comes to a private home, the arrival of an animal will not surprise the owners. The mouse may come from the attic, so this is where you should poison and repair holes. If the frame for fastening is wood, then the problem may be due to a gap in the wall.

In modern high-rise buildings, the problem arises due to the old age of the building or when the concrete floor has holes. Then the animal can come either from the basement or from neighbors who are doing repairs or poisoning rodents.

Call the master

If one mouse appears under the ceiling, then a second one may appear - rodents have a loophole into a human house. You can set mousetraps and spread poison every time, but it is easier to solve the problem by dismantling the stretch ceiling.

After the specialist completes the work, it is necessary to inspect the ceiling for the presence of mouse passages.

On a note!

A qualified professional can tell you what to do if a mouse has settled in the house.

Any cracks, even the smallest ones, are carefully sealed. The ventilation hole is covered with a fine grille.

If the suspended ceiling is installed in a wooden house, then you need to check the attic. Often mice make nests there and begin to chew on the wood from which the ceilings are made.

Seamless fabric ceiling

If a small hole is found on such a surface, then we can consider ourselves very lucky. It is not difficult to repair such a hole. To do this, you will have to work a little with a needle, just mend it and then paint it over.

The larger hole is sealed. Take a small piece of similar material and use it as a patch. But what if there is no suitable fabric? It's okay, take a piece that matches the color of the ceiling, because it will still be painted, and glue it to the damaged area.

The fabric can be glued with any glue, but be careful that the patch fits tightly to the fabric. Paint the treated area with a suitable composition. If the work is done correctly, this place will not be noticeable.

Can it chew through?

Among the main characteristics of a stretch ceiling, it is worth noting the following:

  • Applicable to any base surfaces.
  • Doesn't dry out.
  • The formation of cracks on it is impossible.
  • Does not get wet, as it is made of a special material.
  • Subject to repeated installation and dismantling.
  • It does not cause allergies and is not a breeding ground for fungi, thanks to the presence of a special antibacterial impregnation.
  • Very durable, due to the specifics of the material from which it is made.

Despite all the above modern characteristics, mice that run across the ceiling can chew through it. Even the super strength of the material is not a hindrance to them.

Therefore, if a rodent is discovered, you should get rid of it immediately to avoid repeated repairs: replacing the tension fabric.

Can it gnaw

Among the main characteristics of a stretch ceiling, it is worth noting the following:

  • Applicable to any base surfaces.
  • Doesn't dry out.
  • The formation of cracks on it is impossible.
  • Does not get wet, as it is made of a special material.
  • Subject to repeated installation and dismantling.
  • Does not cause allergies and is not a breeding ground for fungi, thanks to the presence of a special antibacterial impregnation.
  • Very durable, which is due to the specifics of the material from which it is made.

Despite all the above modern characteristics, mice that run along the ceiling can chew through it. Even the super strength of the material is not a hindrance to them.

Therefore, if a rodent is discovered, it is worth getting rid of it immediately to avoid repeated repairs: replacing the tension fabric.

How to lure a mouse

If there is a mouse, it is not difficult to deal with it. It is enough to lure her out of hiding. But it will take a little time. There are two ways to quickly do this:

  • hang a bottle with a piece of treat near the chandelier;
  • hang a piece of board at an angle in the same place. Place bait on the board.

The first method is good because the mouse immediately falls into a trap, from which it is difficult to escape. But not every animal agrees to climb into the jar. The second method increases the chance of luring the rodent out, since the board seems safe to the pest, but you will have to catch the animal on the floor.

On a note!

As bait for mice, you should use her favorite foods: sweet fruits, seeds, bread with fragrant oil.

If you install the board to the floor, then at the end of the “mouse path” you can place:

  • mousetrap;
  • trap with glue for mice;
  • live trap

The first two devices are designed to kill the animal. A live trap is a cage trap that will close if a pest runs inside. Then the mouse can be released away from its home.

Mouse in a suspended ceiling

Basic methods of dealing with mice on the ceiling

So, the man decided to find out how to get rid of mice in a suspended ceiling. There are several relatively simple and proven methods for this. It is important to note that some of the traditional methods that are successfully used to control rodents in the house may be ineffective in eliminating the problem in a suspended ceiling. Therefore, you need to differentiate what, how and when to use.

The following methods remain the simplest and most accessible:

  • Mouse poison. On the modern market there is a huge number of different poisons that can be used to get rid of rodents in a suspended ceiling.
  • Mousetraps. It is far from the most universal method in this case due to the specifics of setting traps. If you don't have a solid base on which to place the rodent catcher, it can sometimes not work properly.
  • Sticky traps. One of the simple and effective methods. It is enough to place the appropriate cardboard bases with powerful glue on the ceiling and that’s it. The mice themselves will definitely fall into such a trap. The main advantage remains the ability to catch several pests at once. However, their squeaking can later cause a lot of inconvenience.

The above methods are the simplest and most accessible in the fight against mice on the ceiling. However, their effectiveness may sometimes be insufficient.

What is the difference between a mouse and a rat?

What is the difference between a mouse and a rat?

  • Rats are larger in size, have a longer tail and an elongated muzzle, they are also said to be smarter than mice and are their enemies, i.e. if possible, they can eat mice. Mice are smaller in size and less dangerous to humans than rats. Also, both of these species are omnivores and spread various infections.
  • Rats differ from mice in their larger size, and even larger than rats are hamsters. Rats are also more intelligent, can attack humans, and in general, in my opinion, rats are more unpleasant than mice. Although personally I am afraid of both.
  • A rat differs from a mouse primarily in size. Smarter animals. If mice easily fall into various mousetraps, then you still need to manage to catch a rat (you need to show all your hunting skills). Rats do more damage.
  • According to my observations, a mouse is a small herbivorous rodent, and a rat is an omnivorous predator. In our village, I constantly fought with rats, but I could never destroy them. They simply migrated to another house. Then, when they started getting pestered there, they could come back to me. And I immediately determined that the rats had returned, even without seeing any of them. After the rats left, the mice began to multiply rapidly. But as soon as the rats appeared, they immediately ate all the mice first. I guess this is a delicacy for them.
  • But seriously, rats are much smarter than mice. Like mice, they are social animals, but their society has a more thoughtful structure compared to mice. The domestic rat is a very active and sociable animal. He knows his owners, his nickname, and demands communication with his restless behavior at the sight of his owners.

Use of poisons

If mice are running around on a suspended ceiling, you can get rid of them with chemicals. But you have to be careful. The active substance of the drugs can poison humans and pets.

On a note!

When working with toxic drugs, you should wear gloves, a headscarf and loose clothing. It is advisable to use a respirator to prevent mouse poison from entering the respiratory tract. After the procedure, you must wash your hands and face, and wash your clothes separately from other things.

The most popular drugs:

  • Krysid;
  • Nutcracker;
  • Rat Death;
  • Storm.

The first one quickly kills mice. Use no more than once every two months. The latter are blood anticoagulants. They change the composition of the blood and force the rodent to crawl out into the fresh air.

Poison can be prepared from what is in any kitchen. If you need to get rid of a mouse in a suspended ceiling, then a simple home method will do:

  1. Take 100 g of flour, 150 g of sugar and 100 g of soda.
  2. The ingredients are mixed with a wooden spatula in a plate.
  3. The composition is laid out in the holes under the lamp.

Baking soda causes gas in the mouse, which leads to its death.

Causes of gust

Like any surface, a suspended ceiling is not immune to damage. Despite the fact that the material is durable, cuts to the canvas occur frequently.

If during repairs it is necessary to make a hole for various communications next to the suspended ceiling, any carelessness will lead to damage. When installing the cornice, one careless movement and a puncture occurs. To avoid this, protect the material by placing a soft pad between it and the tool. A rare case is damage from children's toys, but this also happens

Objects with sharp edges and freely flying in space can easily cause a cut or puncture. These could be toys on the remote control. A cork or plastic cork from a champagne bottle hitting the ceiling can damage the surface. Due to poor quality or overstretching of the film, a tear sometimes occurs along the seam. If a profile or harpoon comes loose near a wall due to poor-quality installation, a hole is formed and the material at the edge is torn. A powerful lamp installed on a suspended ceiling can melt the film. To prevent this from happening, maintain a distance of 10 centimeters from the plane to the lighting fixture.

Destruction of rodents with poison

This is a radical way to control pests. If you decide to exterminate a colony of mice using pesticides, then you need to use them throughout the house. Depending on the way they affect the animal’s body, poisons can be instant or delayed. When deciding to use poison, you need to remember that the use of poisons also has side effects. So, a rodent can die in a hard-to-reach place, from where it will be very difficult to remove it. In addition, while moving around the house, poisoned individuals spread the poison to things and products. Pets and children may come into contact with them.

The poison is poured onto a stretched canvas through holes in the lamps

This activity must be carried out in compliance with all possible precautions. Avoid getting poison on furniture, floors and things.

The work must be done wearing a protective bandage, gloves and goggles. After achieving the desired result, the poison must be carefully collected and disposed of so that it does not accidentally enter the room during repairs or replacement of the ceiling.

Preventing rodents from getting behind the covering

If mouse infestations have become a common occurrence, then the ceiling will have to be completely dismantled and find out how they get into the room. In such cases, remove the lamps and stretch fabric and inspect the room - a gap will probably be found in some place.

The hole found is sealed with cement mixed with broken glass. This will guarantee that the pest will no longer be able to penetrate through this passage. Polyurethane foam is not suitable for sealing cracks - the animals will quickly gnaw through the building material.

But as you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it later. Therefore, it is better to take care of the integrity of all seams between the elements of the building even before the initial installation of the stretch ceiling. A fiberglass layer can be laid on the drywall. Mice will not touch this material. Afterwards the finishing can be returned to its place.

There are traditional methods of pest control. If there is a mouse, healers recommend placing dried herbs - elderberry, ratcatcher, mint, wormwood - along the gnawed passages. It is believed that pests cannot tolerate the smell of these plants. Cat hair is also used. But still, it’s not worth the risk. Firstly, dry raw materials can cause a fire. Secondly, poisons would not be needed if herbs were effective.

After the initial or re-installation of the ceiling, baits with mummifying properties can be placed on the film for preventive purposes and periodically updated. It’s even better to resort to the services of companies that provide deratization (pest control).

Ventilation must be covered with metal mesh with a mesh size of 0.5x0.5 mm and a rod diameter of 1 mm. If a private house is made of wood, then this is an additional risk factor. And so that you don’t have to think about what to do to get rid of rodents, before installing suspended or suspended ceilings, the wood is treated with special impregnations. Russian manufacturers offer, for example, the drug “Wood Healer”.

Intervention of small animals into the ceiling space is a common problem, and it is necessary to respond immediately. If you do not remove the mice in time, then, most likely, over time the suspended ceiling will have to be replaced



Application of ultrasonic repeller

There are many mouse repellers on the market. According to customer reviews, not all of them work effectively. To choose a quality product? You should pay attention to the following factors:

  • how far the waves travel;
  • does the ultrasonic rodent repeller change the frequency of operation;
  • how long does it work without recharging (if the device runs on batteries).

The device transmits ultrasound, which affects the nervous system of animals and insects. Pests rush to leave their homes and never return. To achieve the effect, the repeller must work continuously for 2-3 months.


Animals can adapt to ultrasound if it is always at the same frequency. In this case, the device will not prevent mice from getting into the suspended ceiling.

There are devices that also propagate electromagnetic waves. They are more effective because ultrasound does not pass through walls, and only iron is an obstacle to electromagnetic radiation.

Traditional methods of controlling rodents in the ceiling

In addition to universal poisons and ingenious devices, we must not forget the good old “grandmother’s” recipes for fighting mice. They are also suitable for getting rid of rodents from suspended ceilings.

The simplest and most effective are the following:

  • Cat hair. You can get rid of pests if you simply scatter a few pieces of fur in the mouse habitats. They will smell the smell and begin to actively run away.
  • Scented herbs. A controversial method of pest control, however, sometimes showing good results. Mice do not like the smell of mint or wormwood, which can be used to get rid of them.
  • Homemade traps. The least effective method due to the difficulty of installing such structures on the ceiling.

Of course, in order to get rid of a mouse infestation, it is best to combine a variety of methods, rather than focus on just one of them.

How to deal with worms in the kitchen

You already know why moths appear and why they are harmful, it follows that you need to fight them very actively. So, what to do if there are white worms in the kitchen?

  • Physical destruction. Throw away a product that has been attacked by moths immediately! It happens that white worms appear in cereals, which are stored in a special, hermetically sealed jar. This is the case when already contaminated cereal is poured there. The jar should be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Wash the cabinets too, sort out the food, throw away anything suspicious. You need to wash with laundry soap and vinegar - moths do not like these products.
  • Cold. Moths do not like cold. If the infestation reoccurs from time to time, store the most affected foods in the refrigerator. In the cold season, such a place can be a balcony or a cold storage room.
  • Aerosol insecticides are poison for moth worms. A variety of special chemical products will help you easily get rid of worms on the ceiling. They do not have the best effect on the human body, but the “ceiling” stage of moth development is already an epidemic. You can apply it once.
  • Natural components. The safest way for humans to scare away a pest is to place sprigs of fresh or dried herbs with a pungent odor in dangerous places: wormwood, lavender, geranium, mint.

Sticky tapes against flies and food moths "Aeroxon"

Moth repeller. The Raptor brand produces both poison for moth larvae and repellers

They must be used very carefully, especially if there are children in the house. Pheromone traps for butterflies. An effective remedy for adult flying individuals

Worms will not be destroyed by such traps, and the natural cycle will continue. In addition, in such a trap you can collect both the neighbor’s moths and all the butterflies from the street through an open window.

Ultrasonic repellers

Modern technologies make it possible to use ultrasonic repellers to combat rodents. It is worth installing them in problem areas, turning them on for a certain time, and the mice will escape through the holes that came. This will not solve the problem completely, because sooner or later the rodents may return. Work can be carried out on wooden floors after eliminating mice using ultrasound. To do this, above the floors, be it the second floor or the attic, you need to calculate all the holes and seal them.

Repelling mice with emitters

You can drive out rodents forever without using radical measures and dismantling the stretch ceiling using various types of repellers. Today, devices that create ultrasonic, electromagnetic and combined radiation are freely available. The devices generate high-frequency sound and electromagnetic waves, which are completely invisible and harmless to humans and pets. They have a strong irritating effect on mice. This forces the rodents to leave the house as soon as possible.

Services of specialized teams

In cases where it is not possible to get rid of mice on the ceiling using traditional approaches to this problem, you may need the help of specialists.

It is sometimes quite expensive to order a team that will carry out high-quality pest control. However, professionals in their field will be able to ensure that the house is cleaned of rodents and a number of pests (cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas) if they are present in the house.

The key to the success of such teams remains extensive work experience, the use of modern chemicals, knowledge of the habits of mice and how to quickly get rid of them. One way or another, the cost of the services of such teams most often justifies itself.

Preventing mice from appearing on the ceiling

A mouse stuck in a stretch film ceiling brings a lot of trouble and expense, so in order to prevent such a situation, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  • All cracks in walls and ceilings must be sealed immediately upon discovery.
  • Ventilation should be covered with special grilles.
  • If poison is used, it must have a mummifying effect.
  • Before installing the covering, you should immediately seal all the loopholes with cement, plaster, gypsum or any suitable means for these purposes. Particular attention should be paid to the area where the old chandelier is attached, since there the probability of penetration is very high. There may already be animals in the cavity between the plates.
  • On a private site in a wooden house, during construction the material must be impregnated with special protective preparations, since the wood itself is attractive to rodents. The same can be done with the wooden frame parts that are used to secure the structure.

When rodents appear in the space of the hanging frame, you should immediately begin to solve the problem, since they can chew through the coating quite quickly.

In an apartment building, setting a trap or laying poison is enough. If we are talking about a private house, then an inspection of the attic may be required.

In case of multiple infestations of rodents, it is better to dismantle the canvas and then fill the cracks with concrete and glass. This will help quickly and permanently eliminate the problem.


So that you don’t have to rack your brains about how to get rid of a mouse in a suspended ceiling, you should take care of everything before you start stretching the covering:

  • there should be no gaps in the ceiling and walls;
  • the space must be clean and dry;
  • ventilation ducts must be covered with a grille.

In this case, the mouse simply will not be able to gnaw its way to the suspended ceiling.

If you cannot get rid of the rodent using baits and poisons, then you should call a specialist in dismantling the suspended ceiling. Once the professional has removed the canvas, you will need to check the walls and seal any mouse holes.

To prevent mice from starting again

After the mouse is caught, you must carefully seal all possible entry points for mice. Inspect all joints, ceilings and walls for holes, cracks, and crevices.

Important: in this case, it is better not to use ordinary polyurethane foam , since it is not an obstacle for rodents; mice can easily chew through it.

It is best to seal holes with a mixture of glass and cement. Mice will definitely not chew through such material.

Many people neglect to completely dismantle the ceiling, but this is wrong, since with partial dismantling it is difficult to assess the scale of the damage and identify all the holes and cracks. It is better to carry out extensive work right away than to redo it again later: if you leave even one gap, the problem of mice under the ceiling may recur.

To prevent rodents from re-entering your home, carefully maintain home hygiene. Remove trash and do not store leftover food in accessible places. Install appropriate fine mesh grilles over the ventilation openings. Remember that mice not only destroy supplies and cause discomfort, damage furniture and personal belongings: they pose a threat to human health, as they are carriers of various diseases. It is much easier to prevent rodents from appearing in your home than to later look for ways to eliminate them and spend resources on repairing the damage caused.

Why does food moth appear and what does it mean?

Adult moths are small moths measuring 8-10 mm. Most often we encounter moths of gray and brownish-yellow color. It may seem that such a small insect does not pose any particular danger to humans, but this impression is deceptive. The consequences can be the most unpredictable and unpleasant. After an expensive repair, it is very unpleasant to see caterpillars on the ceiling in an apartment. To remove them, you will need to dismantle the ceiling system, followed by thorough cleaning and disinfection of the entire base. This applies to corners, ceilings and frame structures. Ceiling screed is more convenient in this regard, because... has no hidden cavities.

White worms on the ceiling are the result of food moths in the home. It will not be able to start in the house on its own. As a rule, it is brought in along with low-quality food products by the owners themselves. The store or market is full of moth-infested products, which are very difficult to identify. First of all, this applies to porridge, flour and other bulk semi-finished products. According to the rules, they must undergo mandatory fumigation during storage. However, in practice, this condition is often ignored by unscrupulous suppliers and food manufacturers. After packaging, such goods end up on store shelves.

After contaminated products enter the kitchen or other warm room, the above-described process of ripening of eggs and larvae begins. Caterpillars quickly turn into pupae and then into butterflies that can lay new eggs. Worms crawling on the kitchen ceiling are the final stage. Ceilings are very convenient for parasites to live in, because... This is where the air is warmest and most humid. In addition, this surface is the least likely to be cleaned for obvious reasons.

It is on ceilings that the transformation of larvae into pupae most often occurs. The reason why white worms appear on the ceiling is an instinct that makes them crawl along the walls and kitchen furniture. They look for the quietest and most secluded place, finding it on the ceiling base. In this case, the material used to make the ceiling is practically irrelevant. It can be plastic, stretch fabric, wooden lining, various panels.

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