Do mice really like cheese? What to feed pet rodents?
A little history Who knows where this myth originated from. Most likely, the traces lead to the Middle Ages.
Can a chicken lay eggs without a rooster, and where do they come from?
Indeed, can hens lay eggs without a rooster and is it important? But chicken
In fact, moles have eyes, and they are located approximately in the same place as other mammals.
How long does the common mole live, its habitat, appearance of the limbs
Contrary to popular belief that the mole is blind and has no organs of vision, the animal has
what do pet rats eat
What do domestic and wild rats eat? What can and should be eaten, and what can’t rats eat?
According to the latest data from zoologists, rats are second in number only to insects. And some scientists
shrew - appearance of the animal
Common shrew: when the reputation is not deserved
The shrew is a fairly small animal belonging to the shrew family. This insectivore lives almost
Marten animal. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of the marten
Wild animals >> Mammals The marten is a medium-sized predatory mammal with a beautiful body and
Saprotrophs and parasites
Saprotrophs and parasites: description, characteristics and differences
Saprotrophs (ancient Greek σαπρός - “rot” and τροφή - “food”) - organisms that feed on dead remains
Keeping turkeys from scratch to slaughter: the best methods and secrets of organizing a turkey poultry farm on a private farm for beginners
Raising turkey poults at home for beginners Before purchasing young turkeys, you need to familiarize yourself
Leghorn chickens
Leghorn chickens: productivity and maintenance benefits
Leghorn chickens are a highly productive egg-producing breed, the bird was bred in Italy. Today is
House mice: description, types and photos, methods of struggle
Where does the mouse live? The distribution range of mice covers almost all climatic zones, zones and continents
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