Moles - benefits and harm. Reproduction, types, characteristics of moles. Destruction of moles.

No matter what your summer cottage plot is, no matter what you grow on it, and no matter what methods of soil cultivation you prefer, you will obviously not be happy if there are moles on the plot.

After all, moles are not only useful insectivores, which are an integral part of many ecosystems, but also a real death for your crop.

They create entire labyrinths of their passages underground, at the same time spoiling the roots of plants planted on your site, and ugly piles of earth thrown out by moles to the surface can ruin the aesthetics of any lawn. However, not every person who discovers that he has moles in his country house knows how to get rid of them.

Therefore, it is advisable to consider the main ways to combat these animals.

How moles reproduce

Moles give birth once a year, some species 3 times a year. Moles mate underground, after mating they lose interest in the partner, the males return to their nests, and do not care for the cubs after birth. The mating period is 2-3 days.

The female carries the fetus for 40 days, then gives birth. At one time, a female can give birth to 3 to 9 cubs. After birth, she feeds the cubs with milk. After 20-30 days, the cubs become adults, begin to make their own holes and nests, and as they grow older, young moles become pugnacious and begin to occupy new territories. The female reaches sexual maturity in 1 year; there are species in which this process occurs faster.

Altai mole reproduction breeding features

  • Mating occurs from June to early August
  • pregnancy lasts about 270 days, such a long period due to diapause (fertilized egg does not develop)
  • young individuals are born in April-May of the following year
  • litter of 3-6 cubs
  • sexual maturity in the 2nd year of life, females - in the 1st year of life

Animal species

In total, about 40 species of moles are known. Some of them are quite common, others are very rare. They differ in appearance, habitat and behavioral characteristics. Main types:

  • European or ordinary;
  • Japanese shrew;
  • American;
  • Siberian;
  • Caucasian;
  • Ussuri mogera;
  • star-nosed

The first species of animal is found in Europe, which is why it received its name. The common mole grows small: body length - 16 cm, weight - no more than 100 g. The Japanese shrew mammal is even smaller, and it is found on the islands of Shikoku, Tsushima, Honshu and Dogo. On the mole's muzzle there is a long proboscis with hairs that capture air vibrations. In search of food, the shrew can climb bushes and trees.

The American mole lives in Canada and the USA. These are black and gray animals with thick fur. The length of their tail sometimes exceeds the size of their body. The animal swims well and can climb trees. The description of such a mammal is similar to the Japanese shrew; biologists consider them to be related species.

The Siberian or Altai mole resembles the European one. But females are very different from males. The round body of males reaches 20 cm in length, they weigh only 150 g, and females grow smaller. Males are usually black or brown, females are gray. This species has no ears at all, but the nose has turned into an elongated proboscis.

The Caucasian mole's eyes are covered with a film. But it has a more subtle sense of smell than other species. The black, silky coat fades with age. The mole, which is called the Ussuri mogera, looks very interesting. This is a large animal compared to its other relatives: body length - 21 cm, body weight - up to 300 g. This mole has underdeveloped eyes, and it is a rare species, therefore measures have been taken to protect it in the Far East, Korea and China.

The North American star-nosed bat or star-nosed fish is so named because of its unusual nose. This part of the body consists of many tentacles, each of them has olfactory receptors. The animal loves water very much and often lives near bodies of water. He swims well and can dive.

The benefits and harms of moles

Benefits of moles:

  • at one time they planned to use mole skin to make fur products
  • feed on the larvae of pests: chafer beetles, click beetles, mole crickets, etc.
  • save from swampiness
  • improve the aeration process, loosen and mix soil layers

Harm from moles

  • in one day, a mole can dig 10-50 meters of tunnels
  • may disrupt drainage systems
  • molehills reduce pasture productivity
  • destroy the root system of plants
  • spoils the appearance of the lawn covering
  • feeds on earthworms 80 to 150 grams per day
  • can be carriers of tularemia, encephalitis

Features of the life of moles

Life of moles
Naturally, it is easier to defeat your enemy if you collect as much information about him as possible. Therefore, remember some important information regarding these insectivores:

  • Moles do not live alone, but in families (up to five animals can operate within your area);
  • Moles don't have ears
  • They are active both during the day and at night (a slight decline in activity is observed only from noon to four o’clock in the evening);
  • They are very strong and agile;
  • Moles have very poor eyesight, but this is compensated by an excellent sense of smell and hearing;
  • The animals eat a lot, and they feed mainly on large insects, invertebrates, worms and slugs.
  • Molting of moles occurs from spring to autumn.
  • A mole has 33–44 teeth

Idioadaptation in a mole

  • It is a mistake to believe that a mole has no eyes; a mole has eye sockets, but no lens and no retina. (an example of private degeneration) a mole’s “skin” can lie in any direction, this allows it to move both forward and backward along the course without any problems.
  • Digging type paws help to dig faster.
  • Reduced ears do not interfere with movement in the soil

Interesting Facts

Moles are unique and amazing creatures in their own way. But it is not recommended to have an unusual animal at home. Because not every professional can create conditions for a comfortable life.

Many interesting facts are known about moles, however, they are considered an incompletely studied species. This is due to their specific habitat.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Moles, like all underground inhabitants, are very sensitive to vibration. Their behavior can predict disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. In general, everything that is connected with the movement of the earth's layers.
  2. Molehill soil is an excellent source of fertile soil for garden beds. It does not need to be sifted, it is airy and loose.
  3. Some Danish archaeological scientists use moles in excavations. Small and very hardworking creatures push to the surface everything that prevents them from digging a tunnel. Including archaeological finds.
  4. The word "mole" is used to describe secret agents in intelligence organizations. People of this profession, like moles, must have the ability to quietly infiltrate any structure.
  5. Dirt and dust do not stick to mole fur. It is enough for the animal to shake itself off to get rid of small debris.
  6. In the cartoon “Thumbelina,” the old mole took his bride to the storerooms with a large supply of food. In real life, moles are indeed famous for their thriftiness. Their tunnels are used for food storage.
  7. Mole passages lie at shallow depths, but can be from 100 to 200 meters in length, which is several hundred times greater than the size of the animal itself.
  8. There is a bone in the external genitalia of males.
  9. Moles do not hibernate, but since it is very difficult to find food in cold weather, they make impressive reserves.
  10. Contrary to myths and rumors, all moles have eyes. It’s just that in some animals they are located under the skin and are visible only on x-rays. In most cases, the small eyes are hidden behind small slits in the skin or eyelid.
  11. Like all small animals, moles have an increased metabolism. Therefore, animals must eat almost constantly. An adult animal can eat an amount of food equal to its own weight per day.
  12. The animals do not live in captivity and are not tamed. At one time they tried to breed them to obtain soft skins, but the idea quickly failed.
  13. In the USSR, moles were hunted for their skins. Every year the population decreased by several million individuals. Currently, mole hunting is prohibited.
  14. In loose soil, a mole can dig a meter-long tunnel in 3–5 minutes.
  15. According to statistics, moles destroy about 1% of crops worldwide. Basically, they do not eat plants, but their active underground activity leads to damage to roots and death of crops.
  16. A mole's mouth has more teeth than a human's. Depending on the variety, the number of teeth can be from 34 to 44 pieces.
  17. Moles molt 3-4 times a year.
  18. In addition to the main food pantries, each mole has an additional warehouse in case something happens to the main one.
  19. Moles see practically nothing. But animals have very sensitive hearing and a well-developed sense of smell.
  20. Some moles are excellent swimmers and can even swim across a stormy stream. And such a species as the starfish is capable of diving and preying on underwater inhabitants.
  21. On occasion, moles may dine on a small mammal or bird.
  22. Moles' fur grows straight up without tilting. But each hair has a constriction in the central part, this allows it to bend in different directions.

How moles winter

The mole does not hibernate in winter; it spends the winter in the same area as the summer. Sometimes the crown makes forays into the leaves under the snow cover, this allows it to feed on insects that overwinter in the thickness of the leaves. For the winter, the mole stores insects on which it feeds; in winter, it is more difficult for the mole to find food for itself. If a mouse dies in the mole's passages, the mole can feast on it. In winter, the mole sleeps longer than in summer, this allows him to save vitality.

Natural enemies and diseases of moles

The average lifespan of a mole is 4 years, but there are many factors that influence the lifespan of moles. Moles are often eaten by their natural enemies, but they also suffer from various diseases. People often consider moles to be garden pests, they begin to destroy moles on the site with traps and chemicals, this reduces the number of moles on the site


A mole can become a victim of a marten, fox, raccoon dog, or cat. The skin of a mole has a musky odor, this allows it to protect itself from foxes and raccoon dogs; predators find the smell unpleasant and avoid moles. Mostly, moles become prey outside the burrow, crawling to the surface, but there are exceptions, for example, weasels (they hunt moles in their own burrows). During the mating period, the weasel makes a characteristic sound, which the moles accurately identify and run away.

Diseases and parasites

Mole piroplasmosis
Moles become infected with worms; there are cases of moles becoming infected by eating insects, for example, piroplasmosis. Trichinella can be found in the muscles of moles, and trematodes (flatworms) in the intestines.


Bedbugs are victims of fleas and ticks; moles are parasitized by about 9 species of fleas.


Vultures, hawks and eagles, crows, owls are not averse to “feasting” on moles, but the mole does not see and this makes it an easy prey.

Natural phenomena

  • If the ground freezes deeper than half a meter, moles die in large numbers from hunger.
  • Moles are afraid of drought
  • Moles often drown from flooded passages

Plants that moles are afraid of

Imperial hazel grouse
Moles are afraid of the following plants

  • imperial hazel grouse
  • black beans
  • hazel;
  • elder;
  • beans;
  • garlic.

Effective ways to fight moles

If you have moles, you need to figure out how to get rid of them as soon as possible. After all, the damage caused to green spaces will increase every day, and animals will not hibernate until winter. And first of all, it is advisable to pay attention to such methods of fighting animals that will save their lives.

Basic options for getting rid of moles

  • Prevention of their appearance on the site. This is an effective, but very labor-intensive way to solve the problem, in which the owner of the site must dig a fine-mesh plastic (or better, galvanized mesh) into the ground along its entire perimeter. Moreover, this mesh should lie at a depth of at least 1 - 1.2 m, and at the edges it should fit tightly to the fence. And if all these requirements are met, you don’t have to be afraid of moles. Some summer residents, in order to save money, use sheets of roofing felt or slate instead of mesh, but this option is much worse than the first, since these materials are impermeable to worms and beneficial microorganisms.
  • Using traps. Today on the market you can easily buy special traps for moles, most of which are cylindrical and should be installed directly inside the passages leading to the surface. Thanks to the special design of the doors, the animal gets inside the trap and can no longer get out of it - you decide where to release it.
  • Use of mole-cutters. Such devices can also be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands. Moreover, in any case, the mole striker should be installed directly above the exposed passage of the animal, and the owner of the device in question should take care of the sharpness of the striking element (after all, the mole’s skin is very hard, and the fur is smooth and slippery).

SuperCat Vole Trap

The mechanical trap SuperCat Voletrap is designed for catching moles and field mice. To install a mole trap you need to perform three simple steps:

  • Find a hole;
  • Remove soil;
  • Set a trap.

To search and remove soil, we recommend using a branded accessory: probe + drill, not included in the kit and must be purchased additionally. You can also do this job using gardening tools. The trap should not be placed on the molehill, but in a tunnel/burrow that extends from it, approximately 10-15 cm away from the mound. Thanks to the patented EasySet technology, you can set the trap in less than one second. To do this, place the mole trap vertically, the handle on top. Next, pull the handle up, the guard will fall into place, and the impact handle will lock in the upper position. Read the instructions before use. The SuperCat Vole Trap is a rodent control product and is intended solely for this purpose. It has sharp plastic elements that can cause harm to health if used incorrectly.

Folk methods of combating these insectivorous animals

All folk methods of fighting moles in a summer cottage are aimed at frightening animals with loud sounds (for this, sticks with iron cans hung on them are stuck into the ground or champagne bottles are dug in at an angle) or unpleasant odors (rotten fish and eggs are placed inside the passages). or a rag soaked in kerosene).

Moreover, although they are simple and accessible, they are much less effective than the methods listed above. This is why it is almost impossible to get rid of moles using folk remedies - even if the animals leave the site, they will return back very soon.




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