Why does a decorative rabbit bite, aggression in rabbits

Livestock » Rabbits



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Kira Stoletova

It's hard to believe that such cute and gentle creatures as rabbits can bite. However, despite their external characteristics and angelic appearance, they can be quite capricious, depending on their character.

Do rabbits bite hard?

To find out what kind of character a pet has, it is enough to observe its behavior, how it behaves in different cases. There are situations when a rabbit bites for no apparent reason. Let's try to figure out how rabbits bite and why they do it.

Causes of aggressive behavior

Beginners who decide to have a decorative rabbit often do not understand why a decorative rabbit bites.

In this way, animals try to show their character and often this is not a sign of aggression.

If the animal is dissatisfied with something, it begins to squeak and lightly bite the owner’s hand. Most likely, this behavior after eating indicates that the baby is asking for more.

This often happens when the bite occurred because the smell of food remained on the owner’s hands. Therefore, before picking up a decorative rabbit, you need to carefully ensure that you do not smell of the animal’s favorite treat.

Curious rabbits try to study an unknown object using a bite. In this way, the animal simply shows interest in something and tries to entertain itself.

Basic rules of behavior when communicating with a rabbit

If the animal has become aggressive or cannot get used to human hands, then some basic rules must be followed:

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If, despite good conditions of detention and treatment, an ornamental rabbit tries to show its dominance by biting, there is no need to punish it. The main thing here is to convince the animal that you do not claim leadership in the rabbit hierarchy, and ignore its attacks. When the animal understands that you are not succumbing to provocation, it will calm down.

Why does a rabbit start grunting?

In the wild, rodents rarely speak, for fear of giving themselves away and being attacked by predators. In rabbits living at home, this instinct has disappeared. On the contrary, they need to somehow communicate with people and tell them about their needs.

A pet may start grunting in the following cases:

  1. Expresses dissatisfaction with what is happening. An example would be a situation when they want to take him out of his cage, but he has not yet finished his meal.
  2. At the onset of sexual heat. This is a natural process.
  3. Grunting when breathing may indicate illness. Most often this happens with a runny nose. It may also indicate impending pneumonia. Grunting can also occur due to diseases of the eyes and ears, or the presence of injuries. A careful examination and consultation with a veterinarian is required.
  4. Insufficient grinding of teeth. In rodents, they grow quickly and begin to cause inconvenience.

Adaptation period

If you have just purchased a decorative rabbit, you should be especially careful with it. It should be placed in a cage and left undisturbed for several days. He must get used to new smells, sounds, and lighting. He may be frightened by the sounds of a vacuum cleaner, the noise of a hairdryer, or the rustling of paper. This causes hostility on his part.

Expert opinion

Dobryshev Sergey Anatolievich

Professional rabbit breeder and hare breeder with 30 years of experience

If he refuses to eat at first, then there is no need to force this, but the feeder and drinking bowl must be constantly filled.

The animal must calm down in new conditions. After a few days, you can try to make first contact with him, for example, pet him. The next step is to pick him up. This should be done carefully, without causing him pain. After taking it out of the cage, you need to offer the rabbit a treat.

You should not leave your pet alone for a long time. You should talk to him more and do it calmly, quietly and affectionately.

How to deal with the situation

Few people know how to stop a rabbit from biting. The general rules are: increased attention to the pet, constant care, affection and the desire to make the pet’s life ideal.

  • You cannot create stress for the animal. Stress always turns into fear and can cause aggression. The main thing is to never take an animal out of its cage or place of residence without its “consent.” There is no need to chase the big-eared cat, catch it and forcefully hold it in your arms. It’s better to wait until he wants to get out. Rabbits are very inquisitive by nature, so they won’t keep you waiting for long.
  • If you want to approach the cage, you need to start talking to the animal, it is advisable to speak quietly and softly, do not rise above the cage. It is better to sit down so that you are on the same level with her. It is best to address the animal by the name that was given to it; it will quickly get used to this word and voice, and will cease to be afraid.
  • It is strictly forbidden to hit, kick or sharply stroke the animal, this all only increases its fear.
  • When sexual aggression occurs, you need to think about a medical solution to the problem: castration or sterilization.
  • You should let the animal trust you, to do this you need to pick it up, give it a treat and pet it. Extremely positive emotions will help build trust.
  • A newly purchased pet should be placed in a new cage and not touched for several days. He must get used to the new environment, sounds, smells, calm down and adapt. A pet may not eat for several days, this is not normal, but you cannot force it to eat either. During such a period, you can give him something tasty. After several days, you can try to make contact. Hands must be held above the pet's head and gently stroked, without touching the nose in any way. For rabbits, the nose is a pain point.
  • You can often find “advice” on the Internet that if a rabbit bites you, you need to press its head to the floor so that it understands who is in charge. This cannot be done. This will cause resistance and fear that he might be killed.
  • If your pet rebels and starts rushing around the cage and knocking over food, it’s okay. You just need to wait until he calms down and try to pet him again and give him a treat.

The main thing is to always behave calmly, not try to do something against the will of the pet and pay enough attention to it, then there will be no problems with the rabbit biting your finger.

Why is this happening

Many beginners, faced with this situation, do not understand why rabbits bite. First of all, eared animals show their character in this way, and this does not mean aggression.

Do domesticated rabbits bite? When expressing dissatisfaction, they squeak, twitch sharply, or bite lightly. They do not understand that in this way they can injure or offend the owner. They often bite your hand after feeding, begging for another treat.

Depending on how rabbits bite, you can tell whether it is done intentionally or not.

If an animal has bitten a person and continues to attack, kick, push away, or try to bite again, it may not have noticed that it provoked it. As a result, the pet senses danger and tries to protect itself from it.

If it is a light and one-time bite, the fluffy one is simply begging for additional treats. The bite may be light, but it will draw blood. The animal cannot calculate the force correctly.

Start of dating

In the first days, the animal is too frightened by the change in situation. If an attempt to pet it ends in a bite, this is explained by fear. Pets are farsighted and cannot recognize their owner up close, which causes fear. Advice:

  • you need to give the fluffy time to get used to the environment and not disturb him;
  • to overcome fear, keep your hands away and approach carefully, without sudden movements;
  • first let him notice and identify him, stroke him from the side or behind, and only then move on to the muzzle.

It happens that, after going through the acquaintance stage, owners discover that the pet’s attitude towards them has not changed. There are a number of reasons that provoke an animal to bite.

Territory defense

Perhaps the eared animal is not yet accustomed to its surroundings, or is trying to protect its home. In their usual habitat, rabbits mark their property and do not allow anyone there. To overcome the barrier, give more time for adaptation and convince them that there is no threat.


If the animal is bitten by mosquitoes or other parasites, discomfort occurs and the mood worsens. Then the pet will begin to bite itself, begin to destroy everything around it, and will be aggressive towards others. The way out of this situation is to go to the veterinarian. It is also worth maintaining hygiene in the cage to avoid worms. Their presence is determined by sudden weight loss, the appearance of irritability, aggression, and liquid stool.


In this case, the animal “wraps” circles around the person’s legs and suddenly bites them. The rabbit demonstrates the need for an eared “pair.” This also explains why the female bites her mate, and vice versa. The female rabbit may additionally show signs of a false pregnancy: she pulls out her own fluff, builds a nest, and carries hay. It is not recommended to interfere in the affairs of rabbits: the owner will be bitten for this. If there is no need to breed offspring, you should think about castration or sterilization.


This behavior can also be a personality trait. In this case, all that remains is to come to terms with the “problem” and accept the characteristics of the pet.

Other reasons

The meaning of a bite can vary. Observe the animal and analyze its mood and behavior to understand the situation.

For example, due to poor eyesight, biting a rabbit is a way to experience the world. New items in the house will quickly be tested, just like unfamiliar guests. A pet can express a specific request in this way and try to attract attention. Fluffies require a lot of time, love, affection, gentle and careful handling.

Aggression is often caused by a noisy environment, loud exclamations, or sudden actions. Place the cage at a height from the floor, away from sinks, the kitchen, and a high-traffic corridor. An unexpected slam of a door, a loud quarrel, or breaking of dishes can frighten the animal, after which there is a possibility of losing long-awaited trust. This raises an obvious question: how do you stop a rabbit from biting? What to do if the advice doesn't help?

Learning to behave correctly

If a rabbit or other individual behaves aggressively and cannot get used to a new person, you should adjust your behavior:

  • be calm and friendly;
  • don't yell at the rabbits;
  • don't make noise around them;
  • iron only from the sides;
  • treat your rabbit to his favorite treats;
  • do not scold or punish the animal;
  • handle it with care;
  • make sure that children do not bother the new family member too much;
  • talk to your pet more;
  • Don't leave your rabbit alone for long periods of time.

Don't worry, rabbits adapt quickly and after a while you won't have any troubles with your pet.

If the above measures did not help and the rabbit continues to bite you, simply ignore him, as he is showing you his dominance. If you don’t pay attention, the animal will understand that you do not pretend to be a leader in its kingdom and will calm down.

To attract attention

If the animal is not given enough attention, it may become bored. By biting the owner or other household members, he tries to attract attention to himself in this way. In this case, you should not scold, much less beat, the animal, but try to devote more time to it. You should pet him more often and take him on your lap. Talk to him kindly.

You should try playing with his toys with him, for example, throwing a ball in his direction. You can assign these actions to your children.

Factors influencing animal behavior

There are several factors that influence a rabbit's behavior:

  • Excess sexual tension: If your pet starts running around, jumping high and biting your legs, this means that he is overexcited.
  • To attract attention. If, in the opinion of the pet, the owner does not devote enough time to him, he may bite to remind himself. He doesn't understand that it can cause pain. The way out of the situation is to pet the fluffies more often, carry them in your arms, and walk with them.
  • Protecting yours. The cage is not the only thing that a rabbit can consider as property. Aggression also manifests itself if a stranger picks him up or takes the place he loves.

Is a rabbit bite really dangerous? All veterinarians say no. This cannot cause death. It will be enough to simply disinfect the bite site and cover it with an adhesive bandage. If the wound is deep, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The only danger is that domestic rabbits can carry rabies, but this is very rare. To do this, the eared animal must come into contact with the carrier of the disease.

Do not touch the mother rabbit or her baby. Like any mother, the female will protect her child. She can growl and bite.

Is a rabbit bite dangerous for humans?

Due to the special structure of the teeth and jaw, the rabbit cannot control the force and depth of its bite. When biting, it strikes with its jaws at the attacked object, the sharp incisors pierce the flesh, cutting the skin until it bleeds. Wounds are almost always small in area, but deep.

A bite from a decorative breed rabbit that is vaccinated and does not come into contact with wild animals and birds does not pose a danger to humans. If you receive a wound from a wild or outdoor rodent, you should consult a doctor. An animal suffering from rabies, leptospirosis and other infections can pose a danger.

Symptoms of rabies at different stages

The main manifestations of rabies can be very diverse, depending on the specific stage of development of the disease. There are three of them in total, and each is characterized by its own unique features.

The rabies virus can be transmitted through mucous contact

Prodromal stage

This stage takes from one to three days and often occurs with hidden symptoms. However, attentive rabbit breeders may notice changes and oddities in the animal’s behavior: for example, a rabbit may eat food with appetite that it had always refused before.

In addition, rapid changes in the furry’s mood are often observed, with sharp changes in periods of apathy and excitement.

In some cases, an infected animal may injure itself and then lick the wound for a long time

Of course, in order to notice all these symptoms of the prodromal stage, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the animal, especially if you are sure that it has been bitten by another animal

Find out what you can get from rabbits.

Excitation stage

The second stage can begin as early as the third day and takes only a day, during which the virus completely takes over the animal’s nervous system.

The main symptoms of the excitement stage are:

  • poor spatial orientation;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • excessive aggression, and a previously calm animal can now easily attack its owner and bite him;

Rabbit bite

  • loss of appetite (explained by laryngeal spasm);
  • the appearance of anxiety at the sight of water, which is why rabies is often called “hydrophobia”;
  • inappropriate behavior even when in a cage: the rabbit constantly rushes from side to side, growls, wheezes and makes other sounds that are unusual for it.

It is possible that an infected pet will begin to be afraid of wind and bright light, because the accompanying signs are quite extensive. In any case, it is the symptoms of the second stage that are most often noticed by rabbit breeders, informing about the presence of such a serious problem as rabies.

Pay attention to the hygiene of keeping rabbits, the rules for disinfecting cages, the basics of keeping rabbits in apartments

Final stage

At the final stage, attacks of sudden excitement and aggression are observed much less frequently. The animal begins to breathe heavily and is almost always in a lethargic state. Other symptoms of the final stage include:

  • complete refusal of food and water;
  • photophobia;
  • increased salivation;
  • frequent seizures;
  • coma due to paralysis of the larynx;
  • death of an animal.

On average, about 10 days pass from the infection of the animal to the moment of its death. After the death of a rabbit, its carcass must be burned in order to prevent the spread of the virus and new outbreaks of the disease.


The owner may not give reasons for the bites, but it is impossible to completely get rid of them. This is part of the animal’s life, because teeth are important for him, they are constantly growing, and it’s worth accepting. Otherwise, you can use drugs, medicines, pills that dull aggression. However, this will no longer be your long-eared pet, so before making such a decision, think about whether his temper is really a problem.

Toys in the form of pebbles with additives and twigs will help reduce the likelihood of a bite.

Pet stores provide the necessary assortment that can please your pet. By surrounding him with such fun, the connection is established, and the aggression goes away.

Why does a domestic decorative rabbit bite?

Why does a decorative rabbit bite? This question interests many people who are faced with manifestations of aggression from cute and furry creatures. It is difficult to imagine that a small animal would actively attack a person’s hand, and yet such aggression in rabbits is quite common. According to scientists, the more intelligent an animal is, the more aggressive it is.

Rabbits bite as a sign of displeasure towards their owner.

What to do in this situation

A good attitude towards the animal, affection and care will allow you not to show aggression. If the rabbit has previously used bites to protect itself, then it may use this often, so you will have to wean the rabbit off biting. To do this, you need to follow the following scheme. You must approach the cage with the rabbit slowly, gradually, talk to the animal in a low voice, and crouch next to the cage. You cannot hit the rabbit, you cannot make sudden movements, or cause pain to the animal, as this will lead to greater aggression. When the animal has reached the stage of puberty, you need to think about castration or you can purchase a pair for your pet.

How to stop a rabbit from biting?

To stop a rabbit from biting, you need to earn its trust and tame it. This will take time. If a pet has recently moved into an apartment, it needs to adapt and get used to its owners. In the first days after changing the place of residence, the animal will not make contact; you need to be patient.

The rabbit does not make contact

The animal must be handled with care. When taming your pet, it is advisable to use different treats, for example, carrots. You need to approach the cage slowly, talking to the rabbit in a gentle voice. If you want to pet him, you should keep your hand away from his head so that the rabbit does not perceive it as a threat. In order for the animal to quickly adapt to new conditions and learn to trust the people with whom it now lives, it should not be beaten, pulled, or hurt. In the presence of the eared cat, there is no need to make noise or make sudden movements. By taking care of the pet, over time, the owners notice that it begins to trust them. The taming process can last 1-2 weeks.

Follow simple rules when raising a baby rabbit:

  1. Don't let him get bored. Every day the rabbit should be allowed out of the cage for a walk. It will be more fun for him if you buy several toys for your pet to play with.
  2. Never use force against an animal.
  3. If your cat has reached sexual maturity, consider castration or purchasing a mate for him.
  4. Teach your child not to offend the animal, not to frighten it, not to grab it or hit it.

Important! In a calm environment, the rabbit will adapt faster and will have no reason to use its means of self-defense - its teeth.

To stop a rabbit from biting, you need to be consistent . It is important to let the animal know that it is doing something bad. To do this, you need to scream if the pet uses its teeth, and sternly say the word “no” several times. Then the prankster is put into a cage, depriving him of the opportunity to take a walk. Over time, the animal will understand that if it bites its owner again, it will be punished.

How to clean a cage without causing aggression

The cage in which the animal lives is an area of ​​its territory that instinct dictates to protect. When the time comes to clean it, the rabbit does not understand what is happening and perceives such actions as aggression. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the pet during cleaning and place it in another place.

After putting everything in order, you should put everything in its place so that the animal understands that there is nothing terrible in this, and in the future it does not react so sharply to a similar situation. Before returning the rabbit to its home, food should be poured into the feeder and fresh water should be poured into the drinking bowl.

Such aggression can manifest itself not only towards the home, but also towards the bedding on which he sleeps, or his favorite place.

Main reasons

Decorative rabbits by their nature are very calm, peaceful, friendly, and willing to make contact. The reason for the occurrence of aggression is that the animal is affected by any circumstances related to its life. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the pet and find out the reasons.

The most common: the animal is afraid to experience pain. Rabbits, by their nature and appearance, are calm animals; in the wild, it is difficult for them to fend for themselves, they are always exposed to danger. At home, rabbits have no reason to defend themselves, but they are still frightened by sudden movements, noises, loud sounds, and the operation of household appliances.

In addition, if an animal is abruptly pulled out of its cage, it will experience pain, this can lead to aggressive behavior. If rabbits are at the stage of puberty and are experiencing excitement, then this is also a cause of aggression. If the animal experiences insufficient attention to itself.

If an animal has chosen its place and got used to it, it will try to protect it in all available ways. Therefore, any place that the rabbit likes, he will protect and if his territory is invaded, he will mark it. These reasons will help the owner understand what is happening and choose the best way to solve the problem.

How to stop a rabbit from biting. Aggression is a defensive reaction of an animal given to it by nature. He is trying to protect his life, the territory in which he is located. To stop an animal from biting, you don’t need to give it a reason. You cannot frighten the animal with loud sounds, sudden movements, invade the territory of the cage, or make constant rearrangements within the place where the rabbit lives. Pay enough attention to the animal, give toys that are suitable for play, treats.

In order to understand the reasons for the aggression of a furry pet, you need to find out what habits are typical for rabbits.

Rabbits will bite if kept in a cage at all times.

So, rabbits are quite stubborn and will never do anything they don’t want to do. These mammals are rodents and spend most of their time eating. They eat little but often. In order to wear down its teeth, a rabbit must chew on hard and hard objects. In nature, they can be tree branches and bark, dry grass stems, etc. At home, wallpaper, carpets, wires and other things that are attractive to the rabbit are often substitutes.

No owner would tolerate the destruction of his home, and his first reaction is to want to carry the furry bully into a cage. Such situations quite often lead to aggressive behavior in the rabbit: it snorts and bites. And this is not surprising, because not everyone will calmly part with something tasty.

The next reason is the quality that domesticated rabbits were endowed with by their wild ancestors - the ability to defend their territory. Under natural conditions, rabbits live in burrows located in areas ranging from 0.5 to 20 hectares. They regularly walk around their territory and leave marks secreted by the mental, anal and inguinal glands. Anyone who encroaches on the marked territory will be immediately punished.

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What to do if a rabbit bites until it bleeds?

Children mostly suffer from pet bites; this occurs due to improper handling (sharp and rough pressing, noise, fear, etc.). Do not be alarmed if the animal has been vaccinated, so there is no danger of contracting rabies.

To treat the wound, use the following methods:

  • pour 3% hydrogen peroxide on the bite site;
  • apply an antiseptic (brilliant green, iodine);
  • apply a bandage or adhesive plaster.

In some cases, the wound may become inflamed, so treat it every day. This happens because food residues remain on the rabbit’s teeth, so when a bite occurs, harmful microelements enter the bloodstream.

A rabbit, regardless of where it is kept, is a timid creature that is susceptible to various diseases, which leads to inappropriate and unpredictable actions, so take care of the animal and create the most favorable conditions for its maintenance (on a farm or at home). In this case, he will feel comfort and protection, and will never show aggression towards you, much less bite.



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