What varieties of zucchini to choose for growing in the Urals and Siberia

Useful qualities of zucchini:

  • Contains microelements and vitamins necessary for the body;
  • help cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • are a suitable product for baby and dietary nutrition;
  • they have a long shelf life, during which they retain their beneficial qualities.

These properties make the vegetable a must-have in every garden.

Today there are many varieties of zucchini and their hybrids with different ripening periods, which allows them to be grown throughout Russia, including in the Urals and Siberia. Fresh zucchini straight from the garden can be consumed from mid-summer to late autumn, by choosing the right variety of vegetables in accordance with climatic conditions.

Although zucchini itself is a very early ripening vegetable and, with the right agricultural technology, you can get a good harvest beyond the Urals, using not only zucchini seeds for Siberia, but also many other domestic varieties. Our zucchini varieties are more suitable for the climate of the Urals and Siberia, since they are more adapted to these conditions; the choice of foreign varieties is more successful for the south of Russia, because they have a longer growing season.

Zucchini plant: description, characteristics of varieties and their beneficial properties

Botanical name : squash (Cucurbita pepo var. giromontina), herbaceous plant, a type of pumpkin.
Belongs to the genus pumpkin, family Cucurbitaceae. Popular vegetable. Origin : South, Central and North America.

Lighting is light-loving.

The soil is neutral sandy loam, light to medium loamy, well fertilized.

Watering is moisture-loving.

Predecessors are potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, peas, early vegetables.

Planting - seeds and seedlings.

Description of zucchini

A herbaceous bush or climbing plant, perennial, grown as an annual in temperate zones. It has a powerful erect or creeping faceted stem, five-lobed, large leaves with thick petioles. All parts are covered with spiny, spiny pubescence. Zucchini is a cross-pollinated plant. It has large, bright yellow, bell-shaped, unisexual flowers:

  • male - on long stalks;
  • for women - on short ones.

The fruit is cylindrical or oval in shape, elongated, sometimes round, color varies from white to bright yellow, can be green, striped or spotted. The pulp is white or creamy, in the technical ripeness phase, has a delicate taste; at the testes it is coarser, unsweetened or slightly sweet. The bark of young fruits is thin, while that of ripe ones is hard. The seeds are light cream and have a lateral rim.

As one of the varieties of pumpkin, it was brought to Europe in the 15th century by Columbus from America, where it was used for food several thousand years ago. Grown in Italy in botanical gardens as an ornamental plant for 300 years, zucchini only began to be eaten in the 18th century. It came to Russia in the 19th century from Turkey and Greece, where it got its name - “kabak” means “pumpkin” in Turkish. At first, only the white-fruited form was known in our country. Varieties with dark green, yellow, striped fruit colors, widespread in Italy, appeared here recently, several decades ago, and began to be called zucchini. According to their characteristics, zucchini of this variety compares favorably with white-fruited ones by higher yield, compactness and weak branching of the bush.

Below are photos of white squash and zucchini.

Useful properties of zucchini

Zucchini is widely used in the cuisines of many countries. Young undeveloped fruits, called greens, are consumed, which contain a large amount of water (up to 95%), as well as 0.6% protein, 2.55% sugars and 0.13% fats. This chemical composition of zucchini, as well as the presence of a small amount of fiber, makes the vegetable low-calorie and easily digestible, which allows it to be used after appropriate heat treatment in baby food and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial properties of zucchini are due to a rich set of vitamins and minerals. The pulp contains vitamins C, A, PP, thiamine and riboflavin, folic acid (B vitamins), the seeds contain a lot of protein and oil containing vitamin E. A large amount of potassium and magnesium make the vegetable useful for cardiovascular diseases, and contained in Iron improves blood composition.

Zucchini contains little fiber, but its dietary fiber can absorb toxins, salt, and bad cholesterol, so the vegetable does not irritate the mucous membranes and is recommended for various recovery diets, including after food poisoning. Dishes made from young fruits have a mild diuretic effect, are indicated for obvious and hidden edema, improve liver function, and are useful for diabetes mellitus because they contain natural sugar.

Thanks to its vitamin composition and the presence of antioxidants, zucchini strengthens the immune system and slows down the aging process.

Popular varieties and hybrids of zucchini

There are a large number of varieties of zucchini on sale, both white-fruited and zucchini with green, yellow, striped and even black fruits, as well as F1 hybrids, which differ from the varieties in the uniformity of the fruits, uniform yield and high productivity:

Among the varieties with light fruits, the following are common:

White Swan , an early high-yielding variety with white fruits, is characterized by good transportability and keeping quality;

White-fruited , early ripening, very productive, not resistant to diseases;

Gribovskie 37 , a common early variety with light green cylindrical fruits suitable for canning;

Roller , ultra-early, resistant to low temperatures;

Anchor , early ripening, with light yellow bark and pulp, high carotene content, recommended for dietary and baby food, perfectly stored and transported;

Popular white-fruited hybrids:

Belogor F1 , one of the first domestic hybrids, early ripening, cold-resistant, disease-resistant;

Nemchinovsky F1 , compact, with long fruits weighing up to 1700 g; high-yielding.

The best varieties of zucchini grown in our country:

Astoria , with dark green zucchini of elongated cylindrical shape, high yield;

Aeronaut , dark green with light spots, leaves and petioles do not have spiny pubescence, grows well in any soil;

Tsukesha , a popular early-ripening variety with green fruits about 40 cm long;

Zebra , early, light green with dark green stripes, cold-resistant, zucchini up to 900 g;

Zucchini hybrids:

Golda F1 is highly productive, early, golden in color;

Golden Cup , with a powerful bush on which up to 5 yellow greens ripen at the same time, has high taste qualities both at the stage of technical ripeness and when the fruits are fully ripened, and is perfectly stored;

Souvenir , early ripening, productive, creamy-green fruits with dark green blurry stripes, oval, medium size.

Pests and diseases of zucchini

When grown in open and closed ground, the plant suffers from a number of pests and diseases. Zucchini in greenhouses and under film covers are often affected by spider mites, and seedlings by sprout flies. Common pests of zucchini, as well as other pumpkin crops, are melon aphids and whiteflies.

The most common diseases include anthracnose, white rot, and especially powdery mildew.

A characteristic feature of the zucchini crop is its early ripening, so the use of chemical protective measures is undesirable. To prevent damage, deep autumn digging, alternation of crops, and destruction of affected specimens and plant debris are necessary. In greenhouses and greenhouses, the temperature regime must be maintained, without sudden temperature changes, the soil must be replaced or disinfected, and the seeds must be subjected to pre-sowing treatment (warming, disinfection).

To protect plants, you can use folk remedies: soap solution, infusions of onion peels, garlic, tomatoes.

Only in extreme cases, in the early stages of plant development with a large number of pests, a single treatment with insecticides is possible, as well as spraying with colloidal sulfur, copper oxychloride and other approved preparations for powdery mildew, downy mildew, gray rot and other fungal diseases.

Using and storing zucchini

Young unripe fruits are used to prepare numerous dishes; they are fried, baked, stuffed, prepared in salads, caviar, pancakes, and canned for the winter. Collected greens are stored at a temperature of +4...+6°C and a humidity of about 85-90%, most often on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a plastic bag with holes or an enamel container. In this case, the shelf life of zucchini - greens is about 15-20 days.

Ripe but not overripe zucchini can be stored fresh for up to six months. To do this, the fruits must be undamaged, have a stalk, and be in a dark, dry place, indoors or in basements. After February-March, the seeds inside the vegetable can germinate, and the pulp will become bitter and unsuitable for food, so it is recommended at this time to peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, cut the edible part and freeze it.

When storing zucchini squash in cellars in the absence of condensation, their taste remains unchanged until the new harvest, which is another advantage of this variety of squash.

Zucchini: photo gallery (click to enlarge):


Climate properties of the Urals

Growing zucchini does not impose any special requirements on the climate or weather of the region. But it is still necessary to highlight the main climatic or weather conditions of the Urals.

It should also be taken into account that the Urals is a huge territory, the natural and climatic conditions in the north and south of which can vary greatly. However, common properties and characteristics are still present.

The Urals region, like almost the entire central zone of Russia, is considered by experts to be quite difficult for agriculture and crop production. The main features of such areas are a short and unstable warm season, rather early onset of stable cold weather and the possibility of early frosts.

Most of the above is a consequence of the sharply continental climate characteristic of almost the entire Ural region.

Early ripening varieties

This group of Russian varieties is grown as usual through seedlings. Thanks to this, the harvest of the first harvest is significantly approaching. From the day the seedlings are planted in the garden plot until the formation of the first marketable fruit, a little more than a month passes.

Some gardeners practice sowing seeds of this variety. This is acceptable, but to speed up ripening, it is advisable to soak the seeds in water for 5 hours before sowing, then germinate.

Important! These varieties tolerate temperature fluctuations and minor frosts well.

The best representatives of early ripening varieties are briefly described below.

Table. Characteristics and description of early ripening varieties of zucchini

How to choose

You can choose zucchini for your taste and even color

To get the maximum possible harvest of zucchini, it is important to choose the right variety, taking into account personal preferences in color

It is also worth taking into account the following points:

When choosing a variety of zucchini for a summer house or personal plot, you should definitely take into account the climatic features of your region. Frost-resistant varieties are not afraid of temperature fluctuations and even frosts on the ground will not allow the plant to reduce fruiting

For heat-loving plants, unstable thermometer readings will have a negative impact; the plant will significantly reduce the number of fruits, and sometimes it may even die. What purpose the fruits will serve is also important; some varieties are selected for consumption during the season, while completely different ones are planted for winter storage. They will be distinguished by taste and pulp density. Productivity and duration of fruiting also influence the choice of variety, because the longer the bush grows, the more fruits can be collected from it.

Particular attention is paid to the ripening period; it determines how quickly you can prepare delicious zucchini dishes for yourself and your loved ones. According to early ripening, three types of vegetables are distinguished:

According to early ripening, three types of vegetables are distinguished:

  • early ripening
  • mid-season
  • late ripening

Considering their ripening time, zucchini lovers can ensure an almost uninterrupted supply of this vegetable. Experienced gardeners often plant at least 3-5 species with different fruiting periods, this is how the consumption of zucchini continues from early spring to late autumn, and they often use greenhouses and greenhouses.

In addition, in seed stores, sellers will offer several options for seeding material. Hybrids from foreign breeders are most valued; the huge selection will not allow you to decide right away.

Domestic varieties have fewer representatives, but even among them it is difficult to give preference to any one. Considering the great competition in this market segment, it is better to prepare in advance and study some of them yourself and make a list of those that are most suitable for you.

Grilled zucchini

Based on reviews from gardeners, it was possible to compile a small list of all those proposed, which are the most common in our country. It is these varieties and species that are preferred by amateur gardeners and farmers, for whom the harvest is important.

When making the selection, the taste qualities of each variety were taken into account; the description will explain how to properly grow and how to use ripe fruits in order to get the maximum benefit from the vegetable.

For open ground

If you don’t have a greenhouse, it doesn’t matter, there are many varieties that are designed for open ground.

Black handsome

This is a bush variety that ripens in 45 days. Vegetables are dark green, close to black. The peel is thin, the flesh is green, and has a delicate taste. The fruits have a universal purpose, as they can be used in different ways. One bush bears 4-5 fruits.


This variety is unusual, but is already in great demand among gardeners. Young vegetables taste no different from other types, but after full ripening, the fruit pulp separates into fibers, resulting in a kind of spaghetti. Externally, the shape of the fruit and color resemble small melons. The only disadvantage of the variety is its late ripening period, which in areas with short summers does not always allow you to wait for the “pasta”.

Lagenaria (Calabash)

This variety is called Vietnamese zucchini. Due to its long ripening time and exotic appearance, Lagenaria is not often used by gardeners. Young vegetables can be eaten in the same way as pumpkin, but in ripe fruits the pulp dries out and a cavity forms inside.


This is an early ripening variety that is characterized by high immunity to diseases. Its fruits are pale green and cylindrical in shape. The pulp is pink-yellow or light yellow. Ripe vegetables can be used for preservation.

Let's get acquainted with long-lived zucchini

Among the varieties that are recommended to be grown for storage purposes are zucchini, decorative colorful zucchini and regular ones.


An early variety of zucchini. It takes about 45 days to reach maturity. It has cylindrical fruits and a beautiful dark green color. A mature zucchini weighs up to one and a half kilograms. It is well stored for 4 months, which provides a vitamin supplement to the table until late autumn. The peel of the variety is not very dense, so it cannot withstand longer storage. The yield is about 7 kg per 1 sq. m of soil. Disease resistance ensures a large number of edible zucchini.


Also an early variety that can maintain its freshness for a long time. The fruits have an original pear shape weighing up to 1.3 kg. The pulp is a beautiful dark orange color, remains tender for a long time, and retains its nutritional and taste qualities. The skin is dense, which makes it possible to store zucchini of this variety for a long time. The seeds are sown at the end of May, and the harvest can be harvested after 50 days.

Bush with thick vines and large leaves. Zucchini of this variety are demanding on watering and lighting. If the conditions are met, the harvest will be very high.


Zucchini of this variety are small - up to 1 kg. They have a regular cylindrical shape and a beautiful yellow color. They differ from the fruits of other zucchini in their high carotene content. The variety is very productive. With good care it gives from 1 sq. m up to 18 kg of zucchini. Demanding about watering and nutrition. A properly harvested crop can be stored for more than three months. The bush includes thick vines, but few leaves.

"Aral F1"

Hybrid variety of early ripening. Is different:

  • high yield;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • resistance to frost and viruses.

The fruits are small, weighing up to 800 g. With regular collection of ripe zucchini (2 times a week), you can collect up to 22 kg from 1 sq.m.


A very beautiful variety, suitable for storage. The fruits are round, striped, with delicate pulp. It is considered the record holder for shelf life among zucchini. Does not lose its qualities for 10 months after harvesting.

"Golden Cup"

Bush-type squash can be successfully stored until February, without losing any taste. On one bush, 5-6 zucchini ripen at once.

"Arlica F1"

Mid-early variety. It is distinguished by high yield, long fruiting period, and excellent keeping quality. The fruits are small, weighing up to 800 g, and ripen in 60 days. They are stored very well if the rules are followed.


A high-yielding, early-ripening variety with an unusual color. Zucchini is cylindrical, black-green in color with tasty green flesh. Can be stored for more than 2 months.


An early variety of zucchini of Italian selection. 60 days pass before the fruits are harvested. Is different:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • ability for long-term storage.

The berries are cylindrical, weighing up to 1.7 kg.


A variety of zucchini bred by crossing with watermelon. It has a very thick skin, tasty pulp, and large seeds. Stored until new harvest. The fruits are large and heavy.

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