How to catch a mosquito in a room at night: methods and options

There is nothing more annoying than hearing the squeak of a lonely mosquito while half asleep. Sleep disappears and wary anticipation begins. Now he will sit on your hand or face, you can kill him and rest with a feeling of satisfaction. Not so. In a dark and quiet apartment, you can clearly hear this parasite flying somewhere nearby, but you can’t see where. The night hunt begins. The light turns on, the newspaper is picked up and it turns out that the insect is nowhere to be found. And everything starts again.

Such a quest interferes with proper rest and has a bad effect on the human nervous system.

Ways to enter the house

  • Most often, mosquitoes sneak into an apartment through windows and balcony doors that are open in the summer heat. By smelling the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, they can fly long distances to feast on fresh blood.
  • At night, they are also attracted to lighting devices. Feeling their warmth, mosquitoes rush into the welcomingly open windows. Sometimes insects cling to the mosquito net from the outside, and the moment it is removed, several individuals break into the apartment.
  • Another way is the front door; in the minutes that it remains open, more than a dozen bloodsuckers are able to enter the apartment from the landing. There they prefer to hide from the heat of the day.
  • In flight

  • In apartment buildings, the basement can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes if there is high humidity. Then ventilation holes, cracks near pipelines, and an elevator shaft become convenient roads for bloodsuckers.
  • These little vampires are not averse to using human clothing to move around, which is so easy to get into the home.


Where do mosquitoes come from? They enter a house or apartment through open doors, windows, cracks and cracks. If a female mosquito laid larvae in the warm season, this question disappears by itself. Mosquitoes are not at all harmless insects. In addition to the fact that they make unpleasant annoying sounds, bite and prevent you from falling asleep at night, mosquitoes often become carriers of dangerous diseases, infections and allergic reactions.

These insects attack several people at once. Therefore, they can easily transfer an infection from an infected person to a healthy person. They are the cause of malaria, tularemia, yellow fever, and lymphatic filariasis. In addition, a mosquito bite itches. Sometimes such trauma to the skin leads to the appearance of scars.

How to find a mosquito in a room?

If mosquitoes interfere with sleep and there are clearly not 2-3 of them, then the problem needs to be solved radically. Physical methods and searches for each individual are clearly not enough here. It would be best to use some kind of repellent. Cotton pads with aromatic oils applied to them placed near the bed will repel insects and allow you to get a good night's sleep.

Coniferous, citrus scents, aroma, thyme, wormwood are suitable. A vanilla pod wrapped in a paper napkin and placed at the head of the bed will have the same effect on them. The powder of the same spice can be diluted in water and sprayed into the room with a spray bottle. Parasites do not like the smell of cloves.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment if there are only a few of them and it is not clear where they are hiding? The LED flashlight found in phones will help here. By directing the beam parallel to the wall close to it, you can see the shadows of insects magnified several times. This will reveal the location of the mosquitoes. All that remains is to slam down the annoying bloodsuckers.

Folk remedies

There are several types of oils that mosquitoes really don't like. These include: tea tree oil, cloves, basil, anise, eucalyptus, cedar oil.

Also, mosquitoes are not happy with the smell of elderberry, chamomile, peppermint - these plants just need to be brought into the room. Elderberry and mint should be fresh, but dry chamomile will do. Moreover, peppermint can be grown at home in a pot.

How to attract with light?

You can try to get rid of mosquitoes at night using this method using either a flashlight or a table lamp. Insects are attracted to heat, so they will quickly flock closer to the lighting fixture. Here they can be destroyed with the palm of your hand or a rolled up newspaper.

Attention! Please note that mosquitoes do not react to sodium lamps and LED lights. Regular light bulbs should be used.

You can catch a mosquito at night by unexpectedly turning on the light at the moment when it circles above the bed. It's better if it's a flashlight so it doesn't blind your eyes. In a bright beam, the insect will immediately become visible, and before it has time to react, you can try to kill it.

Introductory part

Before we move on to tips, let's remember what attracts female mosquitoes to humans - this knowledge will help us kill a mosquito in the dark.
The first is, of course, blood and the protein it contains. Moreover, if a mosquito has a choice between blood groups I, II, III and IV, it will choose the first. Why? Scientists explain this by saying that group I has existed among people for many thousands of years and mosquitoes have been drinking it for about the same number of thousands of years, and the remaining groups are considered relatively new and are not very familiar to them. Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?
Does a lamp help against mosquitoes?

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In second place after blood is carbon dioxide (CO2), which people emit when breathing. The more intensely you breathe, the faster the mosquito will detect you. Detection radius is approximately 50 meters. In addition to carbon dioxide, mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat or alcohol.

Mosquitoes also readily fly to heat and light. Moreover, they perceive light not as people, but as a source of heat. Therefore, they fly into the light of ordinary incandescent lamps or fires. But LED lights are practically not attractive to them.

Interesting! We haven't tested it ourselves, but based on the above, if you get bitten by mosquitoes at night, you need someone who has drunk a bottle of beer, is breathing heavily, is holding a floor lamp, is sweating, and has blood type O. In this case, with a 99% probability they will not bite you! But whether you can sleep next to such a defender is another question.

How to catch with a vacuum cleaner?

Before using a vacuum cleaner to catch mosquitoes at night, you need to make sure that you will not disturb anyone in the room with an unexpected sound, especially children. The difficulty lies in the fact that the device must be prepared in advance so that you don’t have to take it out of the pantry late in the evening.

Fishing with a vacuum cleaner

This method is effective when insects sit in places that are difficult to reach. It is enough to quickly bring the hose tube to the little vampire and turn on the unit. The mosquito will no longer escape from the dust bag.

How to get rid of an annoying mosquito?

Those who did not manage to fall asleep in the evening before the buzzing bloodsucker appeared will agree that mosquitoes have now become much smarter. Previously, it was enough to turn on the light sharply and slam him while he was drinking blood. Now, in the light, the insect quickly disappears, rushes chaotically around the room, and it becomes impossible to quickly catch a mosquito.

Today's mosquitoes enter the room in the dark and fly to the source of increased temperature, not only through the windows, but also with the help of ventilation. Some “victims” claim that these creatures even “climb” to the ninth floor in the elevator!

There are such ways to find a mosquito in a dark room:

  • attract him with light;
  • remove with a vacuum cleaner;
  • attract with a flashlight;
  • become bait for him;
  • kill on the wall;
  • catch in a glass.

Each of the options is worthy of attention.

Trap in a glass

This method is suitable for followers of Buddhism who consider themselves not entitled to destroy the life of even an insect. You need to prepare a transparent glass, find the parasite on the wall, and catch the mosquito with as sharp a movement as possible, covering it with the container. Whether the flying bloodsucker has fallen into a trap will be visible through the glass.

After this, you need to carefully place a sheet of paper under the glass so that the bloodsucker cannot fly out. Now you can do whatever you want with the mosquito: release it into the street, swat it, the main thing is that it does not interfere with sleep. When there are only one or two insects, this method will save the situation.

Hunting method

Turn off all light sources in the room.

We need one light source: a small flashlight, a phone, a tablet.

Walk slowly around the room and listen to the buzzing sound. After a few minutes, the mosquito will likely make its way to the light source and land on the nearest wall.

Turn on the flashlight and hold it against the wall, then move the beam along the wall.

Eventually, the light will hit the mosquito and create a large shadow so you can find and
eliminate .

How to kill that single mosquito in the room

Technological trap

We will call the next method the “technological trap”. You don't even need to get out of bed to do this.

We will again need a light source - a phone or tablet.

We need to make the brightness on our device maximum and place our light source next to us.

Then all that remains is to wait. Eventually the mosquito will land nearby or even on the tablet.

You know what to do.

How to kill that single mosquito in the room

Use of a fumigator

Perhaps the most reliable way to kill a mosquito is to use an industrial fumigator. They come with replaceable solid plates or with liquids poured into a special container. When heated, the fumigator releases toxic substances into the air that kill insects.

It happens that the device itself is not at home, but the consumables from it are lying around. Then you can use the means at hand. For example, place the plate on a hot iron. To kill insects faster, the plate can be placed in a metal bowl, set on fire and immediately blown out. It only needs to smolder, releasing toxic substances. They walk around the entire room with the container so that the insecticide spreads throughout the room as quickly as possible.

Attention! The fumigator is not recommended for use with closed windows.

When the liquid in the bottle runs out and mosquitoes keep you awake, you can pour essential oils of lavender, geranium, mint, and eucalyptus into it. The effect will be different; these products repel insects. However, a night's rest will be provided.

Fumigants and repellents

Repellents and fumigants are chemical agents. Fumigants are divided into electrical and pyrotechnic.

Electric fumigators are devices that run on electricity. Repellent components are liquid or plates that, when heated, release chemicals that mosquitoes do not like. Manufacturers promise that after an hour there will not be a single insect left in the room with the fumigator turned on.

Advantages of the fumigator:

  • No contact with skin;
  • Ease of use;
  • Availability;
  • Low price;
  • There are no obvious negative effects on health.


  • Short service life;
  • Irritating strong odor;
  • Cannot be used in a home with children or pregnant women;
  • Headache and allergies may occur.

If mosquitoes are not afraid of the fumigator, you may have bought a fake or it is broken. In small doses, fumigants repel insects, but in large doses they kill.

Pyrotechnics are plates that need to be set on fire. Spirals are used in the yard, on the site, during recreation. If they are used in the home, they may cause headaches.

Most mosquito repellents contain diethyl phthalate, which is effective against insects but is toxic. When using them, you must follow the rules and safety measures.

  • The repellent must be applied according to the rules recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Lotions and creams are intended for application to the skin and last for an hour and a half.
  • A safe repellent is a pencil. Cases of an allergic reaction are rare, but the smell is unpleasant.
  • Bracelets soaked in natural oils are one of the safest ways to repel mosquitoes.
  • Scented candles will repel insects; mosquitoes do not like their smell; they can be used at home or outdoors.

Where do mosquitoes come from?

The answer to this question interests many people. Mosquitoes are nocturnal insects. They reproduce quickly and are most active in humid and warm environments. They choose wet, warm and damp places to live. Where do mosquitoes come from in houses? These insects are common not only in rural areas, but also in cities. Their favorite habitats are basements of high-rise buildings, balconies, bathrooms, and garages. They often hide under suspended ceilings. During the day, mosquitoes are practically inactive. At an air temperature of 0 degrees, insects fall into so-called torpor.

Insects appear in city apartments in spring and autumn, when the temperature outside is still or no longer comfortable for them. Sometimes mosquitoes become active in winter, crawling out of basements and secluded places. They accumulate where there is a lot of water. They enter apartments through ventilation, elevator shafts, staircases, and garbage chutes.

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