Flycatcher: is the insect dangerous for humans, methods of control

Centipedes are unpleasant neighbors who can settle in an apartment or private house without permission. In order to take a liking to a human home, insects need two conditions - the presence of an area with constant high humidity and “prey” for daily hunting. Centipedes feed exclusively on “domestic” insects, so to some extent they are even useful to humans. However, it is unlikely that anyone will want to voluntarily live with such intimidating “orderlies” in the same apartment.

To get rid of centipedes, you will have to clean up your home. It is necessary to ensure a healthy (but not excessive) level of humidity in the room, to drive all insects out of the door. General cleaning of the apartment and treating the premises with insecticides will help you cope with the task.

Protection of flycatchers

Photo: Flycatcher from the Red Book

Most people, when they see flycatchers in their home, panic and immediately try to catch and crush them. And it’s not surprising - they look quite terrifying. However, it is worth knowing that they are one of the most useful arthropods living near humans. After all, the diet of these representatives of centipedes mostly consists of harmful insects: flies, cockroaches, fleas, carpet beetles, ants and other parasites that violate human comfort.

Flycatchers, like all centipedes, are very ancient creatures and the question of their origin has not yet been fully studied. Centipedes are also an important part of the biogeocenosis. Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to being afraid of what they do not understand, so useful information that fills this gap will never be superfluous. So if you ever see a flycatcher in your house, then do not rush to kill it, but simply leave it alone and let it run away calmly - it is quite possible that this creature will still bring considerable benefit.

The flycatcher, or as we often call it, the centipede, but this name is not at all true, since it has only thirty legs (15 pairs), not forty. Another misnomer is house scolopendra. It is worth knowing that centipedes have much more differences than similarities with centipedes. After all, the flycatcher is a harmless and very useful creature that destroys insect pests, while the scolopendra is a very poisonous insect, which can cause considerable harm to health.


  • Notostigmophora Verhoeff
  • Panarthropoda
  • Scutigera
  • Scutigeridae
  • Labiopods
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Animals of Africa
  • Animals of Belarus
  • Animals of Eurasia
  • Animals of Europe
  • Animals of India
  • Animals of the Caucasus
  • Animals of Kazakhstan
  • Animals of the Red Book
  • Animals of the Red Book of Russia
  • Animals of the Red Book of Ukraine
  • Animals of Crimea
  • Animals of the forest
  • Animals starting with the letter M
  • Animals of the Volga region
  • Animals of Russia
  • Animals of the Subtropical Zone of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subtropical Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subequatorial Belt of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subequatorial Belt of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the tropics
  • Animals of the Tropical Zone of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Tropical Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of Ukraine
  • Animals of the Temperate Zone of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Temperate Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Equatorial Belt
  • Interesting animals
  • Shedding
  • Centipedes
  • Insects of the Red Book
  • Insects of the Red Book of Russia
  • Unusual animals
  • Nocturnal animals
  • Protostomes
  • Rare animals
  • Scootigers
  • Tracheal breathing
  • Predators
  • Arthropods
  • Eukaryotes
  • Eumetazoans

Do centipedes bite?

Yes, especially house flycatcher centipedes. But you don’t have to be afraid of the consequences of their bites: although these centipedes disgust you, they very rarely bite humans. As for animals, centipedes may well bite them: the smaller the animal is, the harder it will endure the bite. However, this happens extremely rarely. Mostly centipedes bite!

Are centipedes dangerous for your home?

And you don’t have to worry about clothes, paper documents, furniture and other items. A centipede is not a moth or a silverfish. She is not at all interested in your things. Another thing is that some centipedes can spoil the air in the house due to the fact that they secrete a bad-smelling secretion - but even that is unlikely - there must be too many of these arthropods in your house for you to smell it. In addition, since centipedes are plant scavengers, they may become interested in rotting wood. We advise you to check attics and basements more often for moisture and for such “yummy things.”

We hope we didn't intimidate you. Therefore, at the end, in order to “whiten up” our heroes a little, let’s tell you how centipedes are useful. They are very active in destroying pests. Their diet includes bedbugs, flies, cockroaches, termites and even spiders. So sometimes centipedes turn into real “guardians of housing” from even more harmful creatures. Therefore, if you are not afraid of such many-legged neighbors, then live with them “in peace and harmony.”

How to get rid

Many people are concerned about how to get rid of centipedes in a private home, since they find them on their territory quite often. But there are also those who are interested in how to get rid of centipedes in an apartment.

Arthropodologists argue that it is not necessary to immediately resort to aggressive methods. To begin with, it is advisable to use simple, non-toxic methods.

Folk remedies

When flycatchers appear in an apartment, experienced housewives will tell you what to do. They tried folk remedies from personal experience.

The following methods are popular:

  1. Keeping clean and dry. Centipedes are attracted to moisture. If the room is warm and damp, then arthropods will willingly live there. To remove them, try to wipe dry all wet places in the apartment or house. They also carry out regular cleaning and get rid of fungal growths on the walls.
  2. Freezing of living space. Family members leave the house or apartment and leave the room without heating for 2-3 days in winter. During this time, not only centipedes die, but also other pests. But since many residential premises use a central heating system, not everyone will be able to use this method of control.
  3. Use of boric acid. This inexpensive pharmaceutical drug gets rid of insects and rodents. Arthropods such as the centipede are also afraid of it. Fragments of boric acid, when they come into contact with the body of the flytrap or inside, cause a strong burning sensation, causing death.

Experienced housewives also recommend installing fine-mesh grilles on all ventilation openings, which must be cleaned regularly. In addition, it is advisable to make a classic cosmetic repair when peeling wallpaper, cracks in the plaster or fallen tiles appear.

Mechanical methods

Centipedes are interesting arthropods. Some claim that they have a good memory and are able to compare certain events. If you catch several centipedes and then release them on the street far from the house, then the remaining arthropods will also not claim this living space.

But not everyone is so humane towards such creatures, so most often they get rid of them using a fly swatter or slippers.


When resorting to the help of chemicals, it is important to think carefully about how to poison centipedes, since not all the usual poisons that kill harmful insects act on them. Modern methods of combating centipedes include the following:

Modern methods of combating centipedes include the following:

  1. Glue traps. Some try to catch centipedes using this product, which has proven itself in the fight against cockroaches or ants. But doing this is pointless, because even if the centipede falls into a trap and sticks with several legs, it will lose them without regret. This will not prevent her from running, and the damaged limbs will grow back.
  2. Medilis-Ziper. This toxic agent has proven itself well in the fight against arthropods. It is sprayed using a spray bottle in those places where centipedes run most often. This product is good because it does not harm pets.
  3. Global Original. The product is available in the form of a paste. It has a toxic effect on many pests. The product has an unpleasant odor, but it is faint, so the paste is used in apartments with pets. The insecticide is applied in a thin layer along baseboards and where centipedes often appear.

If you decide to fight centipedes with toxic drugs, you should take care of your personal safety by using gloves and a protective mask. And before returning to your apartment or house, they should be thoroughly ventilated.

Fighting a centipede

We have already figured out the reasons for the appearance of uninvited guests in the house, now we will tell you how to get centipedes out of the apartment. Flycatchers are fairly fast creatures, so it is unlikely that you will be able to catch them. It is necessary to ensure that the conditions in the apartment are unfavorable for the arthropod. The following recommendations must be followed:

Get rid of excess moisture in the apartment. Ventilate the room, wipe the floor in the bathroom, and in the kitchen empty the water from the trays in the dish drainer. Get rid of indoor insects that are food for the centipede. Go through your stocks of potatoes and vegetables, getting rid of rotten products. This will prevent fruit flies and other pests from breeding. Check the condition of kitchen cabinets where food and utensils are stored. Carry out regular wet cleaning of the premises by adding a little soda to the water and treating the possible habitats of arthropods with the solution.

Pay due attention to baseboards and crevices. In the bathroom, you can treat the floor around the perimeter and the exit points of water and sewer pipes with silicone

Close the front door and put a mosquito net on the windows.

Use of chemicals

If a house centipede has already settled in your apartment, preventive measures will no longer be effective. You need to know how to get rid of centipedes in your home using chemicals. You can use the same means as in the fight against cockroaches:

  • Boric acid in dissolved form. You can simply pour it on the floor in several places and wait until the pest is poisoned and dies.
  • Crayons and insecticidal gels. It is better to apply them to the walls and leave them for a week. After the death of all individuals, the products can be washed off.
  • Insecticidal sprays and aerosols. This is an extremely effective and fast method of controlling arthropods. However, you need to be very careful when spraying the product. For several hours after treatment, people and pets should not be allowed in the house. After this, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and ventilation of the room.

Food grade diatom powder. This is one of the safest means of combating arthropods, as it is not toxic to humans. The powder can simply be sprinkled on the floor behind furniture and near baseboards. After a few days it can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Flycatchers in the house - how to get rid of them

There are not many flycatchers in a living room, because this is an unusual habitat for them, and they are unlikely to breed in an apartment. Therefore, flycatchers can be easily caught and sent outside.

If you decide to get rid of flycatchers in your apartment using radical methods, that is, destruction, you need to take into account the peculiarities of their nutrition, body structure and behavior. For example, if sticky traps are removed, they are ineffective in combating insects - the insect tears off the stuck legs and runs away. Baits for cockroaches and ants also have no effect on them, because flycatchers are predators; they feed on live insects.

You can kill a flytrap with any hard object, boiling water or insecticide (it’s more convenient to use sprays). Any insecticide will do; flycatchers are not resistant to them.

You can make the flycatchers leave the apartment on their own. For example, if you get rid of all the insects in the apartment, they will have nothing to eat and will have to go in search of a more suitable place.

They love humidity, so you can often encounter them in the bathroom. If you do not allow moisture to accumulate in the bathroom and ventilate it regularly, the flycatchers will soon become uncomfortable here and will leave.

You can block access to the house for flycatchers, as well as various insects, by caulking all the cracks in the walls, floor and basement, as well as installing mesh on the ventilation outlets.

Reasons for appearance

As a rule, flycatchers, also called centipedes, are attracted to an apartment by high humidity and the presence of food. These arthropods destroy beetles, ants, flies and other harmful insects.

If there are such insects in the apartment, the fungus is visible on the walls and water flows from the taps, then these are ideal conditions for the existence of flycatchers.

It is quite natural that arthropods enter a person’s home through cracks in the floor, baseboards, and through openings located where various communications, such as water and sewerage, pass.

The structure of his body is such that he can easily crawl into almost any crevice. Therefore, there are no obstacles for her.

How does it reproduce?

Reproduction of this exotic representative of the flora is possible in several ways.

To propagate by cuttings, you need to cut the leaf without a trap. The cut site is treated with “Kornevin”, the leaf is planted in a container with peat, to which sand can be added. The substrate should be moist, but not wet. The lid is closed and the container is placed in a warm place with good lighting. Such conditions must be observed for three months - until sprouts appear. From this moment, another three months will pass before a full-fledged sprout can be planted in a permanent place of “residence.”

Separation of the bulbs is only possible when the plant is mature. The Venus flytrap feels comfortable in close proximity to its babies. Each branch of daughter bulbs is stressful for an adult plant, then this procedure can be carried out once every three years. The children are carefully separated from the mother plant and placed in separate containers. It is better to treat the cut with crushed coal. During the rooting period, the children are covered with film and placed in a bright place without direct sunlight.

Seed propagation is also typical for Dionaea. This method is the most difficult of all existing ones. Moreover, it is also unpredictable, since the new plant may be completely different from the mother one. Only an adult Dionaea, which is more than three years old, can produce seeds. To propagate Dionaea by seeds, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • in the spring, during flowering, it is necessary to collect pollen with a brush or cotton swab and transfer it to other flowers;
  • with successful pollination, a seed capsule is formed, which will ripen only in the fall and produce full-fledged seeds;
  • planting material must be immediately planted in the substrate, since their germination rate will decrease in the future;
  • seeds are planted in containers with a lid filled with sphagnum and sand (2: 1);
  • seeds treated with “Topaz” are laid out on a damp substrate, the container is closed and left in a sunny place;
  • for a month you need to maintain maximum humidity, temperature within 25 - 30 degrees and illumination at least 12 hours a day;
  • when the first leaves appear, the container must be ventilated, gradually accustoming the seedlings to fresh air;
  • stronger plants can be pruned.

To obtain a plant in this way, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • a low, young peduncle about 5 cm long is cut off;
  • placed in wet peat with a depth of 1 cm;
  • greenhouse conditions are created - the container is covered with a film or cap made of transparent material;
  • the rooting process will take up to 2 months - during this period you need to maintain a high level of humidity and do not forget about ventilation;
  • The peduncle may dry out, but you need to wait the specified time and your patience will be rewarded.

Where do centipedes come from and where do they live?

The centipede belongs to the class of labiopods and has dozens of pairs of limbs. It reaches 3 centimeters in length. Her entire body is covered with hairs. Most of all, centipedes love damp places: toilet, bathroom, basement. On the street, flycatchers can often be found in wet leaves. If there is a house nearby with damp and warm rooms, the insect will try to move there.

Looking for food (cockroaches, flies, beetles), they stay in cozy houses forever, since they have the best living conditions. They sleep in winter, but become active in spring. Hating the cold, they hide from drafts and sub-zero temperatures.

Centipedes love damp and warm rooms

Having noticed an insect, you need to immediately begin exterminating it. Getting rid of centipedes using folk or chemical remedies is not difficult. But before that you need to prepare the premises for this. Necessary:

  • Adjust ventilation in the bathroom and toilet. Avoid stuffiness or high humidity, so doors to rooms should always be open.
  • Centipedes love moist conditions, so it is advisable to install a dehumidifier.
  • It is necessary to seal all the holes through which insects most often get through, and repair the taps and pipelines.
  • If centipedes have settled in the basement, you should do a general cleaning there, getting rid of trash. You need to walk through the room with the dehumidifier, treat it with a remedy for mold and dampness. Otherwise, centipedes will penetrate from the basement into the house.
  • Since flycatchers often penetrate through windows, they need to be equipped with a mosquito net. Inject foam into holes around window frames and door frames.
  • There should be no puddles in the room. The sink, bathtub, and toilet should be perfectly dry.
  • The sewer pipes need to be inspected. If there are holes between them and the wall, they are filled with foam for installation.
  • Often, after watering flowers in pots, liquid remains in the trays. This should not be allowed, since centipedes love damp soil.

Proper care

Before you place such a plant in your home, you need to carefully study all the points for caring for it. It is imperative to take into account those conditions that are as close as possible to natural ones.

The eastern part of the room is most suitable for the flycatcher. It is in this part that the flycatcher will be able to get as much time in the sun as it needs (approximately five hours). If it is not possible to place the plant in the eastern part, then you will have to provide light artificially. Otherwise, when there is too much sunlight, the flower will have to be protected from the sun.


The Venus flytrap needs plenty of water in its soil. It is because of this that the plant is often grown in aquariums, but in this case the plant will definitely need lighting, which can be provided using a regular incandescent lamp

It is important to maintain a distance of 20 cm, and it should be turned on for 14-16 hours


The Venus flytrap is a plant that is accustomed to swampy areas and requires increased humidity levels to maintain it, but the flytrap cannot tolerate stagnant air. Taking this into account, it is necessary to periodically check the room in which the flytrap is located, but at the same time avoid drafts. In summer, it is best to display the flower at least on the balcony or veranda.


It is important to consider the temperature at which the Venus flytrap will be kept. In summer, the plant likes an air temperature of at least 21 degrees, but not more than 30, and in winter, temperatures that drop below 6 degrees can destroy the plant


The plant cannot process microelements contained in tap water, so it should be watered only with special distilled water.

If you follow all the conditions for caring for a Venus flytrap, then it will grow for a long period of time and delight everyone around with its unusual appearance and the fact that it will fight insects indoors. This plant is suitable only for those who are ready to take responsibility and fulfill all requirements.

the original article
and other tips on how to grow a beautiful home garden on the MyOrchids


Destruction of insects by chemical means

Chemicals in the form of aerosols or sprays will help get rid of centipedes in a private home. Before using the selected product, carry out the following preparations:

  • carefully read the instructions and rules for using the drug;
  • take the recommended safety measures - wear gloves, a protective suit, a respirator;
  • make sure that there are no children or pets in the room during processing;
  • hide all food supplies and take indoor plants to another room;
  • After using the drug, close the room and leave it for several hours, and then ventilate the apartment well and carry out wet cleaning.

Popular means of combating centipedes are presented in the table:

NameMode of applicationFeatures of use
Aquafumigator "Raptor"Install the device indoors and plug it into the network. As the water and toxic substance evaporate, the room is enveloped in steam that kills insects The product is effective in the fight against centipedes, cockroaches, flies and other pests. Before using the device, remove people and pets from the room
Aerosol Henkel CombatSpray the aerosol into cracks, under baseboards, between pipes and other potentially dangerous areasThe product has a pungent odor, so you should only work with it wearing a respirator.
Suspension "Lambda Zone"Treat the areas where insects have been spotted with your chosen product.The drug is effective against insects, while being safe for people and animals
Gel GLOBOLDissolve the drug in water according to the instructions and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the solution on baseboards, cracks, pipes and other places where pests accumulate. The product does not have a sharp or unpleasant odor
Aerosol RaidSpray the product in pest habitatsSafe for home residents, no pungent odor
Aerosol “Dichlofos Heo”The effect lasts for a month
ConPrepare the solution according to the instructions and spray it on the areas where the centipedes were marked.When working with the drug, use gloves, a mask or a respirator.

How to get rid

Many people are concerned about how to get rid of centipedes in a private home, since they find them on their territory quite often. But there are also those who are interested in how to get rid of centipedes in an apartment.

Arthropodologists argue that it is not necessary to immediately resort to aggressive methods. To begin with, it is advisable to use simple, non-toxic methods.

Folk remedies

When flycatchers appear in an apartment, experienced housewives will tell you what to do. They tried folk remedies from personal experience.

The following methods are popular:

  1. Keeping clean and dry. Centipedes are attracted to moisture. If the room is warm and damp, then arthropods will willingly live there. To remove them, try to wipe dry all wet places in the apartment or house. They also carry out regular cleaning and get rid of fungal growths on the walls.
  2. Freezing of living space. Family members leave the house or apartment and leave the room without heating for 2-3 days in winter. During this time, not only centipedes die, but also other pests. But since many residential premises use a central heating system, not everyone will be able to use this method of control.
  3. Use of boric acid. This inexpensive pharmaceutical drug gets rid of insects and rodents. Arthropods such as the centipede are also afraid of it. Fragments of boric acid, when they come into contact with the body of the flytrap or inside, cause a strong burning sensation, causing death.

Experienced housewives also recommend installing fine-mesh grilles on all ventilation openings, which must be cleaned regularly. In addition, it is advisable to make a classic cosmetic repair when peeling wallpaper, cracks in the plaster or fallen tiles appear.

Mechanical methods

Centipedes are interesting arthropods. Some claim that they have a good memory and are able to compare certain events. If you catch several centipedes and then release them on the street far from the house, then the remaining arthropods will also not claim this living space.

But not everyone is so humane towards such creatures, so most often they get rid of them using a fly swatter or slippers.


When resorting to the help of chemicals, it is important to think carefully about how to poison centipedes, since not all the usual poisons that kill harmful insects act on them. Modern methods of combating centipedes include the following: Modern methods of combating centipedes include the following:

Modern methods of combating centipedes include the following:

  1. Glue traps. Some try to catch centipedes using this product, which has proven itself in the fight against cockroaches or ants. But doing this is pointless, because even if the centipede falls into a trap and sticks with several legs, it will lose them without regret. This will not prevent her from running, and the damaged limbs will grow back.
  2. Medilis-Ziper. This toxic agent has proven itself well in the fight against arthropods. It is sprayed using a spray bottle in those places where centipedes run most often. This product is good because it does not harm pets.
  3. Global Original. The product is available in the form of a paste. It has a toxic effect on many pests. The product has an unpleasant odor, but it is faint, so the paste is used in apartments with pets. The insecticide is applied in a thin layer along baseboards and where centipedes often appear.

If you decide to fight centipedes with toxic drugs, you should take care of your personal safety by using gloves and a protective mask. And before returning to your apartment or house, they should be thoroughly ventilated.

Centipede in the house? 5 Easy Steps to Kill Millipedes

To begin with, deprive the centipedes of their food supply and places to live. If your home is messy and infested with small insects, then they will definitely attract these freaks. In addition, the abundance of damp, cluttered and uncleaned places will allow them to multiply and reproduce with enviable regularity. Regularly ventilate the bathroom and monitor the humidity in the basements. In a dry atmosphere, centipedes die on their own: their shell does not retain moisture and they die from dehydration. To solve the problem even on the approaches to your home, be sure to use sealant

Seal and caulk all cracks in your home, paying special attention to windows, doors, pipes, wires, cracks around siding and other gaps. Even the smallest crack is enough for a centipede to get inside. If these measures do not help, and you find single centipedes in your apartment, do not rush to use chemicals

“The safest and most environmentally friendly way to control millipedes and centipedes already in the home is to squash, vacuum, or sweep them,” says a fact sheet from the University of Nebraska. For the same purposes, you can use any adhesive tape against insects. Place them in places where there are possible “food trails”: near the floorboards and along the baseboards. Even 30 fast legs will not help this arthropod overcome the sticky surface. If you don’t want to stain your karma by killing, then simply put the creature in a jar and take it out of the house and onto the street. Those whose home is under attack by a large family of centipedes can turn to powders and sprays. “Aerosols that are available for use by homeowners include many of the synthetic pyrethroids such as cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, permethrin or tralomethrin. Also good are boric acid powders or diatomaceous earth, which are inorganic insecticides and have a very low risk to mammals,” advise the Pennsylvania scientists. And other scientists confirm a similar selection of chemicals. What products use these ingredients most productively? We will talk about this in the second part of the material, where we have collected the 5 best funds.

What to do if bitten by a centipede (flycatcher, centipede)

When bitten you need:

  • Wash the wound with soap and water.
  • Disinfect with any suitable means: for example, alcohol, vodka, cologne, boric acid or calendula tincture.
  • Apply a cold compress for 40 minutes if the burning sensation is severe and swelling has formed.
  • Take a pain reliever or antihistamine if necessary.

Next, you need to observe changes in your well-being. If alarming symptoms appear (severe malaise, nausea, confusion, vomiting), you should consult a doctor. As a rule, nothing like this happens.

In the case of scolopendra, everything is much more serious - the result can be severe swelling (if a limb is bitten, it will swell entirely), an increase in temperature and a sharp deterioration in well-being.

If you are bitten by a scolopendra, instead of a cold compress, you can apply a heating pad with a temperature of 45 °C. Under the influence of this temperature, the scolopendra venom is partially destroyed, and the person feels better. But still, in this case, it is better to immediately seek medical help, and if a child or small pet is bitten, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor.

Review of chemical control agents

If a problem arises, how to permanently get rid of centipedes in the house, it is also possible to consider preparations based on poisons. However, it is better to use this method if the room is heavily infested, because flycatchers are harmless to humans and also destroy various types of pests.

Treat their suspected habitats with boric acid.

You can get rid of centipedes using the following means:

  • Boric acid - it is scattered over the housing, but using a solution based on this powder is also effective.
  • Food grade diatom powder.
  • Anti-crawling insecticide - available in aerosol form and has a pleasant smell.
  • Medilis-Ziper. Characterized by an unpleasant odor. This is a universal remedy, but requires the use of protective equipment.
  • Lambda-Zone - the drug is safe for humans and pets. The product has no odor.
  • Globol Original – offered in gel form and is odorless. Contains chemical insecticides.
  • Combat is an aerosol with which it is easy to treat the habitats of centipedes (in the bathroom, toilet, etc.), for this purpose the kit includes a nozzle.

In order not to harm the centipedes, but only to scare them away, it is recommended to first use folk remedies: boric acid, diatomaceous earth (diatomaceous earth) powder.

Thus, centipedes do not cause any harm, except for the psychological discomfort of being in the vicinity of these insects. There are quite a lot of benefits from them: centipedes destroy flies, cockroaches and other harmful insects that often live in the house.

A centipede is an insect (flycatcher) that has a long body and many legs. Adults have up to 30 legs. The pair of legs that are located near the head have jaws for processing food. In general, centipedes are harmless creatures, even useful, but their terrible appearance is frightening and you want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Appearance and features

Photo: What a flycatcher looks like

As mentioned earlier, an adult flycatcher can be up to 6 cm long. It simultaneously looks like a very hairy spider, a worm or a centipede. Its body color varies from yellowish, brownish to grayish with contrasting purple or bluish stripes running along the entire back. Her long legs also have stripes. The newborn centipede has only four body segments and a corresponding number of pairs of legs.

The flycatcher has two tiny facet-type eyes on its head, which provide it with excellent, almost all-round visibility. There are also rather long mustaches, consisting of many segments, the number of which can reach six hundred. These antennae are very sensitive and can detect many parameters of the external environment, as well as the approach of danger.

Thanks to the large number of legs and the mobility of all body segments, the centipede is capable of running very quickly. Its movement speed can reach 45-50 cm/sec. The most “multifunctional” are the front legs of the flycatcher. They allow her to both run at a fairly high speed, unusual for other insects, and firmly hold the caught victim, and also serve as reliable protection in the event of an attack by enemies.

Now you know what a flycatcher looks like. Let's see where this unusual insect is found.


Having seen a centipede once, you will no longer confuse it with anything, because its appearance is too memorable.

This arthropod can be yellow, pinkish, gray or brown. An adult specimen measures from 3.5 to 6 cm. Its body is divided into 15 segments and is flattened, thanks to which the centipede is able to crawl into the narrowest crevices. On the sides there are 15 pairs of legs that regenerate when lost, and their length is not the same (the further the pairs of legs are located from the head, the longer they are). The front legs are crowned with tenacious pincers, with which the centipede securely captures its insect victims, after which it injects its poisonous paralyzing secret into them, immobilizing the prey.

The centipede sees perfectly in light and in the dark: its compound eyes provide it with excellent vision. The arthropod also runs very quickly on all its legs, which lift its body above the surface while moving, so it is quite difficult to catch it with your hands. When running away, she is able to make sharp turns, while perfectly orienting herself in space thanks to her antennae.


Prevention of centipedes:

  • carry out regular cleaning;
  • ensure that no puddles form near the pipes;
  • make cosmetic repairs if necessary;
  • do not litter the adjacent area;
  • seal all holes and cracks in the walls to prevent unwanted neighbors.

Stories from our readers!

“We have always used fertilizers and top dressing in our garden. The neighbor said he was soaking the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it.”

Multi-story houses

In apartments, centipedes travel through the highest rooms, especially if the building is old. Not everyone knows how to get rid of them at home on their own without harming themselves or their pets. Sometimes it is enough to seal the pipes in the bathroom and toilet or install a new seal on the front door.

If such primitive measures do not help, you can use chemicals to kill cockroaches:

Medilis Center against centipedes

  1. Medilis-zipper. Super concentrate, kills all living creatures within a kilometer radius from the apartment. The working solution is prepared from a mixture of the drug and water and applied to all cracks. The only drawback to its use is its high toxicity for all household members. During the duration of the insecticide's effect, all residents of the living space will have to live with friends or relatives.
  2. Raid. The aerosol is prepared on the basis of parametrin, which is harmless to people and animals. Manufacturers claim that you can stay indoors while treating secluded centipede habitats, but it is better not to risk it and take a walk outside. Then ventilate the apartment well.
  3. Liquidator. The gel is applied in a thin strip to baseboards, near pipes, openings in walls and insulating wells. It has no odor and is harmless to residents and animals.

Interesting: How to get rid of fleas in an apartment at home: tips

The most effective remedies for centipedes

It is undesirable to use sticky compounds and devices to kill centipedes. The insect will lose a limb or two and move on. The flycatcher will grow new legs in a few days.

“Mashenka” from centipedes

Destruction of centipedes in the apartment

Getting rid of centipedes in your home is actually not that difficult. The main thing is to deprive them of favorable conditions, and the chances that these unpleasant “neighbors” will leave the premises themselves will increase significantly. What should be done:

  1. Monitor humidity (if the apartment becomes drier, arthropods will stop reproducing and may leave the room altogether).
  2. Ventilate the bathroom more often by opening the door at night.
  3. Dry the room using special ventilation and heating devices.
  4. Repair plumbing (bathtubs, pipes, toilets, etc.) if the cause is high humidity in the bathrooms.
  5. Eliminate mold.
  6. Fill with silicone or seal in other ways the cracks in the walls, at the junctions of the bathtub and walls, near the doors, from where arthropods get inside.
  7. Install mesh on windows and ventilation holes.
  8. Breed “domestic” insects – the main food of centipedes.
  9. Clean up the area around the house (remove heaps of garbage, last year's rotting leaves, old trash - these are where centipedes breed and then appear through cracks in the living room, and especially in a private wooden house, where there are usually an abundance of cracks).

The listed measures can be equally classified as preventive, and directly combating the goal of destruction can be done more radically.


It is permissible to poison flycatchers if they have proliferated excessively in the apartment or when it is planned to destroy them immediately along with other insects (cockroaches, bedbugs, etc.). There is no special remedy against centipedes, so you can use poison against other crawling parasites, and it will work with equal effect (Medilis - Ziper, Combat, Raid, Clean House, etc.).

Time-tested, reliable chalk “Mashenka” will also have the expected effect not only against cockroaches, but also against centipedes. Insect repellent gels also give a great chance of getting rid of arthropods.

But before it is decided to remove centipedes using chemicals, it is necessary to seal the cracks and restore order in and around the house. Otherwise, after the extension expires, the problem may return again.

More gentle ways

Another proven and almost universal remedy for unwanted “guests” is boric acid. To destroy a creepy-looking centipede, acid can be used both in the form of a powder (spread around the perimeter of the room and at the entrance) and in the form of a solution (pour in according to the same principle).

Diatom powder is an absolutely safe product, but not for centipedes. This product can be used in the same way as boric acid (sprinkled).

If the centipedes in the house have not bred in large numbers, you can limit yourself to trying to catch them manually (but this can be done, remembering that the arthropod will either try to escape or defend itself).

Fighting flycatchers is not very difficult. Most often, it is enough to competently deprive them of all the necessary conditions, and the uninvited “guests” will leave the house themselves

As a result, you will not have to resort to chemical methods of destruction, which is important, especially when children and pets live in the apartment


Traditional recipes and preventive measures

Before removing parasites from the house, you should find the reason for their appearance: perhaps there are rooms in the apartment with high humidity that need to be eliminated? The fact is that finding the source of dispersal of individuals is extremely important: if you don’t find it, there is a risk of getting centipedes as neighbors again.

Therefore, to prevent the further appearance of creatures, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate all rooms, avoiding the accumulation of moisture anywhere.

The most popular folk method of getting rid of these and other types of domestic parasites is still boric acid - with its help you can achieve a significant and quick effect, since it has a neuroparalyzing effect on insects. Moreover, it does not need to be mixed with food; it is enough to sprinkle the powder where flycatchers appear most often.

For example, if pests come from ventilation shafts, you need to pour the powder product there. It is better if the maximum area is treated with the drug, since an insect can only be poisoned by eating it. A good option would be to poison those that flycatchers eat - cockroaches or ants, so that the poison enters their body with food.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in potted plants. It should not be too waterlogged, and daily care of the plant should include a careful inspection for the appearance of parasites. It is also recommended not to leave moisture in the trays of pots, as this also attracts insects.

Who does the flycatcher protect against?

When you see a flycatcher in your home, you immediately want to kill it and quickly get rid of the dead insect so that it never comes to life. However, there are several reasons not to kill the house centipede, but to let it run the house a little:

  • The flycatcher does not damage furniture, does not touch human food, and does not bite people and their pets.
  • The arthropod perfectly cleans the apartment of flies, cockroaches, lice, moths, termites, cockroaches, spiders, fleas, silverfish and other unpleasant household pests.
  • The flycatcher also helps in fields and gardens: in many southern countries it is a welcome guest, helping to protect crops from agricultural parasites.

The centipede is an ancient and harmless animal

In fact, it is an animal, not an insect. An arthropod that also has other names:

  • centipede;
  • flycatcher;
  • scolopendra.

And she actually has 30 legs, all of which are capable of completely regenerating if injured or lost. There is also a respiratory organ.

Her body consists of segments that allow her to be nimble and agile. The forelimbs have claws for capturing and holding prey, and the remaining legs have sharp spines, with which it easily moves across any surface. Having grabbed onto the victim, the centipede bites it and injects it with paralyzing poison, and then eats it.

But meeting a person for the latter does not pose any particular danger. Except that psychologically her frightening appearance is impressive. Scolopendras come in different sizes - from 2 to 15 cm, but large individuals can hardly be found in human habitats, except in the tropics, and in Russia species larger than 5 cm have not been found.

Flycatchers are predators, and in nature their role is extremely important in maintaining the natural balance and balance of the number of organisms. The name of this living creature speaks for itself - they catch flies, as well as:

  • cockroaches and worms;
  • midges and moths;
  • wood bugs, spiders;
  • larvae of other insects.

Without centipedes, it would be more difficult for humans to fight numerous pests of gardens, vegetable gardens, and nature reserves. In total, there are several thousand species of flycatchers in nature, and they are the oldest inhabitants on Earth.

Destruction of centipedes in the apartment

Getting rid of centipedes in your home is actually not that difficult. The main thing is to deprive them of favorable conditions, and the chances that these unpleasant “neighbors” will leave the premises themselves will increase significantly. What should be done:

  1. Monitor humidity (if the apartment becomes drier, arthropods will stop reproducing and may leave the room altogether).
  2. Ventilate the bathroom more often by opening the door at night.
  3. Dry the room using special ventilation and heating devices.
  4. Repair plumbing (bathtubs, pipes, toilets, etc.) if the cause is high humidity in the bathrooms.
  5. Eliminate mold.
  6. Fill with silicone or seal in other ways the cracks in the walls, at the junctions of the bathtub and walls, near the doors, from where arthropods get inside.
  7. Install mesh on windows and ventilation holes.
  8. Breed “domestic” insects – the main food of centipedes.
  9. Clean up the area around the house (remove heaps of garbage, last year's rotting leaves, old trash - these are where centipedes breed and then appear through cracks in the living room, and especially in a private wooden house, where there are usually an abundance of cracks).

The listed measures can be equally classified as preventive, and directly combating the goal of destruction can be done more radically.


It is permissible to poison flycatchers if they have proliferated excessively in the apartment or when it is planned to destroy them immediately along with other insects (cockroaches, bedbugs, etc.). There is no special remedy against centipedes, so you can use poison against other crawling parasites, and it will work with equal effect (Medilis - Ziper, Combat, Raid, Clean House, etc.).

Time-tested, reliable chalk “Mashenka” will also have the expected effect not only against cockroaches, but also against centipedes. Insect repellent gels also give a great chance of getting rid of arthropods.

But before it is decided to remove centipedes using chemicals, it is necessary to seal the cracks and restore order in and around the house. Otherwise, after the extension expires, the problem may return again.

More gentle ways

Another proven and almost universal remedy for unwanted “guests” is boric acid. To destroy a creepy-looking centipede, acid can be used both in the form of a powder (spread around the perimeter of the room and at the entrance) and in the form of a solution (pour in according to the same principle).

Diatom powder is an absolutely safe product, but not for centipedes. This product can be used in the same way as boric acid (sprinkled).

If the centipedes in the house have not bred in large numbers, you can limit yourself to trying to catch them manually (but this can be done, remembering that the arthropod will either try to escape or defend itself).

Fighting flycatchers is not very difficult. Most often, it is enough to competently deprive them of all the necessary conditions, and the uninvited “guests” will leave the house themselves

As a result, you will not have to resort to chemical methods of destruction, which is important, especially when children and pets live in the apartment


Are centipedes dangerous?

If these arthropods are dangerous, it is only for their potential victims - other insects. They do not pose any threat to humans. All that centipedes in an apartment can do to displease people is their frightening and repulsive appearance or self-defense when trying to kill them manually (the bite is not dangerous, although somewhat noticeable).

In other respects, on the contrary, the centipede can serve a person well by hunting insects, if there are any in the house. Its victims will be:

  • cockroaches;
  • spiders;
  • ants;
  • flies (hence another name for the centipede - flytrap);
  • bedbugs;
  • fleas;
  • mole;
  • in addition to insects - slugs and snails.

Thus, whether to destroy the flytrap or not is up to the owners of the apartment, who independently decide for themselves whether they are ready to get along with such a creature in the same room or not. But if arthropods multiply excessively, it is unlikely that even the most loyal people to their appearance will want to put up with such a neighborhood (and centipedes reproduce quickly - only one female hatches from 60 to 150 eggs at a time).

Why is it dangerous for people?

If a flycatcher appears in an apartment or house, you should not panic, since this insect does not spoil either food, compared to some insects, or household items. This insect does not show aggression, but, in extreme cases, when it is in danger, it can bite. At the same time, the bite does not cause serious damage to the skin, since its jaws are quite weak and cannot pierce human skin. Its bite can be compared to a bee sting, although the venom it injects is much weaker than that of a bee. Despite this, the bite site may become red and swollen. The flytrap is also not dangerous for pets.

The centipede is considered a beneficial insect because it brings benefits by destroying cockroaches, moths, flies, fleas, spiders, etc. in a house or apartment.

As a rule, they try to get rid of it not because it is dangerous to humans, but because it has an unpleasant, terrifying appearance. For people who are simply afraid of various insects, this is a reason to get rid of the centipede. Who else she can scare is children. At the same time, it is worth noting that in some southern countries centipedes are protected.

Why you CAN'T kill a FLYTRAP, 10 facts about the flycatcher, or the house centipede

Watch this video on YouTube

Why do centipedes appear?

Centipedes (or centipedes, flycatchers, fly swatters), found in comfortable apartments, usually do not exceed 2-3 cm in length. But under natural conditions, specimens of this insect grow up to 6 cm.

Flycatchers can be easily identified by the following characteristics:

Gray-yellow body with three stripes (often purple, red or blue). The body consists of 15 separate segments, each of which is equipped on the sides with a pair of legs. The centipede's legs are shorter at the head and noticeably lengthen towards the back of the body (thanks to this herringbone structure, the insect does not get tangled in its limbs and moves at an enviable speed - up to half a meter per second). The insect's jaws are located not only in the mouth, but also on the front pair of legs. The fly swatter's head is equipped with a pair of antennae.

In the wild, centipedes live under stones, in tree roots, and under a layer of mulch in garden beds. They need a damp environment to live.

Centipedes often settle in human dwellings - in damp basements of apartment buildings or private houses, on the first floors (close to the basement), in bathrooms, bathhouses. If there is a humid environment they need, in human housing the presence of other insects in the house is attractive to centipedes. After all, flycatchers are hunters. They feed on flies, midges and mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, woodlice, leather beetles, moths, ants and any other insects that are attracted by the warmth and availability of food in human homes.

If there are centipedes in the house, this means that the house is already infested with a large number of other insects. It was the availability of available food (along with the necessary dampness) that became the decisive factor when the centipede chose a place to settle.

The centipede is capable of simultaneously capturing up to several insects - eating one and holding others with its legs.

Are centipedes dangerous for people?

In defense, the centipede is capable of biting a person quite strongly (its bite is comparable to that of a bee or aspen). However, this will not cause any harm to health, at most a small tumor, possibly an allergic reaction (if you have a general allergy to insect bites). The centipede will not specifically attack a person.

However, when they reproduce in large numbers, centipedes become unpleasant neighbors. They look scary and start crawling all over the house in search of food.

How to get rid of it: effective methods

To get rid of centipedes in an apartment, you need to solve two global problems:

eliminate sources of high humidity (since flycatchers will not live in dry rooms); bring other insects into the home, which are daily food for centipede hunters.

Otherwise, measures to eliminate centipedes will be crowned with only temporary success.

Additionally, surfaces in insect habitats are treated with insecticides

When cleaning, pay special attention to:. cracks in the floor and walls (centipedes usually hide in them during daylight hours, since the insect hunts at night); ventilation hatches through which centipedes can enter the apartment; bathroom and toilet; skirting boards (it is optimal to dismantle and treat the surfaces underneath them)

cracks in the floor and walls (centipedes usually hide in them during daylight hours, since the insect hunts at night); ventilation hatches through which centipedes can enter the apartment; bathroom and toilet; skirting boards (it is optimal to dismantle and treat the surfaces underneath them).

Note! Treatment with toxic agents is carried out in compliance with safety measures. Small children and pets must first be removed from the house

After a few hours, the room is washed with clean water and ventilated.

To wash surfaces, you can use folk remedies (at the rate of a tablespoon of concentrate per liter of water):

chlorine-containing gels, solutions (for example, Belizna bleach); food vinegar 9%.

The rating of electric kettles and characteristics of household appliances can be seen in this article.

Powder products that allow you to effectively destroy uninvited flycatchers in your apartment - boric acid and diatomaceous earth powder:

Boric acid is laid out directly in powder along the “paths” of insects. Diatom powder is laid out using the same principle - this food additive is poisonous to centipedes.

For catching, sticky tapes and tape are used, which are stretched directly across the floor. Such traps, however, are ineffective, since centipedes are strong and often get out of the sticky surface, having lost several legs (they have the property of growing back).

Of the purchased poisons, any means to combat cockroaches are suitable - crayons, dusts, aerosols, gels.

Preventive actions

To prevent a centipede from starting up in an apartment, you need to avoid excessive dampness and remember that the creature will not live in a dry room. To do this, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • systematic cleaning of “wet” rooms: bathroom and shower, thorough dry wiping of pipes and tiles;
  • timely sealing of cracks and crevices in windows, on the floor, at the joints of water pipes;
  • fighting insects in the house;
  • destruction of mold in the apartment;
  • Do not allow water to stagnate in the trays of flower pots;
  • Periodically you need to ventilate and dry your home.
  1. At our dacha in Alexandra, centipedes crawl into our house in the fall.
    Disgusting creatures! Huge and scary! It is very difficult to fight them. We poison them with dichlorvos before leaving the dacha for the winter. Answer
  2. Ivan I had a flycatcher living at home. No matter what I tried, it still crawled out of some cracks. And even bit a child when he tried to pick it up. Complex baiting using chemicals helped




Diseases and pests

  • Surprisingly, a plant that eats insects can also suffer from them. For example, an aphid, having settled in a trap and sucking out the juice, deforms it, and the trap stops functioning. To combat aphids, you need to use aerosol insecticides, which are sold in flower shops.
  • In dry conditions, spider mites can appear on Dionea. You can get rid of it by treating it three times with an acaricide solution at intervals of a week. In the future, the humidity needs to be increased. Spider mites cannot tolerate excess moisture.

Due to the increased humidity of constantly wet soil, the flycatcher is susceptible to various fungal diseases:

  • If a black coating appears on the leaves of the plant, then most likely it is a sooty fungus infection;
  • Gray rot appears as gray fluff. All infected parts must be removed immediately;
  • If the trap captures a large insect, it cannot digest it and begins to rot. If you notice blackness appearing on a closed trap, it will have to be removed.

The following drugs are recommended for use: Fitosporin M paste, Fundazol for fungal diseases, and Aktara for small insects (aphids, mites).

Causes and dangers of centipedes appearing in homes

Centipedes are insects of the tracheal arthropod order. Their distinctive feature is a large number of long legs located along the body. The number of pairs of legs varies depending on the age of the insect, and their maximum number is 20 pairs.

There are many varieties of centipedes known, but the ones found most commonly in homes are common flycatchers. Insects have a long and thin body, divided into segments, and their color varies from gray-yellow to brown.

Less commonly, scolopendras settle in houses, which are similar in appearance to flycatchers, but have a darker color and short legs. The pest's bite is quite painful and leaves a mark similar to a burn.

Flycatchers are nocturnal insects that are afraid of light and do not come out during the daytime. At night they are very active and move quickly in search of food. At the same time, they can catch several insects at a time, using all their paws.

Centipedes live in dark and damp corners, hidden from people and light. Their usual habitat is fallen leaves, tunnels and stumps, but when the average daily temperature drops, centipedes move into residential buildings. In an apartment, they can live in the toilet, bathroom, or in the cracks between the tiles. In private homes they live in the basement or attic.

Pests are attracted to the house by warmth, dampness, darkness, and an abundance of food and water. Centipedes choose small insects as food - flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, ants.

The main reasons for the appearance of centipedes in the house are high humidity, constant dampness and the presence of food in the form of small insects.

What causes the flycatcher insect?

Having learned about the centipede's lifestyle, what it eats and what environment it prefers to live in, it is not so difficult to understand why it can appear in a home. At home, the flytrap insect appears only if it discovers that there is something to profit from. A large number of other insects under your roof can also attract a centipede, which will inevitably be tempted by such a hot spot. A basement with high humidity in a private home can also become a source of centipedes, because that’s where they feel most comfortable.

Flycatcher insect - care

The centipede is a very unusual pet, which, however, also requires proper care. When you get a common flycatcher at home, be sure to take care of the following:

  1. Sufficient amount of space
    . A colony of five centipedes needs a container with a volume of about 30 cm³.
  2. Suitable filler
    . The bottom of the container must be covered with a substrate that retains liquid well. Coconut will do.
  3. Hydration
    . In a dry environment, flycatchers die, so you need to periodically spray the substrate and not let it dry out.
  4. Handle with care
    . Centipedes are very fragile creatures, so you need to handle them very carefully so as not to inadvertently break one of the legs.
  5. Suitable food
    . As practice has shown, flycatchers even eat bread crumbs, but their more common diet is somewhat different.

How is the flycatcher insect useful?

Although the very fact of the appearance of such monsters under the same roof as you cannot please you, it also has an unobvious advantage. The flycatcher is a beneficial insect that will rid any room of unnecessary pests. This is a natural and non-chemical insecticide given to us by nature. So, if you had to suffer from an invasion of flies or cockroaches, which is why centipedes also appeared in the house, just give them time - the house will inevitably clear itself, and the house flytrap insect will become your favorite.

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