Ultrasonic repeller: a safe and effective method of rodent control

Many residents of private houses, the first and last floors of multi-story buildings, as well as owners of garages and warehouses are faced with the presence of rodents indoors. Mice and rats are quite dangerous neighbors, as they carry many different dangerous diseases. Getting rid of these pests is not so easy. Previously used means have become less effective over time: mousetraps, poisons, baits and even cats no longer cope with their task. Sooner or later the rodents come back again. One of the most effective means of combating these animals today is an ultrasonic repeller.

Reviews about rodent repellers in general

Installed rodent repellents at work. This was the only way to escape from rats and mice and drive them out of the enterprise. It was impossible to poison with poison, since it was food production. Sergey Voronin

I installed a repeller in a country house. The device performed well. Previously, mice ate up all the leftover food that was there. Now I leave a crust of bread or a piece of cheese on the table, the next day everything lies untouched. The mice are gone. Valentin Belyaev

My stepfather used a repeller at his dacha. He says it helped. Unfortunately, they didn’t turn it on at home, because we have tame rats, and the instructions say that it will work on domestic rodents. Diana Pavlyuchenko

Store comment:

Dear Diana, you really can’t use ultrasonic devices in apartments where there are rodent pets (decorative rats, hamsters, guinea pigs) so as not to drive them crazy. We can only advise you to move your pet to a safe place while fighting mice and rats.

Features of the device

This device is extremely economical, consuming only 5 W. It is connected via a power supply to a 220 V electrical network, and a bright blue light starts blinking on the front panel. There, on the panel, there is a button for switching modes.

Ultrasound cannot pass through thick obstacles, place the repeller in an open area

It must be taken into account that ultrasonic waves cannot overcome solid obstacles, such as walls, closed windows or doors, and are absorbed by soft surfaces, such as upholstered furniture, curtains, etc. Therefore, one device may not be enough to cover the entire area of ​​a residential building. It is advised to divide the declared coverage area by 3 or 4, because it is designed for a room without partitions or furniture. The signal can propagate at an angle of 110°.

The operating temperature of the environment is quite wide; the “electronic cat” will protect your home without interruption in the range from -10°C to +40°C.

About Electrokot

My friends installed an “Electrocat” in the basement, they have nothing but good things to say about it, although it makes a lot of noise. Alena (Smolensk)

1,650 rub.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller Electrocat-turbo

The rodent repeller "ElectroCat" is capable of causing rats and mice a feeling of anxiety, fright, fear and forces them to leave the territory of their permanent habitat.

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Store comment:

The Electric Cat repeller really effectively fights mice and rats, especially in sound mode, but this mode is not applicable in rooms where people are constantly present. If you need a completely silent device, then you should choose something under the Tornado brand.

1,900 rub.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller Tornado OG.08-300

Tornado-300 does not create the audible sound that accompanies ultrasound. It can be installed in living spaces larger than those in which the Tornado OG 200 sq.m. is installed. m.

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terms of Use

There are requirements that must be met for the ElectroKot to work correctly. The electronic rodent repeller is quite reliable, but violation of the conditions relieves the manufacturer of responsibility for its poor effectiveness. It is strictly prohibited:

  • cover it and the ventilation holes of the power supply during operation with newspapers, cloth or other objects;
  • bring the switched-on device closer than half a meter to the hearing organs of humans or pets;
  • place the power supply near heating systems (radiators, stoves, heaters, etc.) and open fire, including fireplaces and candles;
  • wipe the device or its parts with gasoline or solvent;
  • repair or disassemble the device yourself;
  • connect to the network a device that has obviously been exposed to moisture;
  • use for other purposes.

This is interesting: how to scare away mice in the country.

The device should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area. You should not allow it to fall, because the parts inside it may move and there is no guarantee that the device will work properly after a fall. If it was in the cold, then you need to warm it up to room temperature before turning it on. Usually it is enough to keep it in a warm room for 2-3 hours, without using a heating device (heater, hair dryer, etc.).

About Chiston

I used Chiston at home, but the mice didn’t go away, so I took it to the dacha. I put it in the cellar in the barn, I didn’t even turn it on, I keep pots of flowers there that can die from the cold in winter. I also stored carrots there for some time until November, since I couldn’t immediately take them home. In general, I arrived in November and discovered that rodents had devoured the carrots. Which ones I didn’t understand. Of course I was upset, the creatures devoured about half of the carrot harvest.

I stretched the extension cord to the cellar and turned on the Chiston, and went into the house to drink tea. Ten minutes later I looked out the window and went nuts; rats began to run out of the barn from all sides and run towards the house. In general, the device works, although I still don’t understand why it didn’t work on mice. Vladislav Nikolaevich

2,800 rub.

Ultrasonic repeller "Chiston 2 PRO" for repelling rodents

The effect of the ultrasonic radiation of this pest control agent is significant: rats, mice and other rodents experience stress, anxiety, and they form a conditioned reflex to avoid places with ultrasonic radiation.

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Store comment:

Vladislav Nikolaevich, why the device did not work on mice at home needs to be figured out. To do this, you need to know exactly where the mice were, how the device was installed, and how long it worked. The effect on rats clearly shows that Chiston is effective against rodents. To prevent rats from running into neighboring buildings, you need to install another device in the country house. Leave both devices turned on for a while, for 2-3 weeks, until the rats are completely gone. When the rats leave, turn off the appliances and plug up all the holes through which the rats got into the basement and house.


The results of numerous observations have shown that rodents irradiated with an ultrasonic signal experience increasing stress and leave the irradiated room. Treatment period is up to 4 weeks. It depends on the size, type of population and the intensity of radiation. It should be remembered that newborn mice and rat pups are deaf for 14 days after birth and sound does not affect them during this period. It should also be borne in mind that the apparent increase in the number of rodents in the first days after the ElectroKot rodent repeller started working is explained by the fact that under the influence of stress they lose their instinct of self-preservation and do not hide when a person appears. But rodents cannot withstand prolonged exposure to ultrasound and leave the room within a few weeks.

To prevent their return or the appearance of new ones, the repeller should be turned on for 2-3 days weekly.

About Tornado 400

I tried to put the repeller in the closet, and on the first floor of the house, they left for three weeks until they arrived. The first week the device didn’t help, so I plugged up the holes in the walls and left immediately. Viktor Nikolaevich

I ran into a problem last summer. I live in a country house and rats appeared in the kitchen, I installed two appliances in the apartment, one in the kitchen, the other in the hallway, and the other in the garage. After a month and a half they left and haven’t come back yet. Alexander. Ramensky district

I bought it for my parents for their country house. I myself did not see them in action, but my parents were pleased. They helped get rid of rats and mice both in the basement and in the house. Galina. Moscow

2,100 rub.

Ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller Tornado OG.08-400

Rodents, unlike ordinary humans, hear ultrasound perfectly well and become depressed. But, as stated in the instructions, they do not go away immediately. They are exposed to ultrasound for some time. But the radiation frequency is constantly changing to a new one, so their patience is coming to an end.

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The best electromagnetic mouse and rat repellers

In those buildings where there is an extensive electrical network, it would be best to resort to the help of electromagnetic repellers. By inserting the device into a socket, scaring impulses are generated along the entire highway. Insects and rodents leave niches in the walls or under the floor not only next to the operating device, but also in neighboring rooms. Experts liked the effectiveness of the following models.


Rating: 4.9

The main advantage of the Chinese electromagnetic repeller EMR-21 is its quality and efficiency. It surpasses its competitors in range (230 sq. m), which, combined with reliability, makes the device a winner in the rating. The device protects living quarters from a variety of pests, from rodents to cockroaches. When connected to a household electrical network, pulses are generated that propagate along the electrical wiring. They irritate pests, forcing them to leave the action area. At the same time, the repeller looks compact and stylish.

The repeller has a light indicator that allows you to determine the status of the device. For humans, electromagnetic radiation does not cause discomfort, but some pets (hamsters, guinea pigs) will find the signal annoying.


  • high-quality manufacturing;
  • large range of action;
  • effective protection;
  • simple controls.


  • not detected.

About Tornado 200

I took 5 of them on behalf of the director and placed them in different rooms. I can say that the mice have stopped running at night, at least there are no more traces of their presence and have been for about six months now! In general, the director is happy! Maria, Moscow

1,600 rub.

Ultrasonic rodent repeller Tornado OG.08-200

The repeller is safe for people and pets. It does not emit any harmful radiation or have any other effects.

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About Typhoon LS-800

Thank you! It helped! In our house, a mouse constantly crawled out from under the bathtub at night and ran around so hard that it was impossible to sleep! Now everything is fine! Thank you! Anna. Moscow

1,800 rub. Ultrasonic rodent repeller Typhoon LS-800

The Typhoon LS-800 repeller can be installed both in residential and warehouse premises. A distinctive feature of this repeller is that ultrasound is emitted in a wide beam, about 150 degrees, which provides a large effective area.

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About Tornado 800

We purchased 10 pieces of Tornado OG 08-800 for a meat processing plant. The rats were all over the plant, they placed equipment in the refrigeration rooms and a couple were placed in the finished goods warehouse. 20 days passed and the mice were gone. We have been using it for a year now, we are satisfied with the products, these devices are much better than poison for mice. Thank you for your help. Ruslan. Meat processing plant in Odintsovo.

I bought a Tornado 800 repeller from you, placed 2 of them in a basement with a total area of ​​400 square meters, the rodents were gone in about four weeks, it’s strange that before this the poisons didn’t help, I used to be skeptical about your devices, now I recommend them to my friends. Yuri Vasilievich. Pensioner

RUB 3,150

Ultrasonic rodent repeller Tornado OG.08-800

The device does not kill rats and mice, and the decomposition of corpses (sometimes in hard-to-reach places) does not occur.

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"ElectroKot" is produced in accordance with TU-6398-005-77934300-2005. Subject to the rules of operation and storage, the manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation for 12 months from the date of sale, and in the absence of a stamp from the trading organization - from the date of manufacture. The service life of the device is 10 years from the date of release.

During the warranty period, the manufacturer repairs or replaces the product free of charge. Replacement is also carried out at the place of purchase. The warranty does not apply to devices with visible damage to the housing.

For repair, faulty devices, together with a passport and an explanatory note, are sent by mail to the address: 214000, Smolensk, PO Box-21, NPP "BIOS"

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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