What is flea dermatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment methods for allergies

Timely destruction of fleas will help avoid trouble for humans from constantly itchy flea bites. There are frequent cases of allergic dermatitis in a person or pet, leading to the appearance of pustules and hair loss in the bitten area. One bite of a flea, an insect parasitizing rodents, cats or dogs, can cause the following disease:
  • plague
  • typhus,
  • hepatitis,
  • tularemia,
  • encephalitis and other deadly infections.

Even the transfer of tapeworms from host to host is often carried out by these “bloodsuckers”.

How a flea bites

A person experiences a sharp stabbing pain when bitten by a flea, this is explained by the fact that, unlike bedbugs and ticks, the flea does not inject an anesthetic at the time of its bite. Thanks to special enzymes that block blood clotting, which the flea injects during a bite, human blood flows through the wound into the flea's stomach in a thin stream almost by itself. When the flea detaches itself from the bite, the elastic walls of the skin will close and prevent bleeding from escaping.

A painful bite is the least of the evils that a flea can cause.

Why does flea dermatitis develop in cats?

Individuals older than 1 year are more often susceptible to this disease than kittens under 12 months. But in the second case, the invasion almost always ends in death. The reason is weak immunity, which often cannot cope with the disease.

This kind of skin inflammation in cats doesn’t just happen. The most common causes of the disease are:

  • warm season;
  • dirt from the street;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • contact with other animals;
  • decreased immunity;
  • self-walking

The peak of diseases occurs in the summer season, when the air temperature reaches its maximum, which provokes an increase in the activity of parasites. This usually happens in July-August. At this time of year, it is extremely undesirable to let your pets outside. Especially when it comes to southern cities. For a disease such as flea allergy in cats, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Anapa and other settlements in the southern regions are an ideal place for spread.

Fleas that cause the disease can enter the house, for example, with dirt on the soles or on outer clothing.

Outdoor animals, which are almost always infested with fleas, are especially dangerous for cats living in apartments. Therefore, walking pets on the street should only be done under close attention and on a harness. It is for this reason that self-walking cats should be reduced in time as much as possible, especially in the summer.

But not all pets, even if they have fleas, can become infected with this disease. Usually it is dangerous only for those cats that have a decrease in immunity. Most often this happens after an illness, as a result of which the protective functions of the animal’s body are significantly reduced.

Consequences of a flea bite

  • An allergic reaction to an enzyme that prevents blood clotting can vary. From rashes, itching, redness and swelling to anaphylactic shock
  • The flea is a carrier of a huge number of dangerous diseases.
  • Itching caused by a flea bite forces a person to scratch the wound, thereby creating the risk of contracting secondary infections.

Diseases whose pathogens are transmitted by parasites themselves pose a huge danger. Their specificity is largely determined by the type of blood-sucking insect.

What to do first

Therapy for allergies to blood-sucking insects is complex. To begin with, it is important to quickly and completely remove fleas, and to stop signs of the pathological process and alleviate the pet’s condition, take medications.

Destruction of parasites

To remove parasites, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  1. The animal must be thoroughly washed with a special shampoo to kill fleas.
  2. Use a comb to comb the fur to remove parasite larvae.
  3. Apply a special product in the form of drops to the skin, which is aimed at killing fleas, ticks and other parasites.
  4. Give the cat an anti-worming tablet.

It is important to rinse off the foam very thoroughly; to do this, the wool is washed three times with clean water.

You cannot use a flea collar during therapy, as it can aggravate the pathological condition. This is due to the fact that the cat’s body reacts negatively to the chemical composition of the collar and the essential oils in its composition. This leads to cramps, nausea and severe, profuse vomiting, prolonged diarrhea and frequent fainting. Therefore, it is worn only as a preventive measure after the fleas have been destroyed with special means.

If necessary, all activities (bathing, combing, taking pills) are repeated. Although flea treatments for cats always give a positive result, if there are too many fleas, a repeat course may be required.

Home treatment

The house must be treated for fleas. They can jump from the animal's fur to pieces of furniture, remain on the carpet and then migrate back to the pet after it has been treated.

Treating your apartment for fleas is necessary to completely get rid of these insects.

For the home it is necessary to use special insecticides. You can buy them at a pet store. All upholstered furniture in the house, floor coverings, and carpets are subject to treatment. You also need to treat the floor, especially the baseboard. The cat mat on which the pet sleeps must be washed at high temperature.

If the animal lives in a private house and regularly goes out into the yard, the area needs to be thoroughly treated.

What does a flea bite look like? photo

These fleas usually live in the habitats of rodents and birds; they are capable of not only biting skin and drinking blood, but also settle under the nails and lay eggs there. The larvae grow in this environment, feeding on the resulting pus and surrounding tissue. Itching, swelling, and irritation appear at the site of the lesion. Doctors diagnose sarcopsillosis.


To minimize the risk of the disease, special attention should be paid to its prevention.

In order to prevent the occurrence of dermatitis in cats, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Keep the house clean. To do this, every time you come home from the street, you need to wash your shoes and clean your outerwear. After these manipulations, you should put things in a closed space, for example, a closet.
  2. The cat should wear a neck strap regularly. It is an excellent remedy for repelling skin parasites, because its composition is aimed specifically at destroying them. In addition, such a device is the most inexpensive method to protect your pet from fleas.
  3. Avoid self-walking of the animal, especially in the warm season.
  4. Periodically carry out a preventive examination of the cat's skin for the presence of parasites.
  5. Visit your veterinarian regularly.
  6. Do not violate the flea treatment schedule (2 times a year).

When a disease such as flea allergic dermatitis is detected in cats, timely treatment plays a huge role, since its health condition depends on the speed of reaction of the animal’s owners.

Flea bite symptoms

If the listed symptoms are well expressed, supplemented by profuse rashes in the area of ​​the bites, their suppuration, ulcers in the mouth and throat, enlarged lymph nodes, fever and headache, insomnia, we can talk about the presence of a disease such as pulicosis, which is understood as a dermatological disease caused exclusively flea bites. This disease is usually caused by human fleas.

  • Stitching sharp pain at the moment of the bite.
  • Itching from a flea bite, more pronounced than from a mosquito bite.
  • Formation of small tumors.
  • The location of the bites is on the legs and occasionally in other places.
  • A series of bites characteristic of these parasites.


1. Where do fleas come from and how do they manifest themselves? 2. How are fleas detected on a cat? 3. How dangerous are fleas for cats and humans? 4. How to rid a cat of fleas 5. How to remove fleas from a cat using shampoos and sprays? 6. How to get rid of fleas on a cat at home?

Fleas are insects that cause a number of diseases and actively infect cats mainly in the summer season. According to statistical data for Russian cities, it is this particular species of ectoparasitizing insects that attacks representatives of the cat family in spring and summer. There are over a hundred varieties of fleas known that are dangerous both for yard cats and pets. Moreover, the danger of insects to humans has been scientifically proven.

In this article, we suggest studying recommendations on how to get rid of cat fleas and prevent their reappearance.

Treatment of children

Medicines used to treat adults are not suitable for children. It is necessary to select suitable medications and dosages taking into account the age and body weight of the child.

The wounds are washed and treated with an antiseptic. It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or chlorhexidine. Then they use preparations based on alcohol solutions for treatment.

The antihistamine drug Hydroxyzine is used. This drug is available from pharmacies only with a prescription. Diphenhydramine ointment for external use can also be used. This remedy helps well against allergic symptoms, but causes drowsiness in a person. Use with caution and only with a doctor's permission.

Folk remedies are also used. A compress with a mixture of honey and lemon juice will help. Apply solutions of apple cider vinegar, lotions with mint and bird cherry leaves, plantain and calendula juice. A mixture of ammonia and baking soda is also considered effective.

Treatment of the wound with Chlorhexidine.

First aid for acute allergies

First you need to wash your skin. To do this, use warm water and laundry soap. A protective barrier is created that prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the wounds. Since parasites carry typhus and brucellosis, you will have to treat the skin with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine). The use of drugs in this group will prevent suppuration. You can use medications that stimulate regeneration processes. Sulfur ointment and calamine lotion are best.

If angioedema develops, you should immediately call an ambulance. The patient is calmed down. It is better if he takes a sitting position. Small children should be picked up. The patient is isolated from the source of the allergen. He will have to leave the insect-infested area. Tight clothes are removed from the victim, the buttons on the shirt are undone, the tie is undone, and the chains are removed from the neck. Drinking plenty of mineral water and soda solutions is recommended.

How to relieve itching and eliminate inflammation?

Scratching the affected area can lead to infection entering the body. Treatment should begin by washing the wounds with cold water and soap. This will help relieve itching and remove parasite saliva. Ice will help relieve swelling and soothe the skin. A cold compress has the same effect. As a last resort, you can cauterize the bite sites with alcohol.

Natural Remedies for Treating Bites

It is worth using folk remedies only if there are no medications and the lesion is very small. This will help:

  • Apple cider vinegar (0.25l) + water (0.5l);
  • Soda (1 teaspoon) + water (1 glass);
  • Apply a freshly brewed tea bag and leave for 5 minutes;
  • The bite site can be treated with aloe vera juice;
  • For severe pain, ammonia will help. One teaspoon should be diluted in a glass of water and applied to the affected area.

Apple cider vinegar can be replaced with lemon juice. You can self-medicate only if the bite does not cause an allergic reaction.

Pharmacy drugs

Special antihistamines can relieve severe itching. Most often they have a texture in the form of an ointment or gel.


Thanks to its light texture, the drug is quickly absorbed into the skin. The cooling effect relieves severe itching, softens pain, and removes irritation.

Balm “Star”

This inexpensive drug is very popular. It soothes the skin and relieves pain after a bite.

Hydrocortisone ointment

The main advantage of this drug is blocking the allergic reaction. Apply the ointment to a fresh bite.


The product will help treat the affected area and reduce the risk of complications.


The drug relieves inflammation and relieves itching. They should be applied to the bite area to avoid an allergic reaction.

Sulfuric ointment

Sulfur ointment is the most affordable option. It will help disinfect wounds and reduce the risk of infection.

Characteristic symptoms

The bitten area swells and is very itchy and itchy. The wound heals within 3-4 days. She will continue to itch until it heals. Adults are most often bitten on the legs and feet. On other parts of the body, bites are possible, but are rare. If insects attack during sleep, the neck, arms and armpits will be bitten. One insect tries to bite the victim several times. The distance between bites varies from 1 to 2 cm. Enlarged lymph nodes, increased body temperature, and development of urticaria are possible.

In rare cases, angioedema and anaphylactic shock develop. It is necessary to provide first aid to the patient as quickly as possible. Otherwise, death is possible.

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