Chickens of the Brekel breed - features of keeping and breeding

Brekel chickens are one of the oldest egg-laying birds. It is difficult to establish the true and exact origin of the breed; there are opinions that Brekels were created thanks to aboriginal breeds. The birds were popular in Belgium for several years. Brekel is also called Campin; they are endowed with decorative characteristics, therefore they are in great demand among breeders.

Brekel Brekel silver (rooster and chicken)

Rooster and hen of the breed Brekel golden

History of the breed

The history of the origin of chickens goes back a long way. Until now, no one has been able to find out how old Brekel is. The same situation is observed with the area where they were bred. Many historians believe that Brekel chickens first appeared in Belgium and are descendants of indigenous birds.

Records have been found that say that the Brekel cross has been popular in our country for more than 600 years. Records describe this breed from the early 15th century.

At the end of the 19th century, a club for chicken lovers was opened in Nederbrekel. After 1 year, poultry farmers insisted on creating an official bird standard. Based on this data, poultry farmers classify Brekel as a Belgian chicken.

According to historical information, it is known that crosses were created in order to obtain a large number of eggs with white shells. In the 20th century, due to the World Wars, the number of Brekel birds decreased significantly. In the 80s of the 20th century, only 5 Brekel individuals were found in their homeland.

Poultry farmers did not despair and revived the breed in a special club. At the end of the 20th century, a book was published telling about the content of crosses. In this century, the demand for birds has fallen slightly; Brekel has been replaced by new, more productive crosses. But there are quite a few lovers of this breed, since Belgian birds have a large number of advantages.


Silver Brekel is bred only in an incubator, as the breed has completely lost its maternal instinct.

Table of temperature and humidity modes

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