Common earwig: do they have wings, what is their structure, what is their mouthparts?

Earwigs or double-tailed birds evoke feelings of disgust, disgust and even fear. The insect has an unpleasant appearance - a long body, two sharp swords at the end, protruding mustaches, creating the appearance of a monster, when you look at it you want to immediately leave the room.

But do not be afraid, this creature is not as dangerous as it seems.

The earwig order is a widespread family, representatives of which can be found everywhere - at home, in gardens, vegetable gardens, outbuildings and many other places.

To understand who they are, it is worth carefully considering the appearance, species, habitats, reproductive characteristics and other qualities of insects.

Why is the earwig called that?

There is a legend among people that an earwig can crawl into a sleeping person's ear and pierce the membrane. As a result of this, it penetrates the brain, begins to slowly feed, and this leads to death.

By feeding on the brain, the insect grows. All this, of course, is not true. But the legend is so rooted that even a group of creatures received a name - earwigs.

The legend contradicts the truth and it is not clear why the insect is called an earwig. It does not get into people's ears and does not cause harm. If you pick it up, you might pinch it in self-defense. The bite can only be dangerous for allergy sufferers.

At the rear end of the body, the creatures have characteristic processes that resemble forceps. This gave rise to the second name of the insect - the two-tailed or two-tailed cockroach.

It uses these limbs as weapons for self-defense. When danger approaches, the double-tailed snake puts its shoots in the direction of the threat and can strongly pinch with them.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Earwig: why is it dangerous to humans? All the chilling stories about the insidiousness of the two-tailed bug, which can destroy a person by penetrating his ear and damaging his brain, are nothing more than fiction.

Of course, she can crawl into the ear of some summer resident if he suddenly wants to take a nap right on the ground. What happens if an earwig gets into your ear? The insect does not pose any danger to the ear and brain.

In this case, you should not panic, but, if possible, immediately consult a doctor and he will remove the unfortunate bug from the outside.


The earwig is not poisonous. It is impossible to die from its bite. An insect can only bite in defense if it suddenly sees you as a source of danger. The bite site may turn red, in which case the skin must be treated with an antiseptic.

External structure of earwigs

Earwigs belong to the phylum of arthropods, they are representatives of the order of cryptomaxillary. Insects have a small body, the length of which is 2-5 mm. But in nature there are giants with body sizes of 50-60 mm.

They love to inhabit places with high humidity.

To understand the type of insects, it is worth considering the structural features of earwigs:

  • they have an oblong body with a flat shape;
  • the surface of the body is brown-chestnut in color;
  • males are large, their body length can reach 2-4 cm, but females are smaller - the size does not exceed 1.5 cm;
  • the outside of the body is covered with a shell with a strong and dense structure;
  • Adults develop membranous wings, and some species may have two pairs. But they still prefer to move on the ground;
  • on the surface of the head they have small eyes and antennae with a thread-like structure. The latter consist of 11-14 segments;
  • the limbs are short and consist of three segments. The insect has three pairs of legs. There are claws at the ends;
  • at the end of the body, on the abdominal area, there are claw-shaped processes, which are also often called “pincers”. They are designed to protect and hold prey.

Particular attention should be paid to the type of structure of the oral apparatus of earwigs; they have a gnawing one.

Its design allows you to easily handle food. The mouthparts of the two-tailed fish are directed forward.

Features of the structure of earwig wings

Particular attention should be paid to the wings. They have a specific structure, so many people believe that insects cannot fly, but this is not true.

The wings of earwigs have the following features:

  • the front wings are small and fit tightly to the surface of the body;
  • have a sclerosed structure, they lack venation;
  • the hind wings are hidden under the front wings and have a membranous structure;
  • veins are located on their surface in a radial position.

This wing structure keeps the earwig upright in flight. Since the process of unfolding and folding elements is a complex matter, double-tailed birds rarely fly.

When landing, they have to fold their membranous wings twice. For this reason, they prefer to travel by land.

But as for the important question of how many wings earwigs have, the answer can definitely be 4. The fact is that many do not notice the lower pair, because it is hidden under the upper one.

Internal structure

The exact internal structure of the two-vostok has not been established. Insects have a highly developed nervous system; they have many nerve endings throughout the body - on the limbs, posterior cerci, antennae.

Therefore, they are able to sense the approach of danger from a great distance, the same applies when catching prey.

The respiratory organs of earwigs are the trachea. Air enters them through holes located on the sides of the body - spiracles. The inside of the trachea is lined with a thin chitinous film, which has a spiral thickening.

It gives the trachea elasticity and prevents them from flattening. The intake and removal of air is carried out by changing the volume of the abdomen through muscle contraction.

Double-tailed insects

Many people think that earwigs and double-tailed insects are the same insects, but this is not true at all. Although they have a similar appearance, they are considered different creatures.

To understand what distinguishes the inhabitants, it is worth considering the description of each species:

  • A photo taken from the Internet will help you understand what a double-tail looks like, but it still won’t be able to tell the difference. Insects belong to the class arthropods. They have a characteristic formation at the end of the body, which looks like claws or tentacles. The insects are small; on average, the body length of adult individuals reaches 5 mm, but sometimes giants with a length of up to 5 cm are found. There is no pigmentation on the segmented abdomen. Insects do not have eyes; their role is played by long antennae with high sensitivity.
  • Earwigs are members of the class Leatheroptera. Their body is elongated with a flat shape, its color is brown. The body length of males is on average 1.7-2 cm, and females - up to 1.4 cm. In nature, large individuals with a length of 6-7 cm are found. They have small eyes, wings with a membranous structure and thread-like antennae. They don't fly that often. A distinctive feature of these creatures is the shape of the cerci - the processes have a claw-like appearance and are located at the end of the body.



Types of earwigs

The modern fauna includes about 1,300 species of earwigs, this number exists all over the world, which means that these representatives can be found in every corner of the earth.

The most favorable climate for them is a tropical forest with rich vegetation, warm air with a combination of pleasant moisture. These places are considered the best for their habitat and active reproduction.

On the territory of the countries of the former USSR there are not many varieties of representatives of leatheroptera. There are about 26 species. But we will look at the main ones.

Common earwig

Representatives of the order of earwigs of this species are considered the most common; they can often be found in our country. They are small in size, body length can reach 15-20 mm.

The color of the body is dark brown, there may be reddish shades.

Insects have well-developed muscles that ensure normal movement of the rear mites or cerci.

They know how to use them perfectly, and with their help they can calmly capture and hold prey. And in case of danger, pincers can be used as a spear for protection.

During the daytime, they prefer to hide under stones, in old stumps, or under a layer of wood ash. They can be found in places with high dampness. Common earwigs are active at night and go out in search of food.

The diet of these creatures depends on their habitat:

  • Vegetation leaves of trees, young shoots, flowers, cereals, garden crops;
  • Fungi that develop under the bark of trees;
  • A variety of small insects.


This variety is widespread throughout the world. Representatives can live in desert areas, as well as in forest areas.

They are found on the banks of rivers, lakes, and seas, but only if there is a certain type of soil - sandy or sandy loam.

The body structure of insects is no different from common earwigs. They have a small body, its length can be 10-20 mm.

Their coloring is slightly different - dark brown, the lower part of the abdomen, sides, cerci, and limbs are light brown, closer to yellow. The ends of the churches are dark.


Individuals are widespread and can be found almost everywhere. This is the smallest representative of our fauna.

The length of the insect's body can range from 4 to 6.5 mm. That is why it received the name – small.

A distinctive feature is that they are active during the day.


In Asian animals, the surface of the body is black; there are yellow spots on the area of ​​the elytra and wing plates. The length of the wing plates is 10-16 mm. The pincers are strongly curved. Prefers to lead a daytime lifestyle.

The variety is widespread in Central and Central Asia. It prefers to live in semi-deserts, and in southern areas it can be found in the mountains. Insects feed on plant foods.

They fly from one place to another. Their flight speed is low, but earwigs are able to rise up to 100 meters.

Guinea cave

Insects live in caves where there is no sunlight.

Due to the fact that Guinea cave earwigs are constantly in complete darkness, their appearance has changed:

  • their eyes are poorly developed, they practically do not see;
  • pale pigmentation is present on the surface of the outer integument;
  • long limbs and antennae.


A common species of earwig in tropical Africa. It is classified as a parasite because the insect is found on the surface of the skin of the hamster rat.

The main features of the body structure include:

  • the insect has a flat body;
  • he has no wings;
  • limbs are short;
  • They have no organs of vision.

Economic importance of earwigs

Earwigs, being a small group of insects in terms of the number of species, have relatively little economic importance compared to the rest of the order complex. However, this group still includes a number of species that have a certain and sometimes very significant economic importance for individual crops and economically valuable plants.

The most significant role is played by 3 types of earwigs - the Asian earwig, the garden earwig and the common earwig. As for the first species, it is a pest of the seeds of the wild rubber plant - tau-sagyz in the Karatau mountains in southern Kazakhstan, which is currently a significant source of seed products necessary for planting plantations of this very valuable rubber plant. The harm is expressed in the gnawing of stigmas and pistils in flowers or sometimes in the complete eating of ovaries in young buds.

The garden earwig, on the contrary, is an extremely polyphagous pest, which is especially significant for garden crops (potatoes, beets, soybeans, poppy seeds, sunflower seedlings, cabbage, tomatoes), as well as for melons (cucumbers, pumpkins, melons), tobacco and floriculture, causing damage both in the larval and adult states by gnawing leaves, gnawing stems, or even completely consuming seedlings and young plantings. In addition, this species is noted as a pest of sugar beet seeds in Ukraine, gnawing out semi-ripe seeds. Climbing into weak apple fruits, the earwig can also cause some, but insignificant, harm.

The common earwig harms garden plants and floriculture in Ukraine and Western Europe, eating living leaves, flowers and semi-ripe seeds. In addition, this species is important for corn and other cereals (semi-ripe seeds are eaten) and fruit trees. Having been introduced to North America, the common earwig species even became a quarantine object due to the severe damage it caused to nurseries of ornamental and other trees. In New Zealand, where this species was also introduced, it became the scourge of local fruit growing. In addition, there have been cases of this type gnawing out passages in baked bread.

From all this it should be concluded that the order of earwigs is not a group of insects indifferent to humans. Their economic importance can sometimes be so significant that the absence of certain control measures can jeopardize the yield of damaged crops.

Life cycle

The type of development of the earwig is called incomplete metamorphosis. In a year it is able to live through all stages of development - egg, larva, adult. The female is capable of laying 30-50 eggs at a time. The incubation period is 56-80 days.

At the end of this period, larvae appear, and only then individual earwigs gradually form.

Life expectancy is 1 year; during this period, the female is capable of producing several clutches of eggs.

How do earwigs reproduce?

When considering the characteristic features of the earwig, it is worth paying attention to the reproduction process. Mating lasts 2-3 hours. Then, after two months, the fertilized female makes a tunnel 8 cm long, which ends with an extension.

In this place she breeds and lays eggs. It can lay from 30 to 60 eggs at a time.

At the beginning of March, the earwig lays eggs again, their number is no more than 20 pieces. The first larvae appear at the end of spring, but they reach full maturity only towards the end of the summer season.

When the female lays eggs, she stays close to them, protecting future offspring from danger and uninvited guests. The insect remains until the larvae appear.

Larvae differ from adults in body size, and they also do not have wings. Formation occurs gradually, the individual molts from time to time and slowly turns into a sexually mature insect.

Reproduction and lifespan

When a female earwig becomes sexually mature, eggs are formed in her body at a certain period. Without the help of a male, they cannot become fertilized, but the female can carry them for several months.

Earwig nest

And only after a “love date”, when the male fertilizes the female, holding her tightly with his cerci, the eggs begin their development. All this time, the female is patiently looking for a suitable place - she needs to have a suitable level of humidity, food nearby and maximum solitude.

An interesting fact is that earwig mothers are perhaps the most caring of all the insects. She lays eggs in a chosen place, arranges it well, monitors the humidity, constantly “cleans the room,” and then, when the nymphs appear, she feeds her offspring by regurgitating food.

And she continues to take care of him until the second molt. It happens that while nursing the offspring, the female dies. The children are then left alone and the first thing they do is eat their own mother, and only then go out in search of other food. The lifespan of earwigs is not too long - 1 year.

Habitat of earwigs

The earwig prefers to choose places with high humidity and favorable living conditions. The habitat of fauna representatives should be dark, damp and warm, where the insect will feel comfortable.

The following places are considered the best options:

  • rural lands;
  • gardens;
  • vegetable gardens;
  • damp, dark basements;
  • Houses;
  • apartments with poor ventilation.

The favorite habitats of insects are secluded and inaccessible areas in nature, vegetable gardens, orchards - stones, fallen leaves, piles of manure, cracks in trees, various depressions, fallen trees, firewood.

Diet of earwigs

Insect nutrition includes a variety of components. Earwigs are voracious insects that can feed on both vegetation and insects.

Let's look at what two-tailed or earwigs eat in nature:

  • they will happily eat honey, fruits, and vegetables. This is a treat for them.
  • Insects are pests in the garden. They are capable of causing serious damage to vegetation - they eat the edges of tree leaves, gnaw through the stems of seedlings, and damage the roots.
  • Do not refuse mushrooms, seeds, moss.
  • They will not disdain the leftover food that is left on the table.
  • Earwigs love flowers - chrysanthemums, dahlias, asters, roses, phlox, poppies.

But there is still some benefit from pests; creatures are able to eat harmful insects that cause damage to plants in the garden.

Their favorite treats are:

  • caterpillars;
  • flies;
  • spider mites;
  • aphid.

Two-tailed insects also destroy fallen fruits and eat parasitic fungi.

Therefore, if single individuals are observed on the site, then they do not need to be destroyed, but if you notice a large accumulation of pests, then it is better to take urgent measures to combat them.

Methods to combat earwigs

Despite all the benefits of the insect, if there are a large number of individuals on the site, you need to get rid of them. Some tips for fighting:

  • remove stale hay, straw, leaves and firewood from the area;
  • carry out deep digging for the winter;
  • set traps;
  • for bait, put 2 boards with wet rags and leaves;
  • pour boiling water over the intended areas;
  • all cracks in the apartment are sealed, leaks are eliminated;
  • periodically inspect indoor plants;
  • lay out sponges soaked in vinegar;
  • Insecticides are added to baits.

Earwigs in nature

The role of earwigs in nature matters. Insects are considered to be a kind of orderlies, because they eat the remains of dead plants, insects, and also destroy some types of pests.

It is important to remember that in nature everything is interconnected, therefore any insects, animals, creatures can have harmful and beneficial effects. Much depends on living conditions and time of year.

Pincers also have benefits: if they live in gardens and vegetable gardens in moderate quantities, then at night insects will be able to eliminate aphids and other pests from plants.

They also eat pathogenic fungi, which can cause serious damage to fruit and berry plantations, vegetables and other vegetation.

Earwigs have natural enemies:

  • birds;
  • lizards;
  • spiders;
  • frogs;
  • other insectivorous creatures.


The earwig leads a hidden lifestyle, hiding during the day under stones, fallen trees, as well as under the bark of trees and old stumps. In such shelters, earwigs sometimes accumulate in large numbers. At night, on the contrary, they become very active; crawl out of their daytime shelters and quickly run in search of food, which can be very diverse and the composition of which depends on the characteristics of a particular place. The activity of earwigs is highly dependent on weather conditions. They exhibit the greatest mobility on warm days, when temperature differences between day and night hours are minimal. They prefer cloudy weather, but if there is precipitation, they remain in shelters.

Danger of insects

Many people are interested in why the earwig is dangerous for people, but it is practically incapable of causing harm to human health. The insect may sometimes bite, and people with allergic reactions may be more sensitive to its bite.

The stinger is not a poisonous creature, and the liquid that it injects at the time of the bite is not poison, it is a specific aromatic substance.

If it was not possible to avoid a bite from this insect, then the affected area can be treated with an antiseptic agent. You can also take an additional antihistamine.

The danger of earwigs can only be to crops. If a large number of these insects live in a vegetable garden or garden, then they can significantly damage trees, seedlings, flowers, fruits, vegetables and other vegetation.

Interesting facts about earwigs

If you want to know everything about earwigs, then study interesting facts about these inhabitants of the planet:

  • insects live in all corners of the globe, except frosty Antarctica.
  • Earwigs are often confused with double-tailed earwigs, but they are considered different creatures. Two-tailed birds belong to the class of cryptognathans, and earwigs belong to the class of insects.
  • When curled, they resemble the shape of a human ear.
  • Scientists have never encountered true evidence of earwigs getting into human ears.
  • A distinctive quality of individuals is the presence of foreps (pairs of pincers) on the back side. Many people are afraid of them, but they cannot cause any harm, much less damage human skin.
  • It takes 20-70 days for earwigs to grow from the moment of laying eggs to a sexually mature individual. And their life span is only a year.
  • There are 25 species of earwigs in North America, 45 in Europe, and 60 in Australia.
  • The largest in history were found on the island of St. Helena. The body of the giant creatures reached 8 cm.

Earwigs are unusual insects that hide many secrets. Despite their unpleasant and threatening appearance, they do not pose a danger to humans. You should not be afraid of their appearance, run away and scream, the creature will not do anything bad.

They harm vegetation in the garden, but only if they live in large numbers.

But at the same time, we should not forget about the benefits of the inhabitants, because they can also destroy harmful organisms that can greatly damage the plantings on the site.


Active mainly at night, the earwig lives in well-kept gardens. Despite its omnivorous nature, its diet is dominated by food of plant origin.

Loves cool and damp places. When the temperature rises, it settles near water sources. For shelter it uses stones, small cracks in the soil or in the bark of trees, where it spends the day half asleep.

When irritated, she raises her head threateningly, trying to scare and drive away the uninvited guest.

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