15 best drops on the withers against fleas for cats

Update date: 02/14/2021 14:36:52 11833 Share:

Author of the article: Astafieva Ekaterina Alekseevna

*Review of the best according to the editors of simplerule.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Flea drops are insecticidal preparations designed to kill harmful parasites. Products can be purchased at specialized animal stores or veterinary pharmacies. When choosing flea drops for cats, pay attention to the composition, because all substances used to kill insects have approximately the same mechanism of action. To help consumers make the right choice, experts from the online magazine Simplerules conducted market analysis, comparative tests, and studied customer reviews. The information obtained during the test allowed us to compile a rating of the best flea drops, including 11 nominees.

How to choose flea drops for cats

All products presented in this rating are distinguished by their quality and meet the basic requirements for insecticidal products. In order for the product to show its effectiveness, you need to carefully consider its choice, paying attention to the key parameters:

  1. The active substance of the drug.

    It must be active against fleas and other ectoparasites, but safe for the animal.

  2. Manufacturer

    . You can purchase a medicine if it has a certificate of conformity. Every bona fide manufacturer supplies a batch of goods with a license; the buyer can view it directly in the store.

  3. Breed and age of the pet

    . Efficacy and safety also depend on these factors. Some flea drops are intended only for young animals and should not be used on older cats or kittens. Breed is an equally important condition. If your pet is prone to allergic reactions, then it is better to choose a composition with hypoallergenic additives.

  4. Weight

    . This is the determining factor. It is unacceptable to use the product for animals weighing 5+ in relation to kittens. Some of the components are absorbed into the skin and absorbed into the blood, which can lead to intoxication. Products with a dosage lower than recommended will not be effective when used on large cats.

  5. Duration of effect

    . Individual drops retain the result for several months after treatment; the animal does not become infected during the specified period, even through contact with the parasite.

  6. Package.

    The product is used directly from the ampoule, therefore the quality of its execution is valuable.

  7. Efficiency

    . Directly depends on the active component. High-quality drops ensure the destruction of fleas in cats within 2-3 days.

  8. Instructions

    . A conscientious manufacturer must provide the product with a detailed summary, which discusses contraindications and side effects in detail.

Rating of the best flea drops for cats

The best domestically produced flea drops1Inspector Total K420 ₽
2Leopard85 ₽
3Agrovet protection 4 with tail80 ₽
4Celandine Bio195 ₽
5Ms.Kiss190 ₽
The best imported flea drops1Zoetis Stronghold605 ₽
2MSD Animal Health Bravecto Spot On1 550 ₽
3UltraGuard Plus Drops1 300 ₽
4Bravecto Spot On1 300 ₽
5Advantage (Bayer)280 ₽
6Frontline Combo980 ₽

The best domestically produced flea drops

In recent years, increased demands have been placed on pharmacological drugs for animals in Russia. All of them must comply with international GMP standards, so there should be no doubt about the quality of the goods. Our rating includes five domestic flea drops for cats. They received high positions thanks to positive reviews from breeders, affordable prices and high quality.

Inspector Total K

Rating: 4.9

Inspector Total K - popular flea drops for cats. They appeared on the pet products market more than 7 years ago and have established themselves as an effective remedy for combating various types of ectoparasites: fleas, lice mites, ear and ixodid mites, roundworms. The drug can be used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. It is recommended to apply it directly to the skin in the withers area. Long hair should be spread apart. It is important to try to ensure that the active substance does not get on the fur itself, otherwise the animal will lick it off and may become poisoned, which provokes a number of side effects.

The manufacturer produces flea drops for cats in two volumes: intended for animals weighing less than 5 kg and more. To ensure proper comfort of use, the solution is placed in a special pipette made of soft plastic.

These flea drops have won the trust of consumers and received many positive reviews confirming their effectiveness. The result from using the composition appears within 2-3 days, and the result lasts for 2 months, which is considered an impressive period. Inspector Total K is dangerous for humans, therefore, during the first two weeks after its application, you should not touch your pet; it is extremely important to exclude contact with small children with him.


  1. long-term preservation of the effect;
  2. prevalence in Russia;
  3. release in two volumes for ease of dosing;
  4. no unpleasant odor;
  5. the presence of antihistamine additives in the composition;
  6. minimal likelihood of side effects.


  1. the active substance is dangerous to humans;
  2. temporary contamination of wool.


Rating: 4.8

Flea drops for cats "Bars" are the best-selling products among this group of products in Russia. The popularity of the product is explained by its prevalence, low cost and quick action. All positive qualities are confirmed by users. The product works according to a scheme that differs from many analogues. It accumulates in the epidermis and sebaceous glands, due to this a long-lasting effect is achieved. Adverse reactions are not observed if the composition is applied according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is prohibited to use the product to remove fleas from sick animals.

Drops for fleas in cats Bars are a budget product, but are not inferior in effectiveness to expensive foreign analogues. They not only kill insects, the cat’s condition changes for the better within a few hours after use. His itching, burning and skin irritation disappear, and his behavior returns to normal.


  1. can be used for kittens after they reach 8 weeks of age;
  2. non-toxic;
  3. convenient packaging that provides a dosage regimen;
  4. affordable price.


  1. may provoke allergic reactions.

Agrovet protection 4 with tail

Rating: 4.7

Flea repellent drops for cats are intended for the prevention and treatment of infection by various insects. The drug is produced in Russia. It contains many fragrances: lavender, eucalyptus, citronella, schizandra. Due to the interaction of the listed components, flea drops obtain a persistent citrus-floral aroma, which, according to consumers, is rather a disadvantage. Animals react acutely to odorous substances and do not tolerate treatment well, but these are only partial reactions.

The product has firmly established itself in the market due to its significant advantages. Flea drops for cats have a long-lasting repellent effect. For reliable protection against pest damage, a single treatment is sufficient; the repulsive effect lasts for 2 months. In total, protection against tick attacks is achieved, but it is shorter – up to 3 weeks.


  1. high efficiency;
  2. affordable price;
  3. availability, can be purchased at specialized pet stores and veterinary pharmacies;
  4. safety for humans;
  5. duration of action.


  1. allergic reactions and side effects are possible;
  2. the wool becomes oily after treatment;
  3. the smell repels the animal, it is difficult to apply the drug;
  4. Produced in bottles of equal dosage, there is no volume for kittens and small cats.

Celandine Bio

Rating: 4.7

Anti-flea drops effectively destroy eco-parasites in cats. The drug is designed for long-term action, the result of use lasts for 1 month. During this time, the animal is protected from insect attacks. The active ingredient in the product is bisabolol. Its effect is enhanced by excipients. To reduce itching and reduce the intensity of other signs of infection, vegetable oils are used; they additionally repel parasites.

The product is produced in two dosages, designed for animals weighing up to 5 kg and over 10 kg. A solution with a higher concentration can be used to remove fleas from dogs. The drug is designed for adults; it is permissible to use it when indications are identified for kittens after they reach the age of 4 months. All components of the product are safe, there are no toxic substances, so the composition is well tolerated.


  1. high security;
  2. produced in two dosages;
  3. easy to find in specialized stores and veterinary pharmacies;
  4. no side effects.


  1. no dosage for kittens;
  2. inconvenient capsule, difficult to squeeze out the composition;
  3. Once applied, it is difficult to wash the product off the coat.


Rating: 4.6

The drug is used to control fleas and ticks. Domestic drops for cats contain fintronil as an active ingredient, a powerful component with insecticidal activity. They do not contain fragrances, therefore there is a specific smell reminiscent of a solvent. Flea drops for cats can be used on kittens after they reach the age of 1 month. The product has successfully passed clinical testing and proven safety.

The domestic manufacturer thought about ease of use. Laminate pipette tubes equipped with a long tip are used as containers. It is enough to spread the hair on the animal’s withers and squeeze out the product; the manipulation will take a few minutes. The main disadvantage consumers point out is the lack of dosages for adult cats. An ampoule with a volume of 0.8 ml is not enough to kill fleas on a person weighing more than 6 kg. The instructions for the drug indicate that the effect of use lasts for 3 months, but in reality the period is shorter. The cat is protected by the insecticide for no more than 4-6 weeks. After this, the drops can be reused. The interval between applications should be at least 1 month.


  1. does not contain fragrances;
  2. allowed for kittens from the first month of life;
  3. can be used to treat pregnant cats;
  4. effective against ticks.


  1. specific aroma;
  2. no volume for cats weighing more than 6 kg;
  3. the effect of use lasts for a month.

Possible side effects and selection criteria

Treating cats against various ectoparasites and endoparasites should be carried out regularly, regardless of the season of their activity. Treatment during the period from spring to autumn deserves special attention, since it is during this period that the peak activity of ixodid ticks and other bloodsuckers falls.

A veterinarian will help you choose the right drug, based on the characteristics of the animal, breed, lifestyle and age. The pharmacological veterinary market offers a whole range of antiparasitic agents to combat ticks and fleas. Preference is given to drops, since they are easy to apply, have a low number of side effects, but are also effective.

It is important to understand that the duration of exposure to the selected insectoacaricide depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on factors such as washing the animal. The effect of the antiparasitic drug lasts from 2 weeks (with frequent washing of the animal) to 2 months. If the owner often washes the cat with shampoo, then antiparasitic treatment will need to be carried out during the peak of mite activity every month.

When selecting a drug, the age and weight of the animal, as well as the tendency to have allergic reactions, are taken into account. Drops against ticks from leading manufacturers of antiparasitic agents have low toxicity, but in case of individual intolerance to certain components they can provoke the development of an allergic type reaction. As a rule, this is a local reaction in the form of itching and redness at the site of application.

If a specific reaction occurs, it is strongly recommended to contact a veterinarian, having a bottle of antiparasitic drops with you.

An important criterion is the correct application of the product. The drops should be carefully applied only to the animal’s withers, on clean and dry skin. For pregnant cats, lactating or in the stage of exhaustion (if the immune system is disrupted), drugs are selected individually. Preference is given to products with herbal ingredients or substances with low concentrations of toxic substances.

At your own discretion, in order to avoid the development of side effects, it is prohibited to change the dosage. The same applies to deliberately underestimating the dosage - the drug simply will not work, and the animal will be at risk of being attacked by ticks with further development of complications.

Among the side effects observed extremely rarely with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the insectoacaricidal agent are the following:

  • increased secretion of salivary secretions;
  • tearfulness;
  • muscle tremors;
  • the appearance of irritation on the skin;
  • eruption of gastric contents.

The appearance of one of the above symptoms is a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian, after washing the animal under running warm water and soap.

The best imported flea drops

Buyers often have a distrust of domestically produced products, so they choose products from foreign companies. This rating includes the best imported flea drops according to breeders.

Zoetis Stronghold

Rating: 4.9

Flea drops will help rid your cat of attacks from other insects. The product is effective against scabies and ixodid mites and lice. The effect of using the composition lasts for 2 months. The drug has an excellent composition and is safe to use. Can be used to treat weakened cats, pets over 2 months of age and pregnant animals. Cases of allergic reactions are not described in the instructions for the composition and consumer reviews. If the rules of use are observed, the drops are well tolerated by animals.

The effect of using the composition appears within the first day. Adult parasites die earlier than larvae. Consumers note that it is comfortable to use the composition. It is easy to apply it directly to the withers using a dropper bottle. The container contains a dose corresponding to the weight of the animal. If fleas are killed on a sick cat, the instructions recommend using 0.5 of the indicated volume and repeating the treatment every other week.


  1. good result;
  2. prevalence;
  3. safety;
  4. low risk of adverse reactions.


  1. unpleasant smell.

MSD Animal Health Bravecto Spot On

Rating: 4.8

Drops for cats cope with all types of ectoparasites and provide reliable prevention of their reappearance for 3 months. The product is characterized by increased safety, so it can be used starting from the age of three months. The composition contains antihistamine additives, which reduces the risk of developing a hypersensitivity reaction in weakened cats. The active ingredient of the drops is safe fipronil, which is active against adults. To achieve an absolute result, a second compound is used - pyriproxyfen. This substance helps destroy eggs, larvae of fleas and other insects.

After using the composition, reliable protection of the cat from ticks is provided for 1 month. The likelihood of pest attack is minimal for 3 months. Consumer reviews confirm that the described deadlines are realistic.


  1. quick results;
  2. destruction of fleas and larvae with a single treatment;
  3. faint smell.


  1. presented in a single dosage;
  2. high price;
  3. not available in all stores.

UltraGuard Plus Drops

Rating: 4.7

The American company Hartz has been in the pet products market for more than 80 years. Its products have positive consumer reviews and meet all EPA requirements and standards. The product is certified and absolutely safe. The active ingredient in flea drops for cats is phenothrin. After application, the product is quickly absorbed into the blood and begins to work, causing paralysis in parasites. The effect is achieved very quickly. Within 5 hours after application, the fleas die, the animal feels much better.

After a single use, the active ingredient remains in the cat’s blood for 1 month. At this time, re-infestation by parasites is excluded. They die instantly after being bitten. Side effects after use can occur if the substance enters the oral cavity. Their manifestation can be eliminated by proper application (on the skin in the withers area, without affecting the fur). If the substance gets into an accessible area, it is recommended to put a protective veterinary collar on the cat.


  1. quick results;
  2. convenient bottles;
  3. safety and environmental friendliness.


  1. high price;
  2. side effects when licking;
  3. low prevalence in the Russian Federation.

Bravecto Spot On

Rating: 4.6

An American-made drug used to treat and prevent infection of animals by ticks and fleas. The main advantage of the composition is its long-lasting action. The pet remains under the protection of the active substance for 12 weeks after use.

Bravecto flea drops for cats are sold in pipettes. According to user reviews, the use is comfortable. The active component is absorbed into the animal’s blood within 4 hours and reaches its peak within half a day. The very next day the result appears - the fleas die. The composition is effective against pest larvae. There are many fakes in Russia, so it is important not to take risks and buy the product in veterinary pharmacies or specialized stores. If in doubt, you can ask for a quality certificate. The American company always supplies them with its products.


  1. ease of use;
  2. quick results;
  3. reliable protection for 3 months;
  4. high security;
  5. can be used for prevention.


  1. high price;
  2. produced in one dosage.

Advantage (Bayer)

Rating: 4.5

Premium flea drops for cats from a German manufacturer. With their help you can remove not only fleas. When used correctly on a schedule, Advantage protects against ticks and helminths. To achieve a lasting result, a single application is sufficient. Flea drops are released in sealed pipettes, ensuring ease of application. The manufacturer is attentive to detail, so he divides the doses depending on the weight of the animals.

According to the instructions for use, the drops are allowed to be used to remove parasites from sick animals, kittens and pregnant cats. The permissible frequency of use is 1 time per month. According to this scheme, treatment is carried out if the cat visits the street from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. Veterinarians confirm that application on this schedule will provide reliable protection against many ectoparasites.


  1. availability of different dosages;
  2. possibility of use in relation to weakened individuals;
  3. no persistent odor;
  4. the composition does not have to be washed off;
  5. the wool practically does not get dirty;
  6. high safety for humans and pets;
  7. elimination of symptoms associated with infection within an hour after application.


  1. high price.

Frontline Combo

Rating: 4.4

Well-known flea drops, produced in three dosages at once, are designed for animals weighing up to 4 kg, from 5 to 8 kg and over 9 kg. This is extremely important because choosing the right dose is a guarantee of a good result. The drug does not just kill fleas. It ensures the elimination of unpleasant symptoms associated with the activity of parasites. The irrefutable advantage of the composition is that it is effective not only against adult fleas; when used correctly, their eggs are also destroyed. The product works flawlessly, interrupting the supply of nerve impulses, ensuring paralysis of the parasite.

The result appears extremely quickly. Within a day, the effect is noticeable, the activity of insects decreases, they die. Like other popular products, Frontline Combo provides protection for a month after use. The effectiveness of the active substance can be enhanced by strictly following the instructions. It says that the animal should be washed 24 hours before applying the drops and 48 hours after applying them.


  1. has no pronounced odor;
  2. washes off easily with shampoo;
  3. provides long-lasting protection against fleas and ticks;
  4. Available in several dosages;
  5. has an average price.


  1. cannot be used on cats under 4 months of age;
  2. may cause itching in animals prone to allergies.

A thorough analysis of information provided by manufacturers and consumers helped experts of the online magazine Simplerule select the best products from foreign and domestic manufacturers. Bars has the best ratings from Russian buyers. Based on reviews, they are considered the most popular flea drops for cats. The most popular foreign-made products are Advantage and Frontline Combo.

Attention! This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Detection of fleas at home

Finding fleas on your pet is not as easy as it seems. It is necessary to prepare the animal for examination, select a white cloth on which flea excrement and the parasites themselves are clearly visible. It is better to carry out the examination a few hours after morning feeding, when the pet is in a good mood and is not distracted by trifles.

Brush your cat from head to tail using a comb with fine teeth to catch parasites. Brush especially carefully the neck area from the back, the fur along the spine, hind legs and tail. This is where fleas hide most often.

It is not always easy to find adult individuals, but often when examined, eggs and excrement fall from the fur, similar in appearance to small grains of black and white sand. If flea feces are placed on a damp, light-colored cloth, they will change color to dark red.

Even in the absence of adult fleas and obvious traces of excrement, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, who can identify the hidden course of the parasitic infection and provide the necessary assistance to the animal. Due to the high propensity for fleas to reproduce, it is recommended to use a flea preventative for cats several times a year and always before vaccination.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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