Bumblebee bite and its consequences: what to do at home if bitten by a dangerous insect?

The bumblebee is one of the brightest representatives of the Hymenoptera order. Despite their impressive size and menacing appearance, these insects are the least aggressive, so the risk of being bitten is very low.

We will tell you what to do if you are bitten by a bumblebee, what the consequences may be, and the photos and videos in our article will help you understand this better.

garden bumblebee

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee

An antihistamine can help against a bumblebee bite.
It is given even if there is no tendency to allergies. In case of hypersensitivity to bee products, the drug is taken urgently in the maximum allowable dosage. What should you do in the field? First of all, don't panic. If anxiety and panic begin, then other bumblebees, who are probably nearby, may mistake this behavior of a stranger for aggression, which means new bites will follow. Secondly, you should leave the dangerous place and find somewhere to lie down. If the female's sting breaks off, it is removed from the skin. The wound needs to be treated. You can anoint the bite site with any antiseptic, but it is better if it is not an alcohol-based drug - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate solution.

Why is alcohol treated with caution? Ethanol accelerates the blood and increases the rate of poison delivery. At the same time, the treatment itself increases the pain.

To avoid infection in the wound, you can use a soda solution. To do this, you need to dissolve soda in a small amount of drinking water and lubricate the sting site. This procedure will reduce negative reactions to insect venom.

First aid for bumblebee bites includes:

  • cold compress – constricts blood vessels, reduces the speed of spread and severity of the poison, reduces swelling and relieves pain,
  • plenty of fluids - the more you drink, the less likely a toxic reaction is,
  • rest – a bite to the head can cause loss of orientation or severe headache. Until the symptoms subside, it is better for the victim to lie in a cool, well-ventilated place,
  • pain relief - usually use local preparations - gels and ointments, which have an anesthetic and sedative effect. You can smear the bite site with Fenistil. The juice of a sour fruit - lemon, apple - can numb the wound. The acid partially neutralizes the effect of the poison.

Increased attention is paid to treating the consequences of a bite in children. If symptoms do not cause concern, treat with antiallergic medications and drink plenty of fluids.

At home, compresses made from parsley or plantain leaves are used. First aid for a bumblebee bite does not exclude the use of herbal infusions - chamomile, calendula. They relieve pain, soothe and disinfect the affected area.

More dangerous than a sting on the neck or face. When a bumblebee stings your lips or nose, the swelling can make breathing difficult. If a bumblebee sting gets into your eyes, be sure to wash the mucous membranes with cold strong tea, you can apply a tea bag.

It is easier to provide first aid if a bumblebee bites you on the leg or other limb. If the hand is swollen, it is immersed in cold water. An interesting method for pain relief and swelling is frozen milk cubes. If a bumblebee bites your finger, which happens more often, you can make compresses from dandelion leaves or use the juice of the plant. When a limb is very swollen, it is placed above the level of the body and raw potatoes or chilled olive oil are applied. Your doctor will tell you what to do next after a bumblebee bite.


Can a bumblebee sting your eye? Yes, in such cases you need to rinse them thoroughly and apply a tea compress. There are also proven methods for treating and preventing a bite.

Folk remedies

They are often useful as first aid for a bite. People have several ways:

  • You can apply a bandage with dandelion or plantain grass;
  • A thick solution of baking soda relieves pain;
  • Vodka with lemon juice relieves itching;
  • An onion compress also helps with bites;
  • You can cool the affected area and reduce pain with frozen milk or chilled olive oil;
  • As an antibacterial agent, you can use a mixture of 1 spoon of honey and a head of garlic;
  • Aloe vera leaves are also applied.


In this case, such medications are most often useful when used externally. You can dissolve an aspirin tablet with water and apply it to the place where the bumblebee stung. To remove redness and itching, you can apply a solution of crushed activated carbon tablets and validol.

There are also tablets for quick relief of bite syndromes. These are Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadine and others.

Gels relieve inflammation and burning, among the most useful are Fenistil, Advantan, menovazan, levomekol, flucinar, hydrocortisone.

Types of bumblebees and their bites

According to the biological classification, the bumblebee belongs to sessile-bellied insects from the bee family and has more than 300 species. Behaviorally, they are social insects that live in colonies and collect nectar from flowers.

Common types of bumblebees in Russia and the possibility of their bites:

  • the purple bumblebee, also called the “carpenter,” is a black insect with violet-blue wings up to 3 cm in size. It is a non-aggressive species, but the bite of the blue bumblebee is quite painful;
  • rock bumblebees – the body is covered with dark hairs, the abdomen is scarlet, size is 20-27 mm, they live in large colonies between stones, the bite of a black bumblebee can occasionally cause an allergic reaction;
  • earthen - nests are made in the ground, sometimes abandoned mouse holes are used, the body reaches a length of 28 mm and has a black color with yellow hairs and stripes on the chest, females are larger in size than males and are equipped with a sting, the bumblebee bites only for self-defense;
  • the garden bumblebee is the smallest (length 16-24 mm), the abdomen is colored yellow in front and behind, in the middle there are black hairs between the wings, colonies are located in hollows, old stumps and cracks in the ground.

Urban and field bumblebees are also distinguished.

Types of bumblebees

Types of bumblebees according to the toxicity of their poison

Over 300 species of these hymenopteran insects are known, and they are distributed throughout the globe. The exceptions are most regions of Africa and Australia. Bumblebees do not bite unless you touch them; they are peace-loving insects, but their venom is more toxic than that of bees.

Did you know? Not all bumblebees sting - only females sting, since males do not have a stinger.

The strength of the poison on the human body largely depends on the type of insect:

  1. The common bumblebee has a black body with two yellow stripes. It nests in the ground and is a very rare member of the insect family, found only in western Europe and is a protected species.
  2. Forest. The smallest representative of the insect family under discussion. It also has less bright colors compared to other types of bumblebees. Their nests of moss and grass are found on the surface of the earth. Also, representatives of this type of insect inhabit abandoned rodent burrows.

  3. Purple bumblebee carpenter, a colorful insect, has a beautiful blue-black color and indigo wings. But he refers to bumblebees only by their names, which are given due to their external similarity. In fact, they are bees; their nests can be found in dry wood.

  4. Garden , a very large representative of this family of insects. The length of the female is about 25 mm. The color is bright and expressive, consists of three colors - black, yellow and white. For nesting, it occupies abandoned mouse holes.
  5. Earth bumblebee has a yellow stripe on the chest and a white tail. Female bumblebees reach a length of 19–23 mm.

Do bumblebees bite?

Every insect is capable of protecting itself. Therefore, there is no point in asking the question: does a bumblebee bite or not, because not every enemy can be intimidated by its appearance alone. Bumblebees themselves have an easy-going nature; their fighting spirit manifests itself in two cases: when someone encroaches on them, or when insects are solving their “housing issue.”

Unlike bees, bumblebees do not know how to arrange their nests, so they look for ready-made cozy “apartments”. True, the queen can lay eggs in a crevice of a stump, a hollow, even in the ground, but bird nests are more attractive to insects. Favorite places of settlement are meadows, forests, fields where nectar-producing flowers grow abundantly.

If there are no abandoned “houses” nearby, relatives of the bees begin to attack the birds that have already settled down. So the latter know first-hand whether bumblebees bite, and they try to immediately retreat, sometimes abandoning eggs that have already been laid to the mercy of fate.

There are often misunderstandings in the communication between bumblebees and humans (more on this below). For some, such contact does not have consequences, for others it provokes the following symptoms:

  • extensive redness of areas of the body adjacent to the bite;
  • development of urticaria accompanied by severe itching;
  • tissue swelling (especially in the mouth and larynx);
  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea;
  • rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

Important! If at least one of these symptoms is present, this is a reason to contact a medical facility. Otherwise, a small insect bite can result not only in fainting, but also in death.

To avoid contact with insects, it is recommended to avoid their habitats, especially without having picnics near their homes. When going outdoors, you should take a number of safe measures:

  • protect the body with clothing as much as possible;
  • have a first aid kit on hand, which must contain antihistamines;
  • Once at the picnic site, carefully look around to make sure there are no bumblebee nests.

It is recommended to avoid bumblebee habitats

It’s better to be on the safe side than to worry about bites later.

Does a bumblebee attack a person?

What does a bumblebee look like?

Seeing a large bee-like insect, many people get scared, not knowing whether bumblebees bite people. On their own initiative, they do not attack a person unless there are aggressive actions on his part. Having seen a bumblebee nest near their home, many try to get rid of the insect, not only by fumigating them with smoke, but also by destroying the “houses”.

Note! You should not try to catch bumblebees with your hands. Even the male is able to stand up for himself, biting through the palm with his sharp jaws.

Can a bumblebee bite a person on its own initiative? This is possible in 2 cases:

  • if the clothes are blue, for some reason this shade is dangerous for insects; therefore, one can expect an inadequate reaction; although the sting practically does not pierce the fabric itself, the insect can injure an open area of ​​the body;
  • Bumblebees are aggressive towards the smells of alcohol, fumes, perfumes and tobacco; this can become a reason for an attack by a whole swarm of insects that find themselves in close proximity.

Sometimes bee relatives are irritated by the smell of oxidized metal. This “aroma” of the body arises from constantly wearing watches with bracelets and jewelry. The metal oxidizes under the influence of sweat secreted by the skin, which is quite typical for the hot season.

Bumblebees are also attracted by the smell of fried meat, watermelons, melons, and sweet drinks. Therefore, it is not recommended to have picnics near insect homes, so as not to brush off the annoying invasion later. This unnerves the bumblebees and can become a reason for an attack.

Bumblebees are also attracted by the smell of fried meat, watermelons, melons, and sweet drinks.

If a person does suffer, it is advisable to take immediate action, even if there is no tendency to allergies:

  • apply fresh parsley or plantain leaf to the injured area, changing the compress every 2 hours until the swelling subsides;
  • Dressings with pieces of apple, raw potatoes, onions mixed with honey help well;
  • you can periodically treat the wound with lemon juice;
  • Traditional healers recommend making compresses with soda solution, activated carbon slurry or validol.

If the bite is in a sensitive area (for example, in the eye area), it is better to use cold compresses or ice cubes. This will help relieve pain, relieve swelling and slow down the absorption of poison.

Additional Information. A compress using refined sugar moistened with water can remove bumblebee toxin from a wound.

You should not drink alcohol after a bite - alcohol will only intensify the allergic reaction. But hot sweet tea and plenty of liquid will be welcome.

In some cases, it is more rational to seek medical help:

  • if several bumblebees are stung at once;
  • when the bite was in the throat area, oral mucosa or eyeball;
  • if an elderly person or child is injured;
  • in the presence of severe pain, swelling, suppuration and chills.

Note! If the victim is allergic, after contact with a bumblebee you should not wait for the body’s reaction, but immediately consult a doctor.

It is most dangerous if there was not just one bite, but several individuals attacked

It is most dangerous if there was not just one bite, but several individuals. In this case, the amount of poison entering the body from the sting increases many times, and the internal systems have difficulty coping with intoxication.

Such situations are rare, because bumblebees usually do not attack in a flock. More often this happens if there have been attempts to destroy the insect nest. Even when it was accidentally touched, bumblebees will not figure it out; their self-preservation instinct turns on.

You should not hunt for wild honey produced by bumblebees - its taste is in many ways inferior to that of bees. But attempts at such penetrations can have disastrous consequences.

Whether a bumblebee stings or not, first of all, it depends on the people themselves. It is enough to keep your distance from these insects and not provoke contact with them. Bumblebees should not be harassed, given their value to nature - they are excellent plant pollinators. Experienced summer residents even deliberately breed a swarm next to greenhouses and hotbeds.

Treating a bumblebee bite at home

Despite the fact that a bumblebee bite is quite painful, its consequences can be dealt with on your own. At the same time, there are several popular folk recipes for treating bumblebee bites at home.

  • Fresh dandelion leaves are crushed and applied to the affected area, after which it is wrapped with a bandage or clean cloth. This compress is changed every couple of hours until the redness at the site of the bite goes away.
  • A compress of parsley, made by analogy with dandelion, helps very well with a bumblebee bite.
  • Half a teaspoon of tansy color is diluted with a glass of hot boiling water and brought to readiness over the fire for 5 minutes. The strained mixture is used as a lotion at the site of the bite.
  • A chopped onion head is applied to the affected area of ​​skin and secured with a bandage.
  • Thin potato slices applied to the wound are also effective against bumblebee bites.
  • A compress of lemon juice also relieves inflammation and swelling.
  • The bite site is washed under running water and rubbed with a banana fruit. It is advisable to repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours.
  • Apply half an apple, tomato or garlic to the bumblebee bite. You can also use chopped garlic mixed with honey. Such compresses are changed several times a day.
  • You can use frozen milk cubes and apply them to the lesion.
  • One tablet of activated carbon, crushed into powder, is diluted in water to a mushy consistency. The resulting solution is applied to the bite area and wrapped in polyethylene to prevent the substance from drying out quickly.
  • Validol tablets, which are moistened in water and applied to the wound, effectively help relieve inflammation.
  • Baking soda is diluted with water and the paste is applied to the bite site.

If a person is bitten by a bumblebee, then under no circumstances should you drink alcohol-containing drinks, as they cause increased swelling. Very often, a person provokes an insect, which uses its sting for protection, biting the aggressor. The bumblebee reacts aggressively to the pungent aromas of alcohol, meat, fried meat, at the stake, and even natural human odor. People should understand that the insect will never attack first, so it is better not to provoke it.

If a bumblebee stings a pet

Stung by cats
You can suspect something is wrong based on your pet's restlessness. The animal itches, whines and growls, and may even gnaw at the affected area. It is not difficult to detect the site of the bite: the area is noticeably swollen.

Signs and manifestations resemble “human” symptoms: chills, fever, weakness.

Primary care is to relieve local inflammation:

  • apply soda compresses (mushy consistency) to the bite site;
  • You can relieve inflammation with an aqueous solution of vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. The method is not suitable if the bumblebee has caused harm to the animal’s mucous membranes;
  • If the pet categorically does not accept soda and acid, you need to apply a cool compress to the wound. Cold will relieve pain and eliminate swelling.

The above recommendations are temporary measures. If a bumblebee stings an animal, you should not experiment with pharmacological drugs. The animal should receive basic treatment from a veterinarian.


Despite the fact that bumblebees bite very painfully, they rarely attack first. As a rule, in order to become a victim of a bumblebee, it is enough to get close to its home. The insect senses danger and seeks to get rid of its enemy, thereby causing trouble for the person. You can avoid a bite by following simple rules:

  1. Try to stay away from bumblebee nests, as the females are more likely to protect their young.
  2. When going outdoors, make sure that your first aid kit contains antiseptics and allergy remedies.
  3. Try to wear closed clothing - this will make the insect less likely to bite you.
  4. Keep a close eye on children and pets, as they are often the ones who get caught in the trap while watching for interesting insects.

No matter how many times a person is bitten by a female bumblebee, his interest in outdoor recreation will not disappear

This is why it is so important to take care of your own safety and the safety of your loved ones in advance. The victim should always have first aid supplies on hand, and if an allergic reaction occurs, you should call medical professionals as soon as possible

Hardworking insects bring many benefits to the living world. Thanks to their hard work, hundreds of plants are pollinated and can delight us with an attractive appearance and tasty fruits. Therefore, a person must take care of his own safety and eliminate the possibility of any bite. Only this approach will allow you to enjoy your vacation in the warm season without the need to take emergency rescue measures.

The bumblebee belongs to insects from the order Hymenoptera. They have chosen the wild nature of countries located in the northern hemisphere of our planet. This hardworking insect pollinates various plants, giving them a chance to exist. Today, scientists count a huge number of subspecies of insects that differ in their external parameters.

According to its life characteristics, the bumblebee is close to honey bees

. Bumblebees, social insects, do all the work together. They spend a lot of time getting food and water, protecting their lair, stinging them with poison from enemies. Moreover, only female Hymenoptera have a sting. Due to the fact that insect weapons have a flat and smooth surface, unlike bees, they do not forget them in the body of the victim.

The commonly used expression “bite” is actually not entirely true, since the bumblebee does not bite, but causes damage with the help of a sting located at the tip of the abdomen. The insect defense tool has a hollow structure

, inside resembling the needle of a medical syringe, thanks to which the poison penetrates the victim’s body.

The feeling of acute pain, itching of the skin, and swelling after a bumblebee bite is caused by the penetration of a poison consisting of a protein mixture under the skin. Such a toxic solution very often causes severe allergies in humans. Although the likelihood of an allergic reaction in people is minimal and amounts to only 1% of all those bitten annually.

Manifestation of local reaction

the body to a bumblebee bite is expressed in the form of severe pain, burning, as well as redness, swelling as in the photo and severe itching directly around the bite. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own within a few days and do not require medical intervention or specific drug treatment.

In the case of an allergic reaction to a bumblebee sting, it develops quickly within half an hour, and its symptoms differ depending on the individual characteristics of the victim’s body and the amount of poison released by the insect.

  1. Itching, swelling and redness throughout the body are the first signs of an allergy to a bumblebee sting.
  2. Vomiting and dizziness may occur.
  3. Manifestations of suffocation are also common when a person does not have enough air.
  4. The pulse quickens, chills appear, the temperature rises, and the joints begin to ache.
  5. In especially severe cases, loss of consciousness accompanied by convulsions is possible. The end result of such symptoms may be anaphylactic shock and, as a consequence, mandatory hospitalization of the victim.

Multiple bumblebee stings are especially dangerous

. Also at increased risk are women in a piquant position and those with allergies.

Clinical picture

Bumblebees never cause harm on purpose; this is done solely for the purpose of self-defense. Like all Hymenoptera, bumblebees do not bite, but sting. The sting is without serrations and never remains in the skin of the victim.

Bumblebee sting

All unpleasant sensations that arise during the bite are associated with the poison injected under the skin. The chemical composition of bumblebee venom is protein compounds. This is dangerous due to the development of allergic reactions in some groups of people, since protein molecules are the most powerful allergens.

Manifestations of a bite can be either local (local) or generalized (widespread).

Local manifestations of a bite include pain, burning, redness, itching and swelling in the area of ​​the injury. Sometimes a local increase in temperature may occur.

The question often arises, how long does it take for a bumblebee bite to last? Pain usually regresses within half an hour after contact; other symptoms may persist for 2-3 days, and usually do not require specific treatment.

Bumblebee sting

An allergic reaction occurs in 1-2% of people upon first contact; with each subsequent bite, the risk of its development increases by 2-3 times. Manifestations of allergies can also vary - a slight deterioration in the general condition to anaphylactic shock.

If an allergic reaction develops, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • itching and rash all over the body;
  • swelling of the subcutaneous fat in places of its best blood supply (near the eyes, face, neck, possibly enlarged tongue);
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature increase.

Urticarial rash due to an allergic reaction

With the development of anaphylactic shock, the above symptoms are joined by:

  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Deterioration of breathing, occurrence of asthma attacks;
  • Convulsions are possible;
  • Loss of consciousness.

Anaphylactic shock is a very dangerous condition. It is dangerous because it develops at lightning speed and requires immediate medical attention. But you shouldn't panic in advance. Not all people develop anaphylactic shock.

Those at risk of severe complications from a bumblebee bite include:

  • Children under 6 years of age and pregnant women, since such people have weak immunity;
  • Persons with a burdened allergic history, cardiovascular diseases.

Multiple bumblebee attacks pose a particular danger. These are considered to be more than 5 simultaneous bites in children, and more than 10 in adults. In this case, the risk of developing allergic reactions and shock increases significantly, as the amount of poison entering the human body increases.

Bites to the face, neck, and tongue are also dangerous, since these areas of the body are very well supplied with blood. This provokes rapid absorption of the poison into the blood and the development of edema at the site of injury, which is dangerous due to suffocation.

Bite in the soft tissue of the neck

Prevention measures

To avoid bumblebee bites, simply do not disturb the insect. However, if a person is prone to allergies, and especially if it is known that he is allergic to bumblebee stings, the following rules must be followed:

  • do not enter greenhouses;
  • be especially careful around hives;
  • antihistamine tablets should always be at hand;
  • it is advisable to know the address of the nearest hospital where you can seek help in case of a health threat;
  • For people with an acute allergic reaction, it is recommended to always have an injection of adrenaline with them.

Cases of bumblebee bites are quite rare. But still, you should be careful, especially for people with severe allergic manifestations to insect bites. Also, in order to avoid repeated attacks of an acute reaction, allergy sufferers are advised to undergo a course of desensitization treatment, during which the body adapts to the poison. This treatment should be carried out only in specialized centers. You can find out about clinics providing such treatment from your family doctor.

When a doctor's help is needed

In certain cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance without wasting a minute of precious time. For example:

  • In case of multiple bites.
  • In case of bites from children, pregnant women or people prone to allergies.
  • When the bite site is near the eyes, near the mouth or other places on the face.
  • In cases of rapid intoxication of the body, when the body does not have time to cope with toxins.
  • In cases of wound infection with subsequent suppuration.

Treatment for a bumblebee bite

First aid for a bumblebee bite is quite simple. If it is uncomplicated, you should wash the wound with any antiseptic solution (peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol) and apply a cold compress.

If a bumblebee bite is very itchy, you can lubricate it with antiallergic ointment containing antihistamines (fenistil, psilo-balm) or hormones. The most popular remedy for bumblebee bites is hydrocortisone ointment. It is very effective, moreover, it is available for purchase without a prescription and has a low price.

To the local treatment of itching, you can add the systemic use of antihistamines - diazolin, suprastin, claritin. The dosage of drugs should be according to the instructions.

The victim is recommended to drink plenty of liquids - tea, juice, water - within 24 hours after the bite. This will help neutralize toxins faster.

Providing assistance to children and adults is no different. In children under 6 years of age, it is better to use antihistamines in the form of suspensions and syrups.

If, after all of the above measures, the victim’s condition worsens, or symptoms of allergies or anaphylactic shock develop, you should immediately call an ambulance! Before the doctors arrive, the person should be provided with a flow of fresh air, unbutton all tight clothing, lie down with the leg end raised and turn the head to the side to avoid suffocation with the tongue or vomit.

In case of cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started immediately! Pressing the chest alternates with inhaling air into the victim’s lungs (30 presses – 2 breaths).

It is advisable to involve another person in providing assistance, then resuscitation measures will be more effective.

If a person with allergies has already experienced anaphylactic shock, his medicine cabinet may contain injectable drugs to relieve it - dexamethasone, adrenaline. Epinephrine (adrenaline) can be either in an ampoule or in an auto-injector - a special pen-type device with the required dosage.

If there are any, and the first aid provider is skilled in intramuscular injection, these drugs should be administered immediately.

The medicine can be injected into the buttock, the front of the thigh or the back of the shoulder. The recommended dosage is half an ampoule of adrenaline and one ampoule of dexamethasone. You can also use a solution of adrenaline to inject the bite site. This will cause vasospasm and slow down the absorption of toxins into the blood.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance?

There are situations when it is impossible to do without qualified medical care, which can be provided by a doctor or paramedic, since the development of complications is very difficult to predict.

An ambulance should be called in the following situations:

  • bite of a pregnant woman or a child under 6 years of age;
  • multiple bites (more than 5 in children and 10 in adults);
  • bites to the face and neck;
  • deterioration of condition after local treatment;
  • development of the clinical picture of anaphylactic shock or the occurrence of Quincke's edema (swelling of the subcutaneous fat of the face and neck).

Flight Features

It is often said that bumblebees violate the laws of aerodynamics and should not fly. However, recent research has solved the mystery and revealed how tiny wings keep them aloft.

A study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2005 used high-speed photography to show that bumblebees flap their wings back and forth rather than up and down.

The wing looks a bit like the back of a "slightly crappy" helicopter propeller, said researcher Michael Dickinson, a professor of biology. However, the angle of the wing creates vortices in the air - like small hurricanes. These mini-hurricanes have lower pressure than the surrounding air, so keeping these vortices of air above the wings helps them stay aloft.

What does a bumblebee eat?

Clover is the favorite treat of bumblebees

Perhaps these creatures are the most finicky of the bee order in terms of food. If wasps can eat jam, honey, tree sap and other sweets, then bumblebees have only pollen and nectar in their diet. However, the list of plants from which they collect food is very long. They pollinate almost all flowers that grow in their habitats. It is often used in gardening. If a beehive has appeared next to the garden, there is no doubt that in the near future there will be a large harvest in the garden beds.

The larvae also need food, so upon returning to the nest, individuals try to bring as much nectar as possible, which serves as food for future offspring. If necessary, the cubs are also fed home-produced honey.

The bumblebee's favorite flower is clover. He is attracted by the smell and color of the plant, and as he flies past he cannot resist. It has also been noticed that bumblebees, just like other bees, are more willing to sit on bright buds than on those that have faded colors. However, if there is no other vegetation nearby, the insect will not hesitate to land on them.

Who are bumblebees: structure, life cycle and differences from bees

These representatives of the family of true bees belong to the order Hymenoptera. There are about 300 varieties of them in the world. The most common types of bumblebees: purple (carpenter), stone, garden, earthen. They come in medium and large sizes. The female grows to 13–28 mm in length, the male has smaller dimensions – 7–24 mm.

The most common color of bumblebees is yellow and black stripes. There are also individuals with red and orange stripes. Some of the insects are black and lack stripes. The colors of bumblebees are presumably due to mimicry and thermoregulation.

The female's head is elongated with a wide rounding in the occipital region. The upper lip has the shape of a rectangle, the mandibles are strongly curved, and when brought together they overlap. There are 3 convex grooves on their outer surface. The abdomen is not folded at the apex; there are no ridges on the sides of the sixth abdominal sternite (the ventral part of the segmental ring). On the outside, the hind tibiae are shiny and smooth and form a basket for collecting pollen. It looks like a platform surrounded by hard, straight hairs.

Causes and symptoms of swelling after vinegar

When an insect stings, the affected area always swells and increases in size. This is a consequence of the tissue reaction to the poison, which is already beginning to spread to neighboring areas. The bad thing is that such a reaction can be detected not only in the area of ​​the bite itself, but also in places that seem completely unrelated to the sting.

If a bumblebee stings a person again, the immune system suffers doubly due to the fact that the poisonous substance contains protein compounds that cause an allergic reaction.

Depending on the general condition, several stages of symptoms may be observed. The first of these includes itching, redness and rash. The second includes diarrhea and vomiting, problems with difficulty breathing, signs of suffocation and difficulty swallowing. The above may be accompanied by severe sweating and chills.

how to get rid of a mosquito bite

Bites during pregnancy and children

A blow from a bumblebee sting is especially dangerous for small children. The baby’s body is not yet able to resist toxic substances as well as an adult’s. Children are more prone to allergic reactions; to develop severe intoxication, they only need a smaller dose of toxic secretion.

If a bumblebee bites a pregnant woman, the consequences can be serious, including spontaneous miscarriage. The risk group consists of people allergic to honey. In any case, after a bumblebee bite, the child should be shown to a pediatrician, and the pregnant woman should go to an antenatal clinic.

On a note! The insect poses a serious danger only in cases of individual intolerance and special sensitivity, but it is imperative to know the necessary actions in the event of possible complications.

What should you do if you are bitten by a bumblebee or bee?

Contacting a medical organization is not always necessary if you are bitten by a bumblebee or bee.

If a person does not have allergies and soft tissues, such as an arm or leg, are stung, then you can provide first aid to yourself.

If a bumblebee or a bee has bitten the eye, mouth or throat, the victim has an allergic reaction, or if the insect has bitten a child, you must call an ambulance or go to the hospital as soon as possible.

First aid is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to examine the site of the bite and assess the degree of reaction. If there is a sting, it should be carefully removed, you can do this with tweezers so that nothing remains in the wound.
  • Wash the area with clean water or soap.
  • If, apart from slight redness, there are no other manifestations, then you need to treat the affected area. It is necessary to wet a clean cloth with alcohol, a solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or vinegar and apply it to the wound.
  • After treatment, you can apply ice and apply a soothing cream; these actions will help relieve mild swelling.
  • Even if allergies have not been observed before, it is still recommended to take some kind of antihistamine: Tavegil, Suprastin, Cetrin
    or use ointment:
    Fenistil Gel, Advantan.
  • After being stung by a bee or bumblebee, it is advisable to drink a large amount of liquid and herbal infusions so that the poison is quickly removed from the body. Under no circumstances should these be alcoholic drinks.

If there are any signs of an allergic reaction, you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital as soon as possible. Symptoms include:

  • growing swelling at the site of the bite or throughout the body;
  • the appearance of rash, redness, itching, urticaria;
  • vomiting, nausea, ;
  • breathing problems, dizziness, low blood pressure;
  • persistent cough and nasal discharge that has not been observed before.

You should also seek help from a medical organization if:

  • an insect stung you in the eye, arm, head or neck;
  • the victim was a child;
  • several bites occurred.

If a bumblebee or bee stings your eye, it may swell. In this case, the person does not look his best; his lips and cheeks become enlarged, and so-called “slit-like eyes” appear (see photo below).

In the upper part of the human body there is a large number of blood vessels, which contributes to the rapid distribution of poison throughout the body if stung by a bumblebee. The risk of allergies will increase, so a bite to the arm, head and neck is much more dangerous than, for example, the lower limbs.

People, even as adults, do not always know their body’s reaction to external stimuli, let alone children. A small organism is more often sensitive to an insect bite.

If a bee stings several times, more venom enters the body. This fact also increases the likelihood of developing allergies and complications.

Features of a bumblebee sting

Not every bumblebee can sting. Wombats and female workers have bites, while male bumblebees are not naturally endowed with this tool.

Although bumblebees are closely related to bees, their sting is more similar to that of a wasp. The sting is smooth and does not have teeth, which prevent it from being released from the skin of the prey after a bite. Therefore, an insect can sting repeatedly without causing any harm to itself.

The bumblebee's sting is hollow inside. When bitten, the poison passes through the duct and enters the victim's blood.

First aid

First aid for bee stings involves almost the same actions as treatment if stung by a bumblebee. It doesn't take much effort to help those who don't have allergies. Medical intervention is also not required. Just follow these rules:

If the bumblebee's sting remains at the site of the lesion, it must be removed immediately

It is better to do this with tweezers rather than with your hands, because this will most likely be ineffective and may cause an infection. In order to avoid infection, it is very important to rinse the affected area under water and treat it with an antiseptic. The pain will go away much faster using a cold compress. If the victim exhibits allergy symptoms, then it is necessary to immediately take an antihistamine, then consult a doctor. It is best to avoid ointments and consume a lot of liquid, it helps dissolve the poison in the body.

It is very important that if bites occur on sensitive parts of the body, such as the mouth or neck, then you should also consult a doctor, because there is a high risk of developing pathologies. What you should not do if you get bumblebee venom:

What you should not do if you get bumblebee venom:

  • Killing the person who bit him can attract his family, who will want to take revenge;
  • Scratching the bite helps the toxins spread throughout the body;
  • Drink alcohol or sleeping pills, these substances dilate blood vessels and enhance the effect of the poison.

Bite danger and possible consequences

Bumblebees are social insects similar in description to honey bees. Their classification is very extensive, with a considerable number of subspecies differing in external characteristics. The most common ones in our country include:

  1. The purple carpenter bumblebee is an insect with a black body and a bluish-black head, and has dark purple wings. This species is not considered aggressive, but females can sting very painfully if provoking factors are present.
  2. Stone bumblebee - also has a dark color, but the lower segment of the abdomen is scarlet.

Stone bumblebees acquired their name due to the fact that they nest between stones, where they live in large communities.

Earthling - nests in the ground, has a black color with yellow hairs on the front of the chest, the outer side of the abdomen is covered with white fluff. Females are much longer than males and have a sting that can be used in battle. Garden - the front and rear parts of the abdomen are yellow with a wide bandage between the wings of black hairs. They nest in soil cavities and hollows.

As a rule, it is females who can bite a person. However, they sting only as a last resort (for the purpose of self-defense).

Types of bumblebees - gallery

For most adults, the bite will not pose any danger, but in rare cases, an acute allergic or toxic reaction to bumblebee venom, which contains serotonin, may develop.

The greatest danger from a bumblebee bite is for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for babies, since the child’s body is more susceptible to allergic reactions due to a fragile immune system.

Complications also arise if poison is introduced into the oral cavity, into the eye or nose area, into the neck, ear and head - a bite can provoke severe swelling of the mucous membranes, disrupting their proper functioning.

If the bite falls on an arm or leg, but the sting does not enter a blood vessel, severe swelling is possible only with an individual allergic reaction of the body.

Numerous bumblebee bites are also particularly dangerous. A large concentration of poison in the body causes a toxic reaction with disruption of the heart and nervous system.

An extremely serious consequence includes death as a result of anaphylactic shock followed by cessation of the respiratory center.

First aid for victims who have an allergy and swelling after a bee or bumblebee sting

Treating the local reaction and treating the wound for people with a specific reaction will not be enough.

Allergies can lead to anaphylactic shock, which develops very quickly and can progress to death, so it must be taken seriously.

Assistance must be provided immediately to avoid complications; it is best to show the patient to a specialist.

Taking antihistamines. It is much better if the medicine is administered intramuscularly or intravenously as an injection. The sooner the remedy begins to act, the less likely it is to develop edema.

The drug will help avoid the development of allergies to other organs. Special attention should be paid to the issue of how to relieve swelling and swelling.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of organs. When a bumblebee or bee stings a person, the poison is released into the body, which contributes to the appearance of a tumor. It can last for several days and cause not only physical discomfort, but also cosmetic discomfort.

To relieve swelling, you need to apply a cold compress, take antipyretic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, the patient should remain in bed, periodically raising his legs so that the swelling subsides.

If the tumor rapidly spreads throughout the body and cannot be treated at home, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination.

  • If you have a first aid kit at hand,
    then the area of ​​skin that was stung by a bee can be pricked around with adrenaline and saline solution in a ratio of 1:10, respectively. It is prohibited to administer more than 0.5 ml at a time.
  • After providing assistance, the victim
    must remain under the supervision of a medical professional; most likely, he will be prescribed hormonal medications, which should be taken until all symptoms completely disappear.

Folk and improvised means

What to do at home if you don’t have access to a large amount of medicines and there is no possibility of calling an ambulance in the near future.

Some drugs and solutions can be replaced with products that are found in almost every apartment.

So, instead of disinfectant solutions, you can apply the following to the bite site:

  • a tampon soaked in vodka;
  • wet refined sugar;
  • gauze soaked in dissolved activated carbon;
  • soda slurry.

You can relieve pain with:

  • dissolved aspirin tablet;
  • vegetables or fruits cut into slices: apples, cucumbers, onions;
  • compress with acetic or citric acid.

In addition to all this, if you are stung by a bumblebee or a bee, all kinds of lotions using medicinal plant materials will help relieve swelling and inflammation: mint, dandelion, garlic, aloe, parsley.

Since when bitten, the human body is poisoned and, trying to get rid of the poison, loses a lot of fluid, you need to take a large amount of water. An excellent substitute would be infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula or sage.

Chamomile tea recipe.

Add one teaspoon of dried chamomile inflorescences to one large 250 ml mug. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Cabbage compress for swelling.

Remove the veins from a leaf of large white cabbage, mash it slightly until the juice appears and apply to the swollen area. Secure with gauze or bandage, preferably overnight.

Mint leaf lotion.

Pour two glasses of water into a small saucepan, place on the stove and let the liquid boil. After this, add two tablespoons of mint and cook over low heat for five minutes. Let the infusion cool. Moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the bite, this will help relieve inflammation.

How to treat

First aid at home

When the reaction to a bite is not aggravated by allergic manifestations, the symptoms can be alleviated at home. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Pull out the sting if the bumblebee left it behind when biting. This should be done very carefully. It is better to use tweezers disinfected with any antiseptic; the damaged area should also be pre-treated.

Do not try to squeeze out the poison, otherwise the wound may become infected.

Hold a cotton swab with an antiseptic over the affected area. The following disinfectants are suitable: alcohol, potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin. Apply a cold compress. It will relieve pain and prevent severe swelling. Take any antihistamine. To prevent an allergic reaction, even if there is no predisposition to it, after a bumblebee bite, it is better to take Erius, Suprastin or Zodak. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water or tea with sugar will help alleviate the condition of bumblebee poisoning. If the condition worsens, call a doctor.

To avoid spreading the poison to adjacent tissues and causing infection, do not comb or rub bumblebee bites vigorously. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and taking a hot bath, as they cause vasodilation and the spread of poison.

How to numb the bite site, relieve swelling and itching

You can treat the bite site using medications and homeopathy, as well as folk remedies using medicinal herbs.


Medicines that can help with a bite include:

  • disinfectants (hydrogen peroxide, iodine, alcohol, Miramistin) - to treat the damaged area and prevent wound infection;
  • general antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Erius, Kestin) - to prevent the development of an allergic reaction;
  • anti-inflammatory gels for external use (Advantan, Fenistil) - to eliminate itching, burning and swelling.


Homeopathy can also help treat a bumblebee bite. The main remedy for preventing the consequences of insect stings is Ledum, which is suitable for preventing an acute reaction to poison. Additionally taking medications:

  • Apis mellifica;
  • Urtica urens.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes will also not be superfluous in the treatment of bumblebee bites. Compresses that must be applied to the bite area will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

  • chopped fresh plantain;
  • baking soda diluted with water until pasty;
  • parsley leaves, raw potatoes, cucumber, apple and tomato;
  • finely chopped onions;
  • milk frozen in ice trays.

When to see a doctor

You should seek medical help in the following cases:

  • there are multiple bumblebee bites;
  • a child, a pregnant woman or a person prone to acute allergic reactions has been injured;
  • the bite site is the oral cavity or eye area;
  • symptoms of an acute allergic or toxic reaction are detected;
  • there are signs of infection of the wound (pus, etc.)

Bumblebee sting

Should you be afraid of bumblebees?

When you see a bumblebee, do not drive it away or wave your arms. On the contrary, this can lead to the bumblebee stinging you more than once.

Is a bumblebee bite dangerous, what should I do?

The reaction depends on the place where it was stung, the number of bites, and allergies. If there is no allergy, the bite causes only a non-allergic standard reaction. There is no threat to life.

If an insect stings your throat or mouth, or you have an allergy, you should go to the hospital immediately

Allergies to bites are rare, but precautions should not be neglected, because in very severe cases anaphylactic shock develops

If you are stung by a bumblebee, first observe the site of the bite. If there is redness and slight swelling, you do not need to do anything, this is a non-allergic reaction, and the itching and pain will go away. Most often the sting does not remain at the site of the bite. If there is any left, try to pull it out carefully with disinfected tweezers. Wipe the bite area with hydrogen peroxide or regular alcohol diluted in water.

Symptoms indicating allergies:

  • severe itching or hives;
  • redness of a large area of ​​skin;
  • swelling of the bite site, mouth or larynx;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;
  • rapid heartbeat and feeling of suffocation.

If such symptoms are detected and immediate help is not available, the person bitten may quickly lose consciousness and develop respiratory failure, which can lead to death or coma.

If there are signs of allergies, take antihistamines, such as Tavegil or Suprastin. If you have difficulty breathing, swelling or deterioration in the general condition of the body, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If it is not possible to quickly get to the medical department, you should take more corticosteroids or even administer adrenaline.

Multiple bites

Multiple bites can be obtained when working with these insects or when disturbing their peace, for example, by destroying a nest. Insects do not attack in swarms if people are far from their habitat. If you are stung by a bumblebee, quickly look around and determine if there are other individuals nearby. If yes, then leave this place quickly. Insects live in hollows, under stones and in abandoned bird nests.


  • https://howtogetrid.ru/chto-delat-esli-ukusil-shmel-poleznye-sovety/
  • https://MedovoeMesto.ru/poleznoe/mozhet-li-uzhalit-shmel.html
  • https://BezVrediteley.ru/zhalyashhie/opasnye-nasekomye-kusaetsya-shmel-ili-net
  • https://toksikolog.com/etiologiya/nasekomye/ukus-shmelya-i-ego-posledstviya-399
  • https://lapku.ru/polezno-znat/poleznye-sovety/chto-delat-pri-ukuse-cheloveka-shmelem-poleznye-sovety.html
  • https://zveri.guru/nasekomye/posledstviya-ukusa-shmelya-chto-delat-esli-ukusil-shmel.html

Does a bumblebee sting people and why?

Bumblebee bite
Unlike bees, bumblebees bite only in self-defense, attacking someone who poses a threat to him or is trying to destroy the hive or his family's supplies.

The following can also provoke an insect attack:

  • pungent odor of cosmetics or perfumes, alcohol or fumes, oxidizing metal;
  • blue color in clothing or sudden movements of a person.


The greatest danger is posed by multiple bumblebee bites, due to the large volume of toxins entering the blood, which can cause a severe toxic reaction, accompanied by disruption of the human cardiovascular and nervous system. There is also a possibility of death if anaphylactic shock occurs and the victim stops breathing.


#1 Fazze Van G.

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This is the problem, on my floor, I suspect there is a beehive somewhere in the wall or under the roof. And from there bumblebees visit (in 2 weeks, 2 bumblebees visited my kitchen). In general, I don’t like their species ever since one wasp planted a stinger almost in my eye. So that's what I want to know. Bumblebees are generally aggressive by nature, do they have a sting? I read the wiki, it says that drones don’t have stings, but I don’t know what classifications there are with the swarm. I got a 4 in biology, but I’ve already forgotten everything)

And then this bitch flew in, a fat reptile, 2-3 centimeters in diameter, black and fast. I almost shit myself.

Briefly about bumblebees

The bumblebee (lat. bombus) is a close relative of the well-known honey bee.

Genus - Hymenoptera, family - true bees. Biologists have described about 40 subgenera and 300 species of bumblebees. Habitat: wild nature of northern Eurasia, northern America, northern Africa.

Biological features:

  • in comparison with bees, wasps and hornets, the insect is large - the length of females is 12-32 mm, males - 8-25 mm (depending on the species);
  • the color is yellow-black, there are black bumblebees and insects with yellow, orange stripes (which allows the insect to camouflage itself as the botanical parts of flowers);
  • the wide body is densely covered with tiny hairs, so in the literature the bumblebee is rightly called “shaggy”;
  • the insect has 6 legs, their tips are equipped with “baskets” for collecting and transferring pollen;
  • flower nectar is the main food of the entire family; for the larvae, females prepare honey from pollen (more liquid than bee honey, not as sweet and fragrant);
  • bumblebees sting with a stinger; for defense and attack, the oral apparatus is equipped with a pair of intersecting mandibles.

For humans, the benefits of bumblebees are great, but the harm is minimal. Representatives of the bee family pollinate vegetable crops, garden trees, and ornamental plants, increasing productivity significantly. A side effect is the seeds of weeds on the site (bumblebees carry them on their furry legs along with pollen).

Symptoms: pain, itching, swelling, skin rash and others

The local reaction manifests itself within the first minutes in the form of burning, itching and pain. Next, swelling occurs and the skin begins to redden.

A few minutes after the bite, a burning sensation, swelling, and redness of the skin occurs.

Such bite symptoms do not require specific therapy and disappear within 2–4 days. An allergic reaction develops within a few minutes, but passes within a few hours. Depending on the intensity, the following appear:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness of the whole body.
  2. Difficulty breathing, chills, increased heart rate.
  3. Skin rashes.
  4. Temperature increase.

Signs of toxic poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • weakness;
  • loose stool.

Wintergreen (umbrella, ordinary, tincture) - description, medicinal properties, application

These symptoms appear only with multiple bites.

Symptoms and appearance of the bite

The local reaction to the bite does not depend on whether the sting is left. Many people don't know exactly what a bumblebee bite looks like or whether it stings more painfully than bees. The answers to these questions will be a description of the symptoms and consequences of bites.

Typically, non-allergic consequences of a bite are as follows:

  • pain and discomfort in the bite area;
  • constant itching and burning;
  • tissue swelling and a lump-like lump, as seen in the photo of a bumblebee bite.

Bumblebee bite
The listed symptoms appear almost immediately. It is difficult to say exactly how long it takes before they decrease. They can remain for several days, and the next day the local reaction is likely to spread to adjacent areas of the skin. With strong scratching, the situation worsens.

Allergic manifestations may also not appear immediately due to the lack of antibodies to bumblebee venom in the victim’s body, but occasionally a strong immediate reaction is possible in case of individual intolerance.

Negative allergic symptoms:

  • swelling and redness not only of the bite area, but of the entire body;
  • severe itching, skin rash, blistering;
  • toxic reaction: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • breathing problems, suffocation;
  • increased body temperature and severe chills;
  • increased heart rate.

Very rare, but there is a possibility of anaphylactic shock, which is accompanied by dizziness, suffocation, convulsions and fainting. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

With multiple bumblebee bites, toxic manifestations of the body are possible:

  • weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

First aid for a bite

Treating a bumblebee bite The most important question that interests many people is: how to treat bumblebee bites. Actions usually depend on the severity of the consequences of the bite:

  1. If a sting is visible in the bitten area, it should be pulled out with tweezers, previously disinfected.
  2. Then this area must be anointed or treated with an antiseptic by applying a swab with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate; there is no need to make efforts to squeeze out the poison so as not to introduce infection into the wound.
  3. Applying a cold compress will help reduce swelling and relieve pain.
  4. Drink an antihistamine to relieve a possible allergic reaction, even if there is no predisposition to it: Suprastin, Erius, Zodak, etc.
  5. In the following hours, it is necessary to increase fluid intake (water and tea with sugar), which will reduce the likelihood of a toxic reaction.
  6. If the patient's condition worsens, it is better to call a doctor.

When stung by a bumblebee, it is prohibited:

  • try to slam or crush the insect, because toxic substances released will attract the rest of the colony;
  • comb the bitten area;
  • take sleeping pills or alcohol.

Helping a child after a bite

The injured child must be shown to a doctor, and before that a number of pre-medical measures must be taken:

  • inspect the wound and rinse with boiled water and antiseptic;
  • if there are no signs of complications, treat the bite with medical alcohol, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or chlorhexidine;
  • Apply a cold compress to the injury;
  • even in the absence of allergies, give an antihistamine - Suprastin, Zodak, Tavegil in the dosage according to the attached instructions.

After treating the affected area, put the child to bed and give a warm drink every hour and a half.

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee?

In the case of a local reaction that is not accompanied by allergic manifestations, medical treatment is not prescribed. But in such a situation, it is advisable to reduce the consequences of a bumblebee bite to a minimum by performing simple manipulations.

If there is a sting left in the victim’s body, which happens extremely rarely, then it is carefully removed with tweezers treated with any antiseptic. The area around the bite should be treated with peroxide or use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or another available antiseptic - vinegar or alcohol diluted with water. A cold compress will be helpful, especially if the bite is in a sensitive area. Cold will reduce blood circulation, thereby relieving pain, reducing swelling and slowing down the penetration of poison into the body

You can apply sugar or refined sugar moistened with water to the wound, which has the ability to draw out poison. People suffering from allergies should definitely take an antihistamine. It is important to drink plenty of fluids after a bumblebee bite, and it is better to drink warm, sweet tea. If the victim’s health continues to deteriorate or the first signs of an allergy appear, you should immediately go to the clinic to receive professional help.

If poison affects sensitive areas: neck, mouth or other parts of the face, you should urgently call a doctor, as delay will lead to serious complications associated with difficulty breathing.

Does a bumblebee have a sting?

The sting of bumblebees is present only on the body of working individuals (females) or on the uterus; it is smooth and has no serrations. Therefore, after a bite, the insect does not leave a sting in the body of the victim, as happens with bees.

Inside, the bumblebee sting (photo below) has an empty channel, like a needle in a syringe. At the moment the bumblebee bites, a microscopic portion of poison passes through this cavity. It consists of various components: fats and proteins, peptides, amino acids, aliphatic compounds.


Many people are interested in how many stingers this insect has and whether the bumblebee dies after being bitten. The peculiarity of the structure of the single sting is such that it does not cling to the skin of the victim, therefore there are no negative consequences for the insect’s body.

How to avoid an unpleasant meeting?

With the arrival of spring warmth, you can observe a massive emergence of pollinating insects in places where plants are flowering. Humming busily, they are busy with their own affairs and show no interest in humans.

Bumblebees are not aggressive by nature; they use their sting only in cases where they are in danger, for protection. In such cases, the sting, a hollow tube without jagged edges, pierces the body of the “offender” and releases a little poison into the wound. These insects can sting several times, which increases their protective capabilities and increases the toxic damage to the “enemy” organism. How to avoid an unpleasant encounter with a stinging insect?

There is always a slight risk of getting bitten by a bumblebee, but even these cases can be avoided if:

  • Remain calm, do not wave your arms, trying to drive the bumblebee away from you. A previous negative experience with a stinging insect can cause a person to panic. Such behavior will only provoke the bumblebee.

Attention! Calm, confident behavior is the key to your safety.

  • Do not touch the insect.
  • Know that bumblebees are irritated by strong foreign odors (for example, perfume, sweat, alcohol, oxidizing metal of jewelry in contact with the skin).
  • Know that bumblebees are attracted to fabrics that are light blue and blue in color.

Benefits and harms of insects

The carpenter bumblebee is an insect that feeds on nectar and pollen from a wide variety of plants. In addition, adults fly long distances and are not afraid of bad weather. Therefore, the benefit lies in the pollination of trees, shrubs or crops.

Interesting fact! Insects create nests only in dry and soft woody structures. Females will never settle in fresh material, since their jaws will not be able to gnaw through passages. This means that the settlement of carpenter bumblebees in buildings, sheds or fences indicates the need for repairs.

The black and purple carpenter bumblebee is dangerous to humans. An insect bite is painful. It is especially recommended to beware of these bumblebees if you are allergic to bumblebee venom. Only females will be able to sting, but they will never attack without reason. Carpenter bumblebees are distinguished by their peaceful nature. Having met a person, the insect will simply fly away and sting only if the nest is threatened.

Nutrition and reproduction of the purple bumblebee

The purple adult carpenter bumblebee feeds, like bees, on flower nectar, honey, and pollen grains. Microbes activate the transition of food into beebread, which is eaten by young animals or adults. The secretion of the glands turns beebread into royal jelly, which bumblebees use to feed the larvae.

The female looks for a partner for fertilization in the spring. In this case, competition is observed - insects defend their territory. Males are polygamous, as the carpenter bumblebee mates with 3–5 females per season.

Stages of development of carpenter bumblebees:

  • the female forms a nest, gnawing holes in the wood with her powerful jaw;
  • a supply of pollen with nectar is placed at the bottom of each cell;
  • lays an egg in the nutrient mass - 1 egg per hole;
  • creates a protective layer of sawdust on top, joined by saliva;
  • on top of the sealed cell, the female again places a nutrient mixture into which she lays an egg - a multi-story building is obtained;
  • the queen lives until autumn, guarding the nest, and dies by winter.

The larvae hatching from the eggs become pupae by autumn. Then the young emerge from the cocoons and remain in the cells for the winter. From April to May, bumblebees gnaw through the protective cocoon and fly out to feed. New females are looking for their own nesting site.

On a note! The main condition when choosing a place for masonry is the dryness of the material. Fresh wood is not suitable for placing eggs there. In one place, if possible, several females make moves next to each other.

Relieving swelling

Bumblebee venom, once in the blood, spreads throughout the body. The immune system responds to a foreign substance by producing antibodies. They react with the toxin, resulting in the formation of new chemical compounds. They penetrate into the tissues, disrupt microcirculation, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the tissues - swelling is formed.

The best way to reduce swelling is to cool the affected area. You can also use folk or medicinal decongestants.

Lifestyle and habitat of carpenter bumblebees

The black carpenter bumblebee is considered a heat-loving insect, which is why the southern regions and territories of the Middle Zone are suitable for habitat. However, due to global warming, the bumblebee is moving to cooler areas.

Geographical distribution of carpenter bumblebees:

  • Ukraine, Belarus;
  • Russia – southern and western regions, Novosibirsk;
  • Crimean peninsula;
  • Türkiye, Middle East, Western Asia;
  • Caucasus Mountains;
  • countries of southern Europe;
  • south of Great Britain.

After wintering, bumblebees fly out in April and are active until September. During this time, females have time to mate and lay eggs. The bumblebee makes its nest in woody structures. These are dry trees, poles, buildings and fences. In the chosen place, the insect gnaws passages in which it creates up to 12 cells with partitions.

On a note! Carpenter bumblebees settle only in sunny areas, avoiding shade. Insects often live near humans.

If ordinary bees have a strict hierarchy in families, then carpenter bumblebees are characterized by a solitary lifestyle. Insects do not have a queen or a large group of workers. The female independently forms the nest and takes care of the brood. Sometimes bumblebees unite in small colonies.

Other features of carpenter bumblebees:

  • seasonal lifestyle for six months - sometimes adults live for 2 seasons, as they remain for wintering in a special hole in the woody substrate;
  • endurance, ability to fly long distances for food;
  • no fear of bad weather, rain or wind;
  • perseverance of young animals with adults - up to 10 generations live in one nest.

Mating displays are observed in black carpenter bumblebees. The male begins to court the female in the spring. It climbs as high as it can, then buzzes to attract attention. If the female does not respond, the male climbs into the nest, which is reminiscent of the courtship period in birds.

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