A spider crawls over a person: the most accurate predictions

For many people, spiders cause fear just by looking at them. Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) is considered by psychiatrists to be one of the main phobias of modern humanity. In the past, our ancestors considered these eight-legged creatures as intermediaries between the world of the living and the mystical world of the dead. However, most of the signs about spiders do not carry anything negative. On the contrary, many of them promise pleasant events for the person who meets the spider.

Why is it said that a spider falls on a person?

Eight-legged arthropods (arachnids) live not only in forests and abandoned buildings. They can be found in almost any human home, so a spider descending on a cobweb or simply falling on a person in an apartment is not such a rare occurrence. To correctly interpret such a “meeting”, it is necessary to take into account many factors: the time of appearance of the arachnid, its color and behavior.

When it falls

A spider can unexpectedly fall on a person during the day or smoothly descend on a web at night. Depending on the time of day, the appearance of an arthropod promises different things to the owner of the home:

  • If this happens in the morning , then you should not expect anything good. A morning encounter with a spider portends misfortune, especially if the arachnid is black. After such an incident, it is better to postpone all important matters until the next day.
  • If a spider descends on a person during the day , then, on the contrary, positive changes in life await him, perhaps even a quick acquaintance with a new love.
  • When a spider “meets” its owner in the evening , a person should not be upset. The event promises a promotion, receiving important good news, and one can hope that old dreams will come true.
  • A night encounter with an arthropod may seem to unknowing people the most dangerous, but this is not so. A spider that falls on the owner of the house at night promises him an unexpected financial profit, as well as a general improvement in life.

Arthropod color

Knowledgeable people recommend taking into account the color of the spider you encounter. This factor sometimes radically changes the meaning of a sign:

  • The most positive life changes (a wedding, the appearance of a long-awaited child, success in all endeavors) are promised to a person by meeting a rare white spider.
  • yellow falls on someone , that's also not bad. Such an event means that a long-planned business will end successfully, even if before that it did not develop very successfully.
  • A meeting with red spider (also called a “money spinner”) leads to an improved career, a salary increase or a bonus.
  • If a green arachnid descends from the ceiling to the owner of an apartment, this portends financial well-being. However, here growth is most likely to occur not due to a person’s personal efforts, but by chance - thanks to a winning lottery ticket or receiving an inheritance from a deceased relative.
  • An encounter with a black spider almost always promises trouble. However, if a person is not afraid of the unexpected appearance of a black arachnid, then the interpretation of the incident changes radically, that is, the person can prepare for pleasant events.
  • The most dangerous thing for the owner of the home is an encounter with a cross spider (the arthropod has a dark color on top in the shape of a cross). If such a spider falls on a person, then the latter should prepare for difficult trials. This could be a sharp deterioration in financial condition, illness or even death.

Along with the color of the arachnid, its size also plays a big role - the larger the arthropod, the stronger the superstitions associated with it will operate.

Spider behavior

Popular belief says: depending on how the arthropod fell on a person - it fell sharply or smoothly sank with the help of a web, changes will occur in the life of the person on whose head the spider fell:

  • The arachnid fell unexpectedly , which means that soon the owner of the house will also suddenly “face” an inheritance or a big win.
  • Slowly descended with a cobweb - a person’s financial affairs will improve, but not soon, for this he will have to make some efforts.
  • The spider went down to one of the family members, but immediately began to climb up the web. Such an event warns the owners of the house about the imminent unexpected visit of unpleasant guests.
  • If an arthropod descends from the ceiling to a person, but seems to hesitate to descend completely, but sways above its head , it means that such an individual may soon face serious problems.
  • A spider descending on the head of the sleeping owner of the home promises him receiving bad news. The fall of a black arachnid on a person’s head is interpreted in the same way, and it doesn’t matter when it happens.

General definition

An encounter with these unpleasant-looking creatures occurs anywhere - at home or in nature, in the forest or in bed. They enter rooms through small cracks, causing people to become afraid of them. And the reason is not that the individuals are poisonous - they are externally unpleasant and cause rejection and hostility in people. But these creatures foreshadow various events, so it is important to know what sign can be used when a spider crawls over a person.

The explanation depends on the circumstances

Time explanation

A meeting with an unexpected guest occurs at any time of the day. How is this explained by signs:

  • Morning. Such a meeting does not bode well, especially if the arachnid (another name for the insect) is black. It is necessary to reschedule things for another day.
  • Day. Indicates good life prospects. It is possible to meet your loved one.
  • Evening. Meeting a spider before bed indicates good things: promotion, important and positive news, fulfillment of long-standing desires.
  • Night. A fallen insect brings good changes: large financial income, improved quality of life.

The value depends on the time of day

Important! You can't kill a furry one on yourself. You just need to brush it off, or catch and release it on the street.

What does the color say?

This factor can radically change the original meaning of the sign:

  • White. Varieties with this color are very rare. And they only talk about positive things: a long-awaited pregnancy, a wedding with a loved one and success in all matters.
  • Yellow. Individuals with this color are also rare in nature and meeting them indicates something good: the completion of a long-awaited and planned event with a good outcome.
  • Red. Receiving monetary influences: salary increase, unexpected bonus, promotion.
  • Green. Receiving an unexpected financial win: a lottery or an unexpected inheritance.
  • Black. An arachnid of this color predicts trouble. It is important here not to be afraid, then there will be no trouble.
  • Cross. It has a mark in the form of a dark cross on its back. This indicates serious problems in life: loss of finances, serious illness, death.

The variety influences the explanation.
At home, there are shaggy black and brown ones, but in nature you can encounter rare varieties of white or green shades.

A little about behavior

According to popular beliefs, the characteristics of the hit influence changes in life. The following possible situations are identified on this issue:

  • The spider fell suddenly - the owner will suddenly receive money, an inheritance or a big win.
  • Quietly descended on the web - you need to wait for financial improvement, but gradually and with effort.
  • He went down, and then suddenly crawled up - you need to wait for a visit from unpleasant people.
  • He came down and hovered above his head - trouble awaits him.
  • Landed on a sleeping person - bad news will come.

If it freezes, it means trouble.
It is not recommended to panic if it gets on your body. It may be poisonous, and screaming and sudden movements will provoke aggression from the insect. The bite is not fatal, but the wound will cause discomfort, pain, inflammation, and often the bite will cause a fever.

Important! Be careful about the bites of poisonous and rare varieties. Tarantulas and others are life-threatening, so immediately after their attack, consult a doctor.

What does a spider crawling on your body promise?

A spider can hit a person not only from above. The arthropod is capable of climbing up a passerby’s leg from the grass or moving onto a person’s body from a web stuck to it. Depending on which part of the body the arachnid has chosen and where it is moving (up, down, or just sitting motionless), the interpretation of the sign also changes.

On the head

In the vast majority of cases, a spider on a person’s head portends an improvement in his financial condition. An exception is the discovery of a black arthropod or cross spider, which threatens with bad news and serious troubles.

In the hair

If a spider gets tangled in thick hair, and this often happens to girls, then this is an extremely favorable sign for a young lady. A spider in your hair is a good omen. It means that the girl will soon meet long-awaited love.

On the face

Often people simply do not notice the arachnid that has taken over, but only discover it when the arthropod touches the skin and “tickles” it. It is believed that a spider on the face predicts happiness in your personal life. But this is a general interpretation of the sign, and there are also nuances:

  • For example, a spider crawling along the cheek warns a person that ill-wishers are spreading gossip behind his back. You need to be more careful in choosing your acquaintances and not give them unnecessary reasons to gossip about yourself.
  • An arachnid crawling into your nose promises a significant increase in your working salary. It is possible that the person will soon change jobs where they will pay him more.
  • Anyone who accidentally swallows a spider that has crawled into his mouth should not be afraid. Such an incident promises the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

On the neck

When a person discovers a spider on his neck, this is not a very good sign. Such an event foreshadows problems in personal affairs: quarrels, deterioration of relationships with a loved one, or even complete separation, especially if the arthropod found is black.

On the back

If a spider has crawled under a person’s clothing and is crawling along a person’s back, the latter should not worry. This spider behavior promises many years of healthy life.

On the right hand

According to the sign, a spider on your hand is a good sign. Moreover, the larger the arthropod, the more favorable the event it promises.

Anyone who discovers a spider on their right hand can expect to meet an old friend, a new business partner or a beloved relative in the near future.

On the left hand

It is believed that a spider on the left hand portends imminent enrichment. This could be a bonus, a lottery win, or simply a large sum of money found somewhere by chance.

Crawling up your hand

When an arachnid does not just sit on a hand, but climbs up it, this is interpreted as a sign that the favorable events that its appearance promises will happen very quickly.

Crawling down your hand

If a person sees a spider crawling down his arm, then he should be more careful. This behavior of the arthropod warns that some stagnation will soon occur in financial and personal affairs - delayed salaries, cancellation of an important meeting.

On the right leg

Psychics are sure that seeing a spider on your leg is a positive sign. If an arachnid climbs onto a person’s right leg, it means that in a short time the latter will have a fun party with friends or a noisy corporate party with colleagues.

On the left leg

The belief testifies: if a spider climbs onto the left leg, then soon the person will have a long voyage - a personal journey, a trip abroad or a work trip.

Crawling up your leg

If a spider climbs up the leg, then this is seen as a sign that the events awaiting the person will be favorable. Traveling will bring him a lot of positive emotions; a party with friends or a business holiday with colleagues will also leave many pleasant memories.

Crawling down your leg

If an arachnid descends along the leg, then this behavior of the arthropod should alert a person. According to legend, a planned trip or a long-awaited holiday may be disrupted due to reasons beyond one’s control, so it is better to postpone the event or trip yourself.

Crawled under clothes

Don't be alarmed if you find a little guest under your clothes, try to carefully remove him and let him go, otherwise you will scare away your luck.

A spider under clothes promises profit or news. You can also safely go shopping - your purchases will be successful and a joy.

If an insect attacked your shoes and even wove a web, pack your suitcase, a business trip awaits you.

For the bride and groom, finding a guest in clothes means a long and happy family life.

Where did the meeting take place?

Most signs about a spider crawling on a person are positive.

A meeting with an arachnid promises pleasant events, usually in the financial sphere or personal affairs. Moreover, the sign works equally well everywhere, with the exception of places close to water.

On the street

Having discovered a spider on yourself while walking on the street, you can expect to soon receive income from somewhere else. This could be winning a street lottery, or you could accidentally get money by finding someone's lost wallet.

In the house

The belief says: if eight-legged arthropods settle in a house, they don’t just weave a web there, but take the home under protection, collecting all the negativity with their network and improving the lives of family members:

  • According to legend, if a spider crawls over a person in the living room, it means that some joyful event will soon await the residents of the house.
  • When faced with a spider in the hallway of your apartment, you can prepare for the unexpected arrival of pleasant guests.
  • If you see an arachnid crawling over a child’s body in a child’s room, you should not be scared. Such a positive event means that the spider has taken a young family member under personal “guardianship.”
  • Anyone who discovers a spider on his shoulder while in bed can expect good news. If the arthropod does not fall from the web to the lying owner of the house, but hangs above him, then this portends even greater success in all planned matters.
  • Finally, an encounter with an arachnid at a meal foretells a general improvement in the well-being of the family.

At work

Meeting a spider in the workplace always promises enrichment that will come to a person thanks to his own efforts in the professional field. This could be a one-time bonus, an appointment to a higher-paid position, or the conclusion of new lucrative contracts with business partners, which the person will sign while going on a business trip.

In car

If an arachnid sits on the driver of a car, it means that the latter will definitely receive an unexpected profit soon. This sign works especially well if a person’s work is related to a car, that is, for taxi drivers or truck drivers.

If the spider did not just climb into the car from the street, but has already settled in it and managed to weave a web near the steering wheel, into which a person got caught, then this is an even more favorable sign. Now the driver and his car are under constant protection.

In the bathroom

Perhaps the only places where it is better for people not to encounter a spider are the bathroom and toilet. An encounter with an arachnid in the bathroom threatens the owner of the house with general “stagnation” with money for reasons beyond his control. This could be unexpected expenses, delayed salaries, or theft of money from a bank card. Moreover, the larger the spider and the closer to the source of water the meeting took place, the longer the person’s financial difficulties will last.

If one of the family members discovers a spider on their clothes while in the toilet, then this is an even more unfavorable sign. It means that the family will not only experience minor financial difficulties, but money may begin to flow out of the house like a river, as if being washed away with water.

History of signs about spiders

The unpleasant and even frightening appearance of most spiders repels people. And this is not without reason, scientists believe that the fear of insects is genetically embedded in us, since ancient times, when the bite of a poisonous spider in the absence of medicine could cost one’s life. But now we consider spiders as simply unpleasant neighbors and interesting signs are associated with them.

Since ancient times, people have perceived the web that spiders weave as a variant of the solar sign because of its round shape. At the same time, spiders were special deities who create the future, thanks to the weaving of an endless thread. Signs about spiders appeared a long time ago and are firmly entrenched in people's memory.

In Rus', spiders were considered minions of brownies, that is, they were directly related to evil spirits. The Slavs were sure that killing a spider in the house could anger the brownie and he would send illnesses to the whole family. The Russians also knew that stomach pains arise from an accidentally swallowed spider, so they tried to stay away from these insects. Europeans, on the contrary, spiders keep the hearth and perform a useful function - they catch flies. However, this did not stop spiders from being widely used as potions for magical practices and medicines. The ancient Germans believed that if you carried a spider in a bag with you, it would save you from many infectious diseases.

What to do with a spider

An arachnid that has taken up residence in a house is considered a happy “talisman” of a human home, and a spider on the body, as a rule, foretells joyful events for the residents of the house. For this reason, you should never kill a spider; it is a great sin. The arachnid killer faces loss of money, exacerbation of illnesses, and various minor troubles. Moreover, this “curse” affects not only the person who killed the spider, it can also “cover” other family members.

Sometimes the killing of an arthropod does occur, usually by accident, when a person who suddenly discovers a spider simply gets scared and instinctively swats the arachnid with his hand.

In this case, the dead creature must be taken out of the house and thrown away with the words: “Forgive what I have done, find peace, do not take revenge on me!”

Having discovered a spider on a person (if an encounter with an arthropod promises pleasant events for the owner of the house), it must be carefully removed from the body and released. The arachnid itself will run away to its home.

Spider color

When you see an arthropod on yourself, do not forget to consider its color, which can also change the meaning of the sign.


When a white spider is seen, it is associated with family and love relationships. For single people it promises a wedding, for married people - pregnancy or a happy relationship.


A yellow spider can predict the appearance of a baby. It can also be a harbinger that the business or project you are currently working on will end favorably.


A red spider predicts a large purchase or reward for your efforts. It can predict promotion at work. The red spider has always been considered a symbol of prosperity and financial well-being.


Green spider - to profit. If you see a green spider crawling over you, expect a replenishment of your budget.


A black spider on the body can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the direction of movement: up - to profit, down - to waste. It can also warn of illness that may appear suddenly.

Cross spider

The cross spider is a poisonous arthropod, be careful not to bite. It can be a harbinger of a serious illness or imminent death.

How to neutralize the action

Even if a discovered spider portends something bad, you still shouldn’t kill it. In this case, the arachnid seen must be removed from the person, taken out of the house and thrown out, saying: “Go away, take the troubles with you!” After this, you need to read a prayer and walk around the meeting place with the spider, holding a lit church candle in your hand.

Sometimes a spider climbs onto the same person several times in a short time, as if reminding him of the troubles that threaten him. To prevent this from happening, after the first encounter with an arthropod, it is enough to thoroughly clean the house, removing all cobwebs and accumulated debris from it. Then the arachnid will have fewer opportunities to return to its previous habitat, and a person will have less chance of encountering a “dark” predictor spider.

Of course, running face-first into a web woven by an arachnid or discovering an arthropod when waking up in bed is an unpleasant incident in itself. However, if you remember that an encounter with a spider, as a rule, does not threaten anything bad, then it is better not to get upset, but, on the contrary, to treat such an incident with humor. And then the little spider may bring great luck to the house.

On the face

A spider descending its web onto your face is considered a good sign. You will receive good news or meet friends. Unexpectedly fell - to success in business and material wealth.

But if it ends up on the cheeks, it means gossip and slander.

Crawling along the neck to the back - to long life. If it purposefully goes down under the front of your clothes, expect separation or quarrels.

If you find a spider moving along your neck, take a closer look at your surroundings, you have a secret admirer.

How to dispel a negative interpretation

You can strengthen the positive interpretation of signs by making a wish, which will be combined with a possible prediction. If the behavior of an insect promises any trouble, then, in such cases, it is necessary to dispel the negative interpretation of the belief as soon as possible.

To protect yourself and your family from possible negative consequences, you need to use church candles, which should be lit in the place where the spider “predicted” evil. It is also recommended to read any prayer three times.

If there is no candle, then you can sprinkle the place where the behavior of the insect predicted some negative event with holy water. At the same time, it is also advisable to read the Lord’s Prayer.

The listed actions are quite sufficient to minimize or completely eliminate the harm that can be caused by the discovery of the sign described in the article.

The correct reaction to a belief will avoid troubles, but the wrong one will, on the contrary, lead to even greater troubles. For example, you should not kill an insect whose behavior predicts negative changes in a person’s life.

You should also not try to influence the direction of movement of the arthropod. If the spider crawls down, then there is no need to interfere with it. Trying to force someone to “work” will not lead to anything good.

Depending on the time of day

If a spider was seen crawling along a curtain or wall at different times of the day, then the interpretation of the sign will also largely depend on this feature.

In the morning

If a spider moves along a vertical surface in the morning, then this fact can only speak of positive changes in a person’s life.

As a rule, such a start to the day will be favorable for carrying out the most important matters, including those of a financial nature. If an arthropod climbs a web, then it is important not to get caught in it, so as not to destroy the positive meaning of the belief. If this does happen, then you should spit over your left shoulder three times.

During the day

If a spider located on top of the wall was seen during the daytime, then the person can expect changes in his personal life in the near future. It is possible both the emergence of new love and the resumption of old relationships that previously seemed completely lost.

In the evening

In the evening, seeing a spider crawling upward also predicts positive changes in a person’s life. First of all, such changes will concern his financial well-being. Seeing an arthropod doing such an activity at sunset means that in the near future the recipient of the message will receive good news.

How to proceed

The presence of a furry creature indicates a good mood in the family and the home in general. The spider cannot be found in bad houses. The unexpected discovery of an ill-mannered guest indicates pleasant events that will happen in the future. These can be good guests, receive money, great family news. Therefore, do not kill the unusual “neighbor”. Otherwise, you may have a lot of trouble - loss of money, illness and other problems. Spouses will argue; you cannot avoid divorce.

The insect is often killed in a state of passion. Most people are so frightened by what he sees that he reacts quickly with slippers in hand. If this happens, gently take the killed person outside and say: “Forgive me, find peace and do not persecute me!”

Forgiveness for murder

An arachnid can be killed if it gets stuck in an icon. Forty sins are forgiven for killing it. It is believed that a spider weaving a web on an icon indicates the wicked mood of the owner, a rare visit to the temple, violation of commandments or connections with black magic. An arthropod emphasizes unnecessary icons in home.

It’s an unpleasant situation when a real specimen falls on a person’s body, but this should not be considered a tragedy. You have to pull yourself together and judge what happened in your favor, because a sign works when you believe in it. A sign with arthropods is a sign of unexpected enrichment and pleasant entertainment.

If a spider sat on your hand

There are quite a lot of popular superstitions interpreting the designation of a spider with arms.

  1. If a spider lands on your hand early in the morning, expect unpleasant news during the day. For example, there will be unforeseen or unexpected expenses or a lost wallet. Our ancestors believed very much in this sign, so they tried not to visit crowded places where they could easily lose money or make an unnecessary purchase. We also recommend that you read the article - “Folk signs about money: how to take it and with what hand to return it.”
  2. If there is a huge spider sitting on your hand, expect major problems or troubles. To reduce the negative impact of the sign, remove the insect from your hand and throw it outside.
  3. If a spider lands on your hand closer to lunch or in the evening, the chances of financial success are high. Expect quick and promising enrichment - possible career growth or the conclusion of a lucrative deal.

In order to correctly understand the fateful sign, they must be accurately determined by the behavior of the arthropod predictor.

On the head

If a spider falls on your head, expect sad news. Moreover, they will concern people close to you. It’s a different matter if the spider begins to crawl - then the signs promise success in work and profit. And if the spider is red, then you can double the positive effect of superstition - a career and material benefits are guaranteed to you.

In a special case, signs highlight the descent of a spider on a web. If the insect did not just fall on your head, but carefully descended on a spider’s web, expect pleasant surprises or gifts from a person close to you.

Where did the belief come from?

The folk sign has been known for many centuries. Even in ancient times, people noticed the relationship between a spider crawling up a wall and subsequent events in a person’s life.

This sign applies not only to the owner of the house, but also to his guests who are “lucky” to witness such a spectacle. Depending on the nuances, this sign can have different meanings.

Why does a spider crawl up the wall?

The spider can “travel” in various rooms. This fact can also have a significant impact on the interpretation of signs.


If an arthropod decides to conquer vertical surfaces in the kitchen, then most likely the owners of the house should expect guests. In general, this sign is positive, although the final outcome will depend, of course, on the quantity and quality of people arriving.


If a spider climbs a wall or curtain in a living room, then the people living in the room are expected to significantly increase their income.

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