Instructions for using the ant gel Great Warrior, reviews


The ant repellent gel contains two active ingredients – chlorpyrifos and diazinon. The components enhance each other’s action and allow you to quickly get rid of the entire ant colony.

On a note!

The great warrior does not only affect ants. It also kills cockroaches.

The drug is available in a 30 ml syringe. This is enough to treat a room of 50 square meters. If the house is large, then it is worth buying several tubes. After all, insects can move from one room to another.

Characteristics of the chemical against ants

Great Warrior is an ant gel that manufacturers of modern chemicals offer to purchase to effectively kill unwanted insects.

The gel contains active components that help get rid of annoying garden inhabitants for a long time, destroying the entire ant colony.

“An excellent product for killing ants in the house! I learned about all the “delights” of the presence of these insects after my husband and I moved to a new apartment, which was located in a corner on the first floor. “Great Warrior” started fighting ants right away with the gel in a syringe. I bought the composition at the nearest hardware store and never regretted my choice! True, the product has one drawback. The gel is very easily washed off from the floor surface during the first wash. That is, it has to be applied again.

I found ants in the kitchen where they were running along the baseboards. I decided that this is where the gel should be applied. The insects gradually moved into the living room, then into the bedroom. It became clear that in order to drive them away completely, it is necessary to treat the place where the insects come from with the drug. I found several small cracks in the hallway floor and applied the product there. After this, the ants disappeared for a long time. About a year after this, another invasion occurred - this time from the pantry. But the Great Warrior gel did not disappoint this time either, it helped drive away the uninvited guests. Now ants don’t appear in our apartment.” Andrey

Operating principle

The product Great Warrior against Ants
Gel against ants has an intestinal-contact effect and retains its properties for one month. But the drug is not recommended for use in open areas, because there it can be washed away by precipitation.

On a note!

The product attracts insects with a sweet aroma that is inaudible to humans. The ants eat some of the poison, and carry some of it to the nest on their body. There, the gel is eaten by those individuals who do not leave the anthill. Using the Great Warrior gel allows you to destroy foragers and the female queen. The insect colony dies within two to three days.

Composition and principle of action of the gel

Great Warrior in gel form is produced domestically in Nizhny Novgorod. The ant repellent contains effective insecticides, namely:

  1. Diazinon. Pesticide of organophosphorus origin. Based on the principle of action, it is classified as enteric-contact. The compound specifically blocks one of the most important enzymes in the body of ants. This limits the functioning of the nervous system, causing a paralytic effect, which in turn causes their death. The duration of action is 2–6 weeks.
  2. Chlorpyrifos is a contact insecticide that has a nerve-paralytic effect on ants. According to some data, activity lasts for 1.5–2 months.

In addition to the active ingredients, the Great Warrior contains a gelling agent, a preservative, a stabilizer, Bitrex and other food-grade fillers. It is they who determine the attractiveness of the poison for ants: it is eaten not only by working individuals, but also by all other inhabitants of the colony, even larvae and queens. Therefore, the Great Warrior ensures the destruction of insects for a long time.

The gel is available in special containers of different volumes:

  1. 30 and 80 g – in plastic tubes.
  2. 45 g – Great Warrior products in a convenient syringe with a dispenser.

The gel is packaged in cardboard boxes with information about the composition, volume, production time, and also contains instructions for use.


The great warrior is applied around the perimeter of the entire room with short strokes at intervals of two to six centimeters.

Use of the drug Great Warrior

If this is the first treatment, then it is recommended to do small intervals. When the substance is reused, the distance between the strips of poison becomes larger - from five to six centimeters. The instructions for use state that ant paths and places where insects accumulate are treated with the gel.

On a note!

If the drug has expired, it should be thrown away.

We must not forget about precautions when using the gel:

  1. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves, and hair should be braided into a ponytail and hidden under a scarf or plastic cap.
  2. The used syringe and its packaging must be thrown away immediately.
  3. If there is gel left in the syringe, it should be stored in a dark place, away from children.
  4. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wash your clothes at high temperatures separately from other things.

After the insects are destroyed, the remaining product must be removed and the room thoroughly washed.

On a note!

If the substance gets on the skin, the area should be washed with plenty of cool water.

Repeated treatment can be carried out after three weeks. Poison strips should be kept away from dust and water.

Precautions for use

The product must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. During use, do not eat, drink or smoke. Hands should be washed thoroughly after using the substance. Children, pregnant women, and animals should not be present indoors when using the drug.

When used in the garden, do not spray or scatter the product on the surface of the lawn, or use it near a body of water. This is dangerous for both humans and animals, birds, fish and reptiles.

If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water. Powder or solution that gets on the skin should be washed off immediately using soap.

If accidentally swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.

The drug should be stored away from food. Children and animals should not have access to it.

Dohlox gel is a reliable assistant in the fight against cockroaches, and you can buy it at any hardware store or on the Internet. How to use this tool correctly, read here.

Reviews of the Yurax insecticide note its effectiveness, reliability and long-lasting response. Read about dosages and safety methods when using the drug at link.



Advantages of the product

The main positive quality of the drug is that it affects all individuals, including those that do not leave the walls of the anthill. Other advantages include the following:

  1. The Great Warrior ant syringe is inexpensive and can be found in any hardware store.
  2. A convenient dispenser allows you to use poison in hard-to-reach places.
  3. The substance has no pungent odor and does not release dangerous toxins into the environment.
  4. Ant repellent gel has a long shelf life of two years.
  5. The Great Warrior destroys not only ants. It is effective against Prussians.

Many people like the product because it does not affect the respiratory tract of humans and animals. It is easy to apply and remove. The gel itself can be placed on small pieces of cardboard.

Description of the “Great Warrior” product

The drug is presented on the market in the form of a gel, produced in Russia. It is a professional insecticide that is used for disinfestation by specialized services. Self-use at home is allowed. It is characterized as a means of helping to exterminate colonies of cockroaches in a few days; the prolonged action prevents the appearance of new individuals.

There are different release forms on sale; syringes filled with insecticide, which are convenient to work with, are ideal for home use. Syringes are produced in a volume of 45 g, but you can purchase tubes and containers with a larger volume; the packaging is marked with a hero, which symbolizes the power of the drug. The gel itself has a light yellowish tint, with a not pronounced odor.

Since this is a toxic chemical, you must work with it carefully, using protective equipment and not neglecting safety measures.

Disadvantages of the drug

The effectiveness of
the Great Warrior remedy against ants has the following disadvantages:

  1. It has a high hazard class and poses a threat to humans.
  2. Ineffective in open areas during precipitation.
  3. It will not completely get rid of insects if they can freely enter the home.

If the ant gel did not help, then it was probably expired or it was stored incorrectly in the store.


  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption;
  • simple method of application;
  • improved composition;
  • does not cause addiction with prolonged use.

Principle of action: the active components of the drug, penetrating the pest’s body, affect cholinesterase (an enzyme that transmits nerve impulses). Cholinesterase binds, causing it to lose its activity and cannot cause acetylcholine hydrolysis. The latter begins to actively accumulate in the synaltic cleft, which leads to disruption of the normal passage of nerve impulses. Tremor occurs, turning into paralysis. The product also works according to the domino principle: one individual that eats the poisoned bait infects its relatives, contributing to the rapid destruction of the colony.

Basic precautions when using the gel

Before using an insecticide, carefully study the description in the instructions. To get rid of cockroaches, you must follow all the manufacturer's instructions.

Since the insecticidal agent against cockroaches contains unique components, all work must be carried out carefully. If you are not careful, the likelihood of poisoning will increase.

The skin on which the component comes into contact is thoroughly washed under running water. After this, the area is soaped and washed off. The mucous membranes on which drops of the gel have fallen are washed with running water. If irritation appears on the skin or vision problems arise, then a visit to the doctor is required. After all, you won’t be able to cope with this problem on your own.

A good remedy, Great Warrior, is used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. As soon as the treatment procedure is completed, the syringe is closed and the packaging is thrown into the trash. If there is gel in the container, then its storage is allowed. To do this, choose a place that is away from food and pets.

Before using the gel, you need to do the following:

  • All food products are placed in food containers or sealed packages. After all, when active substances enter the human body, poisoning occurs.
  • The room is sealed. To do this, seal all the cracks through which insects penetrate inside. The ventilation shaft is covered with a mosquito net.

Along with the gel, manufacturers advise using lenses that are designed to combat arthropods.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

At first, the area of ​​the settlement does not exceed a couple of square centimeters, being located in books, under the floor or wallpaper, behind kitchen wall cabinets.

As the anthill grows, new settlement points appear. These full-fledged nesting sites form a great metropolis, where all colonies are closely connected with each other.

Subgroups of insects in one nesting site have specializations.

Every day, working representatives of the group leave their nests to search for food. The rest are obliged to constantly look after the “head” of the ant genus – the queen ant.

A clear distribution of roles allows the colony to live and reproduce for up to 15 years.

Pharaoh ants are omnivores. The food can be crumbs, plant and animal products, rotting organic matter and even other insects.

Advantages of gel compositions and application features

The characteristics of the gels make it possible to reliably get rid of domestic ant colonies.

  • The action of the compositions is prolonged. Poisoning of an insect does not occur instantly, so the foraging ant manages to drop poison into the colony and infect all its fellows, including the queen.
  • The toxic ability of the active substance persists for 1-2 months.
  • The organoleptic properties of the bait are attractive to insects. House ants eat poison with great pleasure. This property ensures the targeted effect of the composition.

Gel insecticides are used indoors only.
The compositions are applied in a drip path in areas of suspected insect colonies, as well as along areas of movement of foragers. Usually these are baseboards, plumbing communications, trash cans, furniture. All compounds are poisonous. To prevent poisoning of children and pets, plant bitters are included in the poison formula, completely discouraging the desire to join the ant “meal”.

Ways to deal with house ants

Today, in the variety of methods for exterminating insects, there are several possibilities.

  • Folk techniques. A poisonous bait is prepared using borax, yeast, boric acid and corn flour. However, the effect will only be at the initial stage of ant settlement. In most cases, they are not able to completely destroy the “infiltrators.”
  • Aerosols . The means are sprayed along the paths of movement of insects and points of possible localization of nests. If you manage to get to the colony, the entire settlement will die. But in general, the aerosol is an unimportant “warrior” against ants.
  • Insecticide powders. The products fall on the tips of the insects' legs. When the ant tries to clean itself, it gets poisoned. If he manages to crawl to the nest, the infection will be delivered to the entire family.
  • Gels. These developments appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already proven their effectiveness. Their advantage is that the gel is carried drop by drop by worker insects to the nest and completely affects the entire colony. The beauty of gels is that they act for a long time.

In getting rid of an ant invasion, the main thing is to neutralize the “queen” and destroy the nest, and without them both the working insects and the males will die. Getting to the settlement is extremely difficult, so the easiest way to deliver a poisonous potion is with the help of feeders.


Fipronil-based drugs are preferred over others. The active component does not penetrate into the air, does not affect human well-being, and does not harm animals. Convenient to use for prevention. But there is one drawback.

On a note!

In a multi-storey building, all conscientious residents are protected with gel. Very convenient, safe, cheap. Cockroaches, constantly dealing with poison, develop immunity. Over time, the protection ceases to be effective. Hence the negative reviews about the uselessness of the gel.

What is ant repellent gel?

The product is a paste-like mass, sometimes colorless, sometimes with some kind of tint. The gel has no odor as such , but insects are “dragged” by the aroma, surrounding the bait on all sides.

Death does not occur immediately ; it takes some time for the infected insects to spread the insecticide in the anthill , which will lead to the complete extinction of the entire colony.

Gels provide good preventive protection - not a single ant will disturb your home from a couple of months to a year. And this pleasure is very inexpensive ! The exact price tag depends on the specific manufacturer, but any buyer will be pleased with the opportunity to save some money on fighting ants.

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