How much feed does it take to raise a pig?

By calculating how much feed a pig eats before slaughter, you can correctly determine possible expenses that will pay off after selling the carcass. Today, there are several types of animal feeding to produce high-quality meat and lard at a minimal cost. But in industrial animal husbandry, preference is given to feeding with compound feeds, which allow the piglet to reach a slaughter weight of up to 100 kg by the age of 6 months.

How much feed does a pig need to fatten for meat?

When breeding pigs, it is important to take into account all the subtleties of raising adult pigs. A farmer who breeds pigs to produce meat products needs to know how much a pig eats per day. And also what kind of nutrition can effectively increase the weight of animals. A person involved in pig farming must know the content of beneficial nutrients in a certain product in order to feed it at the right time, when the product will be maximally absorbed by the pig’s body and provide maximum benefits for growth.

Feed consumption and its types

It is worth noting that in pig farming a special table has been created that provides information on the norms of feed consumption and their types. Based on the data, we can say that the first group includes food that improves the quality of meat. Such products include:

The second group includes food for fattening:

The third group includes products that are not recommended to be given:

If you choose the right group, such a table will be very useful, especially for beginners. After choosing food, you should know what the daily intake is and how much one pig eats during the fattening period.

To achieve a pig weight of about 100 kg you will need:

  1. Before fattening, the animal eats about 200 feed units.
  2. From fattening to slaughter, feed consumption increases to 400 feed units.

As you can see, in a short period of life, a pig eats about 600 units of feed. After such consumption, the output is 100 kg of weight, of which about 70% is pure meat.

If we are talking about how much feed a pig consumes per day, then the following data is used:

  1. With a weight of one hundredweight, the animal will need to eat about 4 feed units per day.
  2. You can use a special table that provides information on daily nutritional requirements from the dairy period until slaughter. In the photo, this table is provided for visual understanding:

What role does compound feed play?

The stomach of pigs has a single-chamber structure, and therefore, when breeding for meat, special feed is used. When consuming it, the animal must drink a sufficiently large amount of water.

Correct calculation of the daily amount of feed for pigs is very important. After all, knowing how much feed a pig needs per day, it will be possible to ensure the constant growth of the individual. If the calculation is incorrect, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines of animals may occur.

The composition of the special food is perfectly balanced. The animal will not need additional supplements during the growth process.

Recommended feeding standards for pigs

By monitoring the weight gain of animals, you can calculate with great accuracy how much feed they need to give for optimal weight gain, without wasting expensive products that, instead of the expected benefit, can cause serious harm. In pig farming, a table has been developed for feed consumption by pigs raised for meat, in terms of feed units:

Thanks to this table, pig farmers who know the calorie content of the feed they use can accurately calculate how much food they need to give their piglets to quickly gain muscle mass and maintain their normal physical condition.

Daily calculation of feed

The pig must be given a strictly dosed portion of feed per day. If you offer too much, you cannot avoid the problem of obesity, which will subsequently affect the quality of the meat. To determine how much feed a pig needs to eat for fattening, it is important to know the weight, age and gender of the animal. In order to determine how much the animals weigh, they must be weighed every month.

Depending on the age, sex and weight of animals, three main stages of their development are distinguished. And each stage corresponds to the norms of daily feeding of pigs.

The milk stage includes piglets from birth to 2 months.

  • Piglet from birth to 2 weeks - 25 g per day;
  • For a one-month-old piglet - 350 g per day;
  • 2-month-old individual - 850 g per day.

Weaning stage – this includes piglets 2-4 months old.

  • 3-month-old pig - 1050 g per day;
  • For a 4-month-old pig - 1550 g per day.

Animal fattening stage. It includes individuals weighing up to 100 kg, pigs up to 8 months old:

  • Pig aged 5 months - 2250 g per day;
  • 6-month-old pig - 2550 g per day;
  • 7-month - 3200 g per day;
  • 8-month-old - 3350 g per day.

There are also certain feed standards that a pig eats in 1 year:

  • suckling piglets from birth to 2 months – 150 – 170 kg per year;
  • piglets from 2 to 4 months – 480 – 570 kg per year;
  • young individuals from 4 to 6 months - from 910 to 106 kg per year;
  • adult boars – from 1400 to 1650 kg per year;
  • sows - from 1480 to 18 kg per year.

It is also important for the farmer to understand how much feed from different manufacturers can be consumed per pig per day. This issue can be considered using the example of the Provimi trademark.

Consumption rate of Soyuzpischeprom feed for fattening animals:

  1. For sows from 2-3 months - 850 - 1550 g per day.
  2. From 5-7 months – 2250 – 3200 g per day.
  3. To obtain bacon from 3-7 months - 1250 - 3350 g per day.
  4. To fatty positions from 3 - 9 months - 1800 - 3100 g per day.

Consumption rate of compound feed of the Provimi brand for fattening animals: for a pig aged 4 to 6 months, 2910 g per day is required.

The slaughter weight of a pig is 100 kg. If the food eaten is equal to the specified standards, then it reaches slaughter weight in six or seven months. It is possible to achieve greater pig weight - up to 110 kg in 6 months. Experts have calculated the amount of feed that a pig eats during this time to achieve the specified weight. After eating 350 kg of dry food, a piglet acquires the weight of an adult boar in 6 months.

To determine how much feed is needed to fatten a pig to a body weight of 100 kg, you need to take into account that during the initial stage of fattening, an individual eats approximately 200 conventional units. It is estimated that during the stages from the beginning of fattening to the slaughter of an individual, it eats approximately 400 units. This means that during these two main periods the specific volume of food eaten by a pig is 600 units. Before slaughter, the pig reaches a weight of 100 kg. Slaughtering a pig of this mass yields about 75 kg of meat.

Feed consumption of different age groups

A healthy single sow should consume about 2500 grams per day. feed, pregnant – 3500 gr. A suckling sow should eat very well and her norm is about 6 kg of feed per day.

Piglets up to two months old should eat up to 800 grams. dry food. Fattening pigs - up to 3 kg, depending on the period of development.

The amount of feed per year is a relative concept. Indeed, in addition to the recommended consumption of dry food, the developmental characteristics of a particular individual play a significant role. Therefore, it is very difficult to calculate in advance how much feed will be needed. But on average, experimentally it was possible to establish a figure of 500 kg, which is completely subjective.

Do not forget also about the importance of water when eating dry food, especially in the summer. It is estimated that an animal weighing 100 kg needs 6-7 liters of water per day. Therefore, try to provide animals with free access to food and take into account appetite and developmental characteristics when rationing food. The one who walks will master the road! Go for it!

Additional feeding

Compound feed is a balanced diet for animals, but sometimes when fattening pigs need additional food.

There are some features of feeding pigs.

  1. Before feeding grain to an animal, it is important to grind it well. This way the grain will be better absorbed in the stomach. And it will be more convenient for the pig to feast on it in this form: in its uncrushed form, the grains will fall out of its mouth.
  2. Before feeding potatoes, they are thoroughly washed to remove any adhering soil and boiled. Boiled potatoes promote better digestibility.
  3. Vegetables, such as carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, which are a source of vitamins for the animal, can be given raw. And if root vegetables are supposed to be the main food for a pig, then they need to be boiled.

Nutritional Features

It will be useful for anyone involved in breeding pigs to know some feeding features:

1. It is better to feed livestock grain in crushed form, so digestibility will be much faster.

2. If potatoes are used in the diet, it is better to wash them before feeding them to get rid of dirt on them, and only then boil them. When boiled, it is better absorbed.

3. If root vegetables are included in the diet, then it is better to give them boiled if they are used as the main food. If they are given to animals in the form of vitamins, it is recommended to give them raw.

Vietnamese pig diet

The Vietnamese breed of pigs has recently become very interesting for breeding. Vietnamese pigs are usually fattened for bacon.

This breed is considered quite unpretentious in food. They are sometimes called vegetarians, which is no coincidence, because the main food of this breed is vegetables and herbs, as well as grain. In order to protect adult pigs from obesity, it is recommended to feed them a maximum of twice a day.

Vietnamese pigs can be fed specially prepared porridges. Add an egg and a tablespoon of fish oil to a 10-liter bucket of porridge. This volume is enough for one feeding of three adults. Summer gives the pig the opportunity to eat pasture.

Food consumption from the first day to slaughter: diagrams

Feed consumption per day, month or year is a relative concept, depending on the type of product, the weight of the animal and many other indicators. Usually the calculation is based on dry concentrates, which should form the basis of the diet.

Day old piglets: how to feed

Piglets under two months of age should eat up to eight hundred grams of feed per day. As they grow older, the amount of dry food should be gradually increased. So, by four to five months it is recommended to give one and a half kilograms a day, by seven months - up to three kilograms outside fattening. An adult pig should consume about three and a half to five kilograms of dry food, depending on body weight. In addition to basic dry food, animals should also be given succulent and rough food, as well as supplementary feeding. So, on average, a pig weighing more than one hundred kilograms should consume about three to five kilograms of greens and vegetables, as well as about half a liter of skim milk.

Milk stage - feeding features

The milk stage of feeding piglets has its own characteristics.

  1. For the first 5 days of life, babies feed on mother's milk. Then, from the 5th day, the piglet begins to be given complementary foods.
  2. Feeding for piglets consists of crushed and roasted grains: peas and barley, corn. Grains help the development of tooth buds. Thanks to them, the salivary glands begin their work.
  3. Special curdled milk has a beneficial effect on the development of the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Starting from 2 weeks of age, small piglets will require feed necessary for their development and growth.
  5. To strengthen the bones, piglets are given grated chalk. The daily dose of chalk for a suckling pig is approximately 2 g per day.
  6. To support the development of the gastrointestinal tract, grated charcoal is given.
  7. When the piglet reaches approximately 45 days of age, it is separated from its mother and begins to be accustomed to the type of feeding that will be determined in the future for this individual: wet feeding or dry food.
  8. After about 10 days, the piglets are completely switched to feed.

When breeding pigs, it is imperative to pay due attention to their fattening, because the development and growth of each individual pig is determined by the diet and the amount of feed consumed.

Pros of dry food

It is important for everyone who keeps pigs for fattening to know that the best nutrition is dry food. It is more cost-effective to use than feeding pigs vegetables and waste. In this regard, it is necessary to determine how much such nutrition is needed to raise a pig in six months. It is in six months, and not in a year, that pigs with proper nutrition can gain weight of 110 kg. To do this, you will need to spend about 350 kg of dry feed. If you give an animal food waste, the number of kilograms will be much greater and in six months the animal will need to be given about 1200 kg.

In addition to the basic diet, animals can and should also be given flour dust or waste that can be obtained from grain grinding. When breeding livestock, the consumption rate should include such additives in an amount of about 500 grams per animal per day. In addition, you should not forget about feeding with green food and grass.

Livestock nutrition is a very important process in development. In this regard, you need to know about all the needs for vitamins and other useful substances that should be included in certain periods of life. After all, each period of a pig’s life has its own diet and its own norms.

Making the right diet for livestock is not easy. It all has to do with the fact that they have their own physiological characteristics, namely their stomach. The pig has a single chamber, which means it can perfectly digest and assimilate concentrated feed. Moreover, if you use succulent and green food, you will need to reduce its quantity. It is better to naturally control the consumption of both feeds by combining them. But you should know that such a process is not cheap or simple. The simplest method remains the option of using a combined diet, but strictly adhering to the required proportions.

To raise a pig well when keeping it on dry food, you will need to constantly provide water. It should always be there. In addition, a certain norm and dosage of such nutrition is used. If you do not adhere to such simple rules, the digestive process will be disrupted, which leads to slow development and growth. The cost of food can vary, but finding out how much such food will cost is not difficult. On average, a bag of feed weighing 40 kg will cost about 10-15 dollars.

Using compound feed is not only profitable, but also useful. It combines everything you need to raise an animal for slaughter as quickly as possible. In this case, there will be no need to feed separately and buy different supplements.

How much feed does a pig eat per day?

Compound feed is a mixture of several grain components, various vitamin and mineral additives for feeding animals. Such nutrition is used for pigs of all ages and breeds, as a result of which their productivity significantly increases. Today we will tell you how much feed a pig eats per day and how much food needs to be given so that the animal maintains productivity and gains weight, and we will also talk about the types of feed, the method of production and the feeding regime for pigs.

How much feed does a pig eat per day?


  1. Young and adult pigs of different ages require different amounts of feed (grain). However, this indicator is also influenced by the characteristics of the breed and carcass weight, or the ability to give birth.
  2. Feeding pigs in normal mode and during fattening should be carried out at different feed dosages according to technological distribution.
  3. Combined feeds and concentrates in most cases are the basis of the diet for feeding pigs. But despite the fact that the focus when growing should be on them, it is important to supplement the concentrates with other necessary products.
  4. When purchasing mixed feed, it is important to monitor the ratio of all food and premix components in it.

The recipe for feed for pigs can be found here.

Why do pigs need compound feed?

Pigs have a single-chamber type of stomach, which means that for normal growth of their body, a carefully planned diet is required. Feeding with compound feed allows you to gain body weight correctly. In this case, the pig requires a large amount of liquid to digest food.

It is important to correctly calculate the daily requirement of feed mixtures. In case of erroneous calculations, animals have problems with the digestive system. High-quality compound feed allows you to replace various food additives for fattening livestock.

Feeding with compound feed allows you to raise healthy livestock

Video “How to feed Vietnamese pigs”

From this video you will learn how to properly feed Vietnamese pigs so that they grow quickly and gain weight steadily.

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Types of feed

Complete and concentrated feeds are produced to feed animals. The complete mixture is a basic nutrition and does not require the addition of any components.

The concentrate is an additive that is used in the preparation of feed. It contains a high percentage of vitamins and minerals. Such feed is necessary to ensure the active development of pigs.

The following types of combined mixtures are distinguished:

The finished mixture may contain more than 35 different components, depending on the purpose of the feed. And also for the rapid growth of livestock, premixes are added to the feed. These mixtures contain vitamins, salt, and antibacterial drugs. Thanks to this nutrition, the need for basic feed is significantly reduced.

Feed granulator prices

Table 1. Percentage ratio of feed components depending on the weight of the animal

You should not feed pigs food with a high content of oats - such food is difficult to digest in the body

Ready-made combined mixtures for pigs usually contain about 10-12 different components, the main part being grain. For such purposes, corn grits, barley, oats and wheat are used. It also contains fats, fishmeal, salt, yeast, and cake.

How to raise a pig quickly and without extra work

Aleksey TYULKOV , deputy director the Veterinary Technologies enterprise ,
told AiF how to do this .

Nutritional value

— Feeding pigs potatoes will never give a high economic effect. The nutritional value of potatoes is 0.3 feed units. The nutritional value of the feed is 1 feed unit. On potatoes, tops and other low-protein vegetable matter, the pig will have an average daily gain of a maximum of 350-400 grams per day. When feeding with complete feed - up to 600 g per day. Grams add up to kilograms, days add up to weeks and months. And the pig, which is fed mainly with potatoes and food waste, will reach its optimal weight of 120 kg somewhere around 10-11 months of life, or even later. And when fed with compound feed, the same weight will be gained at approximately 7 months.

Many people add grain to potatoes. But this is not the best solution. Pigs must have a balanced diet with essential amino acids. And in a diet dominated by potatoes, there is a lot missing. Which is the reason for longer growth.

If all the rules are followed - feeding and keeping pigs - in our conditions it is possible to raise a pig for slaughter in 200 days, as is done in Denmark or Poland.

What is inside

Standard feed consists of three parts: grain, protein and supplements of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Meal, a product of sunflower and soybean processing, is used as a source of protein. After all, in order to grow meat, vegetable protein must be converted into animal protein.

Many people fear that feed contains various growth stimulants. In fact, the additives include salt, chalk and a vitamin-mineral complex. Digestive enzymes are needed only to help grains digest better. We ourselves take enzymes when our stomachs are heavy.

Feeding mode

The exact amount of feed will depend on the selected feeding regimen:

  1. Normalized. Animals with this diet receive food in large portions up to 4 times a day. Usually piglets and suckling sows are fed in this way.
  2. Limited. Pigs are given less feed to produce dietary meat. Pregnant pigs are often fed this way to prevent excessive obesity.
  3. Free. Food troughs are constantly filled with food. They will need to be cleaned of food debris at least 2 times a week. Such feeding contributes to the rapid gain of fat mass, so it is rarely used for fattening adults.

The pig feeder must have restraints to prevent animals from getting inside.

If the pig is sick and various antibacterial drugs are used to treat it, then the number of feedings should be increased. This will avoid problems with the digestive system.

Purpose of breeding

Those people who have been raising pigs for more than one year know that it is not enough to decide on the breed of the animal and the feeding method. It is also necessary to understand what goal is being pursued as a result. In order to get more meat with minimal fat deposits, you will need to use one feed, which has its own daily allowance. To obtain more fat, you should use another feed, which has a different rate and composition.

To obtain a large amount of meat, fattening should begin from an early age of pigs, from about 2.5 months to six months. As a rule, with this method of rearing, weight will gain very quickly and in a year the animal can weigh about 2 centners. Accordingly, in six months the weight of the pig will be about 100 kg. With such nutrition, weight should be controlled, because when the piglet reaches a weight of 70 kg, it is necessary to transfer it to enhanced nutrition. Thus, you should increase your herbal intake. It must be crushed together with concentrated nutrition in 1 kg. Instead of concentrated feed, you can use table scraps of approximately the same weight. You should gradually increase your consumption of greens per day to 6 kg, and concentrates are added to 1.5 kg. Also, with increasing consumption, it is necessary to add minerals in the form of chalk up to 25 grams and salt up to 35 grams per day. This expense will be justified in the end result.

To raise animals for lard, fattening will need to start with a weight of 100 kg. Accordingly, cultivation will be delayed. But in a year it will be possible to grow a pig weighing 200 kg, of which only 30% will be meat, and about 50% will be lard. For such fattening, foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates are suitable. For example, you can use potatoes and corn. Wheat and barley are also excellent sources of nutrients.

Finally, it must be said that in a year or even six months you can get excellent meat and raise excellent livestock. But in order to reduce the cost of funds, it is better to use combined feed. It will be useful to the animal and will save money. Before you start raising pigs, you should carefully calculate everything and study the final costs and income.

Types of pig fattening

The type of feeding for pigs is determined by the farmer individually. However, regardless of the consistency of the feed, it must contain all the additives necessary for the animal’s life.

Main types of fattening:

  1. Dry feeding. Animals on industrial farms are fed this way. Because it is most convenient for the owner. For the normal digestion process, it is important to provide the animal with access to water.
  2. Wet feeding. With this type of nutrition, greens, boiled potatoes, and various food waste are added to the dry feed. This food should be mixed before each feeding because it turns sour quickly.
  3. Liquid feeding. The main feed is mixed with liquid dairy products and table waste. The process of preparing such food takes time. Therefore, it is only suitable if you have a small farm.

Liquid feed for pigs

It is recommended to introduce fermented milk products into the diet of animals along with feed at an early age. It is strictly forbidden to give sour food waste to adult pigs and piglets.

Do you want to know everything about the rules for creating diets for fattening pigs? Read the special article on our portal.

Prices for grain grinder

Nutrition of Vietnamese pigs

Russian farmers quite often began to breed Vietnamese pigs. The main purpose of their cultivation is to produce bacon.

Individuals are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to food. Their main diet consists of green food and grains. Adult pigs are allowed to feed no more than 2 times a day to prevent excessive obesity.

Automation of feeding dosage: technological distribution

An automated pig feeding line is usually installed on large pig farms and enterprises. It allows you to count the dosage and supply feed automatically without the need for calculations. The equipment is made specifically for different types of feeding, which you should pay attention to when purchasing it.

Special programmed dispensers for portioned feed dispensing.

The system starts with storage bins that are installed outside the pigsty. It is in them that the products for serving are stored. Such enclosures protect products from moisture, dirt and fungus. The bunkers are connected by feed lines to conveyors (spiral, auger or chain-washer) and feeding troughs. Spiral conveyors are made of steel. They are suitable for feeding granular and bulk products to sows and piglets of different ages. Screw conveyors are used in places where a straight line arrangement of the feed chute is possible. Chain ones have a multi-stage system and are made of plastic. In order for the system to operate, it needs a drive mechanism. Its design uses a rubber-mounted wheel, a drive unit (can be placed on the floor or wall), and a cable. The system allows you to regulate the amount of feed supplied.

How to prepare compound feed?

Buying ready-made feed is a rather expensive undertaking. Sometimes farmers prefer to prepare their own mixtures for fattening their livestock. You will need to purchase all individual components in advance.

Making feed yourself is easy

The main purpose of fattening adult pigs is to obtain meat and lard. Therefore, grain feed should be present in the diet. Compound feed is prepared for pregnant pigs based on one ground cereal. To prepare the feed mixture you will need the following components:

  • oats – 250 g;
  • barley – 350 g;
  • fish meal – 130 g;
  • alfalfa flour – 115 g;
  • sunflower cake – 75 g;
  • table salt – 8 g;
  • chalk – 8 g.

This food is suitable for fattening livestock for 12 months. From such components you can prepare a liquid porridge or make granules.

Feed crusher

Growing piglets only need ground feed or granules. It is advisable to give liquid feed to young animals, because such nutrition is better absorbed by the body. The temperature of the porridge should be about 35-36 degrees.

Preparation of mixture for piglets includes the following components:

  • barley – 800 g;
  • yeast – 85 g;
  • fat (feed) – 85 g;
  • chalk – 12 g;
  • salt – 4 g.

The cereal should be thoroughly ground in a crusher. And then add the remaining ingredients to the food and mix. To increase the energy value, boiled potato tubers and bread are added to the composition.

Table 3. Independent preparation of feed

Types of feeding and preparation

There are several types of feeding according to the types of productivity of pigs, as well as the characteristics of their breed.

Dry food vs wet food

Feeding in a “dry” mode involves feeding animals concentrates and combined feeds only in an unsoaked form. Such products must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins, carbohydrates and fats in sufficient quantities.

Amount of dry food per day:

  • for piglets up to two months - from fifty to eight hundred grams;
  • from two to four months - from eight hundred grams to one and a half kilograms;
  • up to eight months – up to two kilograms;
  • over eight months - two to three kilograms outside fattening.

Some farmers use ground and crushed grain crops and cake instead of feed. With this feeding, it is necessary to separately give a large amount of water.

Read about how to make a drinking bowl for pigs with your own hands in this material.

Compound feed

Compound feed is considered a universal product for feeding and fattening piglets at any age. There are products specifically for piglets, middle-aged young animals and adult pigs. You can also use regular feed for cattle; it costs much less. However, it is important to remember that it will have to be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, salt and chalk.

Read about how much feed you need to raise a pig in this article.

Before purchasing feed, you must carefully study the composition and quality of the product and monitor the expiration date. Such a product can also be produced independently by purchasing the appropriate equipment and raw materials.

Organic pig nutrition: how much to eat

In order to ensure good growth, it is not necessary to fatten pigs only with compound feed. For this, you can use other feeds, including grain crops (and cereals made from them), root vegetables, and milk. From these products you can prepare (cook) mash and swill. It is important to observe only the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Norms and indicators (per head)Pig weight (kilogram)
Feed units1,3-1,71,5-2,32,1-33,2-3,84-4,5
Proteins (g)160-215180-260240-330320-410350-420
Salt (g)1215223235
Calcium (g)1012151820
Carotene (mg)57101515

How many times does a pig eat per day?

Proper maintenance and feeding is the key to a well-developed farm. If there is insufficient unbalanced nutrition, the animal will not be able to grow, this is especially important when raising pigs. The lack of any substances affects these animals very strongly, so it is worth paying as much attention as possible to what, and in what quantity, your charges eat. Farmers often wonder how much a pig eats per day. Let's try to answer this question.

Analysis of food costs - how much feed is needed to raise a pig

Pig farming is a profitable activity that can generate significant income in the form of meat, lard and bacon with minimal expenditure of money, time and resources. There are a lot of methods and methods for raising animals, from more expensive ones to those that practically do not require additional investments. In accordance with them, income is also obtained. Different methods require different feed rates and consumption (how much feed is needed to raise a pig) depending on the breed and age of the pigs, as well as the preferences and goals of the breeder. There are calculations for feeding rates that are as close to accurate as possible, which are important for both beginners and experienced farmers to know about. They, as well as methods of cultivation, will be discussed in this article.

Feed consumption rate

As already said, a pig can grow only with good nutrition. These animals need to be fed constantly and in large quantities. An already mature individual requires at least 4 kilograms of food. You need to feed as often as possible, the optimal amount is 3-4 times a day.

Reference. Compound feed is the most common food, as it contains a large amount of essential substances for pigs. In addition, an animal that eats such food grows very quickly.

Per day per pig

How much does a pig eat per day? The most optimal number of feedings is 3-4 times, that is, every 7-9 hours. You need to understand that the nutrition of a pregnant pig will be different from all others.

Nutrition of a pregnant pig

The pig needs to be fed at least 3 times a day, at best 5 times a day for faster fattening. Moreover, each feeding should contain at least 4 kilograms of food. This means that a typical pig needs about 12 kilograms every day. It is not necessary to give all 12 of them exactly as mixed feed; they can be diluted with other healthy products. It itself should contain from 500 grams to 1 kilogram. Also, the diet must contain the required amount of water.

A pregnant pig's diet should not contain too much protein food, and the amount of food should not be too large. The volume of feed given is best kept within 500 grams, and other products should be reduced by 1-2 kilograms. The main thing is to provide the animal with plenty of water.

In year

Calculating feeding calculations for an annual period of time is not so difficult. On average, one pig per year consumes from 182.5 to 365 kilograms. It’s up to you to decide how to feed the pig, but you need to remember that the better the animal’s diet, the faster it grows and the more meat and lard the pig contains.

Calculate the costs and cost of meat

A balanced diet from an early age allows you to raise a large piglet in a short time with a low cost of meat. Owners of small private farmsteads who raise animals for personal consumption prefer to feed pigs with a variety of feeds, including vegetables, grains and scraps from their table. This allows you to give the meat and lard excellent taste, but it only makes sense when fattening 1-3 pigs.

In industrial pig farming, this approach is inappropriate, since it does not allow accurately calculating feed consumption and the cost of meat sold in the wholesale and retail chains.

On medium and large pig farms, it is practiced to feed animals with special feed, rich in vitamins and other substances that are easily absorbed by the pig’s body. The combined feed is sterile and safe, and its stable content of nutrients allows you to correctly calculate the daily ration for a pig of any age.

Read more about the composition of the finished product in the article “About feed for pigs.”

Features of feeding suckling piglets

The difference between the diet of young animals and adults is obvious. They require more carbohydrates, proteins, fats, but at the same time, less food per day. The diet of the young changes every month. Let's figure out when and how to feed suckling piglets.


During this period, most of their diet consists of mother's milk. But you can also introduce other supplements that are approved for use from the 5th day of life. To begin with, you should treat the piglets with lightly roasted peas or grains and pour in sour milk. This will help improve the functioning of the stomach and develop teeth.

After 2-3 weeks, you can add feed in small quantities to the baby’s food. It should be diluted with warm milk, this will help the nutrition to be better absorbed in the body. All these supplements should be given carefully, observing the condition of the piglet.

From 1st month

When the piglet is already 1 month old, it can be safely separated from its mother. It is at this time that you should begin to introduce food without milk, but you cannot completely exclude the dairy product; it should be given in approximately half a liter. You can also dilute with cow's milk - from 100 to 300 milliliters. It is allowed to add fruits and vegetables, grains, but only in small quantities - up to 50 grams.

From 2 months

During this time period it is time to start weaning the piglet off milk; its amount should be up to 100 milliliters. Other nutritional components should be introduced on an ongoing basis: feed, grain, fruits, vegetables, hay, and so on. The total amount of food varies from 300 to 500 grams per use, although the number of feedings should not be less than 5-7 times. In total, a two-month-old pig should receive approximately 2-3 kilograms of feed daily.

Growing up

This period is characterized exclusively by weight gain up to 50 kg. It is during this period that rapid growth of muscle tissue occurs. The ideal period is summer time. Since feed consumption will be minimal due to the availability of fresh food in the form of grass, vegetables and fruits.

You should know that fresh grass should be fed only in small form. It is better to steam the remaining amount in boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Only then give such food. You can also add potatoes to such food. After the pig has gained weight of about 50 kg, it is time for fattening. It is at this time that you should choose the right diet and amount of food per day per head.

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