How long to boil a soft-boiled ostrich egg, who and how this product is useful

How to preserve an ostrich egg?

Before being placed in an incubator, ostrich eggs can be stored for about 7-10 days, while the temperature should be 15-18°C and the humidity should be about 40%. During this time, the eggs need to be turned (at least once a day). Some experienced ostrich keepers say that it is best to store ostrich eggs with the blunt end facing up.

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Scrambled eggs

People who have tried ostrich eggs say that their taste is slightly different from the usual chicken or quail eggs. The cooking process is simple, and anyone can handle this task. You just need to observe the duration of the heat treatment. If you do not finish cooking an ostrich egg, the product will be hopelessly spoiled and your money will be wasted. We invite you to prepare delicious scrambled eggs for the whole family. We will add vegetables and ham to it.


  • ostrich egg - one piece;
  • fresh tomatoes - two or three pieces;
  • pitted olives – 100 g;
  • fresh large champignons - four to five pieces;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • green onions - half a bunch;
  • ham - six slices;
  • salt.


  1. There is no need to pre-boil the ostrich egg. Its shell is very strong, so it will be difficult to break it.

  2. To make your task easier, carefully use the tip of a knife to make a through hole in the shell, touching the film.
  3. Now we can easily break an egg.

  4. Transfer the egg mixture to a bowl with high sides. Lightly beat with a whisk.

  5. Dry the olives with napkins and chop into slices.
  6. We wash fresh mushrooms, dry them and chop them into plates.
  7. If desired, remove the skin from fresh tomatoes. Cut the tomato pulp into small cubes.
  8. Finely chop the green onion with a knife.
  9. Grind the ham into strips.

  10. Combine the above components with the ostrich egg, stir vigorously so that all ingredients are distributed evenly.
  11. Add salt, maybe a pinch of ground allspice.

  12. Grease a frying pan with high sides with a small amount of refined vegetable oil.
  13. Transfer the prepared mixture and place it on the stove.

  14. We will simmer this unusual fried egg from an ostrich egg for at least one hour. The heat should be minimal and the pan covered.
  15. It is important to ensure that the egg does not burn, so periodically look under the lid and check the readiness of the scrambled eggs.

Where to buy and cost of ostrich eggs

You can buy the product at the ostrich farm. The cost varies from 700 to 1500 rubles depending on the size of the product and region.

The incubation one is purchased for cultivation, its cost is from 2000-2500 rubles.

How to store

An egg with a damaged shell or a mixture poured into a bowl can be stored for two days. In the shell, the shelf life increases to two months. A refrigerator is used for storage.

You should not buy the product from mid-winter to mid-spring - it will turn out to be spoiled. Female ostriches lay eggs from April to November, and even unfertilized specimens are stored for no more than three months.


Each individual breed of ostrich has eggs that differ in color, and their size and shape are also not the same.
It depends on the habitat of the birds and the color of the plumage. One female in one oviposition season, which lasts from early spring to autumn, is capable of laying about eight dozen eggs. At first, productivity is much lower; egg production during this period of a young female is 10-30 eggs. The eggs are mostly fertile, accounting for 90% of the total. The productivity of males lasts for about two to three decades, in some cases even longer. One ostrich egg is equal to 27-37 chicken eggs, its weight is 430-1850g. The largest ostrich egg in the world amazes with its weight (2.35 kg) and diameter (18.67 cm). The shell of the eggs is very light, but at the same time it surprises with its extraordinary strength. To break such an egg “fortress”, great efforts must be made. Its resemblance to porcelain is used by craftsmen who make various engraved and painted products from it.

Unfertilized eggs carried by young females are eaten. Polish restaurateurs especially often use ostrich eggs in their kitchens, offering their visitors an original exotic dish - scrambled eggs. In their own homes, housewives serve it on the festive table, considering it a signature dish.

Storage rules

If you store the delicacy at a temperature just above 0 °C and a relative air humidity of about 80-85%, you will be able to preserve it without losing its healing properties for 3 months. In room conditions, ostrich eggs remain fresh for 30 days.

The contents removed from the shell are poured into a hermetically sealed container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. During this time, the whites and yolks do not have time to deteriorate, preserving all the elements of the composition and beneficial qualities.

The shell of ostrich embryos has its own value as an exceptionally strong material that looks like precious porcelain. To preserve it for future use, the product must be broken down with great care.

Preparing the product for use

Before boiling, ostrich eggs are washed under running warm water. Cool liquid cannot be used, since when the contents are compressed due to temperature changes, part of it will be drawn in through the pores of the shell.

If the recipe requires you to first open the egg, place it on a table covered with a towel, and then, carefully holding it, use a hammer and chisel to make a hole at the blunt end, and pour the contents into a bowl. If this cannot be done immediately, another hole is drilled or punched in the second half or nearby.

To preserve the yolk intact, it is better to open the shell in the middle or along the circumference near the blunt end. To do this, mark the cutting line by making small dents with a kitchen hammer, and then pass along it with a regular or serrated knife.

Acquisition issues

You need to buy the delicacy from specialized farms. To ensure the safety of the product, a veterinary certificate is requested from the owner of the farmstead.

The price of one table egg ranges from 1.2 to 2 thousand rubles. Hatching specimens cost more (about 3 thousand rubles and more).

Fertilized ostrich embryos are not sold as food. They are used to hatch chicks, since poultry meat, skin, feathers and fat are of particular value to farmers. On the shelves you can only find eggs of young females, unsuitable for incubation. Fresh products are available for purchase from autumn until the end of winter and mid-spring.

Among the unusual large-sized bird clutches, green emu embryos weighing 700-900 g and yellowish rhea eggs weighing 600 g are also known. These birds are often called ostriches, although from a systematic point of view they belong to other orders.

Cooking methods

You can prepare the ostrich delicacy using any usual method. There are also many exotic recipes, but in all cases the product can be easily replaced with a more affordable chicken one.


It takes quite a long time to cook an ostrich egg.

  • To cook hard-boiled, you will need to lower the product into slightly heated water in a saucepan. Leave until boiling, then reduce the heating power, keeping it on medium heat for another 60-90 minutes. For especially large specimens, the cooking time is increased to 2 hours.
  • If the white and yolk need to be kept half-baked (preparing a soft-boiled egg), it should be boiled for no more than 45 minutes.

To speed up the procedure, the egg can be pre-pierced in the area where the air chamber is located (at the blunt end), and then lowered into a pan of boiling water with the hole facing up.

Frying and baking

It is better to reconsider the usual recipe for scrambled eggs for preparing the delicacy, otherwise you will need a frying pan with a diameter that is too large. The shell is pierced or sawn, breaking the product in half, its contents are mixed and poured into a heated container.

Before frying, the white and yolk can be mixed directly inside the shell, using a knitting needle through a puncture. It is easier to use this product in portions, leaving some for other dishes, such as omelettes.

Original recipes

An unusual product should be prepared according to an exotic recipe in order to fully reveal its taste.

  1. For salads, eggs need to be hard-boiled.
  2. To make a delicate cream, the contents of the shell are drained raw, mixed in a blender bowl with a couple of liters of cream, a handful of chopped herbs (thyme, parsley and dill), a teaspoon of hot chili powder, and salt. The whipped mass is distributed into ceramic forms, ramekins, sprinkled with grated goat cheese and sent to the oven, preheated to 180 °C. The pots are baked for 20 minutes on a deep baking sheet with water under foil, then the same amount without it.
  3. To prepare an ostrich egg for Easter, it is opened by cutting off the top at the blunt end. The white and yolk are mixed directly in the shell, adding salt and spices, and then baked in the oven until cooked.

The beneficial substances of eggs are best absorbed in combination with broccoli and greens that contain a lot of calcium.

Extracting content

Breaking an ostrich egg is not so easy, despite the lightness and thinness of the shell (about 2 mm). It is so strong that a person weighing up to 50 kg can easily stand on the egg clutch! Therefore, to extract the contents, you will have to make some effort.

  1. Method number 1. You will need a drill. The egg should be placed on its side on a small bowl or plate for stability. Next, holding it with one hand, with the other you need to use a drill to make a small hole closer to the top. There is no need to apply excessive pressure. When the hole is made, use a long wooden stick to mix the white with the yolk and carefully pour through the hole into the container.
  2. Method number 2. This option is preferable if you want to keep the yolk intact, because the hole will have to be made wider. Using a file, the egg at the top must be filed along the entire circumference (a diameter of 5-6 cm is sufficient), until the file saws through the side. The process may take up to 5 minutes. Next, the shell needs to be carefully separated, there will be a shell underneath. After opening the shell, the contents with the whole yolk can be poured into a container.
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