Ayam Tsemani chickens: description of the breed, maintenance and care

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Kira Stoletova

Many people know the phenomenon of lack of pigmentation, which results in the appearance of albinos. Ayam Tsemani chickens exhibit the opposite effect called hyperpigmentation, where the bird is completely black not only on the outside, but also on the inside. The unusual appearance has attracted increased attention from exotic lovers to this decorative breed.

Breed of chickens Ayam Tsemani

Indonesia is considered their homeland; the line dates back several thousand years; according to one version, it was obtained by crossing wild and domestic chickens. They say that there are no purebred representatives left in the world, the rest of the population is already half-breeds. But the dominant gene is so strong that it constantly appears in the next generation.


The only difficulty in breeding Australorps is feeding - due to their rapid growth, Australorp chickens require balanced, nutritious food. Otherwise, chickens may start laying eggs without shells.

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Mystical chickens Ayam Tsemani - who are they?

We are already accustomed to the fact that chickens can come in a variety of colors, but there is a breed that still never ceases to amaze even experienced poultry farmers. Ayam Tsemani are completely black chickens that do not have a single light spot.

Breed overview

It’s hard to believe, but the Ayam Tsemani ornamental chickens are truly completely coal-black birds. Not only their plumage, but even their skin is dark in shades. Needless to say about tongue, organs, bones and meat! The bone marrow of this unusual breed is also black; even their blood is so dark that it could easily pass for black.


These amazing birds, which amaze the imagination even in the photo, came from Indonesia. Translated into Russian, the name sounds like “Tsemani chicken”. Cemani is a village located near the city of Solo in Middle Java.

In 1920, colonialists from Holland became acquainted with the unique bird, and in Europe they first learned about these exotic chickens in 1998. Jan Stevernik began studying this breed and the characteristics of its origin. Research led to the fact that in the same year it was possible to breed the first hen of this breed, and the next year - a rooster.

The breed immediately provoked an unprecedented stir, since the appearance of the bird was fascinating and evoked mystical associations. Today, Ayam Tsemani chickens are considered one of the most expensive breeds in the world. The cost of one chicken reaches 2.5 thousand dollars.

Many breeders believe that now there are no purebred Ayam Tsemani left, since the original individuals have long since died out. There is an opinion that poultry farmers are currently breeding a hybrid of a unique breed, which is valued in the same way as Ayam Kedu.


The first thing worth mentioning in the description of the unusual Ayam Tsemani is the incomparable coloring. You're probably wondering how it happened that even chickens have combs darker than night. The fact is that birds owe this coloration to a genetic feature - fibromelanosis.

This gene provokes the rapid development of a large number of black pigment cells. Scientists have proven that this mutation originated more than eighth centuries ago in Asia. As mentioned above, modern representatives of the described breed are black in color. Moreover, if a light color appears anywhere on an individual, then this is considered a defect, and such a hen or rooster is not used for breeding.

As for the body, it is not too large and has the shape of a trapezoid. The neck of Ayam Tsemani chickens is of medium length, and the head is small in size. The chest of individuals can hardly be called very full, however, it is quite rounded. The wings fit quite tightly to the body.

Cockerels can be recognized by their large, regularly shaped comb and fluffy, high tail. Both laying hens and males have earrings that are round and completely black. The breed is characterized by the presence of a short black beak with a thickening at the end. Ayam Tsemani's eyes are also completely black. This can be seen in the photo.


On average, a chicken of the Ayam Tsemani breed reaches 1.2 kilograms, and roosters rarely gain more than 1.8 kilograms. The egg production of laying hens is quite satisfactory - in the first productive period, the hen produces about a hundred dark-colored eggs. The weight of one testicle is about 50 grams. Individuals of this breed have a good survival rate - 95%.

Interesting Facts

In Asia, Ayam Tsemani are valued very highly - this is due to the tendency of the local population to endow surrounding objects and animals with mystical characteristics. Sometimes these black chickens are sacrificed to increase the birth rate of the people. In addition, Ayam Tsemani is considered a symbol of good luck. There is a widespread belief among Asians that eating black chicken can ease pangs of conscience. If a rooster of this breed crows, then prosperity awaits the owners of the bird.

Finding poultry breeders in Russia who would keep Ayam Tsemani is very difficult, since even private breeders cannot guarantee that the breed is pure. Judging by the reviews of the lucky ones, black chickens fly well. So good that some even have to put a roof on their yard to avoid losing the birds.

Many note that individuals of this breed are distrustful and reluctant to come into contact with people. They prefer to stay apart, however, chickens cannot do without the care of their owners. The fact is that they have never seen snow, and therefore in winter it is necessary to provide the birds with good heating. The surface of the barn should be covered with a mixture of hay and peat about 5 centimeters thick. This is the only way to prevent birds from freezing.

Video “Rare breed rooster Ayam Tsemani”

In this video you can see how the male Ayam Tsemani behaves at home and hear about the peculiarities of his keeping.


The main exterior characteristic of the breed is the completely black coloring of the feathers. The color of the skin on the tint scale is strictly 10 out of 10. For example, in other individuals with black skin this figure varies from 5 to 7. Meat, bones, tongue, metatarsals, comb, earrings are certainly black. Chickens have such a specific color due to the presence of a special fibromelanosis gene.

  • medium size head;
  • erect comb – leaf-shaped;
  • oval earrings;
  • shortish beak exclusively black;
  • bright black eyes;
  • not very long neck;
  • neat, narrow body resembling a trapezoid;
  • rounded sternum;
  • the wings are tightly placed in relation to the body;
  • long legs with 4 toes;
  • Males have excellent tail plumage, it is quite voluminous and high.

The slightest presence of light tones in the colors of birds indicates the impurity of the breed and provokes rejection during cultivation.

Tsemani chickens


Diseases and prevention

The Ayam Tsemani breed of chickens has a fairly strong immune system, which provides them with resistance to a variety of viral and infectious diseases. These Ayam Tsemani chickens do not suffer from bird flu, which is explained by the presence of immunity to its pathogen.

The bird can be attacked by parasites, which, if not eliminated in a timely manner, may result in undesirable consequences. This requires certain preventive measures.

It is recommended to install a large container of wood ash in the chicken coop. It is also necessary to whitewash the premises every year using lime mortar.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Ayam Tsemani breed of chickens is characterized by a large number of advantages, which is why it is of interest to a huge number of poultry farmers:

  • Ayam Tsemani chickens have a fairly attractive appearance, which allows them to decorate any poultry yard.
  • Despite the black color of the meat, it has excellent taste.
  • Ayam Tsemani chickens are good brood hens, which greatly simplifies the process of breeding them.
  • Thanks to the development of the immune system, resistance to diseases is ensured.

The disadvantages of the breed include their fairly high cost. In addition, birds do not tolerate low temperatures very well.

The Ayam Tsemani breed of chickens is an exclusive bird that has a truly exotic appearance. An interesting fact is that Ayam Tsemani chickens are black not only in their plumage, but also in their meat, skin, combs, etc. Birds can be bred naturally or using an incubator.

This breed needs to be provided with appropriate conditions, which ensures its full growth and development. Thanks to their strong immunity, Ayam Tsemani chickens are practically resistant to disease. They require a standard diet, which simplifies the care process.

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The cost of chickens, chicks and eggs at poultry farms

The sale of Ayam chicken eggs, day-old chicks and adults is carried out by the Bird Village farm (Yaroslavl region, 140 km from Moscow). The poultry farm is the only organization where it is possible to purchase this rare breed for quite reasonable money.

In Russia, poultry farmers who have chickens of the Ayam Tsemani breed on their farm are rarely seen. Most likely, this is caused by the high price of hatching eggs, as well as the low productivity of birds. But their unique exterior characteristics fascinate farmers, who purchase the bird more often as a decorative ornament.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Leghorns are the most popular and in demand breed of chickens for egg production in many countries. Among their advantages:

  • high egg production. The average for home keeping is about 200 eggs per year from one hen. On an industrial scale, intensive poultry farming can produce up to 300-350 pieces;
  • early maturation. Hens begin to lay eggs at 17-18 weeks of age;
  • economical consumption of feed. Leghorns eat much less than mixed breeds and especially broilers;
  • undemanding conditions of detention. Caring for chickens is extremely simple; they easily adapt to any conditions and climatic features;
  • peaceful, calm character.

Chickens are well adapted to various climatic conditions and remain productive regardless of the season and weather factors.
The breed has few disadvantages, however, they should also be taken into account. Leghorns' weaknesses include:

  • low yield of meat, which is too little on a small carcass. The maximum that a housewife can count on is receiving a soup set;
  • short period of intense egg production. Hens can lay eggs throughout their lives, but the number of eggs drops sharply after the first year, falling below the level of mixed laying hens;
  • increased timidity during the laying period. Females are sensitive to loud noises and sometimes react very sharply to them;
  • lack of maternal instinct. Although chickens lay eggs in large quantities, they do not strive to hatch them, and also do not know how to hatch chickens.

Black Ayam Tsemani breed of chickens

Origin story.

The unique chicken, according to scientists, has existed for several millennia. But, due to the fact that the breed is very ancient, only a few data about it have been preserved in history. A large number of them still have no confirmation.

Here are some facts.

  1. The name of the exotic variety in translation sounds like this: “Tsemani chicken.”
  2. The homeland of the feathered beauty is the outskirts of the town of Solo, which is located in Middle Java in Indonesia.
  3. The ancestors of unusual quons are considered to be aboriginal chickens that previously lived on the islands of Indonesia.
  4. Scientists have put forward a hypothesis that there is no pure breed in the world, there is only a very similar hybrid, which is called by its name today.
  5. Despite its centuries-old “age,” it became widespread only in the 20th century, when Dutch colonialists began to explore it in 1920. But it came to Europe and other countries of the world only at the end of the 20th century.
  6. To this day, work is being carried out aimed at its study and preservation.
  7. The hen is classified as an exotic, decorative type.

These chickens are similar to the Lakendazi or Ukheyiliyu breed of chickens.

How are Ayam Tsemani chickens different?

It is difficult to confuse the Ayam Tsemani breed of chickens with any other, because its representatives are completely covered with pitch-black feathers (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Ayam Tsemani - the only completely black breed of chickens

The black hen is considered one of the oldest in the world. Scientists have found that they were bred a thousand years ago, and the unusual black color is explained by a mutation and the presence of a special gene.

Since the breed is considered very ancient, there are practically no purebred representatives left in the modern world. Any black hen or rooster is, to one degree or another, a half-breed. Despite their exotic appearance, representatives of this breed are still rare in Europe, although they are considered very common in Asian countries.

Content Features

The main thing that a black chicken needs is warmth. Even in winter, in the chicken coop where the ayama is kept, the temperature should not be lower than +15-20º. At lower values, egg production sharply decreases or stops altogether. Even with a slight frost, they should not be allowed out for a walk. They can freeze their beautiful combs, big beard, legs. Drafts are also dangerous. The second thing to consider is the breed's temperament. Having fighting blood in them, ayamas do not get along well with other inhabitants of the compound. When several breeds are placed together, bloody fights are guaranteed. Therefore, they need to be kept separately. Farmers note that roosters sometimes manage to fight even through the mesh separating them. The third feature is the activity of Ayam Tsemani. They have well-developed legs and wings, they jump and take off quite high. Therefore, perches and nests can be multi-tiered. But enclosures for walking should have a high fence. It is best if you stretch the mesh on top, this will help save on the height of the fences. One more thing. Chickens come from the jungles of Indonesia, so they remain timid at any noise or sudden movement. You need to approach them and enter the barn calmly and quietly so that panic does not set in. In an attempt to fly out of windows or doors, they can injure themselves and their companions.

Particular care must be taken when transporting poultry or when adapting to a new place. In the place reserved for Ayam Tsemani to walk, there should be some kind of shelter, bushes, and thickets of grass.

By the way, those who have been breeding ayams for more than one year note that chickens raised at home are much calmer. It even happens that they literally take food from your hands. But this only applies to incubated chicks.


  • There is not a single breed in the world that in its coloring is at least somewhat reminiscent of Ayam Tsemani. However, Bentamok chickens can be used as an ornamental breed native to Indonesia. They have a pleasant appearance, small size, and also do not require special conditions of maintenance. In addition, these birds are distributed throughout Russia, so they can be bought much cheaper than Ayam Tsemani.
  • For lovers of unusual breeds of chickens, Small Holoshecks may be suitable. They are black in color. However, the body remains light, and the crest, face and earrings are painted scarlet. These birds can also be purchased without any problems at any farm in Russia.

Conditions of detention

As mentioned above, chickens are very shy, and therefore you need to approach the birds with caution. When frightened, birds may unwittingly injure themselves in an attempt to escape from the danger that has arisen.

In areas with cold climates, the bird room must be carefully insulated and protected from drafts. Insulating materials are placed outside, which helps retain the cold and prevents it from penetrating into the chicken coop. Pieces of polystyrene foam and mineral wool have good insulation properties. Using cotton wool is somewhat more practical due to the elasticity of the material, which allows you to tightly close even the smallest cracks. Not only the walls of the building are insulated, but also the ceiling.

It is important to know that ayam tsemani are not adapted to cold weather, and as soon as the thermometer reaches minus marks, the bird is locked in a chicken coop and is not allowed outside. In interior spaces, the temperature should not fall below +15 degrees

The floor is covered with at least 25 cm of bedding; you can use:

  • peat;
  • straw;
  • wood shavings;
  • dry leaves.

It is recommended to provide the birds with a walking area where they will receive the necessary exercise, fresh air, and also a small supplement for their diet when searching for insects, seeds or fresh grass.

It is important to consider that chickens are very well adapted to flight. The walking yard must be fenced with a barrier high enough to prevent birds from leaving their designated area on their own.

If ayam tsemani will be kept exclusively outside in warm weather, then you need to remember to organize sheds to shelter the chickens from bad weather, a sufficient number of feeders and drinkers. When installing a perch, you should not place it next to the fence, otherwise the birds can use it as a kind of ladder and easily climb over the fence.

It is strictly forbidden to allow other poultry to come into contact with ayam tsemani. This will lead to a brutal conflict that could end in death. Indonesian chickens have a completely unfriendly disposition, which is influenced by the blood of fighting cocks. They may begin to show aggression towards other feathered inhabitants of the yard.

Ayam tsemani

Chicken breeding

For the purity of the breed, Indonesians are kept separately from other breeds. For one cockerel there are 5 hens. The best offspring come from the strongest and most agile males. From among the females, small one-year-old individuals with a calmer character are selected. After mating, the rooster is placed in another cage so that he does not injure the hen. The eggs have good fertility.

Ayama females are often bad hens. Most of them are deprived of maternal instinct, so it is easier to hatch chickens in an incubator than to get this from a chicken. The incubation period lasts 20-21 days. The eggs are kept in constant heat (36-37 degrees), turning them to avoid the embryos from drying out. The chicks hatch quickly and at the time of birth already have short black fur. They raise babies in a small box, creating a warm climate (28-30 degrees). The young feed only with warm boiled water and make sure that the bedding and the chickens themselves remain dry.

Chicken feeding

During the first days of life, the chicks are fed grated boiled eggs, liquid milk millet porridge, and chopped herbs. Gradually, live food (maggots, worms) and fermented milk products are included in the diet. Feeding is done 5-6 times a day, making sure that the chickens have time to eat the entire portion in one feeding. Three-week-old babies are fed 4 times a day, and grown-up chickens are given food three times a day.

By one month, the chickens’ intestines are already developed enough to consume “adult” food. They are fed protein feed with added mineral supplements. The menu also includes grated vegetables and fruits and chopped herbs.

Nutrition for adult chickens

Ayama are picky about what they eat. They cannot be fed everything, since Asians often cannot digest “Russian” food. They are fed mainly with combined feeds with a high content of biologically active additives. The more vitamins these chickens get, the better they feel in their uncharacteristic climate: chickens can more easily endure winter and short summers.

Legumes and grains, chopped grass, grated vegetables, bread crumbs, yeast, animal protein (meat, fish), pine flour, and small insects will help diversify your diet. They don’t forget about sources of calcium - chalk, shells, eggshells, sand are provided regularly. During the day, alternate the introduction of dry and wet food - this improves metabolism. In winter, chickens are fed 3 or even 4 times a day, while in summer they are limited to two meals a day.

Planned herd replacement

Most poultry farmers breed black chickens to decorate their homesteads, and not to produce eggs or meat. In this case, the herd can be replaced infrequently, only once every 5-6 years. To obtain fertile offspring with well-defined breed qualities, hens begin to be planted from the age of two. For meat, ayama is used until the age of three, then the quality of the dietary product decreases.

Breeding Features

The high cost of eggs and young animals does not allow for the immediate purchase of large quantities of poultry. This is not required, since chickens are able to independently breed a new generation, which from the first days gets used to the living conditions in a certain region.


Chickens sit on the nest on their own, choose dry, raised places above the ground, and favor specially prepared cells.

Since they are very shy, a chicken that has begun brooding in an inconvenient place can be moved, but only at night and carefully.

The body weight is small, so a standard clutch of 21 eggs may not be warmed up; it is better to leave it with 17 - 19 eggs.

The hatching period is 3 weeks, after which 2 control days are given and unhatched eggs are removed. The process through the incubator is going well, the conditions are normal, there are no special subtleties for this breed.

Feeding the chicks

On the first day, chickens need access to water and careful observation; wet litter is immediately removed.

The babies are fed every 3 hours with small portions of finely ground feed. In the first 10 days, the intestines are practically sterile, so no green supplements are allowed.

Corn should be excluded or a minimal amount should be left in the feed. You can feed with low-fat cottage cheese, chopped boiled egg.

Finely chopped greens are gradually introduced. For normal growth and weight gain, mixtures with a high protein content are recommended.


Chickens are afraid of drafts

On the first day, continuous lighting and a temperature within 30° are provided.

The Indonesian breed is heat-loving, babies suffer from drafts. On days 2-3, daylight alternates with a period of darkness, and the temperature gradually decreases.

The following are generally accepted care conditions. The schedule of vaccinations and vitamin supplements must be followed. In liquid form, vitamins are dripped in the required dosage into the beak of each baby.

Automatic drinkers are preferable for water supply; food and fertilizers do not mix.

Description of the breed

Translated from Indonesian, the name Ayam Tsemani means “black chicken”. The name justifies the exterior of the individual: the chickens are completely covered with blue-black feathers, with the same black comb and earrings. Moreover, Ayama have black skin, bones and internal organs. Yes, the broth from the carcass looks like dirty water, but once you try the chicken meat, all complaints about the color of the soup disappear: dietary meat is so tender and satisfying that it simply melts in your mouth.

On a note!

Chickens' blood is red, but very dark in color. When studying ayama, a mutation was identified in the dominant gene EDN 3 - it is responsible for the pigmentation of the bird.

Ayam Tsemani chickens are believed to be the oldest poultry on the planet. Their birth dates back to the beginning of human civilization. Scientists have calculated that the unusual chickens appeared as a result of crossing the hybrid ayam bekisar, which in turn was “born” from green jungle birds and banker chickens. While on the peninsula Ayama are a very common breed, in the modern world they became known only in the 20s of the last century. They were brought to Europe only in 1998. In Russia it is almost impossible to get such an unusual chicken. But in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and a number of other European countries there are many nurseries where the valuable breed is bred.

Breed Features:

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  1. An adult individual has a relatively small body size, weighing on average from 1.8 to 2 kilograms. Chicken weight – 1.5 kilograms.
  2. The head is small, in females there is no comb; in the rooster, the comb is straight, leaf-shaped, with clear teeth. The beak is short, the earrings are oval. The neck is of medium length, the body is rounded, compact, the chest protrudes slightly forward. The legs are long and four-toed. The rooster is endowed with a long bushy tail.
  3. The wings and lower limbs are well developed, which indicates the ability to run quickly, jump from great heights and fly quite well.
  4. The color is black with a greenish-blue tint. The eyes, legs, and beak are also black.
  5. Chickens have medium-early ripening periods. If well-maintained, the black-cloud reaches sexual maturity by 6 months. Many individuals begin to lay eggs closer to eight months of age. Cockerels are suitable for breeding starting from 10 months of age.
  6. The young develop slowly. It is believed that their meat is tastier until sexual development occurs.
  7. The eggs are light brown, small, weigh 50-60 grams. The taste is traditional. The shell is strong. Egg production is at an average level, about 100 eggs per year.


A purebred individual has a pure black shade of all parts of the body, which is estimated at 10 points on the color scale, while other black breeds have more modest indicators - only 5-7 points. If a rooster has a white tint on its fingers or tongue, then it is a “half breed” and should be excluded from selection.


Indonesian chickens are known for their indomitable temperament. The blood of fighting ancestors flows in them, and therefore their behavior is often aggressive, impulsive, and explosive. Young roosters often start fights among themselves and often attack other domestic animals. Chickens are also not very flexible. They are very willful and do what they like. Ayama are curious by nature and will crawl into any crevice to satisfy their interest. Chickens are not easy to handle, and if you do catch them, they will experience severe stress, flapping their wings and vocalizing loudly.

Advantages of the breed:

  • specific color of individuals;
  • unusually tasty dietary meat;
  • immunity to viral diseases.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • due to the low prevalence of ayams in our country, their eggs and young animals are expensive;
  • weak egg production;
  • low survival rate of young animals;
  • complex nature;
  • whimsical to living conditions, cannot tolerate cold weather.


The molting period occurs in autumn and lasts 3-4 months. At this time, the egg production rate decreases. And even after the end of the plumage change, the chicken is in no hurry to resume the process of laying eggs. In winter, the hen lays only 1-2 eggs per week. You can help restore productivity with the help of dietary supplements added to food.

Main characteristics of the breed

Productivity indicators
SurvivalEqual to about 95%
WeightThe male reaches 1.8-2.0 kg in weight, the female - 1.2-1.5 kg, the meat quality is good
Egg production indicatorsDuring the year, the hen lays 100 eggs, weighing up to 50 g. Quite strong shell in light brown tones
Fertility rateUnder good conditions, high percentage
Sexual maturityThe egg laying process begins at the age of 6-8 months
Maternal instinctNot well developed


Chickens need a basic diet. For this purpose, eggs, cereals, low-fat cottage cheese, and small greens are used. Such nutrition must be provided to chickens within a week after their birth. Next, new products are gradually added. After they reach one month of age, it is necessary to start giving them compound feed.

It is also recommended to give high-protein mixtures. During this period, it is recommended to add maggots to the diet. For small birds, it is recommended to constantly add liquid vitamins to their menu. They are buried in the beaks of chickens.

Little chicks need to drink. For this purpose, automatic drinkers are used. This eliminates the possibility of the chicks getting wet and freezing. Chickens should be fed with regular boiled water, pharmaceutical glucose or weak black tea. It is necessary to give drink to chicks only in a warm form.

The main diet of adults consists of high-quality industrial feed. It is also recommended that they be given a mixture of corn, wheat and other cereals.

To obtain high palatability of meat, it is recommended to feed larvae of flies and worms. Feeding this breed of chickens can be done using wet mash, which consists of vitamins and mineral supplements.

They can be made in fish broth, the effect of which is positively reflected on the plumage.

In the cold season, in the absence of greens, it is recommended that chickens be given grass meal, which is added to warm, damp mash. In addition, the bird's diet should consist of vegetables and hay. Poultry farmers also carry out self-sprouting of grain to feed birds in winter.

Subtleties of breeding

As mentioned above, Ayam Tsemani hens quite successfully hatch chicks and take care of the young in the future (Figure 6).

Note: Externally, chickens of this breed differ from other chicks only in the black color of their down. In order for them to inherit the pure genes of their parents, Ayam Tsemani cannot be crossed with representatives of other breeds.

To ensure that chickens grow up healthy, you need to consider the following tips for keeping them:

  1. Newly hatched chickens are fed low-fat cottage cheese and chopped eggs. They can be mixed with porridge and finely chopped herbs.
  2. From the second week, you can begin to gradually introduce mixed feed into the diet of young animals.
  3. From the age of one month, chickens can be completely transferred to industrially produced feed, but it is advisable to choose those with a high protein content.
  4. To increase immunity, from the age of one month, you can give birds liquid vitamins, which are instilled directly into the beak.

Figure 6. Females of the breed are excellent hens and raise their young well, even without human intervention
. Until the chicks develop plumage, they must be constantly warm. In the first two weeks after hatching, the temperature in the chicken coop should reach +30 degrees, then it begins to gradually decrease.

The drinking regime of young animals plays a very important role. They can be given not only clean boiled water, but also a glucose solution and even warm, lightly brewed black tea. To prevent the chicks from getting sick due to wet feathers or contaminated liquid, you need to install automatic drinkers in the chicken coop.


Selection work to improve the characteristics of the Leghorn breed has been going on for a long time and continues to this day. By crossing representatives of this species with other chickens, such popular laying hens were obtained as:

  • Loman and Isa Brown;
  • Tetra SL and High Line.

Within the breed there are a number of subspecies that differ in color and other characteristics. Next we will talk about some of them.

Brown Leghorn

Brown chickens were bred by Italian breeders and have a sex difference in color. Roosters have varied plumage. Their belly and chest, as well as the tail part of the body, are black and green, and the neck and the adjacent area of ​​the back are red, with a golden sheen. But the females are uniformly brown, only the tail has a darker shade.

Golden Leghorn

Birds of this subspecies are covered with exotic brown-gold feathers. At the peak of productive age, the weight of a laying hen does not exceed 2 kg, but it produces up to 270 eggs per year. Due to the low weight of golden leghorn carcasses, they are considered decorative, however, the high egg production convincingly indicates that the subspecies also has high practical value.

Cuckoo-Partridge Leghorn

This variety appeared in England and was the result of the painstaking work of breeders. To obtain it, they took Leghorns, as well as representatives of such breeds as Barred Plymouth Rock, Cambars and Araucanas. The result was a partridge bird, which was given the name Legbar.

The weight of an adult is 2.5 kg, sometimes more. Egg production is about 200 pieces per year, 55-60 g each. It is noteworthy that the shell is blue or pale green.

Spotted Leghorn

Leghorn Dalmatian is a breed of chicken whose second name sounds like spotted leghorn. The birds are distinguished by their original black and white plumage, reminiscent of the colors of Dalmatian dogs. The first chicks with this color hatched in 1904. Breeders assessed them as abnormal, but did not cull them.

Biologists were interested in black and white chickens, so it was decided to keep them. Subsequently, spotted leghorns were bred only “in themselves” in order to preserve their unique colors. Thus, another subspecies of the breed appeared, not inferior to others in terms of egg productivity.

Dominant Leghorn D 229

It is a hybrid with white feathers and excellent health. Egg productivity reaches 310 eggs per year, despite the fact that chicken D 229 at maximum egg production weighs from 1.7 to 1.9 kg, and it lays eggs even during the molting period. Like other leghorns, Dominant D 229 has a moderate appetite and is content with normal living conditions.

Dwarf Leghorn

These are white chickens whose chicks emerge with yellow down. An adult laying hen has a body weight of up to 1.4 kg, and a rooster can weigh up to 1.7 kg. Egg productivity is within 260 pieces per year, weighing 60-65 g. The first eggs, as a rule, are small, but the next clutch fully corresponds to the standard. Dwarf Leghorns are friendly, peace-loving birds, so they tolerate being around chickens of other breeds well.


Indonesian women are resistant to most viral infections, however, they tolerate bacterial diseases very poorly. Birds die even from simple hypothermia. The following are considered particularly dangerous for Ayam Tsemani:

  • parasitic infestations;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • pseudoplague.
  • Parasites
  • Infectious
  • Other

Chicken mite

How to treat a chicken coop and how to treat a bird. Description of drugs and methods of control



Thirst, loss of appetite, swelling, bloody droppings, anemia, weakness, poor coordination



Loss of appetite, liquid droppings, pale mucous membranes of the comb, limbs, ruffled plumage, lethargy, vomiting



Symptoms of the acute form: apathy, general weakness, decreased or lack of appetite, breathing problems, unsteady gait, retarded growth and development



Decreased mobility, loss of appetite, unsteady gait, bloating, fever, impaired egg laying, exhaustion


Knemidocoptic mange (“lime foot”)

Acute symptoms: light gray bumps appear on the legs, the bird limps and stands on one leg, the cloaca and joints become inflamed, the beak is deformed



Symptoms: indigestion, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, decreased egg production, retarded growth and development



Symptoms of the acute form: fever, depression and loss of appetite, diarrhea with gas bubbles and a putrid odor, enlarged goiter, difficulty breathing and swallowing


Pullorosis (typhoid fever, salmonellosis)

Weakness, lack of coordination, drooping eyelids, difficulty breathing, lack of appetite, indigestion



Lack of appetite, thirst, sudden increase in temperature, pale scallops, diarrhea



Fever, foamy mucus, change in stool color, refusal to feed, thirst, lethargy, wheezing, heavy breathing


Marek's disease

Paralysis of the limbs, difficulty breathing, severe exhaustion and loss of strength, refusal of food and water, pallor of the scallop


Gumboro disease

Diarrhea, loss of appetite, trembling legs and head, sudden death



Weakness, swelling of the neck, difficulty breathing, cough, wheezing, blood clots in the mucus released when coughing, lack of appetite, indigestion


Bird flu

Refusal to eat, anorexia, diarrhea, purulent discharge, hoarse breathing, greenish-brown droppings, seizures, darkening of the ridge


Newcastle disease

Decreased appetite, fever, respiratory distress, immobility, conjunctivitis, bloody diarrhea



Complete or partial absence of plumage, loss of tail feathers, broken embryonic fuzz in young animals, delayed growth of plumage, pecking



Plucking and eating feathers. What is the reason, why does it require urgent intervention and how to prevent the disease?


Yolk peritonitis

Symptoms of the acute form: loss of appetite, gray-green color of feces, sudden drop in egg production, calcareous deposits on the shell, bluish tint and baldness of the abdominal skin



Symptoms: depressed state, decreased appetite, weight loss, increased need for water, loss of plumage, inflammation and bulging of the cloaca, the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane, decreased egg production


Photo gallery


The birds have a phlegmatic character: chickens are friendly and calm towards other members of the household. They recognize the owner and are not afraid to approach during feeding. They have a well-developed maternal instinct: hens care for and protect their offspring. A distinctive character trait is that the birds are silent; unlike most of their relatives, they do not cackle even when hungry.

Roosters can be aggressive, but this manifests itself mainly when protecting their flock and offspring. If the leader sees his master as a threat, he may attack him too.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other breed, the Calico chicken has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Advantages of the breed:
  • high immunity;
  • unpretentiousness in nutrition;
  • large eggs;
  • high carcass weight;
  • cold resistance;
  • caring for offspring;
  • even character.
  • Flaws:
  • long fledging time;
  • long puberty;
  • possible aggression of the rooster;
  • pecking of one's own eggs occurs.
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