Top largest domestic and wild rats on the planet, interesting facts and photos

Every inhabitant of our planet knows about rats. Rodents are found in rural areas and urban buildings. They annoy people in private houses and apartments in multi-storey buildings. Wild rats periodically settle in human possessions and do not behave in the best way - they damage furniture and destroy food supplies. In addition, rats spread diseases. On the territory of our country there are 3 species of wild rats - gray, or Pasyuk, black, Turkestan. The Edwards decorative rat is imported for keeping at home. Photos of wild rats can be seen below.

The biggest rat in the world

The largest rat, Bosavi, lives on the island of Papua, New Guinea. These rodents were found by scientists in the extinct Bosavi volcano.

The animals were not afraid of people, since they did not imagine that they could pose any danger to them, so they calmly allowed themselves to be measured and weighed. Their body length is approximately 1 meter and their weight is about 15 kilograms.

The rat still does not have an official name; it is temporarily named after the Bosavi volcano. In our time, this is the largest specimen.

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Animals love to move, so they need space. The cage must be equipped:

  • filler - the ideal option would be dry wood (it absorbs odors and liquids well);
  • a house - a rat sometimes needs privacy;
  • tunnels and ladders - pets will definitely want to play and run around;
  • drinking bowl with fresh and clean water;
  • a feeder well fixed to the rods;
  • mineral stone so that animals can chew it.

It is strictly forbidden to use litter made from coniferous trees for decorative rats. It can cause serious illness and even death.

You can complement the design of the cage with various toys and treats for rodents.

Large wildlife rats

There are many types of rats, each with its own characteristics. We have selected the largest rats existing in the wild.

Kangaroo rat

Kangaroo rats can be found in the forests of South-East Australia. They are similar in appearance to ordinary rats, but have developed hind limbs, which is how they got their name. Another similarity between them and kangaroos is that they carry their babies in a pouch. The maximum length of their body is 40 centimeters.

These nocturnal animals live in burrows or nests, where they hide during daylight hours. They defend their territories very fiercely, but they are not aggressive towards all types of animals; they tolerate some and can live nearby.

They feed mainly on plant foods, less often on insects. In summer and autumn, their diet consists of mushrooms, they are full of essential proteins, but the most important source of energy for them is the bulbs, roots and seeds of plants. In winter they feed on the resin of trees or shrubs.

Female kangaroo rats reach sexual maturity at six months, and their mating season lasts all year round. Their pregnancy lasts only three weeks, after which the female mates again.

This species of rat is endangered because their habitats are being destroyed and they are also hunted by foxes.

Gambian hamster

They live in central Africa in a wide variety of conditions. They can be found both in deserts or forests, and in cities, where, settling, they harm human economies. They are nocturnal and cannot tolerate heat at all, so they build their nests in cool places, for example, tunnels or hollows.

They have poor eyesight, but this is compensated by their acute hearing. Omnivores, can eat any fruits, vegetables, nuts. They are able to independently obtain food from the age of one month. They hide food behind their cheeks, like hamsters.

Six months after birth, females reach sexual maturity. Reproduction occurs in the summer, the offspring are gestated for about a month, and 1–5 cubs are born. Only the female warms and feeds them, and the male does not take part in their upbringing.

The size of these animals is approximately 0.9 meters, and their weight is from 1 to 1.4 kg. This type of rat is capable of living in an enclosure or cage.

Do you know what is the largest wolf that has ever lived on the planet? Read about it on our website!

Turkestan rat

These rats inhabit the Central Asian mountains and foothills. Forest inhabitants are able to climb trees and dig holes, and can nest in trees and in holes. They are not a social species; they are not characterized by a group lifestyle. In nature they reproduce in the warm season.

The coat color is brown-gray with a reddish tint. The body length reaches 25 centimeters, and the tail length is 21 centimeters. These animals generally weigh 1–2 kilograms.

Bamboo rat

Bamboo rats are native to Asia and can be found in bamboo fields or cultivated agricultural land. They gravitate toward bamboo thickets, which makes up the bulk of their diet. They have very long claws, which they use to intensively dig deep and complex holes. The body length is 210–340 centimeters, and the tail is 6–7 centimeters; these animals weigh about 400 grams.

The meat of bamboo rats has been eaten by the Chinese for centuries; according to Chinese medicine, it is very healthy and has cleansing properties. But with the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan, the export of bamboo rats to Chinese markets was banned as they began to be considered possible carriers of the coronavirus. It is unknown whether wild animals will return to markets.

Black rat

This type of rat is very common in temperate Europe, equatorial and southern Africa, North and South America. They are not picky when choosing a habitat; they can be either natural conditions or human buildings. In nature they prefer deciduous forests, gardens, shrubs, and in buildings they prefer walls, ceilings and attics. Very often found on sea vessels.

They are predominantly nocturnal. Most often they make nests in trees, sometimes in burrows. They exist in groups; there is an established hierarchy within the community. Each group has its own territory, which is protected from the invasion of other rats.

Reproductive age begins at 3–4 months, they are able to produce offspring all year round, pregnancy lasts approximately 3 weeks. They eat bread, grains, vegetables, meat. The body length is about 25 cm, and they weigh up to 350 grams.

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Like kangaroo rats, they outwardly resemble a smaller copy of a kangaroo, even moving on their hind legs. They are active at night, feeding on insects and plants.

They grow up to 41 centimeters and weigh on average 1.5 kilograms.

cane rat

Cane rats, or bristly pigs, live in Africa, south of the Sahara. Their body length is 40–60 centimeters and their weight is 4–8 kilograms. They nest in holes near swamps where reeds grow, where they make paths for movement.

Animals become sexually mature at the age of 1 year. Usually the female gives birth to 2 litters per year, pregnancy lasts 3 months. Cane rat cubs become active immediately after birth.

The meat of these animals is considered a delicacy for the local population. It is sold in markets along with pork, beef and chicken.

Gray Pasyuk

The gray rat is found throughout the world except Antarctica and the Arctic. They are not picky when choosing a habitat, but prefer to settle on the shores of fresh water bodies, thanks to which they can swim well and dive quite deeply.

Under normal natural conditions, they dig holes and build nests in which they spend most of their time. This species is also well adapted for life in human buildings; they nest in basements, tunnels and even apartments.

Pasyuki are active in the dark, but living with people, they adapt to the regime of their owners. In nature, they live in groups in which males dominate, among them the strongest and largest is chosen, and he becomes the main one.

These rats are omnivores, but prefer to eat animal feed. Gray pasyuki give birth a lot; in nature, this mainly happens in the warm season. The number of newborn rat pups can reach 20 per year.

The maximum body length of pasyuk is 40 centimeters, and their weight is from 150 to 450 grams.

Appearance Features

Clear pictures of the types of rats that inhabit human homes can quickly show you all the features of the body structure of these animals. Most often, photographs of two types of rats are posted online: black and gray. It is these rodents that belong to synanthropic species, that is, those animals that prefer to live and breed next to humans. In fact, there are about 400 species of mice, the family of which includes rats. Some species live only in permanently warm tropical zones. You can distinguish rats from small mice by several features of their anatomy, the most clearly visible in the pictures include:

A long tail. The tail of rats is much longer than the tail of mice. Most often, the size of the rat’s entire body and the size of its tail coincide. Mice have a thin tail and covered with hair, while their relatives have a thick and rather powerful tail, most often bald.

There are rats with black, gray and brown fur. Sometimes there are individual specimens whose fur has different colors.

How else can you tell rats from mice?

Many people advise you to pay attention to the fact that in the pictures the muzzle of mice is triangular and small, while that of rats is massive and protruding forward. The length of the entire body varies from 8 to about 30 cm. Naturally, some rodents can be much larger; the size of a rat mainly depends on its age, its species and living conditions. Individual toes are clearly visible on the paws, while the paws of mice are more suited for climbing vertical walls or branches.

Rats are able to easily move along vertical surfaces; their body power is enough to jump up to 80 cm in height. In exceptional cases, rodents can jump up to two meters. These rodents move quite quickly and can cover a distance of 50 km in a day.

It is believed that rats are almost impossible to exterminate. As soon as their population begins to decrease, females immediately begin to reproduce more often, and their offspring become numerous and rarely die in newborn age.


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The largest domestic rats

Many people keep rodents in their homes, of different sizes, colors and personalities. And this is not surprising, because rodents are very easy to maintain and do not require special expenses. You can feed the animal either human food or special food from a pet store. Unfortunately, the life of a rat is short, only 2–4 years, and losing a beloved pet is never easy. The exception is not large breeds of rats, which we will consider.

Breed Standard

The most common breed among domestic rodents. They get used to people very quickly, they are friendly, they don’t bite, they like to sit on someone’s arms or shoulder. This breed is the ancestor of all decorative rats; they began to be kept at home earlier than anyone else.

Rats are very clean animals and regularly wash their fur themselves. Their cage needs to be cleaned at least once a week, and care should be taken to ensure that the water bowl is never empty. Rats need to be let out for a walk, allowed to get acquainted with the area, they cannot be in a closed space around the clock.

They grow up to 30 centimeters and weigh 300–500 grams.

Large brown rats

Another breed of large domestic rodents. There is a version that they originated from China, but today they are distributed throughout the world, except Antarctica. They are very unpretentious in their diet and love to walk in the fresh air, so they are ideal for keeping in a private home with its own yard.

Their length is up to 20 cm, and their body weight is up to 150 grams. They live up to 2–3 years.


Less common, different from their relatives in appearance. The ears are set lower than the others, protruding and round. Their body shape resembles a pear.

They are very affectionate, have a good memory, and are able to remember a nickname. They should be fed boiled chicken, cottage cheese, vegetables, grains and herbs.

The body size is 18–20 centimeters, and the weight is from 250 to 500 grams. Life expectancy is 2–3 years, but with proper maintenance they can live 4–5 years.

Benefits and harms

Rats are a vital link in every ecosystem. A striking example of this is the role of rodents in the “plant-mushroom” symbiosis. Rodents carry spores, ensuring their “meeting” with the necessary representatives of the flora.

Predatory animals and birds feed on rats. People use large rodents for scientific experiments. Decorative varieties of rats are bred for the purpose of domestication. They are often used in various educational projects and circus shows.

Rats are a necessary part of wildlife. An increase in population affects all elements of the ecosystem. The damage caused by rodents to people is enormous:

  • damaged house walls and sewer pipes;
  • damaged electrical wiring;
  • poisoned crops;
  • loss of part of the harvest harvested in storage;
  • infection with infections (plague, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, pseudotuberculosis, etc.).

Wild rodents can cause significant damage to an orchard. They move freely through trees, damage the bark, and cause damage to shoots and fruits. Particularly dangerous are gray pasyuki, which have a rare appetite and aggressive character.

The largest rats in Russia

Rats are distributed throughout Russia. They live in natural conditions and settle in human dwellings. Species such as pasyuk and black live in Russia.

Pasyuki often live in basements, sheds with animals, and warehouses. They live in large numbers in landfills and garbage dumps, for this reason they are often carriers of various diseases. There are also numerous cases when pasyuki attacked people, but they do this for the purpose of self-defense. They have strong teeth, with which they can chew through concrete and metal. They are omnivores and reproduce very quickly.

Black ones prefer the southern regions of Russia and are found mainly in attics. In natural conditions they live near fresh water bodies. They love to nest on sea ships. They feed on fruits, vegetables, worms, insects and eggs.

By coat color

Decorative rats are also conventionally divided into several groups according to the type and color of their coat.

Homogeneous (Self)

Rodents of this species have absolutely the same coloring throughout their entire body. Rats are black, white, blue (color with a silver tint. Russian blue and smoky blue are also found. They are very similar in color, the former have a dark color and a light belly, and the latter have a more pronounced blue tint.

Rats in gray-brown tones with a silver-bluish tint with cherry eyes are called mink. There is also an American mink species, these animals have a darker eye shade.

Light gray color with a cool blue tint. The eyes are black or dark red. This is a platinum shade.

Blue, platinum rat

The beige color of the rats resembles coffee with milk. And completely white animals with red eyes are usually called albinos.

Very beautiful coloring of rats - champagne. This species of animal has a light, slightly pinkish color. The eyes are pink.

Russian silver is an interesting light gray color with a blue tint. This variety is characterized by fuzzy ripples of color.

The main color of the “dav” species is pale gray with a pinkish tint. It has a characteristic light ripple. Rat "Lilak" - light ash color, slightly mixed with chestnut color. Eyes black or dark cherry.

Officially unrecognized colors of domestic rats:

Ticked colors

They are distinguished by uneven coloring of the hairs, that is, there are places on them that may have pigments of different colors.


This coloring is characterized by a beautiful chestnut color. Some hairs are black. Short and medium hairs have bands. They must be free of orange and yellow, and it is better if they are of the lightest shades.

The base color consists of a dark gray or light brown tint. The ends of the hairs are black and the belly is silver-gray.

Rat – Agouti

There is also a blue agouti - the belt of hairs can be red and brown, and the belly is light gray-blue with inclusions of silver hairs.

Giant rats: myth or reality

Surely each of us has heard creepy stories about giant rats living in abandoned buildings and subways. There are a huge number of articles in newspapers and magazines, and people, reading such stories, believe in it and are really afraid that one day they will meet a mutant rat in person and will definitely take it to their home.

In fact, these are all unconfirmed myths, and the press uses them to attract readers and increase demand for their magazines and newspapers.

The largest rat in Russia is the pasyuk, its size does not exceed the size of an ordinary cat. Of course, their dimensions can be quite impressive, but this is not the result of a mutation, but simply an abundant diet. Pasyuk is definitely not a bloodthirsty monster and does not attack people. Therefore, you shouldn’t believe in mutant rodents, much less be afraid of them.

They're thirsty for your blood

We have reached the last, one of the most disgusting types of monsters, which have only one goal - to drink your blood. All sorts of zombies, vampires, werewolves and even “Jaws” are the most motivated monsters presented in our article. Because they think you're delicious.

And here rats are no exception. Everyone knows that rats are not averse to carrion. And it is also believed that they are completely indiscriminate in food. But it is not so. There is something they have a particular weakness for - human blood. And if a rat tastes this “delicacy” once, it will not calm down until it gets to it again.

Scientists who have been studying rats for 22 years say your best chance of getting bitten by a rat is between midnight and 8 a.m., while you're sleeping peacefully in your bed, unaware that the infectious critter is about to grab your face. And this is not an exaggeration either: rats most often bite the face or hands.

And these are not spiders that will bite once and that’s it. If a rat has bitten you once, there is a really good chance that it will want to continue the banquet.

And she bites not necessarily for the sake of self-defense or out of fear, and not even because she is hungry.

She just wants your blood. Literally. In 1945, Professor K. Richter conducted a study whose purpose was to find out what attracts rats to people. He gave the rats access to large quantities of human blood. In 24 hours, the rodents drank every drop - and this was four times their usual daily amount of food! Here is Richter's conclusion, word for word: "Rats may actually develop a strong affinity for fresh human blood."

Should you be afraid of giant rats?

Despite their size, giant breeds of rats are harmless and harmless to people; most individuals feed on fruits, insects, and plant foods. Rodents do not have the goal of attacking humans; moreover, they easily make contact with people and get used to them.

The only time to be wary of rats is when they move in packs. Their flocks consist of more than 100 individuals, which can attack in self-defense. But fortunately, it wasn’t easy to come across a whole pack of rats.

We dealt with the rats. What do you know about spiders? We have selected for you interesting photos and videos about the largest spiders in the world.

Varieties of pet animals

Any species of rat differs in certain signs and characteristics: color, markings, body type and coat type. Therefore, rats are classified differently, and among them you can see completely different and unusual species. And many colors and types of coat were borrowed from dogs and cats.

After identifying the pasyuks, scientists still had a lot of time to search for other rats and breed new ones. Therefore, today there are many different colors, and eye color wins the hearts of many pet rodent lovers. The most unusual colors are considered to be the Himalayan and Siamese.

The eyes of rats can also surprise you, as can their color. Eye color can be: red, black, ruby. The most interesting are the different eyes, for example, one is black and the other is red. Such rats are not so rare. An interesting fact is that owners of black eyes see much better than their relatives with other eye colors.

A striking example of borrowing names from cats are sphinx rats, but it is rare that some animals are born with a color very close to that of a cat. All sources mention only 2 rats born with a tricolor color. The first was named Solaris, she was born in Alaska in 2002, and the second appeared in 2006 and was named Dusty Mouse.

Other breeds

Through the process of crossing different species, many different breeds were developed. Some of them are not officially recognized because they are considered abnormal.

  1. Rex. The fur of this species of rat is curly and stiff. It seems to be sticking out in different directions. These animals have short, curling whiskers.

  2. Double rex. This variety has a striking distinctive feature, as it is susceptible to molting. Because of this, areas of curly hair alternate with bald spots. When hair grows on bald areas, it begins to fall out on those that had vegetation. These rats are not officially recognized.
  3. The breed of long-haired rats is otherwise called satin. Such animals do not differ in size from standard rats, but their fur is slightly elongated and very shiny.
  4. Husky. This species resembles a dog breed of the same name. On the animal’s muzzle there is a white mask of the same shape as that of dogs of this breed. They have the amazing feature of changing the color of their coat throughout their lives (colored wool is eventually replaced by white hairs).

Husky breed

  • Curly rats resemble lambs in appearance. They have a velvety, shiny and curly coat. On their bellies it can be either regular or curly.
  • Wavy. These animals have thick, soft, fluffy and wavy fur.
  • Odd-eyed. This is the most unusual type of rodent. The eyes of its representatives have different colors.
  • Rats are smart, beautiful, flexible and plastic animals. They are loved and bred by many. These rodents have helped humanity many times. For example, with their help, many drugs have been developed that save human lives. However, children and many adults love them simply for what they are, because they are quite cute and friendly. Now you have become acquainted with all types and breeds of decorative rats. It's time to go buy a pet!


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