Aquafumigator Raptor for exterminating bedbugs and cockroaches

Advantages and disadvantages


  • When the advantages of the aquafumigator from Raptor are noted, first of all, they emphasize its effectiveness. It is provided by the presence of the substance cefenothrin, produced in Japan. It is this that, when interacting with additional components, participates in the mechanism of influencing insects with the help of steam. This form of insecticide is highly permeable to the most inaccessible places.
  • The aquafumigator is easy to use. To use the drug, all you need to do is open the packaging and install the device so that you can independently treat the premises.
  • Safety. By following all instructions in the instructions, including “leave the premises immediately,” nothing threatens either humans or pets.


The aquafumigator does not kill eggs.
The disadvantages include the inability to influence cockroach eggs, which implies the need to re-treat the premises. Another negative quality is the toxicity of the drug. Of course, it is insignificant, but a person who has inhaled the steam begins to have a sore throat and a choking cough.

Dealing with some negative reviews from people who cleaned the premises using an aquafumigator, we can say the following. Its effectiveness was tested not only experimentally, within the walls of the laboratory, but actually contaminated premises were tested. The effect of the drug is amazing, but it was also noted that, for example, for a room with a footage of 75 square meters. m, you will need 3 devices and you cannot save. The manufacturer does not provide a guarantee for the treatment of areas exceeding 30 square meters. m with one aquafumigator. From this we can conclude that following the instructions in all matters will confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

Pyrotechnics and their features

The plate or spiral must be disconnected from the set if there are several of them in the package. The device is quite fragile and requires careful handling. Then the fumigator is placed on a fireproof base. This could be a plate made of tempered glass, porcelain, a piece of brick, stone or a metal element. The tip is set on fire with a lighter or match, and the flame is immediately blown out until it smolders. There should be some smoke left. The space should be at least 1 m free on each side of the fumigator.

The spiral can be hung. The main thing is to maintain a distance from people, animals and flammable objects.

This product is best used in open spaces. In outdoor conditions, you can place several pieces at once around the perimeter on the non-windy side.

Indoor use is possible, but not recommended. It is permissible to fumigate a room of up to 20 square meters, provided the windows and doors are open. The duration of smoking is no more than 15 minutes. Be sure to ventilate for half an hour afterward. The person must leave during processing.

Strict precautions are required due to the toxic composition. The main substance is most often allethrin, esbiothrin, and less often pyrethrin. The poison is especially dangerous for insects and fish.

The main advantages of pyrotechnic fumigators:

  • Possibility of outdoor use. It can be difficult to turn on an electric device at the dacha, during a fishing trip or a picnic. The spiral will easily work in outdoor conditions. Also suitable for non-glazed loggias, balconies and verandas;
  • duration of protection. Burning is smooth and can be kept in an open space for up to several hours;
  • efficiency. Blood-sucking animals are very sensitive to allethrin and its brothers, they lose orientation in space, die, and are isolated away from the source. Reduces the need to apply skin repellents;
  • low cost. Pyrotechnic spirals are much cheaper than devices and also save energy. One piece can be set on fire several times if it is not used entirely at once.

The disadvantages are also obvious:

  • toxicity. It creates problems for home use, can cause poisoning if safety precautions are not followed, it is undesirable to use it near children and pregnant women;
  • incompatibility with fish. It is forbidden to light a spiral in the same room with aquariums and directly on the banks of reservoirs;
  • fire hazard.

Conclusion: Suitable for limited situations, mainly during outdoor recreation.

The best brands of fumigators for cockroaches

Insecticidal preparations help fight cockroach infestations at home. They are presented by manufacturers in various forms of release, differ in methods of application and duration of action. One of the most popular remedies is a cockroach fumigator. The main thing is to understand the operating principle of such a device and choose its optimal type, and then the effect of using a fumigator will not be long in coming.

Description and principle of operation

In a broad sense, a fumigator is a device with a plate or wick inside. The principle of operation of the device is simple: a plate or wick moistened with an insecticidal agent under the influence of heat evaporates toxic substances that affect the respiratory system of insects.

The fumigator helps against cockroaches of average numbers.


Along with other types of forms of release of insecticidal agents against cockroaches, fumigators have a number of advantages. Among them are the following:

  • ease of use;
  • no unnecessary actions are required when using the device;
  • when working with the device, there is no need to use rubber gloves and a mask to protect the respiratory tract;
  • there is no need to search for places where insects accumulate;
  • devices have the necessary declarations of conformity;
  • have an attractive appearance.

Thanks to these qualities, more and more buyers are choosing fumigators for cockroaches.


Since fumigators are very popular among those who want to exterminate colonies of cockroaches quickly and effectively, manufacturers are constantly improving these devices, offering more modern forms.

Currently, fumigators are produced in 2 types:

To choose the most optimal type of fumigator, it is worth studying their operating principles, advantages and possible disadvantages.

Among the best devices for fighting cockroaches, consumers note the fumigator of the Raptor, Reid, Mosquitoll brands.

Electric fumigator

An electric fumigator is a small device with an electrical plug. It is equipped with a backlight indicator, a screw-in bottle with an insecticidal substance and a hole for a plate soaked in a poisonous agent.

On average, one bottle of insecticide is enough for 1 month of regular disinfection of an area over 80 square meters. m.

Using an electrical device is not difficult. To do this, a container with an insecticidal agent is screwed into a cockroach fumigator, which is inserted into a socket in a vertical position. The distance to the bed should exceed 1 m. After the insecticide runs out, the bottle is filled with a new portion of the poison.

To achieve the desired effect, the fumigator is turned on for several weeks and is disconnected from the network only after the insects have disappeared.

When using such a device, it is worth considering that fumigator plates against cockroaches are ineffective; they are rather designed to destroy flying insects.

Water fumigator

A water or aquafumigator is capable of destroying not only adult cockroaches, but also the eggs they lay. It acts through the toxic substance cyphenothrin released in the form of steam. This insecticide has a paralyzing effect on the insect.

Due to the cyphenothrin included in its composition, the aquafumigator against cockroaches has a long-lasting effect, the ability to penetrate into the most difficult-to-reach places for other devices, destroying the entire colony of cockroaches.

Currently, the market for water devices to combat cockroaches is represented by the Raptor brand aquafumigator. This device includes a container, a metal container and a package of insecticidal liquid.

It is used as follows:

  1. Before installing the fumigator, the smoke sensors in the room are turned off.
  2. The amount of liquid from the bag is poured into the container at the rate of 1 bag per 30 square meters. m.
  3. The container is placed in this container.
  4. The container with the container is installed on a flat surface in the central part of the room.
  5. The treated area should be cleared of people and pets for a couple of hours.
  6. After a month, preventive treatment is carried out in the same way.

At any hardware store that sells insect repellents, you can also buy an aquafumigator for cockroaches.


There are many ways to get rid of cockroaches. However, more and more people prefer fumigators. These devices are extremely easy to use, safe for people and pets, highly effective and affordable.

Water devices in the fight against cockroaches

Water devices (aquafumigators) have gained popularity due to their high efficiency and affordable price. The Raptor aquafumigator deservedly holds the lead among such devices, which contains cyphenothrin, a poison that paralyzes the nervous system of insects, but is absolutely harmless to humans. The device can be used in houses and apartments where small children live. The main advantage of an aquafumigator is its versatility: it is capable of cleaning your home not only from cockroaches, but also from mosquitoes, bedbugs, flies and other insects. One device is enough to eliminate uninvited guests in an area of ​​up to 30 m².

Before using the Raptor aquafumigator for cockroaches, the premises intended for disinfestation must be prepared according to the same scenario as in the case of using a smoke bomb. After this, the fumigator should be placed on a horizontal plane in the center of the apartment and water should be added to its reservoir. Upon contact with liquid, the device will begin to intensively emit steam, with the help of which cyphenothrin will spread throughout the premises.

When steam appears, the person performing pest control must leave the home. Returning to it after 5-6 hours, the first thing he should do is ventilate the rooms and do a wet cleaning of the entire house.

For cockroaches, the aquafumigator acts only on adult insects and does not destroy their eggs. To prevent the reappearance of cockroaches, it is recommended to carry out repeated disinfestation 14 days after using the device. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to get rid of the annoying Prussians completely.

How to distinguish a fake from the original?

In order not to be disappointed with the result, you need to purchase quality products. Fraudsters usually take a well-known trademark and make minor changes to it

Therefore, when studying the box, you need to pay attention to the name, whether “Raptor” has turned into “Rantor” or “Roptor”

Also, deceivers save on packaging materials and product packaging. Therefore, after opening the box, the fake is also easy to identify.

The original aquafumigator includes:

  1. plastic tank;
  2. a tube with a poisonous substance;
  3. metallized bag of distilled water.

The container with the poison is securely packed in a foil bag with a trademark applied to it. The same seal is also found on the packaging of the liquid.

Instructions for use of the drug are printed on the box and accompanied by pictures.

You can also find precautions and some recommendations there.

The principle of operation of fumigators

All fumigators are built on the same principle of operation - when the main element is heated, a chemical insecticide is activated and evaporated, which penetrates into the most inaccessible places in the house and destroys the Prussians there.

Depending on the active element, the following types of fumigators are distinguished:

  1. Smoke. In this case, the chemical is most often presented in the form of a spiral, which during combustion emits a gas that is toxic to cockroaches.
  2. Electrical. They look almost the same as a similar mosquito repellent. These are small devices into which you need to insert a small plate with a substance and plug it into a power outlet. When the insecticide is heated, it evaporates and helps destroy the insect population.
  3. Aquafumigators. The most advanced and increasingly popular type of product. The principle of operation is the same, however, evaporation occurs due to a chemical reaction between water and the corresponding substance. At the moment, this type of product remains the most popular due to its effectiveness and safety.

You can buy a cockroach fumigator at almost any hardware store or simply order it online. Traditionally, they cost a little more than conventional sprays and aerosols, but they guarantee a better result and require virtually no human intervention in the process of treating the room. The main thing is to turn on/ignite the appropriate product and leave the room for several hours. The fumigator will then do everything himself.

Fumigator and its operating principle

Many people have little idea of ​​the principle of operation, the pros and cons of a fumigator. They have been used in everyday life for a long time to protect against cockroaches and mosquitoes, but not all devices work to their full potential. To make the right choice, let’s figure out which of all the existing ones is the most effective. Let's start with the basics and define what fumigation is and how it works.

Fumigation is based on heating a substance containing insecticides. Evaporating when heated, they enter the air and this has a deadly effect on insects. These components have a common name - “fumigants”, hence the name of the device - fumigator, a heating device for toxic substances.

Retail chains offer a large selection of various modifications of such devices. They can be divided according to their characteristics into smoke, electric and water. Each of them is good in its own way. All three types are united by working on the principle of heating a toxic substance and releasing toxic fumes into the air, which leads to the massive death of insects, but they are absolutely harmless to humans. Below is a description of each type of device for exterminating Prussians.

Some tips for choosing an aquafumigator

A logical question arises: which aquafumigator for parasites is better to choose? What should you consider when choosing? First of all, the advantages and disadvantages of this tool. Since the main criteria when choosing a means to combat cockroaches are safety and effectiveness, it is better to choose a good imported aquafumigator, for example, Raid or Off.

Aquafumigators do an excellent job of killing parasites, although there are some difficulties when working with this product. However, if safety is important to the buyer, then it is better for him to use an aromatic repeller rather than an aquafumigator.

Using Raptor against bedbugs

Raptor is one of the insecticidal products that have been advertised in the media. This gave the brand popularity, because the name is heard by many people. Raptor is a whole line of insect repellents, including drugs aimed at fighting bedbugs. This includes a spray, a gel, and even a smoke bomb. Where to buy Raptor bedbug repellent, and how effective will each type be?

Security measures

Remember that residential premises are treated using toxic pesticides that can harm the health of people and animals. Safety measures must not be neglected. Be sure to read the instructions for use and strictly follow the recommendations.

During the procedure, wear clothes that completely cover your body; you should wear gloves on your hands. When substances come into contact with the skin, allergic reactions occur, which are accompanied by irritation, rash, and inflammation. If the product gets on an open area of ​​skin, immediately rinse thoroughly with water.

The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator; toxic fumes are hazardous to health and can cause quite serious health problems. If you experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, weakness and other signs of poisoning, you should immediately go outside and call an ambulance. It is equally dangerous if the substance gets on the mucous membrane; if this happens, rinse with water and consult a doctor.

Insecticides are also dangerous for pets, so it is very important to move them to another room during treatment. Remember that small children and animals do not understand that you treated the apartment with poison, so they will lead their usual lifestyle

Things can rise from the floor and come into contact with a surface that, in our opinion, is inaccessible. It is very important to wash all surfaces after treatment to prevent dangerous situations.


Raptor mosquito repellent plates

Mosquito protection in the form of plates with a formidable dinosaur on the packaging is familiar to everyone. This was the first product of the Raptor brand for the destruction of bloodsuckers in a residential area. The green plates are in sealed packaging individually and are sold together with a small device - a fumigator.

Operating principle

Raptor mosquito repellent plates act similarly to liquid. When heated, an active substance is released into the air - an insecticide with a nerve-paralytic effect. The active composition is identical - it's the same. The plates are saturated and the insecticide is activated when the temperature rises.


Using the fumigator is very simple. It is necessary to remove the plate from the packaging, place it in a special section of the device, and connect it to an outlet. In a closed room, connect the device half an hour before bedtime; with the windows open, leave the device on all night. You can notice the harmful effect of the active substance on mosquitoes after 5 minutes.

On a note!

Do not use the same plate several nights in a row. Outwardly, it practically does not change, but after 10 hours of work, the active substance completely disappears, further use of the product is pointless.


Small devices that run on batteries or mains. When turned on, an odor is released that is imperceptible to humans, but unbearable to parasites. Replaces essential oils or plants that have been used since ancient times to expel these parasites. The device will not be able to handle large quantities on its own, or you will have to wait a long time. But together with the spray, the result will be impressive.

Several fumigators can be used in a room. Either plates on which a special layer is applied, or a liquid substance are used. The plates are changed every day, and the condition of the liquid is visible.

Its action is equivalent to professional disinfestation when cold fog technology is used. Aquafumigator Raptor is a flea repellent, which comes with 2 containers and a bag of water. Consumption – 1 set per 30 m².


Raptor contains 7.2% cyphenothrin. The container also contains active substances that help form steam and enhance the effectiveness of the main component. When they interact with water, a chemical reaction begins. Pairs of insecticides are released.

The Raptor aquafumigator has many advantages. These include the following:

  • effectiveness - helps get rid of different types of parasites living in the house;
  • fast action;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • the process does not require human presence.

Mode of application

You should use Raptor against fleas in the form of an aquafumigator according to the following instructions:

  • unpack the contents of the package;
  • pour water into a plastic jar;
  • install a metal vessel in it;
  • place the device in the middle of the room;
  • leave the apartment.

When you need to treat an area of ​​more than 30 m², buy 2 copies of the product. Otherwise the result will not be satisfactory. If a fire alarm is installed in the room, it is temporarily turned off. When the drug does not help get rid of all the parasites at once, re-treatment is carried out after 3-4 weeks.

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Aquafumigator Raptor is an effective remedy that helps well in the fight against fleas. The advantage of such a drug is that there is no need to stay indoors during its exposure, since the treatment is performed automatically.

Such a device is a special container in which the active substance of the drug is located. This container is placed in water, and when the components interact, steam production begins. It is this that has a disinfecting effect on fleas. The aquafumigator operates for 3-4 hours; during this period, all doors and windows must be closed. At the time of treatment, animals and plants should be removed from the premises.

The advantages of this product from the Raptor company:

  • it effectively fights fleas and other parasitic insects;
  • gets rid of pests even in the most difficult to reach places (behind cabinets, between radiators, etc.);
  • the substance spreads through steam, so it does not need to be connected to electricity;
  • The drug is very simple and convenient to use.

What are there

According to the principle of heating activation, the fumigator comes in two types:

  1. Electric. Connects to the network via an outlet, uses batteries or a rechargeable battery. The main element is a microresistor. It heats up to about 150°C. Bottles with toxic liquid or plates impregnated with a repellent composition are attached to the device;
  2. Pyrotechnic. It is a spiral or plate made of wood flour. The solution has already been applied to the canvas. Ignites with fire. Combustion of the material is accompanied by the release of odorous smoke.

Ultrasonic and light. Fumigators occupy a separate category. The name is given for the result. In fact, this is a slightly different device, since the work is not based on vapors or gases. The device turns on from the mains, begins to make a sound or emit light, which has a negative effect on mosquitoes.

Beginning of work

The most important advantage of the Raptor insect elimination system is the ability to use it in an apartment. If at the dacha it would be possible to use potent chemicals without coordinating this issue with the control authorities, then this is contraindicated in a residential building. This is where raptor comes to the rescue against all types of insects. The cleaning procedure can be carried out completely calmly, without fear for the health of the apartment’s inhabitants. The smell won't bother your neighbors either, not to mention any danger to them.

Before using an aquafumigator against all insects, you must carefully prepare the room. At this stage you need to do some general cleaning:

  • wash the floors;
  • remove cobwebs behind cabinets and other furniture;
  • eliminate “hot spots” (remove food waste, hide food that is in the public domain, wipe away moisture, etc.).

If you have read negative reviews about the Raptor aquafumigator for cockroaches, we can say with a high degree of confidence that the authors did not burden themselves with searching for the sources from which the parasites got into their apartment. Pests can enter the room through ventilation shafts, invisible cracks on the floor or in the walls. If these pathways are not blocked, the insect control system will only have a temporary effect. As soon as the smell disappears, “visitors” will begin to visit your hospitable home again.

Sources of danger

Therefore, before purchasing a Raptor fumigator for all types of insects, carefully analyze the situation. Think about where these unpleasant individuals might be coming from. The culprit of the unsanitary conditions that led to the need to buy a Raptor instant insect extermination system can be either you or your neighbors. If one of the surrounding apartments is inhabited by people who do not care too much about their home, the “guests” most likely come from there. Naturally, it is almost impossible to force someone to change their lifestyle, so all that remains is to pay maximum attention to sealing the cracks. Otherwise, the raptor aquafumigator for cockroaches will have to be used regularly once a month, or even more often.

However, neighbors and unsanitary conditions in the entrance may turn out to be innocent of your troubles. Often the need to purchase fumitox for bedbugs or other reptiles is a consequence of your negligence. How is it, you tell me, that we have a clean family and do cleaning regularly? Very simple. Often, an aquafumigator for cockroaches is required due to simple carelessness. You may bring pests with your purchases from the store. Moreover, these do not necessarily have to be products. The need for an aquafumigator raptor instant insect elimination system may also arise after purchasing household appliances. Parasites love to hide in the intricacies of equipment. Please check all parcels carefully. Reading reviews written about the aquafumigator against cockroaches, you can learn about cases of “infection” as a result of a trip to another city. When you return home, disinfect your belongings. Living in a hotel is always a risk, even when it is a very reputable establishment.

Additional measures if the bedbugs are not gone

It is not always possible to get rid of bedbugs the first time. This happens when a specialist did the processing. After the first procedure, you must wait two weeks according to SANPIN standards.

If at the end of this period the bugs do not disappear from the room, you need to call a specialist who will help completely destroy the pests and carry out repeated treatment and prevention.

Conditions for a successful fight

To quickly get rid of parasites, you need to choose the right remedy and follow a certain sequence:

  • Try to discover the cause and source of infection. It doesn't have to be a cat or a dog. Some varieties can enter the house due to rats, mice, or from the basement or street. And then settle on an animal.
  • Treat your pet against and provide it with further protection.
  • Carry out thorough disinsection using personal protective equipment.
  • Do some general cleaning. The result will depend on how you carry it out. Because eggs can be removed with a wet cloth and a vacuum cleaner.
  • Carry out preventive measures. A fumigator, essential oils, plants and wet cleaning are suitable for these purposes. You should also periodically check the sleeping place of your pet and itself.

A universal remedy will allow you to quickly remove parasites from your home and feel like a master again.

How to prevent insects from appearing in the future

To prevent the appearance of insects, you must follow simple rules of prevention:

  1. Maintain cleanliness in and outside the house;
  2. Keep garbage in bags and take it out often;
  3. Ventilate the space 3-4 times a day;
  4. Carry out high-quality and hermetically sealed repairs;
  5. Use mosquito-resistant window and door screens;
  6. Plant plants that repel pests, for example, elderberry, anise, valerian, geranium, eucalyptus and cloves;
  7. Monitor the cleanliness of pets and periodically treat their fur with flea and tick repellents;
  8. Clear food from the table on time and do not leave crumbs on the floor;
  9. Store clothes in special cases, especially those made of genuine leather and wool;
  10. Choose products carefully in the store.

Attention! It is also necessary to constantly clean the house, ridding houseplants of dust. If several insects appear, immediately take the necessary measures: connect a fumigator or use other devices and substances.

What to do if they do appear

If pests do appear, you need to use special chemicals that will quickly and effectively get rid of the problem. If there are too many of them, you need to do a thorough cleaning and call qualified craftsmen who work with professional equipment. In rare cases, it is necessary to report the problem to the entire house and get rid of the pest infestation comprehensively using professional methods.


Gel Raptor is a ready-to-use product in a tube with a long spout for greater ease of application. It can be used as a main treatment when there are a small number of bedbugs, or it will help as an auxiliary plus to other drugs.

The main advantage of the gel is the absolute absence of odor, safety for people and animals living in the house.

The active substance of the drug is lambda-cyhalometrin, which has a contact-intestinal effect. The substance paralyzes the nervous system of bedbugs and leads to their rapid death. It has a parasite-attracting effect lasting 1-2 days. An infected bug brings poison to the nest and, through a chain reaction, infects its relatives.


Prepare the room by providing access to all skirting boards around the perimeter. Further instructions for use are as follows:

  1. apply the gel dotted or dotted around the perimeter of the apartment;
  2. due to the transparency of the product and the inability to leave behind stains, it can be applied to any surface;
  3. move furniture into place.

Using the gel is very simple, and after a while, if necessary, it can be easily washed off with plain water. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to treat the entire apartment at once, and not just the room where the bedbugs were found.

After a month, re-treatment is required.

Minus: the effect does not occur immediately.

Danger to humans and animals

Raptor mosquito repellent products

This substance is classified as low-hazard. When used correctly, it does not cause deterioration in well-being or discomfort. The liquid and plates contain a minimal amount of it. Harm to humans and animals is excluded; for mosquitoes the dose is lethal.

On a note!

To avoid increased concentrations of insecticide in the air, it is not recommended to use Raptor in rooms that are too small - less than 5 square meters. In large rooms, to increase the effectiveness of the drug, several fumigators should be turned on in different sides of the room. Otherwise, a person is faced with a situation where Raptor does not help.

Do not use the product in a room where children under 3 years of age sleep. The ban is associated with the baby’s weak immune system, and the development of individual intolerance is possible. Bio Raptor is produced separately in the form of liquid, Nekusaika plates. The composition includes a natural substance - chamomile extract called pyrethrum. It has a slight specific smell, absolutely safe for small children. Used in the same way, the liquid lasts for 40 days.

How to prepare a room for treatment with an aquafumitator against cockroaches?

Using an aquafumigator against cockroaches is very simple - just follow the instructions. So, toys need to be put in a bag, and food should be hidden in the refrigerator. It is recommended to hide the dishes away, do not touch the bed linen, and open the cabinets in the apartment.

Fish are known to be sensitive to insecticides. To prevent them from being poisoned by a toxic substance, the aquarium is sealed with tape, then steam will not be able to penetrate there. Give turtles, parrots, cats, dogs to neighbors or friends for a while.

While the room is being treated with an aquafumigator against insects, the windows must be properly closed, and the hood must be sealed with masking tape. This is necessary to prevent cockroaches from crawling to the neighbors. And then new pests will definitely not appear.

Steam comes from the aquafumigator immediately after its use. At first there is a thin trickle, and then it gets bigger. After a few minutes, fog and an unpleasant smell appear in the apartment, causing people to cough. To avoid this, you need to leave the premises as quickly as possible.

Cockroaches are pests that can be dangerous to humans and animals

Advantages of the drug

The undeniable advantage is efficiency. Flea death occurs within 2 hours after treatment. If Raptor hits an insect directly, death will occur within a few minutes. Since a protective film remains on surfaces, fleas can be eliminated within a week. Including those who are just being born. A universal drug. Effective on adult insects and larvae

In the case of this type of parasite, it is very important. Because larvae do not live in close proximity to fleas

They can be under a trash can, an animal's bedding or in its sleeping place, under a box of vegetables, or in the toilet. They feed on waste and blood is not necessary. These are small worms that crawl into dark, damp places. Ease of use. There is no need to mix the substance with water and prepare the desired concentration. The manufacturers took care of everything. All you need to do is remove the protective cap and shake. Prolonged action. According to the manufacturers, it does not lose its properties within 2–3 weeks. However, under the influence of sunlight, the properties are still lost. Every day his influence is weaker. Therefore, Raptor actually works against fleas for 1 week. But this is enough to destroy the entire population. Since most insects die in the first 2 hours of disinfestation. Economical. The concentration and quantity are such that one can treat a one-room apartment. Quite economical in terms of physical and financial indicators. Availability. The product can be bought everywhere. Even in places where one cannot assume its presence. In industrial stores, grocery stores, specialized stores. The price of 1 can ranges from 100 to 250 rubles. The modern buyer chooses products that are odorless or with pleasant aromas. Raptor in this case is beyond competition. The smell of lavender can be heard during treatment. But when aired it disappears completely. Successful release form. The spray is released under pressure, so it can penetrate hard-to-reach places. For example, under the floor, baseboards, cracks in the wall. Product quality. In recent years, this brand has not let customers down. Mostly there are only positive reviews in their direction.

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General information

The big plus of the aquafumigator is its versatility - it destroys all domestic parasites

An aquafumigator for cockroaches is a whole system for the instant elimination of insects, which recently appeared on the market. The insecticide that operates in the device is a combined one. It contains drugs that complement each other with their properties, leaving no chance for cockroaches to survive.

  • Cyphenothrin has insectoacaricidal properties, which indicates the versatility of the drug. It has a neuroparalytic effect on cockroaches. This substance also has a prolonged effect, that is, if the insect does not die immediately, it is still infected and will die in the coming hours. In addition, it can infect its fellow insects and other insects, such as ants. Because excrement and ootheca have become toxic.
  • Tetramethrin is a contact drug that acts on the nerve cells of insects. It promotes paralysis and rapid death.
  • Piperonyl butoxide is an inactive synergist substance, which in the composition of the drug enhances the toxicity of cyphenothrin and tetramethrin to insects.

The operating principle of the aquafumigator is based on the interaction of cefenothrin with a vapor-forming agent. The resulting steam disrupts the chitinous cover of the insect and affects the respiratory and digestive organs. It penetrates into all the cracks and nooks of rooms where cockroaches are or may be. An unpleasant and suffocating smell forces them to look for a new shelter, but if a person follows all the rules for treating premises, then the insect has no way out, it dies on the spot.

The amount of the drug in the aquafimugator is calculated for 30 square meters. m. area. To treat a room of 35 square meters. m, one is enough, the area is 36 square meters. m is processed by two fumigators.

Is the Raptor fumigator harmful for children?

Of course, one can hardly call a fumigator useful for small children. However, you need to understand that mosquito bites are even more harmful. Here you have to choose the lesser of two evils. That is why experts recommend using a fumigator in children's rooms. Of course, there should be certain concerns. For example, the use of this device is contraindicated for small allergy sufferers. For infants, you can use fumigators with plates that emit less active substances. This product is developed specifically for young children.

Is the Raptor fumigator harmful to animals?

In the instructions you can find information that the Raptor fumigator is safe not only for humans, but also for pets. Experience shows that when a high-quality fumigator is turned on, animals lie calmly in their place. You will notice that nothing bothers them. Of course, if the turned on device had a negative effect on pets, they would try to stay away from the working device. But this doesn't happen. From this we can conclude that the active substances that destroy insects are absolutely safe for the “younger brothers”.

How much does it cost to buy Raptor for mosquitoes?

As we have already found out, to safely use the Raptor fumigator, you need to take care of purchasing a high-quality device. To do this, it is recommended to contact only specialized retail outlets and online stores. Don't be confused by the fact that the goods here will be a little more expensive than on the market. This way you can be sure that you are purchasing original and safe products. Some stores also hold seasonal promotions. During this period, you will be able to purchase the necessary goods at significant discounts.

Fumigators for liquid and plates are sold separately. You can also purchase a whole set consisting of the device itself and replacement plates or a bottle of liquid. The cost of a set for 30 nights is about 230 rubles. The price of a separate bottle of liquid is 160 rubles. To purchase the device itself you will need to spend about 70 rubles.

How to prepare for disinfestation?

The toxic substance is enough for 1–2 rooms, depending on the area. If the area is large, it is recommended to purchase 2-3 devices and place them at the same distance from each other.

The aquafumigator is not difficult to use. Before use, you should follow all recommendations:

  1. Place food in the refrigerator or other place where poisonous particles will not penetrate.
  2. Place books, clothes, toys, dishes, personal hygiene items and other accessories in a sealed bag or take them out of the room.
  3. Open cabinets and bedside tables, pull out drawers.
  4. Lay out chairs and sofas.
  5. Seal the kitchen hood with stationery or masking tape to prevent insects from escaping to the neighbors.
  6. Vacuum the room.
  7. Close the windows.

Cyphenothrin is relatively safe for warm-blooded animals, but it is recommended to leave the premises during treatment, taking the animals with you. The toxic substance can cause an allergic reaction in people, a sore throat and tearing.

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