Winged mystery - bat: what it looks like, photo, why they sleep upside down and other features of the mammal
Chiroptera - belongs to the class mammals. Capable of flight thanks to modified forelimbs and use
2 ways to determine the fat content of breast milk at home
Most livestock farmers strive to increase the productivity of cattle. Milk is the component on
Rules for keeping and caring for domestic ferrets, preparing a diet and necessary accessories
Historical background The first mention of the ferret is found in the works of the Greek satirist Aristophanes. He
house bat
Bat as a pet: maintenance and care
Home » Useful Information Not everyone keeps familiar pets at home: dogs, cats,
Giant golden flying fox
Ghost Bat - "Cannibal", Helpful Predator and Great Family Man
In our latitudes, there are mainly bats that are small in size (up to
Chick brooder
Brooder for chickens: types, sizes and DIY production
When breeding chickens, it is necessary to think in advance where they will be kept from the first days of life.
types of mice photos
Types of mice with photos and names: house mouse, spiny mouse, black, white, gray-humped, ground-eared, long-eared and others
What kind of black mouse did you dream about? Little black mouse A little black mouse warns of gossip.
Childbirth in a pet rat
How long does a rat's pregnancy last, how does childbirth go, caring for pups
Determining whether a female is pregnant can be challenging, especially if potential breeding is not
Description of the African ostrich: appearance and lifestyle
African ostrich (lat. Struthio camelus) is the largest bird in the world and the only representative
Photo: Shchiten
Shchiten: why is it called a “living fossil”, and what else is it interesting about?
Wild animals >> Crustaceans Triopsidae is a genus of small crustaceans from the suborder Notostraca. Some
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