Types of mice with photos and names: house mouse, spiny mouse, black, white, gray-humped, ground-eared, long-eared and others

What kind of black mouse did you dream about?

Little black mouse

A small black mouse warns of gossip.
They will be disbanded by a secret envious person who painfully perceives your every achievement. To expose him, you need to be more observant. A person who doesn't like you doesn't even try to hide his dislike. Sometimes such a dream promises a slight malaise. It will arise due to stress or lack of rest. Stabilizing your daily routine and nutritious nutrition will help restore body tone.

Big black mouse

A big black mouse is a harbinger of serious trouble. Illness, a scandal with the boss, unfair accusations from colleagues, significant losses and separation from the chosen one are likely. Upcoming failures will help you recognize true friends among your close circle. These people will support you during hospital treatment, help you find a new job, or pay off your debts.

Dead black mouse

A dream in which a dead black mouse was present should upset you. The life renewal you were counting on will never happen. This means that you will continue to go to a job you don’t like, look for housing, beg your relatives for money, or languish from loneliness. Favorable events will come knocking on your door much later than you want.

For people experiencing financial problems, this symbol prophesies their strengthening. With a high probability, against the backdrop of salary delays, you will encounter unplanned expenses that will force you to go into debt. Your ability to manage money will determine when you forget about lack of money.

Hand drawn black mouse

A tame black mouse hints that your enemies have started a magical war against you. The damage they are going to inflict on you will deprive you of your health, energetic connection with your family, or family happiness. If you manage to put energy protection on your family, you will save yourself from imminent death or loneliness.

Lots of black mice

Many black mice promise a series of failures. They will penetrate your life under the guise of vain worries, conflicts, illnesses, traumatic situations and lack of money, which will make you disappointed in your abilities. The sooner you give up, the longer the black streak will haunt you and your family.

For business people, a lot of black mice represent dangerous enemies that you have to learn about. They could be new employees in your department, old colleagues whose strength you underestimated, or business competitors who have set traps around you. Stay away from them to reduce their chances of winning.

Other meanings

The meaning of the dream depends on which black mouse you dreamed about:

  • Dying - to poor health for a long time.
  • Wounded - to problems that the dreamer cannot cope with alone.
  • Frightened - to receive a large amount of money.
  • Mad - to provocations of others and troubles.
  • Pregnant - to betrayal or treason.
  • Home - to a solid win.
  • Laboratory - to problems with studies.
  • Field - to distrust of a loved one.
  • Skinny - to the appearance of secrets from your loved one.
  • Fat - to health problems for a relative.
  • Fluffy - to buy something that you have long dreamed of.
  • Beautiful - to deceive your sexual partner.
  • Sweetheart - to pleasant chores and well-being in the family.
  • Scary - to problems with the law and prosecution.
  • Shabby - to loss of reputation due to slander of colleagues.
  • Wet means trouble on a long trip.


The ornamental mouse differs from the wild one in that it is not exterminated, but rather is kept as a pet. Almost all animals of this breed are bred in laboratories, so the color of their coat can be varied. There are even “naked” species. Food needs to be provided in a variety of ways - from cereals and seeds to meat and cottage cheese. There is also special food for house mice.


She has short, very shiny fur with combs and rosettes. They reach a length of about 10 cm and weigh about 15-20 g. The color may vary. They prefer plant foods.


In fact, this mouse still has fur. But it is so short and colorless that it gives the impression of its complete absence. This phenomenon is caused by gene mutation. They live for about a year.


They have thick, wavy fur. Stiff hairs emerge through the main fur, slightly longer than the rest of the fur. Color may vary. The mustache also has curls. Curliness is more pronounced in young individuals.


They have a round small body and short curly fur. The texture of the fur is the same as that of Texel mice.


The color can be varied. The coat either curls or remains smooth. They are small in size, body length is about 12 cm and weight is about 18 g. They live up to 2 years.

Representatives of mice can be very different. Some are destroyed, others are kept as pets. Wild individuals carry many deadly diseases and destroy crops. Decorative mice are safe for health, since most of them were bred in sterile laboratories, and each individual underwent a vaccination procedure.

What did you do with the black mouse in your dream?

Kill the black mouse

Determined and purposeful people often have to kill a black mouse in dreams. Thanks to these qualities, you are ready for dramatic changes that will change your life for the better. If you feel an urgent need to change your occupation, move, or find a soulmate, do not give up on your desires. They will come true as soon as you take up their implementation.

For people whose peace of mind is disturbed by ill-wishers, such a vision prophesies victory over one of them. In the near future, you will drive him into a blind corner, from which only admitting your own defeat will help you get out. It is possible that in connection with your promotion you will be able to fire a vile colleague or your competitors will stop doing dirty tricks after learning about your influential acquaintances.

Catching black mice

Catching black mice means resentment, troubles and misunderstandings in reality. A person you know well will risk reproaching you for inactivity, dumping the burden of their problems on you, or taking your words ambiguously. If you try to convince him otherwise, you will make the situation worse.

Catch the black mouse

Catching a black mouse in a dream book means an invitation to visit from a loved one. Your loved one will soon invite you to visit. This dream promises changes; perhaps you will receive a proposal for marriage, or to move in with your loved one.

Petting a black mouse

In a dream book, stroking a black mouse signifies the approval of your actions by others. In any business you are guided by your principles. And people support them. Don't change your life positions. Respect and honor await you.

Other meanings

The interpretation of the dream depends on what was done with the black mouse in the dream:

  • To tame - to loneliness and sadness.
  • Feeding means deterioration of relations with a new acquaintance.
  • Observe - to troubles and a hopeless situation.
  • Being afraid means solving a conflict at work.
  • Putting pressure means stress due to frequent conflicts with loved ones.
  • Killing means major trouble at work.
  • To save means the need to make a difficult decision or difficult choice.
  • Playing with her means deterioration in the health of relatives.

Distinctive appearance

House mice belong to one of the most numerous groups of mammals on earth - rodents. There are about 80 species of mice known in the world. The most common are house mice. Outwardly, the animal is familiar to adults and small children. A photo of house mice is located below.

  • The body length of an adult is from 6 to 10 cm. In some cases it can reach 15 cm. How much a house mouse weighs depends on the living conditions and nutritional status. The weight of a wild mouse ranges from 12 to 30 g. Sexual dimorphism is weak. It is difficult to distinguish a male from a female by size.
  • The tail is thin, with horny scales. The length of the tail is equal to 60% of the length of the body.
  • Round small ears are widely spaced relative to each other.
  • Round eyes, oblong muzzle.
  • House mice are characterized by different colors. The upper part of the body is dark. It comes in grey, brown and black. The belly is always a tone lighter. There are ash-gray, white, and red fibers.

House mouse

What did the black mouse do in the dream?

The black mouse ran away

A dream where a black mouse ran away speaks of your powerlessness before the burden of circumstances. There is a high probability that you will not be able to get a job, avoid layoffs, save your business from bankruptcy, get a seriously ill relative back on his feet, or get your ex-lover back. Realizing this, it will be easier for you to cope with the blows of fate.

This dream advises overly self-confident people not to rush to brag about their triumph. The victory you are currently enjoying is temporary. A positive answer to your question or agreement with your actions does not mean that they will meet you halfway.

Black mouse bit

A black mouse bites in a dream - means a reprimand at work. You are burnt out and have become less productive - unfortunately, this cannot be hidden from management. You are not in danger of being fired yet, but you will definitely be called to the carpet - get ready.

Black mouse attacks

A black mouse attacks according to the dream book - to your success. This dream promises you great success in the area where you need it most. You will be able to deal with all the old problems that do not allow you to live and interfere with your work.

Other meanings

The meaning of the dream depends on what the black mouse did in the dream:

  • Running - to dissatisfaction with his appearance.
  • Sleeping - to the appearance of ill-wishers in the immediate environment.
  • Eating means achieving great success at work.
  • Climbs on you - to emotional overstrain due to constant disagreements with the leader.
  • Climbs on a familiar person - to the resolution of many problems.
  • Dies - to the dreamer’s loss of important documents.
  • Gives birth - to big troubles because of ill-wishers.
  • Digging a mink - to drug or alcohol addiction.

Distribution and subspecies

An almost cosmopolitan species, living everywhere except the Far North, Antarctica and high in the mountains. Factors limiting its spread include low air temperatures and high humidity. In Russia, it is not found in a significant part of the north-east of Siberia, in Taimyr, in the area between the Yenisei and Lena rivers and in the mountain tundras. The homeland of the house mouse is presumably Northern India or Northern Africa and Western Asia, where it is known in fossil form. Together with humans, it spread throughout the world.

Currently, about 130 subspecies of the house mouse have been described. They are combined into 4 main subspecies:

  • Mmmusculus
    - Eastern Europe (Poland and further to the East), most of Russia.
  • Mmdomesticus
    - Europe, America, Australia, most of Africa.
  • Mmbactrianus
    - Asia (except Southeast).
  • Mmcastaneus
    - Southeast Asia.

Until recently, the fifth "main" subspecies was considered the Japanese subspecies Mmmolossinus

, but according to the latest data it is a hybrid between

It is noteworthy that, for example, in Ancient Rome it was not customary to separate mice from rats, and therefore mice were called Mus Minimus, and rats - Mus Maximus.

Where was the black mouse in the dream

Black mouse in the house

If you saw a black mouse in the house, this will be a joyful reason to update your wardrobe. It will be given by a friend or relative who invites you to a wedding. Preparing for the celebration will take a lot of personal time, but in return it will bring pleasant memories.

For people who are accustomed to living in grand style, the story of a black mouse in the house predicts poverty. Due to the inability to balance your desires with the size of your income, you risk ending up in a debt hole. Despite requests for help, relatives and friends will turn their backs on you.

Black mouse in the apartment

A black mouse in the apartment signals an impending illness. Neglect of its first symptoms can lead to serious complications. Bronchitis that occurs as a result of an untreated cold will force you to spend the coming holidays in a medical facility.

Black mouse in hands

A black mouse in your hands in a scene seen in a dream is good news. Pleasant news will force you to act this way and not otherwise. This will begin a new day and open the door to a new future. Think over your action plan well, eliminate the slightest risks.

Other meanings

The meaning of the dream depends on where the black mouse was in the dream:

  • In a cage - to forced work in a women's team.
  • In the garage - towards the end of a complex project.
  • In the basement - to illness or malaise.
  • In the room - to an emotional breakdown in the coming days.
  • In the bathroom - to solve all problems and successfully continue the business.
  • At the dacha - for a fun holiday with loved ones.
  • In the laboratory - to difficulties at work.
  • In bed - to unsuccessful attempts by enemies to harm the sleeping person.
  • At work - to vain attempts to defend your point of view in a dispute.


Damage from mice House mice, with their huge numbers, spoil grain fields. They don’t so much gnaw grain as they dig tunnels and form embankments. The stem falls to the ground, the grain is damaged, and difficulties arise during harvesting.

The main harm caused by a house pest is damage to food supplies and animal feed. Pests contaminate them with feces, urine, and leave behind many bacteria and pathogens.

Undoubted harm is caused to furniture, decorative items, books, and clothing. They chew wood, plastic, rubber, and electrical wiring. For these reasons, primitive man tamed the cat, which successfully destroys rodents.

House mice are carriers of dangerous diseases:

  • intestinal infections;
  • plague;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • fever;
  • rabies;
  • tularemia;
  • leptospirosis.

Recently, scientists have announced the possibility of transmission of breast cancer by mice. Diseases are spread through feces, urine, saliva, ectoparasites, and bites. A person is simply obliged to combat pests on the territory of his own home.


A mouse can cause enormous damage to humans. By nature and food preferences, a rodent is a predator. But the pest mainly consumes plant foods and therefore its diet consists of seeds, fruits of trees or shrubs and cereal crops. Mice living in swampy areas, wet or flooded meadows feed on the buds, foliage or flowers of various plants.

Habitat of a mouse A herbivorous creature with an appetite eats helpless chicks, drags eggs from nests, feasts on worms and various insects, replenishing the body's protein reserves. When settling in or near a person’s home, mice happily destroy potatoes, sausages and bakery products, eggs and other food products that are easy to get to. They do not disdain soap, candles, toilet paper, books, and polyethylene.


The strong smell of cheese can repel rodents.

Various breeds of mice, having settled almost throughout the planet, arranging their habitat, can build nests from grass stems, occupy abandoned holes, old hollows, or dig complex underground systems with many passages. Once in a person’s home, rodents settle under the floor, in attics, and between walls. Unlike representatives living in swamps and near water bodies, steppe, mountain and forest mice swim poorly.

The active life of animals coincides with the evening or night time, but they try not to move too far from their home. The mouse has many enemies, these include birds of prey, reptiles, mongooses, foxes, hedgehogs, cats, crows and other representatives of the fauna.


Mice make huge reserves for the winter, but do not hibernate.

Mostly voracious and ubiquitous rodents cause harm, but there is one area of ​​​​science in which the omnivorous mouse is useful and irreplaceable. These are special scientific and medical laboratories where animals become experimental subjects. Thanks to these small animals, many important discoveries were made in genetics, pharmacology, physiology and other sciences. Surprisingly, 80% of the genes endowed with a living mouse are similar to human structures.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of rodents appearing on your property significantly, sometimes it is enough to take a number of preventive measures.

As an option:

  • You can get a cat or a dog.
  • Do not expel natural enemies of rodents, such as owls, from the area.
  • Do not allow various rubbish and debris to accumulate on the site.
  • Till the soil to destroy field mouse burrows.
  • Do not allow cut branches, leaves, weeds, etc. to linger on the site for a long time.

Good results can always be obtained if rodent control is carried out comprehensively, starting with preventative measures and ending with the physical destruction of pests, if other measures are ineffective.


  • https://notklop.ru/myshi/o-myshah/vidy-myshej/
  • https://prusakam.net/vidy-i-raznovidnosti-myshej/
  • https://vsezhivoe.ru/mysh/
  • https://zverek.org/raznovidnosti-myshey.html
  • https://litbro.ru/gryzuny/mysh/raznovidnosti-myshej
  • https://faunistics.com/mysh-polevka/


Secluded housing

In most cases, the house mouse settles on soft soil that is not prone to drying out. To make it easier to make moves, the walls of the tunnels did not collapse. They build a hole 100 cm long. There must be an entrance and 2 emergency exits. The nest chamber is built at a distance of 30 cm from the ground surface. In winter they go deeper - up to 65 cm in depth. The diameter of the nest is about 25 cm. House mice prepare a soft bedding from twigs, leaves, moss, and all convenient materials.

Life of a House Mouse

House mice often inhabit ready-made burrows of voles, moles, hamsters, and other rodents. Or they build a nest under stones, in natural depressions in the ground, under a mound of leaves.

In human housing, house mice place their nests in well-protected, secluded places. Prefer to settle:

  • under the floor;
  • between walls;
  • in the attic;
  • under trash cans;
  • in places where food waste accumulates;
  • in the vegetable store.

To build a nest, various available, suitable materials are used: straw, pieces of fabric, twigs, hair, feathers, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam.

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