How many days does a pig usually walk: the first signs of heat in animals, effective mating methods

“Hunting” in pigs (the desire to mate) is the time of ovulation, when the sow needs to be brought together with a boar for sexual intercourse. You can also use the method of artificial insemination in order to further produce piglets. Let's consider when this period begins in animals, and how many days a pig usually walks.

Characteristic signs of the heat period in pigs

The onset of the female's attraction to the male occurs at intervals of exactly three weeks and lasts up to three days. In certain representatives of livestock, heat begins to manifest itself during the period of gestation, which makes it possible to carry out their re-fertilization.

The initial ovulation phase can occur in pigs that are 5 months old. But mating with different species of individuals is prohibited, because many pigs at this time have not gained weight for a successful pregnancy and development of offspring.

Planning the initial mating is permissible when the pig approaches 10-12 months of age. The sow selected for insemination must closely match the characteristics of her breed and must be free of any significant defects or signs of disease. To make sure that the pet does not have dangerous diseases, it must be examined by an experienced veterinarian before fertilization.

The cyclical occurrence of hunting

In pigs that have grown to the point of puberty, heat comes systematically at intervals of 18-24 days. If there is no insemination during hunting, this process can be duplicated only after 21 days. Deviations occur in cases where the pig does not have enough weight for the positive course of pregnancy and its successful completion, or hunting is observed at different periods without regularity.

The farmer should not mate pigs with these problems. If an animal has these problems, the breeder needs to focus on a nutritious diet. Perhaps the females are malnourished. To rectify the situation, you can make feed yourself.

In a number of females, sexual desire may make itself felt at the time of bearing piglets. Then the transfer to a healthy and young male is allowed to be done again. After this, the farmer can expect two or three pig births at close intervals.

What determines the puberty of a pig?

It is impossible to say with the accuracy of one day when puberty occurs and how long it takes for a pig to walk. It all depends on the specific breed, the presence of a spacious, warm pigsty and living conditions.

Females become sexually mature at approximately 4-6 months.

Diet is of great importance. Maturation is delayed if the pig eats little or does not receive enough vitamins and protein. But excess nutrition also delays the process. In obese pigs, puberty occurs later and reproductive potential is reduced.

Puberty is delayed by constant stress, cold or extreme heat, and living in a dirty or crowded pen. And also for conditions that cause physical discomfort: lameness, limb fractures, hoof cracks, dermatological diseases.

The process is slowed down if inbreeding is practiced at the farmstead - mating of pigs of the same breed. Interbreeding accelerates the puberty of the offspring.

Communication between pigs and the opposite sex even before mating also has a positive effect.

Signs of the hunt

You can see how hunting resumes in females by certain manifestations:

  • an increase in the size of the genital loop and milk nipples;
  • frequent emptying of the bladder;
  • aggressiveness of the animal;
  • the presence of abundant viscous contents from the genital organs;
  • lack of desire to eat food, not associated with diseases of the digestive system.

To determine the first moments of heat in a sow, it is enough to apply light pressure on her posterior gluteal region. If the female reacts to such a movement in any way, we should assume that the hunt has not begun. When the female behaves calmly and resists the moment of a forced attempt to move her, this indicates that it is time to place her with the boar.


The success of mating and the birth of healthy piglets depends on the correct choice of pigs for fertilization. Moreover, experts have certain requirements for animals of both sexes. When choosing a sow suitable for mating, you need to focus on the following significant points:

  • the selected female must correspond to her breed in terms of external data and existing characteristics;
  • the animal must be healthy and free of any defects;
  • The sow must be at least 9 months old.

In the case when a female gives birth not for the first time, her state of health should be taken into account, as well as the number of piglets surviving after birth.

The choice of boar is carried out in more detail. In this case, the farmer must take into account important points:

  • the breed of boar and sow must be the same;
  • absence of animal diseases;
  • age limit - boars no more than 3 years old are allowed to mate;
  • The appropriate weight of the boar should be selected based on the body weight of the female.

Important! It is recommended that the sow be mated with boars kept on other farms. When mating pigs living on the same farm, there is a high risk of giving birth to piglets with certain defects or diseases.

First of all, you need to take into account how productive the boar is before replacement. In the best case, it is necessary to submit the boar's sperm for testing. However, such a procedure is difficult for an ordinary breeder who does not have a large farm.

As an alternative, piglets previously sired by this male should be examined. To obtain the necessary information, you can ask the farmer questions about the special characteristics of the animal.

All the subtleties of the mating process

To get productive and strong offspring, you should know the features of the pig mating process. Not every fertilization is successful. Unsuccessful attempts may be associated with certain animal diseases, poor living conditions or poor-quality seed material.

To increase the likelihood of conceiving offspring, pigs are coated twice - with the identification of initial signs of heat and about 18 hours after the first time. Moreover, the second time it is recommended to take another boar. A pig is considered pregnant if estrus does not occur 22 days after mating. Otherwise, she sits down with another male.


For mating, sexually mature, healthy, strong individuals with good physical parameters are selected. An important condition is the productivity of the male, therefore, if possible, his previous offspring should be assessed or the boar's seminal fluid should be tested in the laboratory. The health of the female is also very important, so you should choose a strong, developed individual that corresponds to its breed and does not have congenital defects. If the pig has already been impregnated, the quality of its offspring should be assessed.

Did you know? Pigs have become natural companions of people for quite a long time, ever since wild boars began to look for food closer to human habitations. Our distant ancestors caught uninvited guests and bred them at home.

Many beginning farmers are interested in the question: what needs to be done to get the most resilient and productive young stock. For this purpose, a boar is taken not just of a different breed, but also of a different direction of productivity. So, for example, a bacon male is crossed with a meat-fat female. However, if you plan to use an animal from another farm, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.

Basic mating methods

Fertilization methods are divided into two main ones - natural and artificial. Natural, in turn, can be either free or tame, when a female who has come into heat is placed with a specific male. Free mating involves a boar being in the same pen with several pigs and freely mating with them.

However, such uncontrolled fertilization leads to a decrease in the quality of seminal fluid and a rapid loss of animal productivity. Artificial insemination is considered a more effective method. It allows you to select certain animals for mating and guarantees a high probability of fertilization, since the sperm is injected directly into the vagina by a veterinarian.

Features of artificial mating

This mating method is usually practiced on large farms because it is highly productive and makes it possible to control the number of young animals. When artificially inseminating, you can also choose a specific boar or breed of animal whose seminal fluid is used for fertilization.

Find out more about artificial insemination of pigs at home.

The process of artificial mating is as follows:

  1. A female in heat is brought into a special dedicated pen.
  2. The veterinarian uses instruments to inject semen into the pig's vagina.
  3. Sometimes, to increase the likelihood of successful fertilization, a glucose-saline solution is administered.

Methods for determining and duration of farrowing

After the initial symptoms of heat appear, the pigs begin estrus, which lasts 2-3 days. At this time, animals should be inseminated artificially or naturally. If insemination is successfully completed, the pig will not go into heat next month. The female's pregnancy lasts from 114 to 117 days. If signs of heat appear after three weeks after natural insemination, the female must be mated with the boar again.

Not every female is able to bear offspring. Before introducing animal sperm into the female genital tract using an artificial method, the veterinarian must carefully examine the pig and, if necessary, conduct mandatory research. A pig that does not conceive after 3-4 inseminations also requires examination by a veterinarian. If it is confirmed that the female is unable to give birth, she is slaughtered.

How can you tell if a pig is in heat?

Signs of heat in pigs
You can understand that a pig has started to heat by several signs, including:

  • swelling of the genital loop, as well as the nipples;
  • frequent urination;
  • the appearance of copious mucous discharge from the genitals;
  • refusal of food not caused by gastrointestinal diseases;
  • increased anxiety, aggressive behavior, throwing the drinker and feeder in the pen.

To accurately determine whether the female is in heat or not, you can approach her and lightly press her hand on her rear. If the pig shows anxiety and tries to move away from the person, it means that the hunting time has not yet come.

If the female stands motionless, and when you try to move her forward she resists, then you can already place her next to the boar, she is already ready for mating.

Hunting dates

It is important to know how many days a pig walks. Features that influence the duration of the hunting period may vary. However, the main one is the age of the pig.

Young females are in heat for about 1.5 to 2 days, but sometimes this time lasts up to a whole week. As a sow ages, the activity of the reproductive system decreases, and with it the duration of sexual heat. The end of the mating period is indicated by the habits of the animal itself. The pig behaves calmly and does not pay attention to the boars.

Symptoms of hunting in animals will allow us to determine the beginning and end of the gestation period. According to experts with experience in livestock farming, the breeding season often lasts no more than 2 days. After their expiration, the individuals begin to live as before. But it is also worth considering many factors that play an important role. In order for a pig to be prepared for mating, it is necessary to evaluate the overall picture of its condition, and not focus on individual factors.

How to choose a female

When choosing a female, you should pay attention to her character - good mothers come from sows with a calm temperament. They are usually selected at the age of 4 to 5 months, mating is carried out after 10 months.

Important! The male and female selected for mating should not be related, as this will negatively affect the gene pool of the young and its survival.

The weight of the individual must be at least 110 kilograms, and the age must be from 10 months to 4 years. The more relatives a pig had in the same litter, the greater its fertility. During selection, attention is also paid to the nipples of the expectant mother - they must be convex, otherwise it will be difficult for the young to feed.

How to control deadlines

One individual can experience the period of ovulation and its stages of development in completely different ways. Large peasant farms developing in the field of livestock farming pay close attention to signs indicating the initial symptoms of the hunting period in females. If all conditions are met, the farmer will be able to increase the herd through successful breeding. Moreover, it is important to take measures to prevent the pig from wandering around and breeding without control.

Carrying out artificial fertilization allows you to control the process of sexual hunting. Farmers who raise livestock for commercial purposes often deviate from mating naturally. Semen is collected from existing boars on the farm, and it is also purchased abroad. The reason is to improve the quality and taste of meat products.

Experienced breeders believe that when a pig does not have the opportunity to estrus, this is primarily reflected in the offspring. However, this opinion is incorrect, since the quality of meat products largely depends on the use of growth stimulants.

Important! Improper nutritional diet of the female leads to weight gain. As a result, there is a delay in estrus.

If there are boars in the pen, sows reach puberty faster, and hormonal levels change. The activity of the genital organs also changes, a repeated course of processes and the formation of cycles are observed.

It is not difficult to calculate the cycle time: it will be from the first days of one heat cycle until the next one. The duration of estrus in mature sows ranges from 3-10 days.

The cycle consists of the following phases:

  • excitement (proestrus);
  • hunting (estrus);
  • calm (postestrus);
  • tranquility (diestrus).

Many people are interested in whether it is allowed to slaughter an animal during the period when sexual heat is observed. In fact, slaughtering pigs during this period is not recommended, since due to excessive production of hormones in a living body, the quality and taste of meat products will decrease. In its structure it will be hard, with an unpleasant odor. 7-10 days after the end of the ovulation period, the pig is allowed to be slaughtered. This time is enough to remove hormones from the animal’s body that lead to a deterioration in the taste of meat products.

It is necessary to keep under control all periods of hunting. This is necessary for a clear understanding of when it is permissible to slaughter an animal. Lack of appetite and aggressive behavior will significantly complicate overall preparation. It will be difficult to keep the pig in one place. Some breeders prefer to inseminate females while they are actively attracted to males. As a result of the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, the pig gains weight. At the end of the month the animal is slaughtered.

Synchronization Methods

In females, oestrus synchronization is carried out differently. The following methods provide the effect:

  1. After the sows are weaned, Follimag is administered to her in the amount specified by the veterinarian. The medication is to be administered intramuscularly. If the pig begins to show initial symptoms of ovulation, about an hour before mating, the veterinarian administers a drug called Surfagon. The technique can be used as in a situation with breeding with a boar, or before performing insemination using an unnatural method.
  2. Injections of Follimag and Suffragon are allowed for females whose hunting has not resumed two weeks after the removal of their piglets. This technique is allowed to be used if the majority of the livestock has entered the hunting stage at a suitable time after the removal of the offspring.

Practicing both methods in practice is allowed only after the recommendation of a veterinarian. It is prohibited to use hunting synchronization techniques on your own, because sometimes they can be harmful to the animal’s body condition.

Piggy behavior after mating

Immediately after the hunt the animal calms down. The pig sleeps a lot and gains weight. She regains her former appetite and activity.

If you introduce a male pig to a fertilized pig, she will not react to him at all. If other sows start to heat and try to jump on the expectant mother of piglets, she resists and shows aggression.

The genitals and mucous membranes change color. The external genitalia wrinkle a little and turn pale. Post-hunting takes only a few days, during which the pig calms down. It is important for both experienced farmers and beginners not to scare the animal or take decisive action without signs that the pig is ready to reproduce. Careful preparation and further care will help the sow bear healthy and full-fledged offspring.

What to do if the boar does not cover the female

In a situation where a mature animal has no interest in mating, it must be taken to a veterinarian for examination. When certain diseases are detected in a pig, it must be treated with certain drugs according to a treatment regimen. If the veterinarian does not detect disease in the animal, young boars should be moved to a room with females. This will give an impetus to the start of heat in sows. Another way to induce heat is to use Oxytocin.

At the same time, it is necessary to provide the animals with daily walks in fresh air. Pigs with greater weight lose sexual activity, so they need to exercise more. Frequent visits to outdoor pens will help reduce their increased body weight.

Heat can be stimulated using certain stimulants made from the urine of a stud boar. The products are sprayed on the territory where the female is constantly located, and her period of heat has not begun. This method is considered to be the most effective. It is often used in large farms involved in livestock breeding.

Is it possible to mate a pig with a wild boar?

People know about the experience of mating domestic pigs and wild boars. For example, in 2010, one of the online magazines talked about a farmer from the Kaluga region who is breeding “half-breed boars.” The pig breeder crosses a domestic black pig with a wild boar, then “adds” other breeds (Landrace, Duroc). About the resulting meat, the farmer says that it is for everyone, tastes like “wild”, slightly sweet and turns out incredibly tasty if cooked over a fire.

To become the owner of cute piglets, you need to be able to monitor the behavior of pigs. It is important to correctly determine when the female begins to heat. After all, it is precisely this short period of her life that is most favorable for mating. The right choice of pair and time for mating is the key to successful fertilization and the birth of new pigs.

Mating methods

In the livestock industry, there are many different ways of mating pigs. First of all, they are divided into purebred and interbreed. The first of them is carried out with the participation of two heads of the same breed. The goal of this process is to preserve and improve the characteristics of a specific breed of pig. This mating technique allows you to maintain and at the same time increase the volume of meat products.

Pig mating methods:

  1. Interbreeding. It is used in cases where the farmer wants to improve the characteristics and qualities of future livestock. This is achieved by applying the following methods in practice.
  2. Absorbent mating. This type of mating involves pairing a low-productive breed with a more productive one. As a result, the breeder receives a larger number of heads, and meat productivity subsequently increases.
  3. Reproductive mating. With this method, the mating process involves individuals of different breeds born in different generations. This type of mating is carried out in order to obtain a new breed that will have some desired characteristics.
  4. Introductory crossing. It is carried out with one goal - to preserve and improve the general parameters of a particular type of pig.
  5. Manual mating. This method of mating pigs is carried out in a large pigsty. The sow and the male are placed in a specially designated place, where the farmer sprinkles sawdust on the floor surface. Animals should be left alone so that outside noise does not distract them. After a certain period of time, the male adapts to the female and mating occurs.
  6. Double cage. This technique is used more often than others. Its essence lies in the repeated mating of selected individuals, which takes place 12 hours after the initial mating. This increases the likelihood of favorable fertilization of the sow. Moreover, for this they take the same boar that participated in the first mating.
  7. Artificial insemination. This technique is often used on large livestock farms. In such places, due to the large population, natural insemination is almost impossible to carry out, or it can cause certain problems. The artificial insemination process is carried out in the presence of a veterinarian. The female is implanted with semen, which before this procedure was in a special laboratory. Since biological material is subject to pre-processing and tests on it, the possibility of successful insemination is reduced to a 100% positive result. It has been proven that such a brood will have excellent health and favorable characteristics.

Artificial insemination

This technology is widely used on large farms where, due to the huge number of livestock, natural insemination is impossible or problematic for various reasons. As you can easily guess from the name, direct insemination does not occur. The sow is injected with semen selected in special laboratories. Since the material is pre-treated and tested, the probability of successful insemination is 100 percent, and the entire litter will be in good health and good characteristics.

When does the re-hunt begin?

It is important to know how long it takes for a pig to start walking again after the end of the previous mating. The farmer must monitor the timing of ovulation and signs of pregnancy of the animal. Sexual heat in pigs can occur cyclically. Animals feel the need to mate every 21-22 days. If for some reason the sow has not had contact with the boar, then after 2-3 weeks she will develop new symptoms of sexual desire. But even in this case, everything will depend on a certain list of factors. Some of them are the age criterion, breed and conditions in which the animal lives.

Sometimes the sow starts to estrus again even after a favorable insemination. This phenomenon is considered normal, since pigs, compared to other types of animals, have the ability to bear piglets of different ages. Therefore, during one mating, a certain number of inseminations can occur with short intervals between them. At the same time, the female feels calm; this does not appear outwardly.

By understanding how long a pig lasts, as well as knowing how to mate, it is possible to greatly improve efficiency in the livestock industry. The farmer must rely not only on the numerical values, but also on the special characteristics of each pig. In this matter, an individual approach to each animal must be observed.

At the same time, the breeder is obliged to control the level of livestock maintenance and proper nutrition. A pig suffering from certain diseases cannot participate in the fertilization process due to general malaise and impaired body functions. If you follow these mating tips, you will be able to produce healthy, large offspring every year.

Stages of the reproductive cycle

Understanding the reproductive cycle is as important as knowing when a pig walks.

It includes four stages:

  1. First, the stage of arousal begins - proestrus. It is this that reflects the main feature of estrus – a change in behavior. Even the calmest sow becomes aggressive and nervous. Proestrus lasts 4-5 days. In pigs that have given birth, the stage of excitation passes faster.
  2. At the peak of estrus, pigs begin to hunt - the estrus stage. At this stage, the animals mate.
  3. Then comes the stage of calm (metestrus) , when the genitals turn pale and decrease in size. There are practically no allocations.
  4. The last stage is dormancy (diestrus). It begins approximately on the 6-7th day of the sexual cycle and lasts about 2 weeks. The pigs' behavior is returning to normal. They behave calmly.
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