How to get rid of a ferret at home? Effective methods

Unfortunately, many poultry house owners have at least once in their lives encountered the problem of an empty chicken coop. The signs are the same: sucked blood, severed heads and chewed off paws. That's the ferret's job. At first glance, this is a funny animal with a cute and cute face. But behind this mask lies a dangerous predator. He considers it a matter of honor to destroy all the birds in the area.

At the first sign of the appearance of this animal, you must immediately begin to fight it. By taking all appropriate measures, you can prevent a series of further victims. So how do you get rid of a ferret? Poultry farmers offer many options for combating this animal. They use both homemade traps and hunting traps. In addition, there are many other methods to combat this predator.

Features of the predator

Probably every farmer who breeds poultry has at least once encountered the problem of night robberies. The behavior of this predator is always the same: he will not calm down until he exterminates every last bird in the chicken coop. Therefore, if a ferret has visited the poultry house at least once, remember - he will definitely return.

Do you have a wide variety of birds on your farm? Intoxicated by so many potential victims, a ferret can even attack a goose. He is unlikely to be able to carry such a heavy trophy into the forest, so he often leaves half-eaten carcasses in the chicken coop.

The ferret is a small animal. The body can reach 45 cm in length. But this does not prevent him from killing a huge amount of poultry in almost one go. In its actions, this predator resembles a weasel. Both of these animals live in conditions of carelessness and impunity, because often the owner of the birds learns about their atrocities after the fact. Therefore, it is important to worry about the safety of poultry in advance and think through all options for protecting them from visits from weasels and ferrets. But if they appear, you must immediately find a way to get rid of the ferret.

The use of homemade products

If it is not possible to use ready-made traps, then you can use homemade devices. But you shouldn’t delay making them, otherwise the ferret will soon kill a large number of poultry.

If you follow all the rules when making homemade products, they will protect the chicken coop just like the original devices. There are two options for homemade traps:

  1. To make a homemade trap you will need a box or cage. You need to place bait inside this item; you can use a piece of fresh meat as it. In this case, the door needs to be adjusted; when an animal gets inside, it should close immediately. After catching an animal, we get rid of it immediately; it is better to take it far into the forest and release it;
  2. You can use a regular metal bucket as a trap. Bait is placed at the bottom of the bucket - a dead chicken carcass. Traps are placed around the perimeter. Even if somehow the ferret manages to bypass all the traps and get into the bucket, he will still back away when pulling out the prey and get caught in the trap.

If you set up a safety trap and bait, be careful not to let your beloved pets get caught in it. It is best to carefully monitor them and not allow them into the territory with these devices.

How does the animal work?

How does a ferret attack? This cute animal is quite aggressive. He sneaks up on the victim unnoticed, jumps sharply and strangles him with his paws. Afterwards the ferret feasts on the trophy. As a dessert, the predator prefers small chickens. But the main part of his diet is chickens.

The ferret’s behavior style is described by the saying: “If I don’t eat it, I’ll bite it.” His greed sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. After all, after a ferret’s visit, you can find many birds dead, but not eaten. Having attacked a bird, the ferret does not touch its head. He gnaws the bird's throat. Soft tissues decompose quickly. You cannot use such a bird for food after a ferret’s visit. To find out exactly how to get rid of a ferret, you need to know all the signs of the appearance of this uninvited guest.


Poison baits are another way to control ferrets. In order to prepare them, you need to use protective equipment - a mask and gloves. As bait, you can use the same carcasses of hens and chicks that the ferret has already killed. They should be placed where chickens and other domestic animals cannot reach them.

To prevent the bait from going rotten, you need to treat it with compounds containing substances that promote mummification. A strong poison for baiting rats is suitable as a poisonous filling. Such products can be found on sale in the form of liquid formulations or dragees, as well as lozenges. To lure them, they are provided with a strong smell, to which the ferret will probably not remain indifferent. The disadvantage of this method is that even if the ferret has already been destroyed, the person will not know about it. Most likely, the poisoned animal will run back to its hole and die there.

Signs of a ferret

This predator leads an active lifestyle at night. You can only catch him red-handed early in the morning or at night. The presence of a stranger in the chicken coop can be indicated by the behavior of the bird, if it survives. If, when you enter the chicken coop, the birds do not leave their roosts, then you can be sure that a guest came to them at night. Therefore, you should immediately think about taking some measures to protect your pets.

Having sneaked into the chicken coop and killed at least one chicken, the ferret considers the entire nursery to be his property. From this moment on, all living creatures are considered a strategic reserve for the future for the animal. Of course, you can replace a dead bird, but other birds are also in great danger. Therefore, everything must be done to decide how to get rid of the ferret forever. After all, this thief will definitely find a way to cope with the new population of birds.

Ferret habitat

The ferret is a predator. It settles almost everywhere, but prefers to live on the edges of the forest, so that there is a body of water nearby. Ferrets live in burrows that they make themselves, or they occupy burrows made by other animals and abandoned by them.

The ferret is difficult to find in dense forests; the animal does not like too dense forests. Animals prefer small forests or groves located near human habitation. The ferret does not like to wander from place to place. This is what distinguishes males: each of them has its own strictly defined territory and it is extremely undesirable for them to appear in a foreign area. Females are more loyal in this regard: they can live anywhere and not feel much discomfort. A male can walk about 5 km per night - this suggests that their hunting grounds are very extensive.

Ferrets' burrows are not very deep, usually there is one tunnel and a nesting site at the end. Ferrets can make their shelters in abandoned burrows of badgers and foxes. Sometimes a ferret settles right next to a person. Here he will probably have a nest in some barn, but in a secluded place. Usually, forest ferrets climb into barns, because steppe ferrets try to avoid human habitation.

The steppe ferret lives almost in open areas. In terms of area of ​​settlement, the steppe ferret surpasses any other steppe animal. In the steppes, ferrets make abandoned gopher burrows for themselves. Such a hole can save the animal from both the summer heat and the winter cold. There is no way to live without a hole in the steppe: you can easily become the prey of another, larger predator. Steppe ferrets do not have a strictly defined territory.

How to get rid of a ferret in a chicken coop?

The ferret is nocturnal, so you can try to watch for it at this time of day. But this animal is quite agile and dexterous. It is almost impossible to catch him alone. In addition, you must worry not only about the safety of the bird, but also about your own. After all, in defending itself, this predator can attack a person.

Want to catch your own ferret? Then you need to act according to this scheme:

  • When they see a ferret, they throw a heavy cloak or coat over it.
  • The animal is quickly wrapped in cloth and placed in a pre-prepared cage.

When removing the animal from its cage, it is necessary to wear thick gloves so that it does not bite through human tissue and skin. The predator must be held tightly. If a dexterous predator bites you, you need to pinch the animal’s nose and insert a small wooden stick between your teeth. By twisting it, you will be able to unclench the ferret's jaw, freeing your hand.

Fearless poultry robbers

Fur-bearing mammals called ferrets and weasels are common both in our country and in European and American territories. Having noticeable differences in appearance, character and habits, they are a hundred percent predator who knows where to look for prey and how to get there.

The ferret was bred more than 2000 years ago in southern Europe. For a long time, the animal replaced the cat for aristocrats. The miniature furry creature has short legs and an elongated body. The length of an adult male reaches 50 cm, females - 40 cm, and the average length of the tail is 18 cm.

Its color varies from white to dark brown. There is a clearly visible “mask” on the muzzle, and the ears are short. There are albino ferrets called "Furo". Such individuals do not have characteristic black markings on their faces.

Despite their pretty appearance, the animals are real predators. They have fangs and sharp claws, which they use when necessary. If the life of a ferret, weasel or marten is not in danger, then the representative of the wild behaves peacefully, but when he senses an ambush, he becomes quite aggressive.

A ferret, marten or other fur-bearing predator hunts at night.

What to do next?

How to get rid of a ferret in a chicken coop if it has already been caught? Once the thief is in the cage, his fate directly depends on the will of the farmer. But remember that during fright the animal emits a rather unpleasant odor. The stench is emitted by the animal's anal glands. How to get rid of the ferret smell in this case? You need to wash your hands well with soap, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water. Fortunately, this strong, unpleasant odor dissipates quickly.

When choosing what to do next with the animal, remember that the animal acts according to its nature. There is no malicious intent in the ferret's action. Therefore, before you harm an animal in a fit of rage, you should think carefully about your action.

How to get rid of a ferret in a chicken coop? You can try to tame a ferret. You can keep it as a pet in a cage. But many people prefer to use a more humane method - the animal simply needs to be taken a few kilometers from your place of residence.

This method of catching an animal is not very reliable, because it is quite difficult to cope with a dexterous ferret on your own. In addition, you may be scratched and bitten. Therefore, it is better to resort to a safer method using a live trap or trap.

Symptoms of flea infestation in ferrets

Ectoparasites appear in ferrets of any gender and age. They bite through the skin, using blood for nutrition and activation of reproduction. Depending on the sensitivity of the animal’s skin to painful bites, it may experience:

  • Itching. The main, most pronounced symptom, manifested in varying degrees of intensity, which depends on the number of fleas on one animal. The pet begins to lick itself, bite, scratch and chew its fur.
  • Formation of papules. At the sites of parasite bites, formations appear, scratching of which leads to the formation of scabs.
  • Baldness. When there are a large number of insects, the animal experiences hair loss in areas of varying sizes.
  • Increased emotionality and irritability. If a ferret has fleas in its fur, it becomes restless and overexcited.

The diagnosis is established not only by visual examination and taking into account symptoms; to confirm it, a scraping is taken from the affected areas of the skin, examination of which confirms infection with bloodsuckers

Visual inspection helps to identify fleas; special attention should be paid to the areas between the shoulder blades, where parasites most often accumulate in thick fur.

Trap for catching

Many people do not know how to get rid of a ferret at home. Experienced farmers recommend using traps. This method is effective and has been tested many times in practice. At the first alarm bells, it is necessary to correctly place hunting traps. But remember that a small, nimble predator is quite careful. In addition, he has a good sense of smell. Therefore, the trap must be treated with a special solution that will effectively erase the smell of human presence.

The trap can be coated:

  • manure;
  • slaked lime;
  • dried lizard skin;
  • can be boiled in spruce needles.

After processing the trap, it can only be handled with gloves. Before installing a trap, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the area. If the animal has settled in a hole next to the poultry house, the trap must be placed at the entrance to the tunnel. A trap can be camouflaged with a bunch of bird feathers. This inquisitive predator will definitely want to explore such a place.

What does a ferret look like?

There are several varieties of this mammal, but they all have common features.

  1. The body is elongated and squat with short muscular legs.
  2. The fingers have long and sharp claws.
  3. The head is a neat oval shape on a long and flexible neck.
  4. A fluffy tail is a source of pride for an animal.
  5. Thick and soft fur, shiny in the sun, can be of different colors.
  6. The teeth are sharp and strong.

According to all these characteristics, the ferret is an attractive fluffy animal with the incredible ability to move quickly by jumping, deftly climb trees, swim wonderfully and bite well.

Using a trap

Experienced farmers recommend purchasing 2 traps. When choosing a model, it is recommended to pay attention to the sensitively tuned guard. This model will definitely work well, and you will be able to quickly catch the attacker. How to get rid of a ferret in a barn using a trap?

The first trap must be placed directly at the entrance to the structure. It is recommended to use a bird that has been previously strangled by a ferret. It is hung on a hook at a distance of 10-20 cm from the floor above the trap. The trap should be set in the evening, when the bird is in its place and calm.

Many summer residents complain that the ferret does not hesitate to visit residential buildings. How to get rid of a ferret in the house? The principle can be the same - installing a trap under the door. In this case, a previously killed bird can be hung on a doorknob. The second trap must be placed at the entrance to the hole. To be more convincing, you can treat the body of a dead bird with poison or tranquilizers.

Early in the morning you need to look through the traps. If the animal did not come to visit you that night, the traps can be left until next time. Purchased live traps will allow you to catch a live animal. Remember that pets can also get caught in traps. Therefore, be concerned about the safety of your pet cats and dogs.

Can pets be used to control ferrets?

Once a poultry farmer notices a ferret killing chickens, it is important to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible. Pets can be used as assistants against pests. Most often these are dogs locked in a chicken coop, which, if they attack a ferret, can kill it. The dead animal is often hung at the entrance to the chicken coop to discourage other predators from the chickens.

Using pets in the fight against animals

The same result can be achieved if you lock a cat indoors that is trained to catch rats. The cat will strangle the animal and prevent the death of the birds.


Today, in specialized stores you can purchase modern devices that can repel predators. They can be:

  • light and sound;
  • ultrasonic.

Light and sound repellers create audible noise when an animal approaches and blink. They are equipped with motion sensors. The operation of the device begins the moment a warm-blooded creature appears within its range of action. In this case, the infrared sensor is immediately triggered, which provokes the generation of light and sound, which scare away the predator.

The device is compact in size and can operate on either batteries or mains power. Some models may also include an ultrasound generator. Ultrasonic devices produce low-frequency sounds that repel animals. Therefore, the predator will not come close to the place where the device is installed. In addition to ferrets, this device works on mice, rats and moles. There is a wide variety of models. This device is safe for pets (except hamsters and rats) and people. It works both from batteries and from the mains.


In order to discourage the ferret from visiting the chicken coop, you can use repellers. These are devices that create an uncomfortable environment for predators:

  1. Electronic devices operating on the ultrasound principle. If such a device is turned on in the room, the predator experiences panic and its only desire is to escape as quickly as possible. He will panic until he leaves the area covered by the device. The uniqueness of such devices is that other animals and birds do not experience the slightest inconvenience from their operation, just like humans. But there is a drawback here: ferrets quickly get used to such inconvenience and cease to feel fear.
  2. Low frequency repellers. The devices were developed in such a way that predators would not develop addiction. But this device also has a drawback, and a significant one: animals and birds located in its area of ​​​​action experience severe stress from its influence.
  3. Light repellers with motion sensors. The action is simple: when a predator appears, the motion sensor is triggered and the flashlight turns on. The ferret, frightened by the bright light, runs away from the chicken coop. There is also a drawback here: the motion sensor covers a certain area. If the ferret does not hit it, the sensor will not work.

Pets can help too

How to get rid of ferrets in the country? Pets – cats and dogs – can help you with this. Directly at the entrance to the barn you can place a booth with a dog. The dog can also be tied near the ferret's hole. But remember that in this case you cannot use poison in the fight against the predator. After all, it can be quite dangerous for your pet. It is rare that a dog can catch a cunning ferret, but it is quite capable of frightening it with its presence or smell. In addition, you will be able to understand that uninvited guests are coming to your barn at night. A cat can also help scare off a ferret. It can be put into the chicken coop. But remember that your pet can suffer from the sharp teeth of a ferret.

Is it possible to catch and tame an animal?

Some daredevils catch night guests with their hands. To do this, they keep watch in the chicken coop, after putting on thick mittens and stocking up on an old thick coat. Hearing the beast, they throw the cloth they grabbed onto it and grab it. In this case, you should be careful and protect your eyes and face.

In order not to miss the animal and not to scare it away, a loud object, for example, a bucket, is placed on a support on one side, and something edible is placed under it. When a predator runs there, the trap will slam shut and make a characteristic loud sound, which will additionally notify that it has been caught.

Experts note that you can make friends with an animal. If the individual is young, then they try to tame it. In this case, the owner of the chicken coop will receive an excellent guard for his territory. The beast will think that the area belongs to him and will not touch anyone in this area. It will also help get rid of rats and mice that attack poultry houses in the warm season.

Large dogs or cats are also used to protect the territory from night visitors. Having tied the dog near the poultry house, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the birds, since ferrets and other wild animals are afraid of large four-legged animals and do not like their smell.

Traditional methods

Many summer residents are interested in how to get rid of a ferret in the attic of their home. After all, these animals often try to settle on a secluded roof protected from wind and rain. In this case, you can use traditional methods of scaring away ferrets. You can hang goat skins both in the attic and in the chicken coop. They have a specific smell that scares away these cute predators. In the poultry house, you can coat the walls with tar. Ferrets cannot stand this smell either. Therefore, the animal will definitely not enter such a room, even for prey.

You can set up several simple traps: just place a large pan on a support, for example. Bait is placed inside. As soon as the ferret approaches the treat, he will hook the support and the container will cover him.

What is the danger of ferrets, weasels and martens?

The particular danger of the predator is the mass destruction of poultry. Having entered the poultry house, the ferret, having eaten, begins to store food for future use.

The entire chicken flock often becomes prey. The hunting pattern of ferrets, weasels, and martens is the same: fishing continues as long as there is a living bird in the chicken coop.

Be sure to read:

How to make a cage for chickens with your own hands: photos, video instructions, sizes and options?

If the predator is scared off, the hunt will continue the next night. It is important for the farmer to prevent such attacks.

Chicken coop after a visit from a predator

The skeletal features of the ferret and weasel allow the animals to easily penetrate through small holes and narrow cracks, significantly complicating the protection of the chicken coop in the habitats of these predators. It is easier to protect the poultry house from rats.

Important! Large aggressive roosters can kill ferrets while protecting the hens. The rooster is powerless against experienced hunters who regularly hunt poultry.

How to prevent the appearance of a predator in your lands?

Don't want to fight a cunning ferret? Its appearance in your lands can be prevented. It is enough to follow a number of recommendations:

  • The animal most often gets inside the house by digging. Therefore, it is recommended to pour a reliable concrete floor. You can also build a wooden covering covered with metal.
  • Make sure that the structure has no gaps in the walls, doors, or roof. The roof must be reliable.
  • If there is a ventilation system, it is necessary to install a mesh that will prevent predators from entering the room.
  • There is no way to make a strong floor? Fence the poultry house with a fine mesh, which must be dug 0.5 m into the ground.
  • Keep the area clean. Dumps of old branches and garbage heaps attract ferrets.

If you follow these rules, you may not have to learn how to get rid of ferrets in your home. The main thing is to prevent this cunning animal from entering your domain.

Prevention or how to secure a poultry house?

As a preventative measure for the chicken coop and to save the livestock, birds are recommended to regularly inspect the premises for the presence of fresh holes in the walls, roof or tunnels. A high-quality concrete floor will solve the problem of furry visitors entering through holes, and external partitions lined with iron at the bottom of the chicken coop will prevent it from chewing through the floors.

Professionals try to build poultry houses above the ground, placing it on stilts. Additionally, a fine mesh is dug in along the bottom of the perimeter to a depth of 50-70 cm. This will protect the room from penetration from below.

In order not to once again attract the attention of natural hunters, it is not recommended to make a dump near the outer wall of the poultry house or to store empty boxes and crates for a long time. It is not advisable to dump manure nearby or use fish remains as fertilizer. Since this can attract not only a ferret or weasel, but also a fox, which is more difficult to repel.

By detecting the uninvited guest in time and preventing his further visits, the owner will protect his birds. If you try to tame a ferret, you can get a faithful guard and a beautiful friend.

Fellow saboteurs

Special mention should be made of the ferret's closest relative, the weasel. Things are more complicated with her. It is so flexible and fidgety that it fits into holes 2–3 centimeters in size.

  • Only strengthening the foundation and floor will not save you: the entire room will have to be sealed.
  • It is better to seal holes in walls and ceilings with cement.
  • If the structure is wooden, then put patches made of wood or iron in places of possible penetration.
  • Polyurethane foam and soft sealants are useless; soon there will be a gaping hole in this place again.

Weasel . Weasel is the smallest representative of predators in the world, which is distributed everywhere. She is fearless and aggressive, even a person cannot scare her away. It easily and quickly deals with rodents, snakes, frogs, and birds. Despite her cute face, she is a disaster for poultry farmers, as in a short period of time she can kill the entire population of birds.

Marten . Another fellow pest is the marten, although it tries not to get close to human settlements, preferring to live in forests. She settles in hollows and spends a lot of time moving through the trees. Outwardly similar to a ferret, but a little larger in size and has an incredibly beautiful large tail and valuable fur skin.

Since the animal will defend its life and become very aggressive, special care should be taken when removing the ferret from a trap or trap.

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