Calorie content Domestic duck, meat only. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional properties

Duck, like other types of meat, is an excellent source of high-quality protein and contains a balanced set of amino acids. A serving of duck meat will provide generous amounts of iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. Poultry fillet contains slightly less potassium, magnesium, vitamins E, A, C and folic acid.

By the way, 100 g of duck contains almost half of the recommended daily intake of niacin (nicotinic acid), which helps reduce “bad” cholesterol in the bloodstream. The iron contained in fillet improves blood composition and provides the body with the necessary vitality. Duck meat is also known as a rich source of vitamin B6, a substance important for the formation of antibodies in the human body and has a beneficial effect on cells of the nervous system (as well as vitamins B5 and B12). Selenium, which is part of the vitamin-mineral complex of duck meat, activates the function of the thyroid gland, and together with zinc, restores the immune system.

In its nutritional composition, duck is very similar to other types of meat. Thigh, drumstick and duck breast without skin are the most dietary parts. They contain less fat and calories than chicken or turkey. For this reason, lean duck is an excellent ingredient in any diet. But it is important to know that duck fat is also a very useful food component and has many advantages. But more on that a little later.

Nutritional value of duck (per 100 g raw product)

Meat with skinLean meat
Calorie content337 kcal201 kcal (breast, leg – 140 kcal)
Fats28 g11 g
Squirrels19 g24 g
Carbohydrates0.95 g1.2 g
Iron2.6 mg2.6 mg
Potassium205 mg252 mg
Calcium13 mg12 mg
Magnesium15 mg20 mg
Manganese0.03 mg0.03 mg
Copper0.24 mg0.24 mg
Sodium60 mg65 mg
Selenium21 mcg22 mcg
Thiamine0.18 mg0.27 mg
Phosphorus157 mg203 mg
Zinc1.8 mg2.7 mg
Vitamin A210 IU77 IU
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.27 mg0.47 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacin)4.8 mg5.1 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)1.1 mg1.5 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.18 mg0.26 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)6 mcg11 mcg
Vitamin B120.3 mcg0.4 mcg
Vitamin E (tocopherol)0.8 mg0.8 mg
Saturated fatty acids9.7 g4.2 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids12.9 g3.7 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids3.7 g1.4 g
Linoleic acid3.4 g1.3 g

The role of duck meat for the body

This may surprise you, but the meat of an ordinary domestic duck can work wonders. It contains components on which the performance of most systems in the human body depends.


Selenium contained in duck protects cells from free radicals, which have a destructive effect on the human body. By the way, 100 g of duck meat contains almost 43% of the recommended daily intake of selenium.

Help with anemia

Duck fillet contains several beneficial substances that protect against anemia. In particular, we are talking about vitamin B12 (important as a preventive agent), phosphorus (important for energy production) and iron (necessary for the formation of hemoglobin). By the way, iron reserves in duck are almost 2 times higher than the mineral content in beef, and more than 4 times higher than in pork and chicken. The concentration of vitamin B12 is approximately 3 times higher than the content of the substance in other types of meat.


You can restore the immune system using different methods. And among the simplest and most delicious is duck meat. The product contains important antioxidants selenium and zinc. These substances enhance the body's ability to resist free radicals.

Physical and mental health

The human body constantly needs copper, on which physical and mental health depends. And poultry meat (duck in any form) contains a significant amount of this mineral. Also, do not forget about a significant amount of B vitamins, without which the proper functioning of the nervous system is impossible.

Bone strength

The biochemical composition of duck promotes the mineralization of bone tissue, strengthening bones and teeth. When consumed regularly, it serves as a natural preventative against osteoporosis.

Metabolism and weight loss

B vitamins and polyunsaturated acids, in particular Omega-6, accelerate metabolic processes in the body and prevent the accumulation of excess fat. In addition, zinc activates enzymatic processes that play a key role in metabolism. The high protein content keeps you full for a long time after a meal, which is also an important point for effective weight loss.


Selenium is an important mineral for thyroid function. A tasty and easy way to replenish your reserves of this substance is domestic duck meat. 100 grams of product contains almost a quarter of the daily value for adults.

Skin and hair

Almost 30 percent of the daily value of riboflavin is provided by a 100-gram serving of duck. This vitamin, along with niacin, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, are essential nutrients for maintaining healthy skin and hair.


Surely, when you mention this type of meat, you immediately think of duck baked with apples. This is perhaps the most popular dish. But in fact, duck can not only be baked in the oven, but also fried, boiled, stewed, salted and smoked. Very often, poultry is stuffed with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and dried fruits.

Duck meat is incredibly tasty if it is cooked in pots. Duck meat also makes excellent broths, jellied meat and jelly, pilaf and salads, stews and sausage. There are a lot of options. But if you adhere to proper nutrition, then not all dishes will be acceptable for you. Let's try to figure out what the calorie content of duck is and what types of processing are best to use when on a diet.

Beneficial properties of duck fat

Duck fat, despite its high calorie content, is a very healthy product. From a dietary point of view, it is considered healthier than butter or beef fat. And in terms of chemical and physical properties it resembles olive oil.

In terms of its composition, duck fat is almost 36% saturated, 50.5% monounsaturated (mainly linoleic acid) and 13.7% polyunsaturated fats (high concentration of omega-3 and omega-6). According to these indicators, the product is more reminiscent of olive oil and animal fats. And the melting point of duck fat is significantly lower than the temperature of the human body (about 14 degrees Celsius), so it is easily excreted from the body.

We will not talk at length about the benefits of each of the listed types of fat, we will only note that, according to research, people who regularly consume duck liver live much longer and are less at risk of developing heart disease. And the liver of this bird is known to be quite a fatty product.

Contrary to popular myths, most nutritionists agree: duck fat is a healthy product, and by consuming it (without abuse, of course), you don’t have to worry about adverse effects.

Who benefits from duck?

Having analyzed the biochemical composition of duck, we can say that, as a natural medicine, this meat is useful for people with:

  • high cholesterol (niacin removes low-density lipoproteins from the body);
  • the risk of cardiovascular diseases (B vitamins strengthen blood vessels);
  • diabetes (nicotinic acid stabilizes blood glucose);
  • osteoporosis and other diseases of bone tissue;
  • weakened immune system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • obesity;
  • general weakness in the body;
  • violation of enzymatic activity;
  • malignant formations;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the skin, hair, nails.

There is also an opinion that duck meat improves male potency. But we emphasize once again that all the beneficial properties of this meat are relevant only with moderate consumption of poultry. Excessive enthusiasm for a product can have the opposite effect.

Wild duck: benefits and harm

Wild duck fillets can serve as a good alternative to domesticated poultry. Moreover, the calorie content of wild species is approximately 2 times lower, and the fat content is almost 6 times less.

But there are some nuances that are important to pay attention to. Wild birds tend to be much smaller. Their meat is tougher and will take longer to cook. In addition, game birds are often carriers of dangerous parasites. And any mistake in cooking a carcass can result in a serious illness. For these reasons, wild duck is not a good choice for pregnant women, children and people weakened by illness.


The mallard wild duck can be considered the ancestor of modern domestic ducks. In different places, its domestication occurred at different periods. For example, in the first century BC, Colummela, a Roman agricultural scientist, advised taking the eggs of wild ducks and placing them under a brood hen, indicating the beginning of the domestication process. The same scientist wrote in his writings that special yards were organized in Rome for keeping ducks.

Much earlier, the domestication of ancient ducks took place in China. It was there that incubation of duck eggs was first used - they were placed in baskets with heated chaff and placed on top of each other in heated rooms. And the Indians domesticated the warty duck, which was later brought to Europe. Since then, many breeds of domestic ducks have been developed.

Today, the most common species on private farms are gray Ukrainian and mallard ducks.

How to choose the right duck

Not everyone is lucky enough to raise domestic ducks on their own. But this is not a reason to give up healthy meat. At the market or in the supermarket at any time of the year you can buy a carcass of the desired size. But size in this case does not serve as an indicator of quality. Although a very large duck is usually a very old bird, which is not the best choice (except if the bird is bought for its fat). When choosing a drake, it is important to pay attention to other nuances. So, a fresh duck should have:

  • shiny skin with a yellow tint (should not stick to fingers);
  • elastic carcass;
  • bright red meat inside the bird;
  • light-colored fat and yellow legs (a sign of a young bird);
  • fresh smell.


Duck is a bird from the Anatidae family. Depending on the type, it can be small or medium in size. In total, there are more than 100 species of ducks in the world, among which are pochards, river ducks, mallards, ducks, muscovy, steamer ducks, etc. The domesticated duck is one of the most common birds in the whole world. They are divided into three main breeds: meat breeds (Peking, Gray Ukrainian, Black Whitebreasted), egg breeds (Indian Runners) and meat breeds (Mirror, Khaki Campbell). On average, a domestic duck weighs 2-4 kg.

Beef breeds are raised for meat. Moreover, these breeds have increased early maturity: with good care, these ducks gain 2-2.5 kg in two months. Egg-bearing ducks are raised for the sake of producing eggs and they lay eggs just as well as chickens. Meat-producing breeds are raised for both duck meat and eggs. In two months, meat-egg breeds gain weight up to one and a half kg.

Duck in cooking

Perhaps the most delicious duck recipes are the work of the Chinese. And there is nothing strange in this, because it was they who were the first to “domesticate” ducks and breed the most popular meat breed of birds – the Peking. For centuries, each Chinese family has kept its own recipe for the “most delicious duck” and prepared a “signature dish” for the holidays. Today there are thousands of recipes for delicacies made from this poultry. Here are a few of the most interesting ones.

Chinese soup

To prepare this traditional Chinese dish, of course, you will need duck. For 1 kg of poultry meat, take 2.5 liters of water, a couple of sour plums, chopped carrots (about 50 g), some chopped dried mushrooms, 3 tomatoes, 3 garlic cloves, 2-3 slices of ginger. And one more exotic ingredient – ​​pickled Chinese mustard leaves. But in our conditions this component can be replaced with ordinary sauerkraut.

The soup is very easy to prepare. To begin, add water to the bird carcass and cook for about 40 minutes. Let the broth steep. Then add the remaining ingredients to the pan and cook over very low heat for at least 3 hours. Shortly before the end of cooking, add the tomatoes, cut into small slices.

By the way, the Chinese consider this soup medicinal.

Duck breast with plum sauce

For the sauce, fry the shallots in oil (until transparent), add a few peeled, sliced ​​plums (250 g) and sugar (50 g). When the sugar dissolves, pour in 50 ml of dry wine (red) and 350 ml of meat broth. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes (the sauce should thicken slightly).

While the sauce is preparing, salt and pepper the duck breast, place it in a deep frying pan, skin side up, and lightly fry. Transfer to a saucepan (along with the fat), add thyme and anise. Bake in the oven until fully cooked, periodically baste the carcass with the resulting juice and fat. Divide the finished meat into portions and pour over the plum sauce.

Oriental salad

Mix pre-cooked rice noodles with chopped carrots, celery, cucumber and green onions. Add roasted duck meat cut into small slices. For salad dressing, use a mixture of soy sauce and hoisin sauce with 2 tablespoons of water.


Duck meat has a characteristic dark color, it is very tender, although quite fatty. To cook a duck, you first need to cut it. This process is very simple. She needs to cut off her head and neck, as well as the tips of her wings. Remove all entrails and excess fat, then be sure to rinse well under running water. Then pour boiling water over it and let it dry. And to complete this procedure, press the legs and wings of the duck to its body. Only after this can you start cooking the duck. Boiled duck makes very tasty soups. It can be served along with cereals and vegetables. Serving boiled duck as an independent dish will also be beneficial. Any, even the most inexperienced housewife, can handle its preparation.

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