Fighting cockroaches with Dichlorvos. How to poison cockroaches? Does it help or not? Safety precautions during processing

Living with cockroaches in the same area is unlikely to please any people. Unfortunately, even now, in the age of significant improvements in sanitary and epidemiological conditions, no one is safe from the arrival of such annoying neighbors. What to do if annoying insects appear in the house?

"Dichlorvos for cockroaches"! In the fight against uninvited tenants, this drug continues to be the No. 1 remedy for more than half a century. Why do most consumers prefer this particular aerosol?

A brief excursion into history

In those days when the chemical industry was just taking its first steps, it was impossible to see the usual range of insecticidal products on store shelves.

Our mothers and grandmothers had to invent a variety of ways to destroy harmful red insects. At the same time, the effectiveness of homemade drugs was not always high, and it was very difficult to deliver a decisive blow to hordes of cockroaches.

The appearance of Dichlorvos became a real salvation for many Soviet housewives. Exterminating cockroaches has become much easier. The synthetic insecticide acted quickly, reliably and always gave 100% results.

Every family in the country used this drug at least once in their life and shared the results with pleasure.

The lack of healthy competition in the market has led to Dichlorvos gaining incredible popularity among consumers. People, by and large, had nothing to choose from.

A little history

The formula for the toxic substance was developed in the middle of the last century in the USSR. It is based on dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate, a powerful insecticide with nerve paralytic action. The product was produced in aerosol cans and emitted a sharp, specific odor.

Before the advent of the first insecticides, it was necessary to poison insects with kerosene and turpentine, so Dichlorvos quickly gained popularity. The aerosol had powerful poisonous properties that affected not only pests, but also people. To use it without harm to health, strict safety rules were required.

Chemical composition

The aerosol is based on the synthetic organophosphorus insecticide dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate. It is from this difficult-to-pronounce word that the familiar name Dichlorvos comes from.

Of course, the effectiveness of its use was undeniable. However, over time, it was noticed that cockroaches quickly developed resistance to this element. The insects simply stopped reacting to it after several treatments.

The luminaries of chemical development had no choice but to begin improving the working aerosol formula.

Very soon there was no trace left of the original composition. Toxic not only to insects, but also to humans, dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate has been replaced by safer and more effective composites.

In second generation dichlorvos, pyrethroids are used as toxic substances. They are less toxic, practically odorless, and retain their insecticidal properties much longer.

In recent years, the range of products for exterminating cockroaches has been simply amazing. Many young brands have proven themselves well in the market. Raid and Raptor were worthy competition for Dichlorvos.

However, there is nothing stronger than “genetic memory”, and intuitively consumers continue to look for the old, time-tested Soviet Dichlorvos.

Enterprising manufacturers, who prefer to keep their nose to the wind, very quickly sensed what modern housewives needed and registered their products under the name Dichlorvos, adding to them an additional word identifying the brand. This is how the following appeared on store shelves:

  • Varan;
  • Terminator;
  • Neo;
  • Eco;
  • Extra;
  • Clean house.

All these products are labeled with the popular word “Dichlorvos”. It is difficult to say which of these drugs is most effective and efficient. After all, the quality of insect extermination depends on a host of additional conditions.

Safety precautions

Dichlorvos is not capable of causing serious harm to health. Poisoning with this drug is most easily tolerated by people, a little worse by pets. Piperonyl butoxide, which is part of many sprays, has a negative effect on the well-being of rats and mice. All pyrethroids are poisonous to reptiles, cockroaches, and fish.

Warm-blooded animals, having inhaled Dichlorvos vapors, become aggressive, they exhibit hyperactivity, and noticeable tremor of the limbs.

Preparations containing a mixture of permethrin and cypermethrin are practically safe for humans (hazard class 3). In rare cases, they may cause redness and burning if they come into contact with the skin.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, disinfestation with Dichlorvos must be carried out while wearing gloves, tight, closed clothing, and a respirator.

Spray manufacturers mask the unpleasant odor with fragrances. Despite the pleasant aroma of the drugs, during processing you can easily inhale the vapors of the poison. At the first signs of illness, you must leave the room and go out into the fresh air.

Modified dichlorvos

Modern dichlorvos include the following composites:

  1. Permethrin;
  2. Cypermethrin;
  3. Piperonyl butoxide;
  4. Fragrances.


Pyrethroid of contact-gastric action. It enters the body of insects through the respiratory system and chitinous membranes of the body. Causes impaired coordination of movement, seizures, convulsions and death.

After spraying, the aerosol settles on the surfaces being treated and retains its insecticidal properties for 2 to 3 weeks.

Moving along the invisible layer, insects consume a lethal dose of the drug, collecting it on their legs and antennae. It is this feature that explains the fact that Prussians continue to die even 15–20 days after treatment.

Piperonyl butoxide

It is a synergist by nature. It does not have pronounced toxic effects, but is capable of several times enhancing the inhibitory properties of the composites included in the preparation.

Unfortunately, the element decomposes very quickly in the presence of oxygen and ultraviolet rays. Therefore, there is no need to independently increase the time of exposure of the drug to the treated area.

The use of this composite is justified in cases where it is necessary to act on insects with a pronounced ability to resist, and cockroaches belong to this group of arthropods.


Like cypermethrin, it has a detrimental effect on the nervous system of cockroaches, causing them to have convulsions that end in death.

Please pay attention when purchasing. Some dichlorvos are labeled with the letter L. This means that they are intended only for the destruction of lice, but are ineffective for the extermination of other insects. The explanation for this is the most banal. The aerosol contains only one active substance - permethrin.

As you can see, in modern Dichlorvos there is nothing left except the name. However, there is no need to regret past medications. After all, modified products have a number of advantages compared to first-generation analogues.

  1. They have become more destructive to insects and less harmful to humans and domestic animals.
  2. The period of exposure to cockroaches has increased. Even after thoroughly ventilating the room, the Prussians continue to die.
  3. The unpleasant, pungent aroma has disappeared.

The effect of dichlorvos on cockroaches from modern spray cans

99% of the so-called “dichlorvos” consist of synthetic pyrethroids that are safer for humans: ranging from permethrin and other low-toxic compounds, ending with cypermethrin, to which many populations of cockroaches have already developed resistance.

In order for the product to be allowed to be sold to the public, the manufacturer has to seek a compromise between effectiveness and harmlessness, because the aerosol significantly increases the hazard class of any insecticide, especially organophosphorus. It remains to either include the least toxic components in the composition, or significantly reduce their concentrations.

Today, insect repellent cans do not contain FOS insecticides, since their use in aerosol form increases the hazard class.

How does dichlorvos work on cockroaches?

Most products in aerosol packaging, including those labeled “dichlorvos,” have a short-term lethal effect on insects and are mainly aimed at repelling results. Cockroaches are more likely to be afraid of dichlorvos than to die from it. And, judging by consumer reviews, every year dichlorvos is less and less effective against them.

In addition, one cannot count on a residual effect. The chemical composition decomposes too quickly when exposed to sunlight, humidity and high temperatures.

Despite this, experience with use and individual reviews indicate that dichlorvos helps some people against cockroaches.

How to find the best remedy?

Looking at the shelves of specialized stores, it is very difficult not to get confused and choose the best product. The range of inhibitors is truly amazing. Today, in addition to aerosols, you can purchase:

  • traps;
  • gels;
  • crayons;
  • powders;
  • smoke bombs.

All of them have their adherents and have fairly high performance indicators. How not to make a mistake and choose the optimal remedy?

Purchase cockroach control products only from specialized stores or supermarkets. Do not make purchases in places of unauthorized trade from dubious sellers, lured by incredibly low prices. These simple rules will save you from the risk of purchasing counterfeit goods, the benefits of which are unlikely.

If you have an urgent need to kill cockroaches here and now, then the Dichlorvos aerosol can will do the job perfectly.

In just a few hours you will be able to get rid of uninvited guests. This product will help remove insects from the most inaccessible crevices and nooks. In addition, the pricing policy of manufacturers is quite loyal.

For a reasonable price, you can easily purchase a truly productive drug and solve the problem with annoying tenants.

Note. Dichlorvos does not affect cockroach nests. Therefore, to achieve 100% results, it makes sense to carry out cyclic treatment of the room, with a frequency of 10 - 15 days. If you follow some simple rules, after just 3 steps, you will get rid of mustachioed insects once and for all.

How does dichlorvos affect cockroaches?

Cockroaches are more active after dichlorvos because the nervous system activates the muscular system, causing spasms. But if the dosage is lethal, then it does not last long, until the first convulsions and complete paralysis.

Is dichlorvos effective?

You can use different drugs on the same population of cockroaches, getting the same result . Or you can treat different populations with one effective remedy, and all cockroaches will behave differently . We have already figured out what this depends on.

Now it is important to learn how to determine in practice what certain reactions indicate.

Signs of resistance

Let's say you bought a jar of conditional dichlorvos and sprayed it directly on cockroaches, but this led to zero results (0 dead individuals). What does it mean?

You are probably dealing with insect resistance, which is inherent at the genetic level and passed on from previous generations.

In principle, dichlorvos will not work on such cockroaches, no matter how many cylinders you spray or how much you increase the dosage. Their nervous system does not react to the poison in any way, because during the process of metabolism, harmful substances are quickly neutralized and eliminated from the body.

Signs of irritability

If after baiting you notice that insects are crawling away, moving from the just treated room to neighboring ones, this does not mean that your cockroaches have become too smart. They are simply characterized by the same irritability - increased physiological sensitivity.

Their random movement from one area to another, “sitting” on the ceiling, electric stove, refrigerator and other atypical places indicates only one thing: another treatment is required, and possibly with a different drug.

By the way, if you use dichlorvos against cockroaches ineptly (i.e. at the wrong time and in the wrong place), it will irritate them in any case - regardless of whether such irritability is genetically fixed or not.

Preparing the apartment for processing

In multi-storey buildings, cockroach families regularly migrate through numerous apartments. The constant growth of the population leads to such movements. If the number of individuals exceeds the critical mass mark by one square meter, then some of the insects go to explore new territories.

Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary for cockroaches to come into the apartment in pairs. It is so arranged by nature that a once fertilized female can give birth to offspring throughout her life.

If only one individual has entered your home, then very soon the number of parasites will increase to unimaginable proportions. The sooner you notice such unpleasant neighbors in your home, the easier and faster the process of eliminating them will be.

Most often, cockroaches enter new territories through:

  • ventilation and smoke shafts;
  • cracks in floors and slabs;
  • sewer pipes;
  • grooves in the walls.

Therefore, in order to rid yourself of newly arrived individuals, it is necessary to isolate the apartment from general communications. For this.

  1. Install a special decorative grille with mesh on the ventilation duct.
  2. Carefully seal all existing cracks. Pay special attention to areas on window sills, baseboards, and entrance doors.
  3. Do not forget about inserting sewer risers, water and gas pipes. As practice shows, these are the weakest areas in the “defense” of the apartment.
  4. Pay attention to the entry into the apartment of the central core from the electric meter, television antenna or Internet cable. If necessary, seal all holes and microcracks hermetically.
  5. Despite the fact that manufacturers of chemical insecticides claim that they are completely safe for the human body, you should not expose yourself to dubious risks. Before baiting insects, be sure to pack all food products, cover dishes and kitchen utensils with plastic wrap, so that not a single drop of aerosol subsequently gets into the gastrointestinal tract of any of your family members.
  6. If you have an aquarium with fish, do not forget to cover it with glass and turn off the compressor supplying air. Pyrethroids dissolve well in liquid and retain all their properties even in an aquatic environment, so they can cause a serious blow to aquarium inhabitants.

Only after this can you begin to process the room.

Features of application

The instructions for use, printed on the bottle with the product, are concise and superficial. In order for the fight against insects to be as effective as possible and without unpleasant consequences for household members, you need to arm yourself with many years of experience of housewives and advice from professionals.

Spray locations

The method of using Dichlorvos is quite simple - you need to spray the contents of the bottle. But it is important to find the right places so that the largest number of pests come into contact with the insecticide, and so as not to “contaminate” the atmosphere of the room with an excess amount of chemicals. Namely:

  • along the baseboard;
  • in cracks in the floor and walls;
  • near water pipes;
  • for batteries (only not during the heating season);
  • next to plumbing fixtures;
  • along the perimeter of windows and doors;
  • under the window sills;
  • on the back walls of furniture and under them;
  • in closets;
  • near the ventilation openings;
  • behind the refrigerator and kitchen stove.

Some cockroaches, sensing something is wrong, may go to their neighbors through the ventilation pipes. To prevent pests from returning, cover the holes with mesh or place traps with boric acid or insecticidal gel.

6 Ways to Increase Efficiency

There are six ways to increase the effectiveness of an insecticide.

  1. Shake the can. It is necessary to lift active substances from the bottom that have a detrimental effect on cockroaches.
  2. Do not spray the product into the air. The insecticide is designed specifically to treat specific places and surfaces where insects live.
  3. Maintain the correct distance. Keep the can at a distance of about 20 cm from the surface to be treated.
  4. Prepare the surfaces. Wipe off dust and remove other contaminants.
  5. Open up access to far corners. It is better to move the furniture to the middle of the room. If possible, remove carpets from floors and walls.
  6. Limit air circulation. After treating the room, you need to close the windows and doors tightly for at least five hours.

Cockroaches often hide inside household appliances. Despite this, it is strictly forbidden to treat equipment with Dichlorvos. This may negatively affect the quality of work.

Safety rules when working with Dichlorvos

At the moment of spraying aerosols, the concentration of synthetic substances in the room reaches significant levels.

Despite the fact that modern active ingredients are less toxic than dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate, they can have harmful effects on the human body. Therefore, during the treatment of the premises, it is necessary to vacate the home from all family members, as well as from pets.

To reduce the risk of contact with harmful composites, treatment of the apartment should be carried out in clothing that well covers all areas of the body. A respirator and rubber gloves are essential accessories for those who want to protect themselves from harmful fumes.

Naturally, the concentration of insecticides is not enough to cause serious damage to human health, but here it is:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • lacrimation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • allergic reactions may well occur during spraying of the aerosol.

If you do not have a respirator, you should not rely on chance and start working without it. In a matter of minutes, you can build its analogue from several layers of gauze and cotton wool. If during treatment you feel:

  • sore throat;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • lacrimation should immediately stop the procedure and go out into fresh air.

To minimize risks, the apartment should be treated with the windows open, and close them only before leaving the room.

After the specified time, the rooms should be thoroughly ventilated. It is necessary for complete air exchange to occur. Only after this can you return home.

Keep in mind that cats are very sensitive to the effects of pyrethroids.

If possible, isolate animals for several days. You should also promptly sweep up and throw away dead Prussians so that your pets do not eat their remains.

After all, even such a microscopic dose is quite enough to poison pets. Excessive salivation and poor coordination of movements are the first signs that the kitten has been poisoned.

Actions in case of poisoning

Dichlorvos and its analogues should be used with extreme caution. But even protective clothing and a respirator do not provide a 100% guarantee. Residual vapors of the insecticide may be inhaled by household members.

Stages and symptoms

Depending on the severity, there are three stages of Dichlorvos poisoning. Their characteristics are given in the table.

Table - Stages of Dichlorvos poisoning

Stage of poisoningDevelopment timeSymptoms
First (excitement)In 20 minutes- Dizziness; - emotional arousal; - migraine; - nausea; - lack of coordination; - bronchial cough; - constriction of the pupils; - tachycardia; - high blood pressure
Second (convulsive)In a few hours— Physical weakness; - labored breathing; - frequent urge to urinate; - muscle spasms; - state of stupor; - fainting; - increased salivation; - lack of pupillary reaction to light
Third (paralytic)In a few hours- Loss of consciousness; - complete immobility; - lack of response to external stimuli; - rapid breathing

Having noticed signs of the initial stage of Dichlorvos poisoning, you must immediately provide first aid to the person. The second and third stages require hospitalization and drug treatment. You need to react quickly, because the consequences of poisoning can be very serious.

First aid

Symptoms of mild poisoning (first stage) disappear after three hours with timely provision of first aid. It implies four points.

  1. Access to fresh air. It is best to take the victim outside. If this is not possible, the person should be moved to a room that has not been treated and the windows should be opened.
  2. Correct position. The victim should relax, so it is better for him to lie down.
  3. Removing obstructions to breathing. You need to unfasten the collar and belt on your trousers. It is better to take off tight clothes.
  4. Cleaning the upper respiratory tract. If the victim is conscious, you need to prepare a weak soda solution to rinse your mouth and throat.

If the victim has lost consciousness, under no circumstances let him sniff ammonia. It is strictly forbidden to give soda and laxatives to drink.

The insecticide has high preventive activity. If you know that your neighbors have cockroaches or insects appear in the entrance, immediately spray the area of ​​the front door and ventilation holes with an aerosol. After this, the pests will definitely not come around.

How to properly treat a room?

Before starting work, the aerosol can should be shaken thoroughly.

The aerosol should be used from a distance of 20 cm. It is necessary to begin treatment from places where the Prussians accumulate under baseboards, under window sills, and in kitchen cabinets. They also prefer to live in household appliances, stoves, ovens behind sinks.

Peeling wallpaper and cracks under tiles are real refuges for mustachioed residents. It would not be a bad idea to spray the aerosol on the walls, floors, ceilings - wherever the cockroach trails are.

Review of reviews about Dichlorvos

People highly rate aerosol insecticides and leave good reviews about Dichlorvos for cockroaches. Users confirm that the poisoning ability is maximally manifested when treating pest nests and advise combining disinfestation with the drug using traps, poisonous gels and crayons.

Yulia from the Ryazan region shared her experience of using Dichlorvos in a two-room apartment:

“Last year, cockroaches came in from the neighbors. The hardware store recommended Dichlorvos Varan, odorless. I sprayed the product in places where Prussians gathered, furniture in the kitchen and rooms, cracks under the windowsill, in the bathroom and left for a day. When I returned, I found the corpses of pests right on the floor. In order not to leave the parasites the slightest chance, after cleaning I applied an insecticidal gel to the baseboards. I can say that the disinfestation lived up to expectations. The Prussians disappeared and do not appear again."

Feedback from people leaves no doubt that if the instructions are followed, Dichlorvos shows good results and reliably protects the house from cockroach invasion.

Instead of an afterword

Getting rid of household pests is a troublesome and time-consuming task. It is very rare that someone manages to achieve 100% results the first time, especially if the number of insects is off the charts. The presence of cockroaches in neighboring apartments can also ruin all efforts.

Therefore, it is much more productive to reach an agreement with neighbors and treat the building together. Moreover, we should not forget about the technical premises. Basements, attics, and boiler rooms may well become a breeding ground for infection, from where insects will spread to comfortable apartments.

Advantages and disadvantages

The insecticide has pros and cons, as indicated by customer reviews. They highlight the following positive properties of the remedy against household parasites:

  • price and consumer availability;
  • quick results;
  • no marks on interior items;
  • prolonged nature of action;
  • no odor;
  • ability to decompose into safe compounds;
  • versatility;
  • efficiency.

The main disadvantage of Dichlorvos is toxicity. It is not recommended to use it in the presence of children and pets. Some varieties of the product have no effect on laid eggs and larvae, so it may be necessary to re-treat.

Customer Reviews

Review #1. Elena, Moscow:

“During our long life in an apartment building, cockroaches have passed us by. Perhaps there was one Prussian running past from a neighbor’s apartment, but he was immediately eliminated with the first slipper or newspaper that came to hand. So these nasty insects did not bother us, and we lived a calm, clean life. But suddenly an attack happened. Someone in the entrance raised a whole army of cockroaches, which moved to conquer new territories. And they also reached our apartment. All available means were used, even kerosene. All nearby stores were deprived of stocks of Dichlorvos by neighbors who came to their senses more quickly. Without giving up my search, I found the can I needed and cut it not for a couple of hours, as indicated in the instructions, but for the whole night. I had to spend the night with a friend, but the result met my expectations. The cockroaches left the premises, except that they lost hundreds of fighters on this battlefield.”

Review #2. Anna, Voskresensk:

“I’ve been struggling for a long time with cockroaches that run from my upstairs neighbors. This is some kind of horror, you won't believe it. They are running from everywhere! I have already tried different brands of dichlorvos, but nothing helped. I sprayed all the cracks, it seems to me that the whole apartment was saturated with this chemical. I’ve already tried even my grandmother’s recipes for getting rid of cockroaches, but nothing works. Insects are so adapted to all types of weapons that only a nuclear war would take them. But in this regard, I heard the opinion that they will be the only survivors. My opinion is that Dichlorvos is powerless in the fight against this immortal insect. The only way out is manual killing.”

Review #3. Natalya, Tula:

“I’ve tried so many things against insects! Cockroaches and fleas also attacked. Dichlorvos helped with everything. It even works great as a mosquito repellent. When I found it on the shelves, I was pleasantly surprised, because it was my long-forgotten memory from childhood. He coped with the task and is coping very well. I'm happy with the result."

History of the drug and modern types of Dichlorvos

There are several types of the drug. Moreover, this is one of the very first means to combat cockroaches. It is one of the most effective because the creators are constantly improving it and making it more universal.

The first Soviet drug was created on the basis of dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate. It was an aerosol in large cans and was marketed as a spray for home use that kills various insects. The product really successfully fought against cockroaches, flies, fleas, moths and other parasites.

Structural formula of Dimethyldichlorovinylphosphate

This type of dichlorvos did not completely suit people for several reasons:

  • It had a specific pungent odor;
  • It was a strong poison for insects, but it also affected people;
  • A person could be poisoned at the slightest deviation from the rules of protection.

But since the product was still effective, they could not refuse it, but were used mainly in dachas, where a person did not have to live for a long time.

Dichlorvos produced in the USSR (1986)

Modern versions of the drug are not dangerous for people, and they can be freely used at home.

Dichlorvos "Universal"

Dichlorvos "Universal" is used to destroy all flying and non-flying insects. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of opening. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be used in the presence of children, animals, and all food products must be removed. It is also dangerous to leave the cylinder at temperatures above 40 degrees. But the smell of the product is quite pleasant, so immediately after treating the room you can move in again.

The average cost is 90 rubles.

Aerosol Dichlorvos "Universal" - reviews

Dichlorvos is a frequent guest in our house. Previously it was in a silver bottle, now it is in yellow-red. We use it both in a Moscow apartment and in a country house. Destroys everything that moves and more! At the dacha we remove ants, flies and other parasites, but in Moscow we remove cockroaches. There’s no point in arguing about effectiveness here; insects die instantly. It’s just hard to breathe after using it indoors, you need to ventilate it. I always spray in a construction respirator. I'll have to look for an unscented spray next time.

Few people have not heard of such a drug as Dichlorvos. I saw many modern types of this product in the store. Lately I’ve been using Dichlorvos universal, it helps just like everyone else. Cockroaches die out, but then new ones appear. Apparently they are running from their neighbors. At the same time, I sprayed it under their door and next to the hoods, I hope they won’t come running again.

Dichlorvos "Eco"

Dichlorvos "Eco" is as effective in the fight against cockroaches as its analogues. Its advantage is that it not only does not have an unpleasant odor, but contains flavorings, among which each buyer can choose their favorite scent.

The average cost is 95 rubles.

Dichlorvos "Eco"

Aerosol Dichlorvos "Eco" - reviews

Dichlorvos ECO, unlike the usual one, smells more pleasant - lavender, but still with an admixture of something chemical. They just added some fragrance. It works the same way. It costs a little more than regular dichlorvos.

The word “eco” usually suggests that a product is environmentally friendly. It's really just a marketing ploy. It’s just that the smell is not so pungent, it is drowned out by the scent of lavender, which insects, by the way, don’t like either. But in general, this is a good effective remedy for pests and parasites in the apartment.

Dichlorvos "Neo"

This drug has no odor at all. It does not spoil the surface of the furniture; no marks remain on it. Also, the result of its use is visible almost immediately. Although this version of dichlorvos still remains dangerous if used carelessly. It is important to immediately rinse your eyes or rinse your mouth if the drug gets on the mucous membranes.

The average cost is 90 rubles.

Dichlorvos "Neo"

Aerosol Dichlorvos "Neo" (Neo) - reviews

The packaging said “unscented”, so I fell for it. I bought it, started spraying it, but the smell is still there, although not as strong as the original Arnest Dichlorvos. The good thing is that it works just as well. It was not possible to compare which one is faster or more effective. Buy the dichlorvos that is cheaper.

I took two bottles from the store - regular and Neo, the composition of the active substances is the same, it’s just that in Neo the smell is actually weaker. The smell did not disappear completely, but became twice as weak. I think that it is better to take a drug that is 10 rubles more expensive, but with a weaker smell, my vote is for Neo.

Dichlorvos "Super"

This product is one of the best in its series. It is made in Japan and has no odor. Dichlorvos “Super” (Jet Super) is one of the latest and most advanced generations of the drug. But such a drug is quite rare.

The average cost is 130 rubles.

Dichlorvos Jet Super

Dichlorvos "Super Economy"

Often on the shelves of supermarkets you can see Dichlorvos “Super Economy”, which does not differ from the usual product in any way, except for a container enlarged by 15%.

The average cost is 80 rubles.

Dichlorvos "Super Economy"

Dichlorvos "Clean House"

This drug is quite outdated, one might say, domestic. It must be used very carefully and strictly according to the instructions. It helps to clear your apartment or house of all unwanted insects in record time.

The average cost is 95 rubles.

Dichlorvos "Clean House"

Dichlorvos "Varan"

This product is distinguished by the fact that it has a long shelf life. There will not be a single parasite in the house, even those who were able to survive the treatment will die within 20 days from the moment of using dichlorvos. And at the same time, not only all kinds of parasites are destroyed, but also their larvae and eggs. There are many varieties of the modern drug Dichlorvos “Varan” on the market, you can see two of them in the photo.

The average cost is 130 rubles.

Dichlorvos "Varan" - 2 types

Dichlorvos "Taiga"

Taiga Dichlorvos is a universal remedy for flying and crawling insects such as flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs. The product is very effective, but like all the others, it is caustic. After treating the room, the manufacturer recommends ventilating the room for 30 minutes. The cost of "Taiga" is slightly higher than its analogues. The price may vary depending on the seller.

The average cost is 155 rubles.

Aerosol Dichlorvos "Taiga" - reviews

The store had the classic red Dichlorvos and this green one, Taiga. I decided to try it, it was one and a half times more expensive than usual. The manufacturer claims that the drug is odorless. In fact, the smell is slightly noticeable, but not as strong as a classic spray. Efficiency at the same level. The surcharge is quite reasonable - there is no smell and the volume of the bottle is larger

Good bug spray. The action is excellent, I tested it in practice on cockroaches and ants, it definitely helps. There is almost no smell, a light fragrance has been added. Next time I’ll take it again, I need to finish poisoning the ants in the barn at the dacha.

Product effectiveness

People who have insects in their home want to know whether dichlorvos helps against bedbugs. The drug contains a number of chemicals that lead to the death of parasites.

But the aerosol only destroys pests that come into contact with insecticide drops. And most bloodsuckers that are not exposed to the poisonous solution often survive.

Is it possible to poison bedbugs with dichlorvos if there are a large number of bedbugs living in the house? If there is an excessive accumulation of insects, it is advisable to carry out comprehensive disinfestation, and the use of a single aerosol will not be effective.

To enhance the effect of the insecticide, it is recommended to spray it on sofas, walls, beds, that is, any nests of bedbugs. The spray does not leave marks on furniture. Its components are absorbed into soft surfaces, which is a good prevention against bloodsuckers.

So, answering the question of whether dichlorvos kills bedbugs, experts note that the insecticide does destroy pests, but only those that have had direct contact with the active components of the product.

The most effective treatment for bedbugs is considered to be comprehensive disinfestation, in which an aerosol is sprayed onto areas of maximum accumulation of parasites. And cracks, window sills and other insect habitats are treated with other potent preparations, for example, liquid concentrates or powders.

Composition, equipment, expiration date

The various types of odorless Dichlorvos presented in the retail chain contain highly effective synthetic pyrethroids, which ensure high effectiveness of the product and the absence of resistance to its components in cockroaches.

On a note!

In addition to the main active ingredients, the product contains aliphatic carbohydrates, dimethyl sulfoxides, piperonyl butoxides, preservatives, fragrances, ethyl alcohol, and stabilizers.

The insecticide is produced in special cans equipped with a sprayer and a lid. This design allows for economical use of Dichlorvos and targeted processing. Packaging capacity 140 – 400 ml. For processing 30 sq.m. You will need a 190 ml can. The shelf life of the cockroach repellent does not exceed 2 years from the moment the package is opened. The pleasant smell of lilac, lavender or rose is achieved through the use of various fragrances by manufacturers.

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