How to get rid of chicken mites: control and prevention measures

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There are many known parasites that cause concern to poultry. The most dangerous mites for chickens are scabies, feather and red mites. Arachnids can parasitize feathers or skin.

Prevention of duck diseases

Basic preventive measures include regular examination of young animals, since most diseases can be diagnosed by external signs at the initial stage of development.
Figure 4. Methods for preventing disease in ducks

Additional preventive measures include regular cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house, monitoring the quality of feed and drinking water and preparing a balanced diet (Figure 4). In addition, it is recommended to add a little potassium permanganate to drinking water, and disinfect all equipment with special solutions.

You will learn more information about duck diseases and methods of preventing them from the video.


  1. Chicken mites cause a lot of inconvenience for both the birds themselves and farmers. Treatment must be carried out without fail, although it is not effective for the same cytodites.
  2. Mites are microscopic and visible to the eye. The former can only be identified by symptoms characteristic of tick infestation and/or using a microscope.
  3. Typically, infected birds are treated 2-4 times at weekly intervals. Please note that solutions and ointments must have a certain concentration, which must not be exceeded.
  4. Most often, chickens of any breed, including Master Gray and Phoenix, are infected between the ages of 3 and 5 months. To detect problems early, inspect your herd regularly.


To prevent poultry from becoming infected with ectoparasites, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Regular cleaning. In a room where it is frequently cleaned and well ventilated, the risk of parasites appearing is several times lower.
  2. Dry baths. A very simple method of preventing feather mites is to place a container with sand and wood ash in the poultry house. Chickens love to bathe in this mixture, which cleanses their feathers and skin.
  3. Regular change of litter. The litter should not remain stale; it should be changed as often as possible.
  4. Preventive disinfection. For the purpose of disinfection, the ceiling and walls of the poultry house are treated with lime. It kills ticks and even various infections. Work equipment must be washed and scalded with boiling water every week.
  5. Quarantine. If a sick bird is found, it is immediately separated from healthy birds. The infected chicken should be kept separately until treatment is completed. If you have purchased a new bird, you cannot immediately place it in a common house. It is also necessary to undergo quarantine.

Skin parasites cause dangerous skin diseases and are carriers of many infections. At the first symptoms of infection with ectoparasites, you need to take action. Sick birds are removed and treated; it is advisable to show healthy birds to a veterinarian. The chicken coop is immediately treated with insectoacaricidal preparations.

Chicken coop treatment

Feather mites in chickens and other types of ectoparasites can live for a long time without a host. They hide in the litter, in the cracks between the boards, in the most secluded corners of the poultry house. Treatment of chickens will not be effective if the chicken coop is not treated.

If you find mites in the poultry house, you must completely vacate the premises, remove all equipment, and burn the litter. After thorough cleaning, all walls and floors should be doused with steam, and metal structures should be heated with a blowtorch. Drinkers and feeders are washed and treated with insectoacaricidal solutions, such as:

  • Vetamectin;
  • Brovermectin;
  • Ectosan;
  • Neocidol.


Sulfur bomb helps get rid of all types of ectoparasites indoors; in addition, it destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi. The treatment is carried out in the absence of birds. After 7–10 days, the procedure is repeated.

How dangerous is the parasite for chickens?

You can diagnose ticks visually by examining the places where the insects live:

  1. Mites that settle in the holes of feathers. Most often they are located under the wings on the neck, in the area of ​​the eyes and beak. When affected, the chicken sharply loses weight and egg production decreases. Bald spots are also observed on the body.
  2. A microscopic mite is almost impossible to notice. It is localized throughout the body. Manifestations can be noticed after 2-3 months, when bumps appear on the paws and the fingers become deformed. Before this, the bird behaves restlessly, as it experiences constant itching and discomfort.
  3. Red tick. More often than others, it affects the body of a chicken. You can notice it when looking through the feathers, it will run across the skin. The check is done in the evening. There will also be bite wounds on the skin.

Not all ticks are dangerous to humans. Ixodid ticks are carriers of Lyme Borelliosis and tick-borne encephalitis. For pests to enter the human bloodstream, direct contact through the blood is necessary. If there is a population of mites in the chicken coop, it must be destroyed using insecticides.

Persian ticks also carry salmonellosis. It causes disease in birds. If you do not notice the symptoms immediately and eat meat or eggs from an infected bird, then a serious infectious disease will develop in the human body. To prevent this, you need to thoroughly heat-treat chicken meat and eggs.

If ticks are found on chickens, immediate measures must be taken to get rid of them. It is necessary to combat mites in chickens in a comprehensive manner.

Preparations for disinfecting chicken coops

Be sure to treat the chicken coop for ticks. The chickens are temporarily relocated. After this, they begin to clean the chicken coop from dirt. It is advisable to do heat treatment in the premises. You can pour boiling water over the floor and walls. But the best way is to use a blowtorch or fire. They completely burn the room, it is better to throw out the old perches and replace them with new perches and crossbars.

The industry produces many products that effectively help get rid of fleas and ticks. They are available for free sale. To treat all surfaces in the chicken coop, it is recommended to purchase the following chemicals:

  • 1% Karbofos. Price 18-60 rubles, depending on packaging.
  • 2% Chlorophos. Sold in powder form. The cost of 1 bucket (800 g) is about 900 rubles.
  • 0.5% Cyodrine.
  • 0.5% Neocidol.

To combat chicken mites, veterinarians advise using special products that are sprayed on birds:

  1. Delcid. A solution is prepared from it. The package contains 5 ampoules. The average price ranges from 128 to 151 rubles.
  2. Butox 50. Concentrated preparation used to prepare a solution. It goes on sale in a TV package containing 5 ampoules of 1 ml each. The cost is about 85 rubles.
  3. Dust. It is used to process bird feathers. Price from 33 rub. (100 g) up to 748 rub. (1 kg)
  4. Milben. Ready product. Sold in spray form. The cost of 1 bottle (100 ml) is 450-560 rubles.

Means for treating chickens against ticks

Veterinary clinics offer vaccinations for birds. To do this, each of them needs to be given an injection (Ivermek).

Such control measures are suitable if the owners do not have many birds. With a large head, it is impossible to process every chicken, so they use the spraying method. To do this, prepare an aqueous solution using effective means. The liquid is poured into a spray bottle and gently sprayed onto the birds and the room itself.

To get rid of chicken mites, it is recommended to first try this using folk remedies recipes.

  1. Sagebrush. Bunches of this plant are tied to perches, laid out in nesting areas and hung throughout the chicken coop.
  2. Essential oil and garlic. Chicken mites cannot tolerate strong odors. A spray is prepared based on these ingredients. Dilute 30 ml of garlic juice in 300 ml of water and add 1 teaspoon of essential oil (cinnamon, cloves, mint, lavender). The resulting composition is used to treat the birds and the chicken coop every other day for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Sand-ash composition. Sand and ash are mixed in a container and placed in chicken walking areas. By bathing in the mixture, birds naturally get rid of ticks.
  4. Potassium permanganate and lime. A solution is prepared from these components and sprayed on the surface of the floor and walls once for 7-14 days.

General recommendations

If mites are detected on chickens, the birds are treated with medical treatment as indicated in the description of the disease. After this, if necessary, decontamination of the poultry house is carried out - the destruction of pests in the room.

The bird is removed from the chicken coop, all bedding is removed, roosts and nests are cleaned, and trash is taken out. After this, all surfaces of the room, feeders, drinking bowls, and equipment are treated with acaricidal solutions:

  • cyodrine 0.5%;
  • dicresol 0.25%;
  • dibromine 0.3%;
  • karbofos or trichlorometaphos 0.5-1%;
  • DDVF 0.25–0.5%;
  • neocidol 0.25-0.5%;
  • pedix 0.25-0.5%;
  • chlorophos 1-2%.

To destroy the red chicken or Persian mite, the treatment must be repeated 3-4 times with an interval of 3-5 days.

Notes[ | ]

  1. 12
    Argasid mites / Lange A. B. // Angola - Barzas. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1970. - (Great Soviet Encyclopedia: / chief editor A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 2).
  2. Ornithodoros coriaceus Archived April 30, 2011.
  3. Yashchuk N. D., Vengerov Yu. Ya.
    Infectious diseases. - M.: Medicine, 2003. - 10,000 copies. — ISBN 5-225-04659-2.
  4. Relapsing fever (Russian) (Retrieved July 15, 2011)
  5. Argasidae C.L.Koch, 1844
  6. 1 2 3 4 Alberto A. Guglielmone, Richard G. Robbing, Dmitry A. Apanaskevich, Trevor N. Petney, Agustín Estrada-Peña, Ivan G. Horak, Renfu Shao & Stephen C. Barker.
    The Argasidae, Ixodidae and Nuttalliellidae (Acari: Ixodida) of the world: a list of valid species names (English) // Zootaxa: journal. - 2010. - Vol. 2528. - P. 1-28.
  7. Nava S. et al
    (2010). Description of a new argasid tick (Acari: Ixodida) from bat caves in Brazilian Amazon. Journal of parasitology 96
    (6): 1089–1101. doi:10.1645/GE-2539.1
  8. Keirans JE, Clifford CM (1975). Nothoaspis reddelli
    , new genus and new species (Ixodoidea: Argasidae), from a bat cave in Mexico.
    (unavailable link) Annals of the Entomological Society of America
    (1): 81-85.

Preventive measures

In domestic chickens, mites cause the following diseases:

If the bird has become inactive, experiences severe itching, egg production has decreased, young animals are not gaining weight well, the condition of the plumage has worsened, or bald spots have appeared on the body, it is most likely that the chickens are infected with mites.

Pay attention to the behavior of your feathered charges. If chickens begin to clean their feathers more often, pluck feathers under their wings, in the cloaca area, and constantly take “sand” baths - this may also indicate an infection with feather mites or scabies mites.

Other symptoms of mites in chickens:

  • weakness, apathy;
  • wounds, scratches, sores on the body;
  • dry frequent cough, shortness of breath;
  • pallor of mucous membranes, comb, earrings;
  • lack of egg production in laying hens;
  • weight loss;
  • refusal to eat, increased thirst.

Upon closer examination, you can see small red or black spots, small grains, droplets of blood on the feathers, body of birds or on the walls of chicken coops and perches.

You can detect a tick by placing material from a nest, perch, or chicken coop on a white sheet of paper and examining it in bright light. It is best to collect material in the evening, at night.

The red chicken mite feeds on blood, biting and damaging the skin. The bird experiences discomfort, itching, and shows anxiety. The condition of the feathers greatly deteriorates, the immune system weakens, and anemia develops, which can cause the death of infested birds.

Infection is facilitated by high humidity in poultry houses, the absence of sand baths for chickens, and a high density of birds in a limited space. It is worth noting that red chicken mites are dangerous to humans. They cause severe itching and allergies.

When day-old chicks are placed in poultry houses with mites, a high mortality rate is observed. The chicks die from exhaustion and anemia within 5–7 days.

Reason for appearance

No matter how much you would like to create the safest possible living conditions for your birds, this will not always work. Insects enter the poultry house for several reasons:

  • penetration of rodents and wild birds into the chicken coop;
  • replacement of new livestock already infected with ticks;
  • due to poor ventilation in the room;
  • increased humidity in the chicken coop, stagnant water;
  • if the number of chickens is too large for the chicken coop;
  • in the absence of a sand bath for birds;
  • a person can carry ticks on clothes or shoes from the street.

To prevent disease in chickens, it is recommended to regularly inspect small crevices, livestock, and bedding in the poultry house. They most often hide there. Checks are done in the evening. To do this, point a flashlight with a bright light at the area being tested. If pests are present, they will begin to scatter in different directions. Then they begin to carry out chemical and sanitary treatments of the room. At this time, it is better to evict the chickens from the chicken coop.

Signs of infection, why it is dangerous

The red chicken mite is much less dangerous for humans than for chickens. It is impossible for people to become infected with the diseases they carry. It is almost indistinguishable from a small lump of dirt stuck to the skin. Just like in chicken, the enzymes contained in the saliva of a tick provoke severe itching and burning when bitten. If you are prone to allergies, serious irritation, rashes, rashes, and dermatoses are possible.

The bite of the red chicken mite is unpleasant, but not dangerous to health (the only exception is a serious allergic reaction)

To avoid unwanted contact, when processing the chicken coop, cover your skin as much as possible - with clothes, shoes, and a hat. If you are bitten, to get rid of parasites, it is enough to take a hot shower, wash your clothes, and for prevention, take a tablet of any antihistamine that suits you. In case of severe manifestations of allergies, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Recently, many have been trying their hand not only at gardening, but also at farming. But keeping chickens is not as simple as it seems at first glance. They are also attacked by pests, including ticks. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristic symptoms, control and prevention measures in advance. Then preventing infection and coping with the problem is quite possible.

The chicken mite is a blood-sucking gamas mite, which is the most common skin parasite in chickens, but is capable of attacking other poultry (ducks, turkeys, canaries) and wild birds. Feeding on blood, it reduces the natural immunity of animals, causing them anemia and exhaustion.

The tick carries various pathogens of infectious and viral diseases, including:

  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • smallpox rickettsiosis;
  • rat typhus;
  • tularemia;
  • hemorrhagic fever, etc.

! If mites are not removed from the chicken coop in time, the egg production of adult chickens is reduced by 20-40%, and when they are burdened with pediculosis caused by lice, they almost stop laying eggs. Almost all day-old chicks die due to exhaustion within a week.

We invite you to read: Ixodid ticks - photo and description

Mites cause much more harm to birds than other skin parasites. Sick chickens are emaciated and their feathers deteriorate. Parasites are dangerous because, among other things, they carry many dangerous diseases, including deadly infections. Such infections include Newcastle disease, plague, and tuberculosis.

Unlike males, females are larger in size. Ticks parasitize the body of a chicken on their eight legs, moving very quickly. The tick has a proboscis on its head. The eggs that females lay are oval in shape, and the laid larva has 6 legs. The larvae are not able to move or feed, and adults do not fly or jump, moving exclusively on their paws.

Chicken mite

After a day, the larvae enter the next stage of development, which is called protonymph. They become transparent and begin to actively feed on the blood of birds. The number of tick larvae deposited directly depends on how the female feeds. During the daytime, ticks hide, using cracks, cracks and debris for these purposes, and attack chickens at night.

The time for ticks to “eat” can last from several minutes to several hours. As the parasite becomes saturated, its body weight can increase by more than 10 times.

Important! If ticks multiply rapidly, they can attack chickens during the day. If a chicken mite was found on a person’s body, it will resemble the shape of a pellet of dirt that has stuck to the skin

You can often notice the parasite on your feet. If you carelessly brush away the “lump,” barely noticeable bite marks remain, which can lead to the development of dermatitis and an allergic reaction.

If a chicken mite was found on a person’s body, it will resemble the shape of a pellet of dirt that has stuck to the skin. You can often notice the parasite on your feet. If you carelessly brush away the “lump,” barely noticeable bite marks remain, which can lead to the development of dermatitis and an allergic reaction.

If you are wondering how to get rid of mites in a chicken coop and on chickens, it is worth noting that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of chicken mites than to remove them, because getting rid of parasites requires significant effort, time and money. Experienced poultry farmers advise using such effective and simple prevention methods as regular inspection of chickens, as well as periodic cleaning of the poultry house and the room in which the young animals are located.

Danger to humans

When pigeons nest near human habitations, ticks can attack people. Dermanyssus gallinae is just one of six species of bird mites that can bite humans. In the absence of a true host, these parasites will actively attack people, usually biting them on the lower part of the body. Poultry farmers who raise chickens are at increased risk.

At the site of the bite, a very itchy spot appears in the form of a macula, papular, vesicular rash or irritation resembling urticaria. There are several scientific reports that chicken mites can infect humans with infectious diseases, but this theory has not received practical evidence.




How to cure chickens

Poultry infested with chicken mites are typically treated with synthetic acaricides to reduce or eliminate the mite. Products containing pyrethroids show good effectiveness. There are more than 35 compounds that were previously used to treat mite-infested chickens, but many countries that actively restrict acaricides may now use such products with restrictions.

The most effective form of treatment is bathing infected birds in baths with a working solution of acaricides. Spraying and dousing chickens is also allowed, but such methods are much less effective.

Another issue that has come to light more recently is that mite populations are becoming increasingly resistant to acaricides, making removal more challenging.

Manual cleaning of equipment and areas that infested poultry come into contact with will help reduce mite populations. For these purposes, creosote treatment is often used, without the presence of chickens. Some poultry keepers use heat to kill mites. It is enough to heat the internal surfaces to a temperature of 45 ° C, which kills ticks. As stated above, removing birds for an extended period of time will not eliminate mites, as the parasites can survive up to eight months without feeding.

What diseases cause: how to remove them and how to treat them

Did you know? The first domesticated chicken came from Ethiopia. Thus, the history of domestic breeding of this bird goes back about three thousand years!

Treatment consists of applying acaricidal preparations to the affected areas:

  • a bath made of forty-degree birch tar: the chickens’ legs are immersed in it up to the hock joint; 300 g of tar is enough for a dozen birds;
  • half percent nicochlorane emulsion;
  • birch tar mixed with kerosene;
  • Azuntol emulsion 0.3%;
  • 1% solution of trichlorometaphos.

Body scabies

The causative agent of body knemidocoptosis is the same as in the previous case. This tick differs from its fellow tick only in its light yellow color. It lives mainly in feather pouches, in the folds of chicken skin, forming nodes in the skin. In nodes it contains its offspring.

Important! If most of the chicken's body is affected, only a third of the skin can be lubricated at a time.

Skin beetle scabies

Another name is epidermoptosis

. The causative agent is the yellowish epidermoptes micromite, which settles in the feather follicles, under the upper layer of skin.

The likelihood of infection increases many times during the warm season. Foci of the disease can be seen first on the bird's chest, then on the neck, and later the disease spreads to the head, touching the comb and earrings. If you start treatment, the spread will go further, to the back and upper legs. Flaky, red skin with crusts of dried ichor is the main symptom of epidermoptosis. The skin in particularly sensitive areas becomes so inflamed that it can die, giving off a rotten smell. Most often there is no itching.

An effective treatment would be to treat inflamed areas of the skin with ointments or acaricidal solutions:

  • tar ointment in a ratio of 1:5;
  • creolin ointment, 1:10;
  • a solution of tar in half with alcohol;
  • soap emulsion K (5%).

If the entire chicken flock or most of it is severely affected, you can spray the livestock with a half-percent solution of chlorophos.
Important! Modern science has debunked the myth that ticks are dangerous only in late spring and early summer, and the rest of the time you don’t have to think about them. The chicken mite is active 6 months a year, so inspections of the poultry house must be carried out regularly. The red chicken mite is resistant to low temperatures, can go hungry for a whole year, and even its adult larvae suck blood

It is extremely dangerous because it is a carrier of many infectious diseases, including those common to chickens and humans.

The red chicken mite is resistant to low temperatures, can go hungry for a whole year, and even its adult larvae suck blood. It is extremely dangerous because it is a carrier of many infectious diseases, including those common to chickens and humans.


Symptoms include itching and inflammation of the affected area in the part where the tick has entered: larynx, trachea, nose, ear canal. Chickens die en masse from exhaustion and blood loss. Chickens practically lose egg production.

Did you know? Chickens do not distinguish their eggs from others, and if the bird’s eggs are quietly replaced, she will hatch them as if they were her own.

Treatment will be to treat the sick bird with Sevin dust (at a concentration of 7.5%). Depending on the severity of the lesion, one chicken needs from 5 to 15 g of dust.

Treatment consists of treatment with 7.5% dust, as in the situation with red mites.

Cavity mite

It’s also called cytodiasis, it’s also known as lung mite. The causative agent is cytodites, which settles in the lungs or bronchi of the bird.

This is an extremely dangerous disease, sometimes the mortality rate is up to half of the sick chickens.

The bird has difficulty breathing; it stretches its neck and throws back its head in an attempt to get more air. Gray mucous discharge appears from the nose. If you press on the trachea during this period, the chicken will begin to cough. Affected individuals not only lose appetite and weight, but may also fall into a coma.

Although some measures are being taken to save sick birds (for example, injecting camphor oil into the abdominal cavity), treatment is considered ineffective and there is very little hope for recovery. Sick birds are slaughtered, the remaining ones are disinfected by spraying acaricides. The best option would be to replace a sick herd with a healthy one.

Important! Be sure to thoroughly disinfect the house before adding new chickens!

Red chicken mite

To treat bites on the body of chickens, antiseptic solutions and wound-healing ointments of plant origin are used. Among veterinary products:

  • Sevin powder, used externally to treat feathers in the treatment of feather mites, the norm is 15 g per 1 head, in case of massive infestation, it is treated in several stages, repeating the treatment after 5-10 days;
  • Ecoflix oily solution for spraying, used in courses (2 times with an interval of 10 days);
  • pyrethrum is an insecticidal preparation for external treatment of feathers, safe for birds and people;
  • aerosol extrasol-M for spraying, allows you to remove insects in 2 courses, carried out with an interval of 10 days;
  • Ectomine emulsion solution, diluted with water for bathing poultry, is effective against red chicken mites on poultry. It is necessary to carry out 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks;
  • liquid cyperil with a concentration of 5%, used for spraying on the body and legs of birds and in the chicken coop, the working solution is prepared with water in a ratio of 1:3, in the recommended concentration it is safe for people.

To treat acarimorphic feather and red chicken mites on the legs of chickens, birch tar is often used, which is heated to a temperature of at least 40 ° C and placed on the chicken feet to the level of the hock joint. Birch tar can also be used to treat affected surfaces on the paws of chickens by applying with a soft brush at intervals of 7 days. An effective treatment for chicken feet is a mixture of birch tar and kerosene, taken in equal proportions.

To disinfect the poultry house use:

  • cyodrine at a concentration of 0.5%;
  • dicresol at a concentration of 0.25%;
  • neozzidol at a concentration of 0.25-0.5%;
  • karbofos;
  • chlorophos.

When poultry is infected with mites, treatment of the poultry house is repeated 2-3 times at intervals of 3-6 days.

Take a few buckets of water and boil them. In order for the treatment of chickens to be most effective and for ticks to no longer leave their bites on the legs, neck and under the wings, it is necessary to treat the entire room with boiling water - both the walls and the floor. All old things, along with bedding and straw, are thrown away, and new perches will also need to be built.

In order to drive out ticks, it is quite possible to use eco-fleece. This drug is also no less effective, but they need to treat the room at least twice a month. In addition, chicken can also be treated with eco-fleece. In addition, chickens can be treated with products such as Pyrethrum and Sevin.

Another popular method of fighting ticks is ash. It should be noted that this method is one of the simplest, since the chickens themselves can be treated. Where you walk them, you need to put a trough (as in the photo), in which there will be a mixture of ash and sand in proportions 1:1. Chickens will take what are called baths and this will help protect them from ticks. The only thing you need to watch out for is that the basin with the mixture does not get exposed to rain.

There are several chemical solutions and preparations on the market to combat mites, but most of them have not been tested on chickens, so experienced owners do not recommend using them right away. It is better to first try a comprehensive treatment with natural remedies.

  • Birds are treated with any approved insecticides. The procedure is carried out twice, observing a weekly interval. They use the powders “Sevin” (no more than 15 g per bird) and “Pyrethrum” (made from chamomile flowers), as well as the new generation insecticide “Ecofleece”. Feathers should be spilled with powders, and birds and the chicken coop should be sprayed with aerosols.
  • The EU permethrin spray has good reviews: birds and the premises are sprayed with a 0.005% solution, protection lasts for 9 weeks.
  • A proven method of fighting chicken mites is a mixture of sand and ash. It is poured into basins and left in the poultry yard for the birds to wallow in. For our ancestors, wood ash served as an analogue of washing powder. The contents of the cans should be changed. The procedure is repeated after 14 days. The mixture should not get wet.
  • An effective method of treating chicken mites is treating floors and walls with boiling water; a blowtorch or flame is also recommended.
  • If possible, get rid of old things. Replace the wooden perches, the mites get stuck in the micro-cracks, and getting them out is extremely problematic.
  • Quartz lamps are considered an advanced method of prevention. They are used on poultry farms.
  • Preparations containing chlorinated hydrocarbons are prohibited against chicken mites, since the active substance accumulates in eggs and meat.


Birch tar is used to treat chicken acariform mites on the legs of poultry. It is heated to a temperature of 40 degrees, poured into a deep bath and the chicken is placed in the solution up to the hock joint. You can simply treat the parasite-affected surface of the leg with tar, using a soft brush, at intervals of 6–7 days.

Birch tar kills mites on chicken legs

Advice! If the mite lives on the legs of chickens, use a solution of Trichlorometaphos or a mixture of birch tar and kerosene in a 1:1 ratio.

If chickens are infected with scabies mites that live on their legs, the parasites can be removed using acaricidal-insecticidal agents of complex action in drops, solutions, and aerosols. They are simply rubbed into the affected skin several times at intervals of 2-3 days.

Mites that parasitize chickens

To prevent the appearance of an unwanted parasite, when raising chickens at home, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules, namely:

  • regularly clean the room in which the bird is located;
  • prevent contact of chickens with wild birds, as well as the possible appearance of rodents;
  • provide birds with sand baths;
  • the chicken coop should have good ventilation and moderate humidity;
  • Do not allow chickens to crowd together in cages.

Important! It is impossible to completely protect chickens and chickens from mite infection. It is only necessary to block the access through which the parasite can enter the chicken coop

If a mite is found on a broiler, you can fight it using folk and traditional remedies. An integrated approach is highly effective. As traditional means it is recommended to use:

  • Ecofleece aerosol, which is an effective insecticide.
  • therapeutic and prophylactic product Ivermerk, which is produced in containers of 0.5 liters. You need to dilute the product in water, taking into account the live weight of the chicken (400 mcg/1 kg), and treat the livestock according to the instructions.
  • Pyrethrium is a powder made from chamomile flowers. The feathers of chickens need to be treated with this powder (15 g of product per individual), and repeated after two weeks.

If the bird has open wounds on its body, they should be lubricated using available healing agents. To combat parasites, traditional methods often use vegetable oil, which is used to lubricate the areas affected by mites. If parasites have become embedded in your legs, you can get rid of them by treating your limbs with birch tar.

Attention! For preventive purposes, it is recommended to hang bunches of mint, wormwood, parsley and garlic along the entire perimeter of the pen; their smell will repel insects. Be sure to smoke the chicken coop once a month with a sulfur smoke bomb.

If treatment is not carried out, the chicken will gradually become completely exhausted. Her psychological health will be affected. Constant itching causes stress in the bird. Egg production and weight gain sharply decrease. The feathers deteriorate and the chicken becomes bald.

Bird mites are parasitic arthropods that feed on blood. Pests live under the feather cover of birds. High humidity and warmth are favorable factors for reproduction and life. Most often they can be found in places where owners do not comply with the required rules for keeping birds. There are several varieties of chicken mites, differing in size, appearance, and chosen habitat. The most dangerous of them are the following arthropods:

  1. Feathers. Mites settle on the feather itself or in its holes. Most often they can be found in the neck area or under the wings - the warmest places. If the infection is widespread, mites can be found in the area of ​​the eyes and nostrils. Birds lose feathers, weight, and do not lay eggs well. Treatment of feather mites in chickens with massive infestation does not bring the desired effect. In this case, you will have to get rid of the entire livestock.
  2. Scabies. The mites are small, their size barely reaches 0.5 mm. The appearance of this type of mite causes a disease in chickens called knemidocoptic mange. Parasites live under the scales of llamas and can sometimes be found near the beak. At first, they don’t show themselves in any way and reproduce quietly. After 2-3 months, tubercles appear on the paws, and the phalanges become deformed. Treatment must be started immediately. Otherwise, necrotic changes occur.
  3. Reds. Mobile small ectoparasites. The length of the body is about 0.75 mm. The color of the tick is yellowish. As soon as he drinks blood, the color changes and becomes red and then purple with a brown tint. The mite increases in size, swelling to one or more cm. After the female chicken red mite drinks blood, she is able to lay from 2 to 20 eggs.


Lice appear in chickens when living conditions deteriorate and when the bird comes into contact with infected individuals. Nervousness and scratching the affected area are the main symptoms of infection.

It is possible that the cause of lice was a change in diet, wet weather or decreased immunity.

In any case, it is important not only to treat the birds and the chicken coop, but also to find out the main cause of infection

Note: lice are noticeably more common in roosters, since they clean their feathers less often and take ash-sand baths.


They are rare, have a length of 2-5mm and small wings. Color, depending on the species, varies from dark brown to red and yellow.

Bird bugs feed on blood and greatly affect the condition of chickens. They are also dangerous to humans. They usually hide in dark places, crevices, cracks, under feeders and nests.

Detection of infection with internal parasites is only possible by contacting a veterinarian. But if there are individuals in the chicken coop that lay eggs without shells, then there is a suspicion of infection with trematodes, which cause inflammation of the rectum in the bird.

Trematodes and other helminths cause intoxication of the chicken’s body, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in egg production, weight loss and death of the birds.

How to treat a chicken coop for lice, fleas, ticks

It is possible to get rid of chicken lice and fleas in a chicken coop by carrying out a set of measures. It is imperative to identify the external cause of the infestation and eliminate the source of insects entering the birdhouse. It is necessary to disinfect not only the surfaces of the poultry house, but also perches, nests and even feeders.

Specialized products are used as needed and to prevent infection of the chicken coop. At the same time, most owners of private farmsteads prefer no less effective products that they make themselves.

During the reaction, intense evaporation of the components occurs, and conditions are created that exclude the presence of insects in the room. Prevention is carried out once a week with intensive ventilation.

The veterinary drugs neostomazan, sevin or malaton will help against the fluff eater. They have a low level of toxicity when used in the correct dosage. Chickens are treated with the prepared emulsion immediately after its preparation. It is enough to carry out two treatments within a week, but do not allow the drug to come into contact with the mucous membranes.

The chicken coop is disinfected with sulfur bombs, and ash baths are prepared on the run for “bathing” the chickens.

Treatment of the chicken coop from ticks is carried out as follows:

  1. Insectoacaricidal preparations (Sevin, Diazinon, Stomazan and others) are purchased;
  2. All cracks in the chicken coop are sealed;
  3. Ventilation is turned off if present;
  4. Mechanical cleaning of the chicken coop is carried out;
  5. Cracks in walls and perches are treated with a concentrated oil-based preparation;
  6. The prepared solution is sprayed on walls, ceilings, floors and equipment;
  7. After treatment, intensive ventilation of the room is carried out for 3-4 hours;
  8. Drinkers and feeders are washed.

To treat chickens for ticks, consult a veterinarian who can advise you on an effective commercially available insect control product.


Chicken processing

If you use drops, ointments or gels against parasites, then each bird should be treated with these products separately. This method is suitable if you keep no more than 20-30 chickens and processing is not difficult.

The procedure should be carried out before disinfecting the chicken coop in the morning. When the chickens have woken up and are about to leave the premises, you can easily catch them one by one.

Usually the withers or neck are treated so that the chicken cannot reach this area with its beak and the product does not enter the digestive tract.

If you have a large farm, it is better to use powder products.

The best remedies for parasites

Insecticides that are sold in veterinary pharmacies are suitable for treating the chicken coop. Many of them are safe for people and animals.

Get, Hartz, Karbofos, Cucaracha, Pyrethrum, Sevin Emulsion, Tetrix, Raptor aerosol, Karbofos emulsion, Tsifoks, Reid, Mashenka.


They are applied to the withers and just below the head so that the chicken does not reach with its beak and the drug does not enter the digestive system.

Dana, Celandine, Amidel, Neostomazan, Perol-A, Beafar, Bars, FrontLine, Stomazon.


Treating chickens against ticks with Butox should be done with extreme caution. These drugs are used on large poultry farms

The diluted solution is applied with a wet rag or spray to the withers, where the chicken cannot reach with its beak.

Types of feather mites.

There are several types of these ectoparasites. They also differ in size - microscopic and larger.

  1. Knemidocoptosis - causes the disease knemidocoptosis, or body scabies. The parasite is located under the horny scales of the legs. All types of chickens are susceptible to the disease. In chickens with feathered legs, the disease is less common. Bald areas, peeling and redness form on the skin. The chickens begin to experience severe itching.
  2. Epidermoptosis is the causative agent of the disease epidermoptosis (skin beetle scabies). The parasites are small, located in the feather pouches, in the upper layer of the skin, and in the deep folds of the bird’s body, nodules can be found containing a large number of young individuals. Affected areas appear first on the chest and neck, gradually moving to the head and back. The skin turns red, peels, feathers fall out, and looks ruffled.
  3. Mallophages (Menopon gallinae) - popularly called lice or chicken lice. They feed, as the name suggests, on the feathers and down of birds. They don't drink blood. The disease is promoted by crowded housing, poor nutrition, high humidity in the poultry house, and poor care. Lice hide under the wings, near the anus, on the lower parts of the body. When there is a high level of parasite infestation, birds begin to go bald. Egg production decreases and weight gain slows down.

Less damage is caused by larger parasites - ixodid ticks, Persian ticks, red chicken mites. They attack poultry only for food, but do not permanently live on the body of the chicken.


Chickens are parasitized by various mites. Let's look at them.


Large ticks can be easily seen; visually and in size they are similar to fleas. Varieties:

  1. Ixodidae - affects not only humans, but also animals.
  2. Persian - Argasaceae, a purely avian parasite.
  3. Reds attack chickens only for food, the rest of the time they simply live and breed in the poultry house.

The red tick is considered the most dangerous - it carries viruses, bacteria, spreads typhoid, cholera, spirochitosis, and borreliosis.

The red chicken mite is most often found in chicken coops. The parasite has a brown body 0.6-0.7 mm in length; after filling with blood it turns purple. The female lays up to 20 eggs per day. The main activity is from early May to mid-autumn. The life cycle of a tick lasts 6-13 days. The parasite loves humidity and warmth. Find out about the care and raising of Phoenix quails in this material.


The first group of parasites are microscopic. You can't just see them. Kinds:

  1. Knemidocoptes - cause the appearance of body and leg scabies.
  2. Epidermoptes is a microorganism that causes skin-beeting scabies pathology.
  3. Cytodites is a pulmonary or tracheal micromite that feeds on epidermal secretions and particles of cellular structures.
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