Where do lice eaters come from in cats and how to deal with them?

lice eaters are ectoparasites that live on the surface of a cat’s body. Unlike fleas, they do not feed on animal blood. By parasitizing on the surface of a cat's body, lice eaters cause a disease called trichodectosis, one of the symptoms of which is itching, causing hair loss and severe scratching on the skin. As a result of parasitism, a cat may develop dermatitis.

What lice eaters look like.

The body size of the lice eater is from 1 to 2 mm. The body has a flat shape. The head is quite large and has a quadrangular shape. The mouthparts are of the gnawing type, very well developed. There are no wings. The lice eater's paws have microscopic sharp claws, with the help of which the parasite moves around the cat's body and does not fall off it. The color is light yellow or gray, the body structure is transparent.

Lice eaters feed on cat hair and tiny particles of skin.

Lice eaters have a high ability to reproduce. The female lice eater lays about a hundred eggs at a time, which are treated with a special sticky liquid, thanks to which the eggs cannot be washed off with water or combed out with a comb.

What danger does lice eaters pose to a cat?.

Lice eaters can be carriers of helminthic diseases (worms in cats).

Through lice, a cat can become infected with one or another infectious disease.

A cat infested with lice eaters can lead to:

  • The appearance of anemia.
  • Cause an exacerbation of the cat’s existing chronic diseases.
  • To the appearance of an allergic reaction to lice bites.
  • Patchy baldness appears.
  • The body is exhausted.
  • The coat becomes unattractive.

Description of the cat lice eater

The cat lice eater looks like a flat beige bug several centimeters long (usually 1-2 cm).
The structural features of the cat lice eater are as follows:

  • wings are missing;
  • the belly is elongated, oval-shaped, covered with bristles;
  • the breast is underdeveloped, divided into three segments;
  • three pairs of legs are equipped with hooks that dig into the cat’s skin;
  • the head is disproportionately large, has short mustaches;
  • mouth is large;
  • triangular eyes are underdeveloped;
  • color varies from whitish to light red.

The exoparasite feeds on the animal’s blood, dead epidermis, and particles of fur.

The female lays 100-120 eggs on the fur, attaching them to the hairs with sticky mucus.

The larvae go through 3 stages of maturation in 28 days, turning into adults. Rapid reproduction occurs in autumn and winter. Lice eaters, unlike lice and fleas, cannot survive without the host's body.

How to use medications correctly?

We have already said that the process of completely getting rid of lice eaters takes from 4 to 5 weeks. Therefore, it is so important to strictly follow all the veterinarian’s recommendations regarding the choice of treatment and instructions for its use.

Rules that owners of infected animals must adhere to:

  • Shampoos are applied to the dog’s wet fur, rubbed in with massage movements and left for several minutes. Heavily soiled areas and matted fur are treated especially carefully with a large amount of detergent. After this, the shampoo is washed off from the animal's fur, the dog is dried, and the dead parasites are combed out.
  • Drops are applied to the withers and spine using special pipettes so that the dog cannot lick them off.
  • Sprays are used to treat the entire coat, protecting the eyes and mucous membranes from contact with the drug.

Important! The animal is processed in several stages at weekly intervals.

How does infection occur and what are the risk factors?

Infection of a cat most often occurs during communication with infected relatives or contact with an infectious mouse caught while hunting.

You can become infected with ectoparasites while walking. At home, the pet is also not protected from the problem: people bring hundreds of lice-eater larvae on the soles of their shoes. Therefore, it is important to take care of the cleanliness of surfaces with which your pet comes into contact.

Signs of the presence of a lice eater in a cat:

  • the cat itches intensely and often, trying to gnaw bugs out of its fur at the same time;
  • the skin is covered with scratches and inflamed;
  • the groin, neck, and abdomen areas have bald patches;
  • The cat doesn't sleep well and looks apathetic.

Pets who have recently suffered an infectious disease or surgery are at risk of becoming infected with lice. Kittens, older cats with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases are also included in the risk factors for ectoparasite infection.

Rarely, lice beetle eggs are transmitted through a dirty groomer's tool.

Stages of development of feline trichodectosis

In the development of trichodectosis, 3 stages can be distinguished, the duration of each of them is determined by the number of pathogens, the state of the cat’s immune system, as well as environmental conditions:

  • initial stage - there are still few parasites, the cat feels satisfactory, sometimes itches with its paw, there may be occasional scratches on the skin;
  • stage of the height of the disease - with an increase in the number of lice-eaters, all the symptoms typical of trichodectosis appear: thinning of the coat and areas of baldness;
  • severe skin itching;
  • multiple traces of scratching on the cat’s skin;
  • disturbance of general well-being and behavior;
  • dandruff appears;
  • stage of complications - against the background of lice-eaters, complications begin to develop:
      allergic reactions: this intensifies skin itching, which ceases to depend on the activity of parasites, as well as their number, and becomes permanent and intense;
  • rashes appear on the skin - papules (lumps), pustules (vesicles) and redness;
  • miliary dermatitis may develop - when multiple blisters appear on the skin, which are replaced by weeping erosions and crusts covering areas of the body;
  • secondary dermatitis - infection of scratches occurs with secondary bacterial and fungal flora; this gives rise to:
      redness and swelling of the skin around the lesions;
  • the formation of weeping surfaces, the exudate can be serous or purulent;
  • expansion of the area of ​​skin damage due to inflammatory changes;
  • possible fever;
  • possible development of pyoderma - purulent inflammation of the skin;
  • regional lymphadenitis may develop;
  • helminth infection - symptoms are:
      weight loss;
  • stool instability - alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • development of anemia;
  • instability of appetite;
  • increase in abdominal size;
  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases caused by a decrease in immune status is especially dangerous for pets infected with chronic feline viral infections:
      viral leukemia;
  • viral immunodeficiency;
  • coronavirus infection, as well as other diseases of both infectious and non-infectious origin.
  • Diagnostics

    Diagnosing lice in a cat at home is easy. You need to place the animal in direct sunlight or a lamp. After waiting 5 minutes, inspect the wool. Heat-loving lice eaters will come to the surface. This behavior distinguishes them from lice, fleas, and ticks, which prefer to hide.

    Black dots stuck in the fur in clusters are the waste products of lice eaters. If you place such a point on a sheet of white paper and drop water on top, a bloody stain will form around it.

    A cat infected with a parasite stops responding to the owner’s commands, which is due to lack of sleep from unbearable itching and pain from scratching.

    The danger of trichodectosis for cats

    The danger of trichodectosis for cats is:

    • possibility of helminth infection; lice eaters are carriers of helminth infections, for example, dipilidia caused by cucumber tapeworm;
    • the possibility of allergic skin reactions, especially miliary dermatitis;
    • the possibility of the emergence or aggravation of an existing immunodeficiency state and exacerbation of chronic diseases, including viral infections;
    • development of anemia;
    • weight loss;
    • thinning of the coat, the appearance of foci of alopecia (baldness), and a decrease in the attractiveness of the appearance of the coat.

    Waste products of parasites visible in a cat’s fur are one of the symptoms of lice-eater infestation


    If you find a lice eater in your pet, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The veterinarian will take a skin scraping, determine the degree of infestation by the parasite, and prescribe appropriate insecticide treatment.

    All pets living in the apartment must be treated for the parasite, despite the fact that only one was found to have the lice eater. There is a high probability of larvae getting on the fur of other cats.

    Sprays for lice

    Using such products is an easy way to combat lice.

    How to treat a cat against lice with a spray:

    • place the animal in front of you, holding it tightly;
    • spray the entire body with an aerosol, except the muzzle, paying attention to the stomach, groin areas, and neck;
    • put on a special collar;
    • after 2 hours, wash the cat with zoo shampoo;
    • repeat treatment after 10 days.

    The spray is not used for pregnant and lactating cats, kittens under 3 months.

    Effective sprays against lice: Greenfort , Bayer , Rosagroservice .

    Drops from lice

    Drops against lice will help get rid of the problem, protecting against the invasion of the parasite for a whole month. The drug is applied in places that the cat cannot reach and lick: on the withers, behind the ears, along the spine.

    The product is used every 30 days. It is important to apply the number of drops recommended in the instructions, taking into account the weight and age of the cat. An overdose of the drug is fraught with acute poisoning of the animal.

    Drops “Bars” , “Advantage” , “Stronghold” .

    Shampoos for lice

    Anti-ectoparasite shampoo is a safe repellent for cats. It moisturizes the skin, reduces itching, and disinfects wounds. The shampoo is ineffective without the use of an antiparasitic collar. This remedy works well as a preventive measure.

    Using anti-hairworm shampoo for cats:

    • wet the cat's fur;
    • apply shampoo with massage movements to all areas of the body;
    • leave the foam for five to seven minutes;
    • Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    After bathing the cat, be sure to disinfect the bath or pour boiling water over it.

    The advantage of the shampoo is that, together with the collar, it can be used for pregnant females and kittens. However, it is worth remembering that hair mites in cats are not completely washed out with shampoo.

    Acaricidal shampoos: Ms Kiss , Rolf Club , BioVax , BIO-GROOM , Celandine .

    Emulsions against lice

    Emulsion insecticides are diluted with water (5-10 liters of liquid depending on the preparation) and rubbed into the skin of the animal along the spine. The procedure is repeated after 14 days, and then the cat is washed with zoo shampoo. It is important to follow the instructions on the package and correctly calculate the dose of the drug.

    For short-haired cat breeds, it is enough to spray with an aqueous emulsion solution, avoiding fine splashes getting into the eyes, nose, and mouth of the animal. It is more effective to treat long-haired pets with a diluted Delcid , blotting the skin with a cotton pad soaked in the emulsion solution, spreading the fur using a single-row comb.

    Deltsid is diluted at the rate of 1 ampoule (2 ml) of the drug per 1.6 liters of water. For medicinal purposes, double treatment is carried out with an interval of 10 days. It is recommended to spray the same emulsion in a room where animals are often present. After two hours, ventilate the room, wash the floors and wipe the surfaces using detergents. Spray the room in the absence of pets and children.

    The emulsions used are Deltsid , Merial , Agrovetzaschita , Pfizer , and Bionix .

    Folk remedies for lice

    The initial form of liceworm infection in cats is treated with folk recipes:

    1. Brew 3 tablespoons of string in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for several hours. Cool, strain, rub into the cat’s skin after bathing.
    2. Boil 3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers in 200 ml of water. Strain through cheesecloth. Pour into a bathtub at the rate of 5 liters of water per glass of broth. Bathe the cat in the solution.
    3. A tablespoon of dry celandine (2 tablespoons of fresh) is poured into a glass of cold water. Boil the mixture over low heat. Leave the decoction for an hour. Dilute in 5 liters of bathing water.

    An important point: the pet must be bathed in these decoctions every day until the lice eaters are eliminated and the scratching disappears. It is worth closely monitoring whether there will be an allergic reaction to medicinal herbs.

    Consequences of the disease

    In general, the prognosis for cats infected with trichodectosis is positive. But it all depends on age, the body’s immune response, the degree of invasion and the measures used for treatment. Trichodectosis in a cat can be easily treated under the guidance of a competent veterinarian, and risks and side effects are minimized. Therefore, if possible, be sure to consult a veterinarian rather than self-medicate.

    Advanced cases of lice-eater infection in weakened cats can even be fatal. Thoughtless use of anti-ectoparasite remedies can also be disastrous for the cat. According to foreign studies, any synthetic insectoacaricides are potentially dangerous for warm-blooded animals, but to varying degrees. Some cause toxic poisoning and even death without emergency treatment. There are drugs that cause cancer and other related disorders in the body. Over time, such drugs are discontinued or banned for use on pets.

    Hygiene and care during treatment

    A pet suffering from trichodectosis must wear an Elizabethan collar, which helps avoid licking off insecticidal preparations before they are absorbed.

    Hygiene requirements when treating a cat for lice:

    • do wet cleaning of premises daily with Ecocide and Ectomin ;
    • wash in hot water, steam treat toys, beds, rugs, scratching posts;
    • treat wounds and scratches with antiseptics;
    • after treatment, worm the cat;
    • Extensive scratching, cover wounds with a sterile bandage.

    When feeding your pet naturally, be sure to include vitamin and mineral complexes as recommended by your veterinarian. A cat eating ready-made industrial food is switched to the “Skin and Wool” or “Sensitive Skin” .

    Causes of ectoparasites

    The reproduction of insects on a pet’s body can be caused by various factors, from direct contact to unacceptable living conditions. Here are the most common routes of infection:

    • Rarely performed sanitary and hygienic procedures (bathing, brushing wool).
    • Contact with infected animals.
    • A damp and damp room in which a dog lives.
    • Unbalanced diet, deficiency of essential elements.
    • Infection from mother to newborn puppies.

    Can humans and other pets become infected with lice from a cat?

    The hair-eating tick cannot survive on the human body: it dies from hypothermia on bare skin without fur. However, these parasites are carriers of worm eggs. If a lice eater is accidentally swallowed, a cat, and from it a person, becomes infected with a common tapeworm - the cucumber tapeworm, reaching a length of 70 cm.

    It is important to observe hygiene standards: wash your hands with soap after handling animals, clean rooms with chlorine-containing substances, handle trays more thoroughly using rubber gloves, and regularly change the filler.

    Symptoms of the lesion

    The activity of lice eaters leads to the following pathological symptoms:

    1. Itching: the arthropod gnaws the skin, inflammation occurs, the cat scratches the itchy areas, and ichor leaks out. It dries out and crusts form. Secondary microflora joins in and the itching intensifies.
    2. A rash appears and pustules form. The saliva of parasites, when repeatedly penetrating skin defects, causes sensitization and an allergic reaction.
    3. Hair loss. Lice eaters can destroy a fur coat over a large area.
    4. Ulcers on the skin.
    5. Mats in long-haired cats.
    6. The skin becomes inflamed, rough, swollen, and rough.
    7. Segments of cucumber tapeworm are found in feces.
    8. Against the background of a decline in immunity, subcutaneous mites - demodex - develop; notoedrus; otodectes.

    Preventive measures

    To avoid infecting a cat with a lice eater, the following preventive measures must be observed:

    • every week inspect the animal’s fur and skin for the presence of parasites;
    • use an insecticidal collar when walking;
    • do not allow the cat to communicate with stray cats;
    • feed with balanced food;
    • Wash the tray in a timely manner;
    • monitor the cleanliness of beds, toys, rugs used by the pet;
    • deworm your cat quarterly;
    • bathe your cat regularly using special anti-parasitic shampoos;
    • When purchasing a second pet, carefully examine its fur for the presence of lice;
    • Visit the veterinarian regularly and get vaccinations to prevent skin diseases.

    Proper care and the owner's attentive attention to detail are the key to healthy skin and fur of a cat. If the problem is noticed in time, it will allow you to get rid of parasites as soon as possible and prevent the pet’s condition from worsening.

    Signs of presence

    How to determine by external signs whether your kitten is infected with lice or not?

    Firstly , he will strongly scratch the bite area, the itching is especially severe at night, the cat practically does not sleep because of this. The pet will bite parasites and actively lick the fur.

    Secondly , the cat stops listening to the owner, stops playing, becomes irritable and lethargic.

    Thirdly , in places where a large number of insects accumulate, baldness appears, as well as dry white elements similar to dandruff.

    Murkoshi specialists advise using one method to detect the presence of lice eaters. Bring a light bulb to your cat and in a few minutes you will be able to see parasites gathering in the warmth at the ends of the hairs. No other insects will do this. It should be noted that bacteria and infection can enter the combed areas and, as a result, inflammation will begin. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment as quickly as possible.

    Photo gallery

    Photo 1. Lice eater under a microscope

    Photo 2. Lice beetles on wool

    Photo 3. Poison beetles under a microscope

    Photo 4. The dog and the consequences of the “work” of lice eaters

    Photo 5. Bald patches on a dog

    Photo 6. Lice eater close-up

    Why are they dangerous for animals?

    Lice eaters are carriers of infectious diseases, as well as tapeworms. They provoke a decrease in the dog’s immunity and can cause skin diseases and nervous disorders. The longer the pests stay on the animal’s fur, the more they will harm it. For this reason, the dog breeder needs to pay attention to strange symptoms in the pet as early as possible and provide him with the necessary help.

    The pests are not transmitted to humans. This means that any family member can treat an animal against parasites without the risk of contracting lice.

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