How cockroaches can infect humans. How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever

According to research by the World Health Organization, in 18-20% of cases the source of the disease is insects. The first place in the list of infection carriers belongs to flies, and cockroaches are in second place.

Synanthropic Prussians are the most common and most numerous cohabitants of people. Their number and reproduction rate are influenced by social, climatic and sanitary conditions.

The appearance of most adults is characterized by the following features:

  • flat, elongated body;
  • small head and large jaw apparatus;
  • three pairs of legs;
  • a pair of eyes;
  • color is brown, red or black.

Some species have wings folded on the dorsal part of the body.
The appearance of a red-haired Prussian in an apartment causes unpleasant emotions and significant discomfort associated with contamination of the house and spoilage of food. How else are cockroaches dangerous? It is the causative agent of many dangerous parasitic and infectious diseases and allergic reactions. Under certain circumstances it causes significant property damage. Black house cockroaches are known carriers of staphylococcal pathogens. Other species can become a source of tuberculosis bacillus, which passes unchanged through the digestive tract of the individual and does not lose its pathogenicity.

What are they carriers of?

The danger from cockroaches lies in the fact that they deftly know how to move around rooms and neighboring premises. The paths for this are not chosen: sewer pipes, basements and attics. Along the way, they pick up a lot of infections and microbes that stick to the chitinous coating and paws. This also includes helminth eggs, that is, worms.

They carry everything collected into people’s homes, where they walk freely on kitchen tables and come into contact with abandoned food and drinks in glasses. In this way, all the infection clings to a person.

Apart from external transfer, longhorned beetles are not particularly sterile from the inside. They are indiscriminate in their food, feeding on waste, human and animal excrement. Therefore, in their digestive system they have a whole breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

According to research, mustachioed pests carry the following diseases:

  • dysentery;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • urological infections;
  • salmonellosis;
  • tuberculosis
  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • mycobacteriosis.

The following helminths can carry eggs on their limbs:

  • whipworm;
  • tapeworms;
  • pinworm

The greatest harm is caused by specimens that entered the house from sewers, since it is unknown how long and in what they floundered. It’s scary to even imagine what kind of disgust they leave after running through food products.

Moving intensively around the living space, longhorned beetles leave the above listed not only on food, but on the walls and personal hygiene items in the bathroom.

Therefore, the risk of infection increases: touching familiar objects in the apartment and not washing hands. The person then does not even realize what caused the disease. If sanitary standards are not maintained in kindergartens and schools, children are at risk. Cockroach settlements in these places become the cause of infectious epidemics. Therefore, when parasites are detected, emergency measures are taken - they call SES employees for disinfestation.

Can whiskered pests cause allergies?

Cockroaches are dangerous in terms of causing an allergic reaction in people. During their life, parasites leave chitinous shells (after molting) and hardened feces everywhere. This mixes with dust and when it gets into the lungs or onto the epidermis, it causes the development of a number of diseases:

  • asthma;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis.

When faced systematically with an allergen in the home, a person develops a chronic allergy - the symptoms do not go away. Children are especially susceptible to this. Signs of an allergic reaction: sneezing, watery eyes, soreness and congestion in the nasopharynx, pain in the eyes.

Prolonged rhinitis threatens to develop into polyps in the nose, which leads to serious breathing problems. Asthma not only causes general malaise, but also significantly disrupts the usual way of life.

Black cockroaches constantly emit an unpleasant stench. If the accumulation is small, this is not so noticeable, but if the infection is severe, the stale smell lingers in the apartment constantly. No amount of ventilation can eliminate it. There is only one way to get rid of it - to completely poison the parasites and remove the remains that have accumulated in secluded places in the living space.

Fighting methods

Start the fight at the first sign of infection in the apartment. You should be wary when you see small dark pellets, reminiscent of poppy seeds, scattered across the kitchen furniture. They are cockroach excrement. The overgrown population causes an unpleasant odor and ceases to hide, appearing to the eyes of the inhabitants of the apartment not only at night, but also during the day.

To kill pests, buy insecticidal preparations at a hardware store. Good results are provided by:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Raid;
  • Clean house;
  • chalk Mashenka;
  • Global;
  • Super Fas powder;
  • Dohlox.

Use products according to instructions. Be sure to wear gloves on your hands, cover your respiratory organs with a respirator, and your eyes with goggles.

As auxiliary measures, use special traps, smoke bombs and folk methods. Boil an egg, mash the yolk and mix with a teaspoon of boric acid. Roll into balls and place edible bait in the corners of the rooms.

What else are harmful to cockroaches?

Whiskered insects actively spoil food. Scientists have found that the pest consumes up to 10 kg of dry food residues per year. At first glance, this is not much. Just besides this, how much food they render unusable. So, having noticed an unpleasant insect in a plate of salad, no one will continue to eat, since it is not clear where the cockroach wandered before. Consequently, the dish is spoiled and goes to waste. A similar situation occurs with other foods.

If the Prussians are permanent residents, then it is unknown what they have already managed to run through. This means that all food that is not cleared from the tables must be thrown away. Often left uncovered: fruits, sweets, bread and rolls. If at least one got into the refrigerator, then there is a high probability that he marked most of the food supplies.

Cockroaches are omnivorous creatures, so their food is not only crumbs and leftovers from the common table. In extreme situations, they do not mind profiting from insulation, glue and book binding. They are endowed with a gnawing mouthpart, so they can handle hard objects. Such tricks damage electrical appliances, leading to short circuits and even fires.

How not to get infected?

In general, in order to avoid becoming a victim of such a situation, you must adhere to certain rules. There is nothing complicated about them, and most importantly, they are really effective:

  • before each use of food, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes and cutlery (never forget that black domestic cockroaches and their red relatives can easily run over these items);
  • close the garbage bag tightly so that no insects can get into it;
  • After eating, never leave uneaten breakfast, lunch or dinner on the table, and also thoroughly wipe the table to remove any crumbs that have formed;
  • Place all products in cabinets in special sealed containers.

Are they capable of attacking and biting?

Cockroaches are not endowed with predatory instincts, so humans are not of interest to them as prey. There is no direct harm from them. This is compared to bedbugs or mosquitoes, which feed on human blood.

But from time to time they are not averse to biting, which causes trouble:

  • There have been cases where, in the absence of a water and food source, cockroaches ate the skin of the fingers and in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold on a sleeping person. There are documented facts that sailors were forced to sleep with gloves to escape cockroach infestations at night. Insects also tend to eat the remaining crumbs on the lips and discharge in the eyes.
  • Being dependent on water, without it cockroaches are able to absorb human saliva from the lips and gnaw the epithelium. Children are especially at risk in this regard. If pathogenic bacteria are present on the paws of such a visitor, then infection occurs.
  • Domestic red Prussians can climb into the ear flap in an attempt to hide from danger. Having squeezed through the ear canal, they cannot get back out. As a result, moving and moving the mustache can injure the walls of the hearing aid and harm the ear membrane. It is problematic to remove them from there on your own, which forces you to seek medical help. At the medical facility, the unwanted resident is carefully removed with a special tool. It follows that cockroaches do not bite regularly and deliberately. They do this only in emergency situations, since food and water are always available in the apartments. Another reason for the attack is that the population has grown to incredible sizes and there is no longer enough food for everyone.

Arthropod bites have dangerous consequences. With their jaws, insects gnaw through soft tissue, leaving deep wounds on the eyelids, neck, cheeks, and ears. The marks take a long and painful time to heal due to infection. A secondary infection may occur, which penetrates through the saliva of the Prussians. There is a substance in saliva that causes side effects - the affected areas become red, itchy and painful.

Dermatitis on the skin develops from the following types of cockroaches: red, black, American. All of them are frequent guests in human homes. American and Egyptian arthropods, biting off particles of epithelium, contribute to the development of erosions and papulovesicles (rashes), accompanied by an unbearable burning sensation. Later they become covered with purulent discharge.

Damage to electrical appliances

Cockroaches love to bask inside household electrical appliances. They especially love tube TVs and radios. Nowadays, such devices are gradually being phased out. If they are not thrown away, then they are stored only as rarities. But just 25-30 years ago, tube TVs were at a premium. A TV breakdown was considered a real disaster. And often its cause was cockroaches that “shorted” the signal. Nowadays, “mustached” ones can also cause a short circuit. Their jaws are strong enough to chew through the insulation of electrical wiring. Modern standards of European renovation are to the taste of cockroaches - almost all wires and communications are hidden from view. The spaces under the decorative panels are dark, warm and safe. An ideal habitat for a cockroach!

Harm from poisoned parasites

Even poisoned insects pose a certain danger - after disinfestation has been carried out in a residential area using pesticides. Such specimens can harm pets: cats, dogs, birds. They playfully catch them and eat them, which leads to severe intoxication.

Most progressive insecticides have a prolonged spectrum of action, so they do not kill longhorned beetles instantly. For some time they still move, although slowed down. So the still living cockroach holds a poisonous bomb within itself.

Cats are more sensitive to insecticides, especially pyrethroids. The first symptom of poisoning will be the appearance of drooling. The animal behaves inappropriately.

Therefore, during sanitization and for the next 1-2 days, it is recommended to remove not only people, but also animals from the living space. Bullying can also have a negative impact on the person doing the pest control. To prevent such an outcome, thoroughly study the instructions for using the insecticide and follow safety precautions. Wear a respirator when working.| Read about effective cockroach repellents...

In reality, few people are careful, so cases of poisoning do occur. Often everything is limited to a slight malaise: dizziness, nausea, migraine.

Is there a danger after disinfestation?

Some substances do not kill cockroaches immediately. They poison the insect, making it toxic. Returning to the nest, the individual infects its relatives and soon the entire colony dies.

Under the influence of poison, pests lose orientation in space, cease to be afraid of people and crawl chaotically around the apartment during the day. In this state, they can easily fall onto a person from the wall and scurry into a person’s ear in panic.

When using edible baits, be careful not to allow small children or pets to try them.

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