Bedbug bites on the human body: when they appear, how to treat and how to avoid

Those who have ever had to deal with bedbugs know that these bloodsuckers can cause a lot of inconvenience. The fact of their presence is unpleasant in itself, but the presence of bedbugs can cause serious trouble. If you discover bites, you should take action immediately. Treatment often comes down to the use of sedatives, disinfectants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Why treat

In most cases, bedbugs are not capable of causing significant damage to human health. But the bite sites give no rest due to burning and itching. Painful sensations in the affected areas also often haunt. Each body reacts differently to the bites of bed parasites.

Main symptoms:

  • itching;
  • painful sensations;
  • redness;
  • swelling.

When treating affected areas of the skin, you can use sprays and ointments. They are designed to relieve inflammation. They also eliminate the possibility of infection. Parasites can be carriers of various infections. Although it is extremely rare for a person to become infected with bedbugs. However, you need to understand that if you do not engage in treatment, allergic reactions may occur. Psychological discomfort is also possible. Its main symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • fear of new bites;
  • nightmares.

Although the bite wound is small, it remains open for some time. To prevent infection from getting here, it must be treated with some kind of disinfectant. If the itching is not relieved, a person scratches the wound, which can lead to the formation of pus, inflammation and local hyperthermia. As for an allergic reaction, its symptoms appear shortly after the bite:

  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • labored breathing;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • edema;
  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • runny nose.

The most severe forms of allergy include anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. In such situations, you simply cannot do without the help of qualified doctors.

How to prevent and treat bedbug bites

The boy was bitten by bedbugs while he was sleeping

Itchy red spots from bites that appear every night on a person’s body may indicate the existence of insects in the house.

These could be bedbugs that become uninvited guests in the house.

What measures can be taken, what to apply to prevent bedbugs from biting?

Thanks to the active fight to destroy such insects and prevent their appearance, you can protect yourself and your household from many bites that lead to unwanted redness of the skin, itching, swelling, and allergies.

People are interested in: what to do if you are bitten by bedbugs and how to get them out?

If these parasites still leave traces of their bites on the body, then a number of immediate measures should be taken that will help not only get rid of the insects, but also bring the skin of the body into complete order.

You need to know exactly:

  • what to do to prevent bedbugs from biting,

    what measures to take if insects do bite,

  • external signs of a bite,

  • first symptoms, allergic reaction,

  • how to eliminate bites, itching, swelling on a child’s body,

  • about the best drugs to combat bites.

What should I do and what should I apply to prevent bedbugs from biting me?

Dead bug

Insect bites can be prevented if you carry out thorough preventive procedures, which determine the likelihood of infection.

First of all, you should protect your own body.

You need to know that bedbugs do not like odors containing alcohol additives. Therefore, you can safely use colognes or perfumes.

You should lubricate different parts of the body with these products. Their aroma will only drive away insects.

This procedure should be carried out before bedtime, since bedbugs bite mostly at night.

Instead of perfume, you can use essential oils, and also lubricate exposed areas of the body with fish oil.

A composition prepared from a decoction of edible cloves with cologne in equal proportions will be no less effective.

The resulting mixture must be applied to the body again before bed. Repellents are also allowed to lubricate the skin for preventive purposes.

Along with procedures aimed at completely protecting the body from bedbug bites, it is very important to apply a smear on bedbug bites; you need to purchase a specialized product designed to treat the room and objects in it. To do this you will need an insecticide, which is applied:

  • on internal parts, back walls of furniture,
  • on the underside of the mattress,
  • on the cracks between the baseboard and the wall,
  • on the back side of rugs, carpets, paintings,
  • in places where the trellises recede.

Bed linen, including pillows and blankets, must be washed at a fairly high temperature.

A good remedy in such a situation would be wormwood, which can be spread on the floor under the beds, tables, and chairs.

It also drives bedbugs away from the premises. Mashenka's chalk is a great help in the fight against bedbugs.

Many people recommend this remedy for bedbugs. Read >>>!

Elidel - an expensive cream for eczema

Elidel contains pimecrolimus, and although popular as a treatment for bites, this drug was originally intended to combat atopic dermatitis. The substance works at the level of T-lymphocytes and mast cells, preventing them from releasing inflammatory mediators. It enters the bloodstream in small quantities, which helps the cream act selectively on the skin, coping with inflammation and itching. Elidel can be applied to any part of the body, including the face and neck; Low suction allows you to smear an arbitrarily large area. Frequency of application: twice a day. In combination with alcohol, Elidel can cause a rash, swelling, redness of the face and itching.

The cream can be used from 3 months. Its disadvantages are high price and side effects. Sometimes the product causes a burning sensation at the site of application, a rash, and changes in pigmentation. The effect on the immune system can manifest itself in the form of exacerbation of herpes, the development of molluscum contagiosum - another viral infection of the skin, the appearance of boils and papillomas. Very rarely, the use of Elidel led to neoplasms; If you have a weakened immune system or have skin infections, you shouldn’t use it.

What to do if the protection did not help and the bugs still bit you, how to treat bed bug bites

bedbug bites photos

There are a number of means through which you can treat bedbug bites at home.

Blood is consumed by bedbugs in small doses, which cannot cause significant harm to the human body.

These are simple bites that do not require special treatment.

However, they spread on the body with bright red spots, which is far from aesthetically pleasing. At the same time, an unpleasant itching appears.

Bite areas can be washed with soapy water. Redness can be relieved with ice or a cold compress.

If an allergic reaction of the body occurs, you need to act differently. An ointment designed to relieve itching is applied to a clean bite wound.

This remedy will prevent severe scratching of the red dot on the skin, which can later turn into a purulent wound.

A special ointment is selected, which contains pain-relieving components.

Other unpleasant symptoms of a bite are redness, including swelling of the skin of the body. They are also treated with medications and folk remedies. Worth using:

  • Hector is the only cream-gel specifically for the treatment of bedbug bites;
  • hydrocortisone, designed to quickly relieve any symptoms from bites;
  • propolis tincture prepared on the basis of alcohol;
  • Akriderm is a good antibiotic (can remove inflammation);
  • tavegil for accelerated treatment of numerous bites (in this case, injections are prescribed);
  • regular soda (considered an excellent remedy in those moments when it is not possible to purchase the required drug at the pharmacy);
  • mint essential oil (redness, swelling, itching, as well as bite marks go away);
  • a special patch needed for insect bites;
  • zindol - suspension, accelerates the healing process of wounds;
  • tablets with anti-allergenic action.

Psilo-balm is a competitor to Fenistil

A gel called Psilo-balm is another allergy drug at a reasonable price. The H1-histamine receptor blocker in its composition is called diphenhydramine, and the effect is almost similar to the effects of Fenistil. You will need to smear the bites with Psilo-balm more often: it should be applied 3-4 times a day, in a thin layer, using 2-3 grams of the product. The result of application will be a reduction in swelling, a cooling effect and a reduction in itching. Gels differ from ointments in the composition of their base: they are quickly absorbed and easily washed off clothes, but they protect the skin for less time.

Despite the small number of adverse reactions and contraindications, Psilo-balm is considered a potent remedy. When applied to large areas of skin, excessive amounts of the drug may be absorbed into the bloodstream, causing dry mouth and confusion. During treatment you should not drive a car, drink alcohol or spend time in the sun. Psilo-balm is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but they need to monitor their condition.

How to recognize bedbug bites by external signs?

The child was bitten by bedbugs

Not only do bed bugs dream, but they also bite at night. Therefore, it is impossible to detect them.

Only in the morning are red dots visible on the body, causing itching.

At first glance, it is difficult to recognize a bedbug bite, but it is possible if you know some distinctive signs.

Typically, such an insect feeds on blood from capillaries. They are located close to the surface of the skin.

In the morning, you may notice a perfect line of bites that cause itching. They can be seen on the limbs, as well as in the back, neck, and face.

With a large number of bedbugs, a person’s body can be covered with 100 bites per night. In most cases, women and children are bitten because they have more delicate skin and the capillaries are close to the surface of the skin.

The first signs of bites, the appearance of an allergic reaction

Until today, it has not been discovered that bedbugs can infect people with various diseases. However, the fact that their bites can cause an allergic reaction is undeniable.

The main signs of insect bites:

  • skin redness, severe itching, swelling,
  • difficulty breathing, swelling in the face or neck,
  • bronchospasm, in rare cases anaphylactic shock.

You can fight an allergic reaction at home if it is mild, using appropriate medications. If the temperature rises, breathing becomes difficult, or a cough appears, then you need to prepare anti-allergy medications and consult a specialist.

Dangerous mistakes

People often underestimate the risks when using pharmaceuticals. This only makes things worse for the victim. Failure to comply with the rules of use or the use of completely wrong drugs, unfortunately, occurs quite often.

When treating bed bug bites, you need to pay attention to the following possible mistakes:

  • Neglecting to check for allergic reactions. Before using any pharmaceutical ointment, you need to make sure there is no allergy. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the outside of the elbow. If the slightest signs of an allergic reaction appear, the use of the drug is unacceptable.
  • Overdose. Excessive amount of ointment should be washed off with warm water. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, the risk of allergies increases significantly.

Often people avoid medicinal ointments, creams and gels, fearing allergies and side effects, preferring traditional methods. At the same time, many more patients suffer from traditional methods, which is most often justified by their incorrect use. Choose high-quality ointments, gels and creams, strictly follow the doctor’s prescription and instructions, and if the bite causes a severe allergic reaction, consult a doctor immediately.

What to do if there are traces of bedbug bites on the baby’s body?

The boy was bitten in a dream

It is much more difficult if a child is bitten by bedbugs.

Children begin to itch, sometimes the condition reaches the point where red dots on the body turn into blood spots.

However, many insect repellents are not suitable for children's skin. Therefore, parents are concerned with the question: what to do if the baby is bitten by bedbugs?

Initially, you should wipe the wounds with a swab dipped in soapy water. You need to treat with solutions or syrups that can be bought at the pharmacy.

Vinegar will be no less effective at home when used to wipe off bedbug bites. In this case, the skin will sting, but in most cases this procedure helps.

It makes sense to use corticosteroid ointment. It is used for children's skin to relieve itching and inflammation.

These drugs include: Aveeno, Bactine, Dermolate creams. You can try zinc ointment. It relieves itching, pain, and irritation after a bite. An ice pack applied to the bite site for 20 minutes will be no less effective. This will help relieve the itching.

If an allergic reaction occurs, you should not put off visiting a therapist and self-medicate.

Hormonal ointments

Ointments with glucocorticosteroids are good because they can quickly relieve inflammation, and the price of many of them is modest. Unfortunately, any drugs containing hormones must be treated with caution: when absorbed into the blood, they can affect the functioning of the adrenal glands and cause their failure. Other dangerous side effects are decreased resistance to infections and visual impairment.

  • Afloderm
    - an expensive, but relatively mild remedy with alklometasone. Side effects from a cream or ointment are extremely rare and are usually associated with skin irritation or secondary infections. The product can be used from 6 months; At the same time, it is important to know that the absorption of the active substance by the skin of a child is higher than that of an adult, and diapers and diapers can enhance it. This effect requires caution.

  • Akriderm
    is usually used for dermatitis and psoriasis, but in an emergency you can also anoint a bite. The price is average, it should be used for no longer than 3 weeks, including rubbing into itchy areas 1-2 times a day. Up to 12 years of age, the use of Akriderm is limited.

Hydrocortisone is the cheapest. The ointment is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day; like any hormonal ointment, it should not be applied to the eyes. Pregnant women should not treat bites in this way, and children require special attention due to the increased chance of getting problems with the adrenal cortex.

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