12 simple options for how to get rid of weevils (photo) on strawberries: remedies and methods

What do weevils look like?

Barn weevil Weevils
(another name for them is elephant weevils) belong to the family of beetles. The pests are very small, their length is 2-5 mm. Often rice and barn varieties appear in the house. The second most common. Young weevils have a light brown tint, while adults have a black color. The beetle has a cylindrical body and an oblong head with a tube. The barn elephant has poorly developed wings, so it is not adapted to fly. This disadvantage is compensated by well-developed legs, allowing the bug to move long distances. The head has a strong oral apparatus, so it easily gnaws through grains and other hard cereals.

Reasons for the appearance of weevils in an apartment

A common way for weevils to enter an apartment is through spoiled food purchased by a person in a store or market. Basically, infection of cereals occurs in the barn, in a warehouse, where the necessary preventive measures to suppress pests are not carried out.

Packaged products containing eggs of this beetle are favorably sold in retail. Moreover, it is very difficult to see the weevil in the bag; they hatch after they have brought the cereal home. It will be possible to notice the insect only after the mature individuals have matured.

When the food supply runs out, the pests chew through the package and go in search of a new product. Infected products are prohibited from being eaten, since they contain waste products of beetles that are dangerous for food poisoning. But in the vegetable garden or garden plots, “uninvited guests” may appear from neighboring estates. Most of these insects fly well, so it will not be difficult to settle on other patches of land.

Features of the beetle and its harm

The biggest problem of the modern garden is the inability to control the weevil population, which in turn multiplies quickly and leads to the death of plants and crops, not disdaining shrubs and trees.

The pest lays eggs mainly in buds. After the larvae hatch, they actively eat the petals of the buds, which leads to a lack of harvest.

Adults feed on the foliage of strawberries, wild strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, and flowers, leaving behind wounds through which pathogenic flora penetrates the plant. Just a few families of weevils are enough to leave a strawberry plantation of 2 acres without a harvest. To do this, you just need to ignore the pest and create comfortable conditions for it in every possible way.

Damage caused by weevils

The danger of the beetle to humans lies not only in the spoilage of products. Pests contain spores of pathogenic bacteria and fungal infections.

Weevil droppings provoke severe allergic reactions, causing a noticeable deterioration in health. Therefore, when they are identified, you should immediately get rid of them and take appropriate measures to destroy them, preventing reproduction and the formation of possible pathologies.

Elephants are polyphagous insects that easily endure natural disasters, moving into residential apartments. Pests destroy bulk products, resulting in dust unsuitable for use.

A chitinous skin remains in the beetle flour, separating carcinogens. Bakery products made from this flour lead to infection and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Means for controlling weevils on house plants

The weevil can spoil supplies and eat plants, but fighting it will help stop the pest. There are preparations for use in apartments if it settles on flowers or cereals.


A product with a natural composition to combat various pests. Belongs to the class of biological drugs. The insecticide is used for spraying. Typically, to completely eliminate pests, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 treatments at intervals of about 5-6 days. The period of protective action is up to 20 days.

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Fitoverm is the best measure to combat weevils. It is suitable for indoor flowers and ornamental plants.

The drug requires the use of protective measures during operation. The toxicity period for insects is about 1 day. The active ingredients do not harm the flowers.


The drug has bactericidal and acaricidal properties, prevents the re-invasion of weevils and other pests, and has an intestinal contact effect, that is, it causes the death of the pest when its components penetrate the stomach.

Features of the insecticide:

  • has high toxicity, so it is not used for prophylaxis;
  • begins to act 5–60 minutes after treatment;
  • protects for up to 14–20 days, and when treating barns and cellars – up to 1 year;
  • Depending on the stage of damage, continuous or spot spraying of plants is used.

During treatment, plants in pots should be taken outside or onto an open balcony and left there for at least a day.

Actellik should not be combined with chemicals that contain copper or calcium. During work, be sure to use protective measures - the insecticide belongs to hazard class 2.


A domestically produced insecticide that, in addition to pest control substances, contains growth stimulants. Peculiarities:

  • The protection period is up to 3 weeks;
  • acts on weevils by paralyzing after chemicals enter the intestines or stomach;
  • potassium supplements strengthen the immunity of flowers;
  • Suitable against more than 50 types of pests.

The spark can be used for indoor flowers, processing granaries, cellars, barns.


Belongs to the class of enteric-contact-fumigant insecticides. Suitable for processing storage areas for various food supplies. The main active ingredient is malathion, which causes paralysis and death of weevils within 1 day.

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Main features of the insecticide:

  • may cause resistance (addiction to the active ingredients), therefore requires alternation with other drugs;
  • causes the death of pests within 1–2 hours after treatment;
  • the protective effect lasts up to 2 weeks;
  • belongs to hazard class 3, moderately toxic for humans and animals;
  • does not accumulate in plants.

Do not use the product during the flowering period. Fufanon is universal - it can be used to treat mattresses and beds against bedbugs, and it is also suitable for fighting cockroaches.

Green soap

A green sticky liquid with a characteristic odor, available in transparent bottles with a volume of 250 to 500 ml. The composition includes animal fats, vegetable oil, water and potassium salts. This is one of the most environmentally friendly insecticides, suitable for treating flowers at any time, even during flowering, it is environmentally friendly and safe.

Main characteristics:

  • green soap kills weevils due to its viscosity and stickiness - it envelops the body of the pest, enters the respiratory tract and deprives it of the ability to receive oxygen;
  • helps only in the initial stages of infection; if there are a large number of pests, it does not give the desired effect;
  • Suitable for spraying and treating surfaces in the apartment, for example, flower pots, storage boxes.

In addition to the insecticidal effect, the drug also has a fungicidal effect - it stops the spread of late blight, gray rot, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

Ways to get rid of weevils

The weevil has rather sharp, strong teeth, which can easily make a hole in the material where loose products are located. There are several effective ways to eliminate insects.

Remedies for weevils

Chemicals are used only when there are significant reserves of grain crops. It is not advisable to use them at home, as you can harm yourself. Plants must be treated with drugs. When weevils are found in barns, heat treatment is carried out.

Insecticides that suppress beetles and larvae are used for spraying. These products are toxic; you should carefully read the instructions before using them. Chemical preparations in the fight against the unpleasant weevil of grain crops are provided for fumigation.

Insecticides for weevils

  1. Nemabact is completely safe for animals and people. Destroys different types of beetles.
  2. Antonem-F is an environmentally friendly composition produced from entomopathogenic nematodes and belongs to hazard class IV.
  3. Karbofos is an acaricide, an insecticide intended for removing different types of beetles, belonging to hazard class III.
  4. Inta-Vir is an excellent insecticide that helps fight any insects that have settled on indoor plants. The active ingredient is cypermethrin and should not be used near an aquarium in an apartment.
  5. Fufanon belongs to hazard class III, do not treat near aquatic life. Before removing the terrible weevils from the kitchen, you need to shake the tablets in a certain amount of water (see instructions). Processing plants should be done with gloves.

Fumigants for weevils

The most effective tablets for killing weevils are:

  1. Phosphine is an effective fumigant based on aluminum phosphide.
  2. Dakfosal is an insecticide designed for the purpose of disinsection of seed or food grain stocks. Has increased fumigation activity. Helps to remove insect reserves even in the most difficult to reach places. In addition, it does not affect the quality of the product.
  3. Alphos - indicated for fumigation of barns where grain is located, repels harmful insects. Effective in the fight against ticks, weevils, hamsters and other rodents.
  4. Gin fumigant - used in any premises. The product disinfects feed and food grains in bags or in bulk. The tablet contains a gas that damages the metabolic processes and respiratory tract in the weevil's body, causing its death.
  5. Magtoxin - exhibits high insecticidal activity and is immediately absorbed through packaging bags and goods. The drug kills adult insects, as well as larvae, pupae and eggs of beetles.

Tips and tricks

Which control method would you choose to control weevils?


If the crop is owned by a weevil and not a gardener, you need to reconsider your approach to growing strawberries, namely:

  • In early spring, take the time to manually remove the entire layer of mulch under the bushes, removing all the affected leaves.
  • It is important to dig up those plants that did not overwinter and froze, and treat the place where it grew with any antiseptic.
  • The weevil should be controlled a month before it appears, not the day before harvest. Early preventive spraying reduces the number of parasites in the soil by 60%.
  • It is important to use any chemical strictly according to the instructions. One active ingredient, but with different additives, can work differently, which should be taken into account.
  • It is important to treat strawberry seedlings purchased on the market with any antiseptic before planting in open ground. This will prevent the development of fungal, viral and bacterial infections in the area.

Ignoring preventive spring treatment against weevil is fraught with its rapid reproduction and loss of up to 80% of the strawberry crop. When the berry bears fruit, the beetle will gladly switch to nearby shrubs and trees, not leaving the flowers unattended.

Freezing cereals and flour in the kitchen

You should review all the bags of cereal that are available. Even if very few weevils are found, you still need to get rid of them by throwing them in the trash. After all, beetles lay such small eggs that you can hardly see them. In addition, it is necessary to sort through packages containing wheat elements.

To freeze, you will need the following steps:

  1. It is important to disinfect and treat every cabinet where cereals are stored with a chemical. For maximum effectiveness, the procedure must be repeated a couple of times.
  2. Place packages where no insects were observed into plastic cellophane bags and tie them.
  3. Place uninfected bulk products in the freezer for several days to destroy any remaining eggs.
  4. Then you should review the grains again and pour them into jars with tight-fitting lids. You can place bay leaves or nutmeg in clean, washed cabinets.

Weevils in cereals

Infected cereals
Treatment at elevated temperatures When insects were found in small quantities in the flour, you need to sift it through a sieve. Then place the product on a baking sheet and put it in the oven, dry it and fry it for an hour at 120°C. However, it is also dangerous to abuse it. Because if there is excessive contamination, the use of such flour will cause poisoning of the body.

All cabinet surfaces must be disinfected with pyrethrum:

  • this powder can be purchased at a pharmacy;
  • the product has a strong toxic effect that kills pests, it does not affect people at all, since it contains Caucasian and Persian chamomile;
  • In order to eliminate weevils and preventive measures, the powder is used once every 14 days.

To get rid of larvae and eggs, you can also use a microwave oven to process cereals at high temperatures. Infected products must be placed in a small layer on a flat plate and left for 2-3 minutes. into the oven. At the end of the procedure, rinse the cereal and dry it thoroughly; this is necessary for further storage of grain products.

Prevention measures

The main enemy of the weevil is proper and timely care of plantings. It consists of carrying out the following mandatory activities:

  • Weeding beds and destroying weeds and old tops.
  • Planting location away from wild areas and grain crops.
  • Deep plowing of the soil in the autumn, mulching.
  • Planting strawberries away from raspberries, as such a neighborhood will look most attractive to the weevil, providing unlimited supplies of food.
  • Updating the beds, that is, changing the site. This is especially effective when pests were detected in the previous season.
  • Planting nearby plants that repel weevils. These include garlic and onions.

It is a mistake to believe that only one type of weevil affects strawberries. There are many omnivorous types of insects. In addition, you cannot limit yourself to just one event. Destruction of the pest as a result of treatment will not get rid of the beetle forever. It may appear again, so it is necessary to protect the beds with berries comprehensively.

The best way to protect against weevil on strawberries

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Repels pests with bright and persistent odors

Most pests, including weevils, do not tolerate strong, persistent odors. In order to repel unpleasant insects, you can use peeled garlic; it is placed in the container where the food is located. Instead of garlic, you can also use cloves. Lavender, tansy, and wormwood have a repellent effect. They are also installed in cabinets with cereals. Such plants are often replaced with different essential oils.

To scare away the weevil, you will need a cotton pad, which is dipped in the product and then placed in the desired problem area. It is allowed to put washing powder pre-packaged in small bags in boxes with grain products. However, with this method of scaring you should be careful and not allow it to get on the cereal.

Strong odors repel weevils

Why is it so important to get rid of insects?

They are extremely ruthless to any plants and where you used to grow strawberries, there will be nothing - these insects always have an appetite. In addition, it is very difficult to control their numbers, which in itself is a problem for the entire garden.

It’s a bit gloomy, of course, but treatment for weevils is not an exotic procedure, and people already have a whole list with a variety of means of control - both folk and chemical.

It is also worth noting that the beetle does not really like ripe plants, but berries are his passion. Therefore, it is important, first of all, to treat the berries for weevils, since they are more likely to be there. And don’t forget to conduct a thorough inspection of other crops as well. Otherwise, the plants will definitely die.

Preventative cleaning of the apartment

The room in which bulk products are located needs to be disinfected. Treatment is carried out with soda or soap solution. After which it is recommended to wipe the cabinets with vinegar diluted with water. The shelves must dry well, and only then are you allowed to stack grain products again.

Prevention against weevils

To prevent “uninvited guests” from appearing in your kitchen, you should properly store bulk products, which become a source of pest reproduction.

Preventive measures:

  • for timely detection of weevils in the apartment, it is necessary to carry out regular inspections of cereals, as well as pasta, spices, teas, dried fruits;
  • flour is sifted through fine calico;
  • good conditions for the safety of grain products will be premises that do not exceed 10°C and have a low degree of humidity;
  • cereals and other fillings should be placed in sealed containers; Eco-bags should not be used here, since they will become an obstacle for large and resourceful beetles;
  • do not contain grain in paper bags, you must choose food-grade plastic, glass containers, stainless steel;
  • if weevils or traces of their vital activity are detected in products, it is prohibited to eat these products;
  • Place nutmeg or a bag of salt in the container where the cereal is.

To prevent weevils from appearing in your apartment, it is necessary to check the manufacturing date before purchasing the product, and also take a good look at the product for the presence of traces of the beetle. To prevent pests from entering your summer cottage, it is important to dig up the soil and spray the plants with chemicals.

And in case of infection, immediately begin to remove them; for this you can buy special chemicals or use home folk methods.

Resistant varieties

There are no varieties that can resist weevils, but there are those that are characterized by increased resistance. These include:

  • "red amber";
  • "fairy";
  • "Vasilisa";
  • "Aphrodite";
  • "kupava";
  • "mascot";
  • "union";
  • "prima";
  • "fontanelle";
  • "palette";
  • "Linda";
  • "Red poppy".

Planting apple tree varieties resistant to pest attacks is not a solution to the problem. The gardener will still have to pay attention to preventative treatments and inspect his garden. Choosing the right variety is no more than 10% of success. You will have to fight for a good harvest.

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