Aquafumigator Raptor against bedbugs and cockroaches, description of the system

There is a huge variety of insect control products. They can be biological, mechanical, and sometimes include not the safest components. Be that as it may, when it comes to fighting the Prussians, you have to use the most powerful options. The Raptor aquafumigator against cockroaches is one of the most powerful devices.

The Raptor aquafumigator is great for getting rid of insects

How to prepare a room for treatment with an aquafumitator against cockroaches?

Using an aquafumigator against cockroaches is very simple - just follow the instructions.
So, toys need to be put in a bag, and food should be hidden in the refrigerator. It is recommended to hide the dishes away, do not touch the bed linen, and open the cabinets in the apartment. Fish are known to be sensitive to insecticides. To prevent them from being poisoned by a toxic substance, the aquarium is sealed with tape, then steam will not be able to penetrate there. Give turtles, parrots, cats, dogs to neighbors or friends for a while.

While the room is being treated with an aquafumigator against insects, the windows must be properly closed, and the hood must be sealed with masking tape. This is necessary to prevent cockroaches from crawling to the neighbors. And then new pests will definitely not appear.

Steam comes from the aquafumigator immediately after its use. At first there is a thin trickle, and then it gets bigger. After a few minutes, fog and an unpleasant smell appear in the apartment, causing people to cough. To avoid this, you need to leave the premises as quickly as possible.

Cockroaches are pests that can be dangerous to humans and animals

The essence of the fumigator

An aquafumigator for cockroaches appeared on domestic markets not so long ago. The basis for the operation of this product is the heating of the key active ingredient, which leads to the evaporation of the synthetic components of the product. Due to this, it is possible to overtake the insect, which is hiding in the most inaccessible places. In accordance with the type of heating element, the following types of fumigators can be distinguished:

  1. Smoke. This is a special spiral that, when burned, produces smoke harmful to cockroaches.

    Due to its distribution through the air, vapor with the active substance reaches all secluded places

  2. Electrical. They are a miniature device into which a plate with the active substance is inserted. After connecting the outlet collector, the component heats up, and the evaporation of the insecticide leads to the destruction of pests.
  3. Aquafumigators. Water is mixed with the active substance, after which the mixture evaporates. This is not only a highly effective option, but also the safest.

In this video you will learn about getting rid of insects using the Raptor product:

Terms of use

How to use the Raptor aquafumigator insect elimination system? Customer reviews indicate that it is not difficult to apply:

  1. You need to remove the container and metal device from the packaging.
  2. The liquid from a small bag needs to be transferred to a container.
  3. Then a special metal product is lowered there.
  4. You need to close the windows and doors and leave the room for three hours. After this time, the effect of the product ends and the pests disappear completely.

Compliance with these recommendations will allow the premises to be treated without harm to the health of the residents. After the procedure, the home will be free from insects.

Efficiency and ease of use

Preparations for cockroaches Raptor are available in several forms:


They are convenient for treating any surface, including hard-to-reach places (spaces behind furniture and baseboards, cracks in the floor). Aerosol spray should be sprayed in places where cockroaches accumulate and wherever they have been noticed. Having run across the treated surface, the insect soon dies.

Aerosol Raptor contains cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide. The first two components paralyze the vital systems in the body of cockroaches, penetrating through the integumentary membranes (the cockroach becomes poisoned when exposed to a stream of aerosol and upon contact with the treated surface). The third component enhances the effect of the first two, increasing the overall effectiveness of the aerosol.

The insecticide cypermethrin begins to act actively immediately after spraying the product, and other components remain effective for a long period of time, gradually accumulating in the body of parasites and poisoning them. This is especially useful in the fight against cockroaches because these insects have the ability to gradually adapt to the poison. And the combination of poisons does not allow them time to develop such immunity.


A convenient and compact device that destroys cockroaches in the most inaccessible places, thanks to the production of penetrating steam. The active ingredient is cyphenothrin, which is harmful to all types of insects.

The principle of operation of the device is similar to a conventional fumigator or smoke bomb against cockroaches, only it is an order of magnitude higher and there is a vapor-generating element in the aquafumigator capsule. With steam, the active substance spreads throughout the entire space of the apartment, penetrating into any crevice. The Raptor aquafumigator leaves no chance for insects to escape.


Apply precisely in areas where cockroaches often appear. It contains a delayed-release insecticide called lambda-cyhalothrin and food attractants that are very attractive to cockroaches.

After eating the poison, the insect manages to return to the colony of its relatives and poison them with particles of gel carried on its legs. Thanks to this formula, Raptor gel, although it acts slower than an aerosol, allows you to get rid of the entire colony of pests over time.


Compact and inconspicuous Raptor traps should be placed in places where insects are most often, as well as near their intended habitats (in the corners of rooms, near radiators, under the bathroom). Inside the plastic boxes of the traps there is a poisonous bait with a high palatability for cockroaches. Fipronil, which is part of the composition, kills insects. Just like the gel, the edible bait does not destroy the insect immediately, but gives it time to poison its relatives.

The trap is best used to combat periodically appearing insects (for example, coming from neighbors). It remains effective for several months and is convenient because it does not stain surfaces. Packs 6 pcs. Enough for an average-sized apartment.

All Raptor products can be used in combination or you can choose one that is most suitable.

Differences from similar products - smoke bombs and “hot fog”

As noted above, the principle of operation of an aquafumigator is reminiscent of that of smoke bombs, as well as of a “hot fog” generator: the insecticide enters the room in the form in which it most effectively reaches insect hiding places.

But both over smoke bombs and over a “hot fog” generator, an aquafumigator has several clear advantages.

The fumigator differs from smoke bombs in its complete fire safety and the fact that the steam released from it does not leave a persistent burning odor in the room being treated. In addition, permethrin smoke bombs form a white coating on the ceiling, floor and interior items, and hexachlorane smoke bombs, still sometimes used in agriculture, are simply dangerous to health (hexachlorane accumulates in the body and has a teratogenic effect, that is, it can cause developmental disorders embryo).

There is another nuance: many insecticidal smoke bombs (Samuro, Quiet Evening, City), sold in online stores or in physical retail outlets, have classical insecticides often used in everyday life as active ingredients. More often it is permethrin, less often cypermethrin. Synanthropic insects - bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, moths - often already have resistance to these insecticides. Specially conducted experiments show that bedbugs and red cockroaches often caught in apartments do not die even 5 hours after, for example, a permethrin bomb is lit right next to them.

The active component of the Raptor aquafumigator always poisons insects: there is currently no data on identifying populations of bedbugs or cockroaches resistant to it.

The main advantage of the Raptor aquafumigator over treating a room using the “hot fog” method is its low price. In stores today, an aquafumigator is sold for about 400 rubles. At the same time, one professional treatment of an apartment with “hot fog” will cost approximately 3,500 rubles. If the area is large, then more fumigators will be required, but professional disinfestation will also cost more.

Proper Use

The effectiveness of using Raptor largely depends on the correct use of the product and on knowledge of the characteristics of cockroaches. For the drug to work at full strength, you need:

  • Calculate exactly or with a small margin the required amount of product to treat the apartment, and treat all habitats and occurrences of insects. Information about recommended doses is indicated on the packaging.
  • Maintain the necessary hygiene during and after the procedure: cockroaches should be completely blocked from access to water and food. This means that the taps in the sink should be closed tightly, and no dirty dishes should be left in the sink overnight. And nowhere in the apartment should there be even small crumbs of food that insects could feed on.
  • Use the preparations for the entire recommended period, and do not neglect repeated treatments of the premises, even if there are significantly fewer insects after the first persecution.

When working with Raptor preparations, you must observe safety precautions, because the composition of the products is toxic (albeit low) to humans and animals.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • instant results;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • does not stain or damage furniture;
  • there is no need to move tables, a stove, or a refrigerator in order to have access to hard-to-reach places;
  • no human presence required;
  • the insecticide quickly loses its properties, therefore it is safe for people and pets;
  • affordable price.

The disadvantage is the need for several treatments, since after one disinsection, the larvae that were in the ooteca at the time of persecution survive.

How to use aquafumigators against cockroaches?

Insect repellent aquafumigators contain potent insecticides. So, as when working with any other substances, you need to adhere to safety rules so as not to be poisoned by potent poisons.

As mentioned above, before treatment you need to close the windows, and also remove pets from the room, toys and food should be hidden. The package containing the substance must be opened and the metal container removed. Next, you need to take a plastic jar and pour some water into it. The container itself is pulled out and placed in a plastic jar filled with liquid. Aquafumigators are placed throughout the room; before steam is formed, you need to leave the apartment.

While the aquafumigator is working, keep all windows and doors closed for several hours. Those who want to get better results should be advised to increase the ventilation time to six hours. After cleaning the apartment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The clip-on aquafumigator also helps fight cockroaches perfectly.


There are different reviews about the aquafumigator. The remedy works much faster against cockroaches with an integrated approach - keeping the house clean, eliminating gaps, cracks in the wall, repairing leaking taps.

Last year I poisoned cockroaches in my apartment. I used the aquafumigator 2 times in a month. Got it out without much effort. Excellent tool!

Alina, Moscow

If everything in the apartment is neglected, there are hordes of cockroaches, the use of an aquafumigator alone is not enough. We need a powerful poison. In all other cases - an excellent remedy! There is no unpleasant odor, safe for humans and animals when used correctly.

Olga, Tver

How to prepare for disinfestation?

The toxic substance is enough for 1–2 rooms, depending on the area. If the area is large, it is recommended to purchase 2-3 devices and place them at the same distance from each other.

The aquafumigator is not difficult to use. Before use, you should follow all recommendations:

  1. Place food in the refrigerator or other place where poisonous particles will not penetrate.
  2. Place books, clothes, toys, dishes, personal hygiene items and other accessories in a sealed bag or take them out of the room.
  3. Open cabinets and bedside tables, pull out drawers.
  4. Lay out chairs and sofas.
  5. Seal the kitchen hood with stationery or masking tape to prevent insects from escaping to the neighbors.
  6. Vacuum the room.
  7. Close the windows.

Cyphenothrin is relatively safe for warm-blooded animals, but it is recommended to leave the premises during treatment, taking the animals with you. The toxic substance can cause an allergic reaction in people, a sore throat and tearing.

Application procedure

The procedure for using the Raptor aquafumigator is simple, and everything necessary for its use, including water (more precisely, a pinkish aqueous solution), is already included in the package.

To kill insects indoors you must:

  1. Remove the plastic jar from the box, and from the jar - the bag with the aqueous solution and the metal container;
  2. Pour the liquid from the bag into a jar;
  3. Lower the container into the water (holes up);
  4. As soon as steam begins to be released from the container, immediately leave the room.

To get the maximum effect when treating a room, it makes sense to pre-prepare it for the procedure:

  • Furniture and household appliances are moved away from the walls - in this case, the steam will more completely cover the surface of the back walls, along which insects most often move;
  • If the fight against bedbugs is carried out, then the sleeping places are also moved away from the walls, sofas are opened and dismantled if possible, mattresses are removed from the beds;
  • If you are fighting cockroaches, ants, silverfish, food moths, and leather beetles, then you need to open all the cabinets and bedside tables in the kitchen, and those that move away from the walls need to be moved;
  • When fighting clothes moths, you should open wardrobes, if possible, remove fur coats and fur coats from them, lay them out on the floor, sofas and beds;
  • Food products standing openly (vegetables, fruits, bread) must be packed in bags and taken out of the room;
  • Close the windows and doors in the room so that the steam does not escape in a draft. It is advisable to temporarily seal the ventilation grilles with tape;
  • If there is an aquarium in the room, then you need to turn off the compressor in it, and cover it with a cover glass on top.

Pets and people must leave the premises during the treatment period. Houseplants can be left in their places - cyphenothrin is safe for them.

As soon as steam begins to be released from the fumigator, the person leaves the room and closes the door to it. At this time, the air will be filled with the finest insecticidal aerosol, the particles of which will penetrate into all the cracks and shelters of insects.

After 3-4 minutes, the steam ceases to be released, the aerosol cloud gradually spreads throughout the entire room and settles on surfaces.

On a note

Approximately 15-20 minutes after the start of steam emission, the first bedbugs begin to die. Some disoriented parasites, on which the insecticide has already begun to act, can get out of their hiding places, climb walls, and move to places where they have never been seen before.

Later, after returning to the apartment, people sometimes even think that as a result of the action of the aquafumigator, the number of bedbugs somehow immediately became larger and they “perked up.” This is a deceptive impression: in instinctive attempts to find a safe place, bedbugs emerge en masse from their daytime hiding places, and residents see them in numbers that they did not even suspect.

One aquafumigator can effectively fill a room with an area of ​​25-30 square meters with steam. m. If the room is larger and you need to process it entirely, then you should purchase and simultaneously activate the appropriate number of kits.

According to the instructions, after activating the aquafumigator, the room should be left closed for 2-4 hours. The longer it sits unventilated, the less chance insects will have to survive. If possible, it is better not to open or ventilate the room for 10-12 hours (for example, go to another apartment to spend the night).

Upon return, you need to create a draft and thoroughly ventilate all rooms. After treatment, no residue remains on interior items, but those surfaces that people and pets come into contact with most often should be wiped with a damp cloth to minimize contact with the insecticide. As a rule, these are door handles, armrests of chairs, and table surfaces.

It is better not to wipe those surfaces with which neither people nor animals come into contact. There is no need to wash everything in the apartment. The longer the insecticide is left in place, the less likely it is that any insects in the room will survive.

For this reason, there is often no need for re-processing. Although, according to official instructions, 1-2 weeks after the first treatment, you need to carry out a similar baiting with an aquafumigator a second time in order to poison the larvae that hatched from the surviving eggs. However, in the case of fighting bedbugs, this is actually required only when “young shoots” of parasites are detected in the apartment. If after the first treatment the bedbugs are no longer visible and they do not bother anyone at night, then there is no need to re-use the aquafumigator.

On a note

The steam generator included in the aquafumigator kit is intended for one-time use. The vapor-forming agent in it is completely produced during a physical and chemical reaction, so there is no need to disassemble it and try to somehow regenerate it.


This device from Raptor copes with all types of insects that settle in human homes.

The principle of its operation is the production of cold steam. Extremely small particles of moisture are saturated with insecticidal substances that evaporate into the air, which is fatal to parasites. These particles float in the air, gradually settling even in very hard-to-reach places

When fighting domestic bedbugs, this is very important, because

These bloodsuckers do not like light and during the day they constantly hide in dark corners of the room.

The action of an aquafumigator is reminiscent of cold fog disinsection, when moisture vapor with chemicals is dispersed by a special generator. But basically this procedure is carried out by representatives of the SES, equipped with the appropriate equipment. Unlike cold fog, the water fumigator Raptor is a mini version of it, working independently and costing much less. The efficiency is quite high.

The active ingredient in the Raptor aquafumigator is cyphenothrin. This insecticide has a residual effect for several days after application. It acts on insects through contact, poisoning the nervous system and suppressing it, which ultimately leads to their rapid death.

For warm-blooded animals, the toxicity of the aquafumigator is considered low, i.e. the device is safe for people and their pets.

Instructions for use

Before using the device in the apartment, you need to carry out the appropriate preparation: remove or hermetically package food and personal hygiene items, open cabinet doors (so that microparticles get there), turn mattresses upside down, remove all bedding, vacuum the rooms, paying special attention places of greatest concentration of bedbugs. Next proceed like this:

  1. open the package;
  2. Pour liquid from the bag into the special container included in the kit by opening it;
  3. Place the supplied container with the working substance in this container;
  4. install the “structure” on level ground, preferably in the middle of the room;
  5. turn off the fire alarm (if any);
  6. leave the premises for at least 3 hours.

The photo shows how to install an aquafumigator in an apartment

Under the influence of water, an intense reaction will begin with the active formation of vapors of the working substance cyphenothrin, penetrating into every corner of the room.

Disadvantage: the substance does not work against bloodsucker eggs, and another treatment will be required after 2-3 weeks.

Principle of operation

The active component is located in a special metal container. After its contact with the liquid, a vapor containing cyphenothrin is formed. It spreads through the air, penetrating even the most remote areas of the room. This happens just a few minutes after switching on. The connection is able to pass through the structure of upholstered furniture.

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When the active substance comes into contact with water, it begins to evaporate, killing insects in its path

Thanks to this, this disinfection method is considered the most effective. The density of cyphenothrin is low, so it takes some time for the suspension to settle. Also, for a certain period, the product continues to float in the air, which guarantees absolute disinfection while simultaneously covering a large space.

What types of cockroach repellents does Raptor produce?

Products for protection against cockroaches are included in the line of products “Against crawling insects”. Types of products produced under the Raptor brand:

  • aerosols;
  • traps;
  • gel;
  • aquafumigator;
  • set of tools (set of traps and gel)

Secret formula: what is included in Raptor preparations - table

The effect of the drugs depends on the active components included in the composition. To manufacture its products, the Raptor company uses insecticides of different groups, depending on the form of the drug.

Name of active substanceDescription, principle of operationIn what preparations is it used?Flaws
Gokylate (d-cyphenothrin) – 7.2%. International name: CyphenothrinBroad-spectrum insecticide, has a damaging effect at the nerve-paralytic levelAquafumigatortoxicity; some populations may have resistance to the component
Cypermethrin (cypermethrin) – 0.2%,Insecticide of contact-intestinal type. It has a depressant effect on the nervous system of adults and larvae. It has a quick and long-lasting effect on the pest (residual effect on treated objects and surfaces). Does not cause resistance Aerosoltoxicity (3rd class of hazard for humans)
Lambda-cyhalothrin –0.1%A pyrethroid insecticide has a nerve-paralytic effect, affects the motor impulses of the nervous system, and leads to severe agitation.Traps, geltoxicity (hazard class 3 for humans), long waiting period for action (up to 30–40 days)
Tetramethrin – 0.2%Contact type insecticide. Acts on the nervous system of insect pests, causing paralysis almost instantly. Aerosolcases of resistance of red cockroach populations have been recorded (where natural pyrethrum powder has been used for a long time)
Fipronil - 0.035Insecticide of contact-intestinal type. It has a destructive effect on the nervous system of insects, causing severe overexcitation and death from paralysis 8 hours after exposure. Double Strength TrapsDue to the high toxicity of the substance for warm-blooded animals, only bait stations and gels are allowed
Emmamectin benzoate - 0.05%Insecticide of contact-intestinal type. Acts on receptors responsible for muscle contractions. Insects lose the opportunity to feed and usually die on the fourth day. Double Strength Trapstoxicity (3rd class of hazard for humans)
Piperonyl butoxide - 1%An enteric-contact insecticide that enhances the nerve-paralytic effect of other pyrethroid substances and reduces the protective function of insect enzymesAerosol concentratecan only be combined with components of the pyrethroid group
Bifenthrin - 0.08%Enteric-contact insecticide of the pyrethroid group. Acts on the nervous system (first there is strong excitement, then paralysis occurs). It has a pronounced repellent property. Effectively poisons insects at all stages of development Aerosol concentratetoxicity (2nd class of hazard for humans)

How is the gel used?

After preparing the room, the product should be applied dotted or dotted around the perimeter of the room. Since the gel is transparent, it can be used on different surfaces. The product is easy to use, and after a while it can be washed off with water. For best results, it is advisable to treat the entire home, rather than just one room. After a month, secondary treatment is needed.

If any product gets into your eyes or nose, you must thoroughly rinse your mucous membranes with running water. To prevent this from happening, the room must be treated carefully, following the instructions, wearing protective equipment.

Thus, it produces many effective insect repellents. After treatment, the room will be free of pests.


Gel Raptor is a ready-to-use product in a tube with a long spout for greater ease of application. It can be used as a main treatment when there are a small number of bedbugs, or it will help as an auxiliary plus to other drugs.

The main advantage of the gel is the absolute absence of odor, safety for people and animals living in the house.

The active substance of the drug is lambda-cyhalometrin, which has a contact-intestinal effect. The substance paralyzes the nervous system of bedbugs and leads to their rapid death. It has a parasite-attracting effect lasting 1-2 days. An infected bug brings poison to the nest and, through a chain reaction, infects its relatives.


Prepare the room by providing access to all skirting boards around the perimeter. Further instructions for use are as follows:

  1. apply the gel dotted or dotted around the perimeter of the apartment;
  2. due to the transparency of the product and the inability to leave behind stains, it can be applied to any surface;
  3. move furniture into place.

Using the gel is very simple, and after a while, if necessary, it can be easily washed off with plain water. To achieve maximum effect, it is better to treat the entire apartment at once, and not just the room where the bedbugs were found.

After a month, re-treatment is required.

Minus: the effect does not occur immediately.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use of the Raptor fumigator contain key recommendations. If they are not followed, the effectiveness of cyphenothrin will be reduced. Perhaps there will be no results at all. You must proceed as follows:

  1. First, remove the aquafumigator system from the packaging. It consists of a working container, a liquid bag and a container with a toxic compound.

    Carefully follow the instructions for use to avoid unforeseen situations

  2. Place a plastic jar in the central part of the room. The surface on which it stands must be level.
  3. The liquid contained in the bag is poured into the indicated container. A metal container is also placed here. It is important that the steam vents are located at the top.

This is interesting: bedbugs reproduce.

The processing process begins in a matter of minutes. During this period, you must have time to leave the room, tightly closing the door behind you. After installing the mechanism, wash your hands thoroughly with water. To treat a room of 30 square meters. I need 3 hours. Once this process is completed, the room is ventilated. The processing time can be increased by up to 12 hours.

This procedure can be repeated after a few weeks. This is explained by the resistance of cockroach eggs. They remain immune to the drug.

Smoke bomb

- This is a rather dangerous radical method, but very effective in the fight against tenacious bedbugs. It has high permeability, much higher than any aerosols, and penetrates even through the most distant cracks.

Smoke bombs are sulfur, with carbamic acid, hexochlorane, oxydiazole. The treatment leaves bedbugs no chance of survival.

Disadvantages: mainly for treating private houses, warehouses, garages and other non-residential or isolated premises, since using a checker in an apartment is dangerous due to high permeability. Toxic fumes easily penetrate through all the cracks, get into neighbors’ apartments and entrances, and this can cause poisoning of people who are not involved in the bedbug problem and all subsequent claims will be completely justified. Poisoning can manifest itself in the form of headaches and nausea, and allergy sufferers are completely prohibited from using this method.

Smoke bombs have no effect on parasite eggs, so another treatment cannot be avoided.


Considering the high toxicity of this method, protective clothing and a respirator are simply necessary to avoid poisoning. Also, before processing, you will need to evacuate all households and animals. You will first need to seal all the cracks, close the balcony and windows, shut off ventilation and chimneys.

  1. Pour water at room temperature into the jar with the checker up to the designated limit (mark);
  2. place everything in a larger jar;
  3. quickly place the checker in the center of the room on a non-flammable hard surface (stone slab, brick, etc.);
  4. upon contact with water, the saber will begin to smoke, and then you must immediately leave, tightly closing the door behind you;
  5. return after 6-8 hours, open all windows for ventilation;
  6. come back after another 2-3 hours and do the cleaning;
  7. repeat the event after 3 weeks to a month.

As already mentioned, this is not the best option for an apartment building, therefore, since re-treatment cannot be avoided anyway, it is better to use another, less dangerous Raptor remedy for bedbugs.

The composition of the insecticidal mixture, as well as its effect on bedbugs and other insects

The aquafumigator contains several components:

  1. Insecticide cyphenothrin (aka gokylate);
  2. A steam generator is a substance that, upon contact with water, leads to the release of a large amount of steam and its release into the air of the room;
  3. Binder.

The most responsible component here is cyphenothrin. It is he who poisons insects and ensures their rapid destruction. Its second name is gokylate, given to it by Japanese chemists who first synthesized it in the laboratory. For this reason, it is, in fact, called the “Japanese active ingredient” in the fumigator.

Like all pyrethroids, cyphenothrin has an acute nerve-paralytic effect on insects and other invertebrates, but is of low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. Its molecules, penetrating either through the insect's spiracles or through the chitinous covers into the hemolymph, reach the nervous tissue and lead to a permanent disruption of the functioning of its cells. Because of this, constant nervous excitement occurs in the affected cells, the insect develops paralysis and dies.

This is interesting

Cyphenothrin has high lipophilicity, that is, the ability to dissolve in fats. Partly due to this, it quite quickly penetrates the hemolymph of bedbugs through their chitinous integument, which, in principle, should just protect the insect from exposure to substances from the environment. The fact is that the chitinous cuticle on the body of insects is covered and permeated through with wax molecules - they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the body and protect the body from dehydration. Cyphenothrin gradually diffuses from the outside of the cuticle to the inside, and from here enters the hemolymph.

This action, realized when the product comes into contact with the chitinous coverings of an insect, is called contact.

The indicated mechanism of action of cyphenothrin is the same for a wide variety of pests and parasites. Due to this, the Raptor aquafumigator effectively works not only against bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and fleas, but also against any other unwanted arthropods. So, he quickly kills, including:

  • Silverfish;
  • Beetles (grinders, longhorned beetles, weevils, skin beetles, mealworms, pretend beetles);
  • Dust mites;
  • Mosquitoes and flies (including fly larvae);
  • Kivsyakov, drupes, flycatchers;
  • Woodlice;
  • Moths of all types (both food and clothes).

It is also useful to read: Ultrasonic bedbug repellers

And one more thing: Have you ever measured at what temperature bedbugs die? And we caught them and did it - watch the video...

The aquafumigator was tested in laboratory conditions on 20 species of synanthropic insects, including black and red cockroaches, bed bugs, moths, and ants. The product showed high effectiveness against all “experimental” insects.

On a note

Due to the fact that cyphenothrin is rarely used in household insecticidal preparations, insect populations resistant to it are not found in homes. Therefore, the likelihood that the aquafumigator will not poison cockroaches or bedbugs is extremely low.

Moreover, knowing this feature, professional exterminators sometimes use preparations based on cyphenothrin precisely in difficult cases when it is necessary to poison insects that are resistant to some other active substances (for example, organophosphorus compounds or carbamates). Thus, against bedbugs that are resistant to “chemicals”, a cyphenothrin-containing aquafumigator can be used at home.

Like other pyrethroids, cyphenothrin has a pronounced residual effect after settling on various surfaces. Due to this, those bedbugs that found themselves in the most reliable shelters (for example, under the upholstery of sofas) and survived the operation of the aquafumigator will be poisoned for another 7-12 days when moving along surfaces on which the insecticide has settled.

It is important to understand that steam with cyphenothrin has a relatively weak effect on bedbug eggs (as well as on the oothecae of cockroaches, flea pupae and fly puparia). This is due to the fact that the shell of eggs is very resistant to the penetration of poisons, and the active substance does not reach the embryos, even if it gets on the surface of the egg itself.

As a result, bedbug eggs can still continue to hatch into larvae several days after using the aquafumigator. However, due to the long residual effect of the drug, they die en masse already in the first days of life. However, if the premises are heavily infested, when many new larvae appear every day, a few individuals may survive - in this case, it may be necessary to re-use the aquafumigator.

Pest extermination methods

"Raptor" for bedbugs

Common methods of struggle:

  1. "Karbafos" - the drug paralyzes the nerves of the insect, which leads to death. The drug solution remains on furniture for a long time and has negative consequences when exposed to humans. To prevent such cases, read the information about the product.
  2. “Dichlorvos” is an aerosol against bedbugs, which is used to treat all surfaces where insects may be present. For effective results, the product must be sprayed three times every 7 days. After this, you need to leave the house and ventilate the apartment. Read the instructions before use.
  3. “Hot fog” - the method involves treating the room with hot steam, which heats the air in the rooms to 50°C. This kills all bedbugs. After this, you should not enter the room all day and you should clean the room well.
  4. “Xulat Micro” is a liquid that sinks to the surface and turns into a thin film. The molecules in the solution poison the insects.
  5. Traditional methods - there are four effective methods: using boiling water or cold, wormwood, flammable substances, vinegar solution.

If the above methods do not bring results, then you need to use proven means, for example, the “Raptor” smoke bomb for bedbugs.

Important! Before use, you need to learn about the precautions when using them in order to prevent dangerous consequences on the human body.

Analogs from other manufacturers

The aquafumigator has no direct analogues. The steam from cockroaches penetrates soft tissues and not only concentrates on hard surfaces. Smoke bombs that emit dry smoke have a similar effect. Effective products:

  • Japanese checker;
  • Quiet evening;
  • FAS.

The price of funds is from 50 rubles. up to 800 rub. a piece.

It is very convenient to use an aquafumigator in an apartment. All that is required is to place the jar and close the room tightly. After 2 hours, ventilate. It is easy to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a month if there are a lot of cockroaches. When combined with other Raptor products, the effect occurs quickly.

Gel Raptor

The composition of the Raptor cockroach gel includes the substance lambda-cyhalothrin. Testing has shown that cockroaches do not develop addiction to this component - this is what distinguishes Raptor cockroach gel from analogues from other manufacturers. The average price in major Russian cities is about $5. The influence on the cockroach occurs with the help of an attractive fruity smell. The cockroach eats the gel and carries some of the poison on its legs. Within 24 hours, congeners become infected. The gel has no effect on people and pets.

Available disadvantages:

  1. It does not belong to the category of economical means; in case of heavy contamination, it is recommended to use it in combination with other protective agents.
  2. The results of extermination can be assessed no earlier than after 10-12 days.
  3. Requires reapplication after 2-3 months to consolidate the result.

How to use Raptor gel?

For a product such as Raptor cockroach gel, the instructions for use are very simple:

  1. Clean cabinets and pantries with food supplies as much as possible. Pack the products in airtight film or place them in containers.
  2. The gel is applied dotted at intervals of 15-20 cm. If possible, a contour is placed around baseboards, furniture joints and other possible clusters of cockroaches.
  3. Raptor gel is used at the rate of 1 tube per 20-30 sq.m. surfaces, depending on how heavily contaminated the space is.
  4. Treatment with Raptor gel against cockroaches is repeated after a month, and then after 6 months.


The Raptor aquafumigator for cockroaches is produced in Russia. The brand appeared in our country in 1997; in terms of sales, the line of insect repellent products occupies a leading position. Attracts buyers efficiency, safety, affordable price.

The aquafumigator complex consists of a water container and a tin can with the active component. The jar contains holes through which smoke is released as a result of a chemical reaction. When the active substance runs out, the action of the aquafumigator stops. The elimination of cockroaches occurs without human participation in the disinfestation process.

The active substance is a broad-spectrum insecticide called cyphenothrin. Development of Japanese scientists. It is a low-hazard chemical and has a nerve-paralytic effect. If it gets on the skin or in the respiratory tract of cockroaches, it causes paralysis and immediate death.

Composition, instructions, precautions

Smoke bomb

Two types of effective smoke bombs against bedbugs and other parasites:

  • Sulfur. Its main function is antibacterial. It must be remembered that a sulfur bomb against cockroaches and bedbugs in an apartment can only be used after consultation with a specialist.
  • Permethrin. The composition of the drug contains an insecticide. Suitable for getting rid of bedbugs in everyday conditions. After consultation with a specialist, a smoke bomb with this composition can be used at home.

Before treating a room with a smoke bomb, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, during which the room will be filled with thick fog. It will settle and create a thick layer of toxic substances.

Preparation for processing and precautions

These cleaning processes take three hours. You need to think about where to spend this time with children and animals. It is also worth considering that the smell will remain for up to five days.

Attention! It is important to determine the number of smoke bombs needed for the volume of the room and buy them. You should think about ways to ensure safety. You will need the following: a respirator, thick gloves and safety glasses

You will need the following: a respirator, thick gloves and safety glasses.

Precautionary measures:

  1. Remove expensive items from the premises.
  2. Before starting treatment, remove additional objects so that smoke can pass freely. Remove the mattresses and place them in a vertical position.
  3. Cover the ventilation holes with tape. It is good to close the window openings and open the doors completely.
  4. Turn off sensors.
  5. Read the instructions.

Important! Surfaces can be treated only by specialists who do not have allergic syndrome, asthma, or viral pathologies. In another case, the event must be rescheduled until complete recovery.



The stages of treatment with the Raptor bedbug remedy are as follows:

  1. Place a smoke bomb in the inside of the metal bucket. This measure will protect the interior of the apartment from possible penetration of combustion elements into it.
  2. Light the fuse. Make sure that it lights up and leave the room, closing the front door well. The bedbugs will be destroyed in two hours.
  3. After 3.5 hours, return to the room, having previously put on gloves and a mask for protection.
  4. It is necessary to open the windows and ventilate the room. When the air (by smell) is clean, you can start cleaning using solutions with soap or soda.
  5. When the process is completed, you need to take a shower and rinse your mouth with the solution.
  6. Re-process according to the same scheme after 14 days.

Precautionary measures

The presence of the insecticide tetramethrin in the composition of the drug, which even in small quantities can harm human health, implies that it is strictly prohibited to stay indoors during its action. The drug is toxic to fish, so before starting treatment, aquariums must be removed from the premises. If this is not possible due to their size, then carefully seal all the holes with tape so that steam cannot penetrate inside.

Indoor plants will not like the poisonous fumes either. Therefore, it is advisable to also remove them from the premises being treated. After the main process is completed, it is necessary to enter the room (in a respirator or mask) and open the windows for ventilation for at least 10 hours.

The good thing about an aquafumigator is that the steam it produces quickly dissipates and cannot harm a person. However, you need to remember that during the treatment of premises, without a respirator and special clothing, it is unsafe to be near the source of “vapor”.

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Some tips for choosing an aquafumigator

A logical question arises: which aquafumigator for parasites is better to choose? What should you consider when choosing? First of all, the advantages and disadvantages of this tool. Since the main criteria when choosing a means to combat cockroaches are safety and effectiveness, it is better to choose a good imported aquafumigator, for example, Raid or Off.

Aquafumigators do an excellent job of killing parasites, although there are some difficulties when working with this product. However, if safety is important to the buyer, then it is better for him to use an aromatic repeller rather than an aquafumigator.

This is what an adult cockroach looks like

Compatibility of the aquafumigator with other Raptor products

The principle of operation of the aquafumigator allows its use to be combined with the use of other products - both from the Raptor line and from other manufacturers.

For example, when fighting cockroaches, after using a fumigator in places where insects may enter the premises from neighbors, it is advisable to apply Raptor insecticidal gel and set traps with poisoned baits (Raptor “Double Strength” traps) for the purpose of prevention. If an insect hiding place is found, it can be spot-treated with any insecticidal aerosol (from the Raptor line, for example, a universal aerosol or an aerosol against crawling insects can be used).

When exterminating bedbugs, you can combine the use of an aquafumigator with pre-treatment of detected nests of parasites with a specialized Raptor aerosol against bedbugs.

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