How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers quickly and forever

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Olga Polyakova 03/17/2020

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Growing flowers at home is a very common hobby, to which almost all inhabitants of our planet devote their time to one degree or another.

Most indoor plants have already passed all possible stages of selection and, subject to agricultural practices, can successfully fight any diseases.

What kind of midges live in indoor flowers?

Various insects can live in pots with plants. If you understand what pest you are facing, the fight will be more effective.

Black midges

These are sciarids, which are also called fungus gnats. They are very small in size, literally a few millimeters. The body is elongated, gray-black, the wings are transparent.

Adult insects are not at all dangerous. Plants are threatened by eggs that sciarids lay in moist soil.

The hatched larvae are approximately 3–5 mm long. They have a black head and a white body. They feed on organic matter rotting in the ground, but can also gnaw thin young roots of plants.

White midges

They are also called whiteflies or aleurods. Adults are approximately 2–3 mm long. Outwardly, they resemble a moth. They have two pairs of milky white wings covered with a flour-like coating.

Gary Chang

Insects lay light-colored and clearly visible eggs on the underside of leaves. With special pleasure - on the juicy ones. These are found, for example, in fuchsias, primroses, pelargoniums, poinsettias, hibiscus, and abutilons.

Hatched larvae, like adult whiteflies, suck juices from stems and leaves. Damaged areas are deformed, curled, and sticky dew appears on them. If measures are not taken, the plant will die.


These are fruit flies 2–3 mm long. Outwardly, they resemble ordinary flies, only very miniature.

Katja Schulz

Drosophila are not dangerous to the plant. They are more likely to annoy people, as they quickly multiply and scatter around the apartment.

Water correctly

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