Ant raptor - description, release forms, effectiveness, correct use

We use the popular drug Raptor for ants in apartments and houses. Composition, active substances, mechanism of action. What forms of release are the most effective. Advantages and disadvantages. Reviews from those who have already used Raptor. Security measures.

We know ants as insects that live in natural conditions, are useful and work hard. This is all true, but when they want to coexist with people in their houses and apartments, they turn from beneficial insects into real pests.

They carry bacteria and infection, which is quite dangerous for people and it is impossible to share your premises with them. It is necessary to take effective measures to help get rid of these insects as quickly as possible. Popular remedies include Raptor for ants; below we will look at it in more detail.

Description and composition

Raptor preparations are innovative developments that help effectively fight ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and mosquitoes. They are absolutely safe for people and animals, but you must follow the instructions for use. The main active substance that provides a detrimental effect on insects is fipronil.

When an ant comes into contact with the drug, the active substances enter the body and begin to affect the nervous system, first causing paralysis and then death. In addition, the goosebump carries the poisonous component into its nest, where it passes it on to its fellows, thus destroying the individuals who never leave their nest.

In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition also includes other components. There are special preservatives that have a prolonged effect of the drug. There are special additives that attract insects to feast on the toxic substance.

Raptor is available in different forms; you can purchase gel, aerosol, granules, traps, and aquafumigators. Each has its own characteristics, advantages, features and differences.

Additional substances

The “Raptor” gel against cockroaches and ants (75 ml) also contains:

  • Fat base.
  • Bitrex. It is used as a denaturing additive. It is considered the most bitter chemical product.
  • Food attractants. These substances are used in the production of drugs to combat many pests. They have a small radius of influence.
  • Water.
  • Preservatives.
  • Gelling agent. Its presence allows you to create a delicate consistency by combining various components, helping to create the viscosity of the drug. This preserves the necessary structure and retains the required percentage of moisture.


This head start can be used in the fight against ants both at home and outdoors. When used, you can prepare a working solution from granules, or use them in dry form. If dry granules are used, it is enough to apply them to the places where ants were noticed; skirting boards, cracks, and the space behind furniture are also treated.

On the street, granules are applied to an anthill; if it is not found, then to the place where there is the largest concentration of insects, approximate consumption per 1 sq.m. 10 g.

If it is necessary to prepare a solution for processing, then the following proportions should be adhered to. You need to take 0.5 liters of water and pour 10 g of granules into it, mix well until completely dissolved.

Treatment of garden areas and surfaces in residential premises is allowed. When processing outdoors, you should carry out the procedure in the morning or vice versa in the evening, and also choose calm weather without rain.

Regarding the result, it can be noticed already after 10 hours after treatment. Complete elimination of pests occurs within 2 weeks. The undoubted advantage is the prolonged action.

After applying the drug, the active components have an effect for 2 months, which provides a preventive effect and prevents re-infection.

Regarding the reviews of those who have used this form of release, it is highly effective. You can completely get rid of these pests in your garden.

The active substance acts on all types of ants, red, black, small and large. The long-term effect of the substance over two months is also confirmed.

Precautionary measures

Depending on the treatment used, it may be necessary to keep pets away.

When using an aerosol, we strongly recommend wearing safety glasses and gloves when handling the surface. When using gel, traps and other types that exclude contact with the active substance, no special precautions are required.


This form of release uses an equally effective active substance - lambda cyclotron. It does not have an immediate effect, since it is a slow-acting poison, but in the case of ants this is an absolute advantage. Because workers bring poison to the colony and infect all their relatives.

When applying the gel, you need to pay attention to ventilation holes, baseboards, back walls of furniture, and near the trash can. Places where there is a high level of humidity are also treated, for example, near the toilet, under the sink, under the washbasin, etc.

The active component affects the nervous system of goosebumps, at first it leads to paralysis, but then they die. Thanks to its gley consistency, the drug does not lose its original appearance and shape for a long time, which attracts goosebumps. The composition contains aromatic additives of apricot and vanilla, which certainly serve as bait.

The gel is applied in a dotted line, thanks to a pipette with a dispenser; the treatment procedure is very easy and hard-to-reach areas can be treated. There are no traces left on surfaces, the gel is easy to remove. Considered safe for people and animals.

If you have pets in your apartment, it is better to apply the product in hard-to-reach places, as it has a rather tasty aroma. If the animal eats the gel, you must contact a veterinarian, as this leads to poisoning.

There are also disadvantages, the fact is that you should not count on an immediate result; the effectiveness of the drug can only be noticed after 2 weeks after treatment. It is not recommended to use gel and aerosol at the same time, since the aerosol has a rather strong repulsive odor and will not allow the gel to fully exert its effect.

Reviews of this form of release confirm its high effectiveness. The only point that is noted is the pleasant smell, which can attract not only ants, but also small children, as well as pets. Therefore, in most cases, the gel was applied to those places that were inaccessible, which did not reduce the effectiveness at all.


A solid A for this gel!

  • 100

Arina (December 24, 2022 00:50)

safe for people and animals, effective

didn't find it at all

This is the second time I’ve used this gel, and overall I’m happy with the result. Easy to use, simple application process and clear algorithm of action, and I know that the family and pets will not be poisoned along with cockroach insects. We have a large aquarium in our apartment, and there is no way to transport it during processing. At first I looked closely at the aerosol from the resistant ones, but I realized that the fish were definitely in trouble. I applied the gel as stated on the packaging, it penetrates into crevices easily. The only negative is that this is not an immediate effect, but it is understandable, because the cockroaches poison themselves and do not die at lightning speed, but the poisoned ones run into the hole (or wherever they live there) and infect the rest of the gang. Gradually, the entire flock of cockroaches becomes re-infected. It gradually took us a week. They took the cockroaches out, they weren't hurt themselves, I give it an A.

Good remedy

  • 100

Svetlana (November 21, 2022 11:54)

works, ants are killed, no strong smell, easy to use

not at all

Ants are a real scourge. At first they started in our honey. We rarely use it, and for several months the jar sat half empty. I open it, and there one is already floating, and two are on their way. I had to throw away the honey. And I forgot about the ants. About a week later I found it in sugar. I threw it away too. But these things are not over, cereals, cookies, and even flour. Everything was swarming with ants, small ones like that. I bought this gel in a regular large supermarket, in Lenta, I think. I especially carefully smeared the closet where they were. Before that, of course, I threw everything away. I also treated all the corners in the kitchen, and a little in the hallway. I noticed the effect the next day; there were already several corpses. And then, apparently, they all became infected from each other, and the rest of the individuals began to die. In total, the entire process of getting rid of ants took 8 days. The product performed well, the effect was not immediate, but excellent and without unnecessary odors.

Helped against ants

  • 100

Alina (October 23, 2022 11:09)

effective, inexpensive


I bought the product spontaneously. I urgently needed something to get rid of ants in my apartment; I had never encountered such a phenomenon, but my daughter had an infestation in her kitchen. And not so small. I saw this gel in the store and took it. In principle, we almost always buy raptor for insects, only if it’s not in the store, we take something else. Therefore, when I saw this gel in a large supermarket while grocery shopping, I immediately took it. I brought it to my daughter and forgot to think about her ants. A couple of days later, during a conversation with her, I remembered and asked how she was doing. It turned out that the gel helped, they coated it mainly in the kitchen. The only thing is that she spent several more days collecting corpses.)

There are no more cockroaches

  • 100

Victoria (29 September 2022 15:21)

effective remedy

need to be spread)

Recently, my boyfriend and I decided to live separately from our parents and found ourselves a nice apartment. I’m all in dreams of my heavenly nest, I’m teaching it in every possible way, when suddenly I saw a cockroach. I screamed so loudly that the new neighbors probably thought they were killing someone. And yes, I myself almost died on the spot. The meeting was deadly. I immediately called my boyfriend. He’s a man, so let him fight. In the evening he brought home gel against crawling insects. Something like this I have never seen before. Therefore, I was extremely skeptical. He obediently squeezed out the gel near all the baseboards in the apartment, behind the toilet, sofa, armchairs, under cabinets and especially carefully in the kitchen. I looked at the whole thing and decided to go to my parents for the weekend. In other words, she cowardly left the battlefield. And imagine my surprise, when I returned a couple of days later, I did not find a single vile cockroach. I hope they don’t come back, but if they do, we already know what to do.

Our uninvited guests were defeated quickly!

  • 100

Olga (September 24, 2022 12:00)

Effective, fast-acting, convenient spout on the tube.

Did not find.

My husband and I once stopped at Leroy Merlin for new wallpaper, and came across a gel from cockroaches and ants from Raptor. We decided to take it for our new guests in the kitchen - ants.) They got started about a month ago from nowhere, I think they came up through the ventilation from the neighbors. I've never been in an apartment before, what a disaster. Of course, we tried to remove them using traditional methods, but it didn’t work. This gel was applied to all the places where ants were found. It was possible to place the gel even in the crevices due to the thin and long spout of the tube with the gel. Well, literally an hour later our guests were already lying around dead. I washed everything in the kitchen thoroughly and it was ready. Minimum hassle, if I had known that the raptor would help us so much, I would have taken him even earlier. Now I keep a tube in the pantry as a reserve.

There are no fewer ants. After careful removal of the gel, a fairly noticeable unpleasant sensation remained.

  • 20

Alex3848 (5 February 2022 20:10)

long comfortable spout

does not work, strong, cloying smell

I bought this ant repellent. We ran around the kitchen - not that much, but still not pleasant. I applied the product near the trash can and along the baseboard along one of the walls. The gel was quite liquid, the smell was quite strong, peachy. I left the gel for 2 days. After this time, I did not notice a single ant near the applied gel; now they continue to run around the kitchen here and there. The worst thing started when I wanted to remove this gel from the surfaces on which it was applied. in 2 days the gel hardened and turned into a viscous mass glued to the baseboard. Mechanically it was very difficult to scrape it off. He fiddled with it for a long time, scraping it with a wooden stick, wiping it with alcohol, a plaque and rust remover. The result is that at a distance of 1 -1.5 meters you can feel a very unpleasant cloying smell of this product (vaguely reminiscent of a peach), if the kitchen is not ventilated for a while, the smell begins to be felt throughout the kitchen. Now I'll wait for the smell to dissipate soon.


These devices were originally used in the fight against cockroaches. But as practice has shown, goosebumps do not bypass such traps, and the effect on them is no less effective. Therefore, now the manufacturer has expanded the range of action of traps and they can be purchased against ants. This is the safest form of release.

In this case, the active substance fipronil is used, which has a detrimental effect. In addition, the composition contains honey bait, which ideally attracts those with a sweet tooth to taste the poison. The traps have an adhesive tape that allows them to be attached to any horizontal or vertical surface.

It is possible to purchase separate traps that are designed for outdoor use. They come in the form of yellow triangles. They are placed on the ground; they have special pins that go into the soil and secure the trap.

Effectively affects all types of goosebumps. For maximum effect and with a large concentration of pests, it is required per 1 sq.m. place 4 traps.

Reviews regarding this form are not clear. Some claim that they are effective and allow you to get rid of the entire colony at home. But there are reviews that speak of absolute ineffectiveness when used on the streets. Not only do they not kill ants, but the traps become a home for insects, where they can even lay offspring.

How dangerous are ants?

In general, ants are of great importance for our world: they loosen and fertilize the soil, fight pests, spread plant seeds, and in general, at first glance, are great fellows.

But there is one nuance - the appearance of ants in the house often harms the people themselves. Often these insects are carriers of various diseases and contaminate food. This is why it is necessary to get rid of ants as soon as they appear in your apartment.

Garden ants cause a lot of damage. As already mentioned, the main harm is caused not by themselves, but by their eternal companions - aphids. Whole herds of these insects, led by ants, settle on the upper parts of young shoots, causing great damage to plants. As a result of such an invasion, ornamental crops are disfigured, and fruit bushes (currants, gooseberries, raspberries) may almost completely lose their future harvest. Therefore, people have long been actively fighting ants.

suitable products


It uses two active substances at once, which certainly makes this form of release the most effective. Cypermethrin and tetramethrin have a detrimental effect on insects. It also contains aromatic substances that attract goosebumps to taste the poison.

After application, an invasion of these pests can be observed on the surface. But after tasting the treat, they will transfer the poison to their nest, and there they will pass it on to individuals who do not leave the colony.

But this form of release cannot be called safe, and when processing, be sure to follow the instructions for use and observe safety measures. Since the composition contains toxic toxins, and applying the spray involves the release of microparticles of poison into the air, it is necessary to avoid contact with the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, and also avoid inhaling toxic fumes.

You need to carry out the treatment wearing rubber gloves, a respirator, safety glasses, and also use clothing that completely covers the body. There should be no people or pets in the room. Immediately after spraying you need to leave the room for at least 15 minutes.

Upon return, the room is thoroughly ventilated, and surfaces with which people and animals come into contact must be washed. One cylinder is enough to treat an apartment with an area of ​​approximately 60 sq.m. In case of severe infection, all rooms are treated, and a repeat procedure is carried out a month later.

Reviews speak of a quick effect and complete destruction of ants. There is a not very pleasant and pungent smell, but ventilation helps get rid of it. Unlike previous forms of release, the spray provides the fastest possible results.

The results will be noticeable the very next day after treatment. Should be used with caution in areas where small children and pets live.

Traditional methods

Pest control can be carried out using simple folk methods that are absolutely not dangerous for people and pets. Their effectiveness is possible when the situation is not neglected. In addition, many are allergic to drugs sold in stores.

Folk remedies will not only kill ants, but also help scare them away

Folk remedies have repellent and destructive properties. Ants are afraid of sharp and strong odors that they have:

  • mint;
  • sunflower oil and kerosene;
  • bay leaf and garlic;
  • turpentine and camphor.

In order to scare away unexpected guests, areas where their presence and movement are noticed are rubbed. The bay leaf should be placed next to the food to prevent insects from getting into it.

Natural poisons for ants are:

  • regular and brewer's yeast;
  • boric acid;
  • borax.

They can be used as a basis in the preparation of very effective baits. The most effective poison is a mixture with boric acid. To prepare it you need to take:

  • 1 hard-boiled yolk;
  • a little jam or sugar;
  • 20 g boric acid.

Balls made from this mixture are placed in places where ants accumulate, and after a day the result will be visible.

You can try making a mixture of:

  • 200 g water;
  • Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. boric acid or borax.

This composition lubricates baseboards, cracks, and holes every time you wash the floors. It will take some time, after which the death of working individuals and females will occur. Red-colored domestic ants love raw meat, so minced meat with the addition of boric acid will help fight them. Small koloboks are also made from it.

A mixture containing yeast and sugar is very effective. If the ants bring it as food, then it will make unusable everything that they have stored for themselves for food.

A soap solution is a cheap and easy way to combat it. 1 tsp is poured into the spray bottle. liquid soap and water is added to the top. The solution is sprayed onto the insects. Adding mint or orange oil enhances the results. A mixture of:

  • baking soda;
  • detergent;
  • water.


This form is universal and allows you to get rid of not only goosebumps, but also other types of insects. This device consists of a plastic container, a metal container, and a liquid substance in a foil package.

The effect on ants is due to the main component cyphenothrin. The substance must be mixed with a vapor-forming agent, and then placed in a metal container, which is placed in a plastic container.

The plastic container contains a liquid, which the manufacturer claims is completely safe and is distilled water. When a metal container comes into contact with water, a reaction occurs that creates steam, which in turn is saturated with pesticides.

Treatment with toxic steam allows the poison to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and does not require looking for pest nests.

Such toxic fumes are also dangerous for people and animals, so the procedure is carried out only in an empty room. You must leave your apartment or house for at least 3 hours. Remember that you will need to turn off the fire alarms. The device is installed in the center of the room so that the steam is evenly distributed throughout the entire area.

Also make sure it is on a level surface. One device is enough to treat an area of ​​30 sq.m. The active component does not affect egg laying, so after 3-4 weeks a repeat procedure is required to destroy the young generation.

Regarding the opinion of those who have used an aquafumigator at home, opinions are divided. Some say that it really helps in the fight against ants, but some argue that this form does not provide any effect at all.

Kitchen dirty trick

These types of ants do not build anthills in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing. They do not fall into winter anabiosis, and live at temperatures above 10-15 degrees.

Habits of the pest

Before choosing means and methods of fighting this creature, you need to study its rules of life. This type of insect lives in nest colonies.

Their paths are laid inside tables, kitchen cabinets, and near trash cans. They are easy to spot. The first place they visit is the sugar bowl.

The appearance of these insects indicates sloppiness

Dangerous cohabitation

In addition to the fact that these ubiquitous creatures cause disgust and are an indicator of sloppiness, they can be no less dangerous than fleas and bedbugs. The danger they pose is:

  • the bite causes urticaria, Quincke's edema;
  • if the bite is in the neck, it can be deadly;
  • ants are carriers of pathogenic microbes, bringing them from garbage heaps and buckets.

Advantages and disadvantages

Raptor's drugs are very popular due to the following advantages:

  • Safety. The company strictly monitors the characteristics that relate to safety. Each product undergoes research. Currently, bioinsecticides are being developed, a new generation of products that are absolutely safe for people and animals; they contain only natural ingredients.
  • Efficiency. All drugs are modern insecticides, which are most effective and show excellent results in the fight against pests and parasites.
  • Quality. In addition to the strictest control in production itself, quality control is provided by the best experts in this field.

Of course, it is not without its drawbacks. Here it is worth noting customer reviews that speak of the lack of effectiveness of the drugs. But the manufacturer claims that this can only happen due to improper use. Disadvantages also include the high toxicity of some forms of release.

Other Raptor products

The brand constantly updates its line of products against crawling insects. The assortment includes:

  • Aerosol against crawling creatures;
  • Universal aerosol;
  • Aerosol of increased efficiency;
  • Aerosol concentrate Barrier;
  • Cockroach traps;
  • Traps Double Strength;
  • Aquafumigator.

On average, the products cost 250 rubles, with the exception of an aquafumigator, the price of which is 480 rubles.

Correct Application

Regardless of which form of Raptor release you choose, processing should be carried out in several stages:

  • The premises need to be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Be sure to purchase protective equipment.
  • Carry out processing, during which it is necessary to pay attention to the places where insects are most concentrated. If you don't know where the nest is, follow the ants to where they return after their meal.
  • If the instructions indicate that you need to leave the premises, these recommendations cannot be ignored. Be sure to thoroughly ventilate the apartment upon return.
  • Remember that pesticides are used, so when spraying on surfaces with which people and animals will come into contact, be sure to carry out wet cleaning.
  • It should be remembered that pesticides do not affect egg laying. In order to get rid of young individuals that emerge from egg clutches, the procedure is repeated after 3-4 weeks.

These recommendations are basic when using insecticides at home. Be sure to read the instructions for use.


To use the drug "Raptor" no complex instructions are required. The directions for use are written on the packages, and this is enough for effective use.

The gel is easy to use. It is enough to apply it in a small broken line in the place of the highest concentration of insects. Treatment is usually required in the bathroom, kitchen, near the trash can, near ventilation, near the toilet and washbasin.

When using the drug "Raptor" in granules, it is advisable to pour them into the crevices and cracks where ants most often hide. This should be done in dry weather so that the product does not become wet and does not absorb moisture in high humidity.

The trap is installed in corners, in cabinets with trash cans and similar places. You don’t need to keep an eye on them, just check them once every few days and throw the trap outside the apartment. Traps can also be placed in the greenhouse to prevent the proliferation of insects that can damage the crop.

Security measures

Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims that the drugs are safe and cannot harm the health of people and animals, safety measures must be observed.

If you have purchased a trap, install it with gloves, and afterward, be sure to wash your hands with soap. The application of the gel should also be done with gloves. If there are children and pets living in the house, apply the gel only to those places where it will be inaccessible.

Release forms such as spray, granules (working solution), and aquafumigator are the most dangerous due to the fact that toxic fumes enter the air, so when used, there is only one person in the apartment who carries out the procedure and then leaves it.

Upon return, he ventilates and carries out wet cleaning; only after this can all residents and animals return.

Cannot be used after the expiration date. All packaging must be recycled. If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman lives in the apartment, insecticides should be used with extreme caution.

General recommendations for choosing poison

The main poison for red ants and their black “relatives” is boric acid and its sodium salt – borax. This chemical paralyzes the nervous system of the insect, destroying in 1.5-2 hours not only the working individual, but also the male or female ant (queen). True, in the latter case, you need to force the insect to “drag” the poisoned substance into the anthill, using a bait that is attractive in taste or smell.

This fact was noticed only by the end of the 80s of the last century, when medical research established the accumulation of the substance in the body of people taking antiseptic drugs based on boric acid.

These days, manufacturers of ant-killing insecticides strongly advise handling their products with the utmost care. In addition, the chemical industry has developed several forms of drugs that are considered relatively harmless to humans. And further in the text we will consider just such substances.

Conditions of existence - distribution of roles

Ants adapt very quickly to a new place. If ants have occupied a new territory, then you need to be prepared for the fact that new habitats will gradually appear, and soon, due to full-fledged nesting, a whole city will be formed, where all representatives of the colony will be closely connected with each other.

For your information. This world of pests has its own subgroups, some of which leave their homes every day to find food, while others remain to care for the queen. Due to a clear distribution of roles and assigned tasks, these creatures are able to live for about 15 years and actively reproduce.

The food used is plant and animal remains, crumbs, as well as rotting organic waste and even the corpses of other insects.

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