Remedy for woodlice in the apartment: list of disinfectants, application features, effective folk methods

There are many insects on our planet. Each species lives in one environment or another, and some live next to us. There are some that need moisture to live. They find it next to a person in apartments and houses. Any living organisms require certain conditions to reproduce. Thus, excessive humidity in the room can contribute to the appearance of woodlice. We will consider further how harmful and dangerous they are for humans, as well as what remedies exist for woodlice in an apartment.

Woodlice in the apartment

Woodlice is a crustacean. Its slightly convex oval body has antennae and is divided into segments. Eyes on the sides of the head. It has 7 pairs of thoracic legs, which cover each other in a tiled manner and correspond to each segment, as well as antennae, one pair of which is developed, the other is underdeveloped.

If woodlice sense danger, they curl up into a ball. They live on land, but in places where moisture accumulates. Under wet stones lying on the ground, trees. The dark time of day suits them for hunting. Decaying plants and microorganisms are used for food. They can also feed on ordinary young plants.

The apartment may have:

In indoor flowers, in flower pallets.

In bathroom. In places where pipes and plumbing leak. In a damp room, basement. Under the tiles, in the bathroom or kitchen. Under the peeled wallpaper. In a place where vegetables are stored. Near and in the trash can.

Woodlice can appear in an apartment, even if there is no dampness. They come from neighbors, from basements.

Can penetrate:

Through cracks in the floor, in the walls, from under the baseboard. Through the room ventilation system. Through openings for water pipes and sewer pipes. Through sockets.

What kind of insect is this - woodlice?

It is quite easy to recognize woodlice. Focus on the following external signs, and you will understand that this is not some kind of mutant, but a woodlice:

  • light gray beetle carapace with a bluish tint; there are individuals with a brown-brown or marble-gray tint;
  • the size of the bugs is from 20 mm to 1 cm , depending on age;
  • the surface of the shell is segmented;
  • small antennae bent in half;
  • 7 pairs of legs;
  • They crawl quite slowly compared to cockroaches.

The favorite habitat of woodlice is a damp area of ​​the room . That's why they are so often found where people use water:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the bathroom ;
  • in any other places inside the house, where abandoned damp rags lie, in crumpled bags, old damp newspapers;
  • under the windowsill if your windows often condense (“cry”);
  • near plumbing pipes where condensation accumulates;
  • in places where mold or mildew has appeared in the apartment on the walls, baseboards, etc.;
  • near garbage chutes in apartment buildings;
  • near a water pump in the courtyard of a country house;
  • under the stones near the well ;
  • in cellars ;
  • in garages ;
  • in barns;
  • under old bricks and so on.

Woodlice feed on plants that have already begun to decompose, rotting fruits and vegetables, and love to visit trash cans where there is plant debris. High humidity is a natural condition and a completely normal environment for woodlice.

Why are woodlice harmful?

Let's consider what harm these representatives of the animal world can cause:

They cause harm to indoor moisture-loving plants. By destroying rotting plants and decaying microorganisms, they can become a source of the spread of fungus and infection. Vegetables are damaged in cellars.

Woodlice can appear directly in a flower pot, for example, for an orchid. The flower will die. In the place where potatoes and vegetables are stored, wood lice appear and spoil the harvest. They will feed on rot.

Anyone can benefit from information on how to deal with these pests. What is the best remedy for woodlice in an apartment?

Preventive measures

You already know where woodlice come from in the bathroom and what attracts them. Disturbed microclimate of the room, lack of cleaning and light are three reasons for living next to them. Therefore, we must begin to destroy them by eliminating favorable conditions for them.


Throw away old sponges, napkins, mats, and trash. Wipe down all surfaces, including walls, under sinks, bathtubs, and the bathroom fixtures themselves. It is better to do this with some detergent. It is not necessary to repeat this cleaning every day. Once a week or a little less often is enough.

Dry the bathroom and keep it in that condition. After using the shower or sink, wipe up spills on the floor, wall, and surrounding objects. Try to follow this rule at least once a day. Check all pipes for damage and replace leaking areas. The slightest leak will delay the process for a long time.

Let's start with cleaning

If you find woodlice, you need to start cleaning. It is recommended to do the following:

If there are wood lice, it means that there is excessive dampness in this place. You must use an air conditioner or fan. This is necessary in order to dry a room or a certain area. When cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room. Pay attention to the pipes, maybe moisture is accumulating somewhere or there is a leak.

If there are animals in the house, look under the bathtub and sofas, in case something is hidden there and has already begun to decompose. This is an ideal food for woodlice. If you decide to renovate, it is best to get rid of woodlice first, using home remedies, or call a professional. After killing the woodlice, it is good to fill the cracks in the floor and baseboards with sealant. Moisture will not penetrate from under the floor, and new woodlice will not appear.

One of the important points is the choice of an effective remedy for woodlice in the apartment. We will tell you further how to get rid of them using chemicals and traditional methods.

Why are they dangerous for people?

Since wood lice do not attack or bite humans , they feed exclusively on rotting plants and not fresh ones, they do not spoil indoor flowers, do not drink human blood, do not harm water, which means they cannot be carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases . Of course, if you yourself do not often take small crustaceans, and then forget to wash your hands with soap. You can only get rid of woodlice if you get rid of the source of dampness . To do this, you can simply check the serviceability of the plumbing, insulate the places where condensation accumulates, ask for silicone sealing of cracks and cracks, or simply purchase a moisture absorber and periodically ventilate the room.

Sprays and aerosols

It is beneficial to use aerosols as a remedy for woodlice in an apartment if a small area is being treated. Such drugs are not long-acting. These include:

"Varan." A new generation drug without odor. It fights not only against woodlice, but also against flying and crawling insects. "Combat". Superspray. Low toxicity for humans and animals. Recommended for use in children's and medical institutions, offices and country houses. From crawling insects.

Concentrates are beneficial for treating large areas. Microencapsulated drugs are highly effective and have a long-lasting effect. Can be purchased in small or large packaging.

"Get." Available in the form of a concentrate. Has a slight odor. It can be used not only against wood lice, it also helps against cockroaches and bedbugs. "Tetrix". A strong remedy. The concentrate must be diluted. One bottle can treat the entire apartment. Long-acting.

What do woodlice look like and where are they found?

The body of the crustacean is made of hard plates. Its length is 2 cm, consists of 7 parts. Each has a pair of legs. It has a dark brown (black) color. The peculiarity of these creatures is that they have gills, but they can also breathe on land. The places where crustaceans like to settle have high humidity.

The following types of woodlice are found in buildings:

  • Rough: moves quickly, has a red tint. When in danger, it cannot curl up into a ball.
  • Common: black, with a raised shell. Lives in damp places. During the period of threat, it rolls into a ball.

Powders and crayons

Powders are insecticides that need to be sprayed around the perimeter. Woodlice are often found on walls. Therefore, this type of product is used as an addition to the main method.

The best of them are:

"Tarax." The most effective remedy for wood lice in the apartment. It is diluted in water and applied from a spray bottle. It forms a toxic film that does not immediately affect the pest, but gives it time to infect others. The drug is absolutely safe for people and pets. Does not cause addiction among pests. "Phenaxin". Insecticidal powder. Suitable for flat surfaces. It is necessary to remove pets and children from the premises during treatment. "Riapan." The powder is used to treat areas where wood lice accumulate. A solution of this product diluted with water can be applied to vertical surfaces. After treatment, wet cleaning is required.

Crayons have worked well as a remedy for woodlice in apartments. This is an excellent way to fight cockroaches. The insect walks along the chalk line, and at this moment the insecticide gets on its paws. Apply stripes around the perimeter of the room, along walls, baseboards. Ideal for vertical surfaces. Effective crayons - “Mashenka”, “Titanic”.

Prevention of wood lice

Competent prevention will help avoid the reappearance of woodlice in the house. To do this, just follow the basic rules:

  • maintain high efficiency of the ventilation system;
  • promptly eliminate damage and malfunctions of pipes that lead to moisture accumulation and condensation;
  • maintain a high level of cleanliness in the apartment.

Woodlice can enter a human home through any cracks. Treating vents, sewer and water pipes with insecticidal or homemade repellent preparations will help reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

Gels, traps, woodlice baits

Gels can be compared in effectiveness to crayons. They can be used as an additional means of pest control.

Sticky traps are suitable for prevention purposes.

Baits are effective in fighting cockroaches, but they are also suitable as a preventative against woodlice. The most popular are the following:

Schabengel. Can be used against woodlice, ants and cockroaches. Available in the form of a gel bait. Easy to use in hard to reach places. Gel "Raptor". Convenient for application. Easily gets into cracks. Has no smell.

All drugs have a destructive effect on the central nervous system of insects.

Why do woodlice appear?

Woodlice do not carry disease, but they are a common cause of property damage. Usually their appearance begins to be noticeable after the detection of slimy spots. They are gray in color, so they are practically invisible on the carpet and are easy to crush.

The insect is most attracted to damp places - bathrooms, kitchens, toilets. How they get into the house is unknown. As practice shows, even in clean, sealed rooms they can appear in the spring.

If the space is properly cared for, they do not live long, since a dry environment is not suitable for their reproduction.

  • However, if the problem arose in a country house or in an abandoned apartment, then wood lice will begin to multiply at a high speed and there will be too many insects.
  • They can crawl into a private house from the basement or even an open door while the owner is gardening.
  • If we are talking about an apartment where they constantly clean and keep order, then wood lice can come from the basement, as well as from neighbors.

They choose damp corners and hard-to-reach places under rugs and sinks for their activities. They can even find shelter on damp cleaning rags.

Features of the use of chemicals

Before using any of the proposed remedies for woodlice in your apartment, you must:

Study the instructions for the drug. Be sure to ensure no contact with children or pets. Although many manufacturers indicate that the drug is safe for people and pets. When using chemicals, use gloves and a mask when treating the room. Take into account the fact that the number of woodlice may visually increase after treatment; they will begin to crawl chaotically around the apartment. After finishing the treatment, wash the room and ventilate well.

Various preventative methods can be used to prevent woodlice from appearing.

What you need to know

What kind of insect

There are more than 3,500 species of woodlice in nature. However, the apartment is mainly inhabited by two species: the armadillo, the rough specimen.

Science classifies woodlice as land crustaceans, although they are least similar to crayfish. But it seems so only at first glance. Let's get to know insects better and find out how to get rid of them.

What do woodlice look like?

Arthropods are usually oval, convex on top, slightly more than 2 cm long. The carapace has characteristic plates, numerous antennae and legs. The eyes are located on the sides. Seven pairs of thoracic legs have the same size, structure and are adapted for rapid movement. The color of the insects varies from dark gray to brown, but white woodlice are also found in houses.

Why is woodlice dangerous?

The main danger lies in the infections that individuals carry. They feed on rotting plants and dead microorganisms, and therefore carry infectious and other diseases to humans. They destroy indoor plants and eat vegetables and fruits.

Whether wood lice bite depends on their species. Individuals living in apartments, distinguished by their lack of shell, bite. But the bite of a woodlice is slightly stronger than a mosquito bite.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason for the appearance of pests in the house is excessive humidity. Therefore, the favorite habitat is the kitchen and bathroom. If pipes are constantly leaking, ventilation is poor, and wet clothes often dry on the radiator, soon expect crustacean insects to appear, as these are the most suitable conditions for their existence. This also includes greenhouses, where there are many plants that need constant watering. Domestic woodlice inhabit flower pots, where they find food in the form of grass, and can be located in linen closets where under-dried laundry lies.

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What is not recommended to do

It is not surprising that when woodlice appear, the real fight against them begins. Every housewife will try by any means to get rid of unpleasant individuals. Both traditional and chemical preparations are used. It is not recommended to use chemical solutions at home. Children, pets, and the entire household may be affected.

If the issue of using medications is finally resolved, be careful. When working with chemicals, wear protective clothing and protect your eyes and respiratory system. Move family members to a safe location. At the end of the process, thoroughly clean the area and ventilate the room.

Help from specialists

If you cannot cope with woodlice on your own, we advise you to contact a specialist. This is a sanitary and epidemiological station or organizations that specialize in disinfestation of premises.

The positive aspects of this solution:

Specialists will correctly and thoroughly treat all possible habitats and breeding areas of woodlice. The apartment will be disinfected against woodlice.

Effective and safe means will be used. They are odorless and do not leave marks on furniture. The effect is guaranteed for at least 3 months. If wood lice appear earlier, treatment will be free.

Woodlice - who is it?

Woodlice are part of a large order of crustaceans, but unlike their ancestors they prefer to live on land.

You can distinguish woodlice from other insects that may appear in an apartment by their appearance. An adult has an elongated body, slightly raised upward like a lens. There are two pairs of antennae on the head - one short, the other long, the eyes are located on the sides.

The top of the beetle's body is covered with a chitinous shell, which is divided into separate segments. Each individual is endowed with seven pairs of legs, so it moves quite quickly. The color of the parasite is brownish, light gray, brown.

Home Remedies

How to remove woodlice from an apartment using folk methods? The following time-tested options exist:

    You need to mix the following ingredients:

Red hot pepper, 3 grams. Soda ash, 3 grams. Tobacco mixture, 3 grams.

Dilute the mixture with water and treat the area with woodlice. After 8 hours, wash the areas with bleach.

2. Prepare a solution of boric acid with water (20 grams per 1 liter). Spray the product.

3. Dilute dry kvass (100 grams) in half a liter of hot water. Treat the area.

4. A popular remedy is dry salt. It is scattered in places where wood lice accumulate, under cabinets, behind baseboards.

5. If wood lice have infested flowers, it is necessary to replant the plant by treating the root system.

Drastic measures

Sometimes I didn’t want to go to bed because I was overcome by thoughts that when the lights were turned off, vile creatures would begin to walk around the apartment. Every morning and evening I had to inspect the space under the bathroom, behind the toilet, under the trash can, under the cat litter box. And I decided that it was time to act decisively.

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The riser and heated towel rail in the bathroom did not heat up, so I went to the housing office. I wrote a statement, and the very next day they became hot. Then I removed everything unnecessary from the bathtub, washed the floors well and called a plumber to remove the bathtub. Yes, it’s expensive, inconvenient, difficult, but it was worth it. The plumbing pipes were surrounded by huge cracks through which woodlice got into the apartment. I washed everything thoroughly, sealed the holes with sealant and grout, and waited. However, I had to go to my mother to wash.

Then I called the repairman again to check the condition of the pipes and plumbing. He said everything was fine.

There were no more woodlice and silverfish. Just in case, I walked around the perimeter of the front door from the entrance with putty, pulled out the ventilation grille and cleaned it, and took my time installing the bathtub. The woodlice didn't bother me anymore.

Additional control methods

Several methods of controlling woodlice in an apartment:

Birch brooms are moistened and placed in the corners of the room. A wet broom will definitely attract woodlice. Leave overnight. In the morning, carefully collect the brooms and take them out of the apartment. Can be repeated several times. Make traps for woodlice. You need to use potatoes. Cut out the middle of half. Place the cut on the floor. Leave for a day. Woodlice will collect in wet potatoes. The trap needs to be cleaned of woodlice from time to time. In a room with uninvited guests, leave a bucket of quicklime. Treat the areas where they accumulate with this solution. Do not enter the premises for 3 days.

It should be noted that woodlice do not like:

High air temperature, dry climate. Alkalis and acids. Corrosive substances. Strong odors.

Folk methods of dealing with woodlice

To minimize your own time costs, it is recommended to use chemical poisons and traditional methods together. The only enemy in the natural habitat of woodlice is spiders of the genus Dysdera. These insects purposefully hunt wood lice and are capable of destroying all crustaceans in a short period of time, but using such biological weapons in an apartment, to put it mildly, is not the best option.

Long before the discovery of the table of chemical elements by the great Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev, our great-grandmothers used folk remedies to destroy rodents and birds that were engaged in “stealing” fruit and vegetable products from gardens, not to mention tiny crustaceans - grandmothers got rid of wood lice quickly and effectively.

Let's turn to people's experience. To combat uninvited guests the following were used:

  • sagebrush;
  • hellebore;
  • hogweed

The above plants are poisonous and can cause severe poisoning if handled carelessly!

To expel woodlice from a living space, you can use the following folk recipes:

Mustard powder Powder in the amount of 20 g is infused in 2 liters of water for 24 hours. The resulting suspension is used to water the soil in flower pots, and also apply the product under sinks, toilets, bathtubs and sinks. Pipes with cold water also need to be treated with this composition to prevent woodlice from migrating through them from neighboring rooms.

Red hot pepper Approximately 100 g of pepper is ground in a meat grinder and infused in 1 liter of cold water for 10 days. The infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/100 and the plants are treated.

Garlic Peeled and chopped garlic cloves weighing 100 g are infused in 2 liters of cold water for 10 days. The infusion is used to treat the places where wood lice are located, as well as the plants they feed on.

Potato trap You need to make a hole in half of the tuber and put the potato in a pot with soil. This is a favorable habitat for woodlice, so they will definitely gather here. All that remains is to periodically clean the trap.

Folk remedies are an excellent alternative to using chemicals to combat woodlice. But it must be said that the effectiveness of many of them is questionable, and some methods are so inconvenient that it is better to abandon them.

Tobacco, salt, pepper A mixture of tobacco, red pepper and salt is diluted in water and the walls and ceiling are wiped with the resulting solution. In addition, salt is used in the form of a saline solution to combat insects. In this case, the wood lice do not die, but they try to avoid the treated areas.

Gasoline and kerosene

Gasoline and kerosene are good for repelling woodlice. However, their smell is very unpleasant and persistent; it will be impossible to tolerate it at home. Moreover, we must not forget that kerosene, gasoline and alcohol, which are also used to combat woodlice, are fire hazardous substances. These products should not be used on walls in the kitchen to avoid fire.

Almost every home has pepper, potatoes, mustard and garlic, which can be used at any time to eliminate unwanted multi-legged guests.

Preventive actions

To avoid having to use chemicals against woodlice in your apartment, it is better to prevent their occurrence. Here are some steps that will help you avoid this problem in your home:

Ventilate the room more often. Take out the trash can. Don't store trash. Wash and disinfect the bucket. Do not leave food out in the open in the kitchen. Fix pipe leaks in a timely manner. The plumbing must be in good working order. Cracks in floors, walls, and around baseboards must be sealed. The inlet and outlet of water and sewer pipes at the points where they connect to the floor and the gaps must be carefully sealed. After the floor in the kitchen and bathroom is washed, it must be wiped without leaving wet areas. It is necessary to thoroughly wash and wipe the floors under beds, closets, and behind sofas.

Clean ventilation shafts regularly. It is better to dry clothes outside, rather than in the bathroom or kitchen. Trays of flower pots should be wiped dry, avoiding stagnation of moisture. Peeled wallpaper must be glued and dried. During periods of high humidity, use dehumidifiers.

Let's summarize how to deal with woodlice in an apartment. First, block all routes of their entry from the outside. Choose an insecticide based on safety for humans and pets. An expensive product does not mean it is effective. Follow the instructions for use of any drug. By following simple prevention methods, you will protect your home not only from woodlice, but also from other unpleasant insects.


Means for destruction

Only after all the paths have been blocked can you begin to destroy the wood lice that have already settled in the apartment.

There are many different methods for this, including traditional ones, but chemical agents, which are offered in various versions, will be much simpler and more reliable.

Despite the fact that wood lice are small crustaceans, they are poisoned by the same substances as ordinary “household” insects. Therefore, any known aerosols, traps and crayons can be used here. They differ in price and degree of effectiveness.

Chemical attack

Time-tested "Dichlorvos" copes well with most types of insects. After systematic spraying, not a single uninvited guest will linger on the territory. The advantages of this method of struggle include its unconditional effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. But everyone who has ever used this poison knows about the suffocating, toxic, pungent odor. Dichlorvos should not be used in an apartment if you are unable to leave your home for a while. But it is perfect for processing a cellar or basement.

The Kombat product is very popular, and Raptor is often used against woodlice. Sprays are convenient because they are easy to use in the bathroom or living room.

It is necessary to use chemicals as carefully as possible - the toxic substance can get on food or dishes.

Killer bait

Schabengel gel has proven itself to be an effective and relatively cheap method of destruction. For example, to process 60 sq. Only 30 grams of gel is enough. It has a pleasant aroma for pests, acting as a poison when eaten. It should be placed in all places where parasites are likely to accumulate. As the gel is eaten, the treatment should be repeated to consolidate the results of disinfection. Unlike the previous “Dichlorvos”, “Schabengel” is absolutely safe for humans.

Given the futility of traditional methods, it is this method of combating woodlice that is most optimal in terms of price, quality, efficiency and is best suited for use in an apartment.

Concentrated insecticides

If there are too many insects, then a more powerful product may be needed. Professionals use concentrated insecticides . This includes Tutrix, Delta Zone, Cifox and Xutal Micro. These drugs are considered very effective and are used economically, although they are expensive. The products have a prolonged effect, so they will protect the room for a long time not only from woodlice, but also from any crawling insects.


According to the instructions, powdered products such as Neopin, Riapan and Phenaxin should be scattered on the floor, but this is not very convenient - wood lice often live on the walls and ceiling, and may not go down at all. You will get the best result if you dilute the powder in water and spray it in the right places with a spray bottle.


Powder products, like crayons, can be used as an additional measure. While powder is difficult to use on walls, crayons may not be effective in damp areas. Still, you shouldn’t give up using crayons. Woodlice are quite susceptible to them; it is best to draw lines with crayons in the ventilation, near the pipes in the bathroom and in the radiator area.

According to reviews from people who have already had to deal with woodlice in their apartment, a good remedy, in addition to aerosol preparations, is powdered boric acid and regular Mashenka chalk.

Sticky traps

But it’s better to leave gels with poison in case an invasion of ants and cockroaches begins in the room: they don’t cope very well with woodlice, just like sticky traps. Traps are considered the most ineffective - when used, baiting woodlice can last for weeks and sometimes months.

Rules for the use of chemicals

When it comes to how to get rid of woodlice in an apartment, you need to understand that you will have to remove the insects by treating hard-to-reach places. Therefore, it is better to choose a product in the most convenient form. Many drugs are toxic and must be used with special protection: masks, gloves and protective clothing.

During disinfection, insects will try in every possible way to avoid destruction, migrating around the house in search of shelter. Your main task is to prevent this by cutting off all routes to escape. Before you start treating the room, limit their possible movement as much as possible by plugging all the cracks, eliminating pipe leaks and drying the walls. This will help to quickly and permanently keep them away from the house, otherwise it will take a long time to poison the woodlice and there will be no result from these actions.

Experts recommend combining several methods at once. These can be aerosol preparations, folk recipes for fighting woodlice, and crayons with traps. The whole complex, if used correctly, will help get rid of harmful insects in the apartment.

But we must remember that the destruction of wood lice should not only take place in one apartment! If your neighbors have a nest, then you will need to get rid of it too - otherwise, soon all the surrounding rooms will be inhabited again by these unpleasant creatures.

All means that the owner of the house intends to use when baiting woodlice must be used in accordance with the instructions. Under no circumstances should you ignore the protection of exposed parts of the body and food!

Are wood lice dangerous?

Woodlice mostly present only an aesthetic problem to humans. To be fair, it should be noted that the role of these crustaceans in wildlife is assessed positively. These are a kind of recyclers of rotting plant waste, which cause the spread of pathogenic microorganisms into the environment.

A shortage of basic food or an increase in population can cause them to spread to houseplants. These are mainly tropical crops, in containers with which high humidity is constantly maintained. Plants can only be harmed by a large number of crustaceans, during whose vital activity the substrate is compacted and a large area of ​​roots is eaten.

The role of woodlice as carriers of viral and bacterial diseases is also questionable. This is due to the lack of direct contact with humans and their food. They do not bite, so they cannot cause mechanical damage to humans.

As the population increases, woodlice can also pose a physical problem, which manifests itself in the spread of dirt pulled from sewer pipes or ventilation shafts. Therefore, if you find crustaceans in your apartment, you need to get rid of them before their number exceeds the permissible limits.

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