White peacock. Lifestyle and habitat of the white peacock

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The white peacock is an amazing bird, bred in artificial conditions and which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful representatives of the family of these birds. They are actively bred both for private reserves and for wildlife diversity. In their lifestyle and character, they are not much different from ordinary ones. The main emphasis is placed on external data.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: White peacock

The white peacock is one of the most controversial species of this species. Many breeders claim that this is simply an ordinary albino peacock. But in reality this is not the case at all. This is a separate species of peacocks, which is a hybrid, as it was artificially bred purposefully to achieve such a unique shade.

The standard peacock was taken as a basis. By the way, this is not a new subspecies. White peacocks were common back in the 18th century. When crossing, the main task that the breeders faced was precisely decorative. For the powers that be, they sought to breed such outlandish birds. And it was a success.

Video: White peacock

After this, breeders began to try to populate the natural environment with these birds, and they took root there quite well. All peacocks belong to the Pheasant family. It is customary to distinguish ordinary and green - the most common variations. Although there is also black and white, red.

Today, the list of species of these amazing birds is constantly expanding. This is primarily due to the fact that breeders are constantly working to improve breeds and develop new ones for private collections. It is possible that more and more amazing colors will appear soon.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Handsome white peacock

Photo 2. White peacock resting on the grass

Photo 3. Peacock spread a gorgeous tail

Appearance and features

Photo: What a white peacock looks like

Many different species have been artificially bred precisely in order to obtain a unique appearance. White peacocks are no exception. These amazing birds deserve special attention precisely because they are considered albinos all over the world.

Today they decorate the ponds of many wealthy citizens. By the way, when breeding hybrids, the emphasis was placed precisely on their unpretentiousness in terms of living conditions. That is why now they feel equally comfortable both in very warm regions and in temperate, cold latitudes. The white peacock can be described as the dream of many young ladies: “blonde with blue eyes.” Indeed, this is so! The ideal albino peacock has an excellent white tint and a specific eye color.

This bird is distinguished by a snowy hue, a crest and a calling card - a gorgeous tail. The bird can reach 1.3 m in length, of which 0.5 m is the tail. The bird's wingspan often exceeds 1.5 m. But the weight often does not exceed 5-7 kg. Each feather is equipped with an additional pattern. If you look closely, you can see an eye-shaped pattern at the end of each of them. In white peacocks this feature is least expressed.

When a peacock is born, it is covered with yellow fluff. In the first year, it is extremely difficult to distinguish males and females among white peacocks. Only by the age of two do they acquire characteristic external characteristics, including the final color of their plumage. By the way, work on breeding peacocks continues and more and more often you can find completely original options. For example, a peacock with black and white plumage.

Despite such an attractive appearance, the peacock's voice is simply disgusting. Since he has very good hearing, he can sense danger a mile away and then the unpleasant loud cry of these birds immediately rises throughout the entire area.

Now you know how a white peacock spreads its tail. Let's see where this amazing bird lives.

Where does the white peacock live?

Photo: White peacock bird

Initially, the common peacocks, which formed the basis of the species, lived in India. It is from there that the spread of these amazing birds begins. As for the white peacock specifically, it is a hybrid and therefore common in artificial conditions. Nature reserves and especially private collections are the main places of residence of white peacocks. Here special conditions are created for them that contribute to their comfortable life, as well as reproduction, which is especially important for such a rare species.

Under natural conditions, white peacocks try to populate those areas that are usually inhabited by representatives of other species (especially those that became the progenitors of this species). Representatives of the species love high humidity and tropical climates. Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka are the main places where they can be found.

Interesting fact: The most comfortable and safe habitat for peacocks is India. Here they are considered sacred and therefore carefully protected. Dense impenetrable bushes and hills are the most comfortable areas for peacocks to live.

Peacocks prefer to live in somewhat non-standard families: a male and several females. At the same time, there is no supremacy in the family. Peacocks believe that equality greatly increases their chances of survival. During the day, peacocks try to choose dense thickets for their habitat, but they sleep high in the trees - there it is much easier to hide from predators.

Are white-tailed birds omnivores?

Regardless of the conditions of detention, the diet of a white peacock must meet its needs. Products of plant origin are necessary for the functioning of all vital organs of poultry. The menu is based on various berries and fruits, as well as meat from small rodents.

Peacocks that have settled not far from human habitation have a passion for vegetable gardens. This phenomenon is due to the fact that once in Indian settlements, residents did not see the point in driving away birds, and since then the diet of their white friends began to replenish. It included various kinds of vegetables. But the main thing remained and remains - clean water in the habitat.

As for keeping in specially adapted areas, the importance of taking care of obtaining all nutritional components increases. For example, they are fed cereals, adding the necessary fruits, vegetables and potatoes to the crops. Feeding grain is also good, but the freshness of the product is very important, especially in the cold season. For snow-white creatures, two meals a day are enough, but during this very period it is possible to switch to a more dense one - three meals a day.

What does the white peacock eat?

Photo: White peacock spreading its tail

Under natural conditions, white peacocks need plant food for normal life. Nuts, berries and various small fruits are the basis of the bird’s diet. But animal food is also necessary. Insects and small snakes are also often present on the white peacock's menu.

For a balanced diet, the bird usually independently chooses what is required at that moment. If we talk about keeping birds in nature reserves and private zoos, then it is important to ensure that the peacock’s diet contains all these components at the same time. If birds live close to people’s homes, then products from the garden can also become their favorite food. The most preferred ones are cucumbers, tomatoes and even bananas.

Also, when peacocks are kept in artificially created parks, they are provided with cereals. Some boiled vegetables and fruits with the addition of herbs are mixed into the grain crops. Potatoes are especially preferred for these birds. In the morning, it is very good to feed the birds with sprouted grain. This is especially useful in winter. Usually these birds are fed twice a day, but during the breeding season it is possible to switch to a three-time diet.

In natural conditions, peacocks have long been famous in India for eating the fields of people living nearby. But those, considering them amazing birds, were in no hurry to fight this, affectionately allowing them to feed on their lands. Under natural conditions, the white peacock mainly prefers to eat berry bushes. They are also not averse to feasting on even small rodents. The main requirement for their normal life is a clean body of water near their habitat.


Aviary equipment

Unpretentious and hardy peacocks are widespread throughout our country. To keep them, it is necessary to prepare an enclosure, the dimensions of which should not be less than 5 meters in length and 3 meters in height. At a height of 1.5 meters, albinos are provided with perches. It is also necessary to have a drinking bowl, a feeder and a container with ash, chalk or gravel. To breed birds, it is better to populate them in families - 1 male and 3-4 females. Neighborhood with representatives of other species is extremely undesirable for the white peacock.


Omnivorous peacocks accept grain feed and vegetables well. Breeders often focus on the diet of chickens, which is also suitable for peacocks.

Normally, an adult peacock needs:

  • 50 g chopped corn;
  • 40 g oats or barley;
  • 50 g flour and alfalfa;
  • 10 g sunflower cake;
  • 90 g of grain waste;
  • 100 g root vegetables and vegetables.

Greens, salt and chalk are used as additives.

The menu can include boiled cereals and crackers, as well as Colorado potato beetles and other pests. Sometimes you should pamper your pets with berries and fruits.

Breeding peacocks

The mating season of white peacocks kept in captivity is not much different from breeding in the natural environment.

The breeder must select exclusively white individuals for families. This will result in healthy white offspring. To obtain a mixed hybrid color, a colored pair is selected for a white peacock.

Also important is the preparation of nests, since birds may not take care of this on their own. The peahen may also refuse to hatch, so the eggs will need to be placed under the chicken or placed in an incubator.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Beautiful white peacock

White peacocks, like standard representatives of the species, have a number of interesting features. It is immediately worth noting that in terms of character and lifestyle, all types of peacocks are similar to each other.

Characteristic features include:

  • life in small flocks;
  • the bird is awake during the day and sleeps at night, like most representatives of the animal world. At night, peacocks live in the crowns of large deciduous trees;
  • Representatives of the breed are particularly good at flying, but they are still not capable of overly long flights.

The tail is a remarkable distinctive feature of these birds. It serves males to attract females during the mating season. That is why the state of the tails and behavior can indicate that the mating season has begun for peacocks.

The rest of the time, peacocks move with their tail completely lowered. Although it is so long, it is absolutely not a hindrance. The peacock usually folds its long tail and it does not in the least interfere with its movement as actively.

Birds usually do not attract much attention to themselves, preferring to behave calmly. They begin to scream and worry both in anticipation of obvious danger and hidden ones. They usually become like this before thunderstorms, so in ancient times people often paid attention to these miracle birds as meteorologists.

In captivity, peacocks can behave very arrogantly and occasionally even peck their enclosure neighbors if they don’t like them. This is extremely rare. An additional feature of peacocks is their ability to adapt quickly and easily. They get used to new living conditions very quickly and already feel at home.

Interesting fact: Peacocks come from regions where it is always very hot. At the same time, they can adapt perfectly to regions with significantly lower temperatures.

National symbol of India

In India, the white peacock has a special place - it is called the sacred bird of the sun. It is very popular in Indian religion and culture. An image of a royal feather adorns the throne of Buddha and accompanies Avalokiteshvara (the embodiment of compassion). For centuries, the clergy protected the peace of the peacocks who lived near the temples. Killing handsome white men is considered blasphemous in India.

The peacock has become a sacred bird not only for its beauty, but also for other extraordinary qualities:

  • Imperishable. The flesh of a killed peacock never goes rancid and has no smell of rotting. Over time it dries out and simply hardens.
  • Bravery. Hindus often keep beautiful women to protect their homes from snakes. Birds fearlessly attack and kill poisonous reptiles.
  • Frost resistance. Peacocks tolerate temperatures well even down to minus 10 degrees.

The symbol of the bird of paradise accompanies Hindus throughout their lives. An example of this are sculptures, paintings, crafts, and clothing that are decorated with the image of a white bird. The peacock is a hero of Indian folk tales and legends. Fans were made from the long feathers of birds for the maharajas. In western India, the peacock is a symbol of a happy marriage. A young family always decorates their home and bed with figurines of snow-white birds.

On February 1, 1963, the national government announced its decision to name the peacock as the state's national bird.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Male and female white peacock

In families of white peacocks, the number of females usually predominates over males. At the same time, there is absolutely no social structure or hierarchy. It is believed that absolutely everyone is equal. It is thanks to this that they always manage to act unitedly and significantly increase their chances of living safely in the forest.

Each bird acquires the ability to reproduce at approximately 2-3 years of age. To attract females, the male simply spreads his tail and emits piercing screams. On average, there can be up to 5 females per polygamous male. But this still does not mean that he is ready to share them with someone. That is why very often real fights break out between peacocks over females.

The breeding season begins around April and lasts until September. During this time, the female can freely make up to 3 clutches. The female lays up to 10 eggs at a time. The eggs can even lie on the ground. It takes about a month for peacock chicks to be born. Under normal living conditions, one peacock can easily live 20-25 years.

Peacocks have extremely weak parental instinct. The female can easily abandon her eggs and go about her business. Males also have no feelings for the expected generation. But this applies exclusively to natural living conditions. In nurseries, peacocks not only look after their babies, but can often keep an eye on other people's testicles, if there is a reason for this.

Natural enemies of white peacocks

Photo: What a white peacock looks like

At all times, peacocks were hunted under natural conditions. Moreover, this applies both to human enemies and directly to the wild nature itself. Among animals, tigers and leopards are the most dangerous for peacocks of all types. They are distinguished by unprecedented dexterity and therefore can easily catch a bird that simply does not have time to take off while the animal sneaks up on it unnoticed.

Any feathered predator would not mind eating the meat of these birds. By the way, it is precisely such enemies that cause particular harm to the population as a whole. The reason is that they hunt mainly young peacocks (old ones have tough meat) - as a result, the population simply cannot develop and leave offspring. The same applies to the destruction of nests with eggs.

Interesting fact: Among natural enemies, humans are considered one of the main ones, since representatives of this population are actively hunted for industrial use - peacocks have very tasty meat. But we are talking only about young birds, old ones are not suitable.

Humans also have a negative impact on the lives of birds indirectly. We are talking about polluting the water bodies from which they drink and destroying their tree houses. In artificial conditions, everything is not so sad, but still a large number of peacocks die simply due to improper care.

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