Delicious goat meat dishes: cooking features, recipes

Goat meat, tasty and incredibly nutritious, is not such a frequent guest on our tables. It is usually prepared in families that breed these animals. Or in those houses whose owner is a hunter. As a rule, goat meat can only be purchased at the market, and even then not always. As for stores, it does not appear on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets at all. Most likely, it is precisely because of the inaccessibility of our housewives that their goat meat dishes are not popular. In addition, there is an opinion that this meat has a specific smell and turns out tough, no matter how it is cooked. It is worth noting that all these are nothing more than myths. If you follow the algorithm of actions that recipes offer for preparing any goat meat dish, and also approach the choice of meat wisely, then the result can be an exquisite dish with a great taste. Moreover, it is also extremely useful.

So, how to cook goat meat?

Rules for selection and storage

Goat meat is considered a dietary product. True, this applies to a greater extent to the meat of young animals. In older people it is covered with yellow fatty layers, in addition, it is much darker in color. By the way, it is knowledge of this nuance that largely contributes to the right choice. In addition, the notorious specific smell is inherent specifically in the skin of the animal, therefore, if you purchase meat without it, you will not feel any additional aromas. But you should definitely pay attention to the absence of other odors and mucus, which are inherent in any stale product of this kind.

According to culinary specialists, fresh goat meat retains all its beneficial properties (of which, by the way, there are many) for three days. Therefore, if you purchased a not very large piece and only enough for a few dishes, then first of all separate the meat from the bone. This way it will last longer. If there is a lot of product, then it is best to put the excess in the freezer immediately after cutting.

“Milk” leg of a domestic goat in a baking sleeve

“Goat leg” in the oven...

Hello, hulinars! Recently, while visiting a deep rural outback, I received a leg of a dairy goat as a gift. Dairy in the sense that, as the owners explained, she was no more than six months old and was fed exclusively on their own goat’s milk. I decided to bake it. I didn’t decide on the method and, at a loss, grabbed everything in a row.

In addition to the goat meat, they presented me with a liter of country apple cider vinegar . It smells like brew, the taste is mildly sour... I think it will also work.

We wash and dry the leg itself. with salt without fanaticism , sprinkle with black pepper , sprinkle with vinegar and coat with olive oil . We wrap it all in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for about a day.

Just before the stove, we stuff the leg with garlic and cover it with rosemary branches .

I decided to bake it in my sleeve, because I had never done this before. We pack according to the instructions - I especially liked that nothing would drip or burn anywhere.

Place on a wire rack in a cold oven and set to 180 degrees. This is what happens in 1.5 hours.

We give it another thirty minutes, take it out, open it... And actually, that’s all that was able to be captured in the finale, because hungry pets came and, armed with baked potatoes and pickled onions, dipping pita bread into the broth from the leg... they gobbled it all up!

And after tasting goat meat, aliens with green chips have galaxies lighting up in their eyes...

Chilavek Y

Comments (67) to “Milk” leg of a domestic goat in a baking sleeve”

Oh, what a nice cat! But I still feel sorry for the little goat (I’ve never eaten goat meat, so I’ll take your word for it that Chilavek hasn’t let me down so far))

In our country, sometimes goat meat is passed off as lamb (sold) in the markets.

Therefore, lamb must be purchased from verified halal departments.

Goat meat. They say it tastes like nothing! I haven’t tried it myself, but our people keep goats and some are used for meat.

It looks delicious, I'd like to try it!

How lucky you are to have a paired goat! And everything was done correctly! Malades! But in our country, goat meat is actually passed off as lamb at a price of 260 rubles. But a real ram costs from 350.


Cooking features

Falling under the influence of the same myth about the “goat” smell, many people marinate this meat before preparing almost any dish. This is not entirely correct. Good meat from young domestic goats, and even without skin, should be subjected to this procedure only if the recipe requires it. Another thing is forest individuals. Their meat is really tough, and it smells a little even after careful cutting. It is for this reason that when preparing any dish from wild goat meat, recipes, almost all of them, include a clause that indicates the need for marinating.

As for the marinade itself, it can be different, but most often dry wine is used (preferably white), as well as fruit vinegar - grape, apple. In all other respects, the preparation of this meat is no different from other types. The only thing is that sometimes the temperature treatment time just needs to be increased slightly to make it softer.

Well, then let’s move on directly to talking about how and what delicious goat dishes can be prepared.

Recipe for roe deer ribs in the oven

Roe deer meat, or as it is also called (wild goat), is a favorite delicacy of many who are associated with hunting. The taste of any wild meat depends not only on the age of the hunted animal, but also on how it is prepared.

Some people prefer long soaking with the addition of vinegar, while others prefer a generous addition of spices and long cooking. The link describes in more detail how to prepare and cook roe deer.

In this recipe we will describe how to cook baked roe deer ribs in the oven in a sleeve.

  • Roe deer (wild goat) ribs
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt
  • Garlic
  • Ground red paprika
  • Ground allspice
  • Caucasian adjika
  • Onion


Many housewives who love and know how to cook goat meat dishes most often give preference to roast meat. This is understandable. Goat meat generally takes quite a long time to cook, so you want to make the process as productive as possible. The roast turns out to be extremely tasty and nutritious. If you prepare such a dish in large quantities, you can feed your family for several days, and no one will say that “today we are having the same thing again for lunch.” The plates of your loved ones will be empty in an instant. And some family members will also require supplements.

And to prepare such a culinary masterpiece, you need to stock up on: a kilogram of goat meat (you can also take ribs), beans (preferably green, but you need to take 300 g), two onions, a kilogram of potatoes, a glass of milk, flour (half a glass is enough), half packs of butter.

Goat ribs: recipe for cooking in the oven

Who gets what for the New Year, but our friends gave us... a goat. Fortunately, in the form of meat (we have nowhere to keep live

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