Roan color of horses of various colors and shades

Basic horse colors

Roan is any color, but with an abundance of white hair on the body. The least white hair is usually on the head and lower legs.

Not everyone knows this color of horses, although it can be seen quite often. What color can be considered roan? Foals are already roan from birth. Along their bodies, the background of the main color is mixed with white hairs. As the foal matures, the roan color remains.

The head, as well as the limbs of roan horses of this color, are always painted in a tone that characterizes the main color. The name of the suit is made up of the name of the suit that is the base suit and the adjective “roan”.

In roan horses, white hairs can be observed in the groin area or at the base of the tail. Horses have white hairs growing all over their bodies; they mix evenly with the hairs of the main color. What is the difference between roan horses and gray horses? A roan horse does not change color from birth until death. There is another very interesting feature.

If a roan horse damages the skin, then after healing, hairs of the color that was considered the main color of the horse grow in this place, mixed with white hairs.

On healed wounds of horses that have a different color, only white hair always appears. Roan horses exhibit early gray hair. This happens if the main suit is gray. If the roan color of horses appears in a piebald horse or in a forelock horse, then it becomes not very noticeable.

Roan color gene

A gene called Rn, which is always dominant, is considered responsible for this coloration in horses. For the birth of a foal that would have a roan color, it is necessary that its parent be a carrier of this genotype and be roan. American scientists believe that the combination of the same type of genes in both parents is associated with mortality. Foals from such parents die in the embryonic stage. At the present time, this theory has opponents and supporters.

However, there is information: there are fewer horse breeds where the roan color is found than breeds in which the background colors dominate. When breeding, for example, horses of the Shire breed, stallions of roan color, whose heads are “decorated” with an admixture of white hair, are discarded. For mares of this breed, white hair on their faces is not considered a fault. Roan horses often darken over the years.


The horse's head is elongated, dry, with large lively eyes, wide nostrils and large or medium-sized pointed and mobile ears. Mental abilities are well developed. Of the senses, hearing is the best developed, while vision and smell are worse.

The roan horse has the typical appearance of a member of the equine family. The color of an animal has always been important to humans and, along with the breed, was considered a distinctive feature. In ancient times in Rus', such a horse was a sign of wealth: it cost 6-7 times more than a horse of a common color. To receive such an animal as a gift was considered a sign of deep respect.

Color (or hair color) and markings make it possible to distinguish between animals. In foals, after molting, the appearance changes somewhat, so the color of the animal should be judged after six months of age. The most common horses are the following: bay, red, black, roan and gray horses.

About the raven-roan suit

Fig 1. Black roan stallion

Foals with this color are born if the gene responsible for roaning is identified, and the main coat is black. Looking at such a horse from afar, you may get the impression that it appears bluish or lilac. Due to their unusual color, such horses were popularly called blue. If the horse is black-roan, then its muzzle, tail, mane, and also its legs are black. So, without any problems, you can distinguish dark gray horses from black roans by these characteristics.

Attractive breeds

Do not confuse gray merens with roan animals. The described breed is less common; in addition, it can darken over the years, while gray horses only become lighter with age.

There are horses that are popularly called “blue”. They are obtained after crossing two individuals of the black breed, one of which has a predominant Rn gene. The raven-roan color differs from other species; this species has a black head, legs, mane and tail. The raven-roan color has its own characteristics. At different times of the year, the shade of the head may change, but the body, on which white hair inclusions are visible, always remains the same color.

Temper and behavior

Livestock experts note that black horses are inherently willful. This color is a rare species. The color of a horse does not change throughout its life.

There is debate among livestock specialists about the influence of the genotype on the character and behavior of the animal. According to the observations of horse breeders, it was noted that black horses have a complex disposition, bay horses have endurance, and gray horses are sensitive creatures. The behavior of the animal is also influenced by the breed with which the roan was crossed.

How to feed roan horses

Roan horses are fed the same way as the rest - 3-4 times a day. The diet and volume are calculated based on the weight of the animal, its age and type of use (for production - meat or koumiss, for physical work, for dressage).

Stud stallions are given a little more grain and protein feed to improve semen quality. Vitamin premixes for horses are added to pregnant mares and the total calorie content of the diet is increased.

Horses are watered three times a day, and in hot weather or under high load - 4 times. During the day, a horse weighing 0.5 tons drinks 5 buckets of water (about 50 liters), and in hot weather 8 buckets (80 liters). When grazing, if there is fresh grass, he drinks 50 liters in plenty. You should not give cold water to pregnant mares - miscarriage may occur. After work, hot horses are put to rest for 1-2 hours and only after that they are given water.

You should not give water immediately after grazing clover, alfalfa and other leguminous grasses, as this may cause the horses to develop tympania (bloating).

Feeding order:

  1. dry food (hay);
  2. watering;
  3. succulent feed (fresh grass, haylage, root vegetables);
  4. concentrated feed (oats, mixed feed).

Be sure to put lick salt in the feeder to replenish the lack of minerals.

It is better to sow pastures with a special mixture of grasses, which includes meadow timothy. Similar mixtures are sold in farm supply stores. You can make them yourself by purchasing the seeds separately.

To prevent horses from becoming infected with worms, the pasture needs to be harrowed or manure removed 2-3 times a year. If there are other herbivores on the farm (cows, goats, sheep), they can be grazed alternately or together with horses. In this case, the likelihood of helminth infection is minimized.

Some pasture and meadow plants are dangerous for horses and can cause severe poisoning, even death. Among them:

  • all parts of the caustic buttercup – dangerous fresh, in large quantities;
  • all parts of the meadow ragwort (damages the liver). There is no medicine to treat such poisoning yet;
  • autumn colchicum;
  • stems, flowers and leaves of foxglove;
  • flowers and stems of poisonous horsetail (often found in wetlands);
  • laurel leaves and bark;
  • rhododendron – flowers and leaves;
  • boxwood leaves and bark;
  • privet leaves and bark;
  • stems, leaves, flowers of nightshade;
  • yew leaves and bark;
  • fern leaves and stems;
  • acorns (in large quantities).

Example of a daily ration for a horse weighing 450 kg

The diet is prepared in such a way that the weight of feed consumed per day is 2% of the horse’s weight. Accordingly, with a weight of 450 kg, the daily weight of the diet will be 9 kg. This includes any food - green, juicy, concentrated - that the horse eats. Water is not taken into account; it must be available constantly or regularly.

Horses have a small stomach and a very long intestine, so the basis of their nutrition is made up of coarse fiber feed, rich in fiber - hay, straw, chaff. Coarse fiber feed should make up at least 40% of the diet.

A horse on vacation, without work, can only eat green pasture grass. Daily ration for a horse engaged in light and medium work:

  • hay – 12 – 14 kg;
  • concentrated feed (grain, grain mixtures) - 5 kg;
  • bran – 1 – 1.4 kg;
  • root vegetables (carrots, fodder beets or regular beets) – 2.5-3 kg.
  • salt lick – 40 g

If fresh grass is not available, it is worth adding vitamin and mineral supplements (premixes) for horses to the diet in winter. Do not use premixes for other types of animals; they are not suitable for horses and can cause problems with digestion, legs and joints.

Instead of oats, you can give barley, corn, wheat or rye, flattened or whole. Hay can be diluted with spring straw (corn, millet or oatmeal), which is cut into 2 cm pieces (the so-called chaff) or chaff. Meadow hay (timothy) and legume-cereal hay (alfalfa, vetch) are preferable.

Feed factories produce complete feed for horses in the form of granules and muesli (flattened, extruded components). If the complete feed is of very high quality, then the horse can be fed only it, sometimes adding a little hay. Such feeds are quite expensive, 3-4 times more expensive than oats.

You can prepare food for horses yourself. To do this, you will need to mix the components and store this mixture in a dry, dark place, protected from rodents. The shelf life depends on the expiration date of the components. All components of the mixture must be dry.

If you have some components only in wet form - for example, vitamins, root vegetables, cake, molasses - then they need to be added to the mixture immediately before feeding.

In addition to the feed, the horse should receive hay and fresh water every day.

A horse weighing 450-500 kg requires 5 kg of this feed per day. Before feeding, you need to add vitamins and premixes (they are poured onto the feed directly into the feeder). Approximately 50 g of premix per day per head, the exact dosage is usually indicated on the package.

For older horses or animals with bad teeth, it is recommended to add warm water to the feed so that it soaks and becomes soft.

If a horse does not have access to lick salt, it is given 40 g of salt per day in 2-3 doses. Salt is poured onto the feed along with the premix and vitamins.

If your horse does not like the taste of a particular food, but is necessary for its health, you can water it or mix it with molasses. Animals like its sweetish taste, and they are more willing to eat other foods in this mixture.

Distribution of the Kazakh horse by region

Kazakhstan ranks ninth in the world in terms of territory and has several climatic and natural zones. In the central steppes of Kazakhstan, which have many waterways that dry up in the summer, horses of the Jabe breed are common, capable of covering long distances, strong, with thick skin and very hardy.

The southwestern deserts and semi-deserts of Kazakhstan boast fleet-footed horses of the Adaev breed. Not a single breed of horse could survive in the harsh climatic conditions of this region. And narrow-chested, with a dry constitution and capable of going for a long time without water and feeding on the dryest grass, the Adaevites are the best suited for life in this territory. The hooves of this horse are adapted to rocky soils, which greatly helps them in overcoming huge spaces.

In the mountainous East Kazakhstan there are horses of the East Kazakh breed, which are more similar to the mountain breeds. These horses are characterized by short stature and poor bones. They easily find their way up rocky mountain slopes and carry heavy loads and people, almost intuitively finding their way through mountain passes.

It was by crossing the queens of the Kazakh breed of horses with purebred Don stallions that the highly productive Kushum breed was bred.

Difficulties in breeding

Scientists have found that the gene carrying roan information is not tied to a specific breed or sex, but is present only in animals that have wild ancestors. To get a foal with this color, one of the parents must be a carrier of the gene.

Horse breeders do not purposefully breed roan horses. The reason for this lies in the lethality of the event. When a stallion and a mare mate with a dominant roan gene in their blood, a dead or non-viable foal is born.

A live and healthy baby can only be born to parents of different colors, when one of them is roan, and even then the probability of a foal being born with an unusual coat color is 50%. For this reason, no one specifically breeds such horses.

The roan color is rare and highly valued, because it is almost impossible to obtain such an unusual foal on purpose. The dominant Rn gene is responsible for the unique color, the carrier of which is only stallions and mares whose pedigree contains wild ancestors.

Animal care

The individual must always be kept clean, its premises and harness must be well-groomed. After feeding, all the following equipment:

  • Scoops.
  • Feeders.
  • Bowls.
  • Buckets must be washed thoroughly using hot water.

In order for a horse to have good health and well-being, sanitary conditions must be maintained. It is recommended to provide clean fresh water for the animal in advance. The daily need for liquid is considered to be at least 35 liters, and in the summer, water consumption is much more. The required body temperature is maintained by drinking plenty of fluids. If fluid intake occurs on time and in sufficient quantities, the entire body is saturated with nutrients, and the joints do not lose lubrication.

Males and females need to be watered frequently and given access to liquid, but only before feeding. The cleaner the animal is kept, the more beautiful its appearance will be. Feeding the suit also plays a major role in the life of the individual, so it is recommended to create the correct feeding regime for the suit.


The roan color belongs to the group of colors and is found only in those individuals that have a special Rn gene. It is a dominant modifier, so it is inherited and modifies the basic hair color. However, it is worth remembering that crossing two roans is not recommended. As a rule, in such cases, obtaining offspring almost always ends in death.

So, roan color is a special combination of white hair and base color. That is why it has many variations and is named depending on the main color of the horse. An admixture of individual white hairs is found mainly on the neck and rump of the animal, and to a lesser extent on the head and legs. Most often, the main color remains in these areas. Roaning looks especially beautiful on dark animals, as in the photo.

Important signs

It is important to note that a roan horse's eyes and hooves always remain dark in accordance with the main color. Another distinctive feature is that the dark hair of such animals never turns grey. And, conversely, with age they become darker. Also, at different times of the year, the main part of the body may change its shade slightly. But the mane, tail, head and legs always retain a constant color. Rarely can apples appear on the chest and rump.

Interesting! Also, unlike other colors, a roan horse grows white hair at the site of skin damage, rather than pure white. That is why healed wounds or scars in this case are practically invisible.

Roaning is most common in animals that have wild ancestors in their family. For example, in our country this color is most often characteristic of Bashkir horses and heavy trucks. In this case, it is considered a good sign. However, there are some exceptions. For example, when breeding the Shire breed, stallions with an admixture of white hair on the head are discarded.

Types of roan color

Although it is generally accepted that roaning occurs in dark colors, a horse of almost any color can have this sign. This even applies to gray, gray, piebald, savage and forelock horses. We suggest looking at the variety of designs in the photo below. Now let's look at the most basic types of this color.

Bay roan

This species is considered the most common and can be found in different breeds that have retained the Rn gene. Such horses are characterized by the presence of white hair against the background of the main bay color. That is, the main part of the body has a dark brown or brown-red tint with a sign of roaning. The tail, mane, and lower legs are black.

Red roan

This is also a fairly common species, which is characterized by the presence of blond hair against the background of the main red color. Very often, the light areas of the body, when roaning is present, appear pale pink, while the head and legs remain a rich red color. See photo.


This is perhaps the most unusual and rare color, when white hair contrasts against the background of a dark black color. Sometimes such horses appear in daylight as a smoky blue color, which adds unusualness and fabulousness.


Also quite a rare species, which is sometimes called the gray-haired nightingale. Not all experts distinguish this color as a separate subspecies of roan, since depending on the time of year, such horses can acquire a fawn color.


This species is most often characteristic of horses of the steppe and forest type. It is distinguished by a combination of white hair with obvious “wild” markings - dark stripes and spots on the body. For more details on all types of colors, see the photo below.

Maintenance and care

Mares and stallions can be kept in a herd or in a stable, depending on the climate zone and the availability of pastures.
In warm climates or in the summer, they can remain on the pasture around the clock: in a herd, alone or in small groups. It is necessary to ensure constant access to water. If there is enough pasture, additional feed is not needed. If there is not enough grass for free grazing, give the horses hay and oats. Horses in the pasture

Horses that spend the summer season on pasture or graze all year round need a shelter from the sun and rain, as well as a shelter with walls without a door where they can hide in case of cold weather. Year-round herd keeping is used in commercial meat and koumiss horse breeding.

Kumys production

The stable is set up in an elevated place so that there is at least 1 m from the base of the foundation to groundwater. Too close location of groundwater can lead to constant dampness in the room and, consequently, health problems for horses - rotting of the hoof and midge.

Internal structure of the stable

The best materials for a stable are wood and brick. They absorb excess moisture well, and the room will be warm and dry. The worst thing is stone buildings - they are damp and cold. The thickness of the walls depends on the climate - they must not freeze in winter and retain heat. Horses need a floor that is dry, durable, relatively soft and impermeable to water. You should not make a wooden floor - it will quickly rot due to contact with urine and will last less than adobe, earthen or brick. The floor is made with a slope (1-1.5 cm per 1 m) from the inner wall to the passage for urine drainage.

For a small herd (2-4 horses), a barn with stalls is set up. It is advisable that each horse has its own stall with a gate. If this is not possible, arrange a stall for 2 heads. The recommended size is 2 times the width and area of ​​the stall, then, if necessary, you can make one stall from 2 stalls, and vice versa.

Stable for small livestock

In large horse breeding farms, a circular passage is sometimes arranged, and the stalls are located in the center. Mares with foals are led along this passage during the cold season. Young animals are kept in groups of 10-15 animals in sections and are divided by age - up to one and a half years and older.

Horses are red color

Among the huge variety of existing colors and styles of horses, red is one of the main ones. That is, it developed completely in natural conditions without human intervention. And only after this, in the course of painstaking selection work, breeders managed to obtain various characteristic colors in their horses. But no matter what the prevailing shade, “fiery” horses always look impressive and attract attention.

What does the name mean?

A roan horse is an animal with a large number of gray hairs against the background of its color. It is important to know that a representative of any breed that has wild ancestors may have roan representatives in the family. The head, front and hind legs always retain their own coat color. Grayish hairs are located throughout the body, but clusters can be observed in the groin area or at the base of the tail.

Character traits:

  • roanity persists throughout the animal’s life;
  • grayish hairs located throughout the body;
  • the color of roan horses is dominated by dark colors;
  • roan horses do not turn grey, but become darker with age;
  • some species change color according to the season;
  • the color of the tail and mane does not change throughout life.

An interesting feature is that if the cover is damaged, then wool of the color that was considered the main one will grow in the same place.

The main difference between the roan color is that it does not change color in any way throughout its life.

In Ancient Rus', a gift in the form of a roan horse was considered a sign of respect and respect. Animals with noble colors were several times more expensive than representatives of the same breed with ordinary hair.

History and origin

In nature, wild stallions have evolved, and individuals of black color appeared, which are considered rare specimens. Breeding specialists are now monitoring this feature. The name of the suit comes from the Turkic language, translated the word “chal” means gray-haired. Giving such a horse as a gift to a local resident was considered a sign of deep respect.

This color is considered a unique natural phenomenon; a horse with this color is a very rare type of representative of the animal world. It is noteworthy that when the skin is damaged, wool of the main color grows in this place.


Horses of this color are universal. Their endurance and strong physique allow them to be used for heavy work on farms. The speed, maneuverability and jumping ability of such animals ensured their popularity in equestrian sports. They are often entered into competitions in driving, show jumping, rodeo, cross-country, and harness riding.

The appearance of the horses did not go unnoticed. Thanks to her, such horses are often attracted to various exhibitions, shows, and special events. Also, spotted horses can often be found in the circus.

Chubby color in horses is relatively rare. In addition, it is extremely difficult to breed such horses on a private farm. Therefore, these animals are valued much higher than stallions and mares of standard colors. Obviously, the care of such living creatures must be appropriate in order to preserve and increase such a rare species.

Description of color

The color of a pinto horse is expressed in bright white spots on the skin. This coloring was first noticed by the Indian tribes of North America. Later, these horses spread throughout the planet and today are found in every country.

The spots are characterized by irregular shape and large size. The arrangement of pezhins can be symmetrical or chaotic. Often these spots are so large that they blend in with the main color of the suit. It seems as if the horse's main color is white. Pejins can be present on the mane, tail and legs of the animal. White spots are considered a sign of albinism. Spotted horses usually have blue or multi-colored eyes. This feature does not prevent animals from seeing clearly and arouses great interest from horse breeders.

Many experts do not consider spotting on the body of horses to be a pattern. They are inclined to the theory of pigmentation disorders. It was this distinctive feature of spotted coloring that became the impetus for breeding the horse breed. Now these beauties inhabit almost every corner of the planet.


The horse has a wonderful character. He is simple and obedient, thanks to the influence of Arab blood. At the same time, it is hardy due to its heavy origin. The Boulogne can develop very quickly and maintain speed for a long time, which is why it was often used in crews. The amazing elegant appearance, partly adopted from the Arabian horse, distinguishes the breed from all other heavy draft horses. The movements are light and energetic, even at high speed.

As early as 18 months, young horses can begin to work, receiving the same loads as adult horses. It can work for many hours without getting tired, but in this case it also requires more care and attention, since hard work often affects health, and especially the legs and hooves.

Achievements and victories

In 1967, the mare Napraslina shone at an exhibition in Great Britain.

From 1970 to 1986, the Tersky plant held regular international auctions for the sale of Arabian horses.

In 1978, at an exhibition in Belgium, “Russian Arabs” won 5 leading places.

In 2011, Nobby became the World Champion in running, Nizami became the Russian champion, and El Nabila Bi, the son of Cuban, a Terek stallion, became the US champion. In order to develop and improve the athletic properties of horses, both smooth racing and hurdles, steeplechases, and runs are carried out. In classical equestrian sports, stallions and mares with outstanding breeding qualities are tested.

Horse breeding in Russia has a significant influence on the improvement of the Arabian breed in the world. Arabian horses of almost all countries contain in their pedigrees the names of stallions and mares of “Russian Arabs”.

The Terek breed has a limited gene pool. If urgent measures are not taken, the breed is in danger of extinction. The number of purebred queens has decreased catastrophically. As of 2011, they made up only 16.3% of the total number of mares.

Currently, the Terek Stud Farm is privately owned and is striving to revive and transform the economy.

Some information from the history of the breed

Unfortunately, we know little about Gypsy history, because almost no artifacts have survived to this day that could shed light on some unknown points. It is known that these nomadic people, along with their horses, reached the islands of Britain in the 15th century. But these places were already occupied by other nomadic people engaged in metal processing. Because of this occupation, these people were called “tinkers.” No more data has survived to this day. Nobody knows who they are or where they came from. One theory suggests that they were also gypsies, but they had appeared in these places earlier.

For some time there was enmity between the two peoples, mainly due to related occupations. But over time, the enmity spread into the world and the two peoples became so close that they both began to be called Tinkers.

Gypsy horses also became related. This exchange of genes led to the emergence of a new breed of horse - the Gypsy Cob.

Of course, due to the wandering and poor life of the gypsies, their horses were intended more for work than for riding. But this breed is distinguished by its stunning beauty, as for a working animal.

Also, the gypsy kob is distinguished by great endurance. Indeed, in the conditions of nomadic life, they had neither good food nor stables, and in most cases they were not savvy. These horses pulled wagons all day long. There was also no talk about normal treatment - the sick horse was simply sold. In this regard, the Irish breed is very hardy and unpretentious.

The most common color of the Tinker is piebald. This is due to the fact that in the past horses of this color were not held in high esteem, since it resembled the color of cows. They were considered a “discard” and were valued very cheaply. Gypsies bought them for pennies for work.

The undeniable advantage of such a color is the unique color of each horse, making them easy to distinguish from each other.

They began to seriously breed Tinker horses only after World War II.

Kushti Bok is considered the first official ancestor of the gypsy horse breed. It was registered in 1996. At the same time the Irish Cob Association was founded. This association registers individuals of the Tinker breed.

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