Ways to protect chickens and chicken coops from foxes. We set traps and traps, get dogs, use repellents

The fox is one of the most common predators in our country. This fur-bearing animal is in demand among hunters because of its beautiful and thick fur, but in some regions fox populations are so large that they negatively affect the population of peaceful game. In such areas, it is customary to hunt foxes not only for pleasure, but also out of necessity.

It is interesting that it is customary to obtain such a trophy in winter, although the hunting season opens in September and lasts until March. Considering the seasonality of the fishery, you need to prepare for it in advance. In this article we will consider not only theoretical information about the habits of the red predator, but also practical advice regarding various methods of hunting.

  • Secrets of successful hunting
  • Fox hunting in winter

    The fox is considered the most common predator in our country, because the cunning of this animal allows it to obtain food not only in wild places, but also to get into chicken coops and barns of villagers. In addition to the obvious benefits for the household, fox hunting in winter can be considered excellent entertainment, and the reward for your efforts will be beautiful red fur.

    Despite the fact that the hunt for the skin of this predator is considered one of the simplest, this does not at all guarantee that you will immediately receive the desired trophy. Fox hunting, like any other trade, requires perseverance, patience and attentiveness from a person. First of all, you need to study the habits of foxes, the peculiarities of their behavior in winter and the places where this predator most often lives. Armed with the appropriate knowledge, you can begin preparing equipment and the actual hunt.


    Do you know how to catch a fox with a noose? This method of fishing is not very popular among modern hunters, who resort to more advanced methods. Still, it deserves attention. Make loops yourself from wire or fishing line (the material must be strong enough). A special point here is the correct placement of the trap, because the animal must be grabbed by the paw. The simplest types of loops are fixed while the animal is trying to free itself. More complex loops lift the fox upward.

    To summarize, it should be said that animals should never be tortured. Hunter regulations prohibit this. If the fox is wounded, you need to shoot it by shooting it in the front of the body or side. If you release a wounded animal, it will return to its hole and bleed and suffer for several more days.

    Fox habits and habitat

    Foxes belong to the canine family of predators, and they are common not only in European forests, Siberia and the Far East, but throughout the world. In Russia, this predator is found mainly in forest-steppe areas, since by its nature it prefers to settle in open areas with small groves, hills and ravines (Figure 1).

    Note: It is interesting that the fox lives further north, the thicker and more beautiful its fur is. For example, in central Russia you can find mostly small animals, and in the forests of Siberia you can even shoot an animal with a rare black fur color.

    In the summer, foxes feed not only on small animals and insects, but also enjoy eating fruits and berries. But in winter, their diet becomes more monotonous, since at this time the predator can feast mainly on rodents. In hungry years, foxes can get very close to human habitation and eat chickens and other poultry.

    The peculiarity of foxes is that they live in burrows. And although they may well dig it out on their own, often this cunning predator takes up residence in the empty homes of other animals. At the same time, foxes necessarily improve the burrow to suit their needs: they expand and lengthen the passages (in some cases they can reach a depth of several meters), and also arrange several emergency exits from the burrow. In some cases, animals may live in small caves and rock crevices, or under the roots of large trees.

    The danger of foxes for chickens

    Foxes have a good memory, therefore, if a predator has visited the chicken coop at least once, you need to expect new raids in the future, since birds that are in one place are desirable prey. It is difficult to predict how a fox will behave inside a chicken coop: it all depends on the greed and preferences of the predator.

    Some foxes, if they have access to nests, will eat the eggs first. Other individuals try to kill a rooster or a large chicken, and then quickly leave the poultry house along with the prey. Less often they kill and try to carry away several adult birds at once. If there are chicks inside the coop, the fox can kill up to 3-4 chicks and carry them away.

    However, there are also more greedy foxes. They can strangle the entire population of chickens at once. They do this in order to later move them to a secluded place and bury them, making supplies for the winter. Most often, foxes behave this way in the northern regions.

    Weasel in the chicken coop: how to protect chickens and what ways can you get rid of the cute predator?


    How to prevent a ferret from robbing you? We protect the chicken coop from predators using traps, cats and traps

    More details

    Required equipment

    It is impossible to imagine winter hunting without special ammunition and weapons, because the success of the entire enterprise will depend on the correct equipment. But, despite the need for careful preparation, many hunters consider winter fox hunting one of the best active entertainments.

    First of all, you need to prepare clothes that will not restrict movement and will not make noise that the fox can hear. In addition, it is advisable to have a set of spare clothes with you.

    If you have never planned to go winter hunting before, the following tips will be useful to you:

    1. It is better to use a regular padded jacket as outerwear. Moreover, it is advisable to give preference to elongated models. If you need to sit in ambush, you will sit not on cold snow, but on warm fabric.
    2. It is also advisable to wear a warm shirt with chest pockets in which you can put the little things the hunter needs.
    3. It is better to choose insulated pants, for example, cotton ones, but membrane models in combination with thermal underwear are also suitable.

    Figure 2. Necessary equipment
    You also need to take mittens with you and put on warm shoes, for example, high boots, felt boots or modern boots with a membrane. If the weather is snowy, be sure to wear a white camouflage robe over your padded jacket and pants, which will help you remain invisible on the ground (Figure 2).

    Any equipment that you take with you should not restrict movement or make unnecessary noise, because the slightest extraneous rustle can scare off the prey.

    Equipment and weapons

    It is necessary to once again highlight the need for careful camouflage. This applies to a pure white camouflage robe or camouflage suit; even gloves and a rifle shoulder strap must be white. The weapon itself is also camouflaged in various ways. A very effective military experience is wrapping with a bandage. Camouflage also includes the absence of odor. All uniforms must be ventilated.

    When using rifled carbines, the best performance is with the 5.6 x 39 “Barsovsky” cartridge. A larger caliber is impractical, and a small-caliber side-fire cartridge is ineffective due to its low flatness. It is recommended to load smoothbore cartridges yourself; shot Nos. 00 – 0000 are used. The requirements for gun combat are higher sharpness, not accuracy. This is achieved by using modern rifle powders.

    Traps most often use numbers 2-3, some use trap number 1, installing a second spring on it. The advantages of such a trap are its compactness, which is quite enough for a small paw, and its holding strength. Foxes are rarely caught in crushing traps, but they can be used in populated areas when the fox begins to visit chicken coops.

    General rules and hunting tactics

    Many hunters prefer to hunt foxes in winter, because at this time of year the predator’s fur is of the highest quality due to its thickness and length. That is why such production is considered especially valuable.

    At the same time, it is important to study the habits and habits of the animal in advance, because they will have to be taken into account when searching for the predator’s habitat on a snowmobile, and when organizing an ambush or chase with dogs, and when shooting. The easiest way to get a trophy is in a meadow or field where foxes have settled. Of course, in open space it will be more difficult to get close to the animal unnoticed, but you will be able to make a more accurate shot from a long distance.

    Trap fishing

    The most effective way to catch moths is with a trap. A variety of installation methods allows you to vary under different conditions, combine trap fishing and achieve high production rates. You can place a trap in a hole, near a bait, on bait, under a trail or in a trail. The most productive method is on a pre-laid bait. In this case, after waiting for the animal to feed, traps are set. This technique is often used - uncaught traps are left near the bait in the fall, the foxes get used to their smell. In the winter months, with the opening of hunting, the trap becomes alert and is minimally camouflaged. The requirements for this are the absence of human odor and minimal change in terrain. It is very important to take into account that there are always birds in the bait; the trap is set so that it is not alerted by a crow or a jay. For foxes, traps No. 2-3 with a double spring are used; the trap is attached with a metal leash to something on the ground. It is not advisable to use a drag, even a heavy one.

    Traps are installed in a trampled area . To do this, the top compacted layer of snow is cut off, a hole is dug for the plane, the top slab of snow is carefully scraped out thinly and placed on top of the cocked trap. Snow, pieces of earth, everything unmasking must be taken with you in a bag. It is effective to use a light sprinkle of snow and stamp the trail with a fox's paw, which every serious hunter has. A trap is set similarly at a hole on the path, but requires even more skill.

    Hunting with traps in winter “to cut” or “to follow” requires high professionalism, but you have to try. A fox in open spaces and in the forest, where there is a human presence, is not afraid of ski tracks. Often the red predator even uses a packed ski track to move around the land in places convenient for it. But you shouldn’t set a trap on the ski track. Hunting on the trails begins in the second half of winter, when such lines are clearly present in the grounds. The path must be used at least three times, then there is confidence that the animal uses it constantly.

    Installation is carried out in the following way. The fox trail is crossed by a ski track at an acute angle; a trap is set along the path to the ski track, under the fifth track from it. A hole is dug from the side under the footprint, the snow under the footprint is carefully trimmed so that the snow is already visible, and a guarded trap is set. The trap is slightly camouflaged, since dark metal can appear through the whiteness of the crust. Some use white napkins, some paint the traps. In frosty weather, you can camouflage it with a powder of snow if you are sure that the thaw will not bind the trap. The installation tunnel is filled with snow and smoothed. It is recommended to make a circle and walk along this ski track again, smoothing out all the manipulations. The choice of location for installation must be careful. It is unlikely that the animal will not notice the catch in an open, clean place, and falling snow can overwhelm the installation. It is better to install in bushes, at crossings, at trail runs, in narrow places of transitions between lands.

    When the hunt begins

    Many novice hunters are interested in when is the best time to start fox fishing. As a rule, hunting for this fur-bearing animal begins in early autumn and continues until March. But, as we said above, most experienced hunters prefer to go after prey in winter, since at this time the animal’s fur is the most beautiful and valuable (Figure 3).

    Rsiunok 3. Winter is the best time to hunt fur-bearing animals

    Regardless of the season, you should choose the right time for a foray into the forest. It is better to leave or leave the house at night in order to reach the predator’s habitat by dawn. To make things easier for yourself, you can conduct a reconnaissance of the area in advance and determine the location of fox holes. This will give you the opportunity to shoot the animal much faster and with minimal physical effort.

    With the arrival of cold weather, foxes gradually leave the open space and hide in the depths of the forest, settling in holes under bushes, trees or in ravines. However, in especially harsh and hungry winter times, predators still get closer to the fields, where it is easier to find food.

    Briefly about the fox

    At all times, the fox has attracted attention thanks to its luxurious fur. Shooting of the red-haired beauty begins at the end of September and ends in the last ten days of February. The most desirable trophy is best obtained in winter. At this time, the prankster appears on her graceful, elongated body with thick, long hair. Not to mention the luxurious tail. The size of this animal depends on the species and ranges from 200-900 mm. Weight reaches 10 kg.

    In summer, the fox's diet is varied:

    In winter, like other inhabitants of forests and fields, the fox has to feed on voles, digging through the snow or diving into it. Hunger often forces the predator to take risks and look for food near human habitation.

    Types of hunting

    There are many ways to hunt foxes in winter. Each of them has its own characteristics and requires certain skills and training, but at the same time has quite high effectiveness.

    To make it easier for you to decide on the optimal method for harvesting fur-bearing animals, we will look at each method in more detail.

    From ambush on the bait

    The main feature of ambush hunting is that it is carried out at night. Therefore, in order to ensure the best shooting opportunities, it is better to go fishing after the snow has fallen (Figure 4).

    Note: At first glance, it seems that shooting a fox from cover is very simple, but in fact this method has many subtleties that can affect the success of the entire enterprise.

    As the name suggests, this method involves the use of bait:

    1. It can be used in existing places, for example, landfills or waste disposal sites from meat processing plants. But many experienced fishermen still prefer to place the bait in the place they need.
    2. It is necessary to select and prepare a place to place the bait. It is better not to place them near populated areas, as packs of stray dogs can eat your bait before the fox. For the hunt to be successful, the bait is placed in remote areas.
    3. Usually, the carcass of any large animal, for example, a cow or horse, is used as bait, but in a pinch, ordinary offal will do.
    4. To properly place the bait, you need to dig a deep hole, place the carcass in it and cover it halfway with soil to protect the bait from birds and other animals.
    5. It is advisable to place the carcass with its head or tail towards the hunter’s ambush site so that the fox cannot hide from a shot behind the carcass.
    6. To increase the likelihood of catching a predator, pieces of bread are scattered around the bait and sprinkled with soil. Such bait will attract field mice, and they, in turn, will attract foxes.

    Figure 4. Arrangement of bait and hiding place
    The next stage will be arrangement of the hunter’s hiding place. To do this, you can either dig a dugout or set up an ambush in a tree or on a tower. It is better not to make a shelter at ground level, since the fox will most likely smell the human scent.

    Note: If you prefer to shoot from a dugout, you will need to dig it in advance before the soil freezes. The fact is that the depth of the shelter must correspond to the height of the person, and for targeted shooting, a small window is made in its above-ground part. The floor inside is covered with hay or sawdust and a seating area is provided.

    If you have enough time to prepare, it is better to set up an ambush in a tree. To do this, you need to attach crossbars and a platform to the trunk on which the hunter will be. This kind of ambush is more preferable, since the fox almost never notices a person sitting in a tree. Regardless of the type of shelter chosen, it must be carefully camouflaged with branches.

    Further actions are extremely simple. On the eve of a bright, cloudless night, you need to approach the ambush site and take a position. At the same time, it is important not to get close to the carcass so that the fox does not smell the hunter’s scent. As a rule, the first foxes appear near the bait already after dark, and you will be able to open targeted fire, especially since the predator is clearly visible in the snow. But, if you doubt your accuracy, it is better to purchase a night sight in advance.

    With decoys

    Many hunters like to hunt a fox with a decoy from the approach, because it is an extremely exciting activity. But at the same time, in order to shoot an animal, special conditions are required - a cloudless moonlit night and the absence of strong wind, which can hide the sound of the decoy (Figure 5).

    Special attention should be paid to the choice of the decoy itself:

    1. The best results are achieved when using decoys that imitate the squeak of a mouse, the sounds of a wounded hare or bird.
    2. Each type of semolina has its own method of use. For example, when imitating a mouse, you first need to make two short squeaks, and after a while another, but longer one.
    3. When you notice a fox, it is better to squeak only when it moves, and when the predator stops, it is better to remain silent.
    4. The cries of a wounded hare or bird are made alternately short and long for several seconds and at intervals of 2-3 minutes.

    However, even in this case, a surprise may await you. For example, if a fox was too close and you made a loud cry from a wounded hare, this could scare the animal away. If you use a decoy that imitates the cry of a wounded bird, wild boars may approach you instead of a fox.

    Figure 5. Types of decoys for fox hunting

    You should also choose the right time for fishing. It is better to hunt with a decoy immediately after sunset or before dawn, when foxes go out in search of food. In this case, you can either ambush the animal in a certain place and wait for the prey to appear, or move through the forest, looking out for the future trophy. The main thing is to carefully select clothes so that they are not only warm, but also do not rustle. The gun and other equipment must also be camouflaged.

    With dogs

    Fox hunting with dogs is considered traditional in our country. For this purpose, a pair of specially trained animals is usually used (Figure 6).

    Note: When going on such a fishery, you need to know the area well. The fox is a cunning animal and can escape from the hunter through one of the backup passages, so the animal’s hole must be studied in advance.

    Figure 6. Fox hunting with dogs is one of the most ancient.
    The most convenient terrain is considered to be space with light copses or near forest belts. First you need to let the dogs down, and then you can slowly approach the place where the predator is supposed to live. It is important to take into account that it is the hound, and not the hunter, who should scare off the animal. The fox will try to confuse the dogs, and most likely will come straight to the hunter, who will be able to shoot it. However, this does not mean that the fisherman can simply stand still. After the fox has left the hole, you need to listen to the dogs barking and move to the place where prey is expected to appear.

    With traps

    Catching a fox using a hunting trap is considered preferable for those who want to get a high-quality pelt. The fact is that when using this method, the fur is practically not damaged. As a rule, small trace traps No. 2, 3 or 5 are used for this purpose (Figure 7).

    When installing, the structure must be properly prepared:

    1. It is necessary to wash off the remaining oil from new traps and then boil them in water with pine needles or hay to remove the characteristic metallic smell.
    2. Old traps that have already been used must be cleaned of rust and boiled in the same way.
    3. It is advisable to check the design in advance and, if necessary, remove those parts that interfere with free closure.
    4. Since the metal structure is clearly visible in the snow, it will either have to be specially masked or painted white with special paints without a strong odor.

    Figure 7. Installing a trap to catch an animal Fox
    traps can be placed permanently, but it is better to fix them on an anchor (a thick stick, a piece of wood or a weight). In this case, the caught animal will not be able to escape from the trap.

    Note: To attract a fox, you need to put bait in the trap - offal, a dead bird or a mouse. You need to build a shelter from coniferous branches or reed stems so that the bait is not covered with snow.

    To ensure that prey is caught in a trap, it is better to place it on the so-called fox paths - near transitions near the roots or fallen tree trunks, at turns in the path.

    From the approach and stealth

    Hunting for a fox from the approach is most often practiced in winter, when snow falls, because not only the tracks of the animal, but also the fox itself will be clearly visible on it. The essence of this method comes down to the fact that the hunter, knowing the terrain and habitats of the prey well, walks around the location, looking for traces of the animal itself (Figure 8).

    Figure 8. Stealth hunting involves tracking the animal along its tracks

    The basic rule of this type of fishing is to quietly get within shooting distance of the fox. In other words, it is best to go on a stealth hunt in an open area where the forest can be seen while feeding or resting. Naturally, with this method of extraction, both the hunter himself and his weapon must be carefully camouflaged.

    Use of traps

    Experts consider this method of hunting to be the most effective. Hunting with traps for foxes in winter is carried out at a time when the snow is no longer covered with crust. Then, in the deep snow cover, the tracks of the animal are easy to see. At this time of year, the fox goes hunting in the morning or evening hours, and during the day sits out in a hole.

    Advantages of hunting with a trap:

    • The skin of a predator does not deteriorate.
    • There is no need to waste time preparing the territory and attracting dogs.
    • Hunting can be carried out either in a group or alone.

    Traps must be prepared in advance. They should not have a human smell. To do this, they need to be cleaned, boiled properly and preferably stored in a bag. There is no need to put anything in it and you should only take it with special gloves.

    Even an inexperienced hunter can track a fox's tracks. The most important thing is to find 2 traces: input and output. The trap must be placed in the hole after the fox leaves the hole. In winter, the fox likes to mark its territory, so for effective hunting you need to set a trap in this place.

    In the case when the snow is deep, it is possible to place a trap under the fox's tracks. To do this, you need to take out part of the snow with the trace, set a trap, and then put the snow and the trace back. Human traces must be carefully removed. All foxes can easily cross small rivers and ravines on logs and branches, so you can also place a trap there.

    The fox does not take the food right away, first she examines it to see if it is real or not. At this time, she can fall into a trap. Traps must be checked carefully and carefully, as other foxes may be scared away.

    Types and effectiveness of traps

    To catch foxes, plate traps No. 2 and 3 are used. However, some hunters take No. 1 and put a second spring on it. Traps placed along railway tracks and in forest belts give excellent results. People often leave leftover food in these places.

    A novice hunter needs to know that from the beginning of February the foxes begin their rut, then they begin to mark their territory. In this case, traps should be placed where traces of urine are visible. Experienced hunters say that traps in such places are often the most effective.

    Once the location has been chosen, the trap should be set. To attract a fox, bait is suspended above the ground and a trap is placed under it. An excellent bait is obtained from a dead domestic animal or a skinned squirrel carcass. The fox will try to reach the bait and in the meantime will fall into the trap.

    Therefore, when hunting foxes with traps, be patient, be observant and careful, and then you will succeed.

    Secrets of successful hunting

    When going to hunt a fox, you should remember that this is a very cunning and cautious animal that can be scared off by a sudden movement or crackling noise. Therefore, you need to move around the area with extreme caution, and your clothes and weapons should be camouflaged. If you have already spotted a fox, you only need to approach it against the wind so that the hunter’s scent does not scare away the prey.

    In general, we can say that catching this trophy is a very interesting and exciting activity, and you can learn more secrets of experienced hunters from the video.

    Where can you find a red-haired predator?

    While driving along the highway, you can see a mouse-like fox in the fields. This mainly happens early in the morning, after which she looks for shelter. It depends on how far it is from a populated area, what age it is and how careful the animal is. If there was bad weather all night, then the fox will then walk all day, catching up.

    The fox's favorite feeding place is meadows and fields. There are a lot of mice here, and hunting a fox will be very easy. In these places you can find mainly old or strong foxes. Young foxes go there to mouse when the owner is absent, fearing punishment. It is in such places that hunting often takes place. Land with small depressions and mounds is perfect for this activity.

    With decoy

    Fox hunting with a decoy is an exciting competition with a cunning animal. The decoy is used most often during night hunting.

    You can use white material. For accurate shooting at night you will need a high-aperture sight and a flashlight. And also high-aperture binoculars.

    You need to understand that using semolina does not guarantee a positive result. But in most cases it attracts a fox.

    You can use a regular or electric decoy. They are divided into single-module and two-module options.

    You need to find out in advance whether there is a ban on electronic devices in the place where you intend to hunt. Some hunting grounds prohibit the use of electric decoys.

    The most famous and effective sound extraction devices are:

    There are features of using the popular device.

    The device works well in calm and clear weather. It is necessary to alternate sounds with examining the area through binoculars.

    Having noticed an animal, you need to camouflage yourself using natural shelters: bushes, trees. Consider the direction of the wind so as not to scare off the fox.

    Two sounds are made followed by a short temporary pause. Then the sound repeats.

    It is not recommended to use a decoy at a distance to a target closer than 300 meters. The fox can detect false notes and refuse a date with the hunter.

    You can use bait by throwing it in front of you. This may be a ball of wool, which is held on a string and twitched slightly by the hunter's hand.

    The fox will take the bait. At this moment you can make an aimed shot.

    If the red creature is carried away by mouseing and does not appear for a long time, do not be nervous.

    Rest assured that she has noted the direction of the sound and will definitely go in search of prey.

    The device works effectively after lunch. Until about nine o'clock in the evening. A series of sounds is produced that alternates in length: 15-20 seconds. Then pause for a few minutes. The combination is repeated.

    Choosing semolina

    When choosing one or another fox decoy, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Buy a proven option. A visit to the hunting forum will help you choose a wind device.

    Where you can ask your question and get qualified advice. After summarizing the statements of the hunters, make your choice.

    You need to learn how to use a decoy and remember that it can bring surprises. The cry of a wounded animal (hare) can scare away a cautious beast. Instead, a wild boar may come out to meet you.

    Hunting tactics

    From the approach

    Fox hunting from the approach will be successful if the shooter takes care of his camouflage. Shoes should not squeak. And clothes should not rustle. You need to move slowly, examining the positions with binoculars. This is the only way to spot a predator at a great distance.

    Fox hunting in winter from the approach is most effective in February. The beast breaks into pairs and is constantly together. The male accompanies the female from behind. It circles around it, running up close to the fox, or moving away at some distance.

    The “newlyweds” are resting in the lowlands and ravines. Such places are usually bordered by bushes or in open forest. During the period of flirting, animals lose their inherent caution. If the couple has settled down, you can get closer by pausing for 10-15 minutes.

    A hunter, using natural shelters: bushes and trees, can approach a fox pair at killing distance. After which, make an accurate shot.

    Approaching the Fox

    The hunter must understand that the animal, while on the trail, behaves carefully and reacts to changes that have occurred in the environment.

    Sensing danger, the cheat can change the route. You need to look for it, moving along the edges of the forest. Inspect beams and ravines. Control field boundaries. Look for fresh traces of a predatory animal.

    It is better to walk around together, examining the area with binoculars. The most suitable conditions for approaching are windy and snowy weather.

    You can only approach the animal against the wind. Having noticed that the fox is mousing, approach the distance for an accurate shot, using natural cover.

    If the animal is in the arms of a morpheus: sleeping, you need to approach it not from the side of the muzzle. You cannot sneak up from behind or from the wind.

    As you approach, pay attention to her behavior. If a predator senses danger, it raises its ears and listens to sounds. Freeze, take a break. Give her time to calm down. Keep getting closer.

    In February, several males may follow the female. Having discovered a fox accompanied by gentlemen, you can track its route and approach at a comfortable distance for a shot when the animals are resting.

    Salary flags

    Perhaps someone thought that hunting with flags was like shooting a wolf. However, foxes are also hunted in this way. Hunting for foxes with flags lasts with the onset of winter cold and continues until the spring thaw. The advantage is considered to be the ability to distinguish old marks of a predator from a fresh footprint in the snow.

    For hunting, it is better to choose the time after dawn: 1.5-2 hours should pass. The red-haired beauty, after a night shift, prefers to rest: she goes to bed for the day.

    Unfortunately, hunting foxes with flags is not as popular a method of catching an animal as other options. The occupation is considered difficult and very expensive. We need to prepare approximately 2 kilometers of flags! Be sure to maintain the size: 100x250 mm. The distance when sewing along the nylon cord should be 700-800 mm.

    It is necessary to fence off the area where the predator is likely to be located as much as possible. When fleeing from pursuit, a fox will instinctively avoid flags, considering them a danger.

    For successful harvest, hunters unite in groups of 3-5 people. They must be well versed in the forest and know the area where the hunt will take place. And also, probable resting places. A walk around the place where the fox rests for the day is carried out.

    A search is underway for fresh fox tracks. Most often, when an animal goes for a day, it leaves a straight trail. Such information helps hunters surround a promising place.

    You should move around taking precautions: you should not make noise or talk. As shown in the figure, the flags are located in direct line of sight for the predator. It is important that the bottom of the tape is at a distance of 50 mm from the ground.

    What should the checkbox be?

    The hunting area is fenced with flags, which are attached to a nylon cord. The size of the flag is 100x250 or 150x300 millimeters. Material red, synthetic.

    Feature: flags located at a distance of 700-800 mm from each other are impregnated with a special composition that repels predators by emitting a specific smell. As already noted, it will take about 2 kilometers of flags to cover the territory. The flags are unwound from the drum, almost above the ground.

    The beast cannot overcome the bright red barrier, which emits a specific smell and flutters in the wind.

    Equipment and hunting process

    Fox hunting involves the use of two groups:

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