Mating of horses: types, preparation, timing. breeding and reproduction of horses

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Kira Stoletova

Horses are beautiful creatures that have lived next to humans for a long time. Unfortunately, some species are on the verge of extinction today. Breeding horses in captivity is a complex process.

Horse breeding

Who and when created the ape-man

In 1910, surgeons Voronov and Steinach made the first attempts to transplant the glands of a monkey into humans.
The xenotransplantation business gained such momentum that Voronov had to open his own monkey nursery in the south of France. Rozanov Vladimir Nikolaevich, a famous surgeon who operated on Stalin and Lenin in his time, also conducted numerous experiments in this area. He transplanted the glands of chimpanzees into people and, as it seemed, this promised stunning success. Local newspapers constantly published stories about how primate glands can cure dementia, decreased potency and aging. But were these attempts successful? Over time, the world came to the conclusion that these experiments were just placebos. That is, the effect that was observed after xenotransplantation was nothing more than self-hypnosis.

How horses and their hybrid species are used today

The progressive development of technology has led to the fact that even horses are gradually losing their popularity. To transport people and goods, it is much more convenient and faster to use automobile rather than horse-drawn transport. If horses are used for sporting purposes, for racing and exhibitions, as well as for relaxation and advertising, then there is almost no need for hybrid types.

In mountainous regions, horses and mules are still used today to transport goods, but in much smaller quantities. The main use for hybrid species is circus performances and short horse rides. Unfortunately, a large number of animals is not required to meet these needs.

Statistics inexorably record a decline in the number of purebred and working horses, as well as all hybrid species, that is, zebroids, hinnies, and mules.

Preparing for mating

Before mating, animals undergo careful selection. The requirements for stud stallions are especially high:

  • high efficiency;
  • compliance with breed characteristics;
  • absence of any diseases and genetic abnormalities.

Approximately 1.5–2 months before the start of the breeding period, breeders provide the selected candidates for mating with adequate nutrition. The menu must include good quality legumes and oats, vegetables, root vegetables and fresh hay. Immediately before the planned mating date, the veterinarian examines the animals and assesses the quality of the seminal fluid.

Caring for a pregnant woman

The gestation period for foals lasts 11 months. A balanced diet and proper exercise are crucial. The diet should consist of roughage and vitamin complexes. 1-2 months before giving birth, it is necessary to vaccinate the mare against tetanus.

Females should not be grazed in the morning when there is heavy dew or on frost-covered grass. Very often there are cases where queens abort en masse on wet, cold pastures. A couple of weeks before giving birth, you should reduce the amount of roughage. Feeding regimen is frequent in small quantities. Adequate drinking must be ensured.

Half a month before the end of pregnancy, the female should be transferred to a specially prepared pen. It is very important to maintain sterility in the room. The pen must be free so that the animal has the opportunity to lie down.

At what age can a mare be mated?

Many novice horse breeders believe that the success of breeding depends on the stallion

This is true, but good paternal lines alone are not enough, since it is important to choose the right broodmare with good health indicators. She should have sexual intercourse only after reaching puberty

In mares, this is no earlier than three years, when the entire reproductive system completes its formation. However, this is not enough, since the young mare must be in heat for successful insemination.

Hunting is the physiological process of releasing an egg, that is, in other words, ovulation. In mares, on average, this process lasts from three to nine days, after which the female does not allow the stallion to approach her for the next 3-4 weeks. If fertilization does not occur, then ovulation or heat occurs again. After detecting the first day of heat, it is advisable to mate the female on the second day. As practice shows, it is best to repeat the mating of horses several times, as, for example, in nature during free breeding.

How can you tell if a mare is in heat? First of all, by her behavior, since during this period she perceives the stallion playfully, she can flirt with him, raising her tail or even defiantly squatting a little, as if wanting to urinate. If ovulation is not the first, then the whole body reacts to it in a special way. For example, the labia enlarge and swell, mucous discharge may appear from the vulva, and the nipples swell. If there is no ovulation, then most often the mare perceives the stallion aggressively, kicks and “pinches” her ears.

Physiology of the birth act

Childbirth is the process of expulsion of the fetus and membranes from the mare’s body, consisting of successive contractions of the muscles of the uterus and abdominal muscles. You can judge the onset of foaling by the date of insemination (mating) and external signs:

  • significant enlargement of the abdomen (2 months);
  • relaxation of the pelvic ligaments (1-2 weeks);
  • udder development (1 month);
  • appearance of colostrum (1-2 days);
  • swelling of the vulva, discharge of mucus plug (1-2 days).

The normal course of labor is influenced by the placement of the foal in the birth canal. Thus, the longitudinal position is considered physiological when the fetal axis coincides with the maternal one. Vertical (position of the foal perpendicular to the mare's spine) and transverse (direction from one abdominal wall to another) complicate the birth process. No less important is presentation - which part of the body is wedged into the birth canal. Normally, the foal should have an anterior (head) or posterior (pelvic) presentation, but lateral, ventral and dorsal presentation is also possible.

Childbirth is characterized by a staged process:

  1. preparation - opening of the cervix, into which the membranes and presentation organs are wedged. At this stage, only uterine contractions are recorded, leading to an increase in intrauterine pressure and rupture of the membranes, which will be marked by the release of part of the fetal fluid;
  2. removal of the fetus - contractions are accompanied by contractions of the abdominal muscles or pushing. Muscle activity is not constant, but occurs in waves, during which assistance can be provided to the mare;
  3. separation of the placenta occurs within an hour after foaling;
  4. postpartum stage - reverse development of the genital organs (involution) within 2-7 days, ending with the onset of heat.

Assistance during childbirth can be provided only in the second stage, when active contraction of the abdominal muscles begins. You can pre-administer uterotonic agents. You can only pull the fetus while pushing; you should not use excessive force. The foal should also be assisted - remove mucus, wipe with a rag, and perform indirect cardiac massage.

Natural reproduction

The reproduction process lasts from spring to mid-year. The herd consists of one horse and several mares, no more than 12, the number is regulated by nature for high-quality fertilization. The leader guards the herd, protects and covers the horses. One of them, the alpha mare, becomes the main one among the rest. She chooses places for grazing and leads the group. During the breeding process, it takes priority among other mares. Often the leader marks horses from his herd. Male individuals of all species of artiodactyls are always ready for coitus, females - only during the “hunting” period. Mating of horses occurs up to several times a day. Sometimes a horse, under the influence of sexual desire, tries to cover a mare that is not playing and is not ready to reproduce. There will be no fertilization, but premature estrus is provoked. In the wild, the mating of horses is controlled at the genetic level, preserving the species and ratio within populations.

Mares are ready for mating only during the heat period

Harbingers of the hunt

Stallions feel the approach of heat in mares

During this period of pre-estrus (proestrus), males court females, paying special attention to them: pinching the mare’s neck, sniffing the genitals. When estrus begins and fertilization becomes possible, the mare raises her tail, spreads her hind legs, bends slightly toward the ground, and her vulva opens. During estrus (extrusion), mucus is released from the vagina, frequent urination and “flickering” are possible.

The smell released from the genitals attracts males. Young mares, feeling for the first time an unusual need for intimacy, become quiet. The hunting period lasts from 3 to 1 days. It is customary to cover the mare the day after the start of estrus to obtain maximum guarantee of fertilization.

During estrus (extrusion), mucus is released from the vagina, frequent urination and “flickering” are possible. The smell released from the genitals attracts males. Young mares, feeling for the first time an unusual need for intimacy, become quiet. The hunting period lasts from 3 to 1 days. It is customary to cover a mare the day after the start of estrus to obtain the maximum guarantee of fertilization.

Sensing the approach of the hunt, the stallion begins to care for the mare

Insemination process

During courtship, the penis tenses and emerges from the preputial opening. The horse jumps onto the mare, covers her with his front legs, and mounts her. The erect penis enters the mare's vagina and the ejaculation occurs. Coitus lasts from 12 to 16 seconds. Under good circumstances, fertilization occurs.

Young males sometimes fail. Because of their inexperience, they make a number of mistakes: they jump from the side rather than from behind, are often fussy, and allow early ejaculation. They learn and gain experience quickly. The next time the stallion covers the female quite easily.

Mating age

In preparation for reproduction, careful selection of partners plays an important role. Usually, until the age of two, a young filly does not allow the horse to approach on her own, and when the period of sexual activity begins, her age approaches three years.

Puberty in mares occurs in the third year of life

How to prepare for mating

For mating, candidates with good performance and appearance, distinguished by high thoroughbred and good heredity, are used. The female's performance may be lower than the male's. 4-6 weeks before the expected insemination, additional feed is introduced into the diet, improved care is provided, and a few days before it, the horse's sperm is checked and the reproductive organs of the mares are examined.

Breeding methods

Horse breeding can be done using different methods. It all depends on what exactly the horse breeder wants to get.

There are the following categories of crosses:


It implies the mating of animals of the same breeds. Basically, this method is used when it is necessary to prolong the lineage of breeding horses.


It refers to a group of animals of the same genus, but of several generations. The data that the foal took at birth determines its belonging to the clan of its mother or father.

Mares that are descended from the same mother are called brood mares. This method of crossing is used when it is necessary to improve the characteristics of the genus.

The linear method is divided into subtypes:

  1. Homogeneous – selection of horses belonging to the same line or genus;
  2. Heterogeneous - the selection of horses is carried out according to the skills that are desirable in the future stallion.


It implies the mating of horses between which family ties have been established.

These can be closely related relationships, for example, father and daughter, closely related - brother and sister, and distantly related - horses that have common ancestors along distant lines.

With inbreeding, non-viable offspring or offspring with some developmental abnormalities very often occur.

Interbreed method

Implies the production of crossbreeds. Animals of different breeds are taken for mating.

Introductory mating

It is used in cases where it is necessary to retain the best qualities in the breed and add good characteristics of other breeds.

Recently it has become often used at Kursk and Samara stud farms.

Industrial method

Exists so that workhorses are born. Profitable when running a private equestrian business.

He has proven himself in raising the Zimovnikovsky breed of trotters.

Absorption method of crossing

Required when it is necessary to improve any qualities of the breed.

With proper care and maintenance, already from the 4th generation you can get a stallion that will be close to the improving stud breed.

This method has proven itself in improving the Don Russian breed, the Oryol light harness trotter. Orlovets, by the way, has high offspring productivity.

The Trakehner breed is also improved by this method.

The advantages of free mating

How do horses mate: with the help of artificial insemination (when the mare is kept on a leash and a horse is allowed to approach her) or free mating in the herd? The second one is more useful. Because then the stallion mounts at the moment when the female is really ready. The foaling rate in such circumstances is high, and the quality of foals, according to livestock specialists, is better.

In the wild, when individuals interact in a herd, they either move away from everyone else, or, on the contrary, find themselves surrounded by young animals who, without interfering, will observe the process (a kind of learning occurs). Mares for whom the time of hunting has not yet come, or, on the contrary, the time of foaling is already approaching, are also engaged in establishing relationships with the stallions they like, “agreeing” on the next time.

There is definitely contact, a kind of conversation; we can talk about establishing emotional ground before the horses mate in the herd.

The moment of “socialization” is important for young foals. Here, first of all, it means communicating with adults and observing their lives.

At this moment, they remember the basic rules of behavior in the herd, ignorance of which can lead to them being beaten or expelled.

Horses are ready for contact at any time, and mares are ready when the “hunt” comes

Horse courtship takes a long time, since they must have a preliminary “agreement”, otherwise nothing will happen. At the same time, crossing horses under such conditions becomes inconvenient, since the process is difficult to control and takes a long time.

An experienced stallion (coaler) can understand by the smell of a mare whether it is time to cover her

This is important because the mare comes into heat in advance, 2-3 days before the due date. The stallion’s ability to take into account the timeliness of intercourse is also useful in that he covers a significant number of mares in the herd without wasting extra energy on it

According to some livestock specialists, free mating can threaten the younger generation of foals with injury, but this is not the case. Free mating of horses makes adult horses less aggressive, and the cubs are not in danger. Adult animals teach young animals by example, which is useful for subsequent adaptation in the herd. Stallions raised outside the group do not undergo a course of “socialization”, and therefore are not suitable for the role of shoals. Their main mistake is that they begin to cover all females indiscriminately.

Interspecies crossing of animals

Horse colors. description, features and names of horse colors

In addition to normal breeding, horses are also used to breed new species of animals. At the moment, there are several useful hybrids:

  • zebroid;
  • hinny.

As the name suggests, zebroids are the result of crossing horses with zebras.

. They are much tougher than horses, which is very valuable in the mountains and deserts. The resulting animal has the body of a horse and the coloring of a zebra. This makes it very attractive, which is why zebroids are often used in circus performances. These animals can only be obtained through interspecific crossing, since they themselves are sterile.

This hybrid was the result of mating donkeys and horses.

. The mule inherited its size from its mother, and its great endurance and slow speed from its father. Therefore, it is considered an excellent working animal. An added benefit is that a mule lives much longer than a horse.

Unlike mules, hinnies are born from the union of horses and donkeys.

. This hybrid is not widely used because its performance characteristics are not very high. Low stature and not very good endurance led to the fact that they tried not to use hinnies even at a time when horses and their hybrids were most popular in agriculture.

All hybrids have one thing in common - in most cases they are sterile. This is due to both genetics and physical parameters. Horses and donkeys have different numbers of chromosomes; as a result, the heir receives an unpaired number of them, and this prevents him from reproducing. Only in isolated cases can some females give birth to offspring. Therefore, breeding such hybrids is difficult.

Arabian thoroughbred horse: characteristics and description of horses

How do horses mate?

So, once the mare is ready for intercourse, the horses can be mated. Like other animals, the process itself consists of the eruption of sperm from the male into the genitals of the female. Of course, not everything is so simple and this is preceded by the special behavior of animals. As a rule, a stallion can hear a mare in heat several kilometers away, therefore, even before seeing his bride, the stallion is overcome by natural sexual desire. He flares his nostrils wide, bends his back, cocks, gives signals, and often snores, demonstrating his strength and power.

Approaching the mare, the stallion first gets to know her, sniffs her, often rubs his head against her sides, and can also bite lightly. At this time, sexual arousal increases, the sexual organ reaches maximum erection in order to enter the female’s vulva. The sexual act itself does not last long; as a rule, a young stallion only needs a few frictions for the eruption of sperm to occur. The onset of this can be judged from the expression of the stallion himself, who stops friction, relaxes, often emits some snoring or a slight groan, and may hang on the mare’s back for a couple of seconds. This video shows very well how horses are crossed (Marcus Cunningham).

Preparing for mating

Those for whom horse breeding is familiar know that before sexual intercourse there is very careful preparation and selection of a pair

This is very important especially if thoroughbred horses are mated. Here it is worth taking into account all the parameters of horses, their physical qualities and temperament features, productive and working qualities

When breeding within one breed, it is worthwhile to approach related lines very carefully in order to obtain genetically healthy offspring.

It is important to note that a purebred mare, if she mates at least once with a stallion of another breed or a half-breed, she will lose her “purity” for the rest of her life and will not be able to give birth to purebred offspring in the future. Even if he then crosses with purebred stallions! Therefore, the mating of thoroughbred horses on breeding horse farms and stud farms takes place under the close guidance of breeders and geneticists

If horses are mated to improve the breed or to produce simply good foals, then you need to choose a stallion whose working qualities are significantly higher than those of the mare.

In addition, it is very important to take into account the sexual load on breeding stallions. Sufficient time must pass before the next mating so that the necessary supply of seed is restored

On average, there can be up to 50 females per breeding male. However, with such an intensive mating regime, it is necessary to feed the horses very well and provide them with the necessary living conditions. Before intercourse itself, the mare is examined, her tail is tied so that the hair does not injure the male’s genitals, and a special breeding harness can also be used.

Mating in the wild

Mating of wild horses in herds is based on the reproductive instinct and is often a little more difficult than at home. Firstly, the herd has its own hierarchy, and secondly, there are at least 7-8 young females per stallion during the breeding period. Often one act is not enough for successful fertilization to occur, so sexual intercourse is performed frequently - up to several times a day with different mares.

Do not forget that not only the leader male senses a mare in heat, but also third-party stallions. Especially young ones always want to take advantage of the opportunity to take possession of a female, so fights among stallions are not uncommon here. But even within a herd, it is not uncommon for alpha females to be included in the sexual relations of a couple, who can also regulate the course of matings. In the wild, animals have their own law, as always.

Under human supervision

Horses can be mated under human supervision in several ways. Today, the manual method is most often practiced, when a pair of animals is selected, a stallion is brought to the mare and, after sexual intercourse, is taken away. As a rule, if heat is detected correctly, then fertilization occurs in 95% of cases even from one time of intercourse.

However, in breeding farms and large horse farms it is simply impossible to inseminate all mares manually. In this case, either boiling or shoal mating is used. They are produced during herd breeding of horses, when a stallion mates with a group of mares at once. Both species differ only in the number of females: with a herd, there can be up to 25 mares per stallion in the herd.

Obtaining hybrids

Thanks to the curiosity of breeders, it was possible to obtain unique animal hybrids. Donkeys are crossed with horses in order to breed hardy individuals adapted to hot climates.

A hybrid of a donkey and a horse is not uncommon in Russia

Mules are hybrids that were obtained by crossing a mare with a male donkey. As a result of such mating, it was possible to breed animals that inherited the size of horses, but at the same time had great endurance. They are used mainly for agricultural work.

Another advantage of these hybrids is their good life expectancy. Mules are inferior to their purebred predecessors, horses, only in terms of speed of movement. Typically, such animals inherit the external characteristics of a male and female. The characteristic features of a horse and a donkey can be clearly seen.

Main characteristics of mules:

  • big head;
  • long ears;
  • miniature hooves;
  • thin limbs;
  • strong muscles;
  • massive neck.

Mules are very hardy animals

In order to obtain a hybrid, animals of different colors are allowed to mate, since the color gene is passed on to the offspring from females. In addition, maternal genes influence body features. Paternal genes influence the structure of the limbs and head.


If by crossing a donkey and a horse you can get an animal with good working qualities, then mating a donkey and a horse will lead to a worse result. The hybrid obtained as a result of such mating was named hinnie.

A short, less hardy individual is born. In appearance, these animals resemble wild horses: they have a large head, a short neck, and medium-length ears. It is quite difficult to obtain such a hybrid through natural mating, because not all donkeys can allow stallions to approach them.

In addition, a large fetus can kill the mother donkey during pregnancy or childbirth. Because of these disadvantages, there are very few hinnies in Russia, and it is not profitable to keep them on farms. In addition, a feature of all hybrids is that in most cases they are sterile. Some females can still give birth, but males are completely unsuitable for breeding.

Reproduction of horses in the wild

When living in a natural environment, mating of horses occurs with the arrival of the spring season until mid-summer. As a rule, a herd consists of 12 mares, as well as 1 male. There is certainly an alpha mare in the herd - the leader among the female representatives. Manages the others, is responsible for the grazing area. When breeding horses, the alpha mare is preferred by the leader.

In addition to guarding the herd, the stallion protects the mares. Marks horses from the herd.

Compared to females, it is constantly ready for intercourse. Mating occurs several times daily. Often the horse covers mares that are not ready to reproduce. In this situation, fertilization will not occur, but it provokes estrus in advance.

The stallion determines the female’s readiness for coitus, so he hangs around her:

  • sniffs the genitals;
  • lightly pinches the horse's neck.

Mares also give signs of readiness for insemination:

  • raise the tail slightly;
  • tilt their head slightly to the ground;
  • spread the hind limbs, exposing the vulva;
  • they squeal quietly.

In addition, vaginal discharge attracts stallions despite removal. Young females, who feel the need to mate for the first time, become quiet. The hunt lasts a maximum of 3 and a minimum of 1 day. The mating of horses will happen in any case at the level of intuition, in order to preserve the species - this is how horses reproduce in the wild.

Coating process

The first step is to decide on the method of fertilizing the female. The most common:

In private farming, the first method is most often used. The probability of fertilization is 95%. With this method, animals reproduce in the same way as in their natural habitat, the breeder is only an observer. For mating, it is necessary to prepare a quiet place so that the horses feel at ease. The mare is positioned in such a way as to provide the horse with unhindered access to her genitals.

If the female has an obstinate disposition, you will have to use a breeding harness. To protect the male, horseshoes should be removed from the female’s hind legs. Before the animals get down to business, they need to be given a little time to get comfortable and sniff. Animals should feel comfortable.

Cooking and shoaling methods are practiced in the herd. Cooking is carried out in a paddock. The inseminating stallion is left with 7 females, and he independently selects partners for mating. After covering, the mares are returned to the general herd, and the stallion is left in the stall. When he regains his strength, he can also be returned to the herd.

Advantages of artificial insemination

The main zootechnical advantages of artificial insemination for selection are considered.

1. The producer’s ability to inseminate several tens and even hundreds of times more queens than with manual mating. With artificial insemination, a bull and a ram can easily inseminate 1000-2000 queens. There are cases of insemination of up to 25,000 cows with one bull and up to 17,600 sheep with one ram during the year.

2. Transportation of sperm is a relatively simple matter, therefore, with artificial insemination, the producer is used not in one, but in many farms. Artificial insemination breaks down inter-farm barriers, which were one of the main obstacles to selection.

3. In recent years, methods for long-term sperm storage have been developed. In special installations at very low temperatures, bull sperm is stored for up to 5 years without losing its ability to fertilize. According to theoretical calculations, sperm can be stored for up to 50-500 years. True, such long-term storage of sperm has not yet left the stage of a laboratory experiment. However, at the current pace of technology development, we probably won’t have to wait long for this.

Already now it is possible to inseminate the uterus by a producer located anywhere in the world, at any distance. But this is not yet economically viable and is complicated by veterinary requirements. Obviously, in the future it will be more profitable to inseminate the majority of queens with the sperm of sires from the nearest artificial insemination station, practicing long-distance transfers of sperm only in special cases for the leading breeding stock.

In some places they are already beginning to create so-called sperm libraries, that is, warehouses for long-term storage of sperm from the most prominent producers.

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After birth, at 40 minutes of life, a sucking reflex already appears in the baby, and after an hour and a half the foal begins to suck milk. With a normal foal and good health of the mother, the baby is on its feet within two and a half hours. The first thing that catches the eye of an inexperienced horse breeder after birth is the foal’s legs, which seem simply abnormally long, but this is absolutely normal.

An ordinary horse gives birth, its baby weighs a maximum of 40 kg, which is considered the absolute norm. Heavy draft horses give birth to babies weighing up to 60 kg, which is difficult not to notice.


Mating horses is a whole science. But if you are new to the world of horse breeding or are thinking about getting a horse, then the information received will be enough:

Manual, piece, free mating, herd mating of horses - all these methods are absolutely equally effective and the chosen option depends only on the horse breeder. The mating of breeding horses, royal and Arabian breeds is carried out without the presence of a stallion - by individual fertilization. After birth, it is important to leave the foal alone with its mother; she will nurse him well, remove postpartum mucus and feed him. It is better to inseminate large horses individually or mate manually, so that the animals do not injure each other. Almost all horse breeds have the same principle of mating and inviting a partner; only wild and tamed individuals differ from each other.

It is now known how horses are mated, how complex and labor-intensive this process is, especially in the case of domestic breeds. Mating of thoroughbred horses is simply impossible without experienced veterinarians. Without a doubt, these animals deserve to exist, although their practical meaning is a big question.

Mating horses is an integral part of horse breeding

Mating of horses is a natural physiological process of reproduction of their own kind, reproduction to preserve the species. Horse breeding considers this as an integral part of selection for breeding and improving breeds. During insemination, the male's sperm is ejected into the female's genitals. The egg is fertilized and a new life is born.

Mating under human supervision and mating methods

On farms and stud farms, horse mating occurs under human control. Breeders themselves choose the individuals for mating and determine the time when the mares begin to heat. After the “date” of the female and the male, data about him is entered into a special journal. The date of intercourse, the name of the manufacturer and other information are recorded there.

There are several methods for breeding horses:

  • manual;
  • cooking;
  • jamb;
  • artificial insemination.

Manual method

This method is common in small farms. It is no different from mating animals in natural conditions, except that the mare does not have the opportunity to refuse the male’s advances, since she is being fixed.

The breeder independently identifies the onset of heat in the mare based on signs, prepares her and the candidate sire for mating

It is important to provide a secluded, quiet place for the couple - a paddock or barn. Manual pairing occurs as follows:

  • the female is placed in a stall so that her back is slightly raised;
  • the tail is tied up;
  • put on a retaining harness so that the horse cannot strike the suitor;
  • the stallion comes up from behind and performs sexual intercourse.

Attention! Before introducing horses, you need to give them a little time to get to know each other and get comfortable. Control mating is carried out over several days to increase the chances of fertilization of the female.

If heat does not occur during the next mating cycle, the mare will foal

Control mating is carried out over several days to increase the chances of fertilization of the female. If heat does not occur during the next sexual cycle, the mare foals.

Cooking method

The essence of the brewing mating technique is to use one stud stallion for a small group of mares. This method is applicable for herd keeping of horses. During the breeding period, the male is brought to the females every day and left for several hours. He himself determines which horse is ready for copulation. Covered mares are separated from the group.

Attention! During the breeding period, male sires are provided with enhanced nutrition and better living conditions so that he can recuperate.

The jamb method

This method of breeding horses is also used in herd keeping. In this case, mares are formed into shoals consisting of 25–30 individuals. A stallion is assigned to each school. During the entire mating period they are together. The male manages to fertilize all the females.

Artificial insemination of mares

This technique is quite expensive, so it is used in large breeding farms. It consists of preliminary collection of seminal fluid from the manufacturer and its subsequent introduction into the mare’s uterus. The procedure is carried out by a veterinarian using special equipment.

Attention! The sperm obtained from one male is enough to inseminate 200 females. This method allows you to economically use biomaterial and create livestock with the desired traits

There is no need to purchase breeding stallions

This method allows you to economically use biomaterial and create livestock with the desired traits. There is no need to purchase breeding stallions.

Finding the right time

The female can be allowed to cover only after reaching the age of three , and both partners for copulation must be healthy. Horses can breed from early spring to mid-summer, since this period is considered the most favorable for successful conception. A foal that is conceived at this time will be born in late winter or spring of the following year.

It is also believed that to calculate the optimal period for horses to have sex, it is necessary to calculate the amount of light in a day. Those individuals that live in warm stalls are allowed to mate earlier. However, the likelihood of fertilization is still reduced due to insufficient sunlight. In modern stud farms, additional lighting lamps are actively used, which allow one to deceive the natural instinct and increase the chances of successful fertilization.

Like most other animals, horses begin to have intercourse with the so-called “hunt” . This refers to the horse's estrus period, which can last from three days to one week and occurs every month. Estrus may occur less frequently depending on the individual characteristics of the mare’s body, housing conditions and ambient temperature. Also, its duration depends on all this.

Interesting tips

Some important tips for mating animals:

  • Horses begin to mate at the end of the cycle, when the female ovulates. This cannot last more than two days. Therefore, observing the female’s cycle will help determine the best time for mating. You can let the male dog in on the second day.
  • To prevent horses from being injured during the mating process, it is better to be nearby.
  • If, when choosing the cooking method of insemination, the breeder notices that the stallion breeds the same horse many times, then it should be removed from the pen.
  • The experience of workers supervising mating is of great importance. During the process, you need to make sure that the male does not finish ahead of time, guiding him with the help of special stretch marks.

Interesting! A beautiful and powerful breed of horse is the Vladimir heavy draft horse.

Preservation of pure breed

This method is used at stud farms and private farms. With it, crossing occurs only within one breed. The most worthy individuals who do not have common disadvantages are selected, and they are allowed to mate. If horses that have a high percentage of relatedness mate, this is called inbreeding. This is done to consolidate the positive qualities of an outstanding ancestor. If horses that do not have common relatives are allowed to mate, this is called outbreeding.

Most often in horse breeding, the linear breeding method is used. The purpose of this method is to keep the breed pure and obtain the desired qualities in the descendants. A line is considered to be a group of animals that have one outstanding ancestor in their pedigree. Each individual must have a similar appearance and performance.

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