Caterpillar: types, photos and names, interesting facts, where they live, what they eat, how long they live, transformation into a butterfly,

Butterflies, one of the most beautiful creatures on earth, go through four stages in their development. At the larval stage, more often called a caterpillar, lepidoptera feed abundantly, storing nutrients for subsequent stages of development. Like butterflies, some caterpillars have a very unusual appearance, and today in our review are the most beautiful caterpillars, with a short description and photo.


Swallowtail. Papilio Machaon

The swallowtail butterfly, from the swallowtail family, is one of the largest and most beautiful on the planet. The caterpillar is not inferior to it in appearance.

The rather large caterpillar at the 2nd stage of development acquires a green color and transverse black stripes with orange-red spots. When in danger, it puts out two red antennae located behind its head.

The swallowtail caterpillar eats wild plants of the umbrella family, but can also harm crops growing in the garden. But, like all insects, in general they are very useful for our planet. topcafe wrote about this in more detail in a previous article.


From the lids

Plastic caps make a fun and active toy. To work you need to prepare:

  • 7-15 plastic caps;
  • Beads are the same size;
  • Fishing line;
  • Awl;
  • Scissors, paper, pencils.

Operating procedure:

  1. Make holes in the lids. Attach 3 beads to the fishing line - this will be the tail.
  2. Draw a face and glue it to one lid. Also attach the antennae here.
  3. Using a needle and fishing line, assemble the caterpillar, stringing in order: the lid, 4-5 beads, the lid again.
  4. Lastly thread the lid with the face. Use a knot of fishing line to secure the structure and at the same time form a spout.

The funny rattle toy is ready.

Caterpillar of the damselfish bear. Tyria Jacobaeae

This small butterfly, distributed throughout Europe, has a very unusual caterpillar, the body of which is colored with yellow and black stripes.

Caterpillars live in large colonies, and on farms they are used to destroy ragweed, as the larva happily eats this wild plant.

The pupa overwinters, and in May butterflies with weak, almost transparent wings appear.


Types of caterpillars with photos and names

Each type of butterfly has its own caterpillar. At the same time, the color of the caterpillar does not always match the color of the butterfly. In most cases, caterpillars are herbivores, although predatory species are also found. Depending on the food consumed, caterpillars are:

  • Polyphages . These are caterpillars that indiscriminately eat any plant. This species includes moths such as the wine hawk moth, the ocellated hawk moth, the blind hawk moth, the kaya bear, moths, the peacock eye and others.
  • Monophages are caterpillars that feed on one specific type of plant. These are cabbage grass, apple moth, silkworm and others.
  • Oligophages are caterpillars that prefer to feed on one type of plant belonging to one species of family or type. These are butterflies: swallowtail, pine cutworm, polyxena, etc.
  • Xylophages are a type of caterpillar that feeds on wood or bark. These include leaf rollers, woodworms and others.

Certain species of caterpillars inhabit subtropical regions, tropics, and northern regions. There are hundreds of species of such insects on the territory of each country. It is not by chance that caterpillars get their names. As a rule, they get their names depending on their main source of food. Some of the caterpillars were named so because they have a very interesting and intricate pattern on their wings.

Among all types of caterpillars, there are also valuable ones, such as the silkworm. Many caterpillars have a similar property. As the caterpillar moves, a thin thread remains behind. This thread serves as a kind of insurance in case an insect falls.

Interesting to know! Silk thread is obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm butterfly, after which silk fabric is woven from it, and then various products are sewn.

There are caterpillars up to 1 mm in size, as well as caterpillars more than 12 cm long. Among them there are quite beautiful specimens, completely inconspicuous, hairy, poisonous, and also those that can change their coloring during their development.

The following species are widespread in Russia:

  • Cabbage white (cabbage).
  • Peacock eye.
  • Moth (land surveyor).
  • Clothes moth.
  • Redtail.
  • Hawkmoth.
  • Admiral.
  • Swallowtail.

Amazing transformation

Cabbage butterfly

This is the most common type of caterpillar inhabiting the European part of Russia. The caterpillar is distinguished by its green color and body length within 3-4 cm. There are black growths and hairs on the body of the caterpillar. It got its name because it appears mainly on cabbage. In addition to cabbage, he can enjoy such crops as:

  • Radish.
  • Turnip.
  • Turnips.
  • Horseradish, etc.

An insect can remain in the caterpillar stage from 2 to 5 weeks. Depending on weather conditions. Despite such a short period of time, cabbage manages to cause serious damage to the crop.


This caterpillar is also called a land surveyor because of its original method of movement. This is due to the underdevelopment of the front false legs. Thanks to its brown coloration, it manages to reliably camouflage itself among vegetation. In addition, thanks to the developed muscular system, the caterpillar can remain in an elongated, motionless state for a long time, depicting a broken twig or twig. This type of caterpillar feeds on tree needles, currant leaves, hazel, etc. The moth butterfly is distinguished by a thin, elongated body and wide, delicate wings. Butterflies fly mainly at night. They can be easily recognized by their slow and bumpy flight.


This caterpillar can be found throughout the forest-steppe zone of our continent. It feeds on the foliage of various bushes. These are fluffy caterpillars whose bodies are covered with brown or gray hairs. The end of the body is distinguished by a bright scarlet color, which served as the basis for this name.

Interesting to know! The bright red tail of the insect indicates that the caterpillar is poisonous. Upon contact with the human body, an allergic reaction may occur.

The summer of butterflies is celebrated in the month of May-June. The redtail is quite prolific, as one female can lay up to 1000 eggs per tree. With the arrival of autumn, all the caterpillars leave the tree and the pupation process begins.

Redtail is considered a pest of fruit trees such as apple, plum, rowan, pedunculate oak, hornbeam, elm, etc.


It is quite large in size. The caterpillar is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, Asia, North America, as well as in the north of the African continent. The caterpillar is quite beautiful, just like the butterfly itself. At the same time, at its stage of development the caterpillar changes its color. At first the caterpillar is almost black with bright red spines. Over time, it turns green with black stripes, mixed with brown spots. This caterpillar can feed on:

  • Carrots.
  • Parsley.
  • Celery.
  • Wormwood.
  • Alder.

Blind Hawkmoth

The hawkmoth caterpillar can be found both in central Russia and in Siberia and the Far East. Prefers to eat leaves of birch, willow, and poplar. The caterpillar has a green body color, which allows it to camouflage perfectly among the leaves. The body is painted with diagonal thin stripes, which resemble the veins of leaves. You can see a kind of horn on the tail of this caterpillar.

Peacock eye

This is a rather beautiful butterfly, which is distinguished by its relatively large size: its length reaches 10 cm, or even more. There are 2 types of these butterflies: the day peacock eye and the night peacock eye. In addition, there is also a large peacock eye butterfly, which has insignificant differences from the first two species. The butterfly caterpillar is also large and green in color. The peacock eye lives in the western part of Russia, the Caucasus and Crimea. Prefers the following fruit trees for food:

  • Apple tree.
  • Pear.
  • Walnut.
  • Plum.
  • Cherry.

Interesting to know! During the development process, the peacock butterfly larva changes its color. Before pupation begins, it turns yellow, and the pupa itself is distinguished by a brown tint.

Clothes moth

Who hasn't encountered a clothes moth in their life? It is difficult to find such a person, since everyone knows the results of its life activity: clothes moth larvae spoil people's personal belongings. A white caterpillar with a brown head eats items made of natural wool, fur items and items made of cotton. This is where she lays her eggs.

On a note! Clothes moths can remain in the larval stage from a month to several years. The caterpillar may not eat for several days, enduring temperature changes.

The caterpillars of this butterfly are classified as the smallest, since their length is in the range of 1-12 mm. The size depends on the availability of food supply. This pest is found almost everywhere, from the European-Asian continent to North America, Australia and African countries.


This is a large, hairy butterfly, black and orange in color. Distributed throughout many regions of Russia. Refers to migratory insect species. It lays eggs in the northern regions on nettle or hop leaves, and this insect overwinters in the southern regions.

Interesting to know! The caterpillars of the hives butterfly are very similar to the caterpillars of the admiral butterfly.

This small black caterpillar is distinguished by the presence of yellow stripes on the sides of its body. It appears on the leaves in the month of May and for several days builds a kind of canopy around itself from the leaves on which it feeds. The caterpillar stays in this shelter all summer, and at the end of August it turns into a pupa.

15 most dangerous CATERPILLARS in the world that are best left untouched

Caterpillar "stinging rose". Parasa Indetermina

The names of most caterpillars come from the name of the lepidopteran species, but this beauty received its name from its bright coloring and spines located throughout its body.

It grows no more than 3 cm, but the tubercles contain liquid that can severely burn when touched. Bright color and poison help these unusual caterpillars escape from natural enemies.

They live on plants and flowers, but are also found on the branches of fruit trees. By the way, on you can see a large list of the most dangerous and poisonous insects on our planet.


Step-by-step master class on making caterpillars

The creative process does not require any complex actions, but in order not to get confused, it is better to see how the craft is created step by step.

Making the body and head

First you need to examine the apples and choose the most beautiful one, without a single flaw. It will be instead of a head. From the remaining 5 apples we will make a body by stringing them onto a sushi stick. The work will require some effort, so it is better if an adult takes on it. The head will need to be attached to the outermost apple by inserting 3 toothpicks into both fruits so that the apples are connected tightly and securely. After this, we put colored hair bands on the joints of the caterpillar as decoration; they do not serve any other function.

Attaching the legs

We use toothpicks as limbs. One pair of legs is attached to each apple. For stability, the caterpillar needs to be put on boots, which we will make from carrots. We cut the vegetable into wheels of equal thickness and pierce them with toothpicks. After this, we attach the made limbs to the body of the caterpillar.

We give the caterpillar a “face” and decorate it

So far we have just a blank. The time has come to give our caterpillar a “face” and decorate it to your liking. We assemble the horns from two plastic skewers, onto which we string large and small beads, alternating them with each other. We mold plasticine balls onto the ends of the skewers, and then give them a cylindrical shape. We glue a heart onto the caterpillar's chest and decorate it with beads. We also plant them on glue. You can come up with your own decoration, for example, a necklace made from the same beads or berries.

Now all that remains is to create a “face” for the caterpillar. To do this, we use false plastic eyes and a small bead instead of a nose. Then we draw our “lady” a wide smile with a marker. After this, the cute caterpillar is ready to go to the exhibition to cheer up adults and children with its appearance.

Saturnia io caterpillar. Automeris Io

The Saturnia io caterpillar is practically omnivorous, and its diet includes leaves of various plants, fruit trees and wild trees.

It is found in the USA and Canada, and its appearance is attractive with surprisingly fluffy pom-poms located throughout the body. But we warn you, despite the attractiveness, these thorns contain toxic poison, so it is better not to pick it up.

The poison leads to edema, can cause an epileptic seizure, and a blood clotting disorder occurs.

From felt

A DIY craft made from felt can become a wonderful sofa cushion or soft toy. To do this, you will need several multi-colored pieces of felt, thread, scissors and filler: foam rubber, padding polyester or just an old rag.

The procedure for creating a toy caterpillar pillow:

  1. Cut circles from felt.
  2. Use a needle to thread the thread around the perimeter of each circle. Pull the thread. Fill the ball with foam rubber or padding polyester and sew it up.
  3. Using this principle, make several circles.
  4. Sew felt eyes and a tongue on one of the circles.
  5. Sew the balls together or connect them with Velcro.

The pillow is ready. To decorate, you can make a tassel or pom-pom from yarn and sew it in the form of a tail on the last ball.

Slimer. Limacodidae Euclidae

The slug butterfly, which lives in the north of the Australian continent, got its name because of its caterpillar, which looks more like a slug.

It has no legs, and the caterpillar moves like a snail. In addition, they have a very unusual appearance. The bright coloring of the body and unusual horns located on the head and behind the body serve as protection from enemies.

The multi-colored slug caterpillar also protects itself from enemies with the help of poison, which is many times more toxic than wasp poison.

Caterpillar applique

A garden caterpillar in the form of an applique will be an easy project for novice creators. To do this you will need:

  • Velvet paper of different colors;
  • White thick paper;
  • Glue, pencils, paints, scissors;
  • Fluff or cotton wool.

The procedure for creating a caterpillar:

  1. Cut circles of the same size from velvet paper of different colors. Using the pattern, cut out a head with antennae from white paper. Decorate the head with pencils and paints, drawing a face.
  2. Place the circles on a velvet base, forming a caterpillar. Place fluff or cotton wool under the mugs so that the material sticks out from under the mugs, creating fluff. Check the entire composition.

  3. Glue the cotton wool or fluff to the paper using drops of glue. Place the mugs overlapping on top. Secure the head.

The volumetric and textured applique is ready.

Instead of circles of paper and fluff, you can also use corrugated paper from which to roll into balls.

Tailed imperial butterfly. Polyura Sempronius

The caterpillar of this Australian butterfly looks like it came out of a cartoon. She has a completely ordinary body, but there are four unusual horns on her head.

These horned caterpillars appear at the end of March and develop until mid-June. The body is greenish in color, and there is a yellow stripe on the back and along the entire edge of the body.

Such natural dinosaurs turn into beautiful butterflies after pupation.


Where does the caterpillar live?

Photo: Caterpillar in nature

The great white caterpillar is just 45mm long and feeds on cabbage, lettuce and nasturtium for four weeks - which is why farmers and gardeners consider them a pest. The green eggs of the small tortoiseshell caterpillar are laid in groups on stinging nettles, and the spiny black and yellow caterpillars then live together, forming a shared silken web and feeding on nearby leaves to grow up to 30mm in length. As they grow, they move on to new plants and build new webs, leaving behind old sheds full of skins;

The comma caterpillar grows up to 35 mm and lives on hops and nettles. These caterpillars can be found from late April to mid-September, but the butterflies are active all year round. They suffered a noticeable decline in the 1800s, likely due to a decline in the planting of their favorite food, hops, but have since experienced a resurgence. Blood bear caterpillars pupate underground, rather than in a chrysalis on a tree like other caterpillars. Adults fly from May to early August. There are boom and bust population fluctuations at the local level.

Silver hole caterpillars are fully grown in 30 days and pupate underground during the winter. Pinecone moth caterpillars are found between July and early October. The adult is active from late May to July, and its markings are designed to look like it has a broken wing. Pallid moth caterpillars have been found on a variety of broad-leaved trees and shrubs, including birch and hops. They can be seen from late June to early October, but are more often seen crawling around in search of a place to pupate in the fall. Adults fly between July and August.

The maple lancet caterpillar lives on sycamore, horse chestnut, as well as cultivated and field maples. Caterpillars are found from July to September. In winter, they pupate on the ground, in debris like bark and fallen leaves. Adults are active from mid-June to early August.

Dalcerida moth. Acraga Coa

Pictured: Acraga Coa. .

When you encounter such a creature in the wild, you may not immediately understand that it is a caterpillar. In appearance, it is more reminiscent of a magical small crystal crystal.

They live in the humid jungles of South and Central America, and because of the jelly-like growths located throughout the body, they are often called “pearl”, “marmalade”, or “crystal”.

Caterpillars are small and completely harmless. A beautiful fluffy orange butterfly is born from an unusual caterpillar.


From a cocktail tube

You can make a paper caterpillar with your own hands using a cocktail straw.

To create a product you need to prepare materials:

  • Napkins or corrugated paper
  • Cocktail straw
  • Glue, scissors, markers
  • A piece of colored paper
  • Wooden skewer

Operating procedure:

  1. Wrap the cocktail tube in paper. Squeeze the paper with an accordion to create a compressed body of the caterpillar.

  2. Form a caterpillar bend from the tube. You can also pull out the tube. Cut off a piece - this will be the cutting of a leaf. Secure the stalk with glue on a skewer, and glue one end of the caterpillar to it.
  3. Also fasten the other end to a skewer. Glue the skewer to the leaf. Paint the caterpillar with dots and paint its face black.

Moth. Ematurga Atomaria

In nature, there are several species of moth butterflies, and each one has different caterpillars. Some are smooth, and due to their color, they can be mistaken for tree knots.

And there are also unusual caterpillars that, in order to escape from natural enemies, secrete a liquid with which they cover themselves with flower petals. So, it’s quite difficult to see them in the grass.

Such an unusual outfit must always be fresh, so the moth caterpillar often changes its petals to new ones.


Methods of dealing with caterpillars

If there are caterpillars in your area, there are mechanical ways to destroy them and methods of fighting them using decoctions and infusions.

The simplest mechanical method is to collect butterfly eggs and already hatched caterpillars. They need to be collected in the evening. When the heat subsides, the caterpillars emerge from their shelters into open areas of plants. Collection should only be done with gloves and it is highly advisable to wear a respirator.

Many caterpillars, in addition to irritating the skin with bristles, can secrete a burning secretion in a stressful situation. It is extremely undesirable to inhale this substance; it can cause swelling of the larynx and other allergic reactions.

There are other ways to kill caterpillars. You can wrap tree trunks with non-woven material, such as baking parchment or cling film, and apply a special sticky layer on top of it.

You can also place saucers with bait for caterpillars on the site.

If caterpillars have attacked a fruit tree, it can be fumigated. To do this, smoldering chips or coals are placed in a metal vessel and 2 parts of sulfur and 1 part of resin are placed on them. Trees are fumigated in calm weather so that the smoke tightly envelops the crown of the affected tree.

If these methods do not help, you can prepare decoctions and infusions from the following plants:

  1. Elderberries;
  2. Black henbane;
  3. Red pepper;
  4. Luke;
  5. Garlic;
  6. Tobacco;
  7. Chamomiles;
  8. Coriander;
  9. Yarrow;
  10. Tomato stems and leaves.

A weak solution of vinegar is also good at ridding plants of caterpillar infestations.

It is worth moving on to spraying plants with chemicals that are potentially dangerous to people only when other means have been tried and have not had the desired effect.

There are many caterpillars in the world, and even in temperate climates you can find caterpillars of a wide variety of colors and sizes. Even if these insects are of interest to you, try not to bring them close to your face or touch them with your bare hands, so that the caterpillar does not accidentally harm you.

Caterpillar snake. Hemeroplanes Caterpillar

Many animals on Earth have masterfully mastered the art of transformation. For example, in times of danger, the caterpillar of the Hemeroplanes Triptolemus butterfly turns into a snake.

You can meet them on the trees of Latin America, and you won’t immediately understand whether they are an insect or a dangerous reptile. When danger approaches, the upper part of the body opens and, swelling, turns into the head of a snake with huge eyes.

This transformation forces the enemy to retreat, but over time the snake caterpillar itself turns into a butterfly.

If you are not afraid of anything, our material is for you: The most terrible finds of archaeologists.


How do caterpillars grow?

Pest butterflies lay eggs on trees, shrubs and other plants. As the caterpillar grows, it constantly eats. She needs young leaves and their juice for nutrition and growth.

If you are wondering what a caterpillar eats, the answer is simple - any plant. Before pupation, the caterpillar molts several times because the old shell becomes too small for her.

Peacock-eye Hercules. Coscinocera Hercules

The caterpillars of these butterflies can reach a record length of 12 cm, which is why they are also called giant caterpillars. According to resource, this is one of the largest caterpillars in the world, second in size only to the king nut moth caterpillar.

In addition, they have a very unusual color and body structure. The blue-green caterpillars have reddish spiracles and the entire body is covered with yellow spines.

Of the closest relatives of the Hercules peacock eye, the Chinese and Japanese peacock eye are used to produce silk.


Dangerous caterpillars

There are poisonous caterpillars that harm not only crops, but also people. Many of them look very unusual and attractive. But it is better not to touch unfamiliar animals.

Poisonous caterpillars.

Silkworm. Bombyx Mori

The silkworm caterpillar made our list more because of its economic importance than its unusual appearance.

But this species also has interesting features that once again confirm the diversity of nature. The fact is that the silkworm caterpillar molts 4 times during its existence, and it lives only from 26 to 32 days.

It feeds exclusively on mulberry leaves, so their habitat is limited to areas where mulberries grow.


From a sock

An old sock or golf ball will make a wonderful toy. To do this you will need any 2 socks or long socks, thread, scissors, a needle and filler.

Operating procedure:

  1. Stuff filler into the end of the sock. Tie it with threads to make a ball.
  2. Stuff foam or cotton wool into the next compartment again and tie another ball again. In this way, create several balls until the golf runs out.

  3. If you use two socks, you need to make them into balls separately. Then the socks need to be sewn in the middle.
  4. Using beads, black thick threads and colored fabric or leather, make a face. You can form a tongue from leather or fabric, and eyes from beads.

  5. The funny toy is ready. You can also put old baby rattles inside one or three balls, then the toy will also become musical.

Saddle caterpillar. Acharia Stimulea

Another beautiful caterpillar, native to North America, attracts attention with its unusual bright color and unique body structure.

The head and back of the body are crowned with massive horns, which, like the legs, are covered with hairs. It is these hairs that contain poison, so zoologists advise staying away from these creatures.

Touching the hoary caterpillar causes a burn, and the area of ​​contact becomes covered in a rash. The pain of the touch is comparable to a bee sting.


Materials needed for crafts

In this case, the materials for crafts are apples and carrots. You can buy them or take them from your own garden. Decorations can consist of beads, ribbons, berries. It is also necessary to hold together the individual segments of the caterpillar with something, to give it eyes, a nose and a mouth.

Full list of what you will need:

  1. Brightly colored apples, preferably red-sided ones – 6 pcs.
  2. Fresh carrots – 1 pc.
  3. Toothpicks – 13 pcs.
  4. Wooden stick (for sushi) – 1 pc.
  5. Colored hair ties – 5 pcs.
  6. Plastic skewers – 2 pcs.
  7. Beads – 8 pcs. for horns and a few for decoration.
  8. Plastic heart.
  9. Plasticine – just a little bit.
  10. Glue "Second".
  11. Marker.

As you can see, you don’t need any expensive parts for creativity. But how much fun you can get in the process of work, and the children in the kindergarten will certainly enjoy this craft.

The harpy is big. Cerura Vinula

Due to its unusual appearance, the great harpy caterpillar is called the forktail, due to the unusual appendage at the back of the body.

The completely green caterpillar has a diamond-shaped purple spot on its back, making it one of the most beautiful caterpillars on the planet.

In times of danger, it raises and inflates the front part of the body, and then retracts into the first segment of the body. Fork-shaped processes also serve for protection, from which this amazing creation of nature releases a caustic liquid.


How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil step by step for beginners and children: step-by-step instructions

Spending time with children doing this activity promises to be interesting. I wonder how much joy a child can experience when he draws a beautiful caterpillar on his own and decorates it with his own hands.

See below for step-by-step instructions for beginners on how to draw it:

  1. This caterpillar will consist of circles of different diameters. Start with the tail. Draw three circles of different diameters with a simple pencil.
  2. Then draw six more circles, also of different diameters, as in the second picture.
  3. Using an eraser, erase the intersections of the circles, and using a simple pencil, draw the legs of the caterpillar.
  4. The head should be larger than the rest of the body. Then draw the eyes, horns, and mouth of the larva.
  5. Draw rings on the body of the insect, as in figures 7 and 8, and add one more leg.
  6. Use a green pencil to color the caterpillar. Make the legs brown. Draw the eyes with a black felt-tip pen.

How to draw a caterpillar with a pencil - diagram

IMPORTANT : When you color the picture, try not to cross the boundaries of the drawing, so your caterpillar will turn out beautiful and neat.

Coquette caterpillar. Megalopyge opercularis

One of the most beautiful, but at the same time poisonous caterpillars on the planet, lives in North America. The poisonous spines are covered with hair, which makes the caterpillar look more like a kitten.

The hairy caterpillar has a reddish color and grows from 2 to 3 cm in length. When it comes into contact with human skin, the spines with poison break, and the poison causes burning pain and redness.

Because of her bizarre appearance, she was nicknamed “coquette,” but because of her poison, she is called “fiery creature.” But many people know this “beauty” as Donald Trump’s hairstyle, due to their similarity.


Caterpillar drawings for children to sketch: photo

In order to get a beautiful drawing, you need to use sample pictures. After all, drawing an image is always easier than creating it yourself. See such samples below.

Cheerful caterpillar

See another version of a cute caterpillar with long eyelashes. Thanks to its large eyes, the larva looks wonderful.

Green caterpillar

A cute long caterpillar is shown in the picture below. Parents can draw it and children can color it. The result will be a joint creation.

Caterpillar on rollers

A small caterpillar with a cute face and spines on its back may appeal to kids. It's easy to draw. The back of the caterpillar consists of circles with spines, and the abdomen consists of arches with legs.

Caterpillar with spines Cute caterpillar with yellow belly

Even a small child can draw this caterpillar. Well, if an adult gets involved in the work, the drawing will turn out wonderful.

A simple template for drawing a caterpillar

Lonomy. Lonomia Obliqua

Let’s complete our list with an unusual and most poisonous caterpillar that can be found in the forests of Central and South America.

The Lonomiya caterpillar reaches a length of up to 7 cm and lives on tree trunks and branches. Because of its color and fluffy hairs on its body, it is very difficult to notice, but meeting it carries a considerable danger to human health and life.

When touched, the caterpillar releases toxic poison, causing severe burns and swelling. History has recorded cases where contact with Lonomiya led to death.


From toilet paper rolls

A caterpillar for children can be made from toilet paper rolls. Such a craft will be strong, which means you can play with it.

For the product you will need:

  • 2-3 toilet paper rolls;
  • Thin cardboard or thick paper;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Pencils, paints, glue and scissors, a stationery knife.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the bushings into rings with a knife. The width of the rings is 2-2.5 cm.
  2. Cut strips of the same width from thick paper. The length is equal to the circumference of the sleeve.

  3. Cut wide squares from corrugated paper. The side of one square should be slightly larger than the circumference of the sleeve.
  4. Wrap the rings in corrugated paper and secure it with a stapler.
  5. Also create rings from thick paper to connect the bushings. Glue the rings together and wrap them in corrugated paper.
  6. Cut out a face using the template and glue it to the chain. The insect is ready.

Using crepe paper will make the caterpillar fluffy and pleasant to your hands.

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