Do-it-yourself feeders and drinkers for pigs photos, types and requirements

  • Making a drinking bowl at home
      From the pipe
  • Making a nipple structure with your own hands
  • Video
  • Pig farmers understand that raising meat animals is not so difficult, the main thing is to keep them in a properly equipped place. Feeders and drinking bowls for pigs play a very important role here. They must be positioned in such a way as to provide ease of access for piglets and adults, and for the owner to maintain them.

    The above devices can be purchased at specialized stores or made independently. But do not forget that containers for food and water must meet certain requirements.

    A drinking bowl is an indispensable equipment for any pigsty.

    The importance of drinking bowls in animal care

    The presence of clean water is an integral part of the life of any living organism, and for farm animals this is doubly important: they often live in confined spaces, cannot get water for themselves, their existence is entirely dependent on humans. It is for
    this reason that it is necessary to pay special attention to the constant availability of clean water. water in sippy cups. This problem can be solved by equipping the pigsty with automatic drinkers.

    This problem can be solved by equipping the pigsty with automatic drinkers.

    Important! The drinking nipple should be selected depending on the age of the animal. For young animals, a small nipple is suitable, the tongue of which moves easily

    An adult pig needs a larger nipple, with a tight tongue and high fluid throughput.

    Below are some of the benefits of installing such devices:

    • constant free access to water;
    • compact design;
    • constant availability of fresh water in the required quantities;
    • possibility of introducing medications into water;
    • the animal will not be able to accidentally turn the device over;
    • the ability to quickly and easily wash and treat the device with antiseptics.

    DIY pig feeder

    There are many different options for pig feeders, but many farmers decide to make them themselves at home. This will require a little labor and materials. You can use materials that you have on the farm or buy more suitable items. First of all, you need to think about which feeder would be the most convenient specifically for your method of raising pigs. There are several options.

    Plastic barrel feeder

    Plastic barrels are often found among farmers, so they can be used as material for future equipment. The main thing is that this barrel has not previously been used for toxic and other dangerous substances. Depending on the size of the barrel, it can be divided into two, three or four times. This can be done using a jigsaw or other convenient method. To prevent animals from knocking over the feeders, they are attached to the stand with screws. Of course, sharp corners are cleaned.

    Gas cylinder

    Very often you can find homemade pig feeders made from gas cylinders. As a rule, manufacturing requires a minimum of effort, but the structures will last for many years. The valve opens, we determine the absence of gas by the corresponding sound. Gas cylinders are made of brass, it is a soft metal, so sawing off the valve will not be difficult. During the process of sawing off the valve, sparks may form, so as not to create a fire hazard, you can moisten the desired area with water during operation. After this, the cylinder is filled with water to the very top, this is necessary so that the condensation on the walls of the cylinder is completely collected.

    Water with condensate is not poured on the territory of the house, since the liquid has the smell of propane and does not dissipate for a long time. The next step will be to divide the gas cylinders into 2 parts, thus creating two identical feeders. You can make a larger side for adults, and a smaller side for small piglets. To cut a gas cylinder, use a grinder, since the metal is about 3 millimeters thick. In the upper part of the future trough, it is necessary to screw any elements that will not allow the animal to climb into the feeder. The smell of gas is removed by burning the surface of the walls with a gas burner. The resulting trough is placed so that it is not possible to turn it over.

    Asbestos cement pipe

    Feeders made of ceramics or asbestos-cement mixture are not susceptible to corrosion. To make such a trough, a half-pipe is needed. An ordinary pipe is cut in half. It is installed on pre-prepared legs for support, which can be made of stone or other materials. The cuts on both sides are sealed with a plug, the seams are covered with cement so that the bowl is impenetrable. To prevent animals from climbing inside, install a grate on top of the trough. From reinforcement or other elements no less than 15 mm. The grid must be installed so that it is convenient for the animals to consume the food. Thus, the trough is ready.

    A properly organized feed container will give positive results, since animals will consume food without spilling it; it is possible to select feeders suitable for different ages of animals. The materials from which the containers are made are, as a rule, not as important as the composition and balance of the diet.

    Drinking bowls in a pigsty

    Drinkers for fresh water must be installed in the pigsty. Any sufficiently deep container will be suitable for this purpose. The feeder and drinker should contain the maximum single dose of food or water. You can make a container for drinking water yourself, using any available materials. Figure 4 schematically shows the procedure for making such a container from an ordinary pipe.

    Figure 4. Procedure for making a drinking bowl

    To prevent livestock diseases, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the troughs after dispensing feed and periodically disinfect them with special solutions.

    Main types of drinkers

    There are several types of drinking bowls for pigs, but they need to be selected so that the water always remains clean and the animals can drink freely at any time. Below we will describe the main types of structures that are best suited for use in homestead farming.


    The cup model is a small container with sides along the edges, which is filled with water through a valve or nipple (Figure 5).

    The design of this model is very convenient, since animals have constant access to clean water, but at the same time cannot splash it around. The principle of operation is that water is supplied to the container through a special hose, but does not pour out until the animal presses a special pedal inside.

    Figure 5. Using a cup design

    Pigs quickly get used to such drinking bowls, and water is used evenly, as it is supplied only when necessary.

    Nipple (nipple)

    Nipple models can be used to supply water to individuals of various ages. Water is supplied through a rubber hose or plastic pipe, at the end of which a valve with a nipple is installed (Figure 6).

    Figure 6. Teat (nipple) structures for adults and piglets

    When a pig wants to drink, she simply goes to the nipple, presses her mouth on the nipple, and a portion of water flows out of it. This design is highly hygienic, since drinking water is not contaminated, and the containers themselves only need to be washed occasionally. The only drawback is the high cost of the finished structure, which can only be purchased in the store.


    Vacuum drinkers are considered the simplest, and you can easily make them yourself from scrap materials.

    In order to make a vacuum design, you need to take a jar or any other container, pour water into it, cover it with a bowl and turn it over. As a result, some of the water will flow into the bowl, and when the pigs drink it, a new portion of liquid will come from the jar (Figure 7).

    Figure 7. Example of a vacuum drinker

    Such models are installed mainly in piglets, since it is difficult to find a large container that can hold enough water for adults. However, vacuum models need to be monitored as they are easily knocked over by animals.

    Key Features

    The main feature of drinking bowls for pigs is that they must hold enough water so that the animals can drink to their heart's content at any time. But this is not the only feature of water containers.

    If a nipple design is used for drinking, it is better to fix it at an angle so that it is more comfortable for the animals and they do not splash water. You should be careful about the material of future products.

    In winter, drinking bowls must be insulated or heated in the room where they are located so that the water inside does not freeze.

    Features of keeping at home

    To keep pigs at home you need a pigsty. Animals are not particularly demanding, so an ordinary strong, warm shed will do. Read about how to build a do-it-yourself barn for pigs. Mandatory conditions are an inclined floor, windows, the ability to connect lighting, and so on. The approximate capacity of a pigsty with a total area of ​​20 square meters is 6 piglets with a total weight of up to 150 kg. There should be a separate place for walking.

    Make feeders from iron and attach them to the floor. Be sure to buy or make your own grain crusher to grind at home. You also need to monitor air humidity, temperature conditions, the degree of illumination of the room, and the absence of drafts in the pigsty. You can read about keeping Vietnamese pigs at home here.

    The roof must be waterproof and warm, the floor must be hard and well covered, ensuring unhindered drainage of liquid. What pigs do not tolerate well is dampness and cold. Therefore, build the shed in a well-ventilated place, with doors and windows facing south.

    For normal ventilation, an exhaust pipe with a special nozzle is required. A hole with a latch is made above the front door.

    In the pen for the sow, arrange a compartment with a manhole with an area of ​​30*20 cm; in the feeding compartment for young animals, place containers with feed, warm water, charcoal and chalk. Air humidity should not exceed 75%; in rooms with newborn piglets, maintain the temperature at 26-33 degrees.

    The design of the machine makes feeding easier and helps to increase the productivity of the livestock.

    The sow to be bred is placed in a pen a couple of days before farrowing. During this time, she gets used to him and behaves calmly. After giving birth, the sow stays here with her piglets for several more months. The main task of the machine is to increase the productivity of pigs. The design is designed to make feeding piglets easier. Special arches and handrails prevent heifers from falling to the floor. As a result, piglet mortality is reduced to a minimum.

    How to make an automatic nipple drinker for pigs

    Water bowls, first of all, should be comfortable for the animals and functional for the owner. Today, the household goods market offers a greater variety of types. Of course, the most popular and affordable are automatic drinkers. They are divided into several types:

    • cup;
    • vacuum;
    • nipple

    Cup sippy cups have a standard bowl shape, where a special valve or nipple can be installed. Both options can be done independently.

    It is convenient and well suited for watering adults and young animals. But as for the drinking bowl for piglets, it is better to choose a nipple one, so that the babies do not splash water.

    At the same time, it is good to attach the nipples themselves to the supply pipe, then several individuals can drink at the same time.


    So, if you decide to choose a nipple version of a drinking bowl for pigs, then you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

    • The nipple must be made of stainless steel and be of a size suitable for the age of the animal. For adults they should be large enough.
    • The water supply mechanism should be equipped with a stainless spring and a mesh filter.
    • Before purchasing, check the serviceability of the mechanism.
    • Nipple waterers for pigs must supply water when tilted in any direction.
    • Automatic for small piglets, it is advisable to make it a little inclined.
    • It is necessary that the installation of the drinking bowl is located at the required height. It must be taken into account based on the age of the animals. See photo for more details.
    Pig weight, kgLess than 15 kg15-20 kg20-50 kg50-100 kgMore than 100 kg
    Nipple drinker placement height, cm1520-2535-4550-6070
    Height of cup drinking bowl, cm710152530

    How to make?

    Nipple drinkers are often called nipple drinkers, but they are well suited for both adult animals and piglets. But, as practice shows, it is not possible for all farmers to buy ready-made ones. Therefore, they often make it with their own hands. You can also make it yourself. This will require some material and time.

    Tools and materials

    • Nipples - you just need to buy them, since it’s simply impossible to do it yourself and even correctly;
    • Plastic pipe;
    • Convenient bowl or bucket;
    • Tools for cutting pipes and making holes.

    Step by step instructions

    1. So, first of all, you need to select the necessary nipples. For piglets you will need a small size, for large individuals - large ones.
    2. The nipple can be installed under a pipe or mortise, so take a look at what you need to purchase before work.
    3. Next, select a container for storing water, for example, it could be a large barrel or a special tank.
    4. Take a plastic pipe and connect it to a water tank. In this case, the pipe should not be directed to the drinking bowl strictly horizontally, but in an inclined position.
    5. At pre-designated places on the pipe we make holes for nipples.
      We insert it and check the work. If necessary, we make such drinking bowls in each pen.

    Nipple in a bucket

    For example, if you have only one pig, then you can make an even simpler version of an automatic drinker for it. To do this you will need a large bucket and one nipple.

    1. In the bottom of the bucket we make a hole in the middle the size of the nipple.
    2. We fix it in the container. We hang a bucket or other container at a height convenient for the animal.

    All is ready. This option is good to use in a regular household. All you need to do is add water to the bucket in time. Also watch the video at the bottom of the article.

    Cup version

    If you have a small steel or plastic cup, you can make a slightly different drinking bowl for your animals.

    If you have seen cup models on sale, then you will immediately understand how to make it at home. In this case, we place the water supply structure not vertically, but horizontally.

    When the animal presses the nipple with its nose, water will flow immediately into the bowl. This way, the pig will need less effort to quench its thirst.

    If you have a steel bowl, then the nipple mechanism will need to be welded. Therefore, it is much easier to find a small but quite convenient plastic container in the household.

    Video “Bucket, hands, ingenuity - homemade drinking bowl”

    This video shows how you can build a convenient drinking bowl for pigs from simple scrap materials and a purchased nipple mechanism.

    The importance of drinking bowls in animal care

    Water is necessary for the normal functioning of any organism, including domestic animals such as pigs. Its absence leads to disruption of digestion and other life processes, which can lead to death. The quality of drinking for pets should be the same as for humans, and access to water should always be available.

    Drinking bowls play a very important role, as they supply the pig population with drinking water in a timely manner and ensure hygienic drinking. An ordinary trough or basin is not able to provide proper hygiene and protect water from contamination, and this can lead to diseases and reduced productivity of livestock. In addition, it is easy for animals to turn them over, which will deprive them of access to drink altogether.

    Drinkers have a number of advantages over such traditional containers:

    • ensure drinking hygiene;
    • save water consumption and prevent splashing;
    • continuously supply water to animals;
    • save livestock farmers time.

    How to install correctly

    All drinkers are installed with the same installation requirements:

    • It is not recommended to place drinking bowls in the corner of the room - this will make it difficult for pigs to access;
    • the height of the location should not cause discomfort to animals;
    • In summer the water should be refreshing, and in winter it should be at least +10…+15 oC.

    Most often, pigs choose corners as a place to defecate.

    If you choose the right location and follow simple installation rules, you can not only provide comfortable food for pigs, but also significant savings. Drinkers are an important device for pigs to drink water comfortably. If you want to get regular and high-quality weight gain in your pigs, as well as reduce the likelihood of diseases, then provide your pig farm with effective and technologically advanced drinkers.

    Sanitary requirements

    There are many types: automatic drinking bowls and homemade ones, with and without heated water. They have different diameters and characteristics.

    There are a number of standards that it is advisable to follow when purchasing or designing a device:

    • open access devices for animals;
    • purity of drinking, constant renewal;
    • no risk of leakage;
    • durable material;
    • Regular cleaning and disinfection.

    Depending on the age of the animal, the water consumption rate is as follows:

    • adults – up to 25 liters;
    • animals for slaughter – up to 12 liters;
    • young animals - up to 7 liters;
    • for piglets up to 5 liters.

    Especially if the drinker is made independently, you need to comply with the material standards:

    • the material can be different, the main thing is that animals cannot bite through it;
    • the device must be equipped with a filter that will help maintain cleanliness;
    • there must be an economical water supply controller;
    • In winter, the device needs a heating system to avoid freezing of the drink.

    Water requirements of piglets

    Water serves to transport nutrients into the animal's body. Additionally, it helps in regulating body temperature and removes toxins. If there is little drinking, feed intake decreases, which leads to a drop in performance.

    Pigs must be provided with a sufficient amount of high quality water. It should be taken into account that animals fed dry food drink more and more often than those fed moist.

    The drink served must be safe. This means that when installing water supply mechanisms, it is necessary to provide a system for its purification and quality control at the outlet.

    Basic requirements for products

    It doesn’t matter at all whether you buy the necessary equipment in a store or make it yourself - the main thing is that it meets basic sanitary standards and meets certain requirements

    The first thing you should pay attention to is strength and durability. By the way, this is why many farmers prefer metal products

    The second, no less important, nuance is the tightness of the structure. It is also necessary to take care of the ergonomic placement of drinking bowls throughout the pigsty and ensure an uninterrupted supply of water. If these standards are not met, animals will suffer from a lack of fluid and get sick more often, which will lead to poor digestion of feed and weight loss.

    It is necessary to place water containers inside the pigsty taking into account the age and size of the individuals that make up the livestock. Small piglets are unlikely to reach the structure, which is installed at a height suitable for an adult pig. It is also not recommended to install products in the corners of the barn, since the largest amount of waste and animal waste products usually accumulate there. Otherwise, this can lead to unsanitary conditions and, as a result, an increased risk of disease in pigs.

    The video below provides an overview of the nipple design with a bowl for piglets weighing up to 35 kg:

    Winter season

    If the drinking bowl is made of metal, then in winter it should provide:

    • uninterrupted water supply;
    • continuous operation of pipelines, automation and electronics, if available.

    These properties can be achieved if you simply maintain the optimal temperature in the pigsty itself, but there are several design solutions:

    • a heating element is installed under the bottom of the tank to heat water;
    • pipelines are wrapped with heating tape with a power of no more than 20 Watt/24 V).

    Electrical appliances are mounted and connected through a step-down voltage transformer.

    Video on making drinking bowls yourself

    Requirements for drinking troughs for pigs

    The following requirements are put forward for modern drinking bowls:

    1. Free access. The pig should always be able to get drunk without hindrance.
    2. Constant supply of water. It is very good to use automatic devices connected to the water supply for this.
    3. Reliability and tightness. You should choose durable designs that will not leak and will last a long time.
    4. Hygiene and safety. There should be no possibility of dirt getting into your drink. The material of drinking bowls must be environmentally friendly. It is good if the product is equipped with a filter that ensures the purity of the water.
    5. Sustainability. Animals must not be able to overturn the device.
    6. Ease of use. Periodically, the drinking bowl will need to be washed and disinfected.

    Based on the principle of operation, the following types of drinkers are distinguished:

    • cup;
    • nipple;
    • vacuum

    The most convenient are devices with automatic supply, when containers are filled with water when its level decreases.

    They are made in the form of a large bowl into which water is supplied. They are manufactured in two versions - with a nipple and with a valve. Used for piglets or fattening animals.

    It is recommended to install a nipple version for piglets. It has high sides, which prevents drink from splashing. The valve version contains in its design a membrane partition that controls the flow of liquid. It has a connection to a pedal, which the pig acts on; when pressed, the membrane (valve) opens and water flows. When the individual has drunk and moves away from the bowl, the action on the pedal stops and the valve shuts off the water. The pedal can be located at the level of the animal's muzzle or under the hooves.

    The installation height of drinking cups depends on the age group:

    • individuals up to 15 kg in weight are placed 7 cm from the floor;
    • 16–20 kg - 10 cm;
    • 21–50 kg - 15 cm;
    • 51–100 kg - 25 cm;
    • more than 100 kg - 30 cm.

    Cup drinkers have the following advantages:

    • economical water consumption;
    • no splashing;
    • they are easy to assemble and install;
    • rapid adoption by animals of this method of drinking.

    The disadvantages are that they quickly become dirty and require frequent washing.


    These are more complex systems that can provide water to different numbers of pigs of different age groups. The composition includes a metal pipe through which water is supplied, nipples with valves embedded in it. A filter and pressure regulator are also embedded into the design, and rubber gaskets are used. Small valves are installed for young animals, and regular valves for adults.

    Video: Nipple drinker for pigs

    Installation height of nipple drinker for different groups of pigs:

    • individuals weighing up to 15 kg are placed 15 cm from the floor;
    • 16–20 kg – 20–25 cm;
    • 21–50 kg – 35–45 cm;
    • 51–100 kg – 50–60 cm;
    • more than 100 kg - 70 cm.

    It is nipple drinkers that farmers use because they have the following advantages:

    • save water more than any other species;
    • the most airtight and hygienic;
    • reliably provide livestock with clean water;
    • have been in use for a long time;
    • do not need frequent washing.

    The disadvantages of nipple systems are that they are expensive and difficult to assemble yourself.

    The functioning of this version of drinkers is ensured by the pressure difference. Vacuum devices are very convenient for feeding and watering piglets. They are a bowl-like container. This part is always purchased. An ordinary glass jar is used as a container for water. The liquid is poured into a container, a bowl is placed on top, and then the whole thing is turned over. Water pours into the bowl until it fills it. As the animals drink the liquid, its level drops and the cup fills.

    This automatic waterer is not suitable for adult pigs, since it is difficult to find a suitable tank for pigs. A glass jar is usually small, and a plastic jar is too light.

    Advantages of a vacuum drinker:

    • saving money costs;
    • water is visible, so animals quickly figure out how to use the device;
    • you can see when the water runs out and needs to be added;
    • easy to clean and care for.


    • used only for piglets;
    • the liquid in the bowl quickly becomes clogged, so you need to clean it more often;
    • the structure weighs little, so it can easily be overturned;
    • It is impossible to use any filters for water, so drinking liquid is prepared separately, which increases labor costs.

    What types of drinkers are there?

    Each livestock breeder must provide the livestock with the necessary attributes that will help the animals actively grow and develop. Water, in this case, plays a leading role. When choosing a drinking bowl, the owner will need to make sure that it is convenient for use by animals. The second important point is the uninterrupted supply of liquid.

    Water containers differ in their operating principle and can be:

    • cup-shaped;
    • nipple (nipple);
    • vacuum.

    Cup drinker

    It is divided into two operating principles: valve or nipple. Animals will not have problems getting used to such a drinking bowl due to the constant presence of water. The design may have sides on the sides, which will prevent the pig from shaking its head when drinking and splashing water around.

    Drinking bowls work on the principle that animals press a special valve. Due to the impact, it stops blocking the gasket, and at this moment water begins to flow. The liquid flows until the pig drinks and does not release the valve.

    Among the advantages are the following points:

    • the liquid is consumed very economically;
    • animals quickly get used to this type of drinking bowl;
    • Water practically does not splash.

    The cup drinker has some disadvantages:

    • get dirty quickly and heavily;
    • containers must be washed frequently.

    Nipple drinker

    Suitable for any age group of pigs. Required components: nipple-valve, steel body, seal. When you press the nipple part, the valve is brought into operation; by opening, it provides access to water that comes from a water pipe or other reservoir.

    Among the positive qualities are the following:

    • hygiene;
    • no need to wash frequently;
    • economical water consumption;
    • the water is always clean and fresh;
    • The system is reliable.

    The only disadvantages include the high cost.

    When not to use homemade structures

    Sometimes it is better to use factory feeders and drinkers. If the homemade models turned out to be of poor quality, the following may happen:

    1. Poorly processed edges lead to injuries and infections.
    2. Toxic materials poison pigs and cause disease.
    3. Due to their insufficient size, the piglets are malnourished and the owner loses profit.
    4. Caring for pigs becomes more difficult, which increases costs. Sometimes lack of maintenance leads to food spoilage and illnesses in animals.

    Many DIY pig feeders and waterers are cheap and convenient. However, some of them have serious disadvantages:

    1. Manufacturing cannot always be put on stream. For larger farms, sometimes other solutions are needed.
    2. Some home-made designs are rejected during inspections and during SES control.

    Homemade feeders and waterers are common among pig farmers. They are practical, but not always suitable.

    DIY feeders for piglets, photo

    The average price of factory-made pig feeders is about $100-$200 per unit. For a novice pig farmer, this amount is too large, especially considering the fact that several pieces are needed for the farm. It will not be possible to do without feeders. Piglets are not neat, they like to throw food around. In this case, the sanitary condition of the pigsty worsens. The number of flies and parasites is growing every day.

    Experienced farmers, when choosing a pig feeder, pay attention first of all to the ease of use of the product. The feeder must be of sufficient volume so that there is enough food for all individuals in the pigsty

    It is good if the size of the product corresponds to the age of the individuals. If the feeder is too small, the animal will not be able to stick its head inside, and if it is too large, it will climb in with its legs. Farmers pay special attention to the quality of the material and the shape of the product. Feeders with sharp corners and edges can injure the pig.

    Metal pipes and galvanization are durable materials for making feeders

    2-sided feeders are very popular. They save space in the pigsty as they are compact. In addition, its design allows it to be securely attached to the floor. Animals can freely approach food from both sides. Internal partitions allow each piglet to have its own place. The spacious tank holds a day's worth of feed, making it convenient for busy livestock farmers.

    One of the most important aspects when making feeders that should be thought through in advance is ease of cleaning.

    Types of drinking bowls for piglets and pigs

    Water plays one of the main roles in the development of any animal. Without constant access to water for a pig, growth will decrease and the animal will begin to get sick. You can make several types of drinking bowls for pigs with your own hands:

    1. Cup. Has the shape of a bowl.
    2. Nipple. In the form of nipples.
    3. Vacuum. The whole closed system.

    Features of the cup drinker

    The cup model is made in the form of a container with sides the size of an animal’s head. The sides prevent the pig from turning its head and splashing water. Water is constantly visible and the animal quickly gets used to such a drinking bowl. By design, cup structures can be nipple or valve.

    The design consists of a pipe system and a valve. Water penetrates through them into the bowl. The valve consists of a rubber gasket that prevents water from penetrating into the cavity of the drinking bowl structure and helps the piglet feed. The animal steps on a special pedal and the rubber valve comes off and water flows into the drinking bowl. The animal gets drunk and leaves, the valve snaps into place and blocks the flow of water.

    The main advantages of a cup drinker:

    1. fluid consumption is economical;
    2. the animal quickly gets used to the structure;
    3. water splashes minimally;
    4. Easy to assemble according to the diagram with your own hands.

    Disadvantages of the drinker:

    1. It needs to be washed frequently as it gets dirty quickly.
    2. If made from fragile materials, the animal will quickly break it.

    Features of the nipple drinker

    Nipple models have a complex design; they are also called nipple models. are used for both adult animals and young animals. The design consists of special nipples with valves, which are attached to a metal container with a seal. The animals themselves get used to pressing the nipple, which opens the valve and the water flows out by gravity. As soon as the pig drinks and releases the teat, the valve closes and the water stops.

    Main advantages of the design:

    1. The water does not become clogged, so nipple models are the most hygienic.
    2. Rarely need to wash and clean.
    3. Liquid is saved 2-3 times compared to cup ones.
    4. Small amount of metal in the structure.
    5. Reliable and durable design.

    Disadvantages of nipple drinker:

    1. Ready made ones are expensive.
    2. It is difficult to assemble with your own hands.

    Pig cages

    Main characteristics

    When equipping a pigsty on your own plot, you can also make cages for keeping animals yourself. To do this you need to know a few rules:

    1. Since pigs will increase in size and gain weight as they develop, cages for them should be made in excess. In addition, even an adult should feel comfortable in his pen, and for this it must be spacious enough. If there is too little space in the cage, the animals will not be able to rest properly and will be subjected to constant jostling, which will negatively affect their health, general condition and weight gain.
    2. The sizes of cages for pigs have certain standards. It is generally accepted that the optimal space for one fattening animal is an area of ​​about 3 m². For one sow, at least 5 m² of space should be provided.
    3. A pen for pigs must have a separate place for the animals to rest - the so-called den. Its boundaries are determined based on the size of the pig. It should be borne in mind that the den should not be too large, since the animal will pollute the excess territory, and moreover, more bedding will be needed to cover it.
    4. The pigs' resting area should be separated using a wooden board nailed to the floor - this will help maintain cleanliness in the den and will prevent litter from being scattered throughout the rest of the pigsty.

    Examples of creating cells with your own hands

    Let us consider in detail the sequence of actions when constructing a cage for a pig:

    1. First of all, you need to make the frame of the future machine. To do this, you can use various materials: metal pipes, corners or durable wooden beams.
    2. Make 4 1 m high racks from the selected materials.
    3. Connect them in pairs using a crossbar fixed at the top so that you get something like the letter “P”.
    4. Then, at a height of about 20 cm above the floor level, attach a horizontal frame to the posts, which will become the basis for laying the floor.
    5. Make the walls of the cage from a metal lattice with wooden panels attached to it, and cover the floor with boards.
    6. Install a feeder at the front of the structure.
    7. Make the back wall in the form of a lattice door; at floor level, connect it with hinges to a horizontal axis - this will make it possible to lower and raise the door if necessary.
    8. To remove excrement, a gap of at least 8 cm should be provided between the gate and the floor.
    9. If you use bolts for all fastenings, you can make a collapsible cage. This design can be moved or folded if necessary, and in the warm season the machine can be taken out into the fresh air.

    There is another, simpler way to make a cage in a pigsty:

    1. Build a rectangular structure 1-1.5 m high, using beams, boards, metal or brick as materials.
    2. Make a door in the front wall and install a feeder.
    3. Make the floor of the cage with an inclination of about 5° towards the front of the compartment.
    4. To remove manure, there must be a gap of 10 cm between the walls of the pen and the floor of the pigsty.

    Cages for pigs, photo:

    From the following video you can find out detailed information about bunker feeders for pigs:

    Floor is an important element of construction

    The floor in a pigsty requires special attention if you want it to be not only warm, but also durable. You can do it:

    • concrete;
    • brick;
    • wooden.

    Concrete floors are practical and durable, and are very easy to clean. However, if you plan to keep pigs all year round, then such a foundation is not the best choice. The fact is that concrete tends to cool quickly, therefore, animals will freeze and gain weight much more slowly.

    Brick flooring is considered the “golden mean” when it comes to thermal insulation and durability. That is why this option is often used by farmers. But this also has its drawbacks: laying a brick floor yourself is quite difficult and costly from a financial point of view.

    Wooden flooring is the most popular and affordable, usually made from smooth, thick boards. The pigs will be quite comfortable on it, even when the temperature outside is sub-zero. However, the durability of such a coating leaves much to be desired.

    The wooden floor in the pigsty provides dryness and warmth well, but wears out quite quickly

    There are also combined flooring options that allow you to create a warm and at the same time durable surface. Let's consider one of them.

    First you need to knock down a dense wooden board and drill holes in it with a diameter of 10 mm. Then you can begin to implement the second stage of work, the essence of which boils down to pouring concrete onto a surface that has a slope of 5 degrees towards one of the walls. A concrete trench is made under this wall, which in turn is slightly inclined towards a special container (“bath”) for waste. Next, the shield, which was discussed just above, is tightly laid on the screed. Thus, you get a warm floor that will last longer than a conventional wooden covering. The pigs' urine will flow through the drilled holes towards the drain due to the subtle slope of the floor. When the wooden frame becomes unusable, it can be replaced with a new one, which is much easier than re-laying the floors.

    The owner of the farmstead must understand that such a floor should be made only in the case where the pig room is supposed to be heated during the cold season. In an unheated pigsty, animal waste in cold weather will form ice on the surface of the panels and under them, which will negatively affect both the sanitary condition and the microclimate of the room.

    You can watch how to build a pigsty with your own hands in the following video:

    Characteristics of popular types of drinkers

    Previously, in pig farming, basins, troughs and other unnecessary containers were used as drinking bowls. But such designs were inconvenient, because the animals constantly spilled water, turning over, and the floors in the pigsties were covered with a layer of liquid, fetid mud. Modern designs help avoid these problems. Because making a drinking bowl once is much easier than cleaning the floor of a pigsty every day. Two types of drinking bowls for pigs have gained the greatest popularity: cup and nipple.


    They are cups with built-in mechanisms inside and are suitable for young piglets and fatteners. By design, cup drinkers can be nipple or valve.

    Cup drinkers are commonly used for finishing gilts.

    For young animals, drinkers with a nipple mechanism are more suitable. They are equipped with high sides that allow animals to drink without splashing water. Animals quickly adapt to such structures because they constantly see a source of liquid.

    Cup drinkers with a valve mechanism are a bowl with a pipe connected inside through which water flows. A membrane partition is installed inside - a valve seat, which retains the liquid, preventing the bowl from overfilling. When the pig acts on the valve pedal, it moves away from the membrane, and water freely fills the bowl. After quenching its thirst, the pet moves away from the drinking bowl and releases the pedal. The valve takes its place and blocks the flow of water. Pigs can operate the pedal with their hoof or muzzle, depending on the location of the mechanism.

    The advantages of cup drinkers are:

    • economical water consumption;
    • rapid adaptation of pigs to the structure;
    • minimal liquid splashing;
    • ease of assembly according to drawings.

    Disadvantages include rapid contamination and fragility if fragile materials were used.

    The photo shows a drawing of a cup drinking bowl for pigs.

    Materials for production

    Before you make your choice of drinker type, you need to decide on the materials.

    1. Tree. Eco-friendly material, however, it gets dirty quickly, is difficult to disinfect and is prone to leaks.
    2. Plastic. The advantages of this material are accessibility and ease of construction. However, plastic drinking bowls for pigs quickly deteriorate: animals chew on them.
    3. Metal. Very durable and strong, but susceptible to rust. To use metal structures longer, you need to use stainless steel or material with an anti-corrosion coating for construction.

    The material used to make drinking bowls varies, but it is best to give preference to anti-corrosion alloys and metals or stainless steel. Plastic structures are not durable because pigs can chew through them.

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