How to quickly get rid of flies in the yard of a private house - methods


Despite the fact that flies have become a common everyday occurrence, there is hardly a person who is not irritated by them. They are extremely annoying even in a city apartment, not to mention a private or country house, an area where they have complete freedom. Although the buzzing synanthropes do not destroy the crops in the garden, they bring a lot of worries and problems. You need to get rid of them immediately, noticing even a couple of individuals, otherwise they can fill the whole house. Therefore, many summer residents are concerned with the question - how to destroy annoying parasites?

  • Description of the pest
  • How to deal with flies in the house
  • Controlling flies outdoors
  • How to get rid of flies in a barn
  • Preventive measures

How to get rid of flies in the yard of a private house quickly and effectively using folk remedies

A number of unpleasant odors can help repel flies. True, this works better indoors, but you can try to apply this method of struggle in the yard.

The first and most pleasant aroma for humans is clove. Flies hate this spice. You can lay it out on the terrace or in the gazebo, use the essential oil in a special lamp, or even create an interesting decorative element by sticking a clove into an apple, and the smell will be stronger thanks to the juice. Hanging bags of dried lavender, tansy or wormwood on the veranda will have a similar effect. The disadvantage of these options is that the smell must be noticeable, so its sources must be regularly updated.

The next remedy is not so pleasant - vinegar. You can wipe garden furniture with a cloth moistened with it. This method of disposal will be enough for the time of barbecue. Some people resort to kerosene, using it in the same way as vinegar, but this option is too fire hazardous, and exchanging flies for the smell of kerosene is a dubious pleasure.

And the last smelling remedy is vodka. It can be poured into freezer bags and hung around the area. The flies won’t appreciate this either and will hasten to leave.

Controlling flies outdoors

Fighting flies in nature has its own nuances. Against buzzing creatures in the open air, you can use almost all the same means as in the house, but taking into account the specifics.

On the site you can plant plants whose smell insects cannot tolerate - mint, wormwood, geranium, basil, hazel, marigolds, bird cherry.

Electrical and light traps for outdoor use must be larger and more powerful, otherwise the effect will not be noticeable.

Fly trap

If you are planning gatherings on the veranda or just in nature, you can organize a “separate table” for pests not far from the gathering place - a trap with sweet or fermented bait. Another option is to wipe the tables and chairs on which gatherings are planned with vinegar. The smell of vinegar will repel unwanted neighbors.

How to get rid of flies in an open area? Insect killers can be used. They are usually very expensive, but in terms of effectiveness, no other product can compare with them. In addition, you are guaranteed the absence of other parasites on the site - mosquitoes, wasps and others.

What to do if flies return after treatment

Clean and Cleared Yard
The likelihood of flies returning to your property is quite high. Sometimes everything depends not only on the residents of the house and apartment, but also on their neighbors. If there are heaps of garbage in the nearest area, then of course flies will live and breed there, and they will not bypass the nearest yards. If unwanted guests reappear, it is advisable to check the area for objects attractive to insects. Thorough cleaning of the area around your home will help find sources and reduce the number of insects. You need to remove food from an open space or cover it with film or a lid.

How to treat an area against flies:

Advice! Many people advise cleaning the floor with a kerosene solution. Mix 40 ml of liquid with water and wash the floor with the product. This method is not suitable for everyone, because not all household members can tolerate the unpleasant smell.

Repellent for flies on the street, in the yard

Melissa, peppermint, elderberry, bird cherry, caraway, and jasmine growing near the house and on the plot of land will help ward off flies. The village combines the traditional repellent method with modern insecticides. Spray the building from the reverse side with an aerosol, spray, or microencapsulated preparations. To prevent flies from flying into the house, hang mosquito nets on doors and windows.

Smoke bombs will help drive insects out of the area. The method in nature is actively used. Place the checker on a hard surface and set it on fire. During the combustion process, caustic, toxic smoke is released. The product burns for about 2 hours, coverage radius is up to 300 square meters. Recreation in nature after such treatment is allowed after 3-5 days. In this way you can get rid of flies in the yard of a private house.

Fly killers in the form of lamps are a modern means of repelling flies on the street and in the yard. The devices can be powered by solar panels or batteries. Such a device is placed under a canopy, in a gazebo, and is often used in cafes. Safe product for summer playgrounds. Range of action from 5 square meters. m. up to 50 sq. m. The price of an effective destroyer is at least 2 thousand rubles.

Scented air fresheners and essential oils will help drive flies out of the car. Soak a cotton wool or napkin and leave it in the car. You can leave a few chestnuts and citrus peels on the floor.


It is better to take preventative measures against flies than to waste time and effort fighting them. The following rules must be observed:

  • Do not store garbage or other waste on the premises. Insects sense odors at a considerable distance from their source. Leftover meat and fish are considered more attractive to flies;
  • The trash bin must be clean and emptied on time;
  • Place food in the refrigerator and cover it with gauze when outside;
  • Insects often accumulate on unwashed dishes. After eating food, you must wash it immediately. This will save time in the future and act as a preventive measure against the appearance of flies;
  • If pets live in a country house, you need to remove any of their food, even dry food after eating. This will not only save you from insects, but will also train a cat or dog that is reluctant to empty the bowl;
  • A mosquito net will help provide protection from flies. On many plastic windows it is available upon purchase. It helps prevent infestations of other insects. After installation, you need to carefully inspect the mesh to see if there are any cracks on it. It can be replaced with foil glued to the windows, which will act as a repeller;
  • If there are a large number of insects in the room, you need to turn off the lights. Place a lamp near the window and wave the cloth. Then the flies will soon fly out through this window;
  • In the case when there are rabbits, chickens and other animals in a village house made of timber, the situation becomes more complicated. It is important to regularly clean their cages and pour bleach into latrine areas. The drainage pit must be covered with a lid, otherwise maggots will accumulate in it;
  • Even if one individual appears, it must be immediately expelled or destroyed before it lays eggs;
  • Rotting vegetables and fruits should be thrown away immediately.

Household chemicals are an effective remedy, but they must be used with caution

Traditional methods of fighting flies

One of the common insect repellents is regular vinegar. Rub the vinegar solution on indoor window frames, wash wooden tables and the floors of gazebos.

To treat outdoor toilets and places where food waste accumulates, in addition to vinegar, chlorine or turpentine is often used. When choosing this method, do not forget about the persistent, unpleasant odor and harmful fumes of these substances.

At home, you can prepare solutions and flavorings that help get rid of insects:

  • Lemon and clove fly repellent - place lemon cut into pieces in a saucer along with dried clove buds. This flavor is suitable for outdoor recreation or outdoor dining.
  • A mixture of black pepper and sugar syrup with milk - mix a small amount of concentrated sugar syrup with a pinch of black pepper and dilute the resulting mixture with a glass of milk. The resulting solution is poured into saucers and placed in places where insects accumulate (milk can be replaced with water).
  • A solution of saccharin and honey - add three teaspoons of honey to 200 ml of an aqueous solution of saccharin. They impregnate paper with this composition and lay it out near garbage heaps and compost pits, or place a container with honey and saccharin on the veranda.

Fast and effective at home

Homemade tape

The two main advantages of this method are low cost and efficiency. But there are also disadvantages. A trap that is blackened by attached insects does not look very attractive, especially if it is located in the kitchen or in a gazebo where the family often eats. To make traps you will need castor oil, rosin and molasses (can be replaced with honey). As strips you can use fabric strips, cardboard strips, cut up unnecessary wallpaper.

Heat 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and add 1 tbsp to it. l. rosin. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with 100 g of molasses or liquid honey. Use a brush to coat the parchment or fabric strips with the sticky sweet solution. If you don't have honey or molasses, you can use craft glue. Future baits must first be treated with glue and then lubricated with a solution of rosin and castor oil.

Getting rid of flies using insecticides

The chemical industry produces a wide variety of products for killing insects in human homes. Household insecticides are designed to kill not only flies, but also other insects that often invade homes.

Note! Household insecticides and those intended for treating plants are far from the same thing. Do not use garden preparations on residential premises.

Household insecticides come in various forms.


Insecticides produced in chalk form are highly effective and easy to use. These are “Mashenka”, “Tornado”, “Agrometrin”, “Titanic”, which have long gained popularity. It is enough to draw a few lines in the favorite places where insects gather to make them disappear. But be careful with crayons if you have small children and pets in your family. Not only should the chalk not get into their hands (or paws). But the drawn lines should also be out of their reach.

Getting rid of flies using powders and granules

You can buy powdered fly repellents in the retail chain. For example, “Agita”, “Mukhita”, “Bayt”. The powder is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed on window sills, door jambs, and be sure to treat the trash can on the site. You can treat the walls. The powder contains a bait that can cause paralysis in flies and other insects.

It is worth paying attention to the granules “Evil Ted”, “Byte Fly”, “Fly Byte”. They contain pheromones that attract insects and a powerful instant insecticide. Flies will smell the pheromone from a distance, fly in and die immediately. These granules do not have any odor that attracts pets and are safe for both them and humans. It is enough to pour the granules into a small plate or saucer and place it, for example, on a cabinet. As a result, you will protect the room from flies for up to one and a half months. Only periodically you will have to remove dead insects.

Description of the pest

Almost everyone knows what most types of flies look like. This is a small insect, about 8 mm long, with a hairy body, usually gray or black, and one pair of transparent membranous wings. The paws have sharp claws and sticky pads, which allows them to move on any surface. The organ of smell is the antennae, with the help of which they sense odors many meters around.

The eyes of these pests have a special structure. There are five of them in total: three eyes are located on the midline of the forehead and two large eyes on the sides of the head. The large eyes are made up of thousands of hexagonal facets. This arrangement of the organs of vision allows you to see everything around at 360 degrees, so it is almost impossible to catch it simply with your hands.


The mouth has a licking-sucking structure, a kind of proboscis acts as a mouth, therefore flies feed mainly on liquid food, solid food must first dissolve in saliva.

These pests multiply very quickly. A female can lay more than 6 clutches over the summer, and each clutch can contain more than 1800 eggs. Life expectancy is approximately 2-4 weeks, depending on climatic conditions, so up to 20 generations can change over the summer!

Why are flies dangerous?

Favorable conditions for living are places where garbage, dirt and various waste accumulate. They feed on the products of decomposition of organic waste. Since there are many different pathogens in the garbage, pests on their legs transfer them to the food on which they crawl.

Flies on food

Thus, food may contain pathogens of intestinal infections, tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, helminthiasis, salmonellosis, ascariasis, and sometimes more dangerous infections - for example, anthrax. Some species may bite humans when the risk of infection increases.

In addition, flying parasites can lay eggs on bread, which, when eaten, enter the human body and cause intestinal myiasis, the consequences of which can be very dire.

Folk remedies for flies and mosquitoes

All sorts of folk recipes are a good alternative to well-known advertised remedies. Let's look at some of them.

  1. Homemade poison, which can be obtained by mixing two teaspoons of sugar and a teaspoon of black pepper. This mixture must be scattered into small saucers and placed in places where flies are most present.
  2. The same should be done with the solution obtained by mixing milk, formaldehyde and sugar.
  3. A bait based on saccharin, the worst enemy of these insects, works well against flies. To obtain it you will need one glass of water, 2 g of saccharin and 20 g of honey. You need to soak newspapers with this solution and then lay them out on the windowsill of your apartment. Flies that land on them will die soon.
  4. Flies and mosquitoes are insects that are sensitive to strong odors. If you wash windows and doors with a solution containing vinegar, vodka, castor oil or turpentine, insects are unlikely to want to enter the house.
  5. Poison prepared on the basis of chlorophos will also cope with its task flawlessly. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple: you need to add half a teaspoon of sugar and ¼ teaspoon of chlorophos to the water, after which the liquid is poured into small plates and placed, for example, on kitchen cabinets, that is, in an area inaccessible to children and animals.

Killer adhesive tape

The production of the first fly stickers began production back in 1910. And they still have not lost their relevance, flies still fly to them - and still stick. But now - not randomly, but purposefully. Because the adhesive tape against flies “Mukhoyar” contains a special honey bait. It can also be safely used in places where chemical treatment is prohibited. Anti-fly adhesive tape with attractants

How to use

  1. Hold the pencil case in your hand to keep it warm.
  2. Turning slightly, slowly pull the adhesive tape out of it by the loop.
  3. Hang your pencil case where flies fly most often.

Important : Do not hang the adhesive tape in the sun or close to an open fire. Store it separately from food in dry places out of the reach of children.

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