BARS – collar for cats against ticks, fleas, lice and lice, length 35 cm AVZ (1 piece)

Bars products for protecting pets from parasites occupy a special place among similar drugs. Domestic, Moscow, made sure that the drugs were highly effective and accessible to all segments of the population. Among them there is a spray for dogs and cats, drops for puppies and dogs, and flea shampoo. With the arrival of spring, the issue of protecting your pet from fleas and ticks becomes especially relevant. The solution to the problem can be a Bars collar. Let's find out how effective and safe it is.


The Bars flea collar is made of polymer tape of different lengths for cats and dogs. Inside there is material impregnated with insecticidal substances. Upon contact with skin, active components accumulate in hair follicles and sebaceous ducts. Within a few hours they spread throughout the animal's body.

On a note!

The flea collar for cats Bars is available in a length of 35 cm. It is possible to adjust the cat accessory to the individual neck size. The excess part is easily cut off with scissors. The Bars collar for small breed dogs is 35 cm. For large breeds it is 50, 80 cm.


The Bars collar for dogs and cats is used according to the same principle. The accessory is put on the animal's neck and adjusted so that there is a small gap of 1-1.5 cm between the collar and the neck. After this, the long end of the tape is passed through the clamp and the excess is cut off. The accessory requires constant wearing; only in this case can you count on effective protection against fleas and ticks.

On a note!

If your pet is heavily infested with fleas, before using a protective collar, it should be bathed with anti-flea shampoo, strictly following the instructions.

Bars anti-flea collars have a number of advantages:

  • low price - in comparison with anti-parasitic drops it is several times lower;
  • high efficiency due to the presence of insecticides;
  • ease of use;
  • long-term protection against fleas and ticks;
  • The neutral color allows you to combine the collar with decorative accessories.

The Leopard Collar
is not without its disadvantages:

  • Not all animals willingly wear collars; they strive to take them off and experience discomfort.
  • The Bars collar for cats, reviews confirm this, provokes allergic reactions in some pets, which are manifested by the appearance of itching, red spots, rashes, muscle tremors, increased salivation and lacrimation. The same symptoms can be observed in a dog if it has an individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Composition, action

The active components of the collar are several substances with different mechanisms of action. Modern, low-toxic fipronil disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. Diflubenzuron is a regulator of insect numbers. Affects the ability to lay eggs. Stops the process of parasite reproduction.

The active components enter the body of fleas through contact, partly through food. They act on adults and larvae.

On a note!

The product prevents helminthic infestation. Remains effective against fleas for about 4 months. It is recommended to remove it during swimming.

Bars flea collars for cats and dogs

Best Flea and Tick Collars for Dogs

Flea and tick collars for dogs are divided into several types, depending on the size and weight of the animal. Manufacturers produce products for large, medium and small breeds. They differ in length and concentration of impregnation, designed for the size of the dog. Typically, models for small dogs are also designed for puppies of a certain age.

The cost of products depends on the composition, quality of the material, size, popularity of the brand and some other features. Our rating includes models with prices ranging from 200 to 1350 rubles.

6 Inspector

In sixth position is an antiparasitic product with a complex effect, a collar against fleas, ticks and helminths Inspector.
Product of the Russian company Ecoprom, developed by Neoteric, Germany. The Inspector line is represented by three models, differing in length and purpose. The collar is 75 cm long for large dogs, 65 cm for medium breeds, 40 cm for small dogs (as well as cats, puppies and kittens over 2 months).

A feature of the product composition is the use of three active substances with contact and systemic action: fipronil, pyriproxyfen, ivermectin. Their effectiveness is manifested against both mature parasites and larvae.

The product has a healing effect. Suitable for the prevention of ixodid ticks, ear ticks (otodectosis), with protection for up to three months. Effective against fleas, lice, lice for up to four months. From five types of nematodes, with protection for up to two months.

Pet owners note the effectiveness of the collar, its action in several directions. Its advantages include low odor, convenient fastenings, and reliable foil packaging.


  • Simultaneous action on three types of parasites.
  • It also acts on larvae.
  • Almost odorless.
  • Convenient, reliable fastenings.
  • Size selection.


  • Use with caution on Collie, Sheltie and Bobtail breeds.
  • No color choice.

Inspector Collar for fleas, ticks and helminths

5 Beaphar Flea & Tick

In fifth place is the popular product of the Dutch brand Beaphar, the Flea & Tick flea and tick collar.
It also works against lice and lice. Its features include water resistance; if it gets wet under precipitation while walking or swimming, it does not lose its effectiveness. The principle of action of the product is contact, with an insectoacaricidal and repellent effect. Active substance 15% diazinon. It destroys parasites and further protects against infection for six months.

The line of products for dogs is presented in models with a length of 65 cm, in eight bright shades, for medium and small breeds. For puppies from six months only in black. 85 cm for large breeds, exclusively in black version. In each version, the PVC tape has notches for safe, quick unfastening.

Users consider the Beaphar collar one of the best price/quality options. The majority confirms the promised duration of the protective effect. Among the advantages are the choice of color, strength, and reliability of the lock. From the comments there is initially a strong smell.


  • Effectiveness/cost.
  • Duration of action.
  • Water resistance.
  • Durable material, high-quality lock.
  • Color selection for medium and small breeds.


  • Pungent smell at first.
  • Can only be used from 6 months.
  • Waiting for full effect 7 days.

Beaphar Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs

4 Bars (AVZ) insectoacaricidal for dogs and puppies

The rating continues with the Russian-made Bars (AVZ) flea and tick insectoacaricidal collar for dogs and puppies.
Its advantages include the lowest cost combined with effective action. The collar uses the optimal combination of active ingredients, fipronil and diflubenzuron. The first has a contact and intestinal insectoacaricidal effect on adults. The second disrupts the development process of the larvae, causing their death. The drug acts on ticks, fleas, lice, lice. Has a repellent effect.

The product range is presented in three options. For small dogs and puppies over two months old, a 35 cm ribbon is intended, for medium-sized dogs 50 cm, for large dogs 80 cm. The color of all collars is neutral, in brown tones, and goes well with other accessories.

According to most users, the collar successfully copes with its task, rids the dog of insects and protects for up to 4 months. Advantages include cost/effectiveness, reliable clasp, non-pungent odor, and quick onset of action.


  • Cost/effect.
  • Acts on mature parasites and larvae.
  • Selecting a model by size.
  • Not a strong smell.
  • Fast action.
  • Simple and reliable fastening.


  • No color choice.
  • Some note an effect of 1.5-2 months.

Bars (AVZ) insectoacaricidal flea and tick collar for dogs and puppies

3 Kiltix (Bayer) insectoacaricidal for dogs and puppies

In third place is the insectoacaricidal flea and tick collar for dogs and puppies Kiltix, Bayer, Germany.
The product is intended for the prevention and treatment of animals infected with ectoparasites. It has a long protection period, up to six months. The product has an effective composition, including two active components that mutually enhance each other's effects. Propoxur works as a contact poison for the parasite. Flumethrin has high acaricidal activity with rapid action. Additionally, it has a repellent effect against insects.

The collar is made of polymer tape of a neutral light brown color. The range includes models of three sizes: for large dogs 70 cm, for medium dogs 48 cm, for small breeds 35 cm. Can be used for puppies from the age of two months.

Buyers consider Kiltix one of the best protection options. The advantages include a quick onset of action (24 hours), period of effectiveness, quality of material and fastener, universal color. Comments include a strong odor in the first days, undesirable exposure to moisture, and higher cost.


  • Degree of effectiveness.
  • Fast action.
  • Duration of protection.
  • Well tolerated by animals.
  • Quality of material and fastener.
  • Size selection.


  • Pungent odor at first.
  • Do not wet with water.
  • Price.

Kiltix (Bayer) insectoacaricidal flea and tick collar for dogs and puppies

2 RolfСlub 3D for puppies and small dogs 40 cm

Second place went to the anti-tick and flea collar for puppies and small dogs RolfСlub 3D, produced by the Russian company Ecoprom.
The brand's products are developed jointly with the Veterinary Bio laboratory, Germany. The peculiarity of the product is its powerful three-level protection against ectoparasites. The collar works against ticks, fleas, lice, lice, as well as dipterous blood-sucking insects. A reliable effect is achieved due to the combined composition.

Fipronil paralyzes the nerve receptors of parasites, leading to their death. D-cyphenothrin has a knockdown effect on ticks; when they get on the fur, they do not have time to attach to the dog’s body. It also has a repellent effect. Pyriproxyfen blocks the development of larvae.

The model for puppies from three months and small dogs has a length of 40 cm. Among the features worth noting are the gray color of the tape, the reliability of the retainer, and moisture resistance. The collar is not afraid of rain and other precipitation, but it should be removed before bathing the dog.

Buyers in their reviews note the high protection effect, affordable cost, good tolerance to animals, and the absence of a pungent odor.


  • Cost/effect.
  • Fast action.
  • Duration of protection.
  • Well tolerated by animals.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Almost odorless.


  • Rough tape.

RolfСlub 3D tick and flea collar for puppies and small dogs 40 cm

1 Foresto (Bayer) insectoacaricidal for dogs and puppies

The leader among products for dogs is the insectoacaricidal flea and tick collar Foresto (Bayer).
The product range is presented in two versions. 38 cm long for dogs (and cats), puppies over seven weeks of age weighing up to 8 kg, 70 cm for dogs weighing more than 8 kg. The collar has a pronounced insectoacaricidal and repellent effect, thanks to the combination of two active components, imidacloprid and flumethrin. They are effective for the prevention and treatment of flea infestations, act against ticks, lice, including all stages of parasite development.

Foresto is characterized by the duration of protection, up to eight months. It is waterproof and odorless. The product is well packaged in a tin can-case and a sealed bag inside. The collar comes with three light reflectors for better visibility of the animal in the dark.

According to user reviews, this is one of the most effective collars, which lasts for a season. Among the advantages, water resistance, absence of a pronounced odor, and the quality of the tape are also noted.


  • Reliable long-lasting effect.
  • Workmanship.
  • Water resistance.
  • Doesn't smell.
  • Reflectors included.
  • Package design.


  • Price.

Foresto (Bayer) insectoacaricidal flea and tick collar for dogs and puppies


Flea collars
Products should be removed from packaging before use. Place it around the neck and secure it in such a way that the distance from the neck to the accessory is at least 1 cm. The excess part of the tape is cut off with scissors. You are allowed to wear the collar continuously for six months. One accessory is enough to protect your pet for the entire warm period.

On a note!

Instructions for use are extremely simple. Animals respond well to the collar itself. But if it is noticed that a dog or cat is trying in every possible way to pull off the accessory, it is necessary to examine the pet. This behavior is typical for a situation where an allergy occurs with itching and burning.

The product begins to act 2 hours after putting on the accessory. This is how long it takes for the active substances to accumulate in the skin cells. If you plan to go out into nature with your pet, it is advisable to wear the accessory 2 days before the event.


Each package of the product includes detailed instructions for use indicating contraindications in which the use of the collar will lead to serious health problems for pets.

These features include:

  • Little age. It is dangerous to use this product for puppies under 2 months of age.
  • Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications.
  • Illness or recovery period.
  • Wasting or initially low weight . For dogs of toy breeds, it is better to choose something else.
  • Intolerance to the components included in the impregnation.

After the strap is put on, carefully monitor the dog’s behavior and well-being throughout the day. If you notice serious changes in behavior or deterioration in health, remove the accessory and contact a veterinarian.

Release form, composition and packaging

Polymer tape

of various colors, corresponding to the dye used, with a fixative, length 80 cm (for large dogs), 50 cm (for medium dogs) or 35 cm (for small dogs and cats).

1 PC.
fipronil40 mg
diflubenzuron1 mg

Produced in a hermetically sealed bag made of transparent polyvinyl chloride film, packed in an individual cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Certificate of registration No. PVR-2-5.7/02023 dated 19.09.07

How the collar works

Any flea collar is a strip of latex (rubber) impregnated with a toxic substance that destroys parasitic insects. Basically it is a repellent or insecticide. These substances, getting on the chitinous layer of the flea, penetrate the bloodsucker's body, neutralize its nervous system, after which paralysis occurs, and, consequently, the death of the insect. In addition to the poison, the material of the collar is impregnated with strong-smelling essential oils of plants; this is a kind of repellent that also repels flea attacks.

The insecticide acts more harshly. Organophosphate and carbamate poison are used as insecticides. They are able to penetrate into the upper layers of the cat's epidermis and accumulate there, then emitting an odor to repel fleas or act destructively when bitten.

Before buying a collar for your pet, carefully read the instructions so that the material from which the collar is made, as well as the substances included in its composition, do not cause allergies in your cat or kitten. Each rule tells the user how long the animal must wear this item, after which the effect decreases and is practically zero.

Important! The effect of anti-flea poison extends to the entire skin of the pet, not just to the head, as many people think.

Mechanism of action of collars

It can be different, but the result is the same.

  1. Ultrasound collars are quite rare types of collars, but they are still available for sale. This product costs much more than simple elastic bands, but the final result differs. It works on the principle of emitting ultrasonic waves at a certain distance from the cat, thereby repelling insects. Is safe for the animal.
  2. The gas is released gradually, has a paralytic effect on fleas, after which they become lethargic and die. Duration up to 2 months.
  3. Radiation – plastic collars that are odorless and distribute a toxic substance, protecting the pet from flea attacks. The period is up to 2 months, after which the collar is changed.
  4. Strong-smelling herbs or ether - the material of the collar is impregnated with extracts of herbs that have the ability to repel pests. Such natural repellents include: wormwood, geranium, eucalyptus, etc. Among this series, collars for small kittens at an early age are often found. The service life is very short, which is why it has a low cost.

Advantages and disadvantages

This issue must be addressed without fail, since many owners do not suspect whether their animal can wear such an object on its skin, or whether it must be present on it without fail. Let's look at the pros and cons.

  1. If you have chosen a flea collar for cats and kittens, this excludes the additional use of shampoos, drops and sprays of similar action. Minimum expenditure of finances and physical effort. The cat will not have to be washed or scratched. And, as you know, washing a cat is a difficult task.
  2. Rubber collars repel not only fleas, but also dangerous ticks. Many cat lovers dress their cats for their summer holidays in nature.
  3. Duration of action. So repellents work for 3 months, insecticide significantly increases this period, up to six months.
  4. Flea collars come in a variety of colors, with beautiful plaques and other decorations that will make your pet irresistible.
  5. The dose of poison is evenly distributed throughout the skin and is not toxic to the cat, since the impregnation is carried out in a factory environment, rather than having to calculate the amount of insecticide used.
  6. Today there is a wide choice on the market in terms of price and quality.
  7. There are types of collars that can be used for small kittens as well as pregnant cats.
  8. A cat with a collar means that it has an owner and if it gets lost, people can advertise its location.

Among the advantages, there are also negative aspects of using a flea collar:

  1. They do not have the ability to destroy eggs and larvae.
  2. Furry animals often experience allergic reactions to the substance with which the collar is impregnated.
  3. At first, the four-legged dog will try to remove the interfering object on the neck, so it is necessary to constantly check whether it is in place.
  4. Some rubber bands, for example, herbal ones, do not destroy fleas, but only repel them, so before use you need to wash the tailed one with shampoo.
  5. Kittens can only wear collars when they are 2 months of age or older.
  6. If your cat is very playful, it is better to treat fleas with shampoo or drops, as he can get caught with the tape on a branch or other objects, which will lead to injury.
  7. Does not have an immediate effect, results are visible after a week of wear.

There are no collars that have only pros or cons. Everyone has them, so before choosing, decide on the quality, price, and you should also take into account the health status of your pet, its physiological data, and standard of living.

Review of effective flea collars

On the pet products market you will find both foreign and domestic models. The most common are the following:

Insectoacaricidal collar made in Russia. Made of polymer material that does not cause allergies in cats. The average cost is 50 rubles. The best effect is observed in cats that are not accustomed to walking. The safest among compatriots.

The active ingredient is fipronil and an insect growth regulator that destroys individuals in the imago stage, as well as flea larvae. The period of regular use is 5 months.


American production. Actively destroys existing insects on the cat and also has an excellent repellent effect. Destroys not only fleas, but also ticks and lice-eaters.

The effect remains even after getting wet. According to consumer reviews, there is a drawback - it cannot be used for kittens under 3 months.


The collar is natural, that is, the main substance is a plant insecticide (margosa extract), which perfectly destroys fleas on kittens at the age of one and a half months.

Not recommended for pregnant cats. Safe for cats, does not cause allergies or hair loss. The average price is 100 rubles. Useful wear lasts up to 5 months.


Another imported brand that is popular among cat breeders.

The basis of the collar is an insecticide - propoxur, which not only destroys fleas and larvae, but also repels them to a certain distance from the pet while walking on the street. It is considered an elite product, but the price justifies the quality.

How to use the collar correctly

In order for the wearing of the collar to give positive results and be pleasant for the animal, it is important to put it on correctly. Do not choose a cheap product as it may not be effective.

You should also avoid products with a strong odor that will irritate your cat. In any case, before putting it on your animal, read the instructions included in the package.

  1. Remove the product from the packaging and carefully study the putting on and fastening diagram.
  2. You should not cut off the remaining part of the collar and put it on another animal. The manufacturer specifically determines the length of the rubber strip according to the weight of the animal; it may be necessary to wrap the strip around the neck in two layers.
  3. Fasten the collar on the animal so that two fingers fit between the body and the elastic band.
  4. If there is a need to remove the collar, it must be sealed in plastic wrap.
  5. After the service life has expired, dispose of the old product and put on a new one according to the same principle.

Precautionary measures

Each cat flea collar carries a degree of danger, as it contains a toxic substance, so you need to work with it carefully:

  • for this type of animal, collars intended only for them are used; for example, it is not recommended to use dog collars for cats;
  • make sure that the collar does not put too much pressure on the cat’s neck;
  • after putting it on, it is important that the cat does not lick it, otherwise an allergy may occur, which manifests itself in the form of hair loss, redness, itching;
  • do not use two insecticides, drops and a collar together (for prevention, treatment with drops or shampoo is carried out a week before putting on the elastic);
  • the procedure is carried out wearing rubber gloves;
  • if you had to touch the collar with your hands, then after attaching it to the cat’s neck, wash your hands with soap;
  • It is not advisable to have small children present during donning;
  • stored in places that are hard to reach for children and other animals.

Every day the effect of the insecticide decreases, so the danger of poisoning and allergies passes, but it is necessary to monitor the first time so that your animal does not become lethargic and sick.

Bars anti-tick collars

Collars are available in different lengths, namely 35, 50, 80 cm for small, medium and large breeds. They are designed to protect the animal from fleas and ticks. The collars are impregnated with fipronil and other auxiliary components. The active substance fipronil accumulates in the epidermis, sebaceous glands, follicles, then is released with the secretions of the glands onto the surface of the skin, thereby providing an antiparasitic and repellent effect, which persists with constant wearing of the collar for 4 months. The substance, entering the insect’s body, leads to paralysis, as a result of which the blood-sucking parasite dies before it has time to bite the dog.


The tick collar is put on so that there is a space of 1-1.5 cm between it and the neck, after which the collar is fixed and the excess part is cut off to avoid poisoning the pet.


  • Bars collars are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating bitches, sick and weakened animals, as well as puppies under two months of age.
  • The collar cannot be used simultaneously with other drugs of a similar effect, for example, with drops or spray, otherwise allergic reactions or poisoning of the animal are possible. However, before using the collar, it is permissible to wash the dog with “Bars” insecticidal shampoo or treat the bedding with “Bars” or “Bars Forte” spray.
  • Some dogs may be intolerant to fipronil or other components, which can lead to an allergic reaction.

The price of collars depends on their length, so a collar 35 cm long costs 118 rubles, 50 cm – 150 rubles, and 80 cm – 160 rubles.

Reviews of the Bars collar

There are mixed reviews about the collars. Some people use it in combination with other products, so it is impossible to determine its effectiveness, some claim that drops and spray work better, but most dog breeders are unanimous in the opinion that the collar perfectly protects against fleas. According to the results of studies, when using collars on dogs, ticks were still found attached, but they were inactive and easily separated from the skin. It is advisable to use the collar in areas of the lowest concentration of ticks for dogs of small and medium breeds. Large dogs may require additional protection.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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