How to fight and remove spiders from an apartment and a private house


The web is the result of the creativity of spiders crawling into the house; it serves them to catch insects: flies, cockroaches, ants. When deciding how to remove spiders from your home, you need to know the reasons for their appearance and carefully familiarize yourself with effective methods of elimination.

Cobweb laces hung in the corners of a private house or apartment are a dubious decoration that housewives try to remove in a variety of ways. To be fair, it should be noted that the small representatives of the arachnid family that fill our apartments are safe for humans.

Another thing is that the attitude towards them is not the same: some are afraid of nimble arthropods, others are unpleasant in their appearance. Hanging threads filled with dried insect corpses definitely look unsightly. How should you get rid of spiders?

  • Why did spiders appear in the house?
  • Getting rid of spiders
  • Stopping spiders from entering your home again

Description of spiders

These are obligate arthropod predators belonging to the class of arachnids. They feed mainly on insects, although there are species that hunt small animals. Science knows only one herbivorous species - the horse that eats acacia greens.

The size of spiders varies greatly: the smallest representative is no more than 4 mm in length, and the limb span of the largest can reach 250 mm. Their body consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen. There are usually 8 or 6 eyes on the head, rarely - 2. There are special warts on the stomach, thanks to which arthropods weave a strong and elastic web. Digestion in spiders occurs outside the intestine: the predator injects enzymes into the prey and after a couple of hours sucks out its juices.

Spiders, unlike insects, have 4 pairs of legs. The forelimbs of males are equipped with bulbs. This is a kind of sperm storage for fertilization. After mating, many of them sacrifice themselves to the “lady”. Females are larger than their partners and live longer because they need to raise offspring.

When meeting a person, arthropods try to find shelter, avoiding contact. Predators attack only if they sense a threat to their lives.

What happens if you accidentally crush a spider?

Residents of some countries are convinced that killing an arthropod will not lead to troubles and problems. On the contrary, they believe that such an act will bring happiness and good luck. One way or another, it is better not to harm the defenseless spider. It is unlikely that such actions will attract prosperity and positive events.

According to some signs, if a person kills an arthropod, then forty sins can be forgiven.

Many people worry when they inadvertently harm him. However, you should not give in to doubts and worries.

As a rule, negative superstitions concern people who do it on purpose.

Types of spiders that live in human homes

As mentioned earlier, there are approximately 40 thousand species of spiders in nature. But no more than a dozen seek to settle at home:

Harvesting spider

This is one of the most common “taken to life”. Its distinctive feature is its long legs up to 50 mm. Oval or round body, 2-10 mm in length, most often brownish in color. This species is popularly called the centipede. People are used to being around him and are almost not afraid.

Centipedes do not weave the usual cocoon for eggs, but tie them with several threads according to the principle of a string bag. After each eaten victim, they complete the web, so it does not have a clear structure and looks chaotic.

The visual organs of these arthropods are located in 3 on both sides of the head. Another pair of small eyes is in the middle. The height of the abdomen of the harvest spider when viewed from the side exceeds the size of the body.

Gray and black spiders

Their body color is monochromatic: black or gray. In this regard, arthropods received appropriate names. They love dry, warm places, so they tend to come indoors with the arrival of autumn. The size of the male of these creatures does not exceed 15 mm in length. At the same time, the female can be 2 times larger.

Gray or black spiders weave a small structured web on which they wait for prey, almost without leaving their nest. They hunt small insects that get into the room.

The lifespan of these species is about 2 years. They rarely reproduce at home, leaving offspring only at the end of the life cycle.

Interesting fact: only hatched gray and black spiders immediately resemble an adult.

Hobo Spider

This species received its name due to the lack of a permanent habitat. He does not build a web, being in constant motion. The tramp is brown in color with black and beige speckles. Its body is no more than 10 mm long, and its legs are 25 mm.

This species of arthropod hunts on the move, quickly attacking its prey while jumping. It injects the poison immediately and eats the prey on the spot. The hobo spider does not stay in the apartment.

White spider

The body of a female spider of this species can reach 15 mm. Males are much smaller. The common white spider is a frequent visitor to residential areas. He has a large web that gives away his presence.

Attention! The white karakurt spider lives in the southern zone of Russia, whose bite is poisonous and can cause intoxication.

Jumping spider

It has a specific structure of its limbs, thanks to which it jumps and moves even on a vertical slippery surface, like on a window. Small claws and hairs on its legs allow it to cling. His 8 eyes are located in a special way - in 3 rows.

The jumping spider is the only herbivorous spider known to science. He rarely lives indoors. This creature is most often carried into an apartment on clothing.

Almost any species of arthropod living in a given region can enter human habitation.

Interesting fact: spiders living at home are, in most cases, born there and never leave the premises. If you let such a resident out into the street, he will die.

What not to use for fighting

Do you fight spiders on your property or in your house?

Not really

When exterminating spiders, you should avoid using the following methods:

Use of ineffective drugs

When choosing a chemical, it is important to ensure that it is intended to control arthropods. Most drugs against flies and mosquitoes can only stupefy the spider, but not kill it.

Adhesive tapes

Many arthropods live in one place, weaving webs and waiting for their prey. Therefore, catching them with Velcro is practically useless.

Collecting spiders by hand. Some gardeners prefer to collect adult individuals in jars and then destroy them or transfer them to another place, but this method is ineffective and dangerous. To clear an area of ​​spiders, you have to risk your own health. According to pediatrician Komarovsky, an arthropod bite can be accompanied by severe pain and the development of an allergic reaction.

Used to scare away dead spiders. There is no point in laying out the corpses of arthropods on the site, since this does not affect the behavior of their relatives.

If there are few spiders in the dacha and they do not cause discomfort, there is no need to exterminate them. In nature, arthropods perform an important function by reducing insect populations and protecting plants from pests. This recommendation does not apply to areas with large numbers of spiders. The magazine “Super Summer Resident” recommends: “when a large space is covered with cobwebs, you should contact the sanitary service.”

What types of domestic arthropods are dangerous?

99% of spiders are poisonous, but their domesticated representatives have small fangs and a fragile structure. The arthropods that have settled in the apartment are not aggressive and timid. They have a well-developed instinct of self-preservation, which dictates that they run away from danger rather than attack. An accidental bite from a house spider is harmless to humans. It is recommended to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol for prevention.

Attention! If the bite site is swollen and red, you need to consult a specialist!

Spiders that pose a mortal danger to humans are not found in Russia. Including in the wild. But the bite of some species that live in hot climates can cause allergic reactions. For example, black tramps and white karakurts are dangerous. Even if they were accidentally brought from the southern regions to the middle zone. The wounds from them are comparable to hornet vinegar: painful, leaving itching and burning, redness of the skin. In some cases, they can cause necrosis.

Another illness that spiders provoke is arachnophobia. People suffering from this disease are afraid of arthropods of all types and sizes.

Reasons for appearance and favorite habitats

Spiders can take up residence in any home. Getting into it by accident through:

  • cracks in walls, floors or ceilings;
  • open windows, doors;
  • clothes, soil, plants brought into the house;
  • furniture and other items that were stored outside.

Arthropods are delayed if the conditions for their existence are favorable:

  • comfortable temperature without sudden fluctuations;
  • there is a food base;
  • suitable level of air humidity: heat-loving arthropods settle in dry living spaces, such as the bedroom and kitchen; others prefer the bathroom or balcony.

The favorite places of these creatures are windows, corners of rooms, dark areas of the room, for example, behind the sofa or under the bathtub.

In a private house, spiders live in the basement, attic, veranda or gazebo.

Most often, predators remain in poorly cleaned rooms, where there is a lot of food for them: flies, bedbugs, cockroaches and other small insects.


The main habitat of arachnids is nature. Human housing attracts them due to suitable conditions and the availability of the required amount of food. Arthropods feed on other insects; their presence in an apartment or house indicates neglect of cleaning. Insects live in corners, in the floor, niches, and on mezzanines. They rarely come out, so they remain alive.

Surely, you are at a loss as to why and how these insects appeared in your house (or apartment).

Important: When cleaning, special attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places; this is where insect nests are located.

Spiders enter your home in different ways. These could be cracks in the floor, doors, windows, or attics. They move on people's clothes and from windows. At risk are apartments located near bushes, garbage dumps, and old destroyed buildings.

It is known that spiders often build webs in rooms with high humidity: in bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

Benefits and harms

House spiders can be both harmful and beneficial. The owner of the house decides for himself whether to fight unexpected guests or leave them alone.

Arthropods living indoors do not form populations, leaving small offspring at the end of the life cycle. This is due to the fact that in apartments you can rarely find an abundance of food for these creatures. The advantage of having a spider in the house is the destruction of unwanted insects.

But a lot of dust and remains of pests accumulate on spider webs, which does not decorate the room. It also happens that arthropod predators actively weave webs in the corners of rooms and even reproduce. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to get rid of spiders in the apartment.

Small gray and black house spiders

A common type of house spider. The body length of males is usually 1.4 cm, the length of a female with legs spread is 3 cm. Females go hunting at night, whose net is compared to a pipe. In summer they are found in trees, and the wind blows spiders into the house through an open window or vent.

Gray house spiders also crawl on their own along the wall, hiding in corners and behind furniture. They bite in case of defense during an attack. The lifespan of adult females is 2 years, and males live less than a year. In winter they sleep more often. If you do a thorough wet cleaning, the spiders will go away.

How to get rid of arthropods?

Before you start exterminating spiders using special means, it is recommended that you try to get rid of them yourself:

  • carry out a general cleaning of the room, collecting all the cobwebs with a damp cloth. To penetrate hard-to-reach places, use a stick with a cloth moistened with water wrapped around it. You can use a vacuum cleaner;
  • get rid of small insects - the basis of the diet of spiders;
  • if there are a lot of arthropods, they most likely hatched at home. You need to find a nest and collect all the creatures. Since they scatter very quickly when a person appears, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner. As a last resort, use a damp cloth. A broom and dustpan are bad helpers in this matter.

After the work has been done, you should try to get rid of arthropods using folk remedies.

Traditional methods of fighting spiders

There are many proven folk methods that can be used in the fight against arthropods. So, for example, knowing what spiders are afraid of, you can scare them away from their homes. In particular, pests cannot tolerate strong odors. To get rid of them, you need to use available means with pronounced aromas:

Acetic acid

Dilute 9% vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio and spray the spiders’ favorite places with a spray bottle: corners of rooms, window sills, hard-to-reach areas (behind the bathroom, behind the sofa, etc.). If there are no small children or animals in the house, you can place small containers of solution in the corners to repel new arthropods.

Lemon and other citrus fruits

Pour boiling water over the lemon or orange zest, let it cool, and spray the room with the resulting solution using a spray bottle. Another way is to place the dried crusts in the corners.

Essential oils (peppermint, citrus, eucalyptus, tea tree)

Dilute 15-20 drops of essential oil in 1 liter of water. Using a spray bottle, treat the favorite places of spiders and the ways they enter the house: baseboards, thresholds, window frames, ventilation, crevices and cracks.

Horse chestnuts or walnuts

Crush and scatter around the perimeter of the room. You can also steam and treat the room with a spray bottle.

Herbs and spices

Scatter ground pepper, cloves, etc. in the corners of the room, behind the bathtub, behind the furniture. The strong smell will make the spiders leave.

Sheep's wool

A piece of wool, yarn or sheepskin item will also repel these creatures.


Getting rid of spiders may not be so easy if you live in a private home. Basement or attic conditions may be quite suitable for propagation. Chemicals will come to the rescue.

Attention! Before using a chemical, you must carefully study the instructions and precautions.


  • Raid is a well-known brand whose manufacturer guarantees getting rid of not only insects such as ants and cockroaches, but also spiders. Moreover, the first uninvited guests may appear no earlier than six months later;
  • Raptor is an aerosol for fighting insects. The manufacturer also guarantees freedom from spiders for 2-4 months;
  • Aerosol against spiders bros - will destroy for 3 months not only arthropods, but also their egg laying;
  • Dobrokhim FOS – destroys spiders and insects with a 100% guarantee. At the same time, it is safe for people and other animals;
  • Joker Bun – has no odor and effectively fights insects and spiders.

Aerosol is the most effective and fastest-acting form of chemical repellent against arthropod predators, since they are most often sitting on webs rather than running around the house. The person performing the procedure must be protected by a mask and gloves. Before you start processing the apartment, you should remove all people and animals from it. Close doors and windows tightly while spraying. Upon completion of work, leave the room for 30 minutes or more until the insecticide has completely dried. Then ventilate well and carry out general cleaning. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 5-7 days.

Dust "Clean House"

It is a powder in 50 g bags. One package is designed for 10 m2. The main advantage of the drug is its low cost. But in order to permanently remove spiders from the house, you will have to use it in combination with other means.

Chalk “Brownie” or “Mashenka”

Looks like regular school chalk. Most often used to control cockroaches. Not the most effective means for killing spiders, since they rarely move around the apartment.

Chemicals are highly effective, but their use is not always possible: for example, there are small children or animals in the house. If you cannot get rid of spiders at home using safe means at hand, you can use repellers and traps.

Ultrasonic repellers

RCDs are special devices that produce sounds at such a frequency that the human ear is unable to perceive them. Insects and spiders find such sound waves unpleasant, so they tend to leave the area. You can buy a repeller at a hardware store.

Glue trap

Most often it is a small puck with 2-4 entrance holes, a sticky bottom and bait inside. Or regular adhesive tape on a thick base. They are placed in corners, behind cabinets and under furniture.

You can save money and get by with regular double-sided tape by sticking it in places where spiders run.

Recommendation: Glue traps are effective in combination with other methods. It is preferable to use them in addition. On their own they are not able to cope with large numbers of arthropods.

Cleaning the premises

It is enough to maintain order in the apartments: make sure there are no cobwebs, dust and small insects. In multi-storey buildings, spiders are not frequent neighbors. And when they appear, it is enough to know how to drive away arthropods using folk remedies.

In private homes, the likelihood of encountering an arthropod is much higher: there is a nearby area with vegetation, perhaps a basement or attic - their favorite places. It doesn’t matter whether the house is wooden or brick. But the “age” of the building and its condition play a role. These animals cannot stand the smell of paint and varnish products and will never come into the room after renovation.

When cleaning, pay special attention to hard-to-reach places. Conduct an audit of old items and clothing. This is especially true for country houses where people do not live all year round. The basement and attic also need to be tidied up. This is where spiders breed their offspring.

The cellar is humid, dark most of the time and empty of people. These conditions are suitable not only for life, but also for reproduction. To control the number of spiders in the basement, you need to clean it from time to time:

  • empty the premises of all items and conservation;
  • remove debris, dust, cobwebs from the floor, walls and ceiling;
  • wipe the shelves with a damp cloth soaked in an aqueous solution using any folk remedy (for example, lemon or vinegar), wipe them dry;
  • Ventilate the cellar regularly. On the shelves between the cans of preserves, place nuts and lemon zest in the corners;
  • arthropods cannot stand the smell of lime - if possible, whitewash the walls of the cellar with it.

The attic should be well ventilated, dried, cleared of cobwebs and treated with any of the insecticides listed above.

Methods of disposal

There are several types of control against these insects: special chemicals and proven folk methods. Each of them is effective in its own way.

Where to begin

  1. Prevent insects from entering your home as much as possible. All cracks and cracks near windows and doors should be sealed. You also need to seal all window screens and ventilation grilles.
  2. You need to buy internal blinds. Spiders are attracted to illuminated windows, and blinds will dim the light and make it almost invisible.
  3. Purity. Regular cleaning in the most secluded places will significantly minimize the proliferation of these insects in the house. Spiders love to lay eggs in the most inconspicuous and crowded places, where it would be difficult for humans to reach.
  4. Destroy all the webs as quickly as possible. This must be done extremely carefully so that all its inhabitants do not run away in different directions. A damp gauze bandage wrapped around a broom or mop will help you cope with this difficult task.
  5. Get rid of moths, cockroaches, flies and other small insects. After all, fighting spiders without destroying their food is a waste of time.
  6. Don't throw food around the house. After all, this attracts cockroaches and flies, and therefore spiders.

In general, if you carefully follow all the above rules, then the nasty insects will leave your apartment once and for all. Keep your home clean and tidy, and ventilate your apartment as often as possible.

Regular cleaning in the most secluded places will significantly minimize the proliferation of these insects in the house

Folk remedies

Many people today fight spider infestations using old, proven folk methods.

Here are a few of the most common ones:

  • fruits of hazelnut, chestnut and Osage orange (they must be placed in places where harmful insects accumulate; they cannot tolerate their aroma);
  • peppermint (regularly spray your apartment with water with peppermint, its pungent smell repels spiders);
  • diatomaceous earth (sprinkle this product along the baseboards, and the insect will die as soon as it crosses the embankment);
  • regular vinegar (spray vinegar in every room of the house for several days).

Regularly spray your apartment with peppermint water, its pungent smell repels spiders

Special chemicals

Fortunately, today a large number of effective chemicals have been developed that make you forget about insect infestations in your home.

Here are a few of the most popular ones:

Spray JokerBun. This is a special aerosol that has no odor, which is designed to quickly kill crawling and flying insects in the apartment. Very easy to use. The average price of this drug is 122 rubles.

Aerosol “Raptor”. The concentrated scent of mint will destroy all crawling creatures in your home and add freshness to the room. The average price of this drug is 183 rubles.

Spray against spiders “Bros”. This spray contains microcapsules that, when they fall on an insect, slowly kill it. The average price of this drug is 164 rubles.

Butox-50. A very easy to use product that does not require much effort. All that is required of you is to spray the drug in places where arthropods accumulate and close the room for half an hour. Then carry out general cleaning in order to get rid of the unpleasant corpses of insects. The average price of this drug is 5 rubles.

Raid spray against ants and cockroaches. Remember that before you destroy spiders, you should get rid of the insects that are their food. The average price of a bottom preparation is 130 rubles.

Neoron. A very effective and cheap drug, but also very dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to use it in the kitchen, because any contact with food can cause poisoning or an allergic reaction. The average price of this drug is 14 rubles.

Prevention of arthropods

It is not possible to completely prevent the appearance of spiders in the house, since they can be carried on clothing. To significantly reduce their chances of staying indoors, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • install mosquito nets on ventilation grilles and windows;
  • eliminate gaps and cracks in the floor, walls, ceiling;
  • carry out regular cleaning of the premises;
  • Once a week, you can drop a few drops of essential oil into the water for washing floors;
  • keep an eye out for small insects. For example, midges from humidity or fruit.

Fun fact: Spiders are considered indicators of cleanliness. If there are arthropods in the room, the conditions there are far from sterile.

Stopping spiders from entering your home again

General cleaning has been carried out, available chemicals against furry settlers have been used, all corners have been cleaned, but the question remains of how to prevent the reappearance of unwanted neighbors. Experts recommend thoroughly examining the area of ​​the premises and tightly sealing all the cracks and crevices of wooden surfaces. Securely seal the outlets of communication parts (pipes, joints, drains). Check the safety of the mesh fabric around ventilation grilles and mosquito nets.

Folk signs associated with spiders

People associate the appearance of arthropods with various signs and superstitions, for example:

  1. Seeing a spider in the morning is good luck, in the afternoon it means great love.
  2. If a spider hangs on the web in the table area, it means betrayal.
  3. A spider fell on its head - to unexpected profit.
  4. Seeing a spider pulling itself up on a web is good news.
  5. A cobweb over the bed means betrayal or health problems.

In Russia, most spiders are harmless. And if they appear on a plot or in a greenhouse, they are even useful, since they eat pests and their larvae. Whether to fight arthropods or not is an individual question.

First aid at home for spider bites

About spiders on the wall

For every case of collision with representatives of the animal world, our ancestors have an explanation, such as, for example, a sign about a spider on the ceiling.
If it falls on your head, expect an unexpected large inheritance, a big win, or just good profit. The spider descended along the web in front of your face - a pleasant meeting or the arrival of dear guests awaits you. The arthropods on the wall have the same meaning. They look at the direction of their movement. They crawl down and then up - to pleasant meetings, good acquaintances or material profit. If they move only downwards, a loss, loss or sad news awaits you.

black spiders

. It is believed that if such an arthropod weaves a web under or above the bed, the person sleeping on it will get sick. Another belief says that a nest built by a “brunet” over the marital bed means a cooling of the relationship and even betrayal.

Most people are disgusted with spiders, girls are afraid of them, but there are also those who have sympathy for them and keep them as pets. If you do not want to put up with such a “neighborhood,” under no circumstances should you, because although this promises forgiveness of a certain number of sins (from seven to forty according to different sources), it is only at the cost of the loss or illness of the “spider killer.” It’s better to carefully evict him out the door - the poor arthropod is not to blame for our troubles and fears.

There are many signs about spiders in the house, mostly they have a positive connotation. Do not kick out such “neighbors” while they live in the house - the owners will have prosperity, peace and prosperity. Such a huge number of beliefs, both good and not so good, is due to the fact that our ancestors considered spiders to be a link between two worlds - the real and the otherworldly. And it’s better to believe in good omens - it’s more pleasant and they come true more often.

Spiders love to inhabit houses and apartments, bringing invaluable benefits: destroying annoying insects. The only harm they can cause is to clog the walls and corners with cobwebs. Whether or not to get rid of such neighbors is up to you, but our article will tell you what means will help you do this harmlessly for people and pets.

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